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Fandom It's Punishment Time: Dangan Ronpa Rp

When a character dies what should we do?

  • Make them into something like Monobear/Monomi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Transfer them into DanganRonpa 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let it be and let them actually die.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If everyone dies, should we make new characters? Clicking this means Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If everyone dies, should we make new characters? Clicking this means No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Roll a 10 sided dice and get the same amount of clues as the roll

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Have 6 no matter what

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Good morning, all! Great to see that Kihara has finally been accepted. I evened out part of that tie for you... as for the character deaths, I think it's fine for it to be left as-is. We can do an SDR2 type RP when this is all over... but in that case, I think it'd be a little more tasteful to use a new batch of characters~.

Anyway, looks as if we're a hair's length from beginning.
Good morning! It seems my friend has not gotten back to me yet, so my activities have not yet gone into effect.

[QUOTE="Unknown Sanity]Seems that we are letting them die. And we will not make more characters if all of them die by a class trial. Well I hope we actually don't get the first trial wrong.

I thought we already decided on two of those factors here. Wasn't the poll now just between the die options? The numbers on the other poll options changed probably because changing your answers to the poll erases your previous votes until you go back and check them.
I Restated it, but the polls seems to be closer than when we first showed it. Maybe because that reason. The new choices are the dice and how many clues you get.


Ventuswill said:
Good morning, all! Great to see that Kihara has finally been accepted. I evened out part of that tie for you... as for the character deaths, I think it's fine for it to be left as-is. We can do an SDR2 type RP when this is all over... but in that case, I think it'd be a little more tasteful to use a new batch of characters~.
Anyway, looks as if we're a hair's length from beginning.
We could do that as well...any objections to this. . (This isn't the Dangan Ronpa 2 option on the top.)

The poll is now closed.
Woohoo! Let's get this party started!

Oh. Unknown Sanity... as admin, will you make the first post? Once we've got a clear starting point, we can have all the characters begin to interact!
Why not, Monokuma won't come out until everyone posts alright!


[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Yay, Kihara's accepted ^~^ By the way, what did you mean by 'after much discussion'? :x

Maybe small discussion -cough-
[QUOTE="Unknown Sanity]I Restated it, but the polls seems to be closer than when we first showed it. Maybe because that reason. The new choices are the dice and how many clues you get.

We could do that as well...any objections to this. . (This isn't the Dangan Ronpa 2 option on the top.)

The poll is now closed.

I think this is a swell new idea. I don't see why anyone would be against an SDR2 follow-up (and if they are, since new characters are used, they can just opt-out of the roleplay). The SDR2 option in the poll was just because some didn't want to let go of the characters themselves.


[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]What discussion though...!? o~O

We had pages of discussion on here about Kihara.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]What discussion though...!? o~O

[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Well, I think there's room for two given their in different natures of the hacking department. You character's use of it is as a thief and is as a literal hacker, where as my character is a hacker by knowledge of programming to a high degree... At least, I hope that's enough a difference on that for them to both exist here... After all, your character is categorized under the placement of thief, not programmer/hacker. I think they might somewhat get along though, if they both do get to be there seeing as they'd have a common interest in hacking and crime.
As for this, kind of agree since to be able to hack into any computer and program her own computer would be a bit too much toward programmer/hacker and thus a second SHSL... Like I'm one to talk though, miss going overboard with an initial three :x

Nonagon said:
Perhaps you could tone down her hacking abilities to balance it out? After all, her title is thief, so I think the hacking would be more secondary to the overall theme of being a thief. Just a suggestion. I'd probably wait for some of the others to check this out though and give their input.
Nonagon said:
Good points all around. But we do have to take into account that to hack into something like (example taken from Evergreen's character profile) Hope's Peak's database, a pretty extensive, working knowledge of computer science, programming, and networks has to be known. There is the point that a programmer would 'build' and a hacker (the black hat sort such as a thief) would 'destroy'- both using computer technology as a means. To be able to destroy something, you have to have a deep knowledge of how it was built, which might lean into SHSL territory considering we hacked fricking Hope's Peak.
I think if we're careful as to how we categorize and describe Evergreen's thief's hacking abilities, these two lovely ladies can both coexist nicely. We just have to be careful that we're not going overboard.
Oh, so Sanity meant the discussion we all had, minus him...? I was wondering what discussion he had, since I didn't see any including him o~o
Morning everyone ^-^... I may fall back to sleep... usually I don't wake up this early *yawn* so what happened?

Still, first assumption when somebody mentions a discussion when accepting a character is that they talked with somebody about the character. At least, for me it is :x
Evergreen98 said:
Morning everyone ^-^... I may fall back to sleep... usually I don't wake up this early *yawn* so what happened?
I just closed the poll and now I am starting to type the first post.
Okay~ Should we only post once and let everyone post or can we post more than once?

Also not to be rude, but could you guys tag people you are talking to?
At this first part, I'd like to think the interactions are so open that tagging shouldn't be necessary for the most part, if in-text clues (such as addresses or descriptions) are included. But I will tag anyone I address directly from now on nonetheless, as per request.
Hey does the gym door have a padlock or a computer lock? Or is it like big safe lock?


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