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Graded [Yemaya City] Knightly Duties (Or Something Similar)

Wetlands North of Yemaya
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, North of Yemaya

From: https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/...720332478293723362573612635104531057519624193
Time: 18:20
Weather: Nice and Sunny
Languages: (Woodland Animal) | <Beastial>
Mentions: Siegfried Grünelke Adlieber Faynorae Faynorae

Siegfried had waited for the frog princess to hop out of sight, with the sun setting in the background. His self-contemplation didn't get disturbed, as if the scenery itself wanted him to have his moment of inwards reflection. Only when he himself started moving again, did the scenery seem to move again as well. However, his movements weren't in the direction of the pond, the city or the lost children... And thus, his journey would take him away, onto a different adventure.

Back in Yemaya, strange rumours would circulate for a while. Stories of an odd knight looking for lost children. Of a deranged man trying to communicate with animals. Of a lost treasure guarded by a frog princess. Eventually, the stories and rumours culminated into a narrative that a strange knight had beseeched the woodland animals to hand over the frog princess' treasure. However, with as little or much truth as there was to that tale, it would soon fade out and be (mostly) forgotten about.

The End

These are only suggestions, please wait until a grader confirms them before adding them.

Narrator bonus worth = 42 points (From having multiple A-grade characters.)

Title/asset/limiter: [Banned from Singing] – Character has sworn an oath calling upon Miralis, god of Law, to never sing again. Should he ever sing, he will be forced to cut off his tongue or receive the title [Dishonourable] to signify his broken oath.

Title: [Ace Ventura] – Character has an unusual connection with all sorts of animals. To those who witness it, it's like he's either insane or capable of talking to them.

Stat: Intelligence F => D (14 points)
Skill: [Animal Handling] E (14 points) – Considering all the animals he 'handled' in this one RP.
Isekai Hell Grade

Elvario Elvario Faynorae Faynorae Clyvelle Clyvelle

A nice magical adventure that reminds me of some of the fairy tale animated movies from decades ago. There used to be specially bound and collected fairy tales too for bedtime reading. You guys may have taken some liberties with what constitutes a woodland animal with the Eel/frog though.


Elvario - 22pts

Siegfried - 44pts
optional title acquired [Ace Ventura] - An odd title for an odd character. No one really knows what this title means.
optional stat upgrade [D Intelligence] - raise points spent and earned by 14pts when taking this reward.
optional skill acquired [Animal Handling E] - raise points spent and earned by 14pts when taking this reward.

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