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Fandom It's Punishment Time: Dangan Ronpa Rp

When a character dies what should we do?

  • Make them into something like Monobear/Monomi

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  • Transfer them into DanganRonpa 2

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  • Let it be and let them actually die.

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  • If everyone dies, should we make new characters? Clicking this means Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If everyone dies, should we make new characters? Clicking this means No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Roll a 10 sided dice and get the same amount of clues as the roll

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Have 6 no matter what

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ventuswill said:
Okay, you're editing~. Sorry, I didn't realize. So... what have you decided to change?
Simple change, keeps everything virtually the same... A little addition to the backstory, an accident that basically would deal slight mental damage, thus stripping her of her ability to play another identity, plus a tiny bit of physical crippling too just to be on the safe side for fairness in the assassin aspect... Basically, slight brain damage that resulted in loss of higher control over personality (temporary damage, but effects on memory permanent), which was coupled with slight nerve damage thus making assassination a bit more difficult as well (doesn't have any affect on daily life though)... In other words, simply holding the hidden title of Programmer/Hacker, making for a new Chihiro in the RP for terms of present character status. That should be acceptable, right...? o~o

((Realized I forgot to fix a partially deleted point in the post, edited it to fit properly :x ))
I-I mean... I'm sure the edits you're making are wonderful! They sound good so far. But... the only thing that needed to be nerfed was the fact that she had three talents.... ;w;
I think the three talents are fine. She did handicap the charecter to make it harder to use her three talents

Ventuswill said:
I-I mean... I'm sure the edits you're making are wonderful! They sound good so far. But... the only thing that needed to be nerfed was the fact that she had three talents.... ;w;
Well, that would be more change than me adding to the backstory... Plus, three talents actually can be a disadvantage to have had before this but not during, as she'll have been far too used to three talents. Plus, if the accident happened during any time lapse with memory erased, it'll be that more of a downfall as she won't remember having ever lost those other two talents. Plus, having three talents would make her rather reckless back when she did have them, thinking she could do anything. Clearly that'd put some more balance as she'd be quite used to being a little reckless as well. I think that this is a far better development than being rid of two talents completely :x
^^^The three talents thing was the main issue. The hacking of the e-handbooks was also a bit of a stretch. Of course, you could also say that she can hack them but won't actually do so in RP, or maybe it's something Unknown will decide to change from the canon rules? Either way, it's also something that needs to be addressed in some fashion, by someone.
Nonagon said:
^^^The three talents thing was the main issue. The hacking of the e-handbooks was also a bit of a stretch. Of course, you could also say that she can hack them but won't actually do so in RP, or maybe it's something Unknown will decide to change from the canon rules? Either way, it's also something that needs to be addressed in some fashion, by someone.
Well, with how I've decided to set it up for my ongoing edits, I believe I've erased the whole issue with having had three talents by basically turning it into a disadvantage tacked onto a single talent :x

Also, I do believe that my way of doing things at current time (not when I decided to go overboard to get a starting point) are quite acceptable given that Toko was with both Writing Prodigy and Serial Killer, even if by split personality.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Well, with how I've decided to set it up for my ongoing edits, I believe I've erased the whole issue with having had three talents by basically turning it into a disadvantage tacked onto a single talent :x

I can see that this is a big improvement (basically stripping the identity-swapping, and handicapping the assassin-ing). It's really good work.

The thing with Touko was that her personalities limited her. As Touko, she couldn't take advantage of Genocider's killing prowess. As Genocider, she could not access Touko's abilities (to my knowledge). Their memories were also limited to what they had seen, making switching between them (and by extension, accessing the other ability) a hassle, not to mention Touko's loathing to use Genocider and trying to lock her away (in the original Dangan Ronpa). Yes, there were two personalities, but they were completely distinguishable and had major challenges imposed upon the usage/switching of either one- and the usage and switching of either talent. As far as I've read, this new character is one person who can utilize either ability at will.

With what we're seeing here (again, this is something you should correct me on, if I've misinterpreted) is a character with a full ability (programming) and a handicapped ability. I wouldn't call being an assassin a 'disadvantage', even handicapped. It's a useful tool to have in a tool belt, even if it is "a bit more difficult" to use. Improvement, but not as much as is called for. The nerve damage also "doesn't have any affect on daily life though", which seems as though its only purpose is to just handicap this one ability.

TLDR; Not a single talent and a disadvantage to my understanding. It's more of a talent and a weaker talent.
Actually, it's more of having two talents she can't really use at all. I said daily life, meaning the average person's day-to-day activities when it comes to people outside the school before the whole events. In other words, everyday tasks pretty much every living person does, such as eating, walking, possibly jogging, then other stuff like that. It's basically a handicap on things like killing though, since it'd be limiting of extreme activities like swinging a sword or fast-paced motion of her arm for something like punching. She's basically without the assassin thing as a talent due to this nerve damage, plus with her higher control of herself limited, she's basically just at the level of Chihiro, able to pretend the other gender. Really, I'd say this is even a little bit of a handicap on her Programming/Hacking talent, as she can't move her fingers too fast with the nerve damage to her body.

As for the thing with Touko, simply me saying that as a single physical existence, two talents. Even if it's a matter of split personalities, there was always the sneezing to change personality. That's better access of second skills than I'm giving my character, since Toko could just carry pepper around or something to help her sneeze at proper times. Really just an example of there being similar things to what I've now aimed for but a bit better thanks to crippling to my character.

Also, as previously stated, she'll be too used to relying on three talents, but only have one in good use thus making for her to 'trip' a little. Also, the whole reckless thing becasue she used to be able to do a lot of stuff, probably often times she'll hurt herself a little being reckless with the nerve damage she has no memory of :x
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Actually, it's more of having two talents she can't really use at all. I said daily life, meaning the average person's day-to-day activities when it comes to people outside the school before the whole events. In other words, everyday tasks pretty much every living person does, such as eating, walking, possibly jogging, then other stuff like that. It's basically a handicap on things like killing though, since it'd be limiting of extreme activities like swinging a sword or fast-paced motion of her arm for something like punching. She's basically without the assassin thing as a talent due to this nerve damage, plus with her higher control of herself limited, she's basically just at the level of Chihiro, able to pretend the other gender. Really, I'd say this is even a little bit of a handicap on her Programming/Hacking talent, as she can't move her fingers too fast with the nerve damage to her body.

OHHH. Okay, okay. I'm really glad you expounded on this. I thought that when you said the nerve damage made her assassin abilities "a bit more difficult" to use, you meant that she could plausibly still use them, with some extra effort. But now I see that this was incorrect.

As for the typing, I can see you classifying it either way- as something done day-to-day or something too far into the 'fine motor skill' category to work with the nerve damage. But that's up to your judgement.

@Bullet Tooth Tony I don't believe so. He did say we were going to be starting tomorrow. And it is midnight where we are in the States so..
Well, to be a successful hacker, one has to be able to type fast enough to not get caught before done hacking, so I'd have to classify it as motor skills due to the fact she'd have to be pretty fast for successful hacking.
Evergreen98 said:
My charecter is an expert hacker xD check her out
Perhaps you could tone down her hacking abilities to balance it out? After all, her title is thief, so I think the hacking would be more secondary to the overall theme of being a thief. Just a suggestion. I'd probably wait for some of the others to check this out though and give their input.
Evergreen98 said:
My charecter is an expert hacker xD check her out
Well, I think there's room for two given their in different natures of the hacking department. You character's use of it is as a thief and is as a literal hacker, where as my character is a hacker by knowledge of programming to a high degree... At least, I hope that's enough a difference on that for them to both exist here... After all, your character is categorized under the placement of thief, not programmer/hacker. I think they might somewhat get along though, if they both do get to be there seeing as they'd have a common interest in hacking and crime.

Nonagon said:
Perhaps you could tone down her hacking abilities to balance it out? After all, her title is thief, so I think the hacking would be more secondary to the overall theme of being a thief. Just a suggestion. I'd probably wait for some of the others to check this out though and give their input.
As for this, kind of agree since to be able to hack into any computer and program her own computer would be a bit too much toward programmer/hacker and thus a second SHSL... Like I'm one to talk though, miss going overboard with an initial three :x
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Well, I think there's room for two given their in different natures of the hacking department. You character's use of it is as a thief and is as a literal hacker, where as my character is a hacker by knowledge of programming to a high degree... At least, I hope that's enough a difference on that for them to both exist here... After all, your character is categorized under the placement of thief, not programmer/hacker. I think they might somewhat get along though, if they both do get to be there seeing as they'd have a common interest in hacking and crime.
As for this, kind of agree since to be able to hack into any computer and program her own computer would be a bit too much toward programmer/hacker and thus a second SHSL... Like I'm one to talk though, miss going overboard with an initial three :x

Good points all around. But we do have to take into account that to hack into something like (example taken from Evergreen's character profile) Hope's Peak's database, a pretty extensive, working knowledge of computer science, programming, and networks has to be known. There is the point that a programmer would 'build' and a hacker (the black hat sort such as a thief) would 'destroy'- both using computer technology as a means. To be able to destroy something, you have to have a deep knowledge of how it was built, which might lean into SHSL territory considering we hacked fricking Hope's Peak.

I think if we're careful as to how we categorize and describe Evergreen's thief's hacking abilities, these two lovely ladies can both coexist nicely. We just have to be careful that we're not going overboard.
I see my charecter like ' you got to teach me some of your programming skills" and stuff X3 she only programmed her computer and hade it hack proof and filled with hacking programs. She doesn't know much else... gah... I am having a hard time explain her abilites... but i think out charecters will get along.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

You know, I'm really hoping there be a murder in the changing rooms in this one... That'd be so much fun for Kihara to end up caught in the middle of... OF course, I'm hoping it's with her neither the killer not the killed...
Evergreen98 said:
I wonder if there is a possibility that a girl fall for your charecter xD
I honestly think it'd be possible... I surely hope the person turns out to be pansexual or bisexual though.

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