Keychain 101-105

Maybe that could/should be a custom Charm for Misho, a passive charm, activated when his Anima Banner flares up to full, that gives all his allies a die bonus on attacking anyone his banner has so 'marked', which can be anyone he's focusing on.
I can't be the only person who got that the geometric patterns were Misho's anima. >_>
No, I saw Misho's too, but Marena's was so subtely cool (and matched the essence blast) that I really didn't see it until about 20 seconds of staring.

Very well done, Jukashi.
oh, and the most recent one of mishos from combo activation makes up a crying face (wi caste mark) if I'm seeing it right and filling in the blanks correctly.

Makes sense if "My Tears Fall" was the correct combo translation

amazing what can be done with 4 triangles and 4 circles

keep it up jukashi, you keep finding new ways to impress me
It's goin to be awesome. Particularly if he drops the RD and busts out some Siddie MA. :lol:

That aside, people had problems noticing the totemic animas? Am I the only one who put dots in Awareness or something?
I would cry if Ten Winds turned out to be a Resplendent Destiny. He's just so much damn cooler as a Terrestrial Exalt.
Please, Ten Winds does not Bitchslap

Ten winds is in the league of great men like Chow Yun Fat in curse of the golden flowers

Ten winds Pimp slapped him

any minute now the belts coming off and fey boy is taking a hiding
I think that might just be refering to what Secret's old job might have been. Or, yeah, could be the Elder Scrolls thing.
Wow. Ten Winds didn't beat the fey-punk's face into goo.

He forcibly restrained him. That's ten times as awesome.

Also, I lost all respect for Ninja Dood when he went to kill the prisoners. And I lost even more from Scythe Boy when he ordered it.

I mean, seriously, what does that hope to acomplish? You're being forcibly restrained by an Immaculate Master, with an Abyssal and a Solar Exalt standing by with large bladed weapons, readying to deliver unto your punk fairy ass the holiest unholy ass-whooping since the Yozi got their asses kicked up 'tween their shoulder blades if you continue to resist, and you order someone to kill the prisoners?

Isen't that just begging for a readied action (or whatever they're called) to be taken to execute you?

Oh well. All for naught. The sneaky Lunar already saved the prisoners, and then she proved that it seems she has a specialization in Thrown (Improvised Weapons) by beaning Ninja Guy upside the head with a cage. :) Mareena's awesome.
you had respect for fae to start with?

the one thing I really felt was missing, was that when it cut to marena holding the cage I really expected her to be giving the bird

still good though
Smeggedoff said:
you had respect for fae to start with?
the one thing I really felt was missing, was that when it cut to marena holding the cage I really expected her to be giving the bird

still good though
But they don't have any fingers...
I agree, I think that's what it was lacking, the fae were cool and awesome before.. now they just seem sorta.. beat, and a little bit pathetic
Well, they are beat. I'm given to understand that's typical of what happens when only a pair of Major Fae and a small gaggle of barely-more-than-extras minor fae pick a fight with three Celestial Exalts and an Immaculate Master.

It's kind of like picking a dogfight with Rogue Squadron, or pissing off the United States Navy, or walking up to a professional fighter and punching him in the nose. Suicide.

Frankly, I never thought they were cool. Flashy, yes, but not cool, they were overacting, one-dimensional, cartoonish style, worse-than-Bond villians, and they've been right and properly punked down as is befitting.

I'm not saying I'm dissapointed in the comic, though. That's entirely just and right for these schmucks. I'm enjoying these last comics, too. I'm just saying these guys won't be getting my vote in the "best villians" poll if it ever materializes. (That would be either Resonance Ben or Forgotten Flame. Unless the King is on the list, which would be a shame.)

Actually, they'd be a good comparison, Micheal Jacksofae and Resonance Ben. They're both overly-flashy, gaudy, ridiculous in concept, but Ben always pulled it off as serious and effective, whereas this guy is just tragically stupid in picking a fight for no good reason. He's getting the ass-whooping he rightly deserves.
I actually like what Jukashi's doing with the Fae so far. It'd be nice if he became one of those recurring incompetent villains, who sometimes serve as a connection between reader and comic. So, yeah, they'd basically fulfil the same role as Team Rocket, but that's okay. They're funnier.

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