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Fantasy Jōmyaku Academy

Emma's feet touched the cold ground as she looked down at her feet. Snow blanketed the field she was walking on, her clothing was only her dress. Emma smiled and looked up to the white clouds that covered the sky.

Even though the air was cold, Emma didn't feel cold at all. She would shiver every once in a while, but she didn't feel cold at all. Emma looked around herself. She was in a small field clearing that was in the middle of the forest in a park in the town that Emma lived in. Emma was alone. It was only five in the morning, and it was a freezing December.

Emma didn't do this often, but she did do this sometimes, and she did it because she was bored. She had problems sleeping at night, and would normally sneak out into strange places in the morning.

Emma turned to look around as a sharp ringing sound started off in the distance. She searched the area from where the sound came from.

@MidnightWolf @Eagershadow3 @TheHappyPikachu @kawaiipanda09
John went for his morning jog, he did this every morning. He wasn't wearing any heavier clothing just a t-shirt and jeans. The cold never bothered him strangely, he could run across Antarctica buck nacked, and not even catch a cold. His mother always joked about it, calling him a polar bear and other animals that lived in cold habitats. John went around a corner, and he jogged down a small path through the park. His pace slowed whwn he heard a ringing sound off in the distance, so out of curiosity he changed his coarse, and jogged twords the sound.
The sound went on for a while before it finally died away. A strong gust of wind started, pushing Emma forward until she fell over into the snow. ``Gh.. Ow.`` Emma muttered to herself a she stood up. Although she could not feel the chill from the wind around her and the harsh freeze that should have been biting her skin, Emma's body was still feeling the effects for once she would finally go someplace warm. Emma sighed and looked around again, when more wind pushed the girl off her feet and back into the snow. ``Where's all this wind suddenly come from...?`` Emma asked herself as she stood back up and began walking out of the snowy field she was in, sub-consciously heading towards the place where the ringing sound's origin seemed to be.

After a while of walking, however, the ringing sound was back, and by this time Emma was a bit closer to it. She pushed through a few bushes to find herself in a small plaza. In the center of the plaza there was a small pond of water. This place was a tourist site, the place where three of the Gods were drowned in the legend. It said that the three to have died here were Demeter, Poseidon, and Hera.

The strong ringing sound stopped abruptly as Emma walked up to the small, frozen pond, and looked at it.
(Wait poseidon drowned?! xD )

John continued to follow the ringing until it finally stopped. He stopped for a second to examine his surroundings. Sudenly a strong gust of wind nearly nocked him over, luckily there was a nearby tree that John could hold on to. After the wind died down the ringing started up again, so John continued to follow it. Eventually he arrived in a plaza, there was a girl staring down at the pond, 'maybe she started the ringing,' he thought. John started to slowly aproach her.
(Yes! I'm glad you noticed that. xD )

Emma turned and looked up to see the boy walking towards her. He was tall. Like, way taller then she was. Her eyes widened a bit as she stood up and watched him. The ringing noise had stopped, and Emma tilted her head just a bit back to look up at him. `Hi there.` She thought. ``Uhm.. can I help you...?`` She said softly, folding her hands behind her back.
John paused for a second, "have you been hearing an odd ringing sound?" He asked. John noted that the girl looked a few years younger than him. He also wondered why she was out here this early in the morning, she only had a dress on, and it was pretty chilly outside.
Emma nodded. ``I have been hearing the sound...`` She said, but then she suddenly shifted a bit and she brought her hands forward and folded them. The boy only looked to be a bit older then her, which made her feel pretty awkward, although if he was way older, she might have still not felt any different. ``Do you.. uh.. know what the ringing sound was...?`` She then asked, curious as to if he was here because he was trying to figure out what the ringing was, or if he already knew.
John shook his head, "nope, that's why I came over here," he said, John then looked over to the pond. He hated seeing these places, it's horrible how humans slaughtered the gods out of fear. "Maybe.... the pond?" He said confusingly. He then walked past the girl to get a better look at it.

(Quick question. Do our characters know that we are reincarnations?)
Eric yawned as he woke up on his park bench. it wasn't his per say but he slept there every night. He woke up to the strange sound. It was drawing him near but he knew what was in that direction. he never liked that pond and always got an uneasy feeling on dread from it. His curiosity rose and he gave in. The closer he got the stronger it felt. He reached the clearing and saw others there too. When he saw the guy next to the pond he panicked. "Be careful" he didnt know why but he didnt like that specific body of water.

Rebecca woke up in her bed and snuck out and walked along the sidewalk. She did this often and the cold didnt bother her so long as she had her coat. she walked up to the clearing and saw three others. A smile spread across and she walked in. "umm hi." she said waving at the others.
John looked over at the two who had just arrived, "don't worry, it's just a little pond," he nodded twords the boy. It was odd that this ringing has attracted so many people. John looked from the boy to the new chick, "you two heard the ringing too?" He asked them both.
Suki was casually walking through the park, following a ringing sound quite cheerfully.. well, she would have looked more normal if the walking wasn't her doing a handstand and wearing Chinese clothes, she spotted some people around a pond and smirking 'what the hell are those idiots doing? Oh, well... don't matter to me.' she thought blankly, getting back onto her feet and shrugging, begging to walk away before suddenly jumping out behind them, she hadn't even made a sound approaching "Boo!~" she teased the strangers, a smirk still on her face as she had her hands behind her head in a relaxed way. distance.

@MidnightWolf @Eagershadow3 @kawaiipanda09
Eric walked up to the pond slowly. "it feels weird though" he touched it when the girl jumped out and scared them. He fell onto the pond and through the ice. The water felt odd as if pulling him down He tried to stay above but was stuck under the ice.

Rebecca jumped and turned around. "Dont do that you scared me."
John reached put his hand for the poor guy, "you back there," he called out to the girl that tried to scare them, "you nearly killed this poor guy," he scowled at her. John never liked people who hurt others. John glanced over his shoulder and looked at all the people who had arrived, 'surely someone or something wanted us here,' he thought to himself.
Luna and her older brother,Ray, where just walking around. They had followed a strange ring noise that made them both curious. What do you think it could be? Luna looked up at her brother and asked. Ray shrugged. They both followed the on again off again ringing until that reach an ice over pond where other people where standing. Both of them spacing out and watching the other people converse, they didn't hear someone come up from be hind them. Luna let out a small yelp then turn to see a red headed girl and frowned. Ray, however wasn't fright, he was use to Luna trying to frighten him but her also turned as he did hear his sister yelp. Ray chuckled to himself, while Luna didn't find her being frightened amusing at all. Did you ever think that it might be a little rude to scare people? She asked the red head with a frown.

((I don't know if we all know each other already or if we all just met.))
Eric got out ad ran to the trees. "That isnt some run of the mill pond. It pulled me under the ice. Get away from it." he coughed up the fouled water. "Thanks."
John waved it off, "no problem man," he said. "Sheesh will the whole town show up here?" He said, clearly annoyed. It was starting to get cramped in the small plaza.
Yuki just rolled here eyes "Lighten up will ya' folks?" she asked, poking her tongue out and doing a handstand on one arm "What ya' all doin' here anywho?..." asked blankly with a rise eyebrow. @Everyone
White was at a park gazing at the stars with a telescope when she heard a sudden ringing sound that compelled her to gather her precious items follow it. "What.... is this? It has to be a dog whistle or something." She mumbles under her breath and slightly shakes her head. Her footsteps couldn't be heard over the ringing in her ears. This sound wasn't easing up until she ran into a group of people around her age at a pond. White immediately jumps back and hides behind the nearest tree. Accidentally dropping her phone while she was doing so.

Chris was sitting 10 feet away from the group. He didn't say anything but he wasn't intending on leaving either. He felt at peace with these people and the bothering noise in his ears went away. He just stares at the others with a blank expression and absorbs every detail around him.
Athena woke up, hearing a strange, ringing sound. She looked out the window, seeing a crowd of people surrounding an ice pond, "What's that sound?..." She thought. She decided to go check it out, she took a quick bath, wore her clothes, and went outside. Her house wasn't very far, so she decided to walk. She looked around as it was snowing, it didn't bother her. "Why don't I feel cold?..." She asked herself. She arrived at the pond, there were many strangers there. She sat by the pond, she slowly reached out her hand, about to touch it. But she hesitated. She turned around, sitting. "Why are you people here?..." She glared at them.
kawaiipanda09 said:
Athena woke up, hearing a strange, ringing sound. She looked out the window, seeing a crowd of people surrounding an ice pond, "What's that sound?..." She thought. She decided to go check it out, she took a quick bath, wore her clothes, and went outside. Her house wasn't very far, so she decided to walk. She looked around as it was snowing, it didn't bother her. "Why don't I feel cold?..." She asked herself. She arrived at the pond, there were many strangers there. She sat by the pond, she slowly reached out her hand, about to touch it. But she hesitated. She turned around, sitting. "Why are you people here?..." She glared at them.
Chris merely meets her eyes with his own and stares as if he were reading her. He doesn't utter a word as he turns his attention back to the girl who dropped her phone in the distance, waiting for her to emerge.
Helena was actually the first one at the park, since she noticed that one of her secret potion collection started to glow some magic, this morning.

‘Is that magic? … Oh dear god no. This can’t be happening to me, since magic isn’t supposed to exist.’ thought Helena, since she was pretty excited/nervous about this.

So Helena decided to go to the pond that Demeter, Poseidon, and Hera was killed at, since she needed to deal with this problem immediately.

‘Um...since I have magic now. Lets try to do a spell then, because I want the magic in my potions to be gone.’ thought Helena, since she has a noisy little brother, who keeps coming in her room without her permission.

She took out a fake wand from her bag, since not only, did she dressed up as a witch during halloween when she was little, but she likes to have that fake wand in her bag for some reason.

“Oh sinos de tranquilidade. Tocar uma música tranquila para mim.” said Helena, as the spell did the opposite of what she said, and started to make a sharp ringing sound.

‘Crap! That isn't what I wanted to do, and how do I turn off the magic?’ thought Helena, since she doesn't want someone to end up hearing that.

Helena tried to hit the fake wand on a tree, since she wanted the annoying sound to turn off.

“Come on. Please turn off.” said Helena, as the magic from the fake wand ended up turning off.

Helena then immediately hided behind a tree, since she knew that someone would ended up hearing that annoying noise.

‘Great. Just great. Somebody probably ended up hearing that noise, since I have no clue, how this magic of mine works yet.’ thought Helena.


Helena, who was still hiding behind a tree saw a bunch of people at the park now, since they were all wondering what that sound was.

‘Why did I have to mess with my magic here.’ thought Helena, since she was really regretting of trying to remove the magic from her potions here.

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Blackrose7 said:
Helena was actually the first one at the park, since she noticed that one of her secret potion collection started to glow some magic.
‘Is that magic? … Oh dear god no. This can’t be happening to me, since magic isn’t supposed to exist.’ thought Helena, since she was pretty excited/nervous about this.

So Helena decided to go to the pond that Demeter, Poseidon, and Hera was killed at, since she needed to deal with this problem immediately.

‘Um...since I have magic now. Lets try to do a spell then, because I want the magic in my potions to be gone.’ thought Helena, since she has a noisy little brother, who keeps coming in her room without her permission.

She took out a fake wand from her bag, since not only, did she dressed up as a witch during halloween when she was little, but she likes to have that fake wand in her bag for some reason.

“Oh sinos de tranquilidade. Tocar uma música tranquila para mim.” said Helena, as the spell did the opposite of what she said, and started to make a sharp ringing sound.

‘Crap! That isn't what I wanted to do, and how do I turn off the magic?’ thought Helena, since she doesn't want someone to end up hearing that.

Helena tried to hit the fake wand on a tree, since she wanted the annoying sound to turn off.

“Come on. Please turn off.” said Helena, as the magic from the fake wand then ended up turning off.

Helena then immediately hided behind a tree, since she knew that someone would ended up hearing that annoying noise.

‘Great. Just great. Somebody probably ended up hearing that noise, since I have no clue, how this magic of mine works yet.’ thought Helena.


Helena, who was still hiding behind a tree saw a bunch of people at the park now, since they were all wondering what that sound was.

‘Why did I have to mess with my magic here.’ thought Helena, since she was really regretting of trying to remove the magic from her potions here.

Chris merely turns his attention to the other girl behind the tree. He seemed to notice her presence as well. He wasn't going to say anything about it but the least he could do is stare at it so someone would know something is there.
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Athena stood up, and uncovered her ears. She tried to find out where the sound was coming from, she started to walk, hearing the sound getting louder and louder. She walked close by the tree, where she thought it was coming from. She checked it out, and saw Helena.

"Who are you?What is that sound?..."She asked, with her usual, emotionless face.

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