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It's Just a Game (Closed)


[B] 1004 [A] Angel [P]

The game sounds of League of Legends poured through Park's headphones as she entered the Champion Select.

Kryoptics: ADC

Park smiled as her role was secured in the lobby, watching as her team members picked their own lanes and champions. She pushed her glasses upwards and readjusted the positioning of her headset on her tousled brown hair. It had been a while since she entered a game of blind pick, the queue that shunned her for being an off-meta addict. She let out a sigh, hoping that her methods would be accepted for just one game. Park had been on a three game losing streak, a cause of her narrow minded teammates choosing to afk after she had locked in with her champion. Stop trolling. That's what they would say, unable to understand that she was, unlikely as it seemed, serious.

She hovered over the icon of her new favourite champion, Nami, and selected her, waiting for the onslaught of 'wtf's and 'stop trolling's to attack her. Park leaned back, stretching her neck and locked in, choosing the newly released Deep Sea Nami skin as well as her runes and masteries.

Park entered the TeamSpeak server as she was waiting for the others to choose their champions and turned on her mic as she greeted her best friend.

"Hey, Maya," she spoke cheerfully. Maya was her go-to support and had just introduced her to one of her online friends who apparently was extremely popular for his youtube content. Park wasn't sure what to make of the person and waited until he logged into the TeamSpeak. Only a few close friends knew of her unusual gaming tendencies and she doubted that this new person would approve of her methods.​
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Julian was sitting at his complex set up of his Alienware Area-51 PC with three UltraSharp 24 monitors. Upon the center monitor was his League lobby, the champion Sion locked in. The music of the game itself was muted and to replace it was his favorite genre; trap. His head was bobbing subtly to the beat, eyes quickly taking in the chat on TeamSpeak. A new player was in the room and the man cocked his head to the side. "Huh... Kryoptics, eh? You better be good to be in this room," he quietly commented to himself before logging on.

TrapnessMonsterVR has logged on.

With his mic on, the male cleared his throat to make sure the recording program was working. "Hey, Maya. How ya doin'? You ready to get more subscribers on YT? And who's this missy? I hope she can match up with me," he laughed, an almost the exact sound honey would make if it could talk.

In the background, his music could be heard along with the bark of a Boston Terrier. "Oh, hey Edgar Allen, be quiet," Julian laughed before his computer switched to the loading screen for League of Legends. "Alright, guys. Y'all ready to kick some ass?" McKinley inquired before sending a winky emoji to the group chat.
Park raised an eyebrow as the new player entered the TeamSpeak. It seemed that he didn't notice her unusual choice of a champion. She stared at the loading screen, waiting as the enemy champions loaded in. Park would be up against a Miss Fortune and a Sona and the fact caused a slight smile to appear on her face.

"Why would I want to catch up to you when I've already surpassed you," Park quipped with a slight chuckle, taking note of how honey like his voice sounded. Maya laughed in the TeamSpeak. "We'll kick some ass. Bot lane looks easy tonight," Maya replied, her tone light and airy.

Park loaded in, spamming the control+4 keys as soon as her champion appeared in the base. She quickly purchased her starter items and left the area, heading for the bot lane that would surely be confused at the sight of two supports.

"Sion, nice choice," she commented, her gaze wandering to the top lane. "How are you gonna build him?"
"Oh, okay. You're a smart one, Kry. One never gives out their secret of a build," Julian laughed, a sly smirk forming on his lips. He made a mental checklist when he meandered towards the 'shop'. 'Okay... I have to get the Skirmisher's Sabre, Blade of the Ruined King, Statikk Shiv, and Trinity Force for right now, then build on later,' he nodded, purchasing those things. As soon as he was finished, his Sion made a beeline towards the top lane. His finger jammed a specific combination of keys, which proved to be as near to a God Mod at the moment.

"Haha, you think you've surpassed me already, Kry~?" the man chuckled, his brain producing other possible combinations of attacks and power-ups to attack the bots with.

His YouTube channel, TrapnessMonsterVR, already has over two million views, mainly from his twitch account. "Maya, have you checked out the video that I uploaded today with me using the Vive for Resident Evil 7? I almost pissed myself from laughing at my own reactions," Julian inquired before glancing at the map, noticing Maya having a little trouble. "Kry, could you help Maya with your Nami? I'm taking care of the top lane, or else I would."

To be honest, Julian was a good team member, as he would take the most damage in most games, including Summoner's Rift.
"Mm..I'm pretty sure I have," Park replied, looking over at Lulu, the champion Maya was currently playing. Seeing how squishy she was early game, Maya was bound to take some damage. "And don't worry about our lane. We have it covered." Park grinned as the Miss Fortune dived under turret for the kill, targeting Maya as Sona basic attacked her. Park moved her champion and placed Aqua Prison on the Miss Fortune, chuckling softly as Maya and her ate away at the champion's health.

First Blood.

Maya let herself use the biscuit she had in her inventory before replying to Julian.

"I saw it," she said with a laugh. "Your reactions were spot on."

Park smiled as she listened to the two converse, letting Maya pick up the kill on the Sona and continuing to CS. "How's top, Mr. Confident?"
"Top is green, but I'm sure the bottom has a new friend," Julian chuckled before the melodic bubbling noise played through his headset, notifying him of a Skype call coming through. "Hold on, I have to go on mute for a few," the male informed before the small mic icon went red.

The person who was trying to call him was none other than Markiplier, probably for game recommendations. "Hey, Marko, what's up? I'm in the middle of playing League," Trapness replied while he jammed his index finger on the F4 key with a loud clack.

The man on the other line took a deep breath and released a groan. "Sorry, man, I was just wondering if you had any games you're playing and wanted me to play."

Julian bit his lip and thought deeply. "How about Doom that just came out on Steam? That seems like a pretty good game."

The two conversed for the remainder of the game, then when they were finished, Julian hung up and returned to the chat. "Oh, sorry guys. Markiplier called for a game recommendation. So! Maya, tomorrow I'm flying into your town tomorrow for that convention. Will you be at my booth? I'll have my laptop set up with the Oculus Rift and Vive. Horror games only. You up for that?" inquired the YouTuber, his back popping as he leaned back.
Park smirked as she exited the game lobby, knowing full well that they had overpowered the enemy team. She jumped out of her seat as the man who had left earlier returned to the TeamSpeak, his voice as smooth as she had remembered.

"About that.." Maya began, her voice laced with embarrassment. "I can't make it. Kryoptics is going instead."

"We never discussed this," she hissed in response, her eyes narrowing as she bore holes into her computer screen.

"Sorry, boo, but you can't get out of this. I have the baby shower, remember?"

Park took a breath and sighed as Maya logged out of the TeamSpeak, leaving her alone with the Youtuber.

"Well, since I'm being forced to go to this convention, mind telling me your name?" She tapped her fingers against her desk, keeping herself in check with the rhythm.

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