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Fandom It's Punishment Time: Dangan Ronpa Rp

When a character dies what should we do?

  • Make them into something like Monobear/Monomi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Transfer them into DanganRonpa 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let it be and let them actually die.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If everyone dies, should we make new characters? Clicking this means Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If everyone dies, should we make new characters? Clicking this means No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Roll a 10 sided dice and get the same amount of clues as the roll

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Have 6 no matter what

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Peaceswore said:
I just remembered Takeo is suppose to be mean to people to people he first meets..... *Shrug* I'll let it slid this time~~
Nariko is just an exception. No one can be mean to her; it's impossible.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]
Nah! You just missed six pages! That's like only sixty posts! xD

... *Sigh*
You didn't miss much.. every one is just talking or freaking out.... monokuma just appeared

Evergreen98 said:
You didn't miss much.. every one is just talking or freaking out.... monokuma just appeared
By freaking out, do you mean getting really angry and pissed and stuffs while the little girl cries? xD
Well, I'll have my character be there the entire time and just wake up ^^" How does that sound? :P
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]By freaking out, do you mean getting really angry and pissed and stuffs while the little girl cries? xD

The little girl who is hugging a despair inducing bear :P
You know what, I think that we should cut that number back to sixteen by having Chinami lose her marbles and wind up taking a huge love of Monokuma as something "cute", thus taken out of the game as a spectator to the bloody game of Hell ^~^ ((Probably a no I bet, but worth presenting the idea xD ))
Still, it's kinda contrary to the whole system given it'd be taking the little girl out of the game without her killing or being killed. That's why I'm asking xD Of course, I intend still play her as a character spectating alongside Monokuma. Perhaps have her as like the person who does all the wake-up calls for Monokuma and stuff? Maybe run the trails instead? I'd throw her in any kind of gamemaster position you'd allow if you're okay with me doing this route :x
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Still, it's kinda contrary to the whole system given it'd be taking the little girl out of the game without her killing or being killed. That's why I'm asking xD Of course, I intend still play her as a character spectating alongside Monokuma. Perhaps have her as like the person who does all the wake-up calls for Monokuma and stuff? Maybe run the trails instead? I'd throw her in any kind of gamemaster position you'd allow if you're okay with me doing this route :x

I would prefer that she could still be killed, but she can do anything else that you said before
Soo.. What do we do when our characters die? (And are we doing the chapters? -In the end they find out the mysteries of the school, etc-)
PoisonousCupcake said:
Soo.. What do we do when our characters die? (And are we doing the chapters? -In the end they find out the mysteries of the school, etc-)
Three real life days. And that will be up to the characters, during their free time they can find out what is going on here.

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