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Graded [Ryken City] The Arcane Proving Grounds



Interactions: Naomi ( Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi ), Ivy ( Scarletti Scarletti ), Malik ( Novama Novama ).

Glacier listened to Naomi's findings, not all that surprised that the artifact would require all of them to chip in; though if it had to be simultaneous was another question.

He listened to Naomi's logic, which seemed sound. "After consideration... I believe your hypothesis to be mostly correct." Glacier said to her, before continuing with a possible caveat. "Though I do notice one inconsistency... while I am certain of your findings, that would leave six components to the artifact." He paused, turning his head towards Ivy, who was one that didn't appear to have an obvious facet to use or action to perform on the object. "Seeing as there are eight of us, and I doubt that this academy would make such a mistake... we may be missing or misunderstanding some crucial bit of information." Admittedly, Glacier was unsure as to what they could be missing, but it was odd nonetheless.

"Regardless, I am sure that testing it will answer any of our questions..." Glacier began, before directly addressing Malik. "May I?" He asked, holding his right forepaw up, so that he could send a portion of his mana into the artifact.
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Orrius would nod along as he listened to Naomi. Some of their roles were obvious, such as Tannia for the physical work, and Malik for the illusion magic. Even Naomi could make a good guess about it. However then came the issue with the healing and the celestial magic, and as Glacier had pointed out, Ivy's role to play wasn't clear cut either. Surely it would work out somehow, right?

Orrius was unsure if his mana was considered celestial, but he figured it was worth giving it a shot. "Naomi, allow me to take the position for celestial magic. You can cover the healing. If nothing happens, then we swap our roles."

Then, he would turn to Malik. "Give us the signal and we all do it together. Ready when you are."

Tannia Armor 2.jpg
Tannia Duellona

Character Grade - D

  1. N/A

Tannia listened intently to Naomie's discovery, nodding her head to the girl's suggestions. When she was done and Glacier and Orrius had given their input, the warrioress piped in with some of her own. "Jason should handle the beast magic. Mao should help with the physical." She stepped up to Malik and held out a hand for him to give her the relic. "I'll keep the whole thing stable and move the parts that need some muscle. I'll need Mao's more dexterous hands to handle the smaller pieces." She paused and looked towards the bard. "That just leaves Ivy. We could use an analytical eye on the project as a whole, making sure everything lines up. Can you handle it?"
Ivy Redwood
Ian Temero Ian Temero Voider Voider

As Naomi would disclose her findings, Ivy would stand at the back, listening attentively to her every word. It was then she'd notice that the girl had not assigned to her any particular role. Ivy cocked her head, confused as to what she could possibly to do aid them here. The ice fox had also voiced his concerns, as he turned to face her. A sudden, disastrous thought would find its way into Ivy's mind. Perhaps this was a sign that she hadn't performed up to standard earlier and had already failed the trials, thus not having a need to participate anymore?

Shaking her head, she told herself to remain positive. Can't let those negative thoughts get to her, no way. She wouldn't mind just sitting back and letting the others take the spotlight here anyway. Right at that moment, a familiar voice would interrupt her thoughts. Apparently the knight of the group proposed a good suggestion for her: to aid them in overseeing their roles properly, even inferring that she had an 'analytical eye'. She couldn't help but to crack a smile - since when did she possess such a trait?

"Alright then, you can leave that to me." Ivy accepted her proposal willingly, mostly because there wasn't much else for her to help out with. Taking a step back, Ivy made sure she had everyone in her vision and was ready to give instructions where necessary.
Naomi Plumfoot


Novama Novama Eccentric_Undead Eccentric_Undead SoftSmile SoftSmile Scarletti Scarletti Ian Temero Ian Temero Voider Voider L Lulidew

Naomi was glad to see her partners stepping up and sharing their minds.

Glacier went ahead and tested to see how the relic would respond to his ice elemental magic; something that might have provided them with useful information. He also reminded her that she’d absentmindedly forgotten to consider Ivy’s role.

“That- that’s a good point, actually.”

Tannia stepped up to take hold of the relic, and Orrius offered to provide their celestial magic as she provided the healing magic. Naomi’s thoughts were still lingering on Glacier’s comment, and on her readings from the artifact, but she nodded to him all the same.

“Sure. No problem, Orrius.”

As everyone moved into position, she kept thinking about it. “Sang the song of beast magic.” Well, the team only had one musician here and there wasn’t anything ‘bestial’ about her. At least not overtly, anyway. Was she focusing on the wrong thing here? It was hard to imagine, but… no, no.

She shook the thought out of her head, raised her right hand, and a dim yellow light began to shine through the etchings in her ring as she prepared to cast a healing spell into the facet of the artifact that required rejuvenating magic.

“Ready when you are, Malik.”
Mentions: Voider Voider Eccentric_Undead Eccentric_Undead Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Ian Temero Ian Temero L Lulidew Scarletti Scarletti SoftSmile SoftSmile
OOC: soft skip 3, ian skip 3, fantasy skip 5, luli skip 1. puzzle time.
Time: evening
Weather: cooling, dotted with a few scattered clouds
TLDR: team works together and pulls off a miracle
Post Listening:

Logia Academy Exhibition Hall



Malik surveyed his team with a quiet, approving nod, letting their words echo in his ears as the flurry of ideas and suggestions filled the air. The shimmering relic in his hand pulsed rhythmically, its cold hum resonating with his heartbeat. The sense of expectancy from his team, their collective trust was tangible, hanging heavy in the air, tugging at the corners of his thoughts.

Tannia had the relic now. Malik watched as the intricate runes danced across its surface, glinting under the scrutiny of their gazes. He had faith in his team, a quiet kind of belief that lay steadfast within him, borne out of the struggles and camaraderie they'd shared despite the short time knowing each other.

Listening to Naomi's deduction and Tannia's suggestions, he felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards these individuals he was fortunate to call his team.

From a distance, Malik noted with fleeting interest the haphazard progress of the opposing groups. A cacophony of hurried whispers and frustrated gestures suggested their trials were not going as smoothly. Some appeared stuck at the mere beginning, fumbling with their relics, while others had succumbed to the tension, their voices rising in a crescendo of argument and dissension.

But Malik's focus remained tethered to his own team. A frisson of anticipation tingled down his spine as he addressed his teammates, his voice steadier than he felt.

"We've all got our parts," he affirmed, his gaze flicking to each of them in turn. "Remember, it's not just about the magic we're channeling. It's about how we work together, how we support each other. This trial was designed for us, all of us. Together."

And with that, he gave the signal they'd been waiting for, his hand rising, then falling in a silent count. The atmosphere seemed to still, the noise from the other groups fading into an insignificant buzz as they began their collective task.

As the hum of their magic filled the air, Malik felt a strange ripple of energy pass through him, the relic in Tannia's grasp pulsating, vibrating with the raw power they were all contributing. Their combined effort created a soft symphony, their abilities blending and harmonizing like a carefully orchestrated composition.

But above all, it was their unity, that made the real difference. It seemed, Malik mused, this trial was about far more than just passing or failing. It was about them, as a team. And he was confident they were on the right track.

As their magics melded together, the relic began to shift. Each contribution, like a piece of a complex puzzle, seemed to invoke an individual reaction within the ancient artifact. Naomi’s healing magic, a gentle, soft glow, filled one of the facets, the previously dim runes illuminating with a restorative golden light. Malik’s illusion magic played its part as well, imbuing the relic with an ethereal shimmer, the surrounding air wavering as if viewed through a heat haze.

When Orrius began to pour his magic, the artifact responded almost eagerly, but was it actually celestial in nature? It soaked up the starry luminescence, the brightness weaving through the relic’s contours like liquid moonlight. Glacier’s elemental magic met the artifact with a brisk touch, the sharp tang of winter permeating the air as icy patterns spiraled across the artifact’s surface, like frost on a windowpane.

Tannia’s strength guided the relic, the artifact humming in tune with her control, while Ivy’s critical eye watched for any misalignment, pointing out the minutest of adjustments to keep them on track.

The artifact, now awash with the full spectrum of their combined abilities, began to transform. The pulse quickened, a rhythmic heartbeat that echoed through the space around them, and a resonance, at once discordant and harmonious, enveloped the team. It was a symphony of power, a testament to their unity and effort.

And then, with a final pulse of energy, the relic changed dramatically. A brilliant burst of light erupted from it, drawing their eyes away for a split second. When they looked back, a portal had appeared. It swirled with colors that were at once familiar and foreign, shimmering like a mirage.

As the portal stabilized, they could see glimpses of their destination. A vast expanse stretched before them, a terrain marked by towering monoliths of crystal and sprawling fields of luminescent flora. Stars overhead painted the sky with streaks of brilliant light, creating an otherworldly landscape. It was a place they couldn’t quite place within their known world, an alien environment that promised new challenges, and perhaps, new opportunities. The crowd, acknowledging their triumph, cheered and applauded as the final trial started to conclude. Soon after their group finished, the other groups that had any chance to finish started making their portals appear as well.


Naomi Plumfoot

Novama Novama Eccentric_Undead Eccentric_Undead SoftSmile SoftSmile Scarletti Scarletti Ian Temero Ian Temero Voider Voider L Lulidew

Doubt and second thoughts lined the edge of Naomi’s thoughts with every word and consideration. Even as they all came together to unlock the artifact, she continued to question herself. Much to her surprise, when her analysis was confirmed and a doorway to another world opened before her, Naomi only felt mild relief.

The cheering from the crowd was pleasant, but meaningless in her eyes. She’d come here to claim one thing and she would not be satisfied until she had it. Her eyes turned not towards the portal nor her partners nor the crowds, but to the judges sitting on high who’d constructed these challenges for them in the first place.

“So, have we done it!?” she threw her arms up emphatically; damn-near shouting with hopes that her voice would carry over to them, “Have we passed your trials!?”

She wanted to hear it, and she wanted to hear it from them, before she could set her mind and heart at ease. After that, she could truly enjoy the results of her efforts. Whatever they may be.

Māo begins to stutter as magic is mentioned. “Oh dear, you must be mistaken. I don’t do magic.” She tells Naomi sheepishly. “What, are you calling me a beast?” Her tone suddenly turns serious before she laughs. “I’m just kidding, sweetie. I’m just not quite sure that’s what I should be doing.”

In the end, she did nothing. She contributed nothing. More guilt began to wash over her as she began to claw her arm up a bit. She had lived two lives now, and she was still useless for anything other than comedic relief. She felt like she was drowning, and no matter how hard she tried her arms wouldn’t move.

Physically, Māo was staring off into space, a dull expression on her face as the portal opened up.

She was just going to get in the way again. “Ugh!” She suddenly shouted before chugging half of her flask. Within a few seconds, it hit her like a bullet train and suddenly she didn’t feel like shit. “Haha, sorry sweeties! Didn’t mean to startle you.” Māo apologizes for her small outburst. “So are we gonna go in this thing or what?” She questions Naomi specifically, seeing as she's been mostly leading the group through this trial.



Interactions: Mao ( SoftSmile SoftSmile )

Glacier felt satisfied as he watched their combined accomplishment, opening a portal to another place. He listened to Naomi ask the judges if the group had passed the trial; now that he thought about it, Glacier realized that they hadn't been given any further instructions. He was hesitant to enter another world so soon after waking up in this one, so he hoped that wouldn't be a part of the challenge.

Turning to Mao due to the shout, Glacier tilted his head to the side at the woman's chugging of what was most certainly alcohol. "Are you... feeling well?" Though it may not have been his business, Glacier inquired anyway, concerned about the apparent alcoholism he'd seen since the beginning of their trials.
Ivy Redwood

SoftSmile SoftSmile
As the portal appeared right before them, Ivy would gaze deep into it, feeling mesmerized by the amazing sights before her. "How beautiful..." She muttered to herself. However her team members didn't jump for joy or begin celebrating, which she felt odd. Surely this called for a celebration? Instead, Naomi still questioned the judges if it was truly over.

Now that she thought about it, this trial did seem easier than expected as they cleared it simply by pouring their respective abilities into the artifact. Ivy didn't even have to use her magic or music at all, and nobody stepped up to provide the beast magic. Strangely, she felt felt like it was rigged in their favor. It was no wonder Naomi would have her doubts.

All of a sudden, a loud shout would cause her to jump. Turning her head to the cause of the commotion, she'd find Mao who seemed to be drunk. Glacier, too, was worried about her. "Enough of that, it doesn't do you any good. Here, have some water." Ivy said, taking out a flask of water from within her bag and offering it to her.

Tannia Armor 2.jpg
Tannia Duellona

Character Grade - D

  1. N/A

Much like Ivy, Tannia watched the scene through the portal with a sense of awe. She had only twice seen anything like it, staring down upon Gan Eden while awaiting the judgment of the gods. Luckily she didn't have to die a third time to see this place. After staring for only a moment though Tannia shook her head. This wasn't the time to be entranced.

Glacier and Ivy checked on the boozing Mao while Naomie shouted at the judges, seeming to believe the trail was over. Tannia wasn't so sure. One did not open a door simply to open it. No the purpose was to let something travel through. So grabbing the handle of her sword she took a step forward towards the portal. "No one said we we're done yet." She called out to the rest of her team as she strode calmly forwards. If the judges chose to call out then that the trail was over however, Tannia would stop.
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Zuì Dàmāo
Voider Voider Scarletti Scarletti

“I’m fine, darling, thank you.” Māo says to Glacier, attempting to quell the fox’s worry. She didn’t mind worrying Glacier as much as Ivy, as Māo’s expression immediately melted at the girl showing concern for her.

“Aww, sweetheart. Don’t worry about me, okay?” She says this, but does take the water Ivy is offering, drinking a small amount to maybe comfort Ivy. “Thank you, sweetie.” Māo says afterwards, even having the small amount of water in her system makes her feel a bit better. Physically anyway, emotionally she was torn apart about how much Ivy reminded her of her daughter. She wasn’t the spitting image by any means, but her caring demeanor made Māo want to smother the girl with motherly love.
Mentions: Voider Voider Eccentric_Undead Eccentric_Undead Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Ian Temero Ian Temero L Lulidew Scarletti Scarletti SoftSmile SoftSmile
OOC: The end. sorry for the delay. vacation and stuff. think most of the members made it to the end too. grade incoming
Time: evening
Weather: cooling, dotted with a few scattered clouds
TLDR: ending post for malik and confirmation of the victory.
Post Listening:

Logia Academy Exhibition Hall



As the dust settled, Malik stood motionless amidst the circle of his companions, the artifact glowing triumphantly before them. He watched, taking note of the subtle shift in the atmosphere as the others expressed varying degrees of relief, elation, and apprehension. His mind, always keen and calculating, spun a web of thoughts, patterns, and possibilities. A dozen different futures unfurled before him, branching out like the roots of an ancient tree. But for now, their task was complete. They had conquered the trial, and the moment of victory was theirs to savor.

A peculiar stillness fell over the academy grounds. It was as if the air itself was holding its breath, waiting for the affirmation of their success. Not long after, figures clothed in scholarly robes began to approach, their steps measured and purposeful. These were the inspectors of the academy, arriving to scrutinize the portal. Malik watched them with hooded eyes, his mind already racing ahead, anticipating their conclusions.

The inspectors approached the glowing portal with professional stoicism, their experienced eyes examining every shimmer and pulse of the gate. They stepped closer, reaching out to test the stability of the portal, their fingers hovering inches from the radiant light. A moment of silent assessment passed, and then they nodded in approval, declaring the portal stable, safe, and successful.

A ripple of relief and pride swept through the group, and cheers echoed in the surrounding city as the news of their triumph was announced. The journey to this point had been fraught with challenges and doubts, yet they had emerged victorious. And with this victory, they found themselves not only the conquerors of the trial but also the recipients of newfound respect and notoriety in the city of Ryken.

Their names echoed through the cobblestone streets, rippling outward from the heart of the academy. The city buzzed with their accomplishment, and they found themselves, at least for a time, Ryken's celebrated champions.

As the moon rose above the city's skyline, casting long, shadows across the academy grounds, Malik took one last look at the portal. It shimmered, a beacon of their success, and a testament to their hard-earned triumph. He shared a silent nod of acknowledgment with his companions, each expression carrying the unspoken promise of the possibilities that lay ahead.

As he turned away from the portal, the soft light of the rising moon bathed his face in a gentle glow similar to the pride he felt in their victory. But beneath the soft glow, his eyes bore the gleam of unspoken anticipation. This was just the beginning of his story. With a final glance at his companions, Malik stepped away, disappearing into the crowd, ready to write the next chapter of his destiny.

The End
Isekai Hell Grade

Novama Novama Eccentric_Undead Eccentric_Undead Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Ian Temero Ian Temero L Lulidew Scarletti Scarletti SoftSmile SoftSmile Voider Voider

The rp was meant to introduce characters to the world, some of the system, and help the characters get established. Hopefully, you all have found a groove or an interest you want to explore further with your characters and roleplaying. I'd encourage checking out all sorts of stuff prior to settling down too firmly with character plans in case something more interesting comes along. May your start in IH propel you into many interesting futures.

With the trial done, the characters would receive a time sensitive measure of notoriety and fame which they can use to establish themselves.


Optional Assets/titles available to any that want them (choose one):

Optional Title acquired [Merchant F (Silver Star Trading Company Associate)] - character has entered into the service of the Silver Star Trading company, a comparably small corporation with many industry interests across Ryke. There seems to be a lot of upward mobility within the company for those that distinguish themselves.
Optional Title acquired [Ryken Adventurer F] - character is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. characters are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
Optional Title acquired [Ryken Student F] - characters with this title are assumed to be students of an academy in Ryken and have the privileges and restrictions allotted to them. This title allows you access into and out of the Ryken Academy and you are seen as part of the program.
Optional Title acquired [Member of the Church of ??? F] - character wishes to pursue a life and path of faith. Their actions and notoriety suggest they would be a good fit for this particular faith and eligible for more responsibilities with enough dedication.
Optional Title acquired [Criminal Faction Operative F] - character wishes to pursue a life of crime or one not so spotless. Their standout efforts have drawn the attention of individuals that see opportunity for a price. Before a member has much experience, the 2nd best thing is their lack of criminal titles.

Malik - 63pts (narrator bonus)

Naomi - 82pts (attentive student bonus)

Tannia - 32pts

Orrius - 36pts

Ivy - 80pts (attentive student bonus)

Mao - 27pts

Glacier - 33pts

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