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Fantasy Kaedros the Undying

Vital Statistics
Name: Akakios Higora

Age: 42

Height: 6ft 1/2in

Weight: 80 kg

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Akakios generally wears loose clothing, usually in dark greens and browns, as a form of light camouflage. He generally has a satchel lung over his shoulder, the strap punctured with several holes and hooks for carrying small items, and a quiver on his back. He has sharp, jade eyes, and platinum-white (Let me know if this isn't permitted) that falls down to about shoulder height, falling down to his shoulder blades on his back. He often wears his hair in a pony-tail down his back, under a hat, and he almost always wears sturdy hiking footwear. He visibly carries a sword and bow with him wherever he goes, although he's much better with a bow.

Nation of Origin: Helendorn, Southern Border village.

Trade: Courier, Messenger, Guide, Trapper.

Trade rank (apprentice, journeyman…): Depends on which trade.

Primary skills: Trapping, Bartering / Haggling, Lying, carrying messages and small packages, navigation, foraging.

Elemental affinity:

1. Air

2. Water

3. Earth

4. Fire

1. Fire, instant Focus- can start a fire using any easily-flammable fuel source, such as dry wood, tinder, oil.

2. Communication, 10 second focus - Using water droplets, Akakios can communicate with anyone within 20 miles of him. He can usually see people through this connection, and vice-versa, although this works better near water or rain.

3. Water Drawing, Passive, 30 second focus each time used - Akakios can passively pull water droplets from the air to any point, filling any container as he travels, or just to cool himself down.

4. Movement Sense, 10 second focus - Akakios can sense any disturbances in the air, this helping him detect ambushes, animals, and more.

5. Preserving, 5 second focus - This can be used to keep any meat or skins cold and preserve them, although in a combat situation it can be used to chill enemies to the bone.​
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ResonantStorm said:
Normally I'd be cool with it. The color of hair is associated with the Child of Chaos, if his hair turned white, or he dyes it white, it's cool, if he always had white hair... that's odd. White is a color that is associated with the god Ankelion.
Xylin said:
Normally I'd be cool with it. The color of hair is associated with the Child of Chaos, if his hair turned white, or he dyes it white, it's cool, if he always had white hair... that's odd. White is a color that is associated with the god Ankelion.
He dyes it white, then. That can be his big character secret; Where does he source that hair dye in the middle of the wilderness?
Sounds good. I'll get you set up in just a bit. You know the law in Helen, well, it's an understanding of an unspoken law whenever a Helosian is on the throne; any woman with white hair must be brought forth, especially when it comes to Angeir.
Xylin said:
Sounds good. I'll get you set up in just a bit. You know the law in Helen, well, it's an understanding of an unspoken law whenever a Helosian is on the throne; any woman with white hair must be brought forth, especially when it comes to Angeir.
...Akakios is male.

Vital Statistics

Name: Stephen 'Spirit' Goodrich

Age: 51

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 205 lbs

Personality: Stephen could be described as stubborn, hard-skinned, and loud. Yet, his softness for kids and animals is prominent, but it could only be seen if one was to spy on him for long enough. He is often the first to call out someone's mistakes, making him unpopular among the clumsy. Stephen is an optimist to no end and though he loves kids, he does not tolerate misbehavior. He has also become savvy in diplomacy, which has come handy to convincing others to hire his mercenary skills. He is trained in the use of pole-arm, this is thanks to joining a warrior guild in his youth. His sense of balance and combat comes from work as a lumberjack. That, and the work he has done as a mercenary. As much as he hates to admit it, he is not well-known, but his nickname as a 'Spirit' who works well makes sure he rubs it in to everyone who might know of his resume.

Physical Description:


Nation of Origin: Elosians


Trade: Mercenary

Trade rank: N/A ; Though, he likes to be referred to as a platoon sergeant or Staff Sergeant.

Primary skills: Discipline, Balance, First Aid, Pole-arm Fighting


Elemental affinity:

  1. Fire
  2. Air
  3. Earth
  4. Water


  • Fire; Conjure Fire; Instant Cast - can start a fire using any easily-flammable fuel source, such as dry wood, tinder, oil.
  • Air; Whisper; 5 second Focus - can project his voice, though only a hush, a limited distance of 30 feet.
  • Fire, Air; Snuff Fire; 2 second Focus - by changing the levels of oxygen in an area, he can effectively snuff small fires or at least guide them in a different direction.
  • Fire, Air; Project Fire; 4 second Focus - conjures a fire fed by pure oxygen before pushing it in a direction.
  • Fire; Combust; 15 second Focus - in a desperate measure, a very desperate measure, he may set himself alight in an attempt to free himself from a grip or to make himself a weapon.

Vital Statistics


Alycia Vial






119 lbs

Physical Description:


Nation of Origin:





Trade rank:


Primary skills:


Crafting (fabrics)


A small amount of hand-to-hand combat (protection)


Elemental affinity:

1. Air

2. Earth

3. Water

4. Fire


1. Fire - instant Focus- can start a fire using any easily-flammable fuel source, such as dry wood, tinder, oil.

2. Speed - requires a small amount of focus - allows her to move through the air quicker while sewing to get jobs done quicker. (often faster and requires less focus the more skilled you are)

3. Infusion - requires medium focus, though may be less depending on skill level - allows the user to infuse an item their crafting with any of the four elements (air to make it lighter, fire to make it fire resistant etc.)

4. Merchant - requires medium to high level of focus - allows user to sell product for a higher price, or buy a product for a lower price while seller/buyer still feels its reasonable​
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All right, you'll be with the troupe performing for the king. Also, if you're a seamstress then chances are you are an Elosian, but you're still from Helendorn. You also probably speak Common Helenic.
@FadeAway have you decided on Evie's country of origin? Suggestions so far, based on her general appearance and skills, are:

  • The Heartlands, an area of rolling plains and small rivers, dominated by tribes of nomadic horsemen with the odd few towns and cities placed at confluences of the rivers and trade routes. Their horse archers are reputed to be peerless.
  • Andiron, the home of the ancient and long defeated Andironan Empire. The people of Andiron are varied, as one might expect from an empire, so any description and skill set is agreeable.
  • Cortovia, one part of a larger country with its neighbour Quipia, later a tributary state of the empi of Andiron, this country breeds warriors for its continuing wars with its neighbors. Her people have many skin tones and facial features.
  • Quipia, pretty much the same as its neighbor and ofttimes foe, Cortovia.

Captain Hesperus
Vital Statistics

Shamelessly inspired by a certain character from a certain frustrating game.

Name: Kalvirka Sunstricken

Age: 27

Height: 6'2”

Weight: 170

Physical Description: Tall, athletically powerful build that some might consider attractive. Otherwise she'd be average. Fair complexion, with no scars to mark her face, but several on her body. Pale blue eyes. Long red hair, cut short at the sides of her head and tied back in a thick ponytail. She wears a sleeveless jerkin of tough brown leather, and soft cloth within. A tattered long battle-skirt, comfortable boots and loose pants. Long gloves. The gloves and collar of her jerkin are lined with white fur. She wields a polearm a little shorter than herself. The blade seems a bastard caught between an axe and a sword.

Just as reference, I've made changes from the image: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

Nation of Origin: The Heartlands


Trade: Wandering Warrior

Trade rank N/A

Primary skills: Armor and Weapon maintenance(Not repair. A chipped and broken blade would need somebody skilled in actual repair). Basic understanding of flora to create natural dyes. Pole-arm fighting. Fighting while moving.


Though she can use magic to enough effect, the drawbacks of it cause her to avoid it, for the most part.

Elemental affinity:

1. Fire

2. Water

(no other skill with magics)


Fire; Conjure Fire; Instant Cast - can start a fire using any easily-flammable fuel source, such as dry wood, tinder, oil.

Adrenaline Rush(Fire, water); Focus time, a minute on average. More or less time can be given or taken to improve the strength, or get the effect immediatly to less power. - Force an explosive dump of adrenaline in to her system to greatly improve combat capabilities. Later on, after two or so hours, leads to muscle fatigue and potential loss of consciousness.

Restorative Metabolism(fire, water); Focus time, three minutes – Ineffective inside of combat, it boosts her healing speed so that wounds that would take weeks only need a single day, or less.

Purge(water); Focus time, three minutes - Purges poisons, toxins and other unwanted things from her bloodstream.

Iron Phoenix(fire, water) Focus time, two seconds – In a glorious explosion of grace, strength and literal flame, Kalvirka seeks to end her foes life. A devastating combination of muscle, magic and steel. For one attack, her strength increases to proportions greater than her adrenaline rush can reach, and her blade becomes alight with flame. But if she can't hit her enemy, or indeed, if it's not enough to kill with the Iron Phoenix, the fight is lost for her. A desperate spell, that leaves her wounds healed, but body drained of energy that leaves her unable to fight back, let alone lift herself off her knees.

(Please, let me know what changes need to be made.)
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To be honest, from how you describe her, she sounds more like a heartlander to me. Their women are encouraged to seek their own way. Of all peoples, they are the ones who understand equality of the sexes the best (let's not even talk about the Glass Dwellers). They are proud, fierce, and violently independent. They also don't take sh- from nobody.
@Xylin I had actually considered that one, but was unsure so I went with something safer. Knowing that now though, I'll change it. Thanks
So her nation of origin would be the Heartlands but she would not be Elosian, that only applies to people who are from Helendorn.
@Xylin I was looking for the Nation or Origin, but I'd lost it under the block of text >3< found it, properly edited. Sorry.
No worries, just wanted you to know. A few things. Helendorn has their greatest Heroes: Effea and Gaernan. In The Heartlands, you have thirteen:

  1. Aron the Bold (You'd know him as Faron-Cortovian)
  2. Helvellyon the Helosian (You'd know him as Hellyon the Helosian- Helendorn)
  3. Kuric the Sly (Andronian)
  4. Will the Magician
  5. Rowena the Storm (Angel of Vengeance- you would know her as Roe the Storm Maiden-Hearltander)
  6. Rianlan the Quiet (Angel of Vengeance, You'd know her as Ria the Quiet -Heartland),
  7. Ox the Brash of Clan Crimson (of the Folk)
  8. Leaf the Swift of Clan Crimson (also of the Folk, he and his brother are the famed Brothers of Fire)
  9. Patience the Wise of Clan Soaring (of the Folk, aunt to the brothers, also an Angel of Vengeance)
  10. Tesel the Peacemaker (Andronian)
  11. Bairn the Good (Andronian)
  12. Geran the Noble (Andronian)
  13. Tegan the Healer (Khelosian)

According to Tradition and Lore, they were thirteen warriors who showed up out of nowhere with advanced weapons and advanced fighting techniques. It is said that the Gods themselves found them and brought them together to protect the Heartlands against the Andronian empire. It is said that they were there, fighting and protecting them until the armies of Effea arrived. And then they vanished as they had arrived. That was nearly three thousand years ago and to this day no one know where they came from nor where they went. It is known, however that both Roe and Ria were of the Heartlands. You probably prefer Roe as you both have red hair.
Vital Statistics

Name: William Sirinial (goes by Sirinial)

Age: 33

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 130 lbs.

Physical Description: Sirinial is a man of average height with a wiry build. He has tan skin, shoulder length black hair, and blue eyes, and Sirinial usually wears robes often worn by Glass Dwellers and other desert folk. They're either gray or blue and white, and he likes to wear them so as to cover most of his face. The boots he wears are made of soft leather. Around Sirinial's belt he carries a sword, a dagger, and a small hand crossbow of great value.

Nation of Origin: Helendorn (Born in a small village in the Dornos region)


Trade: Former Thief/Ambassador

Trade rank (apprentice, journeyman…): Master Thief, Journeyman Ambassador

Primary skills: Stealth, stealing, lock picking, dexterity/agility, pretty good with the hand crossbow, minimal hand to hand training, minimal training with sword and dagger, minimal diplomacy


Please see the Magic thread for information on how to fill this section out. Everyone gets fire for free

Elemental affinity: Air

1. Air

2. Earth

3. Fire

4. Water

Spells/cantrips: 1. Soft walk-3 seconds of Focus and then a small amount for the duration: Sirinial uses the air around his feet to muffle the sound of his footsteps

2. Flash of flame-instant focus: Creates a quick burst of fire in the air, temporarily blinding unsuspecting people

3. Carry-10 seconds of Focus: A short teleport through the air, like a very quick dash across a room or area. Nothing too far.

4. Grab/Pull-5 seconds of Focus: Either grabbing someone's feet in order to stop them quickly or pulling them to Sirinial for a takedown.
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Name: Erin Schwarz

Age: 25

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 70 kg

Physical Description:

Nobody could mistake Erin for a healer, given his build of lean, almost bulky muscle and a long scar running down the path from his right eyebrow down to the corner of his mouth. His sharp eyes of green were like daggers that could drive a man to his knees with but a single glare. The way he kept his hair cropped at the sides brought to mind the discipline and ruthlessness of the Red Cloaks, and his strong jawline was easily the pride of any general. Not even the white cloak he donned could mask the way he walked among the people like the soldier he once was.

It was only his smile -- warm like the gentle breeze on a spring morning -- that convinced people of his current profession as a healer of Sernos.

Nation of Origin: Helos

Trade: Healer, ex-Soldier

Trade rank: Journeyman Healer, Master ex-Soldier

Primary skills: Healing (specializing in physical trauma), Basic Survival (Foraging, Camp making, Intermediate Flora & Fauna Knowledge), Witherwill Usage (oils, in particular), Sword Fighting, Unarmed Combat, Meditation

Elemental affinity: Earth

1. Earth

2. Water

3. Air

4. Fire

Spells/cantrips: List all the spells that your character knows. What do they do and how long does it take to Focus to cast it? These should be mostly centered on your primary elemental affinities.

1. Flint Spark, instant Focus- can start a fire using any easily-flammable fuel source, such as dry wood, tinder, oil.

2. Mend Wounds, small Focus (10 - 20 seconds) - coerces the body to remember the memory of before it was wounded; primarily uses Water and Earth to clean and close any wounds ranging from small cuts to medium-sized gashes.

3. Mend Bones, medium Focus (1 - 3 minutes) - draws on the patient’s desire to move freely again in order to repair fractures; uses Earth to replenish the minerals that make up bone, along with Water to soothe the inflamed flesh; must be used in conjunction with Mend Wounds in order to heal open fractures (requires additional Focus, 1 - 2 minutes)

4. Mend Self, medium to strong Focus (1 - 5 minutes, depending on the extent of the injuries) - since Erin knows his body more than anyone else, he can easily heal non-fatal damage done to him and recover mental energies by entering into a meditative state, drawing from the gentle yet steadfast strength of Earth.

5. Ground Sense, instant Focus - placing his palm to the ground, Erin sends out a wave that allows him to sense any nearby movement within a 4m radius. The gist of it is that the Earth only gives impressions of movement; he has to figure out for himself what or who makes the movement.
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@YumenoTsukishiro For such a young character who is primarily a soldier, Erin possess an exceptional number of magics, far more than a warrior of his age normally would do. I would say that four or five spells at the most would be usual for someone in his profession. Only monks or priests of the Four Gods or focussed mages can boast eight total spells at the age of 25, but they usually tend to be lacking in martial combat skills.

Additionally, combat instant focus spells do not exist in this setting. Combat focussing is almost unheard of in this setting, only the rarest of rare individuals possess anything like the ability to focus while actively fighting, which is why most combat doctrines teach warriors to help their comrades to disengage for focussing before re-engaging. Individuals who can combat-focus usually either have powerful patrons protecting them or tend to get assassinated for the threat they pose to the powers that be.

Captain Hesperus
I'd like to see him as a straight up healer. If he's 25 then he needs to be either a healer or a fighter. If he's a fighter he wouldn't have all of those healing spells and if he's a healer then he'll have only a few healing spells under his belt at that age. Now, if you wanted to make him about 40-45 and a master healer then he'd have several healing spells, but he wouldn't have any combat training and he'd have just enough hand-to-hand to keep his patients in line and to protect them.

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