It's Abuse [Inactive]

"Go back and talk about it." With me. "I'm sure you'll figure out something, Zoe, you're pretty smart." Vincent teased her lightly. However, if she really considered his offer to get away from Matthew, he'd let her. Maybe she wasn't fully aware of his apartment plans, but Zoey could be a part of it if she needed.

They chatted for a while longer until Vincent decided it was time for a walk. Just across the street was a pretty little park that wrapped around a lake. He waited until he was outside to offer up his hand. After all, she was with Matthew, and he didn't want to give Judy any impressions for Zoey's sake. Vincent wasn't one hundred percent sure where the guy went.

Calm down cool guy, she doesn't even like Matthew. He probably doesn't even go there!

Vincent liked being around Zoey. The quiet atmosphere of the park combined with her good company put a smile on his face. Now was as good a time as any to let her in on his apartment search.

"So, Zoe-meister." He joked at first, but, shook his head and went back to being a little more serious. "I'm looking for an apartment, and, if I get lucky I'll get something with two rooms. If you ever want to get away, or even just, well." Vincent choked on his words, nervous. He was basically asking her to live with him. "If you want to take the second bedroom, it's all yours. You don't need ot answer now, just know it's an option."
Zoey tugged Vincent over to the empty swings and sat down along one, making sure she still had a good grip with his hand that was placed in her's. She though about the offer, wondering if it was a good or bad decision.

It'd be a great place to escape to. I could finally be away, finally be safe for the first time since I moved into the apartment. I wouldn't have to worry about how bad the abuse would be during the day or be afraid of suddenly waking up in the middle of the night by Matthew's doing. But if he found out, it'd put both Vincent and me in an extremely bad position.

She wouldn't, couldn't, put Vincent in such a position. She didn't know if he knew what he was getting himself into. If Matthew found out what happened and somehow learned of the two's whereabouts then it would be a mess of trouble. She could probably handle whatever Matthew had in store for her but having Vincent get hurt... that'd kill her.

"Vincent... it would be so wonderful to be able to get away from Matthew. But you'd probably be put into danger and a bad situation. If something were to happen..." Zoey's voice faltered and she didn't try to recover or speak again. Her throat felt tight and dry, her eyes stinging as they stared off into the landscape. She felt so confused and was torn between making a decision.
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Vincent did sit next to her. Instead he stood just in front of her swing and held his hands over hers on the chains. She was always thinking about him, when he needed her to instead focus on what she wanted. Zoey's life was in danger and she was more worried about the idea of him being hurt.

"Zoey." He said quietly. Vincent stared down at her with his deep eyes, chocolate brown and full of concern. "You've got to stop worrying about what could happen to me."

He moved one of his hands to her face, brushing her cheek with his thumb. Vincent really needed her to think about herself, but she was so lost because of Matthew. There had to be something he could do.

"You don't need to worry about me, Zoe." Vincent gave her a light smile. "Right now, I'm more concerned about you. I want to see you safe, happy. Because you deserve so much better than a guy like Matthew."

God I want to kiss her.

"Stop thinking it's such a problem for me to get hurt. It's not. Because right now, you're in a shitty situation." Vincent sighed. "I can't stand by and let you go home knowing what'll happen from now on. I just can't. You're just too important."
Zoey leaned into Vincent's touch, her eyes slipping closed although not before a few tears leaked out and fell down her cheeks silently. She was relieved that she was cared about so much and that she was important to someone, to Vincent, without having to change who she was. All she had to do was be herself around him and it seemed as if that's what made him happy. But what he said, about deserving more than Matthew, struck a cord in Zoey's heart. Maybe she did deserve someone better than Matthew but the only guy she wanted was standing right in front of her, doing his best to comfort her, and she didn't deserve him.

"It's pretty hard not to worry about you Vincent. Just like it's hard for you not to worry about me. And don't worry about making me happy because I am; at least right now. Also, don't say that it isn't a problem for you to get hurt because for me it is and it always will be."

She hated that she had to be so afraid of one person. Why, of all people, was it her that had to be in such a difficult situation? While she certainly didn't wish it upon anyone else she wanted to know what made her so desirable to someone with such a violent nature? Was she really that weak, that pathetic? How could she have been so naive to where she didn't notice this outcome. Well, maybe she did but just didn't want to believe it.

It's unfair. So, so unfair. Was I that easy of a target? I was a moth and he was the flame, drawing me in blindly and striking before I found out it was too late.

She was angry, irrationally so. She couldn't stop asking herself questions, couldn't stop wondering if she was really that stupid to have fallen for an abusive man or if there was any way it could have been prevented. She never seemed to get an answer and it just made her so angry and unbelievably hurt.

She licked her cracked lips as she stood from the swing set and walked around Vincent over to a nearby tree, mumbling an 'excuse me' as she passed. For a few seconds she just stood there staring at the unmoving object, trying to contain the building fury within her and having no success. All she really wanted to do was to get it out and away from her system so, with one last fleeting moment of empty staring, she threw out her fist and punched the trunk of the tree hard. The impact left her clenched hand throbbing as it scrapped against the wood.

Although Zoey barley even acknowledge the pain she did it again, and again, and again, releasing all of her emotions and troubles with the same repeated action. Each time her, now bloody, knuckles would connect with the rough bark she'd let out a strangled scream of frustration that somewhat resembled the words 'it's unfair' and on a far away sort of level she was happy that there wasn't anyone else besides her and Vincent currently residing the park. It really wouldn't have made a difference though.
Vincent ran to her and tugged her away from the tree. Her hands were bloodied and raw now. The frustration had finally gotten to her it seemed.

"Hey, hey!" He blurted. "Stop that, please!"

A little gentler than before, he examined her hands. He didn't have anything to clean them with but the edge of his shirt. Even that wouldn't do. He grunted, displeased at his own uselessness.

"Zoey, how can you be happy when you're still with him?" He asked sadly. "Don't say you're fine, don't say you're happy, because it's not true. I can't believe that." Vincent couldn't comprehend how she felt. Matthew had twisted her to believe she wasn't worth anything.

"I care too much about you to let it slide." Vincent again held her face. Do it you big idiot. "I've been in love with you since I met you, and if getting you away from Matthew is the only thing stopping me from making you mine, you bet your ass I'm going to do it. Don't stay with him. Choose me, Zoe." He rubbed his thumbs beneath her eyes. "I'd never hurt you."

Vincent leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to hers, the kiss he'd been dying to go for ever since they'd met.
Zoey let out a sob as she was pulled away from the tree, uselessly struggling in the grip of Vincent's hands. She didn't know why she had done what she did and doing her best to avoid looking at the man holding onto her at the moment she cast a glance to the tree, noticing the blood smeared along the bark, staining the wood a deep crimson that glittered in the sunlight reflected from it.

She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, the attempt resulting as a fail with the soft cries coming from her mouth. She did feel somewhat better having taken out all of the pent up frustration and chaotic emotion that were just bursting to escape but she couldn't necessarily ignore the stinging pain and throbbing of her banged up hands with all of the previous adrenaline gone.

I'm such a mess.

Zoey came back to her surroundings as Vincent grabbed a hold of her hands to examine the torn flesh, speaking over the stillness of the smothering air. As he continued on she eventually looked back into his eyes and kept her gaze steady, trying her best not to show her surprise or release a gasp from what he had just proclaimed.

He loves me...

Although she didn't have any time to talk back seeing as his lips were instantly on hers, the feeling so unlike how it was with Matthew. Vincent's were soft and comforting, steady against her own lips while Matthew's were usually sloppy and rough, uncaring throughout the entire experience.

She couldn't help her reaction and instantly molded into him, her lips kissing back with a small amount of vigor, the sensation feeling so right. This was something she had been wanting to do for quite some time and it was a big relief. Her eyes closed shut involuntarily as they both stood there in their embrace, lips locked together. Zoey's injured hands gently pulled away from Vincent's own and found a spot along the back of his shirt, gripping the material between the clenched fingers for a bit more comfort and stability.
Vincent pulled away once he was sure she'd accepted him wholeheartedly. He wiped at her face again and smiled so genuinely pure and excited. This is what love was supposed to feel like. Matthew could never give that to Zoey.

But, Vincent could.

"You see it now?" He laughed and pulled her close again, stroking her hair as he did so. The moment was so perfect, nothing, absolutely nothing could've ruined it. It could've poured down rain, and he could've been hit by a baseball or a kid on the swings, nothing would ruin it now.

"Come here you." Vincent murmured as he held her tight. I'm not letting you go.
Zoey sighed and fell into his warm embrace, a smile along her own face. She wound her arms a bit tighter around his midsection and adjusted her hands to where they were still holding onto the back of his shirt but not so roughly, her head resting along his chest. She was content to just stand there but felt the need to at least say something.

"You know, I love you as well. It didn't really happen instantaneously but it's pretty definite now." Her voice was muffled against his shirt but she couldn't bring it in herself to move even the tiniest amount, feeling as if the slightest of adjustments would make the moment completely disappear. It was irrational but she couldn't help her fear of it all vanishing in a blink.

"We may need to go back to the dorm to tend to my hands; I'd be surprised if nothings broken. I did quite a number on them." Zoey closed her eyes, fighting back the stupid and traitorous tears that were brimming along the edge, and waited a beat before adding anything else.

"I also apologize for ruining such a nice day. Taking care of these wounds wasn't really supposed to be on the agenda."
"You're okay." He murmured, kissing her hair.

Vincent kept her close, one arm wrapped around her as they returned to his little Sedan. He helped her into the car and ran inside the shop to grab some napkins. It wouldn't do much, but at least it would keep her from bleeding on her clothes. Judy gave him a polite hello inside the shop, and he returned the greeting, quickly leaving before he had to explain too much.

In the car, he held her arm instead of her hand. Seeing as it was bleeding now, it felt wrong to hold it too tight.

"If you want to cry, you know it's okay." He said in a low voice. "When we get back, I'll help you clean your hands. You can stay as long as you need."
Zoey let out a hiss as she placed the napkin tenderly on her hands, the material rubbing up against the exposed flesh as she did her best to wipe away the blood. It wasn't working all that well but it did help slightly which was better than nothing. Once she had cleaned off most of the dirt inside and around the wound she turned most of her attention back over to Vincent.

"The thing is that I really never want to cry. Sure, it help sometimes but more often than not it makes me feel weak and small, like a pathetic and needy child." Zoey's voice was a bit bitter but she didn't try to contain herself. While it was true that people shouldn't withhold their emotions it was exactly what she does and, once it becomes too much to handle, she ends up exploding. Just like she did at the park. For her, it was easier to pretend like everything was alright and just let it all out at one time.

"And thank you. Not just for this moment or this day, but for everything you've ever done. And Vincent. even though it pains me to say this, I'm going to have to go back to the apartments later on tonight. It's unavoidable and just something that has to be done."
Vincent pursed his lips. "I just don't want you to explode." He explained. "I know you're not a child, even men cry. It's just what people do. If you feel like crap, or you're having a bad day, it's normal."

He rubbed her arm as he drove, not needing the second hand too much. Once parked outside his dorm, he left the car idling as he tried to explain what he felt. Zoey was trying so hard to keep a strong facade, but for who? Was it for herself, to prove that she could make it, or was it an act, so the public wouldn't know?

"You can cry, you can explode on me. I'd rather you just let it out though." Vincent turned his head and looked to her. "I'm not going to think any less of you, Zoey. Remember? You're the girl I fell in love with."

The man didn't say anything about letting her go. It was inevitable she'd have to return, but, he'd extend her time here for as long as he could. If it was possible.
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Zoey smiled, almost shyly, and she leaved over her seat to get closer to Vincent, kissing him softly on the lips. Sure, she had a boyfriend currently, but that's not at all what she thought of Matthew. She was only with him still because of the fear she held at what he could do and all of his threats that have been aimed her way.

She banished thoughts of Matthew from her head for them moment and let the kiss last a little bit longer before she slightly pulled back, that tiny smile still graced upon her face.

"I've fallen in love with you as well. And I know that you'd never think any less of me. Sometimes it's just a bit hard to remember that's all."

Zoey turned back to her side of the car and opened up the door to get out, closing the thing shut once she had stepped into the parking lot. She looked down at the bloody napkins and sighed in annoyance before taking them off of her knuckles and throwing them away in a nearby trashcan. Walking back over towards Vincent, she waited for him to get out of the Sedan as well.

"Time to go inside and bandage my hands up. It wouldn't do me very well if they got infected because of being unattended to."
Once inside, Vincent carefully cleaned her hands in the bathroom. His gentle touch only wavering when he remembered what had caused her knuckles to become so raw and bloodied. She must've been so tired of living the way she was. When her hands looked better, and the dirt was all flushed down the drain, he pulled the last band aids from his kit and set them one my one over her hands. It would have to do for now.

"I really don't want you to go." He said softly as he tended to her. "Knowing something is going to happen to you..."

He choked up. Vincent was sending her back to abuse and torment. What kind of wounds would she come back with next time? A broken arm? Burns, cuts, more bruises? It pained him to see her go. It was just as much Matthew's fault as his own now, for not stopping her from walking out that door.
Zoey blankly watched as her knuckles were cleaned off from dirt and blood, band-aids from the first-aid kit being applied to the tender flesh. She couldn't help but flinch every now and then because, even though she's definitely had worse, it didn't change the fact that it still hurt. and She was happy that it caused her pain because it made her know that she hadn't become immune from it.

It's nice, being cared about for once, She thought to herself tiredly, different emotions seeming to weigh her down.

Zoey could see how distraught and worried Vincent was about sending her back to Matthew. She felt bad in that moment, if only a little, for the fact that he knows about what was going on in her life. It was a burden he didn't need to have placed upon his shoulders but nevertheless she was thankful that she wasn't the only one who knew.

Placing her bandaged hands upon his cheeks she spoke out in what she hoped was reassurance. "We both know that if I don't go tonight then I'd be in even worse condition than if I did. It wasn't that bad when I got home yesterday, mainly because Matthew was intoxicated, but we can't predict what he's going to be like. I'll call or text you just like yesterday to let you know that I'm okay."

It was risky to do such a thing; risky to contact Vincent at all. Matthew already thought that he was just someone she went to for a good lay because of the one text he had seen so if he found evidence that she kept in contact with him, and that Vincent knew about the constant abuse, the results would be catastrophic.
"Please, Zoey." He begged her again and placed his hands over hers on his face. His eyes pleaded with her, not being able to display any other emotion. "Don't go back."

Vincent closed his eyes. With her hands beneath his, he pulled them from his face and kissed every single one of her fingertips. Damn the consequences. Matthew could come to his dorm and beat the crap out of Vincent, so long as it would save her. He'd have him arrested if he could, so that Vincent could save her. Save her, save her, saver her. They'd admitted their feelings, shared in a sweet kiss, but there was still nothing he could do to save the girl he loved.

"I'd do anything to keep you here, for a minute more." He admitted. "Just please, don't go back. I don't want to see you with a broken arm the next time you're around." Vincent opened his eyes and gently dropped her hand. It was his turn to caress her face, rubbing his hands along her cheeks, his thumbs carefully traced their way around her cheekbones until he made it to her chin, and her lips. "I can keep you safe."
Zoey's eyes fluttered shut with Vincent's words and actions, the feelings of love and terror swirling inside of her all at once. She felt terrible that he was begging for her to stay with him just so she couldn't get hurt. Hearing Vincent say that he could keep her safe made a bit of hope swirl up inside her chest but she couldn't help but think how much of it was false. You'd expect her to be able to decipher between the two by now, right?

"I doubt I'll come back to you with a broken arm." She murmured warily, her breath catching in her throat as Vincent's hands gently caressed her face. It was a wonder and a great relief that, with his touch, she didn't even think about the fact that he could so easily harm her if he desired. With him she felt safe and secure, everything being the opposite from when she was with Matthew. Such a big contrast, the two.

"Vincent, you know that I can't stay. You have to stop trying to convince me to stay also because I won't, can't. At least not right now. And if... if I do happen to come back with some more serious injuries then you have to promise me that you won't do anything rash. I've said it numerous times but I'll say it again; Matthew is unpredictable. He's a loose cannon."

Zoey hated having to admit that there could be some serious harm done to her tonight or really at any time. But there were so many possibilities in leaving Matthew were things could go horribly wrong. If her and Vincent talked more about a better plan to handle the situation then she might be a bit more on board and a bit more reassured but at this point in time she didn't want to take any chances.
I'll always regret letting you go back to him, loose cannon or not.

Vincent pulled her close, his hand held her head to him, the other rubbed her back as he rocked them back and forth. He didn't want her to see how upset he was, not that he was going to cry, but how torn he was that she couldn't just stay. It was so hard for her to simply accept, there were so many consequences, and Vincent couldn't promise he'd be calm about any of it.

Love makes people crazy.

"Fine." He murmured so quietly there was a worry she wouldn't hear. Zoey could go back, but Vincent would hate it the whole time.

The man was lucky Thomas still hadn't come back, which only made him curious as to what happened to his roommate. Sure, Thomas had called but he was in trouble then, so he was surely in trouble now. But he wasn't important, only a flickering thought.

"I'm just trying to help you, Zoe."
"I know but right now I don't need help as much as I need some support. And I'm pretty sure you have more than enough to give to me." Her voice was relieved as she spewed out the words, still happy that Vincent had accepted her request to keep calm. She knew that doing so would be terribly hard to do for him if it was true that she got serious bodily harm done to her but she highly doubted that he would break a promise when she put so much trust into it.

"I should be leaving sometime soon, at around five. I'll need to go home to cook some dinner and maybe pick up the place if it was destroyed while I spent the night over here. I should also probably pick up the pillows and blankets I had left inside the truck."

Zoey stayed in the embrace between her and Vincent for a few more sweet seconds before pulling away from his arms, letting a kiss settle upon his lips for just a moment. It was pretty satisfying to be able to openly kiss him now, something she had been wanting to do for a bit of time.

"Oh, and I almost forgot to pay you for my half of the bill from earlier." She murmured thoughtfully as she walked over to her bag and grabbed out her wallet, pulling out the appropriate amount of paper bills that she firmly pressed into Vincent's hands. While he may be against her paying for her own servings she wouldn't take no for an answer.

Plus, I still have that job opportunity at the bakery to think about once again. Maybe this time I'll seriously consider taking the offer, knowing how many times they've actually asked me to accept.
Vincent let himself fall into the kiss. He couldn't be upset with her, not about this. There was still time before she had to leave, thank god.

"At least sit with me for a while." His hidden meaning, please come cuddle with me for a while, I'm just not going to say it out loud. Vincent pulled her into a new loving embrace, walking backwards towards the futon. He kissed her forehead and pulled her arms around his back, smiling.

He backed himself into the couch, adjusting so he was laying the long way. Then he opened his arms, making a motion with his fingers that suggested she join him.

"You have time, come here, sit, just relax for a bit."
Zoey smiled at Vincent and, with only a slight amount of hesitation, decided to join him on the couch. Seeing that he was taking up most of the furniture because of the fact that he had decided to lay down on it, she got herself situated to where she wasn't necessarily smothering him with her body but wasn't completely laying on her side either. After adjusting a few more times until they were both comfortable she released a content sigh and let her eyes shut again.

It felt wonderful to be so close to someone without feeling anxious and all she wanted to do was bask in that feeling for as long as she could. It was bad enough that she already knew the extent of her injuries; Vincent only saw her arms and it was enough.

"This is nice." Zoey spoke out softly to him, bundling her hands in the back of his shirt so she could pull the two of them closer to one another. That seemed to be a fond action of hers but it did seem to work to her advantage more often than not.

"I'm sorry that you had to be pulled into such a big mess. You really shouldn't have to be worrying about my health like this and it's just another burden placed atop your shoulders." She paused for a split second to gather her scattered thoughts before even trying to piece together another sentence.

"If you could, would you take back finding out about me; about the abuse? I have a pretty could prediction to what your answer is going to be but when you respond, I want to know why.
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Part of his answer was that he could help her now. He guessed that wouldn't do on it's own, because it was putting him in danger. Still, it was his answer, and he didn't want to lie.

Vincent nuzzled his nose against her hair and wrapped his arms around her back. He was glad she'd joined him, it didn't matter if he was uncomfortable. It was all for her, he reminded himself, everything could be for her now.

"I wouldn't take it back. There were signs, yes, but I would never take back what I learned. And why?" Vincent kissed her hair. "Everyone deserves to be happy. You told me you were being abused, now you can get out. This isn't for me, it's for you. No matter if you would've told me, or somebody else, I wouldn't take it back. You needed to tell someone."

He kept on nuzzling her hair with his face. He wanted to be as close as possible until she forced herself to leave.

"It also doesn't hurt that I can do this now." He nudged at her face until he was able to kiss her forehead. "But that's a selfish reason."
Zoey couldn't help the chuckle that worked it's way from her mouth, her eyes opening up only to look into Vincent's own, the chocolate orbs shining with amusement. It was great to see such an affectionate side of Vincent and she was extremely pleased that it was only really reserved specifically for her and only her.

"Everyone deserves to be at least a little selfish. It's what makes us human basically. We all have things that we want and if we can, we should indulge ourselves and be aloud to have them." She felt like a hypocrite saying that, not because she didn't get anything she wanted but because most of the things she would like to have and hold access to are selfishly out of her reach thanks to Matthew.

"And I can't really imagine telling anyone else about the abuse except you anymore. Sure, telling someone is better than telling no one but I'd rather leave this big part of my life in the hands of someone I wholeheartedly trust. And I'm happy that you found out when you did and that you were starting to see some signs of it because If you hadn't of looked hard enough and talked to me about it then I would have probably never told you on my own."

Zoey nuzzled her head to where it rest along his chest comfortably, the beat of his heart being a rhythmic and soothing sound to her. It was steady and strong, reassuring in it's constant pattern that signaled life soaring throughout his veins and into his blood. It was another artifact that let her know that he was indeed real and that he was completely well and alive.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but do you know where Thomas has gone off to lately? It's just that he wasn't here when I came by yesterday and he obviously isn't here today which made me figure that the guy got into some trouble, like usual."
"Thomas called me, he was out drinking with some new guy." Vincent shrugged. "He didn't say who, but, they all got wasted. Didn't have a car, wanted me to come get him. I said no." There was some new guy that Thomas got along with, that was great. Another reassuring thought, there were two knuckleheads out there who liked to get in fights whenever they felt it was appropriate. Which was whenever.

"Don't get me wrong, I just. I didn't really want to help him. He lied, said he'd be at his parents." Vincent's head fell back over the side of the futon as he sighed. Thomas was a royal pain. "He's probably at that guy's house, saving me the trouble."

After that, he dropped the question. Vincent was less and less friendly towards Thomas this weekend. He'd finally had it with the lies, the anger. Soon he'd be moving out and it wouldn't be his problem.

"You don't need to worry about him though." Vincent pulled his head back up. "Just me and you." He kissed her gently on the forehead, then her nose, finally holding his lips close to hers, teasing her. Vincent smirked, he locked eyes with her briefly before leaning up to kiss her once more.

Why do you have to go?
Zoey melted into the kiss instantly, her mouth tugging up into a smile as it stayed slow and sweet, neither in any rush to pull away so soon.

Just me and you.

She like that sound of that a lot, perhaps more than she should have. But the idea of it only being her and Vincent together without having to worry about anyone else interrupting their time together was one that she wished could so easily come true. Unfortunately, real life had a confusing way of working and so far for her it hand't been very satisfactory or pleasing.

After pulling away a little reluctantly from the kiss, she laid her head right next to his and took a moment to mull over the things Vincent had told her about Thomas. She could understand his exhaustion when is comes to dealing with the man and how he didn't want to put himself through that anymore. He was supposed to be there as a friend and not a babysitter.

"I'm not worried about him. I just hope he learns from his mistakes but, than again, he never does. Good thing you said no to him because he should have been smart enough to think ahead. This entire situation is his fault and he shouldn't have lied about it."
"He'll grow out of it." Vincent sighed. The words were in the air, but they sounded wrong coming out of his mouth. Thomas wouldn't grow out of it. If anything, he'd blossom fully into a temperamental rage machine. An overstatement probably, but it didn't look likely he'd slow down.

But, he didn't want to think about Thomas. Vincent smiled with Zoey tucked into his embrace, right where she should've been all along. He nuzzled his face against her hair, sending light kisses her way every so often. They didn't have to do anything special. She'd always be welcome in his dorm, apartment, or wherever.

Vincent's phone buzzed, and he lazily pulled it from his tight jean pocket. The name was the exact one he was trying to avoid. It was only a text, but he could sense the sarcasm in the pixels for words.

Don't worry about a ride, my new buddy gave me one!

Attached was a picture of Thomas and some other guy, chugging down beers, presumably from the night before. He had no idea who the other man was, but he looked plastered.

"Hm. Thomas has a new friend." He sighed and showed Zoey the picture. "Wonderful."

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