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Fantasy It's a Modern Fantasy Roleplay! Yay!

[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]

♤Electo Osario♤

  • Name:

    "Call me Ellie, nothing else, just Ellie,"

    Electo Osario


    "I think I look good for someone my age! You?"

    Twenty, 25th Nov. Sagittarius


    "Now, now, I know I'm flat-chested, but really?"


    Appearance Notes:

    Ellie has a rather slim, lanky build and is rather flat-chested, she has curly brown hair with golden highlights and sparking green eyes as typical for an elf.

    She is typically seen wearing hoodies and mostly comfortable clothes. She also has a magical moving tattoo which everyone in her family gets, the colours vary though for each person, her's is light blue, white and dark blue on occasion it is sometimes a very bright green, it is located on her neck.

Anyone wants the role of her roommate? Or a friend or something, well, feel free to be a friend or something, as long as you contact me it's fine,

I wouldn`t mind my character being her roommate :)
ima just hold out till the hp is up and some male characters are posted so if i don't post for a while dw im still here o/ (expect something very chuuni when i do make my cs)
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Hey, just popping in to say this is Modern Fantasy, not magical girl. Modern Fantasy is like throwing Dungeons and Dragons into the year 2016 and up. Be it like a hidden world where Wizards secretly run the Government or Dragons running the mafia while Orcs work the nightshift as security guards and Dryads are environmental terrorists. OR it's openly magical fantasy where trolls work as Bouncers and there is a busy network of vampires running an artificial blood trading network.

It's not magical powers, it's pick a race from a fantasy setting and play as that. Be a Naga that works as a hair stylist or a Gargoyle community college student or something. A demon making deals in a corporate setting, a clay golem working as a gym trainer, a Mindflayer college professor, something like that.

Or I'm horribly mistaken and it's simply another magical girl, I have this power and these weapons and nothing comes of it. That's generic and boring. Modern Fantasy is something special that shouldn't be that bland, keep that in mind~
For the example of what a Modern Fantasy Character is!

A'nayaa -Surname excluded for time-



  • Name: A'nayaa Saradunzziexxal-

    Age: 1578

    Gender: Female

    Appearance Notes: A native Efreet from the Elemental plane of Fire, A'nayaa is a tall thin being with exxagurated features and imposing horns. As a human, she takes the form of a sharp looking woman.

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Well then your powers would be stemming from Wizardry, Sorcery, or Exaltation (Aka a cleric) and you'd be one of the tradition D&D classes not random magic powers.
Well as does Shadowrun, the artemis fowl series, Dr.Who, Buffy the Vampire slayer, Supernatural, and so on. IT can be lots of things in 'Modern Fantasy'
A) This is not a magical girl roleplay, @Teh Frixz is correct about that. You can feel free to establish your own fantasy species if you wish, but if you do provide information on it. Of course there can be humans with some level of magical ability, but that comes with training and effort. However Frixz, there can be humans in addition to the various fantasy races people have available to them. This is an open world where everyday things like cars and cell phones mix with things like riding giant worms as trains and flying through the air on griffons.

B) What I have seen so far has not provided me with much of a good feeling regarding quality. First of all, none of you have really met the requirements for magical ability that I described in the character sheet. Most of these sheets are either incomplete or scarce. Take some time on these, really put effort into it. The idea may be fun and goofy but I expect some quality posts and characters from you guys. I want you to have fun, but I want you to put real thought and consideration into things, this is casual/detailed.
Note: yay... another girl... maybe. if i can find the art.

Note 2: note the WIP

  • Full Name

    Alias/Nickname(If Any)

    Insert Image Here if Any(Recommended. No Selfies or sketches)

    • Name:



      Appearance Notes:

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[QUOTE="King Of Imagination]this is casual/detailed

Ah well. If you'd said that earlier, I probably wouldn't have joined. I suck when it comes to talking and describing at once. "Detailed" isn't my choice of RP.
In case I wasn't clear when I put this in the character sheet, I will put it here.

Very few people will meet the requirements to have a magic of any form, whether it be wizardry, sorcercy, exaltation, or any form of magic that falls into the category of fantasy. When I say I want detail about your magical ability, I want limitations, the strain is puts on your body and mind, any material cost involved in you magic, etc. If you are a wizard, sorcerer, witch, etc. (someone who uses magic through incantation, rituals, whatever) I want a spell list. If you came here expecting to get away with the very basics, not putting real detail into characters and posts, you've come to the wrong place. If you want magic, it had better be the longest, most detailed part of your character by and large.

Grigori Ironlegs



  • Name: Grigori Ironlegs

    Age: 56

    Gender: Male

    Appearance Notes:

    Grigori is a dwarf, borderline malformed by dwarven standards but incredibly handsome by human ranking. He stands about four foot three with a broad chest and shoulders. His hands and feet are large yet deliciously proportionate to his body, giving the illusion of height along with his many width. Dark black hair goes with his sharp blue eyes and rugged features. Almost heretically, he keeps his beard in a nigh constant state of stubble, blowing through razors to keep it that way.

Qumack said:
Ah well. If you'd said that earlier, I probably wouldn't have joined. I suck when it comes to talking and describing at once. "Detailed" isn't my choice of RP.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Well I wish I had known that beforehand! Otherwise I wouldn't have posted here! When it comes to two characters having a conversation, I'm horrible at purple prose! D:

I mandate a minimum of a paragraph per post. As long as you can do that, you'll be okay. However, when it comes to character sheets, I need as much detail as possible, especially when it comes to things as potentially overpowered as maigc.
As for posting requirements, I suspect KoI follows the adage of quality of quantity, the minimum post amount is usually to discourage people for the rather poor practice of one line RP posts. Follow the RP thematically and realistically and I'm sure you'll be fine.


"I Like that girl" I said when I put my sword away and went to class /post

"You like me?" I blush and put my sword away too /post
[QUOTE="King Of Imagination]if you can get 5-8 decently long sentences in, I'm happy.

Alright. Thanks. I should be able to do that. I don't know how I can make the character sheet more descriptive...
@Teh Frixz , just a question. Digital witch...?

I wouldn't mind help. I already have one person offering me help, though. I guess the more the merrier, though!

I was reading far too fast on my cellphone. You said something about a watch, not a witch. That was my mistake. Instantly I thought of curses and hexes being sent through imageboards and the like. Whoops!
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]
I was reading far too fast on my cellphone. You said something about a watch, not a witch. That was my mistake. Instantly I thought of curses and hexes being sent through imageboards and the like. Whoops!

someone should use that idea
my idea: winged creature created for the purpose of "being the prefect fighting machine", fails at their one job, and is basically a bubblehead with pre-programmed fighting skills they don't know how to use. for the purposes of this rp, i would imagine this character already having these abilities inside them, but having no clue how to use them, so they must either learn with trial and error, or have someone teach them, and they're not a fast learner.

this idea is being used. im basically just thinking out loud right now.
Usually ideas for Modern Fantasy (At least for me) come from

A) What is your character? Species and powers go here. Something simple like an Elf or something out there like an Ettercap or Aboleth? How does society relate to these creatures? Is there something about the species that makes life in the modern world interesting or dangerous?

B) What does your character do? Is it something in line with their species like an Orc working as a soldier? Or is it something almost comical like a Pixie cab driver? Does this job seem realistic? How does it affect your character and how does being your species affect that?

C) How do you behave? Are you well behaved and integrated into society? Or is there some determination to become something more? Is the modern world for you or do you long for the days of clashing sword and scale?
Amerikia1126 said:
my idea: winged creature created for the purpose of "being the prefect fighting machine", fails at their one job, and is basically a bubblehead with pre-programmed fighting skills they don't know how to use. for the purposes of this rp, i would imagine this character already having these abilities inside them, but having no clue how to use them, so they must either learn with trial and error, or have someone teach them, and they're not a fast learner.
this idea is being used. im basically just thinking out loud right now.
Alright, so lets expand on that then. What in fantasy settings fits the bill of that 'perfect fighting machine' from birth? My first instinct is to say an elemental or some sort of demon. Purpose built and then cast aside as the purpose is lost.

IF an elemental, maybe an elemental of chaos or 'raw energy'. Something a wizard summoned or built but got loose and is being prevented from going crazy and destroying everything.

If a demon, then probably something human looking like Kyton or lower demons. Raised to destroy and harm but now trapped in the mortal plane and incapable of exercising that urge!

Now just find a job in the modern world that would be interesting to play as and there you go! Modern Fantasy!
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Is this a city filled completely with women...?

≖ ‿ ≖

(my only contribution)
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