Keychain 136-140


New Member
I think there's something I don't get here. Does Ten Winds have some magic or another that makes Nova do everything he says? Is it part of their background which we haven't been told yet? Why can't she just kill him or subdue him by force?
It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that she's not a combat build, her combat builds are clumsy oafs, and he's an Immaculate Master backed by a Lunar and a Solar, could it?
Then maybe it's the way he should just be named "Perpetually Unruffled Ten Winds", because he has that spectacular way of shutting people down with an entirely unruffled "nope" of finality.
Yes, she clearly listened to what he said. The trapdoor actually leads to a ball pit with sexy courtesans and choco-tacos. She just likes surprise gifts.
I will go totally off-topic of the awesome of Ten Winds to say I like the experiment with using the abstract backgrounds to enhance emotions. It works quite well.

mmm, ball pit with sexy courtesans.

(Also, c'mon. Nova is an attention whore; how many attention whores do you know that don't shut down in the face of someone not taking them seriously? ;) Granted she DID have a back-up plan, but hey.)
So... hypothetically, if Ten Winds were a Sidereal, which Sidereal Charm would let him do exactly what he just did?
ShadowDragon8685 said:
It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that she's not a combat build, her combat builds are clumsy oafs, and he's an Immaculate Master backed by a Lunar and a Solar, could it?
Eh, it's almost a fair fight.


Seriously now, you wouldn't think Nova doesn't have, I don't know, a giant laser beam in her pocket? And all these exalted are unarmed. Not so much of a handicap for Ten, but Misho uses swords, last I checked, and Marena sucks at fighting at the best of times.
AbuDhabi said:
Can't Misho summon his own damn swords?
Assuming He hid them in Elsewhere with Summon the Loyal Steel, he can draw them as easily as if he were wearing them.

If he left them with Secret then they are probably out of range of Call the Blade. 40 or 50 yards is his likely maximum with that.

Otherwise though he could use Glorious Solar Desk from the first comic and hit things with the desk and chair. :)
Admittedly the thought of Misho going "GLORIOUS SOLAR DESK" and then beating the crap out of Nova and her cronies is pretty awesome.
He also knows Radiant Solar Saber and can conjure a pair of energy-beams out of his hands, as well as being able to draw his Key out of Elsewhere.

Misho isn't unarmed, and Ten Winds is a freaking Immaculate Master, so he's not unarmed, either.

Pity those damn Pattern Spiders got Marena's Essence Cannon, though. I'm willing to bet that Flower Girl dosn't have anything that can counter it...

Oh well, they could just get into a girly slap-fight. With Exalted strength, of course. :)
Reposted from the 130-135 thread because, really, I'm not all that bright.

See, the major question I have after today's comic is: does she have destructive testing in mind? Because if not, well...she's functionally immortal, they're functionally immortal, and if their current quest is time-sensitive, hers isn't. In their place I'd just tell her "We'll come back, we promise, just let us/help us do this other stuff first..."

Also, she has adorable, adorable robot ears. Like some kind of wire-dreadlocked mecha-catgirl.

All of that goes out the window if (of course) the testing would be harmful...and the trap-dooring of Misho kind of makes cooperation unlikely. Hope she's got a cushion at the bottom, at least...
ShadowDragon8685 said:
He also knows Radiant Solar Saber and can conjure a pair of energy-beams out of his hands.
Glorious Solar Saber?

Which is the cheaper of the two charms I can think of that produces his Glorious Solar Desk.

The other being Craftsman Needs No Tools [The spanner he uses on the weather machine shows CNNT has a similar FX to GSD.].

The energy beams are at a guess Blazing Solar Bolt. I don't remember him doing them without a melee weapon in hand.

Marena of course isn't unarmed either as the rockodille found out.
The energy beams Misho has used are Sandstorm Wind Attack. Also, in strip 1, he had a Glorious Solar Hammer for putting up the sign.
Dahak said:
Marena of course isn't unarmed either as the rockodille found out.
Really, as long as a Lunar has Deadly Beastman Transformation, they're never disarmed. Unless they don't HAVE arms, that is. And sometimes not even then. (Hurrah for snake-Lunars!)
DBT allows Lunars to regrow body parts, remember? And they can still kick. And such woulds don't carry into false forms.

So really you can't disarm a Lunar until she has no motes left at all.
And that's supposing they didn't activate a regeneration Charm with the Fury or Gift keyword or something.

Lunars: they no die.
Brickwall said:
And that's supposing they didn't activate a regeneration Charm with the Fury or Gift keyword or something.
Lunars: they no die.
Especially chimerae. Chimeras? Chimereese...?

Half the chimera-specific charms have got t be lifted straight from Who Goes There? (That's The Thing, for folks who prefer pretty moving pictures to flat text.)
On backgrounds: Somehow, entirely abstract motion line backgrounds seem to be lacking something, at least to me. Perhaps you could superimpose the lineart for the set upon the abstract background?

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