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Realistic or Modern Just Breathe

She smiled and gave his hand a squeeze, trying to prepare herself for the news she pretty much knew was coming. “I love you too.” She mumbled, laying back on the table and waited for the tech, soon explaining why they were there and all the pain she’d been in all week. “I haven’t,... I haven’t felt her moving all morning.” She told her, her voice starting to break.

He grinned and shook his head. “I’m from DC, moved out here after visiting one summer. Liked the weather too much.” He chuckled. “What about you?”
Clay took a deep breath trying to keep himself calm holding Carmen's hand "Is there anything?" He asked quietly hoping this wasn't what they thought it was.

Max smiled and laughed lightly "I'm a Texas girl actually. Moved out here for my job and currently living with my sister just until I find somewhere." She said biting her lip gently and smiling as one of his dogs came up to her "Oh well hello there, whats your name?"
She frowned, holding his hand tightly until she saw the tech start shaking her head, looking at the screen. ‘I’m so sorry... there’s no heartbeat.’ She told them quietly and carmen immediately broke down into sobs.

Jon smiled over at bed. “That would be Bam Bam. Named because he will find the nearest wall and run straight into it.” He chuckled. “The other grey is Boss and the white and brown one is Venus.” He smiled.
Clay felt his heart fall into the put of his stomach and held his wife close as he cried quietly with her "Shh shhh its....its gonna be okay.." he whispered kissing the top of her head repeatedly

Max smiled and gave the dog a good scratch behind the ears "Oh well he is just a sweetie pie." She cooed smiling as he layed next to her and put his head on her legs "This is nice, its so peaceful and quiet out here." She said softly before scooting a little closer to him.
They were left for a few minutes in quiet to process it. She’d had a couple miscarriages before. But those had been about a week or two after she knew she was pregnantt. This time she was almost seven months along. ‘I understand how hard this must be.... but we will have to schedule you to induce labour. For now we can get you some painkillers and send you home.’ Carmen just nodded slowly as she listened.

Jon nodded and smiled. “I tend to travel for work. At least a little bit but these days, being able to come home to a permanent place. It’s a lot better.” He smiled a little.
Max gave a small smile and nodded softly "I travel all over as well for my job, though I'll have to put the breaks on that." She said with a small laugh gasping when she glanced in the pinic basket and saw brownies "Are those brownies?!" She asked excitedly

Clay took a deep breath and nodded some "Do you um...do you know how long it'll be til you schedule? Will it be in the next day or so?" He asked quietly wiping his eyes a bit
She nodded and helped clean carmen off. “They won’t be able to leave it too long. We’ll need to get her out before it makes your wife very sick.... you will get a call this afternoon to confirm the time. I’m very sorry for your loss.” She told him, getting the script printed off and passed it to him while Carmen got up and walked out with him.

Guilia called them frowning some. “Hey dad, can I use the credit card? Bea won’t stop crying and Javi and Alana are really hungry. Can I get them some chipotle or something?” She asked him. “Is mom okay?”

He nodded some. “Not for long hopefully. If this works out I might have to claim you as my official photographer... make sure we could travel as a ... yeah those are brownies. Fudge brownies.” He chuckled and took the bowl out. “My grandpas recipe.”
Max smiled happily at him "I LOVE brownies!" She said excitedly before giving a small laugh and nodding a bit "I also think we could definitely make something work about being your photographer." She said happily before she leant over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek blushing bright red when he looked at her a little shocked "Oh jeez....I shouldn't have done that huh?"

Clay sighed heavily when his phone rang stepping out of the room while they cleaned Carmen off "Guilia....yeah yeah get what you want." He said before givimg a heavy sigh "Guilia, we uh....we lost the baby.."
She frowned some and swallowed. “Is mom okay?” She asked him frowning. “I can take the dogs for a walk. Take them with me if she wants the house empty” she mumbled frowning.

carmen walked out of the room after he hung up and just took his hand. “Let’s go home.” She mumbled. “Are you working at the auto tomorrow?” She asked him quietly.

Jon smiled shaking his head. “Not at all. I... I’m used to the women I go on dates with being shy. You’re straightforward... I like it.” He smiled and leaned over, pecking her cheek as well
Max smiled happily and laughed lightly "Well I am usually shy but I don't know....something about you makes me feel comfortable." She admits to him

Clay gave a heavy sigh and nodded some "Yeah if you would that would be great. I love you." He murmured before hanging up. He turned to look at Carmen and helped her out frowning some "I was, but I'll call in. You don't need to be alone."
She frowned and nodded just walking with him quietly out to the car but didn’t get in, breaking down in sobs again as she caught her reflection in the window, holding onto Clay tightly. “We didn’t even pick her a name yet.... I don’t... I don’t think the kids should be there. At least not the twins.” She sniffled into his shoulder.

Jon smiled some. “Like you’ve known me a long time?” He asked her. “Cause that’s how I feel too. Is that too corny?” He chuckled, his nose scrunching up a little on the sides as he smiled big.
Clay rushed over to her side and held her close as she broke into sobs "I know baby I know. Giulia has the kids on a walk with the dogs. We'll get you in bed and I'll handle them the rest of the day." He said softly

Max blushed bright pink but smiled just a big back at him "Its very corny, but I like corny and if its true then who cares?" She said with a small laugh leaning towards him a bit biting her lip hard "Might be a bit bold to ask but...can I kiss you?"
She frowned shaking her head "I want my babies." She mumbled, getting in the car once she calmed down and headed home with him, going to lay down in bed, "Can you go get the prescriptions?" She asked him quietly, rubbing at her face once she was comfortable, "Maybe... Maybe take Giulia for her to drive a little once the kids get back and I'll have the little ones up here?" She mumbled, reaching for him for the minute, "You okay?" she asked him quietly, giving his hand a squeeze.

Jon smiled and leaned in the rest of the way, kissing her softly, one hand going up to cup her face for a moment before pulling backwhen the dogs started jumping up at him, "Hey hey.... Little suck ups... Do you wanna go get comfy on the couch and I'll tidy this up real quick?" He smiled
Clay nodded some and gave a heavy sigh as he got them home as quick as he could. He helped her up to bed and sighed softly as he got her perscriptions lines up for her "Yeah that sounds like a fine idea." He said quietly giving her hand a small squeeze "I'll be alright love." He whispered

Max smiled happily and laughed as the dogs came to get in their way "I see I have some competition." She teased before nodding happily "Yeah that sounds great, just don't forget those brownies!" She said before getting up slowly and making her way inside
She nodded a little and frowned. “You know that... you know we’re gonna meet her. Get to hold her for a bit and whatnot?” She mumbled swallowing back tears but looked up hearing the door go and the dogs plus the kids.

He chuckled quietly and watched her go, tidying up with a smile on his face, making sure to take the brownies in to her and set the box on the coffee table for her to take some if she wanted them, turning the tv on and finding a movie.
Clay took a shaky breath and nodded softly "Yeah....yeah I know.." he whispered before he turned his attention towards the door when he heard the dogs and kids "Give me a few minutes okay?" He said quietly kissing her gently before he went downstairs

Max smiled happily as he came back into the room already stuffing a brownie in her face "I'm sorry.....I couldn't help it.." she murmured covering her full mouth
She nodded and frowned a little, laying down and trying to not think too much about everything. Bea ran up to her dad when he came down and grinned reaching for him. “Daddy we fed the duckies.” She giggled and held onto him tightly.

Jon chuckled and curled up on the couch, holding her a little and smiled. “I got them for us to eat.” He told her, gently placing a hand over her bump and smiled to himself a little at the fact that it was his kid in there.
Clay smiled happily picking his youngest daughter up as she ran over to him "You fed the duckies huh? Oh well I'm sure they are very happy about that." He said softly kissing her cheek gently "Hey...why don't you and Javi go give mommy lots of cuddles and have a nap okay? Daddy is gonna take Giulia out driving. Alana you can stay or come with if you want."

Max smiled softly and placed her hand over his on her stomach "They are very good brownies,so far they are baby approved." She said before sighing happily "Would you want a boy or girl?"
Carmen heard feet coming up the stairs and eventually their door open and two faces poke round it. “Hey babies, hey come here.” She murmured, reaching for them both to come and lay with her, waiting til they were up on the bed and just cuddled them. “You guys have a good walk?” She asked them

He smiled some, relaxing a little “I don’t mind. A healthy baby would be good enough.” He told her quietly, keeping her to him.
Javi smiled softly holding his sister's hand before climbing on the bed cuddling close to Carmen "Hi mommy, our walk was fun! Daddy say you need cuddles." He said softly before reaching up and pulling her face wanting to give her kisses "Kissies mommy!"

Max gave a small nod and smiled softly "Yeah that is the ultimate goal. I would like a little girl though, I'm not sure if I could raise a boy." She admits to him sighing happily
“Ooh. Javi careful sweetie. Mommy’s still not feeling good.” She murmured, holding them close.

Giulia got in the car with her dad, Alana choosing to stay home and started driving them. “You didn’t answer my question.... is mom alright?” She asked him frowning some.

Jon chuckled. “Actually on second thought... if it’s a boy and he’s anything like me as a kid.... yeah we should have a girl.” He smiled, leaning back on the couch.
Javi frowned softly and nodded some "I'm sorry mommy, cuddles make it better? Come on Bea." He said getting his sister's attention from playing with her hair.

Clay ran a hand over his face and shook his head some "No....she is not, she just lost a baby. Its painful, she will have to still give birth, and we will see the baby as well." He explained bluntly to her.

Max looked up at him a bit and smirked some "Oh yeah? Rebellious one were you?" She asked softly now tracing small patterns on his hand that still layed on her stomach
He chuckled a little. “Let’s just say I was very familiar with our local police force as a teen.” He chuckled. “Nothing major. Mostly fighting and stupid kid shit.” He told her. This was nice. Having someone to just sit on the couch with.

She frowned but nodded. “Is grandma coming down or am I watching the little ones?” She asked him.
Max gave a small laugh and smiled happily "Mmm I was pretty quiet as a teen, had a few friends and stayed out of trouble." She said sweetly before pecking under his chin smiling when she saw his big smile. She could definitely get used to this, relaxing with someone and just being comfortable with them.

Clay gave a heavy sigh "I'll talk with your grandmother. You want some starbucks or something? My thanks for watching the kids through this." He murmured softly while keeping his eyes on the road
She nodded and headed to the Walgreens first to drop off the prescription then went to Starbucks, leaning on her dad while they were in line. “I love you dad.” She smiled. She had been old enough to remember when clay was still gang affiliated and when he got arrested for manslaughter but he’d cleaned up his act and stepped up for his family.

He smiled some enjoying holding her a little until it was starting to get late. “I should let you go home before your sister comes banging my door down.” He smiled some. “Yknow.... even if you don’t want to move in or anything.... when the baby gets here. I’d like if you stayed here or I stayed with you for a while.” He told her quietly.

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