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Fantasy Kaedros the Undying

Vital Statistics

Name: Drago Ruger

Age: 25

Height: 6'7

Weight:240 lbs

Physical Description:

Nation of Origin: Heartlands



Trade rank (apprentice, journeyman…):Master

Primary skills:



Hand to hand combat


Please see the Magic thread for information on how to fill this section out. Everyone gets fire for free

Elemental affinity:





Spells/cantrips: List all the spells that your character knows. What do they do and how long does it take to Focus to cast it? These should be mostly centered on your primary elemental affinities.

1. Fire, instant Focus- can start a fire using any easily-flammable fuel source, such as dry wood, tinder, oil.

2. Inferno, 10 seconds of focus - creates of a wave of five in all directions

3. FireStorm, 30 seconds of focus - creates a storm of pure fire, hurts both castor and target

4. Air shield, instant Focus - single directional shield of air

5. Flames, instant focus - sprays a jet of fire
Vital Statistics

Name: Alfonso Abbiati

Age: 24

Height: Six foot two

Weight: 225 pounds

Physical Description: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/19/c7/04/19c70476c823e78f2ab0ef80864df931.jpg

Nation of Origin: Elosia


Trade:Merchant and the occasional money lender

Trade rank (apprentice, journeyman…): Master

Primary skills:



A skilled public speaker

Decent with a blade


Please see the Magic thread for information on how to fill this section out. Everyone gets fire for free

Elemental affinity:

Air,water and fire

Spells/cantrips: List all the spells that your character knows. What do they do and how long does it take to Focus to cast it? These should be mostly centered on your primary elemental affinities.

1. Fire, instant Focus- can start a fire using any easily-flammable fuel source, such as dry wood, tinder, oil.

2. Steam,Fire and water,5 second focus,Creates a cloud of steam which is used in either escapes or ambushing a foe in the cloud

3 Boiled water,Varies and the body of water, This should be quite self explanitory he can focus on water and cause it to boil,it can take from a couple minutes to an hour

4. Wind of Fire,fire and air,10 second focus,He only uses this as a last resort,this spell causes a jet of fire to spring forth out of the air and head toward its intended target, supposedly since he never really used it before he has no idea about its effects.
He seems to be more Khelosian to me, someone from one of the city states of Khelos, just to the south.

Vital Statistics

Name: Ta'ak Sumhar

Age: 27

Height: 5'7

Weight: 126 lbs

Nation of Origin: Hamdar Desert



  1. Glassmith
  2. Trader

Trade rank (apprentice, journeyman…): self-taught master

Primary skills:

  1. Trading
  2. Glass-blowing


Elemental affinity:

  1. Air
  2. Earth
  3. Fire
  4. Water


  1. Fire, instant Focus - can start a fire using any easily-flammable fuel source, such as dry wood, tinder, oil.
  2. Air, variable - direct the flow of air such that they moved faster toward the direction the user wanted. Cast time would depend on how much air is moved and how much speed they would gain. However, using this to move big amount of air is borderline impossible as cast time and mental strain increases exponentially.
  3. Earth, variable - breaks down earthen material into sand. The process is a lengthy one and requires unbroken concentration toward the material. The harder the material originally is, the harder it would be. For example, breaking down a bucket of mud into sand would be quicker than attempting the same thing on a small pebble.
  4. Air, 20 seconds - fire a jet of concentrated air toward a single point. The cast is linked to a nursery rhyme.

Other: came from an unspecific tribe. Left his tribe to pursue the art of glass-crafting.
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A glass maker would be a valuable man. I can see a reason why a glass maker would leave the desert would be to find new ways of making glass. Also, he will be very superstitious as the Glass Dwellers are. We don't have a lot of superstitions for them so feel free to come up with your own. :)
No, there needs to be a good reason for him to leave the desert and I think, for his character and his culture, that a driving reason for him to leave would to find other methods of making glass, maybe to even find new spells that will keep evil spirits away. He could be on a quest to create stronger spells for his people.

Back stories are always more true to the character once you've played them a bit.
I changed the "other" part a bit to show his motivation. It's not something too grand though (^U^)

I'm under impression that the Hamdari are anything but serious glass-crafters. They made glass beads and such for their cultural heritage, but not to the point of doing that for pure art.
Vital Statistics

Name: Liz Hemingway

Age: 14

Height: Small

Weight: Thin

Physical Description: Liz is a very small girl. She is quite thin too. She has beautiful blue eyes and a pale blonde hair colour, falling in front of her face. She has a lovely smile and is usually wearing it with pride.


She wears some white robes with a hood. She sometimes sneaks out and wears her hood up so her family doesn't know about what she does outside.


Nation of Origin: Helos


Trade: Healer

Trade rank (apprentice, journeyman…): Apprentice

Primary skills: Healing? Buffing? Debuffing?


Please see the Magic thread for information on how to fill this section out. Everyone gets fire for free

Elemental affinity:

1. Water

2. Earth

3. Fire

4. Air

Spells/cantrips: List all the spells that your character knows. What do they do and how long does it take to Focus to cast it? These should be mostly centered on your primary elemental affinities.

  • Fire, instant Focus - can start a fire using any easily-flammable fuel source, such as dry wood, tinder, oil.
  • Healing Surge, 7sec Focus - heals the target.
  • Earth Shield, 8sec Focus - Armours the target with earth that reduces incoming damage.
  • Chain Heal, 11sec Focus - Heals multiple targets within a radius of each other.
  • Healing Totem, 5sec Focus - Periodically, heals the target with the lowest amount of health.
  • Summon Water Elemental, 20sec Focus - Summoms a water elemental that damages enemies with water bolt.
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White hair is exceptionally rare and reserved for the Child of Chaos. We already have someone with white hair and the chances of there being two people in the same place at the same time is unheard of.
Vital Statistics


Age: 27

Height: 5'10


Physical Description:skinny but capable to kill a man, black flowey hair, dark brown eyes,

Nation of Origin:Helos


Trade:brigaid captain

Trade rank (apprentice, journeyman…):apprentice

Primary skills:sword mastery, lance mastery,light armor profficiency,


Please see the Magic thread for information on how to fill this section out. Everyone gets fire for free

Elemental affinity:





Spells/cantrips: List all the spells that your character knows. What do they do and how long does it take to Focus to cast it? These should be mostly centered on your primary elemental affinities.

1. Fire, instant Focus- can start a fire using any easily-flammable fuel source, such as dry wood, tinder, oil.

2.Earth, instant Focus- can harden his skin for an extra layer of protection.

3.Water,3sec.focus- can create a bubble big enough to fit a head

4.Air, instant Focus- can dash a short distance

5.Fire,instant Focus- can heat his weapon to create a burning effect on his enemies.

6.Earth, water, 5 sec cast- can make his body a liquid metal.
Making his body a liquid metal is not going to be possible. Also, heating his weapon would be possible but it would make his weapon weak and unusable. If it's hot enough to be able to cauterize a wound then the metal will be too soft to actually use as a sword. There would have to be drawbacks to it.
Xylin said:
Making his body a liquid metal is not going to be possible. Also, heating his weapon would be possible but it would make his weapon weak and unusable. If it's hot enough to be able to cauterize a wound then the metal will be too soft to actually use as a sword. There would have to be drawbacks to it.
i have no problem with either of those
[QUOTE="From Darkness]@Xylin : am i accepted or do i still need to change / add something? (:3)
This forum can use @ like facebook... O_o

Xylin put a 'character development' sticker on your sheet so it means it is accepted, right now she's trying to figure out where to fit the latest batch of new characters into the story.
You guys are making this hard. right now I am waiting for some IC to wind up before moving onto the next scene. @Captain Hesperus & I like to move fast, but we don't need to move so fast people can't catch their breath. Plus I wanna give him a chance to have a once over the new characters too.
Vital Statistics


Age: 27

Height: 5'10


Physical Description:skinny but capable to kill a man, black flowey hair, dark brown eyes,

Nation of Origin:Helos


Trade:brigaid captain

Trade rank (apprentice, journeyman…):apprentice

Primary skills:sword mastery, lance mastery,light armor profficiency,


Please see the Magic thread for information on how to fill this section out. Everyone gets fire for free

Elemental affinity:





Spells/cantrips: List all the spells that your character knows. What do they do and how long does it take to Focus to cast it? These should be mostly centered on your primary elemental affinities.

1. Fire, instant Focus- can start a fire using any easily-flammable fuel source, such as dry wood, tinder, oil.

2.Earth, instant Focus- can harden his skin for an extra layer of protection.

3.Water,3sec.focus- can create a bubble big enough to fit a head

4.Air, instant Focus- can dash a short distance

5.Fire,instant Focus- can heat his weapon to create a burning effect on his enemies.

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