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Graded [Isekai Hell] The Gunhild one :3


Chaos Incarnate
Roleplay Type(s)
This roleplay is a part of Isekai Hell, information about it can be found in the Isekai Hell Hosted Project page.
This RP is currently open to joining, make sure to ask first in DMs or on Discord before posting.

This RP takes place in Stonewall Town (or more rather just outside of it) in the Caelia Barony. This follows the RP after Gunhild returns with an old friend Miyuki, along with two others more than she expected. This primarily involves Gunhild's consideration on an actual place of residence considering she's not very fitting for a regular room, and to catch up with people while planning out what she and them are going to do next. This will likely involve Gunhild making a quaint place for her and her companions to stay along with some other Slice-of-Life things, not being very plot-centered. This will be a 4-day posting cycle that I will (hopefully) try to keep to (may be subject to less-or-more depending on if people post or if I'm busy).

(For my sanity's sake, these are the Hexcodes to specific characters: Miyuki (F25278), Chiyoko (FC8EAC))

Gunhild ( Femboy Femboy ): Returning back to the Barony alongside companions from Journey to Gala'Kraoth, now capable of better planning for the future with... more 'forward-planning' cloes friends.
Griffin ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )
Lucian ( gmimperfecti gmimperfecti )
Teuihua ( TheTimePiece TheTimePiece )
Kota ( SixSense SixSense )

1711754350818.pngLocation: Caelia Shrine of Passage, just outside Stonewall, in the Caelia Barony.

Gunhild was finally getting back from her long trip to an unexplored island, tired after the long trek back having been carrying some of her fellow companions that chose to return with her to the Barony along the way (Capacity D). She wasn't entirely sure about when or if she would return to the island now that she had gotten what she wanted out of it, but Miyuki had already spoken about her potential concern of believing she might end up needing to return to the island at some point if it's necessary. The big lizard wasn't entirely comfortable about the thought of the kitsune returning back to dangerous territory, having hoped that once they got back to the barony they could have some time to catch up and better think things over. Depending on which others returned with her, she'd at least have time to get to know and spend some peaceful time with them now that they were in a safe sanctuary.

Approaching the Caelia Barony, the sight of the Shrine of Passage was what caught the eye of Miyuki and Chiyoko likely because such a sight was familiar and homelike to them. To Gunhild, there was something quite warming about seeing the Shrine after time away, a small smile brought onto her face that it was just as high quality as it was when she last saw it. At least her own business trip didn't leave it too vulnerable considering Teuihua had also accompanied her.
(From left to right: Miyuki, Chiyoko, Briarhild)
"Huh, that's a pretty shrine, is it weird for it to feel a little bit out of place here? O-or is that just me?" Miyuki asked softly, her and the other two that Gunhild was supporting carry and giving ar ide most of the lengthy trip back getting themselves onto the ground now that they seemed here at their destination. Gunhild had only briefly described Stonewall Town to them on the way back, which only offered quite a lot of questions what led Gunhild to favouring the location as a current home and place of stay.

"Is Magic-House of Purpy-Floofa. New Purpy-Floofa, is Gunhild friend. Gunhild help do a protect of Magic-House. Magic-House birtheded Gunhild find-time" Gunhild explained as Chiyoko was rather pleased to be somewhere completely new, especially somewhere that felt more civilised. Past the shrine was the town of Stonewall itself, yet Gunhild felt a brief moment of necessity to at least give it a visit before doing anything else since it was part of her own responsibilities in the Barony after all. Seeing as they were all fresh to the location as well as the fact that there might've been others who hadn't arrived before, Gunhild had to consider how much they had to tour before attending to her own planning or considered ideas. Chiyoko grinned as she wandered towards the shrine.
"Briarhild bestie! We're finally going other places, aren't you excited, turn that frown upside down~!" Chiyoko chimed looking to Briarhild, who had a completely straight and unamused face. She was trying to act overly serious, but had their attention attracted to the presence of a town and shrine.
"Briarhild is serious beast. Peoples will treat Briarhild serious and with respects, Briarhild is strong, like Mother" Briarhild answered with her arms crossed. Gunhild simply smiled and patted Briarhild on her head, of which the smaller lizard made no attempt to contest yet growled at her for doing so and moved away from her slightly in hopes it wouldn't happen again.
"Briarhild very strong, Briarhild be bigs like Gunhild future-time. Briarhild be more bigs to Gunhild future-time day. Briarhild move every-all rock and mountain" Gunhild responded briefly, letting the girl keep proud of her headstrong mentality.

"Gunhild not know ifs Prettybirdie or Rocktownplace-Purpyfloofa here. Gunhild no sees one or ones. Gunhild keeps cleans, Baronylady and Ringo-Floofa no like dirts" Gunhild thought, seeing as neither of them appeared to be around. The lizard had been busy and left, not knowing where or what they were up to and supposing they might have just been up to some sort of private date or secretive tail-related business. Thinking of tails, if all of Gunhild's new companions were to stay for long enough she would likely be in for a surprise on what Gunhild had been up to.​
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LOCATION: Caelia Barony

  • This user could not think of anything to add here

    Griffin only vaguely remembered what he had heard Kota, Teuiha and Gunhild say about the Caelia Barony. A place he unsurprisingly never heard of. He had decided to come along thinking that perhaps it was time for a short break from adventurer's guild work, besides it could possibly be a chance to gain some sort of reputation, he guessed. Not that much came from the island adventure anyhow. He opted to walk, deciding his wings could use a break, and he likely wasn’t strong enough to fly all the way here. From The Republic all the way to somewhere back in Ryke where, as far as he knew, everything started. Upon arriving at the shrine, he realized this was his first time seeing a shrine. At least in this world it was, he quietly listened to the others talk. He asked.

    “So this is Caelia Barony…what typically goes on here?”

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DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Femboy Femboy

Under the warm, embracing sun of the Caelia Barony, just a stone’s throw from the majestic Caelia Shrine, Lucian Fortuna found himself in the midst of a rather unconventional croquet match. Bill, his trusty buggy driver, wielded his mallet with a surprising finesse, considering his usual place behind the reins. Cedric, ever the impeccable butler, managed each play with a dignified grace, betraying none of the competitive spirit that undoubtedly simmered beneath his calm exterior.

Nearby, a table was elegantly set under a wide umbrella, offering respite from the afternoon sun. On it, glasses of fresh lemonade caught the light, casting a golden hue, while plates of meticulously prepared cucumber sandwiches awaited their consumption. The scene was a picturesque slice of leisure, one that Lucian seemed to relish with his characteristic flamboyance.

Adding to the quaint gathering, a few Catkin from Lucian’s recent adventures lounged about, their feline grace and curiosity adding a layer of charm to the already idyllic setting. They watched the game with mild interest, occasionally distracted by a butterfly or a particularly enticing gust of wind.

As Lucian prepared for his next shot, carefully aiming the brightly colored ball through the wicket, his attention was suddenly drawn away from the game. Beyond the casual boundary of their leisurely sport, new figures approached, their arrival marked by the soft murmur of conversation and the crunch of gravel underfoot.

Lucian turned, his gaze settling on the newcomers with an ease borne of countless introductions and chance encounters. His lips curled into a welcoming smile, the kind that had disarmed many a wary traveler and intrigued many an ally.

“Ah, what fortune brings us more company!” Lucian exclaimed, setting down his mallet and gesturing grandly towards the table. “Please, join us! There’s lemonade to quench your thirst and sandwiches to satisfy a more tangible hunger. But more importantly,” he continued, his eyes twinkling with a blend of mischief and warmth, “there are stories waiting to be shared, and I find myself insatiably curious about each and every one.”

The playful, almost flippant invitation hung in the air, as Lucian stepped forward, the embodiment of welcoming nobility, albeit with a twist of rogue charm. The casual game of croquet, the refreshments, and the company all served as a backdrop to the unfolding moment of connection and potential adventure.

In Lucian’s world, every meeting was the beginning of a new tale, and every acquaintance a character in the grand narrative of his life—a narrative that was ever-expanding and filled with the promise of the unknown.

Languages: "Common", "+Mictlantecuhtlian+", "%Analog%"​
Mentions: Femboy Femboy DarkKitsune DarkKitsune gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

Teuihua found himself eventually rolling up to outside the Caelia Shrine of Passage. It felt good to be back, and he was quite pleased that Gunhild and company had made it back to the Barony safely. He did hope that the residents of that island who were close to Gunhild might consider coming here which from what Teuihua could gather was a considerably safer place to live, but he did understand if they had duties back there. He gave a wave to Gunhild and company as he lumbered over with a wide wave of his more dexterous hand.

“Greetings, welcome to the Caelia Barony.”

He took note of Griffin as well who was familiar. “All sorts of things take place here in this Barony, Griffin, many people live here and tend to their businesses and live their lives with the safety afforded to them by Lady Caelia. Some areas of the Barony are known for certain aspects more than others. Stonewall is known for having a Keep and is a place which many congregate for a good time."

"Lady Caelia truly is very kind. She moved this shrine here just so that someone from my civilization could keep their home in leu of being bound despite all teh trouble it caused her, I do not know all too many who would go to such lengths to help someone out.”

Teuihua also gave a wave Lucian’s way presuming he had a sight line on him with his 360 Degree Vision. It felt good to see more peaceful times in the barony despite the conflict which was taking place in the realm at large which Teuihua had heard about. He really hoped that conflict would stay contained and would come to a more peaceful conclusion eventually. For now he looked at the scenery and listened to the conversations after his contribution, Keeping an eye on the Barony as he typically did with his [Sentry] like nature.

-Character excels at guard duty and is likely to be tasked with it a lot. Character inspires a sense of safety and rest-assuredness.

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai

Mentions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece gmimperfecti gmimperfecti DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Kota's decision to return with the members of the barony and friends was one of curiosity. Miyuki's knowledge of the island piqued the Kitsune's interest and even more so the fact that the 3 of them all shared a similar resemblance. The trip was full of surprises, such as even finding out that Gunhild had a daughter on the island who would also be joining the group. All this newfound information was beginning to give the Kitsune a slight headache.

After arriving at the Caelia Barony, Kota brimmed with excitement. Teuihua and Gunhild gave a brief explanation of what it was but seeing it through his own bestial eyes was an entirely different experience. The Kitsune would catch a glimpse of Gunhild and Teuihua's relief from finally being home, he could almost sense that they were letting their guards down a little bit and were ready to recharge after such a large trip. He would also chuckle at Briarhild as she held her tough demeanor against Chiyoko and her mother, he could see that part of Gunhild. Perhaps when Gunhild was much smaller she behaved the same way.

The Kitsune would catch wind of Griffin and Teuihua's conversation, "Hopefully we get a chance to meet Lady Caelia, if we don't that's okay. Being responsible for so many people must be a busy job." Kota replied, getting a good stretch in after the long trip. Teuihua seemed to already be on guard duty but 'seemingly' less on edge than before, this was more of an assumption based on the fact that he was within familiar territory. He didn't possess any way of truly knowing. Kota would meet eyes with a man and a butler playing croquet in the distance, a bit of surprise on his face to see a game from his previous world being played here, The Kitsune would return Lucian's wave, he certainly had a charm to him. He'd approach the nice fellow and extend out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, names Kota." he smiled as he turned to the group.

"Perhaps exchanging some stories would be a nice way to unwind if you all are interested. Unless you all are exhausted from the journey." Kota replied, his concern mostly pointed at Miyuki whom he attempted to give an out towards, out of the group she seemed a bit more on the shy side.
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DarkKitsune DarkKitsune TheTimePiece TheTimePiece gmimperfecti gmimperfecti SixSense SixSense

Location: Caelia Barony Shrine, just outside of the town of Stonewall, in the Caelia Barony.

Gunhild looked to Griffin as he questioned about the on-goings of the event, seeing that Teuihua was more than willing to give him insight on the day-to-day considering he had been here longer than her. She wasn't exactly sure how much longer since she had arrived before the shrine was placed, but he seemingly knew his way around and knowledge of the Barony so much more considering he has likely had a lot more time to assist Lady Caelia.
"Fancy bird lady do a do of many do's. Prettybirdie says birdie not bird, Gunhild know is bird. Like Birdman, is birds. Gunhild find Stonetownplace a back-time. Gunhild find magic wish-hole, wish-hole make wish real. Prettybirdie now Gunhild friend and give a thing and things and pets and all to Gunhild. Metalmans Gunhild favourite rock, Metalmans know many stuffs about Baronlady's big place-place" Gunhild pointed out, explaining nonsense about a magical wishing hole somewhere in Stonewall as she looked who was present, hearing Lucian's greetings to the arrival of people. She hadn't seen the man before, but considering Teuihua's nonchalance to his presence perhaps it was someone else who frequented the area or that they had encountered eachother before. Lady Caelia appeared to usually be around a lot of people Gunhild didn't have a clue where they came from a lot of the time, supposing that fancy important people who did a lot of silly fancy smol person stuff just attracted that much attention. Giving a little wave gesture of raising her hand to him, she grumbled softly.

"Hellos new smol, Gunhild is Gunhild. Gunhild find and bring friendses and new friendses to Stonetownplace. Purpy-Floofa or Prettybirdie here or someplace not here?" Gunhild asked him, unsure if he knew the whereabouts of Regula or perhaps Ringo since they were usually doing stuff together. Gunhild believed that they might have been very close, but she wasn't sure if it was because of the 'tail thing' and that they had significant supporting of eachother. Looking for a moment to Miyuki and Chiyoko considering they were probably under the same descriptions of 'Purple Fluffies', she added.
"Not Gunhild Purpy-Floofas, Shrine Purpy-Floofa. Ringo-Puppo, Prettybaronlady's Purpy-Floofa... Prettyladybaron alsos. Is place?" Gunhild asked about the whereabouts of them as her own companions listened in to what was told by Teuihua and tried to understand what was told of Gunhild.
With the three of them being just as fresh to the Barony as Griffin and Kota were, they paid mind to Lucian's greeting as at least the two kitsune gave him a smile and wave in response whereas Briarhild only gave basically a judgemental look.
"O-oh, hello sir! It is so kind to see new people after such a while, I hope your day is going well" Miyuki cheerfully smiled, embarrassed a little feeling completely out of interacting with people for so long after being on that island for a while. Were people usually this forwardly friendly? In her old world she was famous so it only made sense that she got a highly positive reception for people who came to see her... well usually at least. Celebrity status wasn't exactly perfect. On Kota's suggestion to discuss stories and such for a little while, Miyuki had nodded as she gently clasped her hands together.
"For a little rest to hear whereabouts seems like a nice idea, we have only just arrived and I'm sure there'll be other things to do before considering where to go or do next. Haven't really had a lot of time to just talk or be at peace in a while" Miyuki answered, looking to Chiyoko and Briarhild for a moment whom both seemed to be off inspecting around the shrine a little. Chiyoko was rather more investigative, while Briarhild was very slowly trailing and watching her like something was gonna attack her at any given moment. Gunhild simply watched Briarhild without saying anything for a moment, grumbling a small laugh quietly as she smiled.

"Gunhild friends rests and do a good do for now. Forward-time think-time is a forward-time do. Baronsmol, who is Baronsmol?" Gunhild asked curiously as she looked to Lucian, noticing Miyuki's silent staring towards him and gently shoving her a little after noticing which only made her feel a lot more embarrassed about said staring. Gunhild was pretty used to the idea that Miyuki was very emotionally fragile and clingy to friends and nice people, that after her time not having any social interaction whatsoever except for hers and Gunhild's daughters for an unconfirmed time period Gunhild was a little concerned how easily she would infatuate herself with new people. Floofa friend was not allowed to so simply fall in love at first sight, Gunhild would have to try to remind her of her 'fancy people' standards, maybe Regula could help show Gunhild how fancy-smols acted fancy whenever she was around.​
INTERACTIONS: Femboy Femboy SixSense SixSense gmimperfecti gmimperfecti TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
LOCATION: Caelia Barony

  • This user could not think of anything to add here

    “Kota is right. She does sound like a great person. “

    He said, After hearing about how things typically went here, it sounded like a nice place, and he wondered if she would show up. Understood if not... And the greeting from someone who seemed to have already been at the Barony. Who’s enthusiastic greeting was quick to make him realize that…there wasn’t a danger or a big adventure this time. For the moment, it was peaceful as there could be no going on to help with an escort and defend against wolves, no going to a nest of mutant bugs, no fighting a giant demon pig thing and no exploring what could potentially be unknown island. It was…weird to him, to say the least. Griffin extended his hand out to Lucian, saying.

    “Nice to meet you! My name is Griffin.”

    He attempted to keep his mind from wandering. But perhaps that was one of the reasons he relentlessly adventured? To keep his mind from wandering and thinking too much…but it slowly became harder for that to happen. He silently hoped for conversation to be distracting enough. He also didn’t know what to really expect so far all he knew was it was a woman with wings based on what Gunhild had said, though what she said later made him think.

    ‘No think time. Please no think time’

Lucian, holding a cucumber sandwich in one hand and a goblet of icy lemonade in the other, couldn't help but be momentarily perplexed by Gunhild's explanation. Her language, a charming mix of simplicity and confusion, painted a picture that was both bewildering and intriguing. Yet, Lucian's innate adaptability and charm allowed him to navigate the conversation with the grace of a seasoned diplomat.

"Ah, Gunhild, a pleasure indeed!" Lucian replied, his tone a blend of amusement and genuine interest as he waltzed over to her. "Your tales of Prettybirdie, wish-holes, and Stonetownplace weave quite the tapestry. I must confess, the concept of a magical wishing hole is particularly glorious. The wonders this world conceals never cease to amaze."

Lucian took a thoughtful sip of his lemonade, considering Gunhild's inquiry about the whereabouts of Regula or Ringo. "As for your friends, the Purpy-Floofas, as you charmingly put it, I'm afraid I've not had the pleasure of their acquaintance. My journeys have brought me far and wide, yet the companions you seek elude me still. But worry not, for in places such as these," he gestured expansively to the shrine and the surroundings, "new friendships are often just a conversation away."

He offered Gunhild a warm smile, recognizing the value of her straightforward and unguarded approach to life. "You and your friends are most welcome to join us here. Refreshments abound, and the day promises more tales to tell and mysteries to uncover. Perhaps, together, we can uncover the whereabouts of your Purpy-Floofas and Prettybirdie."

Lucian's invitation was open and sincere, an extension of his belief in the power of stories and connections to enrich life's journey. He was well aware that every individual, regardless of their background or language, held a piece of the grand puzzle of the game. And Gunhild, with her unique perspective and vibrant companions, was no exception.

Gunhild's inquiry about "Baronsmol" elicited a chuckle from Lucian. "Ah, Baronsmol," he mused aloud, "a title I'm unfamiliar with, but in the spirit of curiosity and camaraderie, let's say it refers to a friend of the Barony, one who seeks to bring joy and perhaps a touch of mystery to this gathering."

Turning his attention back to Miyuki, Lucian noticed her embarrassed glance and the gentle nudge from Gunhild, interpreting the scene with a touch of amusement and empathy.

Lucian's inviting grin widened as Miyuki and her companions acknowledged him. Her gentle, somewhat shy demeanor reminded him of the many anime characters he'd adored in his previous life. Such encounters always stirred a blend of nostalgia and delight within him, bridging the worlds he'd known and the one he found himself in now.

As Miyuki expressed her gratitude for the new interaction, Lucian's heart warmed to her innocence and politeness. It was a refreshing change from the often complicated and guarded exchanges he navigated daily. "The pleasure is all mine, Miyuki," he responded, his voice carrying a tone of genuine warmth. "In a world as vast and as mysterious as ours, new friendships are the treasures we stumble upon along our journeys."

Lucian, with a playful twinkle in his eye produced a single golden apple, which he tossed up into the air. His hands moved with practiced grace, weaving a dance as he seemed to catch the apple in one hand only for it to appear in the other. Then, with a dramatic flourish, Lucian clapped his hands together, and the apple seemed to have transformed! Where once there had been a golden apple, there was now a single, exquisite rose, its petals crafted from the finest golden gild.

Lucian, with a magician's flair for timing, held up the golden rose and, with a bow, presented it to Miyuki. "For you, my dear," he said, his voice a mixture of performance and sincerity. "A small token of the magic that friendships new and old can bring into our lives."

The golden gilded rose, a symbol of enchantment and beauty, sparkled in Miyuki's hands. Of course it hadn't actually been created with magic, it was a piece of decritive jewelry equivalent to an Asset E.

Lucian, with his usual blend of charm and ease, returned Griffin's handshake, his grip firm yet friendly. "Griffin, the pleasure is all mine," he responded, his voice imbued with the warm, welcoming tone that seemed to come so naturally to him. "Please if the sandwiches are not to your liking we have plenty more other food from succulent pig to other wondrous delicacies. We are a caravan of sorts from Azuran, den if inequity that it is, to bask in the caress of this pure and tranquil oasis."

His smile was infectious, a clear indication that, despite the absence of immediate danger or grand quests, the moments of peace too held their own value. "Let us enjoy this slice of life while it lasts," Lucian added, his gaze sweeping over the serene setting. "For in a world as vibrant and as unpredictable as ours, who knows when the next adventure might just find its way to us."

With a slight nod and a gesture towards the gathering, Lucian welcomed Griffin into the fold. "Make yourself at home. Here, in this moment of peace, we have the luxury of simply being—something not to be taken lightly. The game of croquet was just finishing up."

As Kota approached, Lucian's attention momentarily shifted from the leisurely game of croquet, his gaze landing on the Kitsune with a mixture of curiosity and recognition. The game, a gentle reminder of the world he once knew, served now as a bridge between past and present, worlds and stories.

"Kota, a pleasure indeed," Lucian greeted, his handshake as warm as his smile. "I'm Lucian Fortuna, and this," he gestured to his side, "is Cedric, my butler and sometimes, partner in crime."

At Kota's suggestion of sharing stories, Lucian's eyes lit up, the prospect of exchanging tales as enticing as any adventure. "Ah, stories! The very essence of what makes our journeys memorable. We're never too weary for a good tale, are we, Cedric?" Cedric, in his unflappable manner, nodded in agreement.

"Let me begin then, to set the stage," Lucian offered, his voice taking on the tone of a seasoned storyteller. "Not long ago, in the bustling streets of Azuran, our band found ourselves entangled in a rather peculiar mystery. It involved a series of inexplicable disappearances, whispers of a shadowy figure, and a race against time to unravel the truth before the next full moon."

Lucian described how they navigated the underbelly of Azuran, from dimly lit alleyways to the grandiose, yet secretive, halls of the nobility. "It was a test of wit, will, and the bonds of friendship. And amidst the danger, a revelation: the heart of the mystery was not malice, but a misdirected attempt to protect a sacred legacy."

He paused, his gaze shifting to Miyuki, sensing her reticence. "But those are tales for another time. Now, we're here, in the serene embrace of the Caelia Barony, where the only shadows cast are those of the setting sun against the shrine. Kota, perhaps you'd like to share a story from your own adventures? The floor is yours, and I assure you, you'll find an eager audience among us."

Finally catching sight of the massive stone golem, Teuihua, waving at him Lucian stood perplexed for a long moment. Lucian gestured for Cedric, who stiffly walked over to his master. "Cedric, did we bring refreshments for all kind? You said everyone would enjoy cucumber sandwiches, but there's no tea! I'm not sure if all these sorts are in the mood for high tea anyway. Never mind at least we should do something. We might not be hosts, strangers as we are, but we can at least break bread with them and no one wants these cucumber sandwiches! Go inquire, perhaps you misjudged your ettiquette on this one, like we when we stayed in that haunted house with the criminal and the cook."

Cedric, ever the stoic, nodded in acknowledgment, a faint smile betraying his amusement at Lucian's reference to their past misadventures. "Indeed, Master Lucian. It appears our preparations might have been a touch too conservative for such a varied gathering. I shall see what can be done to accommodate our guests more appropriately."

With a swift, purposeful stride, Cedric set off to consult with each to see what they might better enjoy.

Languages: "Common", "+Mictlantecuhtlian+", "%Analog%"
Mentions: Femboy Femboy gmimperfecti gmimperfecti DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense

Teuihua nodded in agreement at Gunhild’s addition about Regula. It was nice to see that Kota seemed to be taking well enough to the Barony so far, being sociable to Lucian, to which while Teuihua had not met him prior, he and others were partaking in the sorts of things people did which they found enjoyable in the Barony which was a good thing as far as Teuihua was concerned.

“She may be available soon enough, my understanding was that she had some business which she was attending too but I do not believe it was scheduled to take the entire time we’ll be here.”

Teuihua added himself.

He listened to Lucian speak, So he was an adventurer of sorts? That’s what it sounded like to Teuihua at leaset. Teuihua also took note of Griffin, pleased that he could make it to the Barony as well.

During a natural point which seemed good to speak, Teuihua decided to speak.

“I should introduce myself. I am Teuihua, I serve Lady Caelia and her Barony’s interests.”

“It sounds like you have been quite the adventures. I welcome you and your companions to the Caelia Barony and hope that you have found it to be to your liking.”

“We have just come back from our own travels which were rather eventful.”

He spoke to Lucian and his party.

Should Cedric even bother speaking to him, he’d affirm that he was capable of processing anything organic for energy as far as refreshments were concerned.

He was curious if Kota had a story to share since he had been asked, Teuihua looked to him with intrigue if he would speak after being asked by Lucian.
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Gunhild/NPC's Femboy Femboy | Griffin DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Lucian gmimperfecti gmimperfecti | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Kota SixSense SixSense
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan}

Regula, having wrapped up things with the Archbishop successfully, so far as she could estimate at least, had travelled back to her domain tired and satisfied. She'd only figure out just how successful her attempts would be over time, when the money spent and favours bought would take affect and the RP got graded. By the time she returned, it was already dark out, so she went straight to the keep to sleep.

However, the next morning, one of her guards would come to inform her that 'Teuihua, the giant lizard woman and other peculiar company' had arrived in the barony. Between curiosity, wanting to check in on Teuihua and Gunhild and her duties as a baroness, she had more than enough reason to go out and greet them.

It wasn't too surprising to find them at the shrine, as that was what Regula had told Gunhild to keep an eye on. Gunhild immediately stood out, being the largest. Teuihua second, being large and metalmansie. She'd greet them as she landed from her short flight over. “Ah, Gunhild! Teuihua! Welcome back!” Honestly, she was happy to see them again, especially as she'd heard some news of them having travelled someone relatively unsafe. “I'm glad you've both returned safe and sound! Did everything go well on your trip?”

She quickly opened up her [Pocket Dimension]. “Ah, when I was in Ryke, I brought this!” She took out very large bread with raisins, nuts and cinnamon. “It's a speciality from the bakery I used to work as when I was young. I'm sure you'll love it!” She stated, handing it over to Gunhild.

Then she took out some small, colourful candies. “These are handmade by an elderly couple that lived in my neighbourhood. I'm sure you won't find anything so small with so much effort put into it elsewhere~” She stated, handing them over to Teuihua.

That's when she turned to the others. “Sorry for the late introduction.” She stated, as she put up a smile. “I'm Regula Caelia, it's a pleasure to welcome you in my barony.” She stated, her eyes scanning those present. The first two she noticed were, as one might expect, Miyuki and Chiyoko. Eyes staying on the tails for just a second, before professionally moving on. She was a tad surprised upon seeing Briarhild. “Perhaps I might be mistaken, but are you, per chance, family of Gunhild?” She asked.

She'd then look at Griffin. “Ah, welcome to you as well! It's been a very long time since I've met another winged person. Perhaps it's a bit too soon to ask, short after meeting, but would you like to go for a flight sometime? I've only recently started learning how to adjust to the wind currents, as I wasn't born with my wings, but I feel like I know the best and worst ones around the town by now.” She realised she might seem a tad eager, especially for someone her status, but this might be one of the few fellow winged people she'd meet anytime soon.

That said, whilst the man himself didn't stand out, the stuff he brought did. She eyed him with some barely contained curiosity, as she attempted to figure out whom or what he might be. A fellow noble? A merchant? Someone simply wealthy? She ended on the latter guess. She'd probably have been notified if any important nobles or merchants had arrived. “I don't think we've been acquainted either, sir.” She'd state. “If you forgive me asking, you seem to have a rather intriguing set-up here. Are you here on business or for pleasure?” That was probably the most polite way to get some curiosity sated.

Alas, however, there was one more. She looked at the two-tailed fox. A pretty pristine white. It reminded her a tad bit of Aya, but mixed in with some Kota. She shook her head. No time to get lost in thoughts. “A pleasure to meet you as well.” As before, her eyes lingered ever so shortly on the tails, before the professionalism would take over.

For better or worse, it'd been long enough for the tailed ones to notice the [Tail Freak] by now, at least to some extend.

[Tail Freak] - Character displays an unnatural attraction to tails. Creatures with tails will be intuitively concerned within character's presence. Those petted may have lingering feelings of being dirty and regret or receive the title Thoroughly Petted.

Considering she was actively trying to suppress it, Regula herself stayed calm and polite. “I'd offer some refreshments or food, but it seems the gentleman has beaten me to it.” She'd state with a smile, not particularly minding, but still being rather curious. “Either way, what's brought all of you here?”

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

Kota was surprised by Lucian’s hospitality, further adding onto his impression of the Caelia barony and its inhabitants. “Seems like Lady Caelia only keeps good company.” The kitsune joked, he would turn to greet the Catkin who were relaxing to the side. “<Good evening, my name is Kota. it’s nice to meet you>” he would introduce himself to them in bestial before taking a seat to hear about Lucian’s story. Throughout the entertaining tale, it was easy to see that the Kitsune was invested. When in suspense his ears dropped to the sides and his tails swooshed violently, during the more social parts his ears were erect and facing forward while his tails moved subtly like the wind. At the climax his tails and ears twitched in anticipation of what was to happen next. After Lucian was done Kota had surely been won over, “I almost feel like I was there!” He exclaimed as he leaned back in satisfaction from the story.

Lucian would come to ask Kota about his own tale in which the beast scratched the back of his head. “Pretty cruel to ask me to share my story after that masterpiece.” He would joke, “I’ll share one of my more recent adventures which had taken place within the Beast republic. It was an escort mission where a few others and I were tasked with protecting a young lady as she went to retrieve a medicinal herb for herself to help better regulate her magic.” Kota would begin to explain the setting of Naan pass and its snowy close knit village atmosphere. The rumor about bandits being stationed near where they would be traveling. Even his friend Almeida whom he had been traveling with for a while and the struggles with working around a language barrier.

“But you wouldn’t believe it, the bandits weren’t even the worst part about this job! There was a huge dire bear that got wind of our location. It stood over 10 feet tall, it Maw was big enough to swallow a man whole! Claws that could shred into pieces.” Kota would use his hands to exaggerate and better explain the size of the beast. He would explain the dilemma that transpired when the woman they were tasked with protecting had run off towards the cave out of concern for another one of their comrades causing the group to split up, leaving a few to follow her and the rest to intercept the bear. “Luckily enough we were able to scare the bandits off with word of a bear heading in their direction. After that we were able to reconvene with the bear group and slay the beast together in a gruesome battle. In the end it turns out that the bandits weren’t even typical bandits but contracted to a slaver who decided to make an appearance. To make matters worse. One of the members in our party supposedly ‘belonged’ to him. We managed to make him leave and free our newfound friend. Kota stated the last part with reluctance in his voice before reaching into his pouch and pulling out a small piece of the bear's furry hide for the others to see.

“My tribe isn't one to let things go to waste so we skinned its hide and made some bear stew out of some nice cuts of meat. We also shared some of it with the so called ‘bandits’ who weren’t all that bad.There were even some older beastkin within their ranks.” A bit of worry filled Kitsune's voice at the end, concerned about how they were doing. He would break this train of thought with a smile, “A part of our reward was being able to enjoy a nice hot spring within the village. After a day like that it felt nice to unwind.”

At this moment he would notice another voice come and join them thanks to [Heightened Senses:Hearing]. Kota would turn around to notice a winged lady greeting Teuihua and Gunhild. The tone of voice she carried gave off the impression that they were very familiar with one another. After a moment she would turn to Kota’s and the others properly introducing herself as Regula Caelia. The kitsune's ears perked up and a smile appeared on his face, speak of the devil and they shall appear right? He wasn’t too optimistic about getting a meeting with Lady Caelia but fate had other intentions.

“Nice to meet you Lady Caelia” Kota would bow his head in respect before raising it once again. “I am Kota, a warrior from the Valheria tribe within the Republic.” Kota returned her smile, his tails swishing in slight excitement. After introducing himself, he couldn’t help noticing her eyes looking past him a bit. As though she strained to make eye contact, it was a bit odd but nothing Kota couldn’t look past as he trusted Teuihua and Gunhild. Still he would make sure to take a mental note of the interaction.

She would then come to inquire about their reason for visiting, “The previous job we had ended with questions I was still curious about. Gunhild and Teuihua mentioned they would be returning here along with Miyuki, Choyoko, and Briarhild. I figured why not tag along and pick my fellow beastkins brain along while also getting to visit the Caelia Barony which I heard nice things about. I mentioned getting the chance to meet you in person not too long ago but I didn’t expect to get an audience with you so soon.” Kota chuckled, scratching the back of his head nervously. “But since you are here, I’d love to hear about the history of the Barony sometime.” His tails moved from side to side violently before stopping abruptly. “If you can't, that's also fine, I understand if your itinerary is full.”
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense gmimperfecti gmimperfecti
Nodding on Griffin's agreement with Kota about Regula being a good person, the big lizard turning her focus to Lucian when he greeted her and responded to her questions. From the sounds of it, he wasn't used to the Barony or its people from the sounds of it. Grumbling quietly, perhaps she wouldn't be encountering her or Ringo today from the looks of it.
"Baronsmol is smol bird of barony, does barony smol stuffs. Fancy silly smol stuffs" she commented, not paying much attention to what was going on between Lucian and Miyuki with what felt like flirting. Her focus was interrupted when the arrival of a familiar bird girl had arrived to the scene whom she had just disregarded as likely not to make an appearance.

"Prettybirdie! Gunhild not know Prettybirdie be heres at Magic-Shrinehouse. Gunhild and Metalmans and friendses do a good do on trip to water-land-place no-name. Do a good do... " Gunhild answered as she looked to Regula when she was pulling something out of her weird magic space. Unsure what was exactly going to come out since the last time she saw this same thing, she pulled an entire building out of it, she was wondering if it was going to be some sort of different building or an entire ecosystem. Surprised by the sight of a fancy piece of bread from the far exotic lands of 'some bakery elsewhere in Ryke', her eyes lit up in excitement as she gleefully lowered her head with a quiet grumbly reptilian sound of joy. Quickly taking it out of her hands as she held the big loaf of bread in her mouth, the fact that she had food immediately attracted the attention of Briarhild whom only shared her mentality with less developed reasoning. Whilst others were talking amidst eachother, Gunhild and Briarhild quietly stared and growled at eachother as the smaller lizard girl tried to swipe at the bread loaf in the larger's mouth to no success.

Miyuki fell rather awkward as she fidgeted with her hands while Lucian flourished and offered her such a fancy gilded rose that she hadn't been anticipating. Unsure how to react or what to say, her face just fell rather red as she strugged to find words for a moment. Eventually, she briefly and quietly spoke.
"T-thank you, I s-suppose... nice to meet you, I haven't talked to a lot of people in quite a while, I-I wasn't expecting one of the first I met to be someone as surprisingly kind on the first meeting. At least I can be glad it was you rather than someone a little more suspicious or something... I-I mean that's just a bit of random off-topic thought, I think you're nice and good-looking- a-and stuff and all, b-but nice to meet you, I'm Miyuki... I hope we can get along w-well, n-not that I think we wouldn't or anything, I just, h-haha, umm... I'm sure you fluster every lady or stuff you talk to, d-don't mind me I'm just a bit overwhelmed, I-I haven't been flattered in a long time" she awkwardly fumbled around as she took little steps back, laughing nervously and holding her head down as if she was embarrassed about the entire thing. Talking to strangers after such a long while felt questionably weirder than she was used to, she felt she was entirely washed up when it came to any kinds of social interaction. Chiyoko hadn't seen her mother act in a way in literately forever, giggling softly as she wanted to go and poke at her mother to no end who quickly saw her approach and gave her a death-glare of denial. Looking back, she nervously fiddled with the pretty rose in her hand glancing at it occasionally.

"A-ah, hello Lady Caelia, if that's the correct thing to say and all... " Miyuki greeted as she bowed a little, she hadn't ever met a baroness or anything before so she had no idea how the ranking of hierarchy worked.
"I am Miyuki, a long time friend of Gunhild who apparently you know and get along well, these are also Chiyoko, one of my daughters, and this is Briarhild, one of Gunhild's daughters... " she spoke, a little unnerved by the thought of something as she chose to address Briarhild rather.
"I only have a few kids, but Gunhild's had more than I can count by now, b-but right I'm sure you know this, apparently you two get along well from what she's told me. Among... o-other things... " she spoke, falling a bit quiet since she had noticed Regula's glancing at her tails. The amount of what Gunhild had told her so far was debatable, but considering Gunhild was somewhat so sure about them getting along it was probably for at least obvious reasons. As Regula was asking about Briarhild's relation while Miyuki was answering, said Gunhild and Briarhild were fighting over a piece of fancy bread originally given to Gunhild who was keeping the little one from taking it. Gunhild was sat trying to face away from Briarhild with the loaf tightly held in her mouths grip, while Briarhild was growling and scrambling at her trying to get at it. After she felt the girl had put up enough of a fight despite the fact that her daughter was literately starting to claw and bite at her as hard as she could, she gently offered the bread loaf to Briarhild who immediately snatched it and sat on the floor to start eating away at it. Grumbling and gently patting her head despite the defensive grumbling she got back in response, Gunhild looked to Regula.

"Gunhild and friendses come Barony. See place, Gunhild thinks may do a home-make, Gunhild no good sleep-place. Gunhild home for Gunhild friends, Gunhild and friends do a think forward-time plans. Do a smart think do" Gunhild explained as she minded the snarling beast beside her, keeping an eye on her.

Whilst said little explanation was going on, Miyuki and Chiyoko were listening to Kota's story of his own past adventures. While Miyuki was a little concerned for the potential safety despite the fact of where she's been for at least the past few days, Chiyoko was silently grinning and hanging on to every word of his tale.
"Wow, I don't have any good stories like that, I haven't gotten to go on any crazy adventures like that yet. Shouldn't you already be like famous or something for doing that stuff? How do people not talk about that for like forever days to come!? Miyuki, you should tell the story where you and Gunhild conquered all the realms and went to that big tree!! That's like the coolest thing you've ever done!" Chiyoko chimed with a smile, wanting a story from their own background to tell for bragging rights, though Miyuki was rather concerned about her overexcitement.

"I-it's just a little tale from before you were born, I've told it countless times. Besides, t-that's in the long past. We did that because we weren't supposed to be there in the first place... w-well, I wasn't supposed to be there, Gunhild was, but then we both left. And now we're... wherever, h-here is, pardon, I don't mean anything rude, we're just not from... anywhere near here, at least I would think so, I haven't recognised a single place name or place so far, we must be a lot further from home than I was thinking... " she answered as she looked to Griffin and Lucian.
"M-maybe you two have a nice story to share?" she asked as she looked to Teuihua also.
"I haven't seen a construct like you in a long while, y-you're not like the naturally formed ones on Gala'Kula. Is there a place around here that has kind like yours? They must have some interesting magical or enchanting capabilities to do so" she asked curiously.

Meanwhile, Gunhild looked to Regula and leaned in to speak in a softer, quieter tone.
"Prettybirdie, Gunhild and friends do long trip. Is food and place for friends and smols? Gunhild think Gunhild maybe make nice cave for Gunhild friends and family, Purpy-Floofas like Gunhild family also" Gunhild spoke, looking to Briarhild who hadn't made it through much of the bread loaf considering Gunhild didn't even think she cared for bread at all. Reaching over and simply pulling it out of her grasp, Briarhild snarled and grumbled at her like a wild animal in response opting to not even use words.
"Smols maybes hungy, Gunhild hope Prettybirdie friends with Gunhild friends, like Metalmans friends with Gunhild friends. Floofa-Miyuki and smols very good and kind, no make a bad do. Do a good friendships".
INTERACTIONS: Femboy Femboy SixSense SixSense gmimperfecti gmimperfecti TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario
LOCATION: Caelia Barony

  • storytime?

    When Regula showed up Griffin reassured her that it was okay for being late.

    “No need to apologize for being late, since You were likely preoccupied with something important.”

    Then she asked about flying, if it was one thing Griffin could agree with it was he statement that not many people seemed to have wings. At least based off how many people he’s meet since waking up Regula is possibly the only other person besides himself that he’s meet with wings this far. He replied.

    “I would love to fly with you…but I am not the best at it either. I can only fly 3mph at the moment, I was likely born with them but I also don’t remember learning how prior to a few months ago.”

    That would do for a response he figured, he really wouldn’t mind. But for a moment he’s a slow flyer. He learned what he could consider were the basics few weeks after he woke up. That and adjusting to actually having wings was another thing all together. Griffin for some reason felt uncomfortable, he couldn’t pinpoint why despite instinctually folding in his [Eagle Wings] and attempting to hide his [Lion Tail]. When Lucian and Kota finished telling their stories Griffin said.

    “Seems you guys have also been on your fair share of adventures! Perhaps I should tell the story of my own adventure before the job with Gunhild as well?”

    He then asked Kota. The description of of the girl sounded familiar and had a hint of realization dawn on him.

    “Did the girl who hired to protect have blonde hair and Pink and Blue highlights with a wolf companion?”

    That reminded him. If he wasn’t going to be adventuring then might as well write some letters…the more distractions the better after all.

    “That reminds me. Does anyone have anything to write letters with by chance?”

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Gunhild/NPC's Femboy Femboy | Griffin DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Lucian gmimperfecti gmimperfecti | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Kota SixSense SixSense
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan}

“Valheria?” She asked. “I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that tribe. Is it in the east or west of the country?” As she'd ask it, her eyes would momentarily follow the movement of tails, before focussing again. “Ah, so you're with the both of them already? They're pretty great, aren't they~” She'd smile. “Anyway, a friend of my friend is my friend as well.”

She was a bit curious about another part. “If I might ask, what's the thing you're still curious about? I do know some things.” She added, having gathered a fair bit of knowledge over time (a fair few secondary skills). She laughed at his remark at meeting her so soon. “I'm flattered, but yes, I do tend to keep busy. Although luckily I've got some great advisors working for me to allow me some time to go meet up with returning friends and visitors such as yourselves from time to time.”

Her face, shortly, darkened a bit upon the history of the barony. There weren't any great or fun stories there. Just problems they'd worked hard to get past. Thinking things through, her eyes would yet again gaze upon the violently moving tails, although she snapped back to it when they stopped. “Oh, I can, it's just that the past doesn't hold many great stories. I'm looking forwards to writing better ones in the future to come. Although if you do tend to stick around, you might want to visit Sootspire. The mountain is beautiful, the people kind and if she's around, the mayor is a wise woman.” She cheered up a bit again. “You could also visit Yemaya if you're more adventurous. Its dungeons are somewhat dangerous, but the ruins of the city are safe by now and becoming more hospitable. There's even a tavern that opened up there that seems to be attracting lots of people from around the world already.” It was clear from how she was talking that she did love her domain. “Finally there's Kirkwall, near the border, which has a unique architecture. The people there tend to stick a bit to themselves, but if you can break through the initial hesitance they might have, you'll find them to be very welcoming as well.”

As for Gunhild, Regula sighed again. “As before, if you must use a different name, I'd prefer you at least stick with Baronlady.” That one at least showed a shred of respect in public. Prettybirdie would likely just be seen as an attempt to undercut her authority if the wrong people heard that being used to address her. “And I'm glad you did do a good do?” She replied, her smile returning.

She'd turn to Teuihua, a questioning look. “Did you go to some sort of island?” That's the most she got from the Gunhildian speak. In the corner of her eyes, she could see the two lizards snarl for the bread. She'd have brought more than one piece if she'd known there'd be more than one lizard to feed now.

Her attention was quickly turned to the multi-tailed woman that Gunhild had brought along. She gave a disarming smile at Miyuki's hesitance. “That's more than correct. Far better than 'Prettybirdie' will ever be as well.” She chuckled a bit at the latter mention, as she doubted that'd change anytime soon.

Upon the introduction, however, he blanked out for a bit. Gunhild had... daughters? Before her mind could catch up, the girl even added that Gunhild had many daughters?!? What? She looked at the lizard lady a tad confused. “I was not aware, no.” She uttered, before she regained herself from that surprise. “I'm surprised she's your daughter, you both look young and in the prime of your lives.” She'd eventually reply. Although, truth be told, there was one question that immediately arose. “Although that does make me wonder, where are your and Gunhild's other children?” Was that a [Beast] thing to have many children elsewhere that you didn't tend to tell anyone about? She didn't want to be insensitive, but that really got her wondering.

Before she could keep on wondering, Gunhild spoke up again. “Ah, you're still looking for a home?” Wait, that made her wonder. “Wait, just for you, or are you planning to bring over more of your children? I'm happy to help you settle in somewhere. If you're in a small group, I think I could finally get the keep renovated further and add a large enough space for you to live in at your regular size. Or perhaps you'd want to have a room in the barracks? Although if you'd want to make a house from scratch, there's still a fair bit of room here on the village's outskirts and all the way up to Sootspire...” She was already overthinking things a bit. “I'd have to ask Amanda for advise though, as she'd known better and I'd hate ruining her city-planning again.” She looked at Gunhild again. “Ah, right, but to prepare for such a thing, it'd be nice to know how much of your family you'd want to have come living here.”

“Ah, of course, I'd like to be friends with your friends.” She'd reply with a smile, although she did have one point of concern. “Although they might need to learn just a bit of... ehm... how to interact with people here?” Was that the best way to phrase it? “It'd be rather bad if a fight would start due to misunderstandings, right?” She hoped that Gunhild would get what she was trying to hint, as she looked at Teuihua for back-up, trying to signal him like 'please teach your daughter to not be like an actual animal towards the people here' as she worried that might happen. She wasn't entirely sure why Gunhild mentioned being hungry, as it seemed the somewhat strange man (Lucian) had already offered them food. That said... “I could pick up some food from Chef Todo, if needed.” She'd add. Better be safe than sorry.

She'd nod at Griffin next, as it reminded her how some would tell her not to apologise to begin with as it wasn't noble-like. Too late now, she feared. Either way, she'd instinctively flap her wings a bit upon the promise of flying together later. “Ah, I can go fairly fast by now (30 mph) but I just feel like I haven't been able to get down that aerial agility some of the folk born with wings have. Or how to estimate the shifting of the wind and act upon it. I heard from Hera, the one other winged person I know, that good flying barely takes any energy as you let the winds do the work for you. Considering how my wings ache after a flight each time, I'm clearly doing it wrong.”

Although she wondered why he said he was 'likely' born with the, as if he wasn't sure, she decided not to pry into it. Upon his question for paper, she'd open up her Pocket Dimension (B) again and (Wealth B) took out some paper and ink. “I tend to have most things on hand.” She stated with a smile. “The adventurer's guild has a pick-up point at Saffron's store in the centre of town, The Twice Flipped Coin. Can't miss it.” She'd add.

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Femboy Femboy

Kota would chuckle at Chiyoko stating she hasn’t got to go on any crazy adventures like that. “What do you mean you haven’t got to go on any adventures like that, Gala’Kraoth has tons of mystery and excitement.” He paused at her comment about whether they would be famous, which Kota thought about, “I couldn’t imagine myself being famous, I more so do things for the battle experience against creatures more than anything else.” Chiyoko then flashed an interesting story in front of him and his tails begin to flutter in excitement. If he wasn’t mistaken it sounded as though they were referring to Norse mythology. Kota always assumes it to be mythology but perhaps anything could happen in this world. His tails fluttered as he looked towards Miyuki with anticipation. She only gave a brief teaser which made Kota’s ears droop a bit, he would notice that she kept mentioning she wasn’t from there which made Kota ponder a bit.

“Well maybe we could start there perhaps, since you two aren’t from here then where are you guys from. I’d love to hear about your home” Kota grinned, maybe speaking about home would make Miyuki a bit more comfortable as she reminisced on good memories.

The kitsune's ears would perk up at Griffin's description of Aedrianna, “Yeah that’s her! Pretty spot on description. A really nice human woman, perhaps a bit too nice at times. I’m assuming you know her as well?” Kota chuckled out of the possible coincidence.

The kitsune would turn back to face Lady Carlia who questioned the location of his tribe, “It’s located within the north Eastern part of Kuridan, near the Paizu mountains. My tribe consists of hunters and warriors, we tend to test our might against feral beasts and monsters.” Kota would return Lady Caelia’s smile after her friendly statement towards Teuihua and Gunhild.

To be honest he was a bit surprised at the Baronesses willingness to lend a hand. “Ah well if you are willing to lend a hand, how could I possibly turn it away. My curiosity mostly stemmed from the journey we just returned from. The island contained a concerning amount of spirits that I was able to sense. Despite them not being malicious, I’m curious as to why they were collected so densely in this region.” He would glance at Miyuki with a bit of concern. “Perhaps we could discuss together our findings later. I’m sure you have a wealth of knowledge.”

Kota would notice Lady Caelia get lost in thought as he asked about the history of the barony. Her eyes seeming to follow what was behind him as her happy ezpression slowly disappeared. Kota’s ears perked up a bit at the mention of the barony not having many good stories. Perhaps she was being modest? However her voice seemed to carry a diffeent tone. Though he could sense the change in energy within the conversation build up as Lady Caelia begin to speak upon the areas of interest within her domain. Sootspire, Yemaya, and Kirkwall all sounded like really swell places to visit while he was here within the barony. It seemed like her moment of absent mindedness had passed as she spoke about the barony.

“Thank you for the recommendations Lady Caelia, I’ll have to get well acquainted with the Barony and its people now that I have friends residing here, you included.” Kota smiled, his tails fluttering a bit once more. “I’m sure the Barony’s history in its entirety is as interesting as its inhabitants” the kitsune would give a glance to Gunhild who was stealing Briarhilds delicious snack.

Kota would notice the pocket dimension which seemed like an incredibly useful item. “Looks like a pretty handy item, being able to store anything you might need.” The two tailed kitsune would turn to Griffin in thought at his mention of letters. He hadn’t sent anyone a letter yet, friends aside and let alone his parents. His father would be a bit harder to reach however maybe sending his mother a message and the people back home wouldn’t hurt.

“Mind if I have some paper and ink as well Lady Caelia?” Kota asked, his tails slowly swaying.

Languages: "Common", "+Mictlantecuhtlian+", "%Analog%"​

Mentions: SixSense SixSense Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Teuihua was pleased to see that Regula was there after all that meant that the new people he had met would be able to meet her. Speaking about her only would do so much, meeting her themselves would be a whole different ordeal.

Teuihua would wave then give a bow.”I am pleased to see you again Lady Caelia.”

“While there were some natural threats, there wasn’t anything that we were unable to handle with a united front.” Teuihua responded which had been the truth as far as he could tell. Teuihua accepted the candy graciously.

“You have my sincere thanks in being so kind.” Instead of consuming them all on the spot, Teuihua took the colorful candies with his more dexterous arm and placed them into his larger arm’s ‘ear’ using it like a pocket for the time being, much like he had done with that bell he had received, which he was still unsure what it’s purpose was after receiving it. He supposed the time would come soon enough.

He was pleased to see that Kota and Regula seemed to be getting along well enough thus far. Teuihua nodded in agreement to corroborate why Kota had come to the Barony along with them.

He did the same for Gunhild’s explanation of events.

It was also nice to see that Griffin seemed to be getting along well enough as well.

Teuihua paused for a moment as he was asked if he had anything to share. First however he would turn to Regula once more.

Maybe he could get two PrettyBirdies with one stone.

“As Kota confirmed, yes we visited an island which had all sorts of creatures, valuables, and even some people living there. He is correct in his assessment that there were many spirits. I suppose this is a story of sorts.

We had gone on the boat ride over which went well enough, but quickly determined that we had decisions to make if we should go to the ruins or through the jungle path to find Gunhild’s friend. Thankfully the Jungle path was fine and we encountered a most curious golem in the distance which I wanted to learn more about but unfortunately it made it’s way away from us, and we got caught up with several reptile like beasts, I tried to intimidate them into leaving but all I seemed to do was discourage them from attacking rather than leaving us alone..and that's when this larger one with legs of large spiders I’ve seen before came out of the jungle and tried to attack us, as it turned out Gunhild’s friend was inside of the monster as if she had been trapped, Gunhild was able to hold the monster in place while I dispatched it, and we were able to cut her free in part thanks to Kota’s skills.”

“That certainly makes for quite an adventurous tale does it not?”
Teuihua inquired to no one in particular as if looking to the rest of the group for confirmation.

“And..yes It would be good if you could teach them some of what you’ve learned about what is expected particularly in public or when meeting important people. Not everyone is as kind or understanding as Lady Caelia is.” Teuihua replied hoping that would help get the message across. From that point he stood on standby and listened to the rest of the conversation. Once again nice to hear that Kota seemed interested enough in getting acquainted.
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Kota SixSense SixSense
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan}

“Near the Paizu Mountains?” She'd ask, a tad surprised. “From what I've gathered, that's a rather dangerous part, both due to the mountain giants and the long border with the East Empire.” She figured out why the next part of his words made sense. “I'd imagine, you'd have to be strong if you want to keep living in an area like that.”

“A concerning amount of spirits..?” She clicked her tongue. “It's a shame Ringo isn't around, she was the guardian of shrine and knows a lot about spirits. If you go to Yemaya's tavern, be sure to ask for her.” She then tried to dig into the archives of her own brain. “I know a lot of religions in which spirits of importance” (religion B) “, but none as much as that of the See. After all, it's ruled by the Spirit King himself. Perhaps that island could be of importance to the Fae?” That said, there were many other options.

“That'd be my first guess, but without knowing more about the specific island or its circumstances, I'm afraid I can't say for sure... Ah, but I do know that spirits can linger after death, as resurrecting the recently diseased is possible. So theoretically, if spirits can linger for a while, they might also be able to linger for long. Perhaps something on that island is keeping them from their passage onto the next life?” She'd question to both Kota and the Kitsune he'd been glancing at alike.

She smiled at his reply to get well acquainted. “Oh my, I'm glad you'd consider me a friend already~” She chuckled a bit, eyes slightly drawn to those fluttering tails again, before she recovered. “Interesting, perhaps it is, but not a fun story.” She repeated, wondering why he brought it up again. “Ah, that reminds me, if you're from the east of Kuridan, have you perhaps names of a canine man named Ko or a tanuki general named Yukan?” She wondered how the first person she'd [Thoroughly Petted] was doing these days, along with the general she'd heard a few people talking about. Not that it was likely that Kota knew of them, but it was worth a shot.

Upon the mention of her pocket dimension, she couldn't help laugh again. “It is! I've even stored all of this;” she pointed at the shrine “into it at one point!” Truthfully, her [Prideful] nature made it tough not to brag a little about that stunt.

Upon him asking for paper and ink as well, she replied before thinking things through “sure, just let me pe--” et your tails in turn. “Let me see if I've still got some.” She quickly rectified what could've been a vital mistake just then. Probably because she'd been thinking about Ko and his [Natural Tailent] again.

She was glad that her choice of a gift for Teuihua was appreciated. Honestly, gifting such a giant hunk of a man a bag of candies felt a bit off, but she'd recalled him 'tasting' effort and figured this would be her best bet. From what she gathered (insight B) he wasn't just being polite either. “I'm glad you like them~” She was also glad that they hadn't been doing something too dangerous, though even if they had, they'd have returned safe and sound at least.

She'd listen to Teuihua's more detailed story of what they'd been doing. Her skin crawled a bit at the story. “A large lizard with spider legs, who someone got stuck inside off..?” That was pretty bloody creepy and gross. “I'm glad you go them out, in that case.” She sighed. “Don't make me want to come along next time to ensure any threats can be blown to bits first.” She stated, part a joke, perhaps a tiny bit serious.

As for the last part, she was just glad to hear Teuihua catch her drift and try to help see if Gunhild could understand needing to teach folk to adjust to life her, rather than snarl for food and abstain from using words. Not she just hoped that message would get across.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

Gunhild gave Regula a blank stare when she continued to insist that Prettybirdie was not a good name, even if Gunhild believed it was extremely accurate. Not answering anything for a brief moment, she contemplated her response before answering.
"Prettybaron-birdlady is" Gunhild answered with a stare that screamed there was not a single thought behind her eyes. Nodding at the fact she did a good do, she agreed.
"Gunhild do a good do all the do, all the good do's are a do, do a do all good do Gunhild does a do".

When Regula pointed out that they looked so much in their prime, Miyuki smiled and laughed a little rather flattered by her comment.
"Oh, it's nice of you to say, but I guess that's just kind of a magical species thing. I'm actually 83, but I suppose I'd get that a lot that I don't look like I've aged a bit. T-though, I suppose that's all really magical kitsune stuff or something, I'm a little blessed so maybe I live longer and retain that look but I don't get that much how it works either" Miyuki answered, supposing that Chiyoko's excuse was probably just that she was literately in her prime.
"Ah, maybe she just didn't mention it then since she hasn't been around them. Or maybe with age too, it's like that. I guess maybe magic or something doesn't have all to do with preserving age looks, because I don't know what Gunhild's excuse is, once it sorta figured that she's probably toted around with the dinosaurs nobody bothered to count or figure it out past that. 65 million years is too many candles for a cake. W-well, also about the rest of the family, see... I don't really know how we showed up. Gunhild didn't even show up with us, there was some weird accident and then we kinda just ended up somewhere else, but none of the rest of the family was there so maybe they didn't magically move also. I can only assume that they're okay, h-hopefully they're doing fine without me.... I can only assume Gunhild's young are fine, they're often the scrappiest and most independent things I can imagine just like the original. Even if when you see them once, you can't not imagine them as... tiny little pink squishy things that fit snuggly into your hand" Miyuki answered, a bit distracted in thought as she smiled, coming back to her senses in realisation and listening to her proposal of a place to stay.

"Ah, yes, it'll just be us, though we'll try to keep an eye on Briarhild. The problem is she doesn't tend to listen to me... or probably anyone for that matter. Maybe if she had a civilised hobby or hyperfixation friend of her own, she'd be able to manage herself. F-for now, I'd probably be careful if you ever feel a temptation to pet her. I've pet Gunhild a fair plentiful times in my own lifetime, but I've at least learned she isn't the one that might try to take off a finger when I do. But thank you for the kindness, Lady Caelia, I'm still a little surprised that you're someone Gunhild appreciates so much, she usually doesn't care at all for anything... well, regal or stuff like that" Miyuki spoke with a small, nervous giggle, turning her attention to Teuihua's retelling of the story on the island even if she was kind of already there not that long ago. Seeing Kota's reaction to her hesitance to tell a tale, she looked to Chiyoko who was making the same drooped-ears although putting more of an intentional pout on her face.
"O-okay, maybe I can tell a little of it or even about Gala'Kraoth a bit since I've been around there a while and found some stuff, though I wouldn't mind hearing your own stories also if you have some to share?" Miyuki asked, turning her attention to Griffin as he had offered to tell such before his questing with Gunhild. It would help to know more of the surrounding world having no real clue on it, but she was also putting off storytelling a little bit by seeing if someone else would do it instead. Kota also seemed interested in her finds on the island, so it would probably be easier to bring those up also.

While amidst said discussion, Gunhild was sat peacefully eating the bread gift that Regula had got her while her feral daughter was beginning to get aggressive that she was not relieving the entirety of a gift given to her to her animalistic child who was slightly peckish.
"Briarhild, do a smol. Do a good ask" Gunhild answered, supposing that Regula probably wouldn't like it if Briarhild was acting the way she was around public people since it wasn't good for her 'image' or whatever. Trying to get her to act normal and civilised for a change, she refused to give her food as she gestured to Regula and Lucian hoping that she would calm herself and figure out to ask nicely instead. That, and she wasn't giving up the gift Prettybirdie gave her. After getting responsive hissing in disagreement of not wanting to ask 'submissive to the bigwig government and on-the-grid society' or something, she grumbled and eventually stood up. Walking over to look between Regula and Lucian, she reluctantly asked.

"Can Briarhild have foods too? Is meat for Briarhild?" Briarhild questioned. Gunhild hoped that she would stay fine for at least a little while, contemplating to herself about potential places of stay for at least herself and maybe Briarhild if the girl didn't want to sleep in 'on-the-grid institutionalised sleeping quarters' or whatever it is fancy people were up to these days. The stables weren't a very humble place.​
That said, whilst the man himself didn't stand out, the stuff he brought did. She eyed him with some barely contained curiosity, as she attempted to figure out whom or what he might be. A fellow noble? A merchant? Someone simply wealthy? She ended on the latter guess. She'd probably have been notified if any important nobles or merchants had arrived. “I don't think we've been acquainted either, sir.” She'd state. “If you forgive me asking, you seem to have a rather intriguing set-up here. Are you here on business or for pleasure?” That was probably the most polite way to get some curiosity sated.

Alas, however, there was one more. She looked at the two-tailed fox. A pretty pristine white. It reminded her a tad bit of Aya, but mixed in with some Kota. She shook her head. No time to get lost in thoughts. “A pleasure to meet you as well.” As before, her eyes lingered ever so shortly on the tails, before the professionalism would take over.

For better or worse, it'd been long enough for the tailed ones to notice the [Tail Freak] by now, at least to some extend.

[Tail Freak] - Character displays an unnatural attraction to tails. Creatures with tails will be intuitively concerned within character's presence. Those petted may have lingering feelings of being dirty and regret or receive the title Thoroughly Petted.

Considering she was actively trying to suppress it, Regula herself stayed calm and polite. “I'd offer some refreshments or food, but it seems the gentleman has beaten me to it.” She'd state with a smile, not particularly minding, but still being rather curious. “Either way, what's brought all of you here?”

Lucian watched with amusement as Baron Regula interacted with his eclectic group of new acquaintances. Her curiosity about his setup and her subtle struggle with the [Tail Freak] trait piqued his interest, a dynamic he found both fascinating and mildly entertaining. "Baron Regula, the pleasure is indeed mine," Lucian responded with a flourish, embodying his characteristic charisma. "I am here for the pleasure of business and the business of..." He paused and frowned. "Making new friends. And I'd heard your lovely Barony was more friendly and hoenst than Azuran. And we were in want of cleansing our palatte as it were, plus I bought up various goods along the way and figured I'd sell them. I dabble here and there." He paused, looking at the Catkin distracted with a butterfly while a few other of his associates wrapped up the game of croquette. Bill his Buggy Driver still didn't get them game at all. "As for our setup," he gestured broadly, encompassing not only the physical items but the gathering of diverse beings, "It's a testament to the unexpected joys of travel and the stories that unfold along the way."

So saying, a bard wandered out of nowhere, or rather a hidden enterance to his Pocket Dimension, strumming a lute and humming while line of gosslings trailed behind him, "Oi Bill, about that bet from last night..." The bard's voice trailed off as he chatted with Bill the Buggy driver. Meanwhile a few servants wandered about picking up the croquette field under Cedric's attentive gaze. Meanwhile a few high tables and tastful umbrellas were being setup. Most of these servants were listless catkin who had lost all catlike joy from their eyes, which might lead some to think Lucian a cruel man especially if they didn't know these were recovering Dreamlite addicts who started following up from the second floor of Madame Oakwell's mannor and never stopped.

Kota was surprised by Lucian’s hospitality, further adding onto his impression of the Caelia barony and its inhabitants. “Seems like Lady Caelia only keeps good company.” The kitsune joked, he would turn to greet the Catkin who were relaxing to the side. “<Good evening, my name is Kota. it’s nice to meet you>” he would introduce himself to them in bestial before taking a seat to hear about Lucian’s story. Throughout the entertaining tale, it was easy to see that the Kitsune was invested.

Addressing Kota's remark about the company kept by Lady Caelia, Lucian couldn't help but chuckle. "Indeed, it seems the Caelia Barony is a magnet for the extraordinary. And stories, my dear Kota, are the lifeblood of gatherings such as this. They remind us of the richness of our experiences and the shared humanity, or... animality, as the case may be."

My tribe isn't one to let things go to waste so we skinned its hide and made some bear stew out of some nice cuts of meat. We also shared some of it with the so called ‘bandits’ who weren’t all that bad.There were even some older beastkin within their ranks.” A bit of worry filled Kitsune's voice at the end, concerned about how they were doing. He would break this train of thought with a smile, “A part of our reward was being able to enjoy a nice hot spring within the village. After a day like that it felt nice to unwind.”

As Kota shared his tale of resourcefulness and unexpected camaraderie in the wilderness, Lucian listened intently, his eyes reflecting the intrigue and appreciation he felt for such stories. It was these moments of genuine connection and shared experiences that he found most enriching.

"That's a remarkable story, Kota," Lucian responded, his voice imbued with genuine warmth and admiration. "Direbear meat sounds delicious. Looking past poor first impressions and granting mercy to your foes and those bystanders caught up...""

He glanced at the Catkin, who were listening to the exchange with varying degrees of interest. Lucian knew all too well the challenges they faced, especially after their ordeal with Dreamlite. "Your tale," he continued, turning back to Kota, "reminds us that even in the face of adversity, there's always an opportunity for kindness and unexpected alliances. And a hot spring at the end of such a day sounds like a perfect respite."

Lucian's own adventures had taught him the value of looking beyond first impressions and seeking out the inherent goodness in others. "It's encounters like these that enrich our journeys, isn't it? The shared meal, the communal moment of relaxation... these are the ties that bind us, regardless of where we come from."

He smiled, a gesture of camaraderie and shared understanding. "Thank you for sharing, Kota. It's stories like yours that remind us of the adventures still waiting out there, and the unexpected friendships that await."

Unsure what was exactly going to come out since the last time she saw this same thing, she pulled an entire building out of it, she was wondering if it was going to be some sort of different building or an entire ecosystem. Surprised by the sight of a fancy piece of bread from the far exotic lands of 'some bakery elsewhere in Ryke', her eyes lit up in excitement as she gleefully lowered her head with a quiet grumbly reptilian sound of joy. Quickly taking it out of her hands as she held the big loaf of bread in her mouth, the fact that she had food immediately attracted the attention of Briarhild whom only shared her mentality with less developed reasoning.

"Bread," Lucian nodded, "Your Baroness has a keen eye for the palatte and appreciation of her friends and guests." He watched Gunhill a bit like he might watch Godzilla puzzle over a small building cltuched in its hands.

T-thank you, I s-suppose... nice to meet you, I haven't talked to a lot of people in quite a while, I-I wasn't expecting one of the first I met to be someone as surprisingly kind on the first meeting. At least I can be glad it was you rather than someone a little more suspicious or something... I-I mean that's just a bit of random off-topic thought, I think you're nice and good-looking- a-and stuff and all, b-but nice to meet you, I'm Miyuki... I hope we can get along w-well, n-not that I think we wouldn't or anything, I just, h-haha, umm... I'm sure you fluster every lady or stuff you talk to, d-don't mind me I'm just a bit overwhelmed, I-I haven't been flattered in a long time" she awkwardly fumbled around as she took little steps back, laughing nervously and holding her head down as if she was embarrassed about the entire thing.

Lucian, witnessing Miyuki's nervous ramble, couldn't help but respond with a gentle, reassuring smile, designed to put her at ease. His demeanor softened, aiming to bridge the gap her shyness had inadvertently created. "Miyuki, the pleasure of this meeting is entirely mine," he assured her, his voice calm and soothing.

"Meeting new people, especially those as kind and genuine as yourself, is one of the great joys of my travels. And please we're all friends here, or at the very least, potential friends on the cusp of a great time together," Lucian added, aiming to dissolve any tension with his words.

"Flattery, you say?" Lucian chuckled, a playful twinkle in his eye. "Well, I can assure you, it's not a deliberate tactic. Though, I must admit, being considered good-looking is a compliment I'll gladly accept, especially coming from someone as enchanting as yourself."

He took a step back, matching her movement not to crowd her but to respect her space. "I look forward to getting to know you and all of our new companions better. And remember, there's no pressure here. We all come with our stories, our quirks, and our unique charms. It's what makes gatherings like this so delightful."

Gunhild was sat trying to face away from Briarhild with the loaf tightly held in her mouths grip, while Briarhild was growling and scrambling at her trying to get at it.

Lucian smiled and then frowned, unsure exactly what to make of these two and their hunger for bread. Who would have thought they would via for something like that. "Baroness, truly your taste and discrenment is without peer to so perfectly match a gift to its reciever is an artform you've elevated beyond my ken." He shook his head. "Truly impressive. And the aerial landing made such a grand enterance."

I-it's just a little tale from before you were born, I've told it countless times. Besides, t-that's in the long past. We did that because we weren't supposed to be there in the first place... w-well, I wasn't supposed to be there, Gunhild was, but then we both left. And now we're... wherever, h-here is, pardon, I don't mean anything rude, we're just not from... anywhere near here, at least I would think so, I haven't recognised a single place name or place so far, we must be a lot further from home than I was thinking... " she answered as she looked to Griffin and Lucian.

Lucian listened intently to Miyuki's tale, nodding in understanding as she spoke of places unrecognizable and far from home. Her words, tinged with a mix of nostalgia and disorientation, resonated with him, a traveler who had found himself in countless unknowns.

"We're definitely not in Kansas anymore, are we?" Lucian mused, his tone light yet empathetic. "But then again, Miyuki, the beauty of our journeys lies in the unexpected paths we tread and the new horizons we discover. It's the unfamiliar that often teaches us the most about ourselves and the world."

He offered Miyuki a reassuring smile, hoping to instill a sense of belonging and comfort amidst the unfamiliar. "Consider this place a new chapter, one ripe with potential for stories yet untold. And you're in good company. We're all explorers here, each with our own tales of lands far and near."

She cheered up a bit again. “You could also visit Yemaya if you're more adventurous. Its dungeons are somewhat dangerous, but the ruins of the city are safe by now and becoming more hospitable. There's even a tavern that opened up there that seems to be attracting lots of people from around the world already.”

She wasn't entirely sure why Gunhild mentioned being hungry, as it seemed the somewhat strange man (Lucian) had already offered them food. That said... “I could pick up some food from Chef Todo, if needed.” She'd add. Better be safe than sorry.

Lucian winced at his own failings as host or at least guest to the occasion. "Yes, yes of course, your quite right Baroness, a proper Chef would fit the guestlist more appropriately." He took the slight without letting it show too much. The game of politics was not new to him but he was still learning all the pieces on the board. This Baroness Regula was shrewd almost brutal with her subtle power plays. There was an elegance and sophistication in how she played the game that he respected.

Although she wondered why he said he was 'likely' born with the, as if he wasn't sure, she decided not to pry into it. Upon his question for paper, she'd open up her Pocket Dimension (B) again and (Wealth B) took out some paper and ink. “I tend to have most things on hand.” She stated with a smile. “The adventurer's guild has a pick-up point at Saffron's store in the centre of town, The Twice Flipped Coin. Can't miss it.” She'd add.

Lucian let the quill that had appeared in his hand disappear without comment. It would see the rumors about Baroness Regula were true. She was insanely wealthy. He could get a sense of it by the quality of the paper and craftmanship of the ink.

Kota would notice the pocket dimension which seemed like an incredibly useful item. “Looks like a pretty handy item, being able to store anything you might need.” The two tailed kitsune would turn to Griffin in thought at his mention of letters. He hadn’t sent anyone a letter yet, friends aside and let alone his parents. His father would be a bit harder to reach however maybe sending his mother a message and the people back home wouldn’t hurt.

“Mind if I have some paper and ink as well Lady Caelia?” Kota asked, his tails slowly swaying.

Lucian smiled but his eyes dimmed by a few lumens, deep in thought at all the moves and manipulations of Baroness Regula in this short exchange. "Truly if the rumors of the shrine are to be believed, your ability to fold space and storage vast quantities far exceeds my own. We have several villages but arranging them in a three dimensional sphere is a rather odd quirk of this system, isn't it?" He looked off at the shrine, "To maximize the volume offered and work within the constraints of perfect placement and recall," he shook his head, looking up at the sky, "Learning to fly must be a great asset to cultivate a three-dimensional mind."

Maybe he could get two PrettyBirdies with one stone.

“As Kota confirmed, yes we visited an island which had all sorts of creatures, valuables, and even some people living there. He is correct in his assessment that there were many spirits. I suppose this is a story of sorts.

We had gone on the boat ride over which went well enough, but quickly determined that we had decisions to make if we should go to the ruins or through the jungle path to find Gunhild’s friend. Thankfully the Jungle path was fine and we encountered a most curious golem in the distance which I wanted to learn more about but unfortunately it made it’s way away from us, and we got caught up with several reptile like beasts, I tried to intimidate them into leaving but all I seemed to do was discourage them from attacking rather than leaving us alone..and that's when this larger one with legs of large spiders I’ve seen before came out of the jungle and tried to attack us, as it turned out Gunhild’s friend was inside of the monster as if she had been trapped, Gunhild was able to hold the monster in place while I dispatched it, and we were able to cut her free in part thanks to Kota’s skills.”

“That certainly makes for quite an adventurous tale does it not?” Teuihua inquired to no one in particular as if looking to the rest of the group for confirmation.

“And..yes It would be good if you could teach them some of what you’ve learned about what is expected particularly in public or when meeting important people. Not everyone is as kind or understanding as Lady Caelia is.” Teuihua replied hoping that would help get the message across. From that point he stood on standby and listened to the rest of the conversation. Once again nice to hear that Kota seemed interested enough in getting acquainted.

As Teuihua recounted the tale of their island adventure, Lucian found himself deeply engrossed, not just in the story itself but in the underlying mechanics of the events as described. Internally, he couldn't help but analyze the situation as if it were a game, a complex puzzle to be solved with strategy, insight, and a bit of luck. While he listened, a part of his mind was busy calculating the odds, the risks, and the potential strategies that could have been employed.

_'Fascinating,'_ Lucian thought, _'The encounter with the golem and the reptile-like beasts... It's almost like navigating a particularly tricky level in a game. One where understanding the terrain, the NPCs, and utilizing each team member's unique abilities are key to advancing.'_ He was careful, however, to keep these reflections hidden behind a mask of genuine interest and camaraderie. After all, life wasn't exactly a game, even if it sometimes felt like one.

As Teuihua mentioned the larger creature with spider-like legs, Lucian's mental gears turned. _'In game terms, that was the boss fight,'** he mused silently, **'A test of teamwork and individual skill. Gunhild and Kota's roles were critical, each playing to their strengths to overcome the challenge. Fascinating how closely life can mirror the games I used to play.'_

Teuihua's request for Lucian to teach the group about social expectations brought another silent chuckle. _"Ah, the social levels. Often more daunting than the most complex puzzles or powerful bosses,"_ he contemplated. _"But just like in any game, understanding the rules, the environment, and the other players can turn even the most challenging encounters in one's favor."_

Outwardly, Lucian responded with grace and enthusiasm, echoing Teuihua's sentiments on the importance of navigating social intricacies. "Indeed, Teuihua, the adventure you've shared is not only a testament to your bravery but also to the strength of your bonds. And as for the social arts, well, they too can be mastered with patience and a bit of strategic thinking."

He offered a warm smile, his outward demeanor showing none of his internal cogitations. "The world, much like the games of old, is full of rules, challenges, and opportunities. Together, we can navigate them, learn from them, and perhaps, in the process, rewrite them."

To Lucian, life was a grand game, and while he played his part with sincerity and an open heart, he couldn't help but view each new challenge, each new encounter, through the lens of game theory, always calculating, always strategizing, yet always eager to see what the next turn would bring.

Upon the mention of her pocket dimension, she couldn't help laugh again. “It is! I've even stored all of this;” she pointed at the shrine “into it at one point!” Truthfully, her [Prideful] nature made it tough not to brag a little about that stunt.

"So the stories were true, Baroness? We'd chatted with a few pilgrims earlier in the morning. What a tale that was to hear second hand, I could only imagine what it was like first hand." Lucian smiled, "I've my own small "

"Can Briarhild have foods too? Is meat for Briarhild?" Briarhild questioned. Gunhild hoped that she would stay fine for at least a little while, contemplating to herself about potential places of stay for at least herself and maybe Briarhild if the girl didn't want to sleep in 'on-the-grid institutionalised sleeping quarters' or whatever it is fancy people were up to these days. The stables weren't a very humble place.

As Briarhild's inquiry about food, specifically meat, reached Lucian's ears, a spark of opportunity ignited within him. Here was the perfect chance to introduce the exotic seafood he had acquired during his recent ventures in Azuran, not just as a gesture of hospitality but also as a strategic move to forge stronger connections within the Barony.

"Ah, Briarhild, you're in for a treat," Lucian announced with a flourish, signaling to Cedric who promptly began to unveil an assortment of seafood, each piece more intriguing than the last. "While we certainly have meats to satisfy even the most discerning of palates, I'd like to offer something a bit different today. Direct from the coastal markets of Azuran, a selection of the finest seafood one could hope to find."

Lucian's eyes sparkled with excitement as he presented the array to Briarhild, Gunhild, and the rest of the gathering. There were delicacies from the deep, shimmering with colors and textures that promised a culinary adventure. "These treasures of the sea," he continued, "are not just a testament to the bounty of Azuran's waters but also a prelude to a series of social engagements I've been planning. With the Baroness's blessing, of course."

He turned to Baron Regula with a respectful nod. "Baroness, I believe these gatherings could offer a delightful opportunity for the Barony's residents and visitors to come together, share stories, and enjoy the fruits of our travels. It would be an honor to host such events under your auspices, adding to the Barony's rich tapestry of communal experiences."

Lucian's proposal was not just about showcasing the seafood or hosting a feast; it was a gesture of goodwill and a demonstration of his desire to contribute to the Barony's social and cultural fabric. By integrating his finds from Azuran into the local culinary scene, he aimed to create moments of connection and joy, further enriching the communal life of the Barony.

As Cedric prepared samples for the intrigued onlookers, Lucian watched, hopeful that his initiative would not only satiate Briarhild's hunger but also lay the groundwork for a series of memorable social engagements, deepening his ties to the Barony and its distinguished residents.

As Lucian orchestrated the presentation of the seafood, he allowed the atmosphere to thicken with anticipation. Then, seizing the opportune moment, he deftly wove the harrowing tale of the Catkin affected by Dreamlite into the fabric of the evening. His voice took on a somber tone as he recounted the plight of those from the docks and local eateries of Azuran, whose lives had been irrevocably altered by Madame Oakwell's machinations.

"Their stories," Lucian began, his gaze drifting towards the Catkin who, under Cedric's guidance, were beginning to arrange the exotic seafood on platters, "are not just tales of sorrow but of resilience. Many of those you see here were once ensnared by the false promises of Dreamlite, a substance that brought nothing but devastation to their lives."

As Lucian spoke, the bard he'd recently employed began to strum a gentle melody, his music weaving through the air, lending a poignant backdrop to Lucian's words. The mood was one of contemplation and empathy, encouraging the guests to not only enjoy the evening's offerings but to also reflect on the journeys that had led each of them to this moment. Broken only by the line of goslings trailing behind the bard -- a whimsical touch that brought smiles to many faces, easing the weight of the story he had just shared.

With a practiced grace, Lucian moved among the tables, "But here, today," he continued, his voice now infused with a hopeful note, "We celebrate not only the bounty of the sea but the spirit of a community that rises above adversity. With each dish we share, we honor their strength and their journey towards healing."

As the bard's music filled the air and the guests mingled, discussing the stories they'd heard and the dishes they sampled, Lucian's event transformed into something far greater than a mere social gathering. It became a testament to the resilience of the spirit, the richness of shared experiences, and the enduring bond of community—a fitting tribute to the Catkin and all those seeking a new beginning in the wake of Dreamlite's shadow.
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INTERACTIONS: Femboy Femboy SixSense SixSense gmimperfecti gmimperfecti TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy
LOCATION: Caelia Barony

  • storytime.

    Griffin accepted the Paper and Ink from Regula. All the while making a mental not of the store she mentioned which could prove to be useful somewhere down the line he was sure. Griffin would then thank her.

    “Thank you Ms. Caelia”

    He then nodded to Kota in response as he began writing on the piece of paper.

    “I’ve met her before! Aedriana came from the merchant's guild. I believe between Ryke and the Eastern Empire was this nest full of mutant bugs. The parties involved in dealing with it were the Ryken Adventurers, the merchants guild and some Eastern Soldiers. Unfortunately, though the team wasn’t very compatible, I did get along best with Aedriana and a guy named Tyrmar. There was also a guy with blue hair that had a sword, but we didn’t really talk to each other. There were also some musicians and a eastern empire cadet…the group really did seem to be crumbling at the seams….but it was nice to make a friend.”

    His [Lion Tail], was still tucked under his [Eagle wings]. He was still unable to pinpoint the uncomfortable feeling. He listened as Miyuki explained why they looked young. That was new. He hadn’t met anyone before who had a longer life span…that he was aware of anyway. He then began to talk about his own experience.

    “So, before Gala'Kraoth I was in the republic in a village called Nan’Gau, I had wandered there after the stuff with the mutant bugs meet a few new people and a wolf….”

    He then explained the story of the pig monster, how he ended up sitting in a tavern, how someone named Garujin would delay the message of a ongoing threat and how he and the other volunteers would fight a pig the size of four houses with three heads that reeked of sulfur and the outcome.

    “Honestly, that has been my most terrifying adventure yet.”

    He would conclude before going back to writing his letter.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Lucian gmimperfecti gmimperfecti
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan}

All in all, 'Prettybaron-birdlady' was not ideal either, but at this point, it was one of the better options for sure. “Although I'm a baroness rather than a baron and a Valkyrie rather than a bird, I guess I can live with 'pretty' and 'lady' at least.” That was about half of it right, right? “You keeping do good a do by doing all the good do's when you do a do good.” She reaffirmed Gunhild's commitment to do good do's.

“What... 83 and still looking like that? That's truly magical~” She replied, sort-off on instinct, but... well, considering the nine weapons of mass-seduction she was facing when talking to Miyuki, she couldn't help herself from throwing in some Baroness' Charm (B) with the complement. “Either way, you seem wonderfully blessed indeed.”

Baroness' Charm B – Character Grade B, Appraisal B, [Baroness of Caelia] title, Persuasion B, Seduction B – Using her position as a baroness and her social prowess, Regula attempts to charm someone into being more agreeable. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown.

That said, Miyuki's next words confused Regula a fair bit. “Gunhild... walked around with what now?” What even were 'dinosaurs'? She had no clue. She looked at Teuihua. “Are dinosaurs creatures from your time?” It felt like they would be really old, from context, but she had no clue what this was about otherwise.

The rest of the ninetails' explanation was equally confusing. “I'm sorry, you've lost me. Surely Gunhild can't be that old, right? Although that accident does sound sort-off familiar... You'd not be the first person originating from a different time or world.” She shook her head, unable to make more sense of it. “Either way, I'm sorry that happened to you.” She eventually stated, as loosing one's family like that must be rough. “If it's just the four of you, I'd gladly see if I can welcome you in the keep itself. It'd due for some renovations, but I'm sure it'll be grand when it's completed soon enough.” At the end of the day, she figured having someone like Gunhild closer to home might be safest, both to keep an eye on her and because she seemed to be useful as a guard if needed. There were totally no ulterior motives other than the tails of these folk.

Regula raised an eyebrow at the open mention of petting from Miyuki. It's not that she didn't understand the why of it, she definitely did, yet the random and unprompted admission was catching her off guard. That also didn't make it easier to prevent herself from staring at Miyuki's tails for a moment and wondering if Miyuki herself wasn't one to bit off fingers either. As she snapped back to it, Regula chuckled at the remark made by Miyuki. “I wasn't born a noble, so whilst I try to keep up some standards during official outings, I know well enough to relate to those that are from simpler backgrounds.” She explained.

Upon the mention of Briarhild meeting a 'hyper-fixation friend' of her own, Regula nodded. She wasn't sure what it meant exactly, but she had a rough idea. “She should meet one of the guards here, a girl called Ethel. I'm sure they'd be able to tire each-other out more than well enough to keep them both out of trouble.” That seemed like they'd make for a golden duo of trouble-makers that'd mostly give each-other trouble.

She smiled at Lucian's compliment. “I'm glad my barony has been able to get a good name for itself out there.” She looked around at the folk Lucian gestured at. His words didn't fully seem to match their energy. “No offence, but they do seem a bit... tired, perhaps?” That was a mild way to put it. Considering she'd hate welcoming slavers into her domain, there was a tad bit of reservation in voice upon this discovery.

Upon the compliments, both direct and indirect, starting to flow, she was caught off guard. She wasn't the most used to a stream of compliments from strangers. Was this the behaviour her advisors had warned her about? It certainly felt that way. “It's nothing out of the ordinary.” She'd reply to his comments about her gift-giving and landing, flattered, but also a tad bit on guard. On the topic of being on guard, she was not aware she'd gone on the offensive, so she was only confused why he seemed to make a bit of a big deal about the guest list.

She wasn't sure how to react to Lucian's ponderous about Pocket Dimensions and flying, so she didn't. It seemed like he was deep in thought shortly after either way, so she doubted it'd matter all that much. All she did was nod when he asked her if it was true directly. “Indeed.” She left out the part that it'd been a whole lot of trouble, perhaps more so than it was worth in the end.

She was surprised to be asked for her blessing, after Lucian started to present them with odd looking food. “By all means.” She replied, not wanting to stop whatever was in store. Her earlier question ended up answered when Lucian explained the 'Dreamlite' story, regarding his feline company.

"Common", "+Mictlantecuhtlian+", "%Analog%"​
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy gmimperfecti gmimperfecti DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Teuihua was felt good that Regula seemed pleased that he enjoyed her choice of gift. He also took note at her partial serious and light hearted follow up comment. Teuihua was well aware that the expectations of a Baroness going on adventures was far from conventional at this point but he also understood that was Regula’s style, any perception that developed could be dealt with accordingly if need be that she was a competent leader. Teuihua was also pleased to see that Briarhild was making an effort even if it had been prompted, even if not nuanced that would go a lot better with most people, using words rather than sounds and immediate actions in order to negotiate getting what one wanted.

Teuihua gave a thumbs up gesture with his more dexterous hand toward Briarhild.

The golem nodded at Lucian’s response. “You speak sensibly. I certainly hope that what you are saying is true. From my experience despite time being so far advanced from my own, many of the same challenges exist, and perhaps now different challenges, but by working together as you say we are able to over come many of them.”

Teuihua also listened to what others had to say, Griffin’s story was very action packed. “I am happy that you are here with us after such trials and tribulations Griffin.”

“Yes Gunhild, I can testify you’ve done well.”
He also reaffirmed support.

However when Regula got to asking him about Dinosaurs Teuihua paused for a moment.

“I believe I have seen some of them utilized before in my time if not exact, similar creatures.” He replied to the Baroness. He seemed to remember people riding creatures like them in one part of the Empire he had been too.

MIyuki also gave some interesting context, which Teuihua gave a nod too and tried to commit to his memory. He continued to look around every now and again, on standby with the group ensuring that they were safe while listening, also taking a gander at the unique food which Lucian had gotten out, if high effort had been used Teuihua would certainly be able to tell.

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

Kota felt oddly reassured that Teuihua confirmed the validity of his findings. Something about a giant construct confirming your findings felt oddly comforting. The kitsune would turn back to Lady Caelia, chuckling at her compliment. “I suppose it is pretty dangerous compared to other regions but it keeps us sharp and we survive off what we salvage.” His tails would swoosh at the mention of Ringo who seemed to be knowledgeable on spirits. Being appointed resources to assist was always helpful and he was truly grateful towards the baroness for doing so. Even her idea of the island being tied to the See was valid.

“I’m curious as to why they haven’t passed either, it’s truly an odd phenomenon. There was a thick fog that shrouded the island which contained many spirits but shortly after passing through we found what seemed to be more of a paradise. It seems odd, it is as though the animals that inhabit the island are acclimated to the spirits.” He pursed his lips in thought before breaking away shortly. “Whatever the case may be we won’t know until we go back I suppose.”

He would notice Lady Caelias reluctance when it came to the history of the Barony. Thanks to [Insight F] he’d tone of the baroness when he brought up the history. His ears dropped a bit at Lady Caelia putting her guard up. Perhaps she’d have been through a lot to reach this point, her haste to direct the conversation the other way at least gave Kota that impression. He’d choose to not press the matter anymore as wished not to upset the baroness.

“I’ve heard of the name Yukan, a known name for sure. Ko not so much at least where I’m from” Kota replied, his ears picking up once more. At the mention of the Shrine, the baroness tune turned for the better as she was quite proud. Even boasting about how she placed the shrine within her bag which was an impressive feat.

“Woah really! I should save up for one in that case. Would make transferring hide and other products much easier.” Kota would eye her bag with innocent amusement like a child eyeing a toy. He had been a bit too distracted to fully interpret the question she had been prepared to ask the Kitsune. As she handed the pen and paper to Kota he would bow his head in thanks, giving her a clear view of his tails.

“Thank you once again.” He said as he turned to Griffin who confirmed they were speaking about the same Aedrianna. “Small world huh, maybe it would have only been a matter of time before we met. Now that I think about it she mentioned an adventure before that to another guy. Begging us not to tell her father or else he wouldn’t let her go out on adventures anymore.” Kota chuckled. “I’m glad you two made it out safely.” Griffin would go on to tell his own journey that had transpired. Kota’s ears would flop in amusement and confusion at the sound of a giant pig. “Surprised you guys didn’t eat it in the end, it might've tasted good.” Kota joked, “if my tribe found a giant pig there would be nothing left of it by the end.”

Even Kota could admit that Miyuki looked great for 83, he hasn’t gotten used to the whole Kitsune aging yet. What caught him super off guard was Gunhild being 65 million years old. Even though she was that old she didn’t exactly fit the impression of someone that old, it seemed like he wasn’t the only one who shared that sentiment based on Lady Caelia’s reaction. Miyuki would continue to speak about how she came to this world, he could sense how much she’d miss her family. He’d chuckle and look towards gunhild with a questionable grin as Miyuki explained she had petted gunhild a few times.

“Ah I see you were trying to bait me to actually pet you huh, this whole time you actually like being petted” Kota folded his arms, surprised that she tried to pull one over him.

Lucian’s interpretation of the story sat well with Kota, it seemed as though he understood where the Kitsune had been coming from.

“It was difficult to see my fellow beastkin in such condition. I am a proud warrior, it is wrong to fight those who do not possess the will to fight.” Kota would look off towards Catkin. “I agree with your ideal, in this world of suffering we each must do our part to show that there is a soul within all of us. Whether we are Beast, Fae, construct, Man, or even the rare monster.”
Kota chuckled at the last part at the thought of the Oni he had tracked with before.

“I’m not perfect by any means, in fact I’m far from it. I simply give others the patience that I would like to receive in turn ”

While Kota had been busy intermingling, his ears would twitch at the sound of music being played and tables being set. He didn’t expect such an elegant setting to happen out of nowhere. The kitsune watched in awe as the croquet field was transformed. He would look to see the others reaction, particularly Lady Caelia whom thanks to [Insight F] could see she wasn’t all that amazed. It seemed as though her defenses were up once more, similar yet different to previously before. Kota would turn back to notice the rather robotic movement in the Catkins body. This created skepticism within Kota. Conflicted because he seemed like a swell guy and they had been connecting well. The two Kitsune couldn’t help but notice how the interactions between the two had changed, it was as though they were studying each other meticulously. While Lucian’s words became more calculated, Lady Caelia seemed much more perspicacious on the other side. He would pocket these thoughts as Lucian would approach him once again regarding the importance of stories.

“I agree Lucian, in fact this brings me back to when I was a small kit. We’d have a large banquet when the warriors would come home after a treacherous hunt. After which we would gather within the village center and they would tell stories by the fire and all the young kits would listen in awe.” Despite Kota looking at Lucian it would feel as though he was looking through him as he was enveloped with nostalgia. “The next morning we would reenact the great feats we heard about, pretending to be the warriors we heard of in our fable. It was our dream to adventure out and serve our tribe on the front lines” Kota chuckled, at how much simpler times were, he would look towards Griffin who seemed hard at work writing a letter.

“My tribe will be upset for not writing them after so long. I guess I have what is coming right?” He chuckled as he began to write his letter, letting them know he is doing alright. “Who is your letter intended for if you don’t mind me asking?”
gmimperfecti gmimperfecti TheTimePiece TheTimePiece DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense Elvario Elvario
Gunhild smiled and nodded when Regula insisted she keep her doing of good do's as a do more and to Teuihua's agreement in her good do's, grumbling a prideful snuff in response as she kept in mind that she should probably be on her best behaviour to keep Regula pleased from said point onwards considering she had just brought a bunch of new people to her barony-place without any warning or ask for permission first. Said big lizard probably would have also been a lot more concerned about said things in the first place if she knew about the whole shrine-religion debacle that Prettybirdie was off dealing with the day prior.

"Ok Prettylady, Gunhild do a all good do's a do good do's a Gunhild good do do. Gunhild thanksies Metalmans for do a bestest rock bestest friend do" she added in continued response, her mind and gaze wandering to watch her other companions and the surrounding areas while Regula had went to discuss things with the others present. With Kota's mention of petting, Gunhild grumbled nonchalantly and gently swayed her tail in distracted thought.
"Gunhild maybe like pet. Snowfloofa can do a pet to Gunhild if Floofa does a do want do" Gunhild answered as she submissively lowered her head as if continuing to try to tempt him into doing so.

"I do have some ideas about that island, although I'm not entirely sure about it's connection to other places since I don't really know a lot about anywhere else. I do think the spirits exist as the island might be some sort of... self-recycling ecosystem, if that makes sense in comparison to a normal one, like it's more of a big graveyard than anything, but I only have theories. Maybe another trip would prove results, and I'm sure expedition teams would have much better chances with my help" Miyuki thought over Regula and Kota's discussion of the island and its spirit, hearing on the potential knowledge of spirits from someone named Ringo.
"Maybe I should try to ask them one day, or if Gunhild could try to ask since she's some sort of guardian for this place and all... " she thought, the big lizard hearing said idea and grumbling in agreement.

Miyuki was also just rather pleasantly enjoying the smoothness and suave of Lucian's voice and.... smoothness, giving a quaint yet embarrassed smile until she rather blanked out at the mention of not being in Kansas anymore. Having no real idea about whom else could've strangely appeared in this different world, the concept of Lucian coming from an Earth or average reality wasn't the first thing that came to her mind. Much rather, the first thing that came to her mind was the concept that the United States, or at least some of the states, might have existed here.
"Kansas? That wasn't the first name I was expecting to recognise... though at least it's not Florida... or Ohio... not really sure what's wrong with them, but I hear it a lot... " Miyuki mumbled quietly to herselves, considering if it was just a coincidence that were was a notable location called Kansas or if this was some sort of alternate reality. Shrugging, she mumbled to herself again.
"I guess this wouldn't be the first time... " she murmured softly, her attention turned to Lucian mentioning about new adventures and exploration. Laughnig softly, she toyed with her hair as she thought about the prospect that randomly appearing of Gala'Kraoth most definitely pushed her out of her comfort zone. While she had taken up the new life rather quick, she was completely unsure whether she was a fan or not.
"I guess that's true, maybe I should go back to Gala'Kraoth shortly after my time here... well, I guess that depends how long I'll be here" Miyuki added in pondering thought, which attracted Gunhild's attention that she was suggesting leaving so soon. It wasn't a pleasant concept finding a friend who had been stuck (semi) alone on a hostile island and then hearing that they may want to go back.
"But maybe you're right, although I did like my old life, m-maybe this is a change that'll be good for me. I mean Lady Caelia's also right about the blessing stuff, I suppose I feel young with that youth and that blessing I guess m-maybe did a blessing for my figure, my mother was always telling me I could be physical perfection, although I suppose she wasn't expecting me to get a tan from being stuck on an island... " Miyuki continued on, getting distracted as she fell quieter talking to herself in thought, Gunhild was simply rolling her eyes and muttered to herself quietly.
"Gunhild thinks Floofa-Miyuki was cuter chubby" she absentmindedly commented under her breath, Miyuki unsure what the lizard said and looking to her.
"S-sorry, did you say something?" she asked looking to the big lizard, who just turned her gaze elsewhere and made a loud, oblivious honk-like growl to look inconspicuous about her comments.

Hearing out Griffin's tales of his travels, Miyuki fell slightly unsure about the kind of world she was getting into from what she described. Although, she should have been used to such surprises by now.
"R-right, sorry I wasn't expecting to hear some of those things even after that island. Are... things like all that, common, around here? I mean it'd sound terrible if bad monsters and evil stuff were happening all the time non-stop like an infinite loop, though at least that's better than tedious politics and media, I suppose... in a way they can both be monsters" Miyuki giggled softly as she considered that tales she may have to spare might not be so crazy after all and that things she's experienced on the island and before arriving to it might be much more normal than anticipated. Although, she held her tongue on it just for the moment.
"From the sound of that pig thing, I-I wouldn't imagine it sounds that delicious. M-maybe rather unhygienic and disgusting more than anything... " she considered over Kota's mention of the food supply it could've yielded.

"Oh, you don't know what dinosaurs are? I-I mean, there were a lot of similar-looking things on Gala'Kraoth but I guess you... weren't there, r-right... they're like, big lizard animals, maybe have feathers or something but sometimes not" she tried to explain, looking to Gunhild who was currently off looking distantly at other stuff.
"I guess not really like Gunhild because... Gunhild is like, a woman, though dinosaurs weren't people-like so I don't know how Gunhild was persony if people didn't exist yet but, I-I guess Gunhild has a lot to unpack because she maybe wasn't literately during that time or something-" she rambled, getting a little confused at her own explanation or words and just hesitating and falling silent.
"I-I don't... really get it either, or probably can't say some things. G-Gunhild is... just kinda... Gunhild" Miyuki stammered as she came to a rather fitting but still confusing conclusion on an attempt to explain anything about Gunhild who wasn't paying any attention for the moment. Chiyoko smiled and waved her hand, to whom her mother looked toward her in interest of what she wanted to say.

"Isn't Gunhild like one of the daughters or something of that movie guy from-" Chiyoko asked, Miyuki making a quick decision to just put a hand over her mouth unsure what was exactly allowed to be said. Smiling and shaking her head at her overly energetic child, she removed her mouth and answered.
"I don't think that's very important right now, and she's not a daughter of a character from a movie. I already told you that all those movies aren't real and are just silly parodies nothing close to the real thing" Miyuki answered, going to answer the rest of Regula's offers and points, of which the fact about other people showing up did raise some thoughts especially about the Kansas comment. On her offer to house them in the keep, she was a little taken aback and smiled.

"Oh, you'd be so kind to do that? T-thank you so much for the offer, Lady Caelia. I'm also sure this Ethel you mention may make a good new friend for Briarhild, although getting Briarhild to go to someone might be hard considering she doesn't really listen to me... o-or her mother" Miyuki answered with a wide grin, giving a small bow as she quietly gasped and realised something, feeling rather conscious of the generosity she may have been exploiting out of the Baroness.
"O-oh, I might not have the money or anything if you expect rent or that. I suppose m-maybe you have a lot of stuff to do with your whole job and all since you probably do a lot of serious work, maybe is there something I or us can help with in order to help while we're here and not cause trouble? A-are there any troubles or things that annoy you that maybe we can try to help with or come up with ideas or... anything?" Miyuki asked, saddened that she didn't want to get on the Baroness' bad side by seeming like some sort of leech and considering said valkyrie was so convincingly charming in their kind hospitality, Gunhild focusing back on the conversation and tapping said kitsune on the head.

"Gunhild can do, Floofa can rests and not do a do. Gunhild can does all do's, make time for Gunhild and friends" Gunhild offered, not wanting Miyuki, Chiyoko and most preferably for the sake of not causing trouble, Briarhild, to have to lay a finger on doing any labour or hard work considering they just arrived and Gunhild also wanted them to just live peacefully and happily. Despite that she would've usually accepted the offer, Miyuki pouted and shook her head.

"Sorry Gunhild, but Lucian is right and I should take this new opportunity to be a little braver and better, a-and I want to help if I can in repayment and doing good too" Miyuki adamantly answered, earning a sigh from Gunhild who wasn't sure why the Floofa she knew was so suddenly ambitious in said new adventurous side. Since she wasn't getting into any actual danger, Gunhild chose to humour her desire and gave a small nod with a grumble of agreement albeit reluctantly. Excited by the big lizard's permission, Miyuki grinned.
"It's okay Gunhild, I can take care of myself, a-atleast for the moment, don't worry you're still important! Plus, we need to talk about where we're all headed eventually since I don't wanna leave you anytime soon" Miyuki spoke, patting Gunhild's arm.

Briarhild glanced back to look at others while waiting on an answer for food, noticing Teuihua's thumbs up and not having a clue what the big Metalmans was or how he was even alive but supposing that he was basically some big living super-rock and that was probably pretty cool. Emitting a small snarl in acknowledgement as she returned his thumbs up back, she faced to Lucian as he had given some speech that she very blatantly didn't listen to the majority to as the only thing she picked up on was 'offered food' and had quickly helped herself. While Gunhild for once wasn't much in the mood for eating, Miyuki noticed his kind gesture.

"T-thank you, I haven't eaten so well in the past few days that this is kind of treating me like royalty. I-I wish I knew a way to better repay people today if I knew it was going to be this kind. As I offered to Lady Caelia, m-maybe there's something you could need help with or are interested in since... I don't really know how else to thank you for all this you're doing out of the kindness of your heart. Maybe I should tell my own story too next, since you all offered your own, and your hospitality" Miyuki thanked with a small smile, actually listening to all he had to say before allowing herself to eat and thanking him before doing so. Chiyoko noticed the offer and also helped herself to seafood afterwards, grinning as she also wished to give her thanks.
"Thank you Mister! I give you my blessings, whatever they are!" she answered trying to act as kind as her mother, which came off overly energetic but atleast had good intent somewhere in it.

Gunhild amidst the conversation focused her gaze elsewhere. She was trying to begin thinking on 'future planning' which wasn't something she did a whole lot of and was taking an entire new level of brain-power to comprehend without the current cooperation of Miyuki who was supposed to work together on it at some point until she was distracted by something else. Noticing something both floofy and bizarre, tapping Teuihua on the shoulder to ask him for his input.
"Metalmans, who that?" Gunhild asked him as if he was the infinite source of knowledge, pointing to two travellers with a wagon of concealed supplies. Presently arriving were two people who appeared to be showing up for either some reasons or to just pass through Stonewall.
"Oh, sorry, don't mind us, we're here on business, pardon for anything we're intruding upon, we'll be perhaps in and out or settling in peacefully, this isn't our first time here" the fluffy serpent answered when Gunhild had looked to them, not wanting to cause any trouble. Her companion was rather tense over the presence of a large reptilian person and large construct, wondering if there was some sort of problem going on with so many people around. Nudging the furpent, she made a quiet comment.
"Aren't we gonna just move it along, you have places to be?" she asked, the white furred woman agreeing.
"We'll be at a workplace soon enough, Tachanka, I'll need to write the doctor a letter anyway to tell him what's gotten done so far, but I think it's soon enough ready. I'm sure that once I find myself settled in, you'll be off to venture on your own for a while" she answered.​
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Kota SixSense SixSense | Lucian gmimperfecti gmimperfecti
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan}

“I see... How peculiar.” She replied to Teuihua mentioning the dinosaurs. “I wonder if any are still alive... but what were they like? What animal would compare to them?” She was growing a bit more curious about this 'dinosaur' species that magically might've disappeared.

She thought about Kota's words a bit. “Well, if the See's anything to go by, many spirits can be good or neutral. Altogether just as much a part of nature as the animals themselves. In that regard, is shouldn't be odd for the animals to be acclimated to them.” Even so, she was growing more and more curious about that island.

As (somewhat) expected, he heard of the name Yukan. The latter was more and more seeming to be a local celebrity in Kuridan. As for her bag, it wasn't a bag, but more like a black hole opening and closing. It's why she was confused when she told her he'd save up. “I could probably get it enchanted on an item for you, so long as you cover the mithril costs, if you'd want, but it might be just as easy to learn the magic yourself.” She ended up replying.

Upon Kota suddenly calling out petting, however, her mouth worked more quickly than her brain did. “I wonder if anyone else likes it just as much as Gunhild does.” As she'd said it, her brain kicked in. There were two options here. The first was to pretend that didn't apply to her and she'd just heard second-hand. The second was to live up to what she just inadvertently admitted too and pretend it was totally normal.

Luckily enough, the perfect chance provided itself. With Gunhild lowering her head at Kota, Regula would walk up to her and ruffle the girl's head between the horns. “Who's a good girl doing all the goodest do's. You are~ Yes you are~” She'd tell her whilst really ruffling through that hair of hers. Ruffling through a girl's hair was far less controversial than going after tails, yet it would count as petting. She'd even leave some room for Kota to join in, should he desire. It was the perfect action to make her words sound less awkward, to the point she was almost surprised at her own brilliance. Of course this totally wouldn't backfire based on Gunhild's reaction.

Back to more serious business, however, she listened to Kota's words. It was a tad surprising to see such an open-minded beast warrior. His topic of 'the rare monster' made her highly sceptical of his naivety, but she decided to let it go unmentioned.

As Lucian was setting up, she waved over one of her Regulators. “Go tell chef Todo to prepare some samples of his unique cooking for our guests and bring them over once they're done.” She ordered, upon which she got the salute and saw the guard run off to fulfil the task. She felt like it'd only be common courtesy to have Lucian and the others try some stuff in return for his seafood banquet.

Back to more serious topics, she'd listen to Miyuki. “A self-recycling ecosystem?” That sounded truly odd. The big graveyard idea didn't help much either. “Let me know if you need any help. Even if I wouldn't be able to join myself, I might know or find some people that could.” She wondered if she knew anyone with expertise on spirits.

It seemed like the Baroness' Charm wasn't working on Miyuki in the slightest, as the latter was just sent into pondering after silently muttering to herself for a while. Not that it made Regula give up, as whether she did it on purpose or not, she almost instinctively replied to the 'tan' remark. “It definitely doesn't make you look any less pretty, if not outright making you look more beautiful and young.” She had no clue how 'physical perfection' was defined, but she was logically speaking one of the most pretty 83 year old woman alive. (Baroness' Charm round 2.)

Baroness' Charm B – Character Grade B, Appraisal B, [Baroness of Caelia] title, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Energised B – Using her position as a baroness and her social prowess, Regula attempts to charm someone into being more agreeable. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

Regula was a bit confused. “Media?” She wasn't entirely sure what that was. “If you're talking about social etiquette, that can indeed be as tiresome as politics sometimes.” She added, as she felt like she was in the type of company that'd not take such a comment in a bad way. The only one she was slightly worried about was Lucian hearing such a comment, but she figured she'd risk it.

Miyuki's explanation about dinosaurs didn't help a lot. She just looked at Teuihua with the look of 'do you understand this?' and then back at Miyuki's tails with a bit of a blank stare. Considering it wasn't the most important, she just figured she'd see if Teuihua would give it a shot to try explain further or not. Either way was fine.

However, something Chiyoko said certainly rang a bell. “A movie? That sounds like the type of things one of the people I met that's from future earth mentioned.” She was trying to think back on some of those conversation. “The one who told me stuff about how the Holy Roman Empire fell and how there had been at least two World War's after...” She shook her head. “Not that any of that future stuff matters here.”

Regula chuckled on the worry regarding Briarhild. “I'm sure Ethel would challenge her to a duel on sight. Don't worry, it won't be lethal, I think.” She didn't explain further. As for payment to pay for staying in the keep, Regula hadn't even thought about that. “Well... I'd normally allow you to stay for free, but perhaps that would give off the wrong idea. I'd not want to be seen as having unfair favouritisms...” She debated what to do. There was one price Miyuki could pay nine-fold, but Regula figured that wasn't something she should ask for. Both her her public image and her sanity.

“Well, there's always a lot of stuff needing done. My mother still tells me I should stop doing some of the cleaning myself and get a maid, my advisors tell me I need to start organising a proper council and find new members, my guards advise me to hire some more magic experts, I still would like a scientist to work for me, having some folk willing to serve as diplomats would be ideal...” She realised she was ranting a bit. “What I meant to say is, if you want to help out, I'm sure there are many ways in which you could and that I'd welcome any and all of them.”

On the topic of welcoming any and all aid, Regula would recognise the two arriving my the descriptions she'd been given. “Ah, hold up. I would mind you, for a moment, please.” She called out. Honestly, she thought some people had been joking when they said 'a woman that's more tail than woman' was slithering around. It turned out they weren't. To that extend, she needed to work her [Focus] and [Mind Shield] overtime to stay professional. “Would you perhaps be the merchant that aided Sootspire? I've yet to thank you for it.” She stated, as she'd offer a handshake. “My name is Regula Caelia.” She'd add, assuming they'd recognise it seeing how they came in to help prior.

“If it'd suit the both of you, would you care to join us. Mister...” she realised he hadn't given her his name upon introduction. What did Kota call him again? “Lucius?” She asked, a tad worried she might've gotten it wrong. “... here has offered as a seafood banquet. I'm expecting some of Stonewall's finest dishes to arrive soon as well. Offering you two to join this meal would be the least I could do as a manner of thanks.”

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