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Fantasy It's a Modern Fantasy Roleplay! Yay!

Swimswamswom said:
≖ ‿ ≖
(my only contribution)
i would say no, but im making a girl too, though that is subject to change. it'd be funnier as a guy, if i could find the pictures.
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]Women and a supermodel dwarf male

so is it a supermodel dwarf that can genbend at will? because that's what it looks like! xD
Nope. Just a dwarf...

I know he doesn't have a 'true beard' but I thought he was hot and didn't think he looked like a girl! How does he look like a girl?!

[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]Nope. Just a dwarf...
I know he doesn't have a 'true beard' but I thought he was hot and didn't think he looked like a girl! How does he look like a girl?!


i have not seen the cs, so judging from that one line of text i made a guess. seeing the picture, i can understand why he'd be a supermodel, but in my head i was envisioning something more along the lines of "snow white and the seven dwarves"

Nah, I was in the chat and said

"Gimme a fantasy species and a job"

And then Welian said



I said gimme five minutes and bamf, character sheet.
@King Of Imagination i know this prob sounds lazy but what do u think of me reusing Eden from REVOLUTIONS (with some tweaks of course)

i can link u if u forget what I'm talking about

edit: am i the only one who's getting this big fucking blank space on all my posts
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No. That falls completely outside the realm of magic that I described and is, being a power of a god, innately overpowered. You could use magic that temporarily augments your strength if you're really dead set on the strength thing though.
You could also use a race that has inherent strength, like orcs, Goliaths, etc. But as I said, what you described does not fall within the parameters of magic that I set forth.
Here my character. Kinda need to work on my art. Didn't spend that much time on the image because writing is hard.

Shy Elis

Alias/Nickname(If Any)


"Owls are smart; and so am I. Also I don't sleep at night. Hoot hoot I guess."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/shy.jpg.1b526b86b2c32843232bf4d9e31be69d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84586" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/shy.jpg.1b526b86b2c32843232bf4d9e31be69d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Name:

    "This is my name. Not my personality"

    Shy Elis


    "Give or take a few months"


    March 15th



    Appearance Notes:

    "I once lost an arm wrestling match against tofu. Can you tell I'm being sarcastic? Because I'm not."

    Dark blue eyes with Silver/grey hair. 161cm tall. Skinny.

    Wears a sleeveless white hoodie + purple shirt and black jeans.



  • shy.jpg
    51.2 KB · Views: 27
Shiian. I think you should go back and read the posts on what kind of game this is.

Modern fantasy is not a 'everyone has magic' genre. It's a fantasy setting normal place fun pseudo medevial times yanked forward into modern times.

Do people get that?
Just edited my Cs, if you need more detail, you can tell me, I am willing to change my character to join this Rp, the idea is so cool...
Michaella Rose Percival

Either "Percival" or "Mika" is ok with me.


  • Name:Michaella Rose Percival



    Appearance Notes:blue eyes and bra(Not that you needed to know~)

    Silver hair. usually wears a sleveless uniform.

Tell me what i need to improve...If any, that is.
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This is by far the largest interest check I've seen, usually people run off into a thread with maybe like 10 or less posts!

In anycase, ya'll need another?
Hey guys.

So seeing that everyone has started to create and post their CS I'm just saying that though I want to join I wont be able to post my CS till Thursday, Friday latest.

Really sorry for the delay.
I agree that this should not just be a cluster of people with random powers. However, the emphasis on standard D&D style fantasy seems too restrictive. Especially in recent years, fantasy has become fairly inclusive. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems the most important thing is that the characters are well thought out and believable despite how absurd the complete package or their context might be. That said, this excites me, I just hope people will really break out their imaginations for an awesome project like this.
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So... it's a hosted project then? What does that entail?

Sorry for appearing out of nowhere, my post got buried, thought to speak up once more.
@Tronethiel7 Between you and Frixz, you're pretty much on the money. Not everyone is going to have magic. It doesn't need to stick to classic D&D structure either. It is a fantasy world in modern times, where there's an elf who offers city tours on the backs of great salamanders. A dwarf model, like frixz's character. An orc who runs a barber shop. In addition, there's the fighting and stuff over the wishes.
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My reasoning on pushing the traditional style fantasy is 100% because of the simplicity. Tolkien fantasy is much easier to understand than the complexities of Exalted or Lovecraftian Hyborean mythos. I think if the writer is capable enough, pull in fantasy elements from what ever youd like! I'm all for it!

As such, I'm just trying to offer people examples because I think the majority of the sheets posted so far miss the point of Modern Fantasy entirely and I'm trying to simplify the concept for them.
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]My reasoning on pushing the traditional style fantasy is 100% because of the simplicity. Tolkien fantasy is much easier to understand than the complexities of Exalted or Lovecraftian Hyborean mythos. I think if the writer is capable enough, pull in fantasy elements from what ever youd like! I'm all for it!
As such, I'm just trying to offer people examples because I think the majority of the sheets posted so far miss the point of Modern Fantasy entirely and I'm trying to simplify the concept for them.

Aha! Well, in that case you have my full support.
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]My reasoning on pushing the traditional style fantasy is 100% because of the simplicity. Tolkien fantasy is much easier to understand than the complexities of Exalted or Lovecraftian Hyborean mythos. I think if the writer is capable enough, pull in fantasy elements from what ever youd like! I'm all for it!
As such, I'm just trying to offer people examples because I think the majority of the sheets posted so far miss the point of Modern Fantasy entirely and I'm trying to simplify the concept for them.

If mine is one of them tell me, I want to improve my character as much as possible before the project is made, I'm not against harsh critism, so if that is what you have it's fine! ( V ^∇^) V
Yours is a bit better but there are issues.

Issue 1) Magic - I can't find a setting where Elves have anything close to what you've described. I highly suggest not having any magic at all, as KOI stated earlier, very few people have magic. If you were say, an Elf wizard, then that would make more sense but a young woman working as a waitress is most definitely not going to be a wizard.

2) Age - While not an issue per se, go crazy with it. Remember, elves don't 'age' like humans. You can be super old. A 20 something elf is basically an infant in elf terms.

3) weaponry - why do you need it and why would you have received training? It's the modern times, do people commonly learn how to weild a chain whip? If anything, it'd be a bow and dagger, learned for purely ceremonial reasons because now nine times out of ten, you can buy a gun and just shoot people spinning around with swords.

4) Don't try to stand out. You are already special enough being a PC in a world of NPCs. Be something fun and believable. A young elf making her way in the world and barely passing by as a coffee shop waitress is infinitely more interesting than 'random magic girl #10404829' who has shadow magic and a Gatling gun axe for a weapon that shoots katanas. That's dumb and isn't modern fantasy.

Overall I'd focus on making your Elf more of a real character than another cardboard cut out of an anime character. You don't need magic, you are a magical race in the modern world. That's almost enough. Just be sure to give yourself a good hook too, maybe your Elf family is racist and planning on leaving the human city giving you a tough choice to make. Maybe you start aching to make more money and get a job with a shifty model agency that turns out to be trafficking magical beings.

the setting has so much potential to work with and people should think a little bit harder about what that means. You are on the right track, just do some refining :)

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