Key Blade Wars


One Thousand Club
Story: Its been about ten years since Sora and the others save all the worlds from Organization XIII. Now there is a new threat. The Delmogs. Which side will you choose. Save the worlds or join these new creatures and destroy them.

Character sheet:


Age: (14 to 18 please)

World (Where are you from):

Race: (Human or Delmog)

Key Blade: (only for humans)

Spell: (only one)




My Character:

Name: Seth Elwood

Age: 17

World (Where are you from): Port royal

Race: Human

Key Blade: Dark Fire

Spell: Firga

Looks: Long black hair looks like Jack Sparrow just younger. He has crimson red eyes.

Personality: Acts dark but is really kind.

History: Family was killed except for his brother.
Zomg, yes!!! I have to join! Although I won't be able to update an entire profile until probably Sunday if that's not a problem, I don't have a laptop and it's ridiculous to try to make skellies on mobile.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Isabelle (Belle or Bella)

Age: 15

World (Where are you from): Destiny Islands (NOT associated with Sora etc)

Race: Human

Key Blade: Fragrant Temptation keyblade&order=9&offset=48#/dvfmf6

Spell: Heal


Personality: Bella is very shy, but also very protective of friends. She doesn't like to fight but knows she has to use the Keyblade and protect others.

History: Bella was very young when Destiny Islands was saved, has no memory of it, and only knows of the events through stories. She had a pretty normal life before aquiring the keyblade and felt very sad when she realized she would have to run away to fight and save worlds. Her parents have no idea what happened to her.
I'm interested. I hope it stays active,and doesn't break canon...Too much. Also,FYI,I'll be running with knowledge from Birth by Sleep;otherwise,the universe makes significantly less sense.

Name: Alistair Soren

Age: 18

Homeworld: Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion

Race: Human

Keyblade: Chaos Ripper View attachment 2775

Magic: Magnetega. It effects everything around him. The effect is non-discriminatory.

Stands at six foot five. He is well muscled,but not overly so. Short brown hair,kept combed. Golden eyes (Oh-ho?). Has a goatee. Wears jeans,boots,and a long-sleeved shirt,all well-fitting. On his forearms,he wears metal plates,as armour. His facial structure is overal quite pointy. He is left handed.

Personality: He doesn't care about the feelings or egos of others when giving facts as he sees them,which he dispenses freely and quite often. Otherwise,he's almost slavishly (and sometimes violently!) loyal to friends and family,however he doesn't always follow direction,especially when he sees it as a stupid idea. Finally,he is willing to commit "evil" if he believed that it would further the greater good.

Background: Born and raised on Radiant Garden,Alistair was exposed to a huge array of cultures and people. He heard stories of a young boy and his two friends from Leon and Cloud,as well as a few others,but he never actually encountered this boy. He lived life well,working at the ice cream shop. Eventually,he developed a wanderlust,wanting to explore the worlds beyond his own.
Both accepted.

Seth stepped out of his house on the side of the vast blue ocean. "How would I love to get out of here." he said to himself. Then a red key blade appeared in his hand. "What the hell is this?" he asked being moved to a strange island in the middle of the water. "Where is this?" he asked walking on the beach.
Bella sat on the beach near the water, gazing out to the vast ocean in front of her. She wondered if she would ever leave this world. She pulled her knees to her chest, letting her icy blue hair fall over her shoulders.
Seth walked along the beach. He saw a girl with icy blue hair. He walked up. "Um excuse me miss but can you tell me where I am." he asked.
Bella jumped when she heard someone's voice. She thought she had been alone. "Umm... You're on Destiny Islands." she said. She stood up and walked closer to him. "Wait," she started. "Did you.... are you from another world?!" Her eyes widened in amazement at the thought that this person had traveled here from another world. She looked down at the giant... Key? She tilted her head in confusion. "What's that?"
(OOC: Only three people? Well,if more sign up,then that'll be good. But please do try to put more meat into your posts.)

Alistair set down a heavy box of ice cream in the back of the freezer. His breath crystalized before his face. "Why is the freezer always nearly empty...?" This was the last of twenty boxes he brought into the enormous,refrigerated room. Scrooge McDuck always ordered such small batches of ice cream...They never ran out,but by the time the next shipment came in,the freezer was empty. The store's stock would never hold up if a sudden surge came in. He left the freezer,shutting the door securely behind him. He often voiced his concerns to the duck-man,but he always replied with assurance that he knew exactly the demands of the market.

Tightly flexing his fingers to get the chill out,Alistair walked back to the front counter,and was surprised to see Leon standing there. "Leon! What's going on?" The older man chuckled and said, "Just wondering what my sparring partner's up to. Is the duck around? Things look pretty dead here." Alistair chuckled. "Things never change. Static. Stagnant. Boring." He looked around,the cobblestone streets filled with people going about their daily lives. "I can't spar with you just yet. Not until Scrooge lets me off the clock. He'd flip his lid if he caught wind that I'd bounced to spar."

"Right you are,lad!" Scrooge McDuck walked down the street to the counter. Although he was,by leaps and bounds,the eldest of the three,he was hilariously short; reaching only Leon's knees. Although,it sort of made sense; he was a walking,talking white mallard. In a suit and hat,toting a cane. "Although,you two do raise a point. I'm losing money by keeping you at the counter. Go on,Alistair,go swing your pipe around with Leon,here. Have fun!" With a wave,Scrooge waddled through the door for the large stall,and ushered Alistair out. "Go on,now! Enjoy yourself! But I expect you back here tomorrow;same hours! Just don't go expecting relief." With a sigh and shrug,Alistair walked away from the stall with Leon. "Well. Now we have time to kill. The usual?" "Yup. Meet me on top of the reactor building." "No problem. Gimme a quarter hour." "Ten minutes."

Alistair laughed. "Alright. Start counting!" Alistair ducked into his house as Leon started off at a full sprint to the reactor. Alistair retrieved his pipe,the closest he could get to a sword without actually being a sword,from his closet. It was long and wide,with a good weight at the end. Perfect for him. He left his front door at a run,and followed after Leon,holding his weapon one handed.
Seth looked down."Honestly I don't know what it is." he said. "To answer you're first question. Yes I'm from Port Royal." he said looking down. "I wonder how my brother is doing?" he asked him self. Then he looked back. "I'm sorry miss but what is your name?" he asked. "I am Seth Elwood." he said with a soft smile.
(( [MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION] I am on mobile. It's kind of difficult to "put more meat into my posts" /: ))

She wondered where Port Royal was. Was it very far from here? She smiled and introduced herself. "Nice to meet you Seth. I'm Isabella. Well, Bella... Or Belle... I don't much care for 'Isabella'..." she stopped, not wanting to ramble too much. She still studied the key with interest. She felt like she knew it from somewhere. "There was a boy... in a story my grandma used to tell me..." she said, trying to remember details. "I think it's... A Keyblade..." she smiled. "That's all I know. Well, other than the fact that the Keyblade is very inportant... For what, I don't remember."
Alistair reached the reactor with a minute to spare. He was out of breath,and sweating. Leon was there,standing at the center of the round braced glass surface,holding a pipe similar to Alistair's,but with a curved "hilt",giving it a similar profile to his legendary gunblade,which rested on the overlook above them,where Cloud sat. He called out, "I take the winner! Whip him good,Alistair!" Leon laughed. "Please. He didn't beat me yet!" "There was last--" "Doesn't count. He threw sand in my face. And got me in the groin." "Hey! Who said combat is fair?"

Alistair walked up to Leon. "And besides,you're the superios swordsman. Didn't you say you were the commander of some elite mercenary army?" Alistair assumed his combat stance; he held his weapon low and close,by his ankle. He kept his left side facing Leon,and his legs wide,knees bent. He moved his wrist constantly,ready to strike. "Leading is very different from fighting,Alistair." Leon assumed his combat stance; holding the weapon with two hands,"blade" up and tilted towards his foe,legs at shoulder width. "You still led them. There must've been a reason." They began circling eachother. "Yeah. No one else with more experience was available." Leon dashed in,delivering the first strike. A few feet away,he hopped and switched feet,and brought his weapon down with his landing,giving it more force than a simple standing blow.

Alistair shot his arm up,stopping the strike dead with his own weapon. Alistair delivered a swift punch to Leon's abdomen,but he saw it coming,and disengaged,backshuffling. Alistair wasted no time in closing the distance. Their weapons were large,large enough to warrant wielding with both hands. However,since Alistair used only one hand,he had a reach advantage...And a versatility advantage. He led with the right side of his body. At the last moment,he swung his blade,up and to the right,pivoting on his toes to bring his left shoulder to the front. In response,Leon moved in the same direction as the strike,putting his weapon between himself and the strike. He parried the blow,and went straight in for a lunge.
Seth smiled. "Well that explains this key thing." he said."Well its nice to meet you Bella." he said. then he turned to the ocean. "I wonder how far this place is from Port Royal?" he asked. Then he turned back to Bella. "Do you live here?" he asked looking around. "Are you alone here?" he asked.
Alistair's left arm was sent high and wide by the parry,leaving his torso wide open. Seeing Leon move forward for the lunge,he had to act fast,or get trounced by Leon. Again. He swiveled his torso to the side,narrowly avoiding the lunge. He grabbed Leon's wrist with his right hand,and moved his right foot forward,while at the same time driving his shoulder into Leon's chest. "Not this time,Leon!" He slid his right foot to cross Leon's front ankle,and brought Leon's arm over his shoulder,while pivoting his torso. Leon was flipped over his shoulder,and landed hard on his back,with a cough. Alistair quickly stepped on Leon's wrist,the one that held his weapon,and brought his own weapon to Leon's throat. "I think I won,man."

Leon groaned,then laughed. "Yeah,but not with swordsmanship! You're one helluva brawler." "Pugilist. There's a difference." "Whatever." Alistair stepped off of Leon's wrist,and helped him up. "How's your back?" Leon groaned as he arced his back backwards. "Sore,to say the least." He straightened his back with another groan. "He's all yours,Cloud!" With that,Leon limped off to the perimeter of their "arena". Cloud laughed uproariously. "Now that was a fight!" He dropped down,holding both his pipe,which looked almost identical to Alistair's,but wider,and Leon's gunblade. "So,Leon never beat you,right?" Cloud smirked,and nodded. "Got that right." He held out the gunblade for Leon to grab on his way past. "Why do you have the Revolver here,anyways? Expecting trouble?" Leon gave a pained laugh. "Always. Trouble always seems to find it's way here." "Yeah. The Buster Blade's up top."

A moment of awkward silence hung in the air.

Cloud struck his own forehead with his palm. "Now how long will it take for you to circle back around to get back up there?" "Shut up. Let's get this over with." Cloud assumed his combat posture,near identical to Leon's,but his body was more at an angle. With a laugh,Alistair assumed his stance,ready to fight.
"Yes, I do." Bella replied. "Well, not on this particular island. No one has been on this island other than me since the boy from that story disappeared. I live over on that island." she said, looking out across the sea to the mainland. She sighed. "I've always been here..."

Some realization struck her after a moment. "Maybe," she said. "Since you're traveling to other worlds, I-" she stopped. This was imposing. She couldn't just invite herself along. Plus, he obviously hadn't come here of his own accord. He wasn't traveling worlds. Something had just caused him to appear here. Maybe his world had been... Destroyed. She remembered in the stories, worlds would be destroyed by a number of strange creatures. She looked at Seth, changing the subject. "I could show you around the island?" she suggested. "Or we could go to the mainland. Someone there might be able to help you get home.."
Seth smiled. "Thank you I would love for you to show me around this island." he said. Then he looked down at his key blade. "This is the Key Blade?" he asked himself then he turned back to Bella. "Hey, what ever it is that I have to do with this key is going to be hard to do alone... would you like to join me?" he asked as the Key Blade disappeared.
((Just throwing this out there, Bella doesn't have her Keyblade yet and won't until a bit later))

Bella smiled. They started walking around then he asked her to join him. She smiled even more. "Sure," she said. "I'm not much of a fighter, but I'm sure I can help somehow." She was happy that he asked. Maybe they would actually be able to go to the different worlds. She didn't know how, since no one on the island had any sort of ship, and clearly Seth didn't either. But maybe, somehow. She started showing him all over the island. When they had seen just about everything, she looked over at him. "I think that's all of it..." They were standing almost back where they started, near a small shack-like building and a tall waterfall. She looked over to the wall. "Oh yeah, there's one more place!" she said, walking over to the wall and pushing aside some ivy. She started walking down what seemed to be the narrow path of a cave until they reached a more open room. "I don't know what this place is, but there are drawings all over the walls. I think they're from the boy and his friends. You know, from the stories... The weirdest thing, though... Is this." She walked over to what seemed to be a large wooden door leading to nowhere. "I don't know why this is here. I've tried and tried, but it won't open..."
((That's fine))

Seth smiled as he followed Bella. He was amazed by just about everything. "I'm sure you'll do fine when we leave this world. Maybe someday I can show you around Port Royal." When she showed him the secret place on the island his eyes light up. "Wonder where it leads?" he asked then he thought about the Key Blade."Maybe the Key Blade can open it." he suggested. He looked around at all the drawing. "Sora?" he said under his breath.
Bella grinned excitedly. "Try it!" she said. He was looking around at the drawings, so she waited quietly. When he mumbled 'Sora', she tilted her head. "Hey," she said. "That's the name of the boy from all the stories my grandma told me. I thought you hadn't heard them before?" She wondered how he knew Sora without knowing the Keyblade.
Seth nodded. Then he opened his hand the key blade appeared. He pointed it at the door. But nothing happened."Damn." he said then he looked down. All of a sudden the key shot a small beam of light at the door. There was a loud click. "Wonder if it worked?" he asked looking at Bella. "I wonder if that's how Sora did it?" he mumbled. Then he looked back at the door." Should we open it?" he asked.
Bella was getting more excited and anxious by the minute. "Of course we should! If the Keyblade opened it, it's probably important that we open it!" she didn't know what the door did, or where it might lead, but she'd been stuck on this island for far too long and was ready for an adventure. Maybe it would lead to another world.
Seth smiled."Okay, here we go." he took a breath then he pushed the door open. inside there was a long dark hallway."Wonder where it leads?" he asked. Then there was a loud screeching noise."What the hell was that?" he asked looking at Bella. "We should go." he said in a soft voice. Then a large gust of wind. "Now." he said then he grabbed her hand and started running.
Bella and Seth began running back down the narrow path. "I guess we shouldn't have opened it! What was that?!" Bella yelled at they emerged back onto the beach. She glanced behind them to see if whatever it was had followed them. "Wait, we should have closed it!" she yelled. "What if whatever that thing was gets out?!" She pulled away from him, starting back towards the secret place. "We left the door wide open..." she said to herself. Once she was back inside, she pushed against the wind, trying to close the door. The screetching sound got closer, and before she closed the door, everything went black.
Seth ran back into the cave."Bella!" he called. "Damn" he said to himself then he found Bella."Are you okay?" he asked then something moved behind him. He turned around to see a large shadow of a creature move toward him. he readied the Key Blade."Come on lets do this!" he welled then he lunged forward and his the shadow. It moved and attacked Seth."Damn." he said then he lifted his arm and slammed the blade down on its head. the creature disappeared. "Bella are you okay?" he asked turning back to her.
Bella opened her eyes and looked around. "What happened?" she asked. She saw shadows pouring out of the open door. "What are those??" she asked, looking around. She turned back to Seth. "The door won't close, I guess we'll have to leave it." She pulled him with her back out onto the beach to the dock. Her boat was gone. "We can't get back unless we swim..." she looked up at the sky, which was a stormy grey. "Not the best idea." The shadow creatures were starting out onto the beach, quickly covering much of it and popping up in random places. "What do we do? We can't fight all of them."
Seth turned around and moved in-front of Bella."Do you know any spells?" he asked. then he attacked a shadow."This is bad." he said looking back. Then he looked forward he lifted his hands "Firega!" he yelled and a large fire ball flew out of his hand. "We need to get out of here!" he said.

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