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Graded [Aslan City] The Foundation of Knowledge

Lowest levels of The Duchy Capital City: Aslan

Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Tupu DSLIX DSLIX | Phoebe Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic

Victorique Sopheana

In the end, only Phoebe was up to discuss the 'ethics' of their latest find. Victorique silently nodded along with her words. However, when she was finished, she couldn't help challenging her just a little more. “It'd be a cruel an unusual punishment for some, yes, but from what I've gathered, being put in the stocks and humiliated, if not outright tortured, is the norm here. He likely knew that when he got into this business, yet he still chose to do so. Besides, like you said, we don't know how many people he might've harmed with his crimes, who could get some sense of justice from seeing him publicly punished, which might also deter others from following in his footsteps. It could also be that he's merely worried he'll get caught and trying to get out for that reason. Would any of that change your opinion?”

Magic Workshop 'Gaze Beyond' in The Duchy Capital City: Aslan


As they were approaching their destination, something started to stand out a lot. “Look, it's an observatory!” Victorique called out in unconstrained excitement. She'd always wanted to visit one during her previous life, but never got around to it. Things were starting to look even better when it turned out that their destination was heading towards it, in fact... “Wait, this observatory is the magic workshop?!? That's great!” She said, however, she suddenly realised she was being very unprofessional. “I mean, ehm, it's eh... It's a very interesting type of workshop. Yes.”
Ryan Kylieth

Although playing the "brave" part by knocking, he wasn't prepared for the door to be opened with such violence. So, even with Victorique's warning, he was not prepared for the hit to the face he was about to receive. Or he would have, but Tupu stepped in and prevented the impact by holding the door an instant before it met Ryan's nose. Ryan flinched slightly, the shock preventing him from joining the less than pleasant conversation with the equally unpleasant man who opened the door. It was clear he was up to something not quite by the book. Victorique used that to her advantage and pressured him to give them the whereabouts of the book. The man gave in and gave them yet another address to look for before closing the door with equal force.

While Victorique discussed her theory on that man's activities with Phoebe as they made their way to the address the man gave them. Ryan placed a hand on Tupu's shoulder for a moment to call his attention. "Thank you, Tupu. A smashed nose wouldn't have felt nice". After quickly thanking the muscle of their group for keeping him unharmed, Ryan joined Phoebe and Victorique on their chat about the man and his shady activities. "I think we should report him..." he took a deep breath of fresher air and added "He was clearly up to no good, and while public torture seems a bit... excessive to me, it's like Victorique said, it's more fair towards those who have been harmed by his acts. And even if he's trying to close up shop, nothing prevents him from going back to business when he thinks it's safer, or at least worth the risk again, in the future."

Victorique got surprisingly excited when she saw an observatory nearby. Something she quickly tried to cover up, which was somewhat endearing. "Never been to one myself, but they are a fascinating thing. To admire the beauty of the stars closer than our own eyes would ever allow us to." He said with a smile.

Elvario Elvario Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic DSLIX DSLIX
Phoebe Penrose
Screenshot 2022-12-24 at 7.52.14 PM.png
Mentions: Victorique ( Elvario Elvario ) | Ryan ( Rev IX Rev IX ) | Tupu ( DSLIX DSLIX )

Phoebe nodded along as Victorique responded to her and Ryan added his own thoughts to the matter. "Hmm... I didn't think of it like that, getting out of the business to avoid getting caught. I won't argue against the fact that reporting him would be fairer to his customers than not, it very much would be. I'd do that in pretty much every other situation, but it's the punishment of public torture that gives me the pause. I'm still not entirely convinced that torturing him publicly would be an effective deterrent. If it was, you'd think that other dealers being tortured before him would've prevented him from following their footsteps. Well... that and... I'm not one for torture in the first place."

After a while, they finally caught sight of what appeared to be their destination, an observatory. Unexpectedly, when they got within sight of the building, Victorique practically squealed in excitement before trying to act like that entire outburst never happened. It most certainly was not the reaction Phoebe expected from Victorique under really any circumstance given how she was acting up until that point, so she was taken aback by it a tad bit. Mind you, it was in an entirely good way. She could help herself from giggling a bit after that display from the halfling before responding. "I haven't been to one either, but being able to gaze at the stars within one does sound lovely. Though I have to admit, I am more interested in what kind of magic projects they do in the workshop. You guys think we'll find that project that mage guy mentioned still in there?"
Magic Workshop 'Gaze Beyond' in The Duchy Capital City: Aslan
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Tupu DSLIX DSLIX | Phoebe Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic

Although their next goal was in sight, the debate about their previous location and its inhabitant raged on for a little longer. Victorique was a little surprised when Ryan spoke against Phoebe's plan, yet he raised a few more valid points. Even so, she also had to agree with Phoebe in that she didn't know how well public torture would work as a punishment. “It's technically possible that he simply believed he wouldn't get caught himself, like most criminals seem to be convinced off. It's surprising how many people think they're smarter than average.” She chuckled a bit, recalling reading reports on it during her previous life, even on topics such as the vast majority of people thinking they're a better driver than average. Either way, none of that past life information was relevant right now. Instead, she decided it was better to admit what she'd already been planning on doing. “It'd probably be best to at least do our civil duty and report we encountered suspicious circumstances, which the authorities might already be aware off anyhow, then we'll let them see if they'll pursue it further or not.”

That said, there was something far more exciting ahead of them. “I doubt they'd leave cancelled projects hanging around for long in a place like this, but there's only one way to find out for sure!” She said, still eager to head inside.

Inside the Magic Workshop 'Gaze Beyond'

After going through some narrow hallways (especially for someone Tupu's size, not so much for Victorique) and up some equally narrow stairs, they reached the top floor of the building with the observatory that was their destination. It didn't look as much like a 'workshop' as Victorique expected it to be, but she did spot the vast amount of books aligning the walls. Was the one they were looking for among them...? That'd take them ages to find!

Her view was soon drawn to the large telescope in the centre, barely able to contain her excitement of it, but then she spotted the small figure working on it.

Professor Duckleburg

It was very rare for Victorique to find an adult smaller than her, but it looked like she'd achieved just that. This gnomish looking fellow was definitely even shorter. She decided to call out to the gnome. “Ehm, sir?” No response. “Excuse me, SIR?” She called out again. Still no response. Was this gnome hard of hearing or deaf? She wasn't sure, so she just stood there a little awkwardly, wondering how best to grab his attention without shouting even louder.
Phoebe Penrose
Screenshot 2022-12-24 at 7.52.14 PM.png
Mentions: Victorique ( Elvario Elvario ) | Ryan ( Rev IX Rev IX ) | Tupu ( DSLIX DSLIX )

"I see... well, if that's what you've settled on then that's that." A slight hint of disappointment was present in Phoebe's voice as she responded to Victorique's decision on the matter of the mage they had the displeasure of having to meet. Hopefully it'll just be public humiliation in the stocks or something... Wishful thinking aside, another outburst from Victorique made the pink haired mage chuckle a little again and respond with a smile. "You're right, let's go!"

Navigating inside the workshop proved to be just a tad bit difficult and uncomfortable, due to the narrowness of the building's interior, though it seemed like Victorique wasn't as bothered by the narrow structure as the other 3 of them probably were. Perhaps this building was designed and built by another halfling? They didn't have to wait long to find out who the resident of the observatory was as they soon reached the top floor. Phoebe looked around in awe. She didn't know what to expect when they learned that their location was an observatory or that it was a magic workshop, but this was certainly not the sight before them. While their halfling leader seemed to be drawn to the telescope in the middle of the room, Phoebe's gaze fell upon the bookcases lining the walls. Amazing! This place is practically an entire library with all these books! Are these all relating to the study of magic? Ahhh, I wish I had this much study material!

She turned her attention back to the telescope in the center of the room, where there appeared to be a small, gnome looking figure working on it. Victorique tried to get the guy's attention, but he just kept working on the telescope like nothing happened. How hard must one be focusing to not notice 4 strangers standing there near his vicinity? Well... he's bound to notice them eventually... In the meantime, Phoebe walked towards the bookshelves. Might as well to try and try to find The Foundation of Knowledge while Victorique tried to get the guy's attention, right? Well... that and the pink haired mage wanted to see what kind of books the gnome fellow had in this workshop, slowly walking along the edges of the room while glancing at the spines of the books as she passed by them, reading the titles if they happened to have one displayed there.
Inside the Magic Workshop 'Gaze Beyond'
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Tupu DSLIX DSLIX | Phoebe Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic

Victorique Sopheana

Victorique was a bit surprised to hear Phoebe was disappointed, but decided to let the topic rest. After all, there was something far more intriguing ahead of them. The observatory! Sadly enough,m she didn't manage to catch the gnome's attention and none of her companions seemed interested in giving it another shot...

Meanwhile, Phoebe would find various titles on the many bookshelves. A lot of the covers were titled in languages she didn't know; predominantly Sylvan. Some were in Terran, such as [Stars and Planets Volume VI] or more oddly titled ones like [Whatever is Out There]. A few were in common, such as [What Moons Are Made Of] or [Enchantment Magic 101]. All things considered, most of the ones of which she could read the title were related to stars and planets, with a few related to basic magic things. There were even some books she'd recognise from her own studies, such as [The Principles of Magecraft], which was one of the most common books for beginners or [Applied Magic], which felt like it was on its 15th edition considering how often it'd been reprinted.

Her peaceful book-gazing would be interrupted by the shout of an impatient halfling. “HEY YOU!!!” Victorique, standing directly behind him, finally got the attention of the gnome.

Professor Duckleburg

“Huh, what, who?” He said, looking around in confusion. “Wait, who are all of you? What are all of you doing here?” He said, thoroughly confused.

“We're looking for a book, The Foundation Of Knowledge. The previous person that hired this place said he left it. Have you seen it?”

“What, a book? Well... there a plenty of books here that have been here since the place was built, but perhaps it ended up among those? I don't know, I'm only here for my greatest invention thus far! I went all the way to Ryken to get a Fae artisan and a Construct tinkerer to work on the base designs and it's turning out magnificent!” Before they could stop him, the gnome had start rambling about his telescope. “You see, by decreasing the size of the lenses and align the sides of the shaft with mithril and then inversion the way light falls into it with light magic, we can look further beyond into the universe than normal, even though this telescope is relatively small. It might sound complex, but it's actually quite easy. You see, the light inversion is based on a simple mana flow that gets altered due to the mithril properties being enchanting with light magic that allows for just the slightest fluctuation in the distribution patterns off...” As the gnome kept talk, his explanation didn't exactly get more clear and eventually, none of those listening had the knowledge to keep up with what he was actually saying. Between them, Phoebe understood there was a fairly complex light magic involved and Ryan would understand some of the parts about enchantments, but that was about it.
Phoebe Penrose
Screenshot 2022-12-24 at 7.52.14 PM.png
Mentions: Victorique ( Elvario Elvario ) | Ryan ( Rev IX Rev IX ) | Tupu ( DSLIX DSLIX )

As it turned out, it seemed like most of the books that she saw on the shelves were in a language she didn't recognize and the ones that she was able to read were mostly about stars and astronomy stuff rather than magic. While they did sound interesting in and of themselves, it was a bit of a bummer to the pink haired mage. In hindsight, she probably should have assumed that would be the case, with the place being an observatory and all, but seeing a lot of book titles in languages she didn't understand did get Phoebe thinking a bit. Hmm... Maybe I should try to learn some of the other languages of this world. Could be useful, then I'd know what the rest of these books actually said.

Before she could get too far with that train of thought, she was brought back to reality by the relative quiet of the workshop being abruptly disturbed by someone shouting. Phoebe snapped her head back to look at the center of the room where the others all still were. The source of the shout had been their halfling leader, who this time had successfully gotten the attention of the gnome working on the telescope. Phoebe walked a little closer to the center as Victorique asked him about the Foundation of Knowledge. When the gnome fellow said what was tantamount to 'look around, you'll find it eventually' before going on a bit of a ramble on his telescope, Phoebe took another look at the bookshelves lining the walls and sighed a little. There was absolutely no way they'd ever find the Foundation of knowledge within the day, no, week without some sort of help. As much as Phoebe loved books and reading, looking through an entire library for one very specific book would be tedious for anyone regardless of their feelings.

Several seconds passed and the gnome didn't seem to show any signs of slowing down in his explanation of the telescope. She understood some parts of the ramble regarding light magic near the beginning, but as he went on the application of light magic to his invention quickly surpassed Phoebe's knowledge of the subject. "Um!" She called out to the gnome in the middle of his long winded explanation. He had to know more about the whereabouts of the Foundation of Knowledge, right? "That sounds very fascinating and... er... impressive and all but... are you sure you haven't seen The Foundation of Knowledge around here? We were told it would be here by a mage who said he used it to inspect a cancelled project here. Bald man, cylindrical beard. Do you happen to remember him being here or the project he was inspecting?"
Inside the Magic Workshop 'Gaze Beyond'
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Tupu DSLIX DSLIX | Phoebe Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic

Professor Duckleburg

The gnomish professor was rather startled when he was interrupted, as if he hadn't even imagined the possibility of his unwarranted monologue to be interrupted. “I, uhm, yes, that man? I don't like him or his project, so whatever he had hear, I probably threw it away along with the rest of the things he left here. There were some very inappropriate materials in there, you know.” The professor said, his voice betraying his dislike of the man. Sadly enough, his answer left much to be desired.

Victorique Sopheana

Victorique sighed deeply, not liking this direction. “Perhaps we can still recover the book. Where did you throw it out?”

“Well, into the incinerator of course.”




After a few moments of awkward silence, Victorique was about to just give up and storm out, but that'd be an even bigger waste of her time. “Well then... if we're here anyhow, is there any chance you'll let me have a look through that telescope?”

“Well, I'd normally not just let anyone look through it, but if you're really interested...” The gnome was clearly getting eager again, as he showed them up onto the platform. “Okay, so if you sit in the chair here, you can adjust the angle by these levers while calibrating the vision range through...”

As he was talking, however, Victorique (and anyone who joined her up the 'stage' immediately spotted something of interest. The chair had a stack of books on it. Probably to allow the small gnome to reach his telescope. However, among the titles of those books, there was one that spoke volumes. “That's our book!!!” Victorique called out, upon spotting it .

“What?” The gnome, a bit shocked, clearly hadn't put two and two together yet. Until he did. “Oh, that, right, I completely forgot I was using some books for that... Well, I guess I can use meta-magic volume six instead, so you're free to take that one. Anyhow, as for the telescope...”

If there were patient enough to sit through a very long-winded explanation, they'd be given the opportunity to peer through the telescope. Thanks to the mithril in it absorbing light, they could see the stars even during the day, which was quite the sight. However, as interesting as it might be, they had a job to full-fill. As they headed back to the Librarian, Victorique was clearly in a better mood than before, not just because they'd succeeded in their mission, but also due to having been able to use the telescope (although she too needed some books for height adjustment).

The Wise Owl Library in the Magic Duchy Capital Aslan

After meeting back up with the librarian, she fulfilled her end of the bargain by giving them access to the library. The building was pretty securely located in the heart of the city and needed multiple checks before they could enter. While they were there, they could also feel like something or someone was continuously observing them, to ensure they wouldn't stray into certain closed-off sections without proper permission.


“Well then, if there's anything in particular you'd like to read, let me know. I'm proud to say I know most of the locations of our books~” The librarian said, short after they'd entered the building.
Phoebe Penrose
Screenshot 2022-12-24 at 7.52.14 PM.png
Mentions: Victorique ( Elvario Elvario ) | Ryan ( Rev IX Rev IX ) | Tupu ( DSLIX DSLIX )

"..." The awkward silence after the gnome said he threw the materials from the monk looking mage's project into the incinerator was deafening as it seemed for a moment that all of this had just been one wild goose chase. Well, if the gnome fellow was willing to let the group use the telescope, might as well do so while they were there at the very least. As Phoebe walked to and up the center platform where the telescope was, Victorique suddenly exclaimed that she found their book. Upon hearing this, the pink haired mage hastened her way to the telescope to see for herself. Sure enough, there it was with a few other books stacked on the telescope's chair. Phoebe breathed a little sigh of relief, as they hadn't come here for naught after all.

Although they had the book in their position, Phoebe was still wanting to try and look through the gnome's telescope while they were here. It's been an incredibly long time since Phoebe last stargazed, quite literally being a lifetime ago. She faintly remembered distant memories of looking through one of those commercially produced telescopes on a few nights out in the backyard of her childhood home in her past life. When it came time for Phoebe’s go at looking through the telescope, she was in awe of the viewing experience it provided of this world’s unfamiliar sky. Definitely a better view than what that commercial telescope would have brought, that’s for sure!

After going through the multiple security checks, the group finally entered the library. Looking around, the sheer scale of the library was something Phoebe never would have seen from even the biggest libraries in her original world. It was a bit overwhelming, but nevertheless Phoebe was a bit excited. Phoebe wasted no time in taking up the librarian on her offer. “Do you have any books about magic techniques or magic theory or the such? I’m looking to refine my magic practice and learn a few more skills, so anything like that would be helpful. Do you have any recommendations?”
Ryan Kylieth

The debate on if they should let the drug maker off the hook didn't last long, with Victorique saying they were better off just reporting him and letting the authorities decide a course of action. Something to which Ryan agreed with a nod. They made their way inside the observatory, and Ryan was quick to notice this building was designed with a small being in mind. He awkwardly moved ahead, hoping not to get stuck along the way. They finally made it to the top of the building, where books lined the walls all around. If their book was somewhere, it was here most likely. Victorique tried to get the attention of a small individual, which Ryan didn't even notice at first. He was working on the telescope and seemed very focused on it, not reacting to the call at all.

Phoebe went her own way, inspecting the books. While Ryan just idled around awkwardly. Not wanting to look through the gnomish being's things without his permission, or to get to a voice volume like the one Victorique used. That said, Victorique wasn't done, shouting at the gnome right from behind him. It even made Ryan flinch slightly, so he couldn't imagine the scare the old man must have gotten. At least the shout brought results, as the gnome snapped out of it, as confused as Ryan expected him to be. When Victorique explained their reason of visit, the old gnome went on a ramble, which was somewhat interesting. At least the parts he undestood. Vague enchantment concepts that got more complex than he could understand rather fast. This time, Phoebe cut him off. This led to him saying he had incinerated the book. Clearly frustrated, Victorique hoped to get more out of this by peering through the telescope that fascinated her so much. When she approached the chair, she found their book being used as a height booster for the telescope.

Victorique returned clearly happier than earlier, that telescope sure did a number on her. They returned the book to the librarian without any further issues. Fulfilling her end of the bargain, the librarian led them inside the library past the security checks without problems. She then asked in what kind of read were they interested. Phoebe spoke up first, and after letting her inquiry be answered, Ryan stepped up "I'm looking for information on guns. Materials, diagrams, ammunition design, history... That kind of information."

Elvario Elvario Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic DSLIX DSLIX
The Wise Owl Library in the Magic Duchy Capital Aslan


The librarian nodded, upon listening to their request.

“We're in the most magical country in the world, so we've got more books on magic than you could read in an entire lifetime~ If you're just looking to refine though, there's a new educative series on enhancing effects by a professor from the Ryken Academy that's surprisingly well-written. I'll take you there.”

She then looked to Ryan. “Your request is a bit more challenging. We have a section on it, but some of it is just dusty historic knowledge whilst the rest might be a bit too classified... Ah! I know. Charles, be a dear and lead this guest to the section on magical engineering and enchanting, should be the third shelf.”

As she called out of 'Charles', a previously unassuming book suddenly flew off of its shelf and towards Ryan, floating in the air in front of him.


Charles quickly flipped through its pages until it displayed one word. [Follow]. After which it started to float through the library. Ryan would do best to keep up, as this place was a maze. Stairs in locations you'd not even think of looking for them, hallways that seemingly had dead ends but instead ended in sharp corners and most of all, a floor-plan that seemed to be made by a drunk hobgoblin. That said, eventually, Ryan and Charles would end up at their destination, a section with information on how guns were made, although leaning far more towards the magic side of it. Most of these were more like magic blasters, although there were some books with comparative magic with 'enchanted' guns. Whilst nothing was state of the art, there was enough detail and relevance to them to increase one's understanding of the different 'gun' technologies.

Meanwhile, Victorique and Phoebe were following after the Librarian herself. She led them to a section not too much further away, with many books on magic principles. Some of them looked very new and shiny compared to the rest of the library, which she ended up pointing towards. “Those would be the ones~ If I had these as a kid, I bet I'd have had a much easier time studying. Either way, I'd suggest you read through them carefully, as while they are quite well-written, the information density is considerable. The writer really doesn't waste as much as a single word on trivialities~”

That made her turn towards Victorique. “Well then, short-stuff, what were you looking for again?”

Victorique Sopheana

Victorique, having been silently scanning the library during their walk, could only huff in protest. Her annoyance with this Librarian was growing rapidly. Not only had she forgotten why Victorique took this deal to begin with, she was also calling her 'short-stuff'! How dare she? Either way, Victorique still had goals here, so she tried to swallow her annoyance and instead replied “I wanted to learn more how these 'titles' are given. The mechanisms behind them.”

As she said it, the Librarian clicked her tongue. “Right, right. Such a difficult request. Follow me, then, and I'll see what we can share with you.” She said, as she took Victorique to an even more guarded section of the library, where she'd soon start to feel like she'd got eyes on her at all times...
Phoebe Penrose
Screenshot 2022-12-24 at 7.52.14 PM.png

Mentions: Victorique ( Elvario Elvario ) | Ryan ( Rev IX Rev IX ) | Tupu ( DSLIX DSLIX )

"That would be wonderful, thank you." The pink haired mage then looked on as a book flew off its shelf when she called for one 'Charles' to lead Ryan to where he would find information on gunsmithing. Sure there were tales where inanimate objects like books seem to have some sort of sentience, so she wasn't exactly surprised when it happened given what she knew about the nature of this world, but still there's something different about actually seeing it happen with your own eyes. It didn't take long for the book to start moving to lead Ryan to wherever in this library the magical engineering and enchanting section was, the duo quickly disappearing from view in the labyrinth of bookcases.

While Ryan went off to learn about how firearms worked in this world, Phoebe followed the librarian to a section not far from where they were originally standing. 'New' was certainly an accurate way to describe the books, heck it looked like no one had even touched them before. Needless to say, Phoebe was excited to get started reading, her eyes practically sparkling. She turned to the librarian once more. "Great! Thank you again!" She bowed her head a little out of respect before opening up one of the books and began reading, becoming too engrossed to pay any mind to the little exchange that happened between the librarian and Victorique.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan raised an eyebrow upon hearing the librarian talking to 'Charles', since nobody else was nearby. It didn't make any sense, until a book started floating towards the group. The book displayed itself in front of the smith, flipping through it's pages until it found the message it wanted to deliver. With a nod he wasn't quite sure if it could be seen by Charles, Ryan followed the book.

This place was amazing yet dangerous to wander around. It's design was quite intricate and peculiar, like a maze lined with books. He was glad he had a guide towards the books he needed, otherwise he'd be doomed to walk around the place for who knows how long. As he tried to ponder on the thought process behind the structure's creator and their mindset, Ryan and Charles arrived at their destination.

Ryan then started picking a book after another, taking mental notes of the highlights of what he read. At some point, Ryan decided to ask the book "Say, Charles... You don't happen to have something I can take notes with, do you?" All while going from one book to the next, trying to optimize the learning experience.
The Wise Owl Library in the Magic Duchy Capital Aslan

Phoebe getting engrossed wasn't too difficult, with the many books there were around that could aid her. She'd likely be reading until the Librarian would politely (yet forcefully) tell her that time was up and that she had to scatter. Books weren't typically loaned out either.

Meanwhile, Ryan would have to stare a Charles for a bit, before the book started flipping through its pages. Eventually, two words showed. [Use memory.] As if satisfied with itself, the book would shove itself onto a nearby bookcase and go back to being a regular, unassuming book again.

Meanwhile, Victorique and the Librarian had retreated to a more closed-off location, to see just how much information she'd get from this...

In the end, they all left the library having learned a fair bit more. It'd been a bit of a hassle getting entrance, but this library had definitely been worth visiting. If not for its large amount of knowledge, then just for its magical looks alone. Victorique did report 'suspicious' activity regarding Conrad, but left it at that. It'd be up to the Magic Duchy how serious they'd take such a report.

The End

Considering Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic is new, bonus rewards are doubled. The 42 bonus points from A grade standing becomes 84 bonus points.

Either information on how titles work or a solid clue to make us of in the next RP towards that goal if the current RP isn't sufficient on its own.

[Title] Compassionate – Character has shown to have a kind heart. They're more likely to be welcomed by most, other than those that are strict or cruel by nature.
[Asset] Book knowledge: The Ultimate Guide to Post-Basic Magic – Upon increasing intelligence from D to C (or higher), the character can use the knowledge they obtained in the library to increase Magic E => D, Range F => E Area of Effect F => E Targets F => Selective F => E and learn Energised D (56 points of narrator bonus points).

[Title] Timid – Character prefers to stay silently in the background during conversation. It will help them stay out of focus, but might also make it more difficult for them to stand out.
[Asset] Book knowledge: Basic & Advanced Comprehension Guide to Hextech Gunsmithing & Focuscrafting – The book gives its reader the [Artisan] Artificer C skill (28 points points of narrator bonus points)
Isekai Hell RP Grade

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic DSLIX DSLIX

Little magical mystery in a little magical place. Although the tone was different, I got scooby doo or saturday morning cartoon vibes. Surprises. A twist. Some amusement. A chill vibe. And you kept it to the point. Pretty nice. Now to what you found.

The tome Victorique looked through was more an encyclopedia on Titles than a true study into their workings. Hundreds if not thousands of titles were recorded within. Some in varying languages. Others of subject matter that no longer exists. The recording of titles dated back centuries. Other research in the library made it obvious there was history and research missing on the topic since the turning of the Age. In addition, the title listings also gave brief descriptions of the presumed meaning/purpose/triggers for the title and known carries of more rare titles. General rarity of the title was also listed although the listing of such information gradually grew out of practice by the end of the tome's entries.

The little detective's skills picked up on a reference to a city east of the Empire supposedly housing a continuation of the research and more details on certain titles. Historians of the library were better fits to explain the reference. Before the Duchy was split off, it was a part of the West Empire, an Empire the predated the East Empire and therefore the only Empire of its day. The city referenced was far to the East but the distance described would not bring it to Ryke but some place much closer. Was called the city of Atlantis. Modern maps placed the general location of the city somewhere within the Continental Lake. Aside from an interesting reference, the driver beyond the discovery was the mention of an archive in the underwater city of Crustanton, the capital city of the under sea nation within the great lake. Supposedly, it retained collected knowledge from before the Continental lake was its present size and depth.


Victorique - 42 points (narration bonus included)
  • optional title acquired [GIVE UP] - ...
Ryan - 23 points
  • optional title acquired [Timid] – Character prefers to stay silently in the background during conversation. It will help them stay out of focus, but might also make it more difficult for them to stand out.
  • Asset acquired Book knowledge: Basic Comprehension Guide to Hextech Gunsmithing & Focuscrafting – The book gives its reader the [Artisan] Artificer E skill (14 points of narrator bonus points) Add 14pts to Earned points and Spent points when taking this skill at E grade.
Tupu - 16 points
  • optional title acquired [Gentle Giant] – Character is very aware of their size and makes an effort to be more reserved and polite. They more easily overcome initial apprehension to them, but are still easily stirring up worry wherever they go.

Phoebe - 28 points
  • optional title acquired [Compassionate] – Character has shown to have a kind heart. They're more likely to be welcomed by most, other than those that are strict or cruel by nature
  • Asset acquired Book knowledge: The Intermediate Guide to Post-Basic Magic – Reading this book and mixing in knowledge learned elsewhere in the library increases intelligence from D to C, Magic E => D, Range F => E Area of Effect F => E (28 points of narrator bonus points) Add 28pts to Earned points and Spent points when taking the increases from this asset.

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