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Realistic or Modern Johnson Creek

Tiny Turtle

¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ง-]—- ᴇɴ ɢᴀʀᴅᴇ

Feel free to post anything from links to cute cat videos, to if you'd like to join the roleplay. Asking questions is encouraged, as well as getting to know each other and discussing plots between characters (if you would prefer to discuss such things in the PMs go ahead, although if it is a big plot change please let me know first!)/character relationships/character development. Feel free to chit chat and get to know each other! Please stick to the site rules is all.


I will be posting all future updates/major plot points for the roleplay here so check often! (I'll make little posts informing the change but you'll have to look below to see what's going on)
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MAJOR PLOT POINTS: The Welcome Celebration!

"Hello everyone! I would like to thank you all for coming here today to join me in celebration of our newest residents in town! Now I know that many of you were a little bit...shocked at the decision to sell the land, and more so when the houses started coming up, but I'm sure that as time goes on we'll all soon be able to get right along! Isn't that right?" Maryse exclaims, waiting for the entire populace of Johnson Creek, all of which are gathered rather comfortably in Town Square to clap.

Not a soul does. But that never has stopped her before.

"Right. Well. Please enjoy the food, drinks, and celebrations! All on me!" she exclaims, and this earns her an applause simply because everyone loves a free beer.

Town Square is decorated from top to bottom in lanterns, tables for food and drinks circle around the platform of which Maryse talks. Her government agents working behind them. To the left there's a bouncy house for the children, to the right a mini carnival full of things like Strong Man and Skee Ball. The place is littered with cotton candy machines and popcorn stands, and a projector to play Johnson Creek's favourite movie. The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

All residents who aren't human were asked to keep that side a secret, and while everyone obeys for now, there is a tension in the air between the new and the old, and many don't know
what to think of them.


Date: Friday July 1st 2016

Time: 6:30 PM

Weather: 18°C, 64°F, Slightly Windy

Moon Cycle: Waning Crescent




MOST MAJOR EVENT WILL BE ON A FIFTH PAGE (decided on March 8th, 2016)

EACH DAY LASTS 10 PAGES (decided on March 8th, 2016)

The Welcome Celebration | RP Date: Friday July 1st 2016 | IRL Date: Saturday March 26th 2016 |
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Heyo! I'll be posting a character sheet but I have a question. I am aware that you said the characters need to be out of school, but is there some sort of college or no?
Psst, I'm creating a character and almost done, but I just have a quick question: is it alright if she's new in Johnson Creek, but is a witch?
Serein said:
Heyo! I'll be posting a character sheet but I have a question. I am aware that you said the characters need to be out of school, but is there some sort of college or no?
Yup, there's a college. It's small though and not too well known. It can be called Johnson Creek Community College. I'm waiting on a sheet for locations so I can put those in.
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WitchOfTape said:
Psst, I'm creating a character and almost done, but I just have a quick question: is it alright if she's new in Johnson Creek, but is a witch?
I'm screaming ohmygosh my computer tabs decided to quit on me so now I have to start over on all the coding and the biography of my character ohmygosh I've been here since 11pm RIP me
It's finished and I'm crying ohmygolly it's 3:35 in the morning why am I awake ;-;

Since I'm waiting on the new tab for locations, don't feel obliged to fill in the part for jobs *
if you already have and you want to see what other options there are you can always just delete it no biggie*

As well, in regards to your character owning a store, this is 100000% fine! Just send me a PM about the store, information on it... etc. I'll have a sheet up for that hopefully by tomorrow! But yeah. Expect more info on that later
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Yo people's of this RP who are making character sheets. I need Winter to have some friends or a relationship, anyone up for it? @anyone
He is. Seen him elsewhere before, but had completely forgotten about him.
Nat said:
Anyyywaaay, I am interested! But I one question:

Are we limited to one character, or can we have multiple?

@SyncopatedRhythm you'd might like it too?
You can have as many characters as you'd like, although be sure to manage them all! I'm going to make another character soon myself.
SyncopatedRhythm said:
Oh hey I do like the sound of this. o-o

lowkey though don't feel pressured to join if you don't want to!
[QUOTE="Tiny Turtle]You can have as many characters as you'd like, although be sure to manage them all! I'm going to make another character soon myself.

[QUOTE="Tiny Turtle]

lowkey though don't feel pressured to join if you don't want to!

Awesome :3 I'm plotting, I'm plotting. Unsure what to do with the second character as per now, but I'll figure something out.

And hahaha, She'll join. SHE WILL JOIN (} :) )
Nat said:
Awesome :3 I'm plotting, I'm plotting. Unsure what to do with the second character as per now, but I'll figure something out.
And hahaha, She'll join. SHE WILL JOIN (} :) )
It shall click soon hopefully. I've got a vague idea about what mine will be like.

The more the merrier as they say > :)
[QUOTE="Tiny Turtle]It shall click soon hopefully. I've got a vague idea about what mine will be like.
The more the merrier as they say > :)

I'm considering to make it be who changed Emilie all those years ago, but I am also like "I WANNA HAVE A WIZARD BUT OH MY GOD NOOOO SO MANY IDEAS!" and I'm sorta just confusing myself xD

OOH by the way, they would have a Newscompany, like a local newspaper or something there, right?
Nat said:
I'm considering to make it be who changed Emilie all those years ago, but I am also like "I WANNA HAVE A WIZARD BUT OH MY GOD NOOOO SO MANY IDEAS!" and I'm sorta just confusing myself xD
OOH by the way, they would have a Newscompany, like a local newspaper or something there, right?
I know that feeling. It's always hell when too many ideas are in your head.

Yup. They'd have one of those.
[QUOTE="Tiny Turtle]I know that feeling. It's always hell when too many ideas are in your head.
Yup. They'd have one of those.

Okay great :3 I know what to make Emilie's job be theeeen.

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