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Fandom It's Punishment Time: Dangan Ronpa Rp

When a character dies what should we do?

  • Make them into something like Monobear/Monomi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Transfer them into DanganRonpa 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let it be and let them actually die.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If everyone dies, should we make new characters? Clicking this means Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If everyone dies, should we make new characters? Clicking this means No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Roll a 10 sided dice and get the same amount of clues as the roll

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Have 6 no matter what

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
*looks over as I type her reaction* I am not good at arguments and I well yeah... and i am not sure if my charecter can get past your charecter and all that stuff so meh... and yeah

Peaceswore said:
He doesn't know about Takeo's real name right?
He'd only have gone as deep as name, appearance, talent, and short description of their overall character. So you're right, he wouldn't know Takeo's original name.
@Kiyoko Tomoe

"Don't underestimate a six million yen electronic notepad put together by Kihara Konoe."

So not only are they a programmer but also a computer technician? Programmers themselves don't create physical constructs like tablets and computers.
Nonagon said:
So not only are they a programmer but also a computer technician? Programmers themselves don't create physical constructs like tablets and computers.
Put together as in all the coding and programming to it was hand-done. The building it part wasn't exactly done by him, just he also purchased a bunch of high-tech parts to put inside of the device in place of the normal so it could actually support all of his programming and coding without blowing up.

@Bullet Tooth Tony Please fix that post as of immediate. Kihara's not a "lady" by any possible visual standard. "She" is currently a "he", and can only be recognized as a "she" if somebody were to A., sexually harass her in some way that takes assumption she's female from the start (thus tying into any other way of finding out), B., were told by her she was a girl, or C., were an idiot with no sense of gender by visual appearance. Also D., see her unclothed or something, though that's pretty close to A. :x
Im here! Sorry Im late! My Skype is duckuroo if one needs to contact me. Since this is my only rp atm, It will provoke a faster response.
Oh you know, every terrified nine year old would become happy if a bunch of strangers twice her size crowded around her. Of course nothing's going to go wrong! xD

I just remembered Takeo is suppose to be mean to people to people he first meets..... *Shrug* I'll let it slid this time~~
Oh I wish you'd left the killing bit out of there until a second post to give reaction time like in the actual Dangan Ronpa... I would've so had Chinami hug Monokuma cheerfully because it was cute, but the words about killing's just going to prevent that >~<
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Oh I wish you'd left the killing bit out of there until a second post to give reaction time like in the actual Dangan Ronpa... I would've so had Chinami hug Monokuma cheerfully because it was cute, but the words about killing's just going to prevent that >~<

Evergreen98 said:
@Kiyoko Tomoe
You forgot to answer to my post :3

Working on it, working on it... Working on two characters and three posts here, so really that one was forced out so I would be able to get the hug in before it was too late >~<
I think that's damn obvious... Honestly, people never give me time to actually do so before harping on me about it >~<

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