Lowest levels of The Duchy Capital City: Aslan
Mentions: Ryan

In the end, only Phoebe was up to discuss the 'ethics' of their latest find. Victorique silently nodded along with her words. However, when she was finished, she couldn't help challenging her just a little more. “It'd be a cruel an unusual punishment for some, yes, but from what I've gathered, being put in the stocks and humiliated, if not outright tortured, is the norm here. He likely knew that when he got into this business, yet he still chose to do so. Besides, like you said, we don't know how many people he might've harmed with his crimes, who could get some sense of justice from seeing him publicly punished, which might also deter others from following in his footsteps. It could also be that he's merely worried he'll get caught and trying to get out for that reason. Would any of that change your opinion?”
Magic Workshop 'Gaze Beyond' in The Duchy Capital City: Aslan

As they were approaching their destination, something started to stand out a lot. “Look, it's an observatory!” Victorique called out in unconstrained excitement. She'd always wanted to visit one during her previous life, but never got around to it. Things were starting to look even better when it turned out that their destination was heading towards it, in fact... “Wait, this observatory is the magic workshop?!? That's great!” She said, however, she suddenly realised she was being very unprofessional. “I mean, ehm, it's eh... It's a very interesting type of workshop. Yes.”