Keychain 201 - 205


One Thousand Club
I am now forced to start shipping Karen and Ten Winds, because they are just that awesome.
It looks like Karen is going to start shipping Karen x Ten Winds.

Expect much florid prose in her diary - strong enough to make any Bluesid blush crimson.

After all: Linguistics 5 (Smut +3) and the Second Linguistics Excellency. ^_^

As an aside, my Exalted games convene over a real-time program called OpenRPG. Last game, someone came into the room to lurk moar, with the screen name of Karen.

I immediately OOC'd ((Karen? Ragara Karen?! Run! Hide!! We're doomed!!! Oh wait, you're all Solars. She's on your side.))

I was the ST. ^_^

Poor lurker had no idea, I suspect, about what I was referring to.
This is either Cash and Murder Games or it's adorable.

I think my favorite part is Secret's reaction. The sheer shock on her face is wonderful. It's very obvious that she has NO IDEA why anyone would find Ten attractive.
Best plot and character development ever. No point in continuing this comic--or anything in life--now, since anything that will follow will be mere, sad parody compared to the last panel of #201.

Well, maybe except for the revelation of Glorious Solar [Desk]'s true identity.
I guess it's the beauty of webcomics how you can look at those priceless moments again and again...

Also: "whoa, that was unexpected!" Is it some kind of reverse-Freudian psychology that Karen would find Ten (a substitute for her grandfather) attractive?
Did anyone else notice ...

Ten and Karen were practicing the exact same forms and katas.

cdi said:
Did anyone else notice ...
Ten and Karen were practicing the exact same forms and katas.

Yes, but only you bringing it up made my mind realize the implications... So, Ten Winds and Karen practice the very same MA style?
Yes I was also thinking that they must know the same style.

Remember that the young lady was educated by the immaculate order. My bet is one of the immaculate dragon styles.
More likely, Five Dragon Style. Remember, while in the order, Karen was just a mortal. Thus, Celestial Styles are beyond her. However, a lot of fluff implies that all monks are supposed to be instructed in Five Dragon Style, and doesn't make any exception for the Dragonbloods. Someone has to teach it to the mortals, after all. :)

Ten almost certainly knows Air Dragon Style as well, though.
Great comic. For all these reasons. Also, it doesn't look like teaching. Although Ten did notice Karen before they started, I'd lean more towards synchronized practice a la Tai Chi.
I'm still inclined toward Five dragon myself, still, in a sort of test of knowledge thing or something.

And Karen uses a big, huge sword. Don't see how much interest Air Dragon would hold for her offhand, really. Granted, they've pulled the Grand from Five Dragon's weapon list...but it's at least swords.

But goodness knows. Doesn't really matter to me, and it was wonderfully cute and I enjoyed it. That's what really matters to me. ^.^
Well, there are times when the tiny sensei beats the crap out of the large-sworded berserker.

Speaking of which, can one (say, Earth?) Dragon-Blooded use the elemental powers of a different aspect? If so, can they combine two effects to get a different aspect? (Wood + Fire = Ash? Water + Earth = Mud?)
krrackknut said:
Well, there are times when the tiny sensei beats the crap out of the large-sworded berserker.
Speaking of which, can one (say, Earth?) Dragon-Blooded use the elemental powers of a different aspect? If so, can they combine two effects to get a different aspect? (Wood + Fire = Ash? Water + Earth = Mud?)
There is no such thing as, say, Ash or Mud aspect.

Terrestrials can learn and use the Charms belonging to other elemental aspects, but I believe there's a surcharge.

In some circumstances, one can combine elements that are seemingly violently opposed - binding a Fire elemental as the animating force of a golem created from a Wood aspected object, for example, is (IIRC) more difficult, but can result in some spectacular stuff, like a burning tiki golem. A couple dozen of those on a starless, moonless night should be enough to put the fear of Sol in ya if you're anything below a Lunar.

You ought to ask the Official Forums if you have serious rules-related questions and want an answer in anything like a timely fashion.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Terrestrials can learn and use the Charms belonging to other elemental aspects, but I believe there's a surcharge.
Unless you know the corresponding Immaculate Dragon Style.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
In some circumstances, one can combine elements that are seemingly violently opposed - binding a Fire elemental as the animating force of a golem created from a Wood aspected object, for example, is (IIRC) more difficult, but can result in some spectacular stuff, like a burning tiki golem. A couple dozen of those on a starless, moonless night should be enough to put the fear of Sol in ya if you're anything below a Lunar.

Thank youuuuuuuuuuu!!!
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Terrestrials can learn and use the Charms belonging to other elemental aspects' date=' but I believe there's a surcharge.[/quote']Unless you know the corresponding Immaculate Dragon Style.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
In some circumstances, one can combine elements that are seemingly violently opposed - binding a Fire elemental as the animating force of a golem created from a Wood aspected object, for example, is (IIRC) more difficult, but can result in some spectacular stuff, like a burning tiki golem. A couple dozen of those on a starless, moonless night should be enough to put the fear of Sol in ya if you're anything below a Lunar.

Thank youuuuuuuuuuu!!!
I love it when people yoink stuff from me that I yoinked from somewhere else...

Just remember, the Tikis will be a hell of a lot scarier if they're only burning on the inside, being bamboo tubes containing flickering flames which send a lot of smoke into the air from the hollow top of the head.
This comic was so awesome, it made me return to the forums. I even forgot I'd already registered an account!

I'm not sure which panel is cuter, 1st, 7th, 11th, or the last panel. Karen may shortly be asking her sister for tips on Seduction. ;)

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