Keychain 211 - 215

Smeggedoff said:
because people keep ganging up on him/having home advantage/preparing to specifically beat misho etc
he technically won against nova didn't he?
No. Nova decided to stop fighting, even though she wasn't even really damaged.
call that one a draw then. but yeah, I think Misho's priority target numero uno. Whether he deserves this title is yet to be seen, but just in case he tends to get beat down fast so he can't whip up some sorcery or something.

Oddly though his twilight anima should help somewhat, but we don't tend to see it.
Also, Misho won against the Fair Folk. Remember this page? Seeing how powerful Misho can be when pissed, I'd say it lends credence to Smeggedoff's explanation. Since he's a solar, everyone is just specifically targeting him.
And he should be able to take it, at least for a while. He's a Solar twink, after all. But as is, he's never even managed to gain the advantage in any fight (except that one against the fae which lasted all of 3 pages). He's had his powers drained, his warstrider torn to pieces, and his swords shattered and there was nothing he could do about it.

Maybe, just once, could we see Misho actually fight something important and win?
He's still facing off against two Abyssals, a handfull of ghosts, and some sort meat puzzle golem. How many non-combat focused characters could do that and win?
I feel a bit strongly against Ben's custom Charms...the one that turns Ressonance into an advantage and now the anti-holy one, they probably wouldn't fly in any game of mine...but good scene anyway. I'm not sure why you are so unhappy with this one. There were better battle scenes before, but this one is not bad in my opinion
Sherwood said:
He's still facing off against two Abyssals, a handfull of ghosts, and some sort meat puzzle golem. How many non-combat focused characters could do that and win?
Why do people keep saying he's not combat focused? He has at least HALF of the printed Solar Melee Charms, all comboed together. The only way he could be more combat focused is if he were also a master of Violet Bier of Sorrows or some other Martial Art Style that used swords as form weapons.

Yes, he probably has more points sunk into Medicine Charms, Craft Charms, and Sorcery, but the only one with more combat power is Ten Winds, who has a higher Essence score than Misho and is either a Dragonblooded master of at least one of the stronger Celestial Martial Arts or a Sidereal.

Yes, Ben has a powerful anti-holy custom charm, but Misho just went down in the first 6 ticks of combat. I've had Extras last longer.
Bystanderman said:
I too was wondering about this. I mean, Misho is a Twilight, so it's not like he has to be an unstoppable combat monster.
Technically, Twilights are the easiest caste to build into unstoppable combat monsters.
Yes, he probably has more points sunk into Medicine Charms, Craft Charms, and Sorcery, but the only one with more combat power is Ten Winds, who has a higher Essence score than Misho and is either a Dragonblooded master of at least one of the stronger Celestial Martial Arts or a Sidereal.
You're forgetting Karen. And Secret has a five-dot artifact weapon, even if she rarely remembers to actually use it.
Misho seems to lack any form of surprise negation, which is... something of an oversight for a Solar, given that it's the big obvious hole in their perfects.
Aquillion said:
Misho seems to lack any form of surprise negation, which is... something of an oversight for a Solar, given that it's the big obvious hole in their perfects.
For a guy who Favors awareness, you'd think he'd have gotten around to combo'ing SAM with HGD.

That, or RST and HGD. Cheap, maybe, but it says the incoming attack becomes Expected. This bypasses it's poetical waxing about Dodging, and means you can invoke Parry DV - and Parry PDs - as well.

The really gaping hole in Solar PDs, however, is the lack of an excruciatingly cheap (say, 1-2 motes) non-Applicability-Trumping PD. Whenever we've seen Misho get his ass whipped, he gets mote tapped by HGDing seriously heavy attacks. And in this case, he's getting cluster-bombed by heroic ghosts and a meat golem who have really high dice pools, and thanks to their boss, are throwing around really heavy Unholy attack boosters as well.

However, I doubt they're throwing attacks which render a DV Inapplicable. Misho's in the lurch zone - they're just throwing far, far too many dice in enough attacks for him to defend against with his Parry or Dodge DVs without invoking Infinite Melee Mastery and using the 1ME or something to boost his PDV by about double, but they're expending few motes copared to the cost of HGDing them all. His Twilight anima effect isn't helping much, since any damage that leaks through is gonna be Aggro.

He either needs an action-length Applicability-Trumping Perfect Defense, or an excruciatingly cheap non-AT PD that he can use to keep batting away these flyswat sledgehammer attacks.
There we go! That's more like a Solar! I rather liked the action in this one; it flows very well, and leaves me wanting more. Well done, Jukashi!
By the Unconquered Shiny Boss of Heaven! Sorcery, Occult, Craft, Medicine, Melee and Misho also has Athletics Charms?! No wonder he lacks a surprise negator, the man spreads his XP too thin!

On the other hand, it may be just a stunt - the Exalted can jump pretty high even without magic, afterall

Anyway, Misho probably doesn't knows any Martial Arts magic, so he better get an improvised weapon (since the Holy blade from GSS seems to be a bad idea right now)...

Anyway, GO MISHO! You can hold them until the others arrive! Or at least loose with the dignity of being awesome ^_^
Misho could always use his keybladeEternal Dawn, if he was sure he could win. Not here though, and not now. 2 Abyssals and their goons while injured isn't a winning option.
I actually remember Misho being a not-too-bad martial artist in the First Age from one of the tidbits Jukashi's been dropping around before. Not sure how this would hold up, though.

I hope he does a Rider Kick. :(
Here's what should happen.

Mischo lets out a shout of "Solar Punch!" with the subtitle that runs across everyone's eyes, 'I solves undead pregnancies." He delivers an almighty, Sol-Powered Falcon Punch into the eyeless Keytarklaivecannon-wielding ghost's midsection, launching her into the backup guitar, sending both ghosts sprawling, and claiming the Keytarklaive as an improvised weapon for himself. He spins around, using HGD on Flame's double-overhead-chainsaw-khatar smash, burning motes to block a Charm-powered attack. Then he smiles and says, "the no-two-charms-in-one-action rule".

Because that's when the Drummer was throwing a huge blow at him. Misho rolls aside and lets Flame get himself pounded into the dirt like an Elemental on the recieving end of a Highlander Burial, then turns to deal with Ben, meeting him keytarklaivecannon-for-axe. Ben tries to whip his guitarstrings around Misho's body, and Misho giggles, revealing that he picked up The Freedom Stone during the downtime, and flows like the Necromonger Lord around Ben, escaping like vapor from the clinch, kicking him in the back of the head. As Ben flies forward, he bounces off the drummer's gut, and as the ghostly group regroups for a big circle-gank attack, he pulls a Hail Sol and invokes My Tears' Fall. Cue two deader than dead ghosts and one deader than dead Abomination, and Ben and Flame being forced to invoke a PD.

Ben and Flame look smug, since he just splooged essence and WP on an attack they evaded for like, 8 motes each... Then with a cry of "Justice!", Ten Winds busts in from nowhere with a flying kick to the back of Ben's head, as Secret lets fly with necroessence chain-lightning from Cluivnarhe, Marena socks Ben in the face with a Chunk of Wall, and Karen sails off a roof, performing a German Suplex on her daiklaive, landing on Ben and Flame at the same time.

At least, that would be pretty cool, I think.
I'd use Flight of the Brilliant Raptor in Misho's place, but then I like flashy spells. Misho will probably use something like Invulnerable Skin of Bronze and come down like a litteral ton of bricks.
Or summon hisself up another Warstrider and come down like several hundred tonnes of orichalcum.

Also: He seems to have healed from the cut. Magic or plothole?
Thanqol said:
Or summon hisself up another Warstrider and come down like several hundred tonnes of orichalcum.
Also: He seems to have healed from the cut. Magic or plothole?
I think hes only got enough 'hang' time to shoot a Terrestrial Circle spell though. Think the anima's a hint?

As for the latter, well, we know hes pretty good with Medicine...
"...and down struck Misho Thrice-Radiant, like a comet from the skies. With the fury of the sun burning in his eyes and in his heart, he uttered a single arcane word...and the undead sinners burned."

It'd be really awesome if Misho's anima was Mew Cai encircled, with that complicated geometric figure trapped within.
veekie said:
Thanqol said:
Or summon hisself up another Warstrider and come down like several hundred tonnes of orichalcum.
Also: He seems to have healed from the cut. Magic or plothole?
I think hes only got enough 'hang' time to shoot a Terrestrial Circle spell though. Think the anima's a hint?

As for the latter, well, we know hes pretty good with Medicine...
That and solars can grunt, roll Stamina + Resistance, and then stop bleeding.

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