Keychain 201 - 205

...Now I'm torn between my original self-insert MarenaxMisho theory, and the KarenxTen theory. Both are so, so wonderful.
...I didn't realize that Exalted sex-demigods wrote slashfic.

Why does Secret sleep in a coffin? Aside from the light's glare and being really comfortable, of course. Do they all do that?
Wait...there's fanfic of KoC?

...I really am not sure why I'm surprised.

It does seem appropriate that Marena would be writing it in-universe, though! :lol:
Ahhhh. I tend to skip over the f/m stuff (and the m/m) stuff on TFS, and I didn't realize that one involved Marena.

Seems perfectly in character to me for her to be writing slashfic of herself...

Now, are the Genre Faeries going to complain about recursion giving them headaches? :)
krrackknut said:
Why does Secret sleep in a coffin? Aside from the light's glare and being really comfortable, of course. Do they all do that?
A part of Abyssal-hood. I doubt it really helps at this point, but she needs to be all death-y and corpse-y to mitigate the effects of Resonance.
merle said:
Wait...there's fanfic of KoC?
Two, actually. ... =14&t=5975

That's the other one, a MarenaxSecret fanfic.

Huh. I guess Secret really dislikes being in the closet.
...Well, when it means keeping away from Marena, who can blame her?
Bah, she knows full well she could stay in the closet without shutting Marena out of the picture. Twin-Faced Hero, remember?


EDIT: ...Whoah. Just noticed how much Marena looks like how we've seen her mother in the third panel.
Who needs the smile to identify him, when you've got as good as a painted sign.

What was Misho saying about the "Second Br-"?
veekie said:
Face + Palm
I need to be shot.
Don't worry, you're not the only one. I forgot the phrase entirely and thought he was just dropping the name of a charm I didn't know -- which is, well, quite a lot of them.
In a desperate bid for power, Ben shoves two hearthstones in his eye sockets.

They, unfortunately, do not allow him to see. Also, they make things much worse.

I must say, Misho looks better with long hair. Oh, well. Also, what happened to his pants?

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