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Fantasy It's a Modern Fantasy Roleplay! Yay!

[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]Yours is a bit better but there are issues.
Issue 1) Magic - I can't find a setting where Elves have anything close to what you've described. I highly suggest not having any magic at all, as KOI stated earlier, very few people have magic. If you were say, an Elf wizard, then that would make more sense but a young woman working as a waitress is most definitely not going to be a wizard.

2) Age - While not an issue per se, go crazy with it. Remember, elves don't 'age' like humans. You can be super old. A 20 something elf is basically an infant in elf terms.

3) weaponry - why do you need it and why would you have received training? It's the modern times, do people commonly learn how to weild a chain whip? If anything, it'd be a bow and dagger, learned for purely ceremonial reasons because now nine times out of ten, you can buy a gun and just shoot people spinning around with swords.

4) Don't try to stand out. You are already special enough being a PC in a world of NPCs. Be something fun and believable. A young elf making her way in the world and barely passing by as a coffee shop waitress is infinitely more interesting than 'random magic girl #10404829' who has shadow magic and a Gatling gun axe for a weapon that shoots katanas. That's dumb and isn't modern fantasy.

Overall I'd focus on making your Elf more of a real character than another cardboard cut out of an anime character. You don't need magic, you are a magical race in the modern world. That's almost enough. Just be sure to give yourself a good hook too, maybe your Elf family is racist and planning on leaving the human city giving you a tough choice to make. Maybe you start aching to make more money and get a job with a shifty model agency that turns out to be trafficking magical beings.

the setting has so much potential to work with and people should think a little bit harder about what that means. You are on the right track, just do some refining :)

Thank you for your time~ Improving is key and I really needed that! :D
Modern fantasy is a fun challenge. You get to balance sticking to species preference with a modern society which results in a fun blended character.

I for one love seeing monster species out of place. An Aboleth talk show host or like a Broadway star Formorian Giant. Or even going be other way like an Archon delivering newspaper or a necromancer working at McDonalds with a skeleton crew. Just fun stuff like that makes me love the setting
That being said, King did use the example of having gun that shoots magical swords in his initial post. Now I'm not saying we should copy the example explicitly, but it does allow for much absurdity to ensue. After all, If it's a battle royale. These character will probably need to among the less mundane citizens of the city.
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Indeed, guns that shoot magical flaming swords made of draonmetal.

Edit: Yes, Draonmetal
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[QUOTE="King Of Imagination]Because it is a sentient gun that decides it likes swords over bullets.

*Drops to his knees in awe* The King of Imagination indeed!
It is a sentient railgun named Sven that enjoys the shape and weight of swords over that of bullets, and decides to fire shortswords made of Draonmetal, wreathed in flame.
[QUOTE="King Of Imagination]I may actually include that in my own character. A witty, back-talking railgun named Sven...

The GM just posited a sentient weapon that shoots flaming swords. My excitement rose exponentially.
[QUOTE="King Of Imagination]Yes.

World record for shortest post possible goes to: King of Imagination!

Congratulations! Everyone applaud! [claps]
Orikanyo said:
So... it's a hosted project then? What does that entail?
Sorry for appearing out of nowhere, my post got buried, thought to speak up once more.
i don't think i saw anybody respond to this so I'm gonna go ahead and give my best definition (if anybody else is confused please also listen up)

Hosted Projects are basically massive roleplays that don't fit into the normal system. Characteristics of these include very large amounts of information and scrupulously thought-out worlds, multiple IC threads, and normally a pretty decent intensity. Unlike normal roleplays with the tabs system for all their threads, Hosted Projects are given their own forum, where the creator(s) can add threads and subforums as they please.

That's my best definition, you can visit all the Hosted Projects here and look through them for examples if you need to.
So... sadly I won't be able to join you guys because of how busy life has become. Though I am already in a few rps here and there I feel that adding one more will just not be possible, and I won't be able to put forward my best work. Therefore I have decided to not join you guys. :(

But I really wish you all luck and hope the rp evolves into something wonderful.

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