• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters

Mallory Airista Snow
Appearance: Pointy Ears and Pale Skin

Rp'er Name: MedievalFanatic2023

Post Frequency:
Sporadic, sometimes maybe twice a week sometimes multiple depending on my time.

Discord Name: Medi_Fantasy

Current RP: Open

__Short Term__
[*] Making Allys and friends
[*] Gaining prestige and political power, making connections
[*] Strengthening her Ice Affinity
[*] join a caster faction

__Long Term__
[*] Become the strongest Ice mage
[*] Be Apart of a noble Family perhaps become an Ice Queen later on.
[*] Help advance this world as the god desires

Equipped Titles:
[*] Fae, a Lune Elf, Mundane
[*] Offworlder

Height: 5’6ft
Weight: 135lbs

Backstory: Before Mallory was Isekai’d she was 10. She lived in a world called Gardenia that was connected to the four seasons. She was from wealth of a prominent family connected to the winter season. Though an accident happened she was near a frozen lake. Her and her little sister were at the lake her 5 year old little sister ran upon the ice. The ice started to crack, Mallory ran across the ice to save her little sister pushing the little one off the ice, Mallory fell through. She would fall into unconsciousness but heard a voice of the god telling her, her purpose in this new world. A new opportunity at life, a second chance for her brave sacrifice.

Current Life: Mallory was an orphan most of isekai’d life for 8 years but she was grateful. She had a strong affinity of Ice because of her past life which she tried to understand. Now 18 she would live in a cottage in the woods and enjoy the nature around her.

Acquired Titles:
[*] Fae, a Lune Elf,mundane
[*] Offworlder

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105 pts

Points Not Spent: 0


Strength - F

Precision - E

Intelligence - D

Vitality - E

Speed - F


  • Magic Skill F
  • Nature Skill F
  • Resilient Skill F (aging)
  • Darkvision F
  • Ice Affinity F
  • Stealth F
  • Empathy F
  • Appraisal F
  • Lucky F
  • Energized F
  • Mind Shield F


  • Ice Spray - (Ice Affinity F, Magic Skill F, Energized F)- Mallory can blast ice at 5ft that targets one person. - Grade F (Energized)- 0 Post Cooldown
  • Bloom - Magic F, Energised F, Nature F,Energized F- Using magic and knowledge of nature to make flora blossom/grow. - Grade F (energised) - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Mental Defence - (Magic F, Empathy F, Mind Shield F,Energized F)- Uses mental prowess and empathy to ward against attempts at mental tempering. - Grade F (energised) - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Sneak - Stealth F, Darkvision F, Energized F- Character sneaks through the dark. - Grade F (energised) - 0 Post Cooldown


  • Catalyst F



  • Cottage

Change Log:

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Certified Animal Sidekick

Rp'er Name: BananaMuffin
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: kidgoat(#4697)
Current RP: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Manhunt
Skills/Items/Titles to obtain in no particular order:
- Natural Catalyst F (14)
- Telepathy F (21)​
- Mind Shield F (7)
- Jumping F (7, E grade Strength)
- Attentive Student/Narrative Booster E (21)
- And More!
Equipped Titles: Beast [Mundane], Crested Gecko, Tiny
Height: 8 inches
Weight: 35 grams / around 1 ounce
He was a normal gecko in a normal world. His mind had a single brain cell bouncing in his skull ninety percent of the time. But then he died, and he somehow got an audience with [God]. After listening to [God]'s request and getting isekai'ed into oblivion, he lives as a gecko once more. Only in a world where geckos could be more than geckos.
Current Life:
He was still living life as a gecko but with two brain cells now, occupying his time near the border between the See of Fae and Ryke. Many days, he'd find himself seeking the presence of sentient beings, usually watching the Fae go about their day-to-day lives. His habits of people-watching only grew when he found out what adventurers were. He tried to grasp what they were doing, even going as far as to make his very first conscious decision: to hitchhike on one of their wagons to see why they were moving so often. This trip gave him a glimpse into the lives of mages, warriors, and monsters, and slowly he realized that he enjoyed the rush, the thrills, the terrors and the glory. Now he yearns to live like an adventurer himself, going wherever would lead him to action and peril.
Acquired Titles: Beast [Mundane], Crested Gecko, Tiny
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105 (+ 14)
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - H (-14)
Precision - B (28)
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - B (28)
Character Grade - E​
  • Appraisal E (0)
  • Languages:
    • Bestial
    • Sylvan
  • Special Movement [Wall Crawling] F (7)
  • Skill Loan F (21)
  • Regeneration F (7)
  • Survival F (7)
  • Features:
    • Darkvision (Born for This Perk)
    • quadruped
    • muzzle
    • scales
    • crest
    • claws
    • tail
  • Run & Recover - Regeneration F, Special Movement [Wall Crawling] F - Moves out of reach in an attempt to recover - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Light Natural Armor F (7)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • N/A
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • Character Creation (12/17/2024)
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Lulu La Lily
Rp'er Name: Swagkage
Post Frequency: Varies
Discord Name: Swagkage
Current RP: None
Goals: Lulu aims to explore her new world, determined to move forward without letting her emotions hold her back.

Equipped Titles: Human
Acquired Titles: Human
Perks: None

Height: 5 feet, 7 inches
Weight: 100 pounds

In a world governed by anxiety and uncertainty, Lulu La Lily was a hesitant soul, always teetering on the edge of her fears. Her days were shadowed by an unrelenting unease, her timid nature a constant companion. Yet, hidden within her fragile demeanor lay an extraordinary ability - a fleeting gift that allowed her brief glimpses into the future.

However, this gift became a cursed burden, amplifying her anxieties as she saw snippets of what lay ahead, unable to alter the course of events. Tragically, her foreknowledge failed her when she needed it most, unable to foresee the violent turn her fate would take in an unforeseen mugging that claimed her life. Yet, in her final moments, something stirred within Lulu - a revelation that pierced through her fear, urging her to fight against the impending tragedy. Though her valiant efforts proved futile, her epiphany echoed through her passing, leaving behind a realization that courage was not the absence of fear, but the strength to confront it.

As her essence hovered on the brink of departure, a twist of fate transported her soul to an alternate realm - an isekai world, steeped in dungeons, strange creatures, and fantasy. This was her second chance, an opportunity to start anew, armed with the hard-earned wisdom from her former life. In this uncharted world, Lulu hopes to embark on a journey not just to survive but to thrive, embracing her newfound courage to navigate the trials that awaited her.
To be determined.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 40
Points Spent: 140
Points Not Spent: 5

Strength E (+7)​
Precision F (0)​
Intelligence D (+14)​
Vitality E (+7)​
Speed E (+7)​

Appraisal E​
Attentive Student E​
Energized E​
Fast F​
Resilient [Fear] F​
Feature [360 Degree Vision] F​
Feature [Blindsight] F​
Feature [Dark Vision] F​
Heightened Sense [Sight, Hearing] E​
Investigation F​
Language [Common, Terran] F​
Perception F​
Precognition F​
Excess Cautiousness | Appraisal F, Energized F, Feature [360 Degree Vision] F, Heightened Sense [Sight] F, Investigation F, Perception F, Precognition F | Grade F | 0 Post Cooldown​
Lulu attunes herself to the environment, allowing her a momentary glimpse into the future, scanning for any signs of suspicious, unusual, or perilous events looming on the horizon.​
  • None
  • Bag
  • Bedroll
  • Cloak
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
20/12/23 - Character Creation
  • Earned 40 points from scooping Missy (+40)
  • Point Breakdown
    • Stats: Strength E (7), Intelligence D (14), Vitality E (7), Speed E (7)
    • Skills:
      • Appraisal E (0)
      • Attentive Student E (14)
      • Energized E (14)
      • Fast F (7)
      • Resilient [Fear] F (7)
      • Feature [360 Degree Vision] F (7)
      • Feature [Blindsight] F (7)
      • Feature [Dark Vision] F (7)
      • Heightened Sense [Sight, Hearing] E (14)
      • Investigation F (7)
      • Language [Common, Terran] F (0)
      • Perception F (7)
      • Precognition F (14)
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'Eliza of House Brysta'


Rp'er Name: Uasal
Post Frequency: As needed
Discord Name: Nacht 8925
Current RP:
To become the next Duchess. To become Ryke's most formidable businesswoman.
Equipped Titles: Native, Intermediate Variant, Expert Businesswoman, Expert Artist, Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175lbs
Current Life:
Eliza of House Brysta, born into a lineage steeped in tradition and influence, found herself in the shadow of her formidable mother, Duchess Elysia Vanth Brysta. The grandeur of the Brysta household was a testament to the Duchess's prowess as both a patron of the Imperial Logia Academy of Ryke and a shrewd businesswoman who had elevated the nation through innovative trade practices and a commitment to the arts.

As the youngest of three siblings vying for the coveted position of family head, Eliza's aspirations extended far beyond the desire to follow in her mother's footsteps. While Duchess Elysia had navigated the intricate tapestry of leadership and maintained the duchy's prosperity, Eliza harbored a burning ambition to surpass her in every conceivable aspect.

Eliza's older brother, Elton, and elder sister, Elmarie, each excelled in their respective domains. Elton's acumen in business rivaled their mother's, while Elmarie's artistic talents painted a vivid tapestry of cultural enrichment. Despite their individual brilliance, Eliza saw a complementary balance between business and the arts, viewing both as indispensable facets of leadership.

The Brysta household, while opulent, was no haven for complacency. The siblings were raised in an environment that demanded nothing short of perfection, a testament to the Duchess's unwavering commitment to realism and excellence. Compliments were elusive rewards, attainable only through relentless pursuit of excellence. Eliza, as the youngest, enjoyed a modicum of freedom to explore diverse interests, far removed from the weighty expectations placed upon her elder siblings.

Yet, paradoxically, this freedom only intensified Eliza's unwavering determination to claim the title and seat of power. Her desire was not born out of rebellion, but rather an unyielding conviction that she alone possessed the unique blend of skills required to surpass her mother's legacy. With diligence and unwavering focus, Eliza immersed herself in the dual realms of business and the arts, envisioning a future where she would seamlessly unite both to propel House Brysta to even greater heights.

The narrative of Eliza's journey unfolded against the backdrop of a familial competition, where sibling rivalries were tempered by an unspoken acknowledgment of each other's strengths. Eliza, aware that success lay in a delicate balance between the artistic and pragmatic, honed her skills relentlessly. She sought not only to meet her mother's expectations but to exceed them, driven by a vision of becoming a leader who seamlessly blended the best of both worlds.

As Eliza navigated the intricate dance of familial expectations and personal aspirations, the grand tapestry of House Brysta awaited its next artist. The stage was set for a saga of ambition, legacy, and the unrelenting pursuit of a throne that symbolized not only power but the culmination of a daughter's relentless journey to excellence.

Acquired Titles:
[Intermediate Variant]
[Expert Bussinesswoman]
[Expert Artist]
[Wanted by the Anti-Royal Faction of Ryke]
[Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta]


Race: Intermediate Varient Human
Grade: (E (5/10)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 96
Points Spent: 199
Points Not Spent: 2
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - B
Vitality - F
Speed - E

Business C
Visual Arts C
Educated F (Noble Lady) -
Etiquette, Persuasion, Leadership
Attentive Student F
Wealth F
Jumping F


A lasting Impression!
- [Visual Arts] - Weilding her paintbrush Eliza uses it to deal a devastating blow to any would-be attackers in self defence. Grade: F-C. Intelligence c + Painting Tools C + Ability. 0-3 turn cooldown



Painting Tools C
Bussiness Tools C

[Logia Academy Boarding Student]
[Nobility A: Duchess Brysta's Youngest Daughter]


The Songbird Guard
Eliza's Personal Guard, the Songbird Guard is a protective group assigned with the protection of House Brysta's youngest possible heir.

Strength - C (21)
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - E (7)

Fighting Style: Piercing Blow (7)
Penetrating F (Free)

Sword E (14)
Light Armour F (7)

Change Log:
  • Character Created - +28 Points earned from Cashback, 28 points spent on Intelligence F - B, 7 Points Spent on Speed F - E, 21 points spent on [Wealth F], 7 points spent on [Attentive Student F], 28 points spent on [Bussiness C], 28 Points spent on [Visual Arts C], 7 points spent on [Educated F (Noble Lady)], 7 Points Spent on Asset: [Logia Academy Boarding Student]. Acquired the following titles: [Native],[Intermediate Variant], [Expert Bussinesswoman], [Expert Artist] [Wanted by the Anti-Royal Faction of Ryke].
  • 68 points Gained in visiter from afar rp. Spent 45 points on [Asset, Nobility A] (Duchess's Brysta's Daughter). Spent 7 Points on Jumping F. Spent 14 Points on Minions F. 2 Points remain. Gained title, [Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta] 11/5/2024

saxon saxon Novama Novama
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Elian Thornfield

Rp'er Name: Darkbloom
Post Frequency:
multiple times a week
Discord Name: saltysoulriderx#0
Current RP: N/A
Goals: 1. Unravel the mysteries of ancient tomes, seeking forgotten knowledge and unlocking the secrets of arcane power.
2. striving to maintain balance in the magical realms, protecting them from misuse and dark forces.
Equipped Titles: [Human]
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Before Elian Thornfield was isekaied into the magical realm, he hailed from a world where magic was relegated to the realms of myth and fantasy. Born into a family with a rich history of scholars, Elian's early years were marked by a love for books and an insatiable curiosity about the unknown.

His parents, prominent historians and archaeologists, immersed him in the study of ancient civilizations and cultures. Elian's fascination with the arcane grew as he uncovered tales of magic woven into the fabric of forgotten histories. His journey took a fateful turn when he stumbled upon an ancient grimoire in his family's extensive library – a tome that seemed to whisper secrets only he could hear.

Driven by an innate connection to the magical arts, Elian devoted himself to deciphering the grimoire's cryptic contents. As he delved deeper, a dormant magical ability within him awakened. The discovery led to a revelation that his ancestors were once practitioners of a lost form of magic, making him the last in a line of dormant sorcerers.

Eager to explore his newfound powers, Elian embarked on a journey to unravel the mysteries of his family's magical legacy. Little did he know that his quest for knowledge would lead him to the precipice of a magical portal, transporting him into a world where the very essence of his heritage thrived – a realm of enchanted landscapes and arcane wonders. Now, Elian Thornfield navigates this magical realm, driven by both his scholarly pursuits and a profound sense of duty to safeguard the delicate balance of magic.
Current Life:
In the magical realm Elian found himself in, he leads a more solitary existence. Living in a small, rustic cottage on the outskirts of an enchanted forest, Elian has become a self-reliant mage, relying on his own skills and intuition.

The surroundings are idyllic, with ancient trees that seem to whisper forgotten incantations and a clear, starlit sky that serves as his celestial canvas for nightly contemplation. Elian spends his days studying ancient scrolls and deciphering runic inscriptions in the solitude of his modest study.

His magical abilities, while growing, are not yet fully honed, and Elian often embarks on personal quests into the mystical wilderness to test and enhance his skills. The magical creatures that inhabit the area, from luminescent sprites to wise old spirits, have become his only companions.

Elian's life is marked by a quest for self-discovery, a journey through the natural and magical realms that surround him. The quaint cottage, adorned with simple charms and protective wards, serves as a sanctuary for his contemplative pursuits and as a base for venturing into the untamed magical landscapes that lay beyond his doorstep.
Acquired Titles: [Human]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent:
Strength - F
Precision - D
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Weapon mastery F - Magic Tomes
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Tome Ward - Reflect, Deflect, Aoe, Selective - a ward of magic appears to protect the user before dispersing. - F grade - 0 post cooldown
  • Ember Bolt - Range, Blight (Fire), Continuous (burning), Homing, Penetrating, Accurate - user conjures and fires a bolt of fire at a target that is then ignited and burns for an extra round or more. F grade - 0 post cooldown
  • Northern Wind - Range, AOE, Blight Ice, Continous Ice, Penetrating, Accurate, Selective, Tangle, Incapacitating - summons a gust of icy wind that spirals toward the target area. Upon impact, it freezes and slows down adversaries caught in its path. - F grade - 0 post cooldown
  • Ranged Weapon (Tome) E (14 points)

  • none
Change Log:

  • creation
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Rp'er Name: ChibiStaryuuu
Post Frequency: Posts everyday posts generally on how IRL plays with me, Ping me if past two days.
Discord Name: Heartstormflower/ Heartstorm84 on Discord.
Current RP:
None Currently will update.
Goals: To Become the strongest witch that everyone will know
Equipped Titles: Construct, Living Doll, Monster, Possessed Plush, Apprentice Mage
Height: 1'3"
Weight: 3.3LBS
Backstory: Chiffon's past life was something else, She was a small child under the name of Mankoshou Tsubasa born and diagnosed terminal illness and had to grow up in the hospital, due to being unable to experience anything normally with like the other kids, she generally had some interaction with other fellow patients at times within the hospital and loves playing with them, Often dressing up and pretending with Chiffon always playing as either a hero or as a witch, slowly over the next remaining years of her life Chiffon's health begin to decline causing her to remain in her hospital bed and her illness getting worse, Finally death claimed her into its clutches at the age of 9
Current Life: Finding herself in a whole other world and waking up... As something that Chiffon didn't expect to be: A Plushie! Much more in a forest with no idea how she got here.
TBA will write a summary on the first post
Acquired Titles: Construct,Monster, Living Doll, Possessed Plush, Apprentice Mage
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - B (28pts)
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C (21pts)
Speed - B (28pts
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Resilience D[Fatigue, Bleeding, Suffocation] - (21pts )
  • Separable- Unique functionality of a construct that allows major appendages and head to harmlessly separate from the torso and reattach. (7)
  • Replaceable Parts- Unique Functionality of a construct that allows them to swap parts at will. (7)
  • Omniswivel- Allows Joints to be twisted at 360 degrees without injury (7)
  • Appraisal-Grade Level D (0 is an Isekai'd character)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • The Context Knows- Apprasial D- Allows Chiffon to identify assess and learn about the said creature or object- Grade D- 2 post cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • TBA
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • TBA
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David Listman



Rp'er Name: Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318

Post Frequency: Minimum: At least once per week. Frequency above that sporadically increases and decreases.

Discord Name: dragonlord318

Current RP: N/A

Goals: Survive. Help others.

Equipped Titles: Human. Storm Mage.

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 205

Backstory: David was a CIA operative who was killed by his teammates after he was found out that he was going to blow the whistle on an illegal operation.

Current Life: He awoke in the forest, in the middle of nowhere. A rune of some type was laying next to him, glowing bright blue but dimming quickly. He stood up and vaulted into the air, screaming as he fell back down and faceplanted in the grass. Over time, he realized through almost dying multiple times and running across a kind old sorceress who educated him on his powers, that he now possesses storm affinity. A human with access to all aspects of the storm. Now, he lives in a small town and takes odd jobs as a hired sword to protect caravans, lords and ladies, royalty, even bar owners. He's just trying to get by and figure out why the hell he was put here in the first place.

Acquired Titles: Human. Storm Mage.

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned:

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - E

Precision - F

Intelligence - D

Vitality - F

Speed - E

Fast F - 12MPH
Magic E
Storm Affinity F
Magic Range F - 10 ft
Fighting Style Swords F
Sword Technique - F - Dancing Blade of Darkness - Blind Fighter - The wielder's blade becomes a blur, especially at night as his speed and strength are applied. He "dances" around his enemy as he fights.

Air Wall - Magic E, Storm Affinity F - Character declares the ability name and clasps hands together, then on the object or person they want to protect. A protective wall of pressurized air surrounds the target - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Air Sword Strike - Magic E, Storm Affinity F - Character declares the ability name and gathers pressurized air around the sword blade. Upon striking their opponent or object, the air pressure explodes outward, causing damage - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Storm Dance of Darkness - Magic E, Magic Range F, Storm Affinity F, Fighting Style Swords E, Dancing Blades of Darkness F - While performing his technique, he sends slashes with his sword and sends out a burst of air toward his opponent, up to 10 feet away - Grade E - 1 post cooldown.
Dancing Blade of Darkness - Fighting Style Swords F - Sword Technique - F - Blind FIghter - The wielder's blade stays accurate in low or no light situations - Grade F.


Sword - (Catalyst) Stormbringer of Dulmere - E
Chain Mail (light) - F

Fire Starter Kit
Travel Sack
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)

None. Rents a room above a tavern.

Change Log:


Watching of Reflection



General Information
Rp'er Name: Giftvi
Post Frequency: Once every few days.
Current RP: One Last Push
Narrator Grade: F

Character Information
Gender Pronouns: It
Languages: Beastial, Common
Height: 124 cm | 4' 1'' Feet
Weight: 34 kg | 75 Lbs

  • Sate its curiosity for the world
  • Discover the many a different species & cultures.
  • A slight obsession to prove itself, in a matter of speaking as an individual.

« Narrative »
There was nothing before. It simply was born in a small nest, and was lucky to have been first, as it competed with its siblings for food when still young. Grabbing the attention of its parent and second only to them in the totem pole. As such it grew strong, agile and cunning, yet something felt amiss as it grew up. Looked at strangely for staring at its own reflection. When it recognised itself as was.

Certainly it's siblings and parents were smart, they had taught it to use rocks to crack upon shells and branches to make flame to keep warm, how to hunt and to understand which rabbit burrows would make for a good home after killing its inhabitants from the lay of the land. But that is where it stopped.

Yet it grew comfortable with the fact before long, finding comfort within its family, and helping out in departments however it could where it's family lacked. That was until it first encounter further away of their nest at around 3 winters old the first 'person'. An individual of feline appearance like a fearsome mountain lion that threaded the territory alone here. It held tools of wood and strange material, making strange clicks with its tongue as it spoke with itself, and a hide which seemed to shift unnaturally over its other fur. A concept it only later understood as clothes. Given time and time again to see the repitition of this strange creature it began trying to make friendship. Leaving collecting the same fruits and herbs that it seemed to be collecting near its camp, time and time again.

Only finally showing itself after it was obvious the creature had become aware and suspscious of the fact, holding what it had found that day in its hand out, a gesture of good will. And this gesture had been received better then it first perceived, it was slow to actually allow physical contact, but it was quick to perceive what it thought as curiosity. The relationship bettered as time passed on, leading to it spending less time with its family on some days, yet also beginning to not only recognise but given time understand the clicks of its tongue that it made into words. And though it couldn't vocalise a response the Leonin, the species of creature she called herself, named Katsuko. Which was also its first introduction to the concept of names. Was quite to teach it writing instead. As they came to find not only communication, but given time proper discussion.

Given its growing interest of the outside world as Katsuko thaught it more and more, leaving off its home on a tentatively posititve note, though its siblings and parents seemed uncomfortable, and began making its journey countryside hoping to begin to understand more of the world outside of its home.
« Status »
Character Grade:
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 43
Points Spent: 147
Points Not Spent: 1

Standing Grade: F



Beast | Mundane | Hunter | Guardian

« Skills »
  • Heightened Sense [Hearing] F
    Watching's senses are superior to the norm, allowing it to discern the reality of it's situation, if the skill rank is equal to or greater than the situation.

    Slowly its pupils expand till they fill up the entirety of its eye, forgoing the expansion of any color vision, but rather focusing on high-resolution polarisation vision to give as indepth a contrast through the edges of the darkest abysses.

« Abilities »
  • Hunter's Experience | Survival, Perception, Climbing
    Watching of Reflection with their experience of hunting within its home of the Tatsumi-Gawa Woodland and guiding tips of Katsuko has experience to track, and distinguish different marks of passage or territory from various creatures, whether that'd be fauna, scant few monsters or various humanoids. In addition to recognizing, or even identifying various flora and fauna.

    Hunter's Parkour | Survival, Climbing, Perception, Tail
    Watching of Reflection using their senses and movement ability to parkour and climbs its environments, most suited if in non urban terrain, but still viable in urban terrain. Making possible use of a tail spine within a hand to make jumps it might otherwise not make, and using its tail as a third limb to maneuver itself more freely.

« Possessions »

  • Tail Spines [Natural Weapons] D
    Growing from it's tail are spines of hollow bone, muscle and fats. An amalgamation of flesh and bone turned into weapon, somewhat accurately close to a spear, which excretes a slim amount of caustic venom meant to liquify muscle and fats. Bound by a strand of circulatory tissue which connects into the creature's digestive track to absorb blood, muscle and fat nutrients, through the use of the arterial blood pressure of its prey. To be digested by acids and enzymes. These spears can be severed from its tissue without bodily issues, but cannot be reattached and cannot be used to digest therafter. Additionally, removing the circulatory tissue from the spears causes the flesh within the hollow bone to degrade and rot over a longer period of time, slowly ruining its structural integrity.

    Resilient Anatomy [Natural Light Armour] F
    Unlike the spines growing out from its tail the skeleton of its body isn't hollow, which says something for how tough its spines are. Its body is suprisingly tough compared to the image it might first strike, taking blows you might not expect it to be able to handle, due to a combination of its muscles, hide, skeleton, advantageous fats and fibrous fur. A matter of fact originating not only from its strange species, but as it was born a magical beast due to a particularly high concentration of environmental mana.
« Change Log »

  • • Precision {F} to {D} (14 points)
    • Speed {F} to {D} (14 points)
    • Strength {F} to {E} (7 points)
    • Intelligence {F} to {E} (7 points)
    • Natural Weapons {F} (14 points reduced to 7 [Born for This])
    • Natural Light Armour {F} (7 points)
    • Darkvision {F} (7 points)
    • Heightened Hearing {F} (7 points)
    • Regeneration {F} (7 points)
    • Tail (7 points)
    • Blood Drinker (7 points)
    • Educated [Hunter] {F} (7 points)
    • Climbing {F} (7 points)

Credit for bbcode format to Shatter Shard Shatter Shard
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Rp'er Name: Zort.
She is a very tall Demon that has huge wings and two pairs of horns. White skin, glowing Hot Pink hair and eyes with the same color. Her hair is long enough to reach her belt, she is generally considered as very beautiful but stern looking woman. (She looks focused, that explains her Focus skill.)
Post Frequency: At least a couple of times a day.
Discord Name: zort_12060
Current RP: (I'll write the first rp if this sheet gets the pass.)
Goals: Long term goal is to dominate every demonic creature to her will and revolutinize the demonic society. Short term goal is to eat as many people as possible so she regains her powers. (Normally she is a very strong, op character but since she is Isekai'd here, I had to nerf her into oblivion. She is pissed to have lost almost all her powers, she is an unhinged monster that wants her powers back.)
Equipped Titles: Alpha Demon (Monster Root/Variant) (Alpha Demons are demonic species from my own world, she is basicly a foreigner here.)
Height: 2.17 meters.
Weight: Around 150kg.
Backstory: She has a huge lore and one of my main characters from my book Road to Heaven. Read that book when I publish it so you'll learn more about that character. Basicly Lilith is an Alpha Demon from Earth and has revolutionary plans to unite all the demonic societies, since she is Isekai'd to this world she will try the same with this world's demons.
Current Life: She is Isekai'd into a place only half a mile from a human village. (thats her starting point, I'll update this part as I go on.)
Acquired Titles: Has none as of now.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - C
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Superstrength D
    Focus F
    Narrative Booster (Her story will work towards her eating people and ESPECIALLY demons.)
    Regeneration F
  • Just her lclothes from Earth. There is a drawing of her with those clothes.
  • 'Little Timmy' a chainsawblade that only Lilith can use. Its tied to her souls so she can feel it and has natural experience with that blade.
  • Example Old Donkey
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Jocelyn Waynwood
"A bloom unseen is not unfelt, its fragrance sways the strongest wills."

Rp'er Name: historian
Post Frequency: As often as my schedule allows.
Discord Name: spunkystar
Current RP: N/A

  1. Enhance House Standing: Elevate House Waynwood from baronial status to higher nobility, such as reaching the rank of Count through strategic alliances, political maneuvers, or accumulation of wealth and power.
  2. Secure Powerful Alliances: Forge strong political and matrimonial alliances to enhance her house's influence and security.
  3. Manipulate the Political Landscape: Become a key player in the realm's politics, using her intelligence and social skills to shape policies and decisions from behind the scenes.
  4. Philanthropic Influence: Win the hearts of the populace and ensure their loyalty and love through acts of charity and patronage, establishing her reputation as a woman of the people.
Equipped Titles: [Human], [Child of Baron Waynwood of Kingdom]
Height: 5'6 in.
Weight: 125 lbs.

Something came before.

A life once lived, once loved. Days brimming with passion, nights heavy with grief. Laughter echoing down stone corridors, tears mingling with rain. The brush of fabric on skin, the warmth of an outstretched hand. Joy and rage and hope and fear.

Something came before..
Under the motto 'Unseen Roots Yield Fairest Blooms,' Jocelyn Waynwood, the scion of House Waynwood, grew within the nurturing walls of Greenstone Keep. The Waynwoods, Barons of fertile lands tucked at the edge of a verdant forest, were known far and wide for their stealth and dexterity in matters of both politics and cultivation. Just as the roots of a great tree lie hidden beneath the soil, the true strength of House Waynwood was not ostentation but the unseen strategies and alliances that had positioned them as essential though quiet players in the game of supremacy.

Jocelyn, in the blush of her youth, comprehended the depth of her house's words with precocious acumen. Being the second of two children, she found herself in the unique position of having to forge her own path without the immediate pressure of succession. Her elder brother Jonathan was groomed for leadership, honing skills of negotiation and governance, yet Jocelyn's sights reached further than the baronial throne.

Inspired by tales of great queens and cunning consorts who wielded influence as a silent but deadly weapon, she observed the court with a keen eye. Her father, Baron Walden Waynwood, though proud and supportive, could not fathom the soaring ambitions of his daughter, for she aimed not merely to influence but to transform the society that framed their lives.

Devouring knowledge with an insatiable thirst, she reveled in the study of botany, as it mirrored the nature of her own growth - resilient, beautiful, and full of potential. Her grace in courtly dances matched her skill in navigating the intricate relationships that formed the crux of their power. The ballrooms and banquets were her battlefields, her sharp wits and charming demeanor her armor and weapon.

Jocelyn's mother, Lady Abigail Waynwood, a woman of impeccable taste and towering intellect, instilled in her the understanding that a well-placed word could be as powerful as any army. To this end, Jocelyn learned the art of conversation, the dance of diplomacy, striving to become a beloved figure in their domain, whose counsel was sought after and valued.

As her brother assumed more responsibilities, the disparity in their paths became clear. Jonathan, focused on maintaining and slightly improving, but Jocelyn, she envisioned revolution. To her, 'Unseen Roots Yield Fairest Blooms' was both philosophy and prediction. She would not be content with mere beauty - she sought greatness, both for herself and House Waynwood.

In her, there burned the potential to one day make the Waynwood roots not only unseen but far-reaching, binding the lands under an overarching bloom of achievement and renown. But her ambition was tempered with patience, for Jocelyn knew that the most magnificent blooms did not rush to reveal themselves – they waited for the perfect moment to unfurl, captivating the world with their splendor.
Acquired Titles: [Human], [Child of Baron Waynwood of Kingdom]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - E
Speed - F

[Educated F (Noblewoman)] - Etiquette, Persuasion, Leadership
Asset: [Daughter of Baron Waynwood]
Wealth F
Insight F
Deception F
Whispered Bloom - Persuasion F, Deception F
: Jocelyn speaks in hushed tones or makes subtle gestures that seed doubt or trust in her targets, depending on her aim. The spoken words or conveyed sentiment gently nudge others to reconsider their stance, accept her suggestions as their own, or overlook discrepancies in the flow of information. While not a dominant force, this undercurrent of influence is powerful in its capacity to alter decisions invisibly, just as the roots of a flower might silently direct its growth.

Description: When Jocelyn uses Whispered Bloom, her voice carries an almost imperceptible undertone, and her expressions are meticulously controlled to enhance her persuasive message. Whether she's navigating court politics or negotiating a key alliance, she expertly stitches truth with fabrications, creating a tapestry that others see as unblemished by deceit. Skilled observers might recognize that she's employing an ability, but they would be hard-pressed to pinpoint how she's achieving her subtle manipulation.

Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown: Being a low-grade ability means Jocelyn can frequently pepper her interactions with these subtle manipulations, but the ability's impact is more about nudging than controlling outright. It's the accumulation of these small influences that allow her to shape events to her advantage over time.


Signet Ring, Elegant Fan, Small Diary, Vial of Perfume, Amulet, Embroidered Handkerchief, Compact Mirror, Coin Purse

Character Creation ; * 21 points spent on Intelligence F - C | * 7 points spent on Precision F - E | * 7 points spent on Vitality F - E | * 7 points spent on [Educated F (Noblewoman)] |* 28 points spent on Asset: [Daughter of Baron Waynwood] | * 21 points spent on Wealth F | * 7 points spent on Insight F | 7 points spent on Deception F |
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Davito Aranda
Rp'er Name: 1Lucker
Post Frequency:
Roughly once a week/as much as I can
Discord Name: lucker#5030
Current RP: A Monstrous Task
Goals: Regain his lost honor
Equipped Titles: Human, Adept swordsman, Isekai [Wanted by House Rothmar]| Anchor
Acquired Titles:
  • Human: Humans are one of the most populous and widespread races. While not exceedingly powerful in any given area, they are more versatile and diverse than most other races
  • Anchor: The heavy hitter that means victory is assured when they step into the fray. Primarily using sweeping, cleaving, or crushing blows, they make quick work of their foes.
  • Adept Swordsman: Title owner has concluded their training and has begun their journeyman phase of acquiring experience through work and/or travel.
  • [Wanted by House Rothmar]: House Rothmar is a Noble house in the Kingdom of Rotia that is actively against Davito for reasons unknown to him. They caused his exile from Rotia.
  • Isekai [Intermediate]: This shows that this person was reincarnated into this world and has progressed their worldly standing.
  • Cleave: As long as you wield your melee weapon with two hands, all melee attacks can hit all creatures/objects within weapon reach without use of an ability.
  • Cashback: Gain 28pts in points earned immediately. Gain permanent, mandatory title: [Wanted by ???]
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 200 lbs
Backstory: Davito remembers his time as a soldier in the Spanish army. He died pointlessly, defending Madrid from the French. His sacrifice was meaningless, so [God] decided to bring him back to a life where he would be able to actually make a difference.
Current Life: Davito was born into a decent family in the Kingdom of Rotia. He quickly rose in the ranks of knights and was widely respected. When he was away on a mission, a jealous noble spread false rumors about his misdeeds and got him exiled from Rotia. He wandered the land, eventually finding himself in Ryke, where he freelanced as an adventurer.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 29
Points Spent: 133
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - C
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - F
  • Athletics F
  • Appraisal E
  • Energized F
  • Superstrength F
  • Fighting Style D [Single blade] - Core technique [Penetrate]
  • Duration Reduction F
  • Survival F
  • Controlled Breathing F
  • Pierce | Athletics F, Fighting Style D [Single blade], Penetrate F, Superstrength F | Grade D | 2 Post Cooldown
    A powerful jab meant to pierce through an enemy's defenses.
  • Armor (Heavy) F - A set of half plate armor
  • Pata Sword E - A sword built into an armored gauntlet
  • Leather bag
  • Cloak
  • Bedroll
  • Bandages
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Assets: None
Change Log:
  • Upgraded Fighting style to D (7 points)
  • Upgraded Pierce (7 points), fixed cooldown
  • Added title: Adept swordsman
  • Upgraded Strength to C (7points)
  • Upgraded Precision to E (7 points)
11 May 2024
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Buccaneers Den

Rp'er Name: MoonBerry
Post Frequency:
Once or twice a week, accordingly.
Discord Name: Emeraldfae91
Current RP: Goals: To find a home, and a family where she belongs. To complete her book of medicines
Equipped Titles: [Human][Isekai]
Height: 5'2"/1.5 Meters
Weight: 120 Ibs/54.4 Kg
Backstory: A long time ago, there were faint memories of a country in the sky. She remembered running amongst clouds, as a child, and remember that seeing dirt and earth was a holy thing. But that was before the night of war happened. All she can remember from that night was fear. Loud noises, and everything being tinted red by blood and fire. She fell off a cloud, running from a strange man with a sword. At the time she was saved by a doctor, that served on a pirate ship. He took her in and taught her everything she knew. But the day came when the crew disbanded. She tried to make her way out as a doctor on a ship herself. But on the first voyage, the ship was caught up in a strange ocean cyclone. She fell off the ship, and the next thing she knew she washed up on the shores of the Eastern Empire.
Current Life: Izzy has been wandering the streets of the Eastern empire, trying to eat and survive, without resorting to murder.
Acquired Titles: [human][isekai]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - F
  • Fighting Style [Drunken Fist] E
    • [Flexible] F - Character assumes a relaxed and swaying fighting stance and moves in ways that are hard to read or predict.
  • [Healing] E
  • [Medicine] F
  • [Acrobatics] F
Doctors Touch
Medicine F, Healing, E: Grade E - Character inspects wounds and gives basic medical aid to target. Grade E - 1 post Cool Down
Infuriating Target Acrobatics F, Flexible F, Drunken Fist, E: Grade E -Character contorts themselves and flips around so it is hard to land a hit on them. Grade E 1 Post Cool Down
  • [Natural Weapons] E

  • Bandages
  • Alchohol
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)

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Theme: Prevail
Rp'er Name: Spamcelot
Post Frequency: Two to three times weekly; if more posts are needed, I will try to adjust.
Discord Name: spamcelot
Current RP: Goals: Sir Playwell's present goal is to carve a meaningful place for himself in this unfamiliar world, one humble act at a time.
Equipped Titles: Construct, Living Armor, Nobleheart
Height & Weight: Standing at an imposing 6 feet and 7 inches tall and weighing in at a sturdy 250 pounds, Sir Playwell's life-sized form carries the weight of both his metal armor and the memories of his make-believe adventures.
Backstory: In a realm of faded memories and forgotten tales, our toy knight, known as Sir Playwell, once embarked on countless imaginary adventures crafted by his owner's vivid imagination. From vanquishing monsters to rescuing kingdoms, these make-believe escapades filled Sir Playwell's miniature existence with purpose and joy. However, as his owner grew up, the enchanting tales dwindled, leaving Sir Playwell abandoned in an attic.

One day, the darkness that threatened to engulf Sir Playwell was shattered by an encounter with [god], an old man with a mysterious presence. It was then revealed that Sir Playwell had transcended his toy origins, leaving behind his world for the enigmatic Isekai Hell. [God] spoke cryptically about his purpose in this new world, mentioning the diversity of its inhabitants and the existence of fantasy races and magic.

As [god] prepared Sir Playwell for his awakening in this unchanging realm, the ultimate mission was unveiled: to break the perpetual stasis plaguing the world. A world suspended in time, resisting progress through demon lords, plagues, wars, and disasters. The charge laid upon Sir Playwell was clear; to save this stagnant world or live as he pleased.

In a surreal twist, Sir Playwell awoke not as a toy but as a life-sized, living suit of armor. His chance to transform the make-believe adventures of his past into a tangible reality had come. Armed with renewed life, cherished memories, and newfound purpose, Sir Playwell was ready to face the challenges of this new realm and become the hero he once pretended to be.
Current Life: Since his awakening in the unfamiliar world, Sir Playwell has spent his initial days wandering the roads, offering assistance to those in need. While some welcomed his presence, others cast judgmental glances his way. Undeterred, he continued to extend his helping hand, albeit without any grand or remarkable feats so far. In this new life, Sir Playwell remains content, embracing his role as a humble knight seeking purpose in the unfamiliar landscape.
Acquired Titles: Construct, Living Armor, Nobleheart
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - B
Speed - F
  • Appraisal E
  • Lucky F
  • Narrative Booster [Nobleheart] E
    • Sir Playwell's core activity is performing selfless deeds, where every act of kindness, assistance, or sacrifice not only earns him double points during evaluations but also bestows upon him the title of [Nobleheart]. This skill not only defines his character but also serves as a possible source of narrative influence.
  • Regeneration F
  • Resilient [Fatigue, Suffocation] E
  • Fortune Favors the Bold - Lucky F - Through divine intervention and his altruistic intentions, Sir Playwell is able to influence the outcome of an action, ensuring that even a seemingly unfavorable move results in a fortuitous outcome, preventing the worst possible scenario - 0 Post Cooldown - Grade F
  • Starshimmer [Long Sword] F
    • Sir Playwell's owner affectionately named his plain two-handed long sword. It is a seemingly ordinary weapon that, to a child's eyes, sparkles with the hidden magic of countless make-believe adventures.
  • Natural Armor [Heavy] F
  • Bag
  • Cloak
  • None
Change Log:
  • Character Creation (01/10/2024)
    • Acquired Construct, Living Armor, Nobleheart titles
    • 7 points on Strength F → E, 28 points on Vitality F → B
    • 7 points on Lucky F, 28 points on Narrative Booster [Nobleheart] E, 7 points on Regeneration F, 14 points on Resilient [Fatigue, Suffocation] E
    • 7 points on Long Sword F, 7 points on Natural Armor [Heavy] F
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Marcus Hohenwald
Rp'er Name: Maxxob
Post Frequency:
2 to 3 times a week
Discord Name: N/A
Current RP: None
Goals: Learn new magic, establish his family name as notorious mages
Equipped Titles: [Isekai Mundane], [Caster]
Height: 175 centimeters
Weight: 70 kilograms
Backstory: Marcus was a member of a magi family directly involved with the Clock Tower. While his lineage was not as prestigious as those present in the high echelon of the situation, they were in a pretty good spot. Marcus was being prepared after having been selected as one of the contestants of an upcoming Grail War in Eastern Europe, however something went terribly wrong during his Servant summoning and he ended up being isekaied at its completion.
Current Life: Marcus was fortunately enough to be isekaied towards somewhere familiar: a mage’s guild. While still trying to familiarize himself with the new magic around him, his knowledge of magecraft is serving him well for now.
Acquired Titles: [Isekai Mundane], [Caster]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Magic E
  • Range F
  • AoE F
  • Targets F
  • Spell Duration F
  • Affinity Darkness
  • Affinity Light
  • Academia F
  • Arcana F
  • Physics F
  • Zaqqum - Magic E, Range F, Affinity Darkness F, AoE F - Marcus declares the name of the ability, gathering the dark energies, before releasing a destructive pitch-black wave that travels up to 30ft, with a width of of 15ft, destroying the ground as it moves - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Gandr - Magic F, Affinity Light F - Marcus declares the name of the ability, aiming his index finger forward, gathering raw mana and releasing it in the form of a bullet, effective at 5ft - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Finn Shot - Magic E, Range F, Affinity Light F, Targets F - Marcus declares the name of the ability, aiming his index finger forward, gathering raw mana and releasing it in the form of a bullet, being able to attack up to 5 targets, effective at 30ft - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Catalyst E - A catalyst in the form of a ring which Marcus wears in his right index finger.
Change Log:
  • Added a companion to the character's sheet - 01/12/2024
  • Fixed initial title from [Human] to [Isekai Mundane] - 01/13/2024
  • Fixed some of the CS formatting. Changed the character pics - 01/13/2024
  • Fixed both Gandr and Finn Shot descriptions - 01/18/2024
Okita Souji
Rp'er Name: Maxxob
Discord Name: N/A
Current RP: None
Goals: Fight until the end for her Master.
Equipped Titles: Construct
Height: 158 centimeters
Weight: 45 kilograms
Backstory: Okita Souji was the captain of the first unit of the Shinsengumi, a public order organization that was mostly active in Kyoto during the Edo period's closing days. Even among the Shinsengumi, which was feared as a band of master swordsmen, the one admired as the strongest genius swordsman was Okita. She died during the fourth year of the Keio.
Current Life: Inactive at the moment.
Acquired Titles: Construct
Points at Start: 70
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 70
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C
Speed - D
  • Fighting Style [Moon Dance] F - Fighting style using swords. By focusing on both speed and strength, Okita is able to attack with reasonable force, while keeping her mobility.
  • Technique Cleave F [Area] - A large attack that cleaves through enemies in a 5ft area.
  • Sword E - Katana
  • Armor Light F - Kimono



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Theme: To be added
Rp'er Name: Femboy
Post Frequency:
When I can.
Discord Name: N/A
Current RP: N/A
Become an avatar of as many elements as possible, raise the Nyrael kingdom and become a queen, world peace and universal rizz, befriend powerful beings, deities and whatnot.
Equipped Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai
Height: 4’1”
Weight: 90lbs
Backstory: Ul has lived thousands of years within the different lives and bodies of different people, debatably as a constant isekai victim who has gone through countless different realms living full lives. Having led many kingdoms, adventure parties and survivor groups over many lifetimes in different scenarios and not being surprised by much of anything at all anymore, Ul is simply another existence. They have become used to learning and understanding living in different societies and worlds, and wants to seek one where they can just be happy and at peace while mastering the power and elements of the world and its natures to her own capability. Ul's main focus is on people interaction and passive convincing, as well as animals and the nature of all life and death jtself as no matter what universe it is, she seems to find those things are always present and useful to know.
Current Life: Despite wanting to be some eldritch or celestial being, Ul was isekai’d into the body of an elf, with bored intent to make some sort of claim on whatever world she has ended up in.
Acquired Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai, Water Buddy, One with Lymantraius Rex, Cringe
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 152
Points Spent: 252
Points Not Spent: 5
Stats (E-0/5):
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - E
Cosmetic: Pointy Ears
Common, Sylvan
you are known in one nation as a symbol of the just and right. You are more likely to succeed at persuasion and charisma checks. Flat +1 for having any hero titles. Should you ever obtain a criminal title you must pay double the points to clear your name
Type: Ability!, Growth!, Suite!
Pre-req: E Grade Character!
Note: This skill may only be taken once

Character has lived a life where they have first hand experience of using specific skills and knowledge on a regular basis. Pick 3 skills from the secondary skills list that are not artisan when taking this skill. Add those skills to your sheet and group them with some job or background title to show what life experience nurtured those skills for the character. Whenever this skill is upgraded, all 3 chosen skills will automatically upgrade to match. Skills that are a part of this skill may still be individually upgraded beyond the grade of Educated, but they will then no longer benefit from this skill being updated until its grade surpasses theirs.
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: E Grade Precision!
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to safely operate land, air, and water vehicles, including boats, fantasy mecha, sky galleons, etc. The actual vehicle or type of vehicle must be specified when the skill is taken.
Type: Core!, Ability!
Pre-req: D Grade Intelligence!
Note: Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item.

Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spell's effects. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc.
May be used by itself to create mana abilities with the following restrictions:

  • 1 target
  • 5ft range
  • immediate area
  • 1 post duration
  • 1 target
  • Affinity [Frost] (E)
  • Affinity [Fire] (E)
  • Affinity [Blight] (E)
Type: Augmenter!
Pre-req: E Grade Magic skill

Character has found a way to make their magic affect targets up to 30ft away
  • F - 30ft away
  • E - 100ft away
  • D - 1000ft away
  • C - 1 mile away
  • B - 10 miles away
  • A - 100 miles away
  • S - ??? away
Type: Ability!, Healing!, Defensive!
Pre-req: D Grade Intelligence!

You have learned or simply know the ways of healing. You may use magical or mundane means to aid others through their suffering. Healing and what can be healed becomes more powerful with higher ranks and when combined with other skills like magic.
  • F - basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds
  • E - cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons
  • D - Emergency aid to prolong life of dying, restore senses so long as organs are still present
  • C - heal significant injuries, including reattaching severed limbs/organs, fix broken bones
  • B - reenvigor, Cure Any disease/ailment/curse/poison, raise dead if they have been dead no more than 10 days.
  • A - Fully reproduce a body and resurrect the person so long as a piece of them remains. reverses undead nature. Does not work on death caused by old age.
  • S - De-ager, ???
Type: Ability!, Narrator!
Pre-req: Requires meta knowledge, F Grade Character!
Note: Grade of appraisal naturally goes up with grade of character. For those that purchased the skill, it must be upgraded with points when character grade reaches the appropriate level.

Created with the ability for being a Player Character(isekai character), this ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (ex: Grade of Threat of a monster). For things higher than F grade, it may get just a name or ??? until the character's Appraisal becomes more powerful.
For detailed information beyond a creature’s or object’s stats/skills/titles/abilities, character will need additional skills to broaden their wealth of information to draw upon when analyzing something. Ex: medical skill may give a user medical readouts of creatures that appraisal is used on. Wealth skill or other merchant related skills may give item values when appraising objects and materials.

If grade of appraisal is equal to or greater than character grade of target, then user can learn about target's titles. Any information beyond that will depend on grade of individual stats/skills/abilities and the narrator.

Range and number of targets is limited to 1 target they can see within 5ft. Magic skills can increase the range and area of the skill drastically. Frequency of use in a non-combat situation is up to narrator discretion.
Type: Domestic!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: E Grade Character!
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to perform well before an audience and to evoke an emotional response through one of the following forms of art: music, dance, acting, or storytelling. Greater the skill grade, the larger the audience and more varied their composition that will be impacted by the character's skills.
Type: Ability!, Acquisition!, Utility!

This skill grants the user an item bound to them in some way. It generally has special functionality or abilities. User may take this skill multiple times, but they should specify the item associated with each Item skill listed.

For each grade of Item, the user receives 35pts to take an item and apply skills/abilities to it. The item is assumed to have the stats of the same grade (as appropriate to the item). Items may not be sentient constructs. They are purely objects. Ex: Mechs (aka golems), magic weapons, enchanted gear. This skill does not negate the need for certain stats or skills to use the item. Item skill taken after character creation or upgrade after creation cannot be of an item not currently possible in IH (ex: no star destroyers) (this item was chosen on creation)
(Fast (F), Jumping (F), Intimidation (F), Regeneration (F), Feature: Offroading Tires)
- Energized (E)
- Attentive Student (E)
- Componentless Magic (E)
  • Manamend – Ul heals a target through the use of magic and mana expulsion, utilising Frost Magic in order to numb the area to reduce pain and help it heal - Magic(E), Magic Range(F), Healing(F), Affinity [Frost](E) - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Spellslinger: Frost - Ul gestures her hand with her thumb up and next two fingers pointed outward to make a 'Finger-Gun', loading with Frost-aligned mana that fires an Ice Bullet - Magic(E), Magic Range(F), Affinity [Frost](E) - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Spellslinger: Fire - Ul gestures her hand with her thumb up and next two fingers pointed outward to make a 'Finger-Gun', loading with Fire-aligned mana that fires a Fiery Bullet-like Projectile - Magic(E), Magic Range(F), Affinity [Fire](E) - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Spellslinger: Water - Ul gestures her hand with her thumb up and next two fingers pointed outward to make a 'Finger-Gun', loading one finger with Frost-aligned mana and the other with Fire-aligned mana that combines to instead melt an ice shot into a fast Water Blast of varying heat depending on the Fire-Frost mana ratio - Magic(E), Magic Range(F), Affinity [Frost](E), Affinity [Fire](E) - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Ask Nicely - Ul uses the power of social convincing, compliments and being nice to persuade someone - Persuasion(F), Seduction(F), Leadership(F) - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Voice of Nyrael - Ul sings of songs and stories of her own remembrance in order to lighten the hearts of, and charm, those listening - Performance(F)(Singing), Seduction(F) - Grade F- 0 Post Cooldown
  • Consider - Ul uses appraisal to try and identify someone's interests or even motives - Appraisal(E), Leadership(F), Persuasion(F), Seduction(F) - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Ul’s Cool Stick (E-Grade Catalyst)
  • Ul's Dirtbike (F-Grade): Fast (F), Jumping (F), Intimidation (F), Regeneration (F), Feature: Offroading Tires
Change Log:
  • [8/9/24] Added 93 points and [Cringe] title from LOVE & HAPPINESS RP (Source Link). Bought Energized (E)(14), Attentive Student (E)(14), Healing (F) > (E)(7), Componentless Magic (E)(42), Blight Affinity (E)(14)
  • [6/7/24] Added One with Lymantraius Rex title from (Source).
  • [18/6/24] Changed Current RP to Return to Gala'Kraoth.
  • [11/5/24] Grading Rewards from Pirate Booty Job (Water Buddy title + 38 points), also fixed incorrect Earned+Spent points to account for Frost (E) and updated Ul's Dirtbike to costing 35 points + having 35 points spent. Upgraded Ul's Cool Stick from (F) to (E). Bought Affinity [Fire] (E), Helming [Bikes] (F). Added Spellslinger: Fire and Spellslinger: Water abilities.
  • [19/4/24] Image update.
  • [3/3/24] Gained 7 points from February 2024 event, purchased Performance F. (Source)
  • [21/2/24] Removed Current RP, added and changed abilities, added rewards. (Rewards Link)
  • [24/1/24] Added link for current RP (Pirate Booty Job).
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Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Spacecowboy
Post Frequency:
a few times a week, will try to match others' pace
Discord Name: N/A
Current RP: None
Goals: 1. Re-form his band and make awesome music. 2. Travel, explore, and get to know every corner of this new world.
Equipped Titles: [Fae], [Elf], [Isekai], [Apprentice Archer]
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 140 lbs
Backstory: He was an aspiring rockstar in his old world. While his band wasn't world famous yet, they had a pretty solid fanbase built up from playing smaller venues and and were about to make it big with their first arena show. His memories leading up to it are a little hazy but the last things he saw were the headlights of their tour bus before everything went dark.
Current Life: After meeting [God] he woke up in the woods with pointed ears, a bow in his hand, and some pretty big gaps in his memory like what his old name was. He was surrounded by other elves who took him back to their tree village and helped him get his bearings. Just like in his old life he never stays in one place for too long so he quickly began wandering from town to town as a traveling minstrel and freelance adventurer looking for new experiences and adventures.
Acquired Titles: [Fae], [Elf], [Isekai], [Apprentice Archer]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - E
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Feature: Ears Pointy (Cosmetic)
  • Heightened Sense:Hearing F
  • Fast F (12 MPH)60ft/round
  • Special Movement(Balance) F - Running along narrow ropes and paths
  • Appraisal F
  • Fighting Style [Archery] F
  • Core Technique[Range 10ft] F
  • Magic F
  • Wind Affinity F
  • Acrobatics F [-7 point discount from perk: Born For This]
  • Nature F
  • Survival F
  • Perception F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Piercing Shot - Fighting Style[Archery] F, Core Technique[Range 10ft] F, - Character shoots an arrow from their bow(up to 10 ft) - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Windy Shot - Fighting Style[Archery] F, Core Technique[Range 10ft] F, Magic F, Wind Affinity F- Character imbues their arrow with wind magic letting it fly through the air faster(up to 10 ft)- Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Gust - Magic F, Wind Affinity F - Character reaches out their palm and releases a short range focused burst of wind(up to 5 ft) - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Natural Instincts - Appraisal F, Nature F, Survival F, Heightened Sense(Hearing) F - As a wood elf, he is in tune with nature and intuitively knows how to survive in natural environments and identify plants and animals - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Parkour - Appraisal F, Acrobatics F, Fast F, Special Movement(Balance) F, - Character uses appraisal to find and take the quickest safe path - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Evasive Maneuvers - Acrobatics F, Fast F, Special Movement(Balance) F - Character uses their nimbleness and agility to dodge attacks or traverse hazards - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
    • Bow F - A simple wooden bow
    • Light Armor F - Leather chest armor, bracers and tassets
    • Catalyst F - A wooden ring with symbols carved into it worn on his right hand
    (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
    • Quiver
    • Bedroll
    • Fire Starter Kit
    • Rations
    • Waterskin
    • Herb Pouch
    • (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)

    • Change Log:
      • (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
      • Just changed the picture size so it doesn't take up the entire screen [January 16 2023]

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Erich Zann
Rp'er Name: Maxxob
Post Frequency:
From 2 to 5 times a week
Discord Name:
Current RP:
To increase his own knowledge (regaining what he has forgotten) and bring about technological advances never seen before. Discover more about the ancient ritual 'dating' (added through Scylla's influence in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] It's a Bloody Dragon Scale!)
Equipped Titles: [Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]
Height: 5'83" / 178 centimeters
Weight: 176lbs / 80 kilograms
Backstory: Erich Zann was, and still is, a scientist and inventor. He thought he had invented a way for matter to be teleported between two places. And, while during tests his X Portator 9000 worked just fine, when Erich tried to test it with a human subject, himself, he ended up in a much different place than he had expected.
Current Life: For now, Erich has been by himself, living of the sales of a few thingamabobs, doohickeys and watchmacallits he has produced to the entertainment of the locals in Ryke. Currently training his tinkering under a tutor, jogging his memory back in place.
Acquired Titles: [Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion] - While Lykra is in charge and the character is on good terms with them while in the underbelly, the character is less likely to be harassed and has an easier time avoiding inconveniences in the underbelly of ryken.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 130
Points Spent: 210
Points Not Spent: 25
Stats: 4/5
Strength - F
Precision - A (35)
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - F
Character Grade: E
  • Artisan [Tinkerer] B (35)
  • Engineering E (14)
  • Appraisal E (0)
  • Language [Analog], [Common] (0)
  • Fighting Style [Gun] C (28)
    • Range E (Grade F obtained with Fighting Style F) (7)
    • Blight [Flames] F (Grade F obtained with Fighting Style E)
    • Area E (Grade F obtained with Fighting Style D) (7)
    • Selective E (Grade F obtained with Fighting Style C) (7)
    • Deflect E (14)
  • Healing F (7)
  • Seduction F (7)
  • Harvester [Minerals] F (7)
  • Amped Up! - Fighting Style C, Range E, Blight [Flames] F, Area E, Selective E, Deflect E -> Overcharged shot from Erich's Danger Vaporizer, with 30ft Range and 15ft Area. If used on in a counter-attack, reduces the effectiveness of the attacking stat by 2. Cases extra +1 flame damage on hit - Grade C Cooldown 3 posts
  • Danger Vaporizer B (Grade E to B made with Tinkerer. Grade F bought with 7 pts) _94449d72-caa1-48a2-beda-334346c10f83.jpeg
  • Hi-tech Hurt Stopper B (Grade E to B made with Tinkerer. Grade F bought with 7 pts)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • General Purpose Tool Box
  • Magnifying Googles
  • Extra Battery Packs
  • Lykra's letter - A short letter from the current ruler of the Underbelly, which can be used to prove to her guards that Erich's got permission to sent for her
  • Workshop for Tinkering - Owned by Erich’s mentor
  • [Tinkerer's Triage Company F] - Tinkerer's Triage is a company in Widersia's Clockhaven. It specializes in mundane constructions for everyday needs. As the company is founded by Eriedeth, Julius, Leiana, Francois, Erich, majority vote must be issued for any one thing to be done with this asset moving forward.

  • Ally of Lykra, the Champion - While Lykra is in charge and the character is on good terms with them while in the underbelly, the character is less likely to be harassed and has an easier time avoiding inconveniences in the underbelly of ryken.
  • Technological Eccentric - Character is weird and weird for gadgets and tech. Folks can spot it a mile away.

Change Log:
  • Changed added Healing F -> 01/26/2024
  • Updated Theme -> 02/08/2024
  • Added new goal -> 02/21/2024
  • Obtained 26 pts and title [Technological Eccentric] from Graded - [The Underbelly] It's a Bloody Dragon Scale! -> 05/09/2024
  • Upgraded Precision D -> C (7), Tinkerer E -> D (7), Danger Vaporizer E -> D (Using Tinkerer D), Hi-Tech Hurt Stopper E-> D (Using Tinkerer D) -> 05/09/2024
  • Obtained 54 pts, title [Ally of Lykra, the Champion] and item Lykra's letter from Graded - Graded - [The Underbelly] Where's this Bloody Dragon Scale?!? -> 06/07/2024
  • Upgraded Precision from C -> A (14), Tinkerer D -> B (14), Danger Vaporizer D -> B (Using Tinkerer B), Hi-Tech Hurt Stopper D-> B (Using Tinkerer B), obtained Title [Expert Tinkerer] -> 06/10/2024
  • Obtained 25 pts and Asset [Tinkerer's Triage Company F] from the RP - Graded - [Widersia:Clockhaven] Tinkerers Triage: Start up company! - 07/08/2024
  • Obtained 15 pts during a trade in the post - Marketplace - Marketplace
  • Obtained Seduction F (7) - 07/24/2024
  • Upgrades 08/19/2024 (also did some CS clean-up, since I was dum-dum, and it looked like trash:
    • Upgraded Fighting Style E -> C (14)
    • Bought Harvester [Minerals] F (7)
    • Area F (Grade F obtained with Fighting Style D)
    • Selective F (Grade F obtained with Fighting Style C)
    • Range F -> E (7)
    • Area F -> E (7)
    • Selective F -> E (7)
    • Bought Deflect E (14)
  • Obtained 10 pts in the RP -> Finished - [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.
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"Used to be a bit rough 'round the edges, but reckon I'm tryin' to be a different kind of beast now."
Rp'er Name: Scoobie
Post Frequency: A few times in a week
Discord Name: Scoobie0578
Current RP: Goals: Explore the new world and keep a low profile, steering clear of unnecessary conflicts; but he's not making any promises.
Equipped Titles: Beastkin
Beastkin | Character Creation
  • Beastkin, as much as they claim to be of a higher order of being, owe much of their racial features to the animal world. Their martial prowess is second to none. Whether slave or free, they are frequently in professions benefitted by their superior senses and physicality.
Height: 6'2" / 188 cm
Weight: 200 lbs / 91 kg
Garrick was a troubled soul with a dark past. In his youth, he was a bully with a penchant for violence, leading him to sever ties with his family due to toxic influences and the bad crowd he surrounded himself with. Eventually, he found himself entangled with a local syndicate, reduced to a mere pawn who had a way with his words. Following a violent and fatal encounter with the authorities, he soon met an elderly man claiming to be a god. Though skeptical, Garrick was proven wrong as he woke up in an isekai world no longer a human, but as a scaly beastman.
Garrick has become a wandering vagabond, embracing the freedom of a nomadic life in this unfamiliar realm. Despite his efforts to avoid conflicts, skirmishes prove unavoidable, and relying on his fists, he concludes the day either nursing sore muscles or with a tankard of ale.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Character Grade | Grade E
"I'm just a greenhorn, still learnin' the ropes of this new beastman life, like an apprentice with scales and a past to shake off."
  • Strength | Grade D
    "Well, I reckon I've got a decent grip, not the strongest in these parts, but I've picked up enough to handle myself"
  • Precision | Grade F
    "I ain't the nimblest fella, but I reckon I know enough not to poke myself in the eye with a sharp end or fall on my own ass."
  • Intelligence | Grade E
    "Not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'm pickin' up a thing or two along the way – call it my own kinda scaly education."
  • Vitality | Grade F
    "I ain't the toughest in the bunch, just got enough life juice to keep me swingin' and learnin' a thing or two along the way."
  • Speed | Grade C
    "I might not be the quickest critter around, but after years of scrapes and scrambles, I've carved out my own way of movin' and dodgin'."
  • Appraisal | Grade E
    "Got this knack for sizing up critters and things; comes in handy when the unknown gets in my way."
  • Attentive Student | Grade E
    "Gettin' better just by rubbing elbows with the pros."
  • Energized | Grade F
    "Less downtime? Makes me feel like time's on my side for a change."
  • Educated [Talker] |Grade F
    • Interrogation
      "Getting folks to spill the beans, whether they like it or not, just involves me talkin' without much fuss. Call it my way of smooth-talkin' the truth outta 'em."
    • Intimidation
      "I just make 'em think twice by flashin' my pearly whites – works like a charm, no need for fancy words or thinkin'."
    • Persuasion
      "Talking folks into thinking 'bout stuff they never thought 'bout before, making 'em do things I reckon are better – it's like stirrin' a pot, and sometimes, it actually works."
  • Fast [60 Feet Per Round] | Grade F
    "It's like gliding through the world without breaking a sweat, just the way I like it."
  • Fighting Style [Axes - Specialized] | Grade E
  • Feature - Scaled Skin [Natural Armor - Light]
    "I got these tough scales, kinda like a natural armor, you know?"
  • Feature - Fangs
    "This things? They're more for show. Biting ain't really my thing."
  • Regeneration [6 Post Cooldown] | Grade F
    "I bounce back like a stubborn weed - limbs grow back, wounds heal up, just can't keep a good beast down."
  • Blitz - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - [Energized F | Fast F]
    Garrick charges headlong at his target, harnessing the momentum to deliver a powerful strike.
  • Natural Armor - Light | Grade D
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • None
02/04/24 - February Community Event
  • Skills: Fighting Style [Axes] E - Specialized

01/18/24 - Character Creation
  • Stats: Strength D (14), Intelligence E (7), Speed D (21)
  • Skills: Appraisal E (0), Attentive Student (14), Educated [Talker] F (7), Energized F (7), Fast F (7), Feature - Scaled Skin (0), Feature - Fangs [0], Regeneration F [7]
  • Equipment: Natural Armor - Light D (21)
  • Titles: Beastkin
  • Abilities: Blitz F
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Theme: To be added.
Rp'er Name: Femboy
Post Frequency:
When I do so.
Discord Name: N/A
Current RP: Olls End
Goals: Own a powerful military/private army, successful and thriving civilization/businesses, study the new world and its inhabitants, develop/find access to technology hard to access/not of this world if possible. Finding any work or servitude in order to move on up in the world also helps.
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, VeeVee, All-Purpose Intelligence, Servile, Demon Slayer, Wanted (Demon Cultists)
Height: 7'9"
Weight: 280lbs
Backstory: Viokii is a construct of past purpose and use who has found the majority of their memory to be wiped during the transportation between worlds. Their identity and knowledge still remains, and are intent on building up what they can from what they still know, as well as to attempt to try to reignite any memories along the way.
Current Life: Viokii found themselves awakening in Ryke's Underbelly, trying to put the pieces together of where they had ended up, and how.
Acquired Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, VeeVee, All-Purpose Intelligence, Servile, Mundane Construct, Ally of Lykra the Champion, Demon Slayer, Wanted (Demon Cultists)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 200
Points Spent: 273
Points Not Spent: 32
Stats (E 2/5):
Strength - F
Precision - C
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - E
  • Free Features: Mechanical, Singular Eye, Bunny-like 'Ears', Cat-like Tail
  • Paid Features: Body Temperature Control
  • Languages: Common, Analog
  • Born for this Perk: Regeneration (F) 7 point discount
  • Appraisal (E)
  • Attentive Student (E)
  • Fighting Style [Sniping Montage Datafiles] (D): For use with Sniper Rifles.
    [*] Quickscope (F)(Accurate): Viokii saves time by minimising pointless time, how else should I explain? It's in the name.
    [*] Sleep Tranq (F)(Incapacitating): Viokii's next fired shot is a tranquiliser shot that can put the target to sleep.
    [*][*] Snipe (D)(Range): Increases the range of abilities up to 100ft, because it's a sniper rifle.
    [*]Blanks (D)(Non-Lethal): Attacks with this will not kill the target as long as it is equal to or above the ability's grade.
  • Steady Hands (E)
  • Regeneration (F)
  • Educated (F)(All-Purpose Intelligence): Business(F), Leadership(F), Investigation (F)
  • Seduction (F)
  • Persuasion (F)
  • Medicine (E)
  • Energized (D)
  • Flight (F)
  • Special Movement [Vibrating] (E)
  • Minions (F) (Minibots)
    Little 2' (to 4') Humanoid Robots like Viokii herself though with similar to vastly different visual appearances for the simple role of basic instructions. (Will differ/be given appearance when spawned)
    [*]Points Spent: 56 (+14 from Strength G and Vitality G = 70)
    [*]Stats: Strength G, Precision D, Intelligence E, Vitality G, Speed D, Character Grade F
    [*]Titles: Construct, Small, Otherworlder (Free Appraisal F)
    [*]Skills: Appraisal (F), Domestic Arts (F), Steady Hands (F), Fast (F), Fighting Style [Mini-SMG Datafiles] (F) - Cores: Range (F)
    [*]Equipment: Mini-SMG (F)
    [*]Ability: Go, Do a Crime: Steady Hands (F), Fast (F), Fighting Style [Mini-SMG Datafiles] (F), Range Core (F) - Run around as fast as possible like a little gremlin to be annoying and evasive, shooting at whatsoever - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Viokii is Talking - Business (F), Leadership (F), Investigation (F), Energized (F) - Viokii is always trying to learn and get progressive communication and interactions done. Hopefully they go better and she learns a thing or two - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Calculate - Appraisal (E), Business (F), Leadership (F), Investigation (F), Energized (E) - Visually identify and look over someone or something to identify skills, uses and important details about someone or something - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Sleeping Aid - Sleep Tranq(F)(Incapacitating), Steady Hands (E), Fighting Style [Sniping Montage Datafiles](E), Snipe(E)(Range), Energized (E) - Viokii shoots at the target using a tranquiliser dart that puts the target to sleep instead of a normal shot - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
  • No-Scope - Steady Hands (E), Fighting Style [Sniping Montage Datafiles](E), Quickscope(F)(Accurate), Snipe(E)(Range), Energized (E) - Viokii saves time and takes a fast shot by hipfiring, or through quickscoping, an enemy in close quarters - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Command Unit - Minions (F)(Minibots), Steady Hands (F), Leadership (F), Energized (F) - Viokii spawns (or continues to maintain the existence of) up to five 'Minibots' (Character-controlled) that follow and perform simple commands. The minions destroy once the Post Duration ends (lasts 1 Post without Spell Duration), unless used in succession. - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Custom-Made Futuristic Sniper Rifle (D)(Precision)
Change Log:
  • [30/9/24] Bought Special Movement [Vibrating] (E) (14), Medicine (E) (14), Sniper Rifle (E) > (D) (7), Fighting Style (Sniper Rifles) (E) > (D) (7), Intelligence (D) > (C) (7), Energized (E) > (D) (7), Non-Lethal Core (D) (14 (7pt discount from upgrading Fighting Style), Range Core (E) > (D) (7)
  • [27/9/24] Added grading rewards from Witches' Inferno (105pts, Demon Slayer title, Wanted (Demon Cultists) title).
  • [13/7/24] Added grading rewards from Where's this Bloody Dragon Scale (added Persuasion (F). Bought Intelligence E > D, Energized (E), Flight (F), Attentive Student (E). Changed Current RP to Those Damned Bandits.
  • [18/5/24] Wording changes made to Command Unit ability, clarified extra +14 points from lowered stats for Minibots minions. Bought Feature (Body Temperature Control) for 7pts.
  • [15/5/24] Rewards from Positive Intermission (1x1) grading (15pts + VeeVee title).
  • [10/5/24] Bought Minions (F)(Minibots).
  • [9/5/24] Added Grading Rewards of Servile title, 19 points, Seduction (F). (Source Link)
  • [14/4/24] Changed RP to It's a Bloody Dragon Scale Part 2.
  • [21/2/24] Changed RP to Positive Intermission (1x1).
  • [31/1/24] Added an ability, and RP link.
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Work in Progress
Synnove Lovisa


Themes -
no slide
no slide
From Eden

From Eden


There's something tragic about you

Something so magic about you

Don't you agree?


There's something lonesome about you

Something so wholesome about you

Get closer to me

No tired sighs, no rolling eyes, no irony

No 'who cares', no vacant stares, no time for me

Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago

Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword

Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know

I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door


There's something wretched about this

Something so precious about this

Where to begin?


There's something broken about this

But I might be hoping about this

Oh, what a sin

To the strand a picnic plan for you and me

A rope in hand for your other man to hang from a tree

Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago

Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword

Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know

I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door

Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago

Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword

Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know

I slithered here from Eden just to hide outside your door

"I think we all have empathy. We may not have enough courage to display it.' ~ Maya Angelou
RP Writer Info
Rp'er Name: makamofosho
Post Frequency:
2-3 times a week regularly, though willing to do more
Discord Name:
Current RP:
N/A - character to be approved
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.' ~ Augustine of Hippo
Character Info

Short-Term Goals:

~Learn at least a little more about her magic and hopefully even hone new skills
~Start journey into being a true adventurer and complete her first successful mission
~Become connected, if not allied with, an established adventurer

Long-Term Goals:

~Fully understand her cosmic magic so she may master it and apply it to her hunting and healing in equal measure
~Discover as much as possible about this world, why it is trapped in time, and how to free it
~To be able to freely love and trust others once more and once again find the joy of her previous life

Equipped Titles

Human | Orphan | Isekai | Wanted by *Bram Frommholtz (Merchant of **Chronoburg)
*An old Augur merchant in Synnove's home town from whom she'd stolen her basic adventuring materials before escaping. What she doesn't know? His last name being Frommholtz is no coincidence, and he has a friend in high places.
**Proposed non-canon town in Widersia

Cashback - Gain 28pts immediately for permanent, mandatory [Wanted] title

Height and Weight

5'7" | 160lbs

Hair and Eyes
Red knee-length hair | "Galactic" eyes - Irises look like galaxies in deep space

Place of Origin
Widersia | (Proposed Location-Town) Chronoburg | Dawnfall Orphanage

Acquired Titles:

Points at Start -
Points Earned -
28 (Cashback / [Wanted])
Points Spent -
Points Not Spent -
"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." ~ Carl Sagan
Synnove was born to a musician father and hunter/witch mother in a world not unlike that of Supernatural. Though on the road for most of her life due to her parents, she never felt deprived of connections. Her parents, both brilliant, homeschooled her in all manner of subjects, and she formed an incredible love for learning everything from STEM to the arts and occult. When Synnove was 12, her mother was killed in a ritual gone wrong, and the following depression killed her father by the time she was 17. In spite of everything, Synnove didn't lose her soft heart, instead only becoming all the more sincere and kind. It also. however, formed thick walls of righteous fury and the fear of suffering such intense pain again. So, with no more reason to protect her own life, she turned to living like a gypsy as she followed her mother's legacy of hunting. She even followed her mother's path in death, killed at 26 while on a hunt.


Synnove was strange from the start. In a world not unlike that of Supernatural, Synnove was born to a musician and a hunter. She learned to be curious, creative, and compassionate alongside learning how to clean a gun and shoot a bow and arrow. She believed her parents to be one of the rare cases of real, honest, true love--soulmates. This only expanded and deepened when she was born, enveloping Synnove. So, in spite of constantly being on the road with her parents, she never lacked love and care. But things couldn’t stay idyllic, because what was interesting about that?
It was the summer of her 12th year when her mother Ivee was killed. Litha--the Summer Solstice. Ivee’s coven gathered for the event, but for more than just celebration. There was a ritual. Synnove’s father, Forrest, was a sentinel for the event, guarding the coven as they worked. Synnove herself had been instructed to stay in the van, which she did… for a while. Something just felt… wrong. She’d always had this strange, intense intuition. Her mother said it was a budding clairvoyance. If it was, it failed her.
Synnove slipped out of the van and began to silently sneak through the woods. These places of nature always felt like home to her. The gentle sounds of zephyrs in leaves and distant, soothing timbre of the coven's chorus were like a lullaby. Her rhythmic steps upon the uneven earth caused her to sway and feel as though she were being rocked.
But then, in an instant, chaos.
A concussive wave of magic made Synnove stumble as the violent, unseen force knocked every molecule of air from her lungs. Her ears were deafened by something... otherworldly. Something that shouldn't be. The ringing in her ears finally lessened, and she wished it hadn't. Bloody screams, crackling flames, whirling smoke, incantations and prayers in strained shouts and wails. Synnove sprinted, the journey only moments that felt like eons. Her father was hunched over, bleeding from various injuries. But it was the soul-rattling sobbing which left him that made Synnove lose whatever will she had left.
Members of the coven were injured, dead, or just… gone. The air was still thick with something unearthly and vile that made her feel sick in her very spirit. That’s all Synnove could remember. The fire, the feeling, the blood, and the heartbreak.
After that, her father… changed. He still clearly loved Synnove and tried his best, but what is a person when half of their very soul is snatched away? He resorted to anything to dull the pain, to make waking up once more bearable. Synnove lost him at 17.
And she was alone. The temptation to follow her parents by her own hand settled in her spirit, as immovable and cold as a glacial mountain. It never lessened, but it also never won. Somehow, her gentle spirit wasn't smothered. In fact, her understanding and compassion for all those around her only became more profound and deep. Her heart was as soft as when she was wrapped up in her parents' arms. Now, however, her cutting fear of ever experiencing such pain again laced with the fires of her righteous fury to build a wall around her heart so thick and solid, she always seemed as if on another plane. So, she followed her mother's legacy to become a hunter, which she did damn well. Til her last moment at 26, when the air crackled with something she never wished to face again. She didn't have to, as she was dead before she could even scan the skies for the entity which stole everything from her.
Synnove woke up as a baby on the steps of Dawnfall Orphanage in a world entirely unknown. She was raised within the orphanage, though was a bit of a handful. Her memories of her past life, which became hazier by the day, were her best (and only) resource to return to being a hunter. As she grew, she trained and studied as best as she could with what she had--which was very little. Finally, she was old enough (at least by her own standards) to go out into the world, to learn about these strange gifts of hers and this even stranger world. With a quick shopping (ahem… stealing) spree at a local merchant’s store, off she went to escape the smog of Widersia. Into the bountiful, dangerous, and unknown nature of the continent she went, surviving off of the land and the few coins she gained belly dancing from town to town as a nomad, as she does to this day.


Mismatched eyes fluttered open, the light initially too bright. Synnove wasn’t sure what happened… And she couldn’t move. She couldn’t talk! And after a moment of struggling and wailing, she realized why.
She was a baby. An actual infant. And she’d just learned how to juggle.
And better yet, after looking around, she realized she was on the stoop of an orphanage. Fantastic.
Her frustration only lasted so long, the cold night air cooling her temper as she fell still and silent. Flashes of her previous life floated through her mind, just out of reach. Yet even in this infantile form she could feel the muscle memory of her past life guiding her chubby, nearly useless hands.but she knew one thing--she needed to follow her parents’ legacies and help others. It was also n. Now she simply had to wait, grow, and train…
And she tried. She truly did. But, an orphanage isn’t exactly a wealth of resources, and she only had so many memories of her parents’ teachings left. Well, the parents she knew about in a previous life. Still, they were enough for her to manage to make some kind of progress. The clearest memories were of archery, small blades, medicinal herbs, and what love, real love, was.
Eventually, once in her later teens, she realized there was nothing more she could get from this town or its people or their loud, oppressive technology. She needed to get away from this place, find others like her (that didn’t know of her pathetic origins), and assuage the white-hot solar flares of righteous rage that burned within her. She needed to hunt, to fight,to heal, to help, to become someone that was… someone. And so, she did.
Unfortunately, heading out on your own way required materials, and materials required money, and her odd jobs and belly dancing had only earned her so much. So, she remembered one more gift of skill her parents’ taught her--stealing when necessary. She only grabbed the basics! Really! Mostly… Well, she left what little coin she’d managed to earn in her youth, though it was practically an insult compared to the value of what she’d taken.
And with the fear of capture quickening her steps, she ran. Ran until even the artificial lights of the meager town were but a dim glow in the distance under a dark sky. A gypsy in the truest sense, and achingly, safely alone.
Strength - Grade E

Precision - Grade E

Intelligence - Grade E

Vitality - Grade E

Speed - Grade E


Note: All individual skills (including augmenters and singular abilities) listed with combined abilities in “Abilities” section - Grouped by type/area of skill, then listed alphabetically

  • Mental
  • N/A Martial
  • Fighting Style [Aphelion Arrow - Core: Range - Ranged Weapons[longbow] - F
  • Fighting Style [StellArnis - Core; Penetrating - Finesse Melee Weapons[karambit/daggers] - F

  • Magic - F
  • Affinity (Cosmic) - F

  • Appraisal - E
  • Feature: Eidetic Memory - F

  • Attentive Student - E
  • Educated - F
    Acrobatics / Medicine / Insight​

  • Acrobatics - F (via Educated)
  • Empathy - F
  • Focus - F
  • Medicine - F (via Educated)
  • Insight - F (via Educated)
  • Performance (Dance) - F
Note: Abilities/limitations warrant to change.
  • Cutting Corona
    Fighting Style StellArnis-Penetrating[karambit] (F) / Magic (F) / Magic Affinity Cosmic (F) / Acrobatics (F) / Focus (F) - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
    Character is able to react quickly and utilize flexibility in order to “dance” around an opponent while delivering quick strikes in spite of close quarters. Blade will have [non-mechanical] colors and lights shimmering around it.
    Limitations:5ft Range; 1 target; The effectiveness of damage done and avoidance of injury are limited by the sub-skill’s grades and associated limitations, though Ability Grade is found through sub-skills’ average Grade​

  • Flying Solar Flare
    Fighting Style Aphelion Arrow-Range[longbow] (F) / Magic (F) / Magic Affinity Cosmic (F) / Focus (F) - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
    Character is able to heat the tip of an arrow to the extent it glows, the color/heat changing depending on Grade and success. If successful, the arrow will appear as a “solar flame” as it flies.
    Limitations:Range longbow+10ft; The effectiveness of damage, distraction, and avoidance of injury are limited by the sub-skill’s grades and associated limitations, though Ability Grade is found through sub-skills’ average Grade​
  • Longbow F - includes leather quiver
  • Karambit F
  • Cosmic Catalyst F


  • N/A

  • N/A
Change Log
Character Creation - 1/20/2024

  • Starting total:
    133=105 + 28(Cashback)
  • Point Expenditure:
    Stats: 7 points Strength Upgrade to E | 7 points Precision Upgrade F to E | 7 points Intelligence Upgrade F to E | 7 points Vitality Upgrade F to E | 7 points Speed Upgrade F to E
    Mental: 1 14 points Precognition F
    Martial: 28 points [Special] Fighting Style “Aphelion Arrow-Range” | 7 points Fighting Style “StellArnis-Penetration”
    Magic: 7 for Affinity (Cosmic)| 7 points Magic
    Sense: 7 to 0 points Appraisal for Isekai | 7 for Feature (Eidetic Memory)
    Miscellaneous: 7 points Attentive Student | 7 points Upgrade Attentive Student F to E | 7 for Educated - secondaries in list below
    Secondary: 7 to 0 points Acrobatics for Educated | 7 to 0 points Medicine for Educated | 7 to 0 points Insight for Educated | 7 points Empathy | 7 points Focus | 7 points Performance (Dance)
    Title Change:
    [Human] | [Orphan] | [Wanted] by Bram Frommholtz

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Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Gaius Danius Griinia
Post Frequency:
Once per two days
Discord Name: #PachislotDragon
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Become a poet
Equipped Titles: Draconian, Human
Height: 180cm
Weight: 130lbs
Backstory: Izuru's only memories were of branches strangling him as he consciousness painfully faded
Current Life: Izuru was found as an abandoned Draconian child by an Evil Dragon named Legna. Legna had once attempted to rebel against the gods, getting thoroughly humbled via a divine smack down. His old age led to him taking in children abandoned by their parents in monster ridden places. Izuru grew up with a fairly decent education, although he wasn't the best of students. Reading books on poetry and theatre in a corner. The young reptile child desired to be a poet when he grew up. Leaving home once he reached at least a mediocre level of magic capability. Izuru now seeks to become a great poet.
Acquired Titles:
.Draconian: Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.
.Ally of Lanstrich: This character has helped the town of Lanstrich is is more likely to be recognized in the region and receive help should the need arise.
.Abomination Vanquisher: This character has successfully fought against an abomination. Others will often defer to them for leadership and guidance if they are fighting a similar creature
.Island Visitor- Character has experience going on an ocean trip to visit an unknown and unexplored island, they will likely be more used and experienced to said situations and environments.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 138
Points Spent: 254
Points Not Spent: 4
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - C
Precision - C
Intelligence - C
Vitality - C
Speed - C
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Element E (Darkness) -14pts
  • Regeneration F -7pts
  • Magic E -14pts
    • Tangle F -7pts
    • Vampiric F -14pts
    • Range F -7pts
  • Control Environment -7pts
  • Energized F -7pts
  • Appraisal E -0pts
  • Performance (Poetry) F -7pts
  • Persuasion E -14pts
  • Deception E -14pts
  • Arcana E -14pts
  • Investigation E -14pts
    Features Cosmetics:
  • Partial Scales
  • Horns
  • Tail
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Shades Prose F = Magic E + Element F (Darkness) + Healing F + Performance F -0 post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Cane Catalyst E -14pts
  • Old Dagger -0pts
  • Liquid Cauterization Potion: Drinking Liquid Cauterization Potion may not leave a pleasant taste on account of the unpleasant taste (might even be painful) however it does heal basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds. Healing [F]
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Abomination Vanquisher Item: Battered Tome of Research on Eldritch Abominations
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • Completed 21/01/2024
  • 7pts earned via April 2024 Event
  • Dagger obtained from Corruption in the Village
  • Control Environment -7pts
  • 7pts earned from May 2024 event
  • Magic F > Magic E using points from May 2024 event
  • Strength, Precision, Vitality and Speed all raised from E > D using 28 points from Corruption in the Village
  • Range F acquired using 7 points from Corruption in the village
  • Obtained Ryke Adventurers Guild Faction Rep and Abomination Vanquisher title from Hellish Inheritance
  • Catalyst F > E using 7 points from June 2024 Event
  • Arcane F - Arcane E using 7 pts from July 2024 event
  • Persuasion and Deception grade raised from F to E using 14pts from Hellish Inheritance
  • Magic Cores Tangle F and Vampiric F obtained using 21 pts from Hellish Inheritance
  • Investigation F obtained using 7 pts
  • Obtained Liquid Cauterization Potion from August 2024 Event
  • Character Grade raised to D > C using 25pts from Gala'kraoth
  • Investigation F raised to E using 7pts from Gala'kraoth
  • Energized F acquired using 7 pts from Gala'kraoth


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Nazza Jakobi
Theme: Travel theme
Rp'er Name: 1Lucker
Post Frequency:
Roughly 1-2 times a week
Discord Name: Lucker#5030
Current RP: Journey to Gala'Kroath
Goals: Explore the continent, with plenty of adventure in between
Equipped Titles: Human, Isekai, [Wanted by the Nor'easters] | Nomad
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 200 lbs
Backstory: Was a sailor on an exploration vessel during the Age of Exploration. The ship got caught in a terrible storm, and Naz died when the mast fell on top of him. [God] had pity on him and he ended up reborn.
Current Life: Was born into a small merchant family, but they died when he was young. After his family was murdered, he ran and has been on the move ever since.
Acquired Titles:
  • Human: Humans are one of the most populous and widespread races. While not exceedingly powerful in any given area, they are more versatile and diverse than most other races
  • Nomad: Frequenters of caravans, nomads are well-traveled individuals that have seen many different things. Having honed a few key trades to make a living while on the road, they are known for being knowledgeable of many different skills and trades. Mostly meeting with lower class folk, they easily fit in with the rabble in most places.
  • [Wanted by the Nor'easters]: The Nor'easters are an influential gang of pirates, slavers, mercenaries, and thugs. They are unofficially backed by the government and are treated as law enforcement by the people in power. Nazza's family couldn't afford the protection fee, and were killed as a result. Nazza escaped, and the gang has been hunting him ever since.
  • Isekai [Intermediate]: This shows that this person was reincarnated into this world and has progressed their worldly standing.
  • Talented Friends - Caravan life for a nomad has led to the gathering of many capable friends. You have a group of 5 minions that will adapt as you do to new lifestyles. Each time the character classes up, the minions gain a secondary skill pertinent to the new class.
  • Cashback: Gain 28pts in points earned immediately. Gain permanent, mandatory title: [Wanted by ???]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 10
Points Spent: 140
Points Not Spent: 3
Strength - D (14)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - C (21)
Vitality - F
Speed - E (7)
  • Appraisal E
  • Animal Handling E
  • Business E
  • Insight F
  • Survival F
  • Athletics F
  • Empathy F
  • Language F
    • Common, Nomadic
  • Climbing F
  • Persuasion F
  • Gear F (Throwing knives)
  • Riding F
  • Relatable | Language F, Empathy F, Persuasion F, Insight F | Grade F | 0 post cooldown
    A disarming way of speaking, can make the user seem more trustworthy.
  • Throwing knives F (Gear)
  • Leather Armor [Light] F
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Carved metal token - A medallion carved with a ram, last remnant that he has of his family
Points at Start: 56
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 56
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E (7)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - F
Speed - E (7)
  • Fighting Style (Fists) F (Blight: Force) (7)
  • Fast F (7)
  • Rush Attack: Fighting Style (Fists) F (Blight: Force), Fast F - The retainer can rush in to deal a quick attack that will deal extra damage. - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Natural Weapons F (Fist)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Change Log:
Creation (30 JAN 2024)
  • Precision E (7)
  • Strength E(7)
  • Speed E (7)
  • Intelligence E (7)
  • Fighting style F (7)
  • Natural weapons F (7)
  • Fast F (7)
Change Log:
  • 1/24/24 - Added "Nomad Minions"
  • 6/2/24 - Earned 10 pts from "Journey to Gala'Kroath"
  • 6/21/24 - Spent 7 pts on Riding F
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Rp'er Name: MoonBerry
Post Frequency:
1-2 times a week. Depending.
Discord Name: EmeraldFae91
Illya Melondew


Current RP:
Goals: Get away from Agnes Coldiron, and Eventually return to The See, and see her family again, hoping not to be disowned for her lack of wings.
Height: 6"
Weight: .17

Backstory: As a young woman, she'd always given it her best. That was just the way things were. If you wanted to get anywhere in life, you always put your best two forward. So she studied hard and exercised. She got a scholarship and went to college, to become a lawyer. But the day before she could take the bar exam, on her way across the street, she was hit by a bus. She vaguely remembers watching the EMTs rush her into the ambulance. But from there, things started fading into what she thought was a fever dream, where she met [God]. And learned of her new life in a new world.

Current Life: Illya grew up as a young fairy in the See of Chaeron. She had memories of her past life, and they served her well to get her way with her parents and her friends. She was a happy child living a privileged life. For nearly a hundred years. When the war between the East Empire and the See broke out, she joined the front line. Not out of hate for humans, but a sense of duty. She had to uphold her family's honor. And on the battlefield she was known as a wonderful sharpshooter with her magic. She was able hide and take down targets before they reached them. But one day, She was found in her hiding spot, but a large human. He grinned as he shut her in a jar and tossed her in a bag. When she saw light again, She was nowhere near the battlefield. She'd been captured by Angus ColdIron. A particularly eccentric Aristocrat in Widersia. He had a hobby of Entomology. But secretly, he found pleasure in collecting the wings of fae. His daughter had a collection that had been made into costumes for her, so she could pretend to be a little fairy.

The night her wings were taken from her still brings her nightmares. But she escaped that night, just barely. Amidst the chaos caused by a stray cat, she'd grabbed a letter opener and stabbed angus through the eye. She'd passed out with her leg caught in the stray cats fur. When she eventually woke up, she found herself in the care of a clock maker. He'd nursed her wounds. She spent a year with the clock maker, recuperating. He built her a pair of tiny mechanical wings, to replace the ones that had been torn from her. She learned to fly with them. But Eventually word got out that the young daughter of the Coldiron family was seeking vengeance on the fairy that killed her father. So for fear of her life and the danger that the clockmaker would be in for helping her, she left to trave the world and perhaps eventually return to the See.

  • [Isekai] [Tiny] [Hybrid] [Fae] [Construct] [Wanted By: Agnes Coldiron]

Agnes Coldiron is the heir to the ColdIron family. An aristocratic family in Widersia, with a dark secret of Fairy Entomology. They've collected Fairys and Fae for years in secret, collecting wings as trophies. Illya was captured and her wings were torn off by Agnes's father Angus. In self defense, Illya murdered Angus, and now Agnes seeks vengeance.

Points at Start: 105+28
Points Earned: 28
Points Spent: 133
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - H
Precision - B
Intelligence - D
Vitality - H
Speed - B
[Mechanical Wings: Flight] [Hybrid:Fae/Construct]
  • [Magic] E
  • [Magic Range] F
  • [Focus] F
  • [Stealth] F
  • [Flight] F
  • [Acrobatics] F
  • [Affinity: Homing] F
  • [Hybrid]
  • [Magic Missile] - [Magic] E, [Magic Range] F, [Focus] E - User concentrates mana at the tip of their finger and blasts it at a target up to 30Ft- Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • [Kill Shot] - [Stealth] F, [Focus] E, [Magic] E, [Magic Range] F - User hides and waits for an opportunity to shoot a target up to 30 Ft. - Grade E - 2 Actions - 1 Post Cool down
  • [Magic Catalyst: Gear Belt] E
  • Flask of oil/lubricant
  • Sniper Goggles
Change Log:
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"Me? I am but a humble elf with an interest in the arcane. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
Rp'er Name: Scoobie
Post Frequency: A few times in a week
Discord Name: Scoobie0578
Current RP: N/A
Goals: His aim is to delve into the realms of magic, expanding and mastering its mysteries.
Equipped Titles: Fae [Mundane], Elf
Fae [Mundane] | Character Creation
  • Spirit is everything and everything is spirit. The elders left their physical bodies some time ago in order to linger and better oversee the world's affairs. Magic is the medium through which the world will be righted.
  • Perk [Born For This] | Get 7-point discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
Elf | Character Creation
  • One of the more common races of the Fae. Tend to dwell in nature more than cities.
Height: 5'11" / 180 cm
Weight: 150 lbs / 68 kg
Before everything happened, he was an unassuming book store clerk named Evan Blackwell who was abruptly thrust into the fantastical realm of Isekai Hell, a place that seemed eerily similar to the novels he once shelved. His journey through this otherworldly existence became a series of ephemeral and often tragic lives.

First, he faced the raging inferno of a burning building, abandoned as an orphan child. Then, as a defenseless villager, his life was cut short in a brutal raid by bandits. A simple woodland boar, felled by hunters, became his next form. Following that, he inhabited the body of a cave-dwelling goblin, meeting a swift end at the hands of a party of adventurers. Lastly, he experienced the anguish of an enslaved beastman, succumbing to starvation.

The memories of these disparate lives merged into a blurred mosaic, each existence feeling inconsequential in the grand narrative of his newfound reality. However, with each reincarnation, a sense of detachment and moral ambiguity began to take root within him.

In his latest incarnation, Kael, a slender and pale elf with hair and eyes as dark as obsidian, he discovered an innate talent for magic. Despite the potential for greatness, the scars of his previous lives left him jaded and uncertain about his role in the unfolding story. Struggling with a skewed concept of morality, the opportunity to be a relevant character beckoned. Kael now faces the challenge of defining his character and forging a meaningful life this time around.
In the span of a week since his rebirth, Kael has immersed himself in the exploration of his magical prowess, meticulously testing the limits of his abilities. However, despite his earnest efforts, the prevailing circumstances have denied him the necessary opportunities and resources to truly unfurl the potential hidden within his arcane gifts.
Points at Start: 105 + 14
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 119
Points Not Spent: 0
Character Grade | Grade E
"I am but a novice in this realm, akin to trainee soldiers or apprentices, still acquiring the knowledge and guidance needed to grow in my magical pursuits."
  • Strength | Grade G
    "Unfortunately, my level of strength has yet to reach maturity, hence my limited physical capabilities."
  • Precision | Grade G
    "My current standing aligns with the grace and dexterity akin to that of children."
  • Intelligence | Grade B
    "In the realms of knowledge, memory, magic, and resilience against influence, I'd liken my level to that of seasoned veterans."
  • Vitality | Grade C
    "My resilience and life force mirrors that of a seasoned warrior, weathered by the ebb and flow of countless lives."
  • Speed | Grade F
    "In terms of quickness and agility, I am at the level of a normal human adult."
  • Appraisal | Grade E
    "This skill grants me the capacity to discern details about a creature or object that would otherwise remain concealed."
  • Arcana | Grade F
    "My knowledge encompasses lore on spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants dwelling within them."
  • Componentless Magic | Grade F
    "I can wield magic devoid of the need for incantations, gestures, a catalyst, or any specific combination of the customary components."
  • Energized | Grade F
    "This skill diminishes the time span between the utilization of one's abilities."
  • Essence Eater | Grade F
    "I derive strength through the absorption of others' essence, harnessing their power to enhance my own."
  • Feature - Pointy Ears [Cosmetic]
    "My ears are pointed."
  • Magic | Grade F
    "I have gained awareness of the mana coursing through my being, allowing me to learn the art of channeling it. This newfound knowledge can be melded with other skills, birthing magical spells and abilities of varied nature."
  • Regeneration| Grade F | Born For This Perk
    "Should fate spare my life or leave my vessel intact, it possesses an innate ability to commence self-healing."
  • Burst - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - [Componentless Magic F | Energized F | Magic F]
    In a 5-foot radius, Kael can generate a potent burst of magical energy, causing immediate damage to anything in its vicinity.
  • Reap - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown - [Componentless Magic F | Energized F | Essence Eater F | Magic F]
    Within a 5-foot radius, Kael can redirect and absorb the fading essence of a dying target.
  • None
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • None
01/18/24 - Character Creation
  • Stats: Strength G (+7), Precision G (+7), Intelligence B (28), Vitality C (21)
  • Skills: Appraisal E (0), Arcana F (7), Componentless Magic F (21), Energized F (7), Essence Eater F (28), Feature - Pointy Ears (0), Magic F (7), Regeneration F (0, Born For This Perk)
  • Titles: Fae [Mundane], Elf
  • Abilities: Burst F, Reap F
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Chocological (Key Ingredient Ver. – Instrumental) ♪

Height: 113cm (3’7”) | Weight: 19.96kg (44 lb)

Username: Aya
Post Frequency: Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Discord Name: Hui Chanwoo
Current RP: N/A
(Being alone is Sad) – Make many many friends, make friends for friends.
(The Little Princess and The Chocolate Castle) – Reign over the confectionary kingdom and construct the magical castle of chocolate and cake.
(All adults are demons from hell!) – Rid the world of adults and create a happy heaven only for children.
(My friends are my happiness.) – Make many many precious friends.
Acquired Titles:

  • Human – Humans thrive on connectivity and flexibility. Alone they are nothing and specialized they generally fall behind other races, but in numbers and with diverse skill sets, they accomplish much
    • [Mundane]
      • Human Title
      • 2 Secondary Skills
      • Perk: (Born For This) – Get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
  • Small – This character is smaller than the average denizen.
Equipped Titles:
Human; Small; [Mundane]​
That place on the far faraway hill, that I saw from my old and falling town; it was very not like my town. That place sparkled as the sun began to rise behind it, all the stars seemed to make a circle around that place. I knew what kind of person lived in those places, he told me. a princess, who wore big dresses with frills and jewels. She slept through the entire day on a big and warm bed. She never had to worry about being hungry or cold or sleeping on the hard floor. She never had to worry about being told what to do or having no friends or having to clean all day. When the moon rose, She would party and dance and sing all night. Her prince would come to meet her; greeting and bowing to the princess, who would in turn curtsy. Then, together they would dance and they would fall in love and become happy. Living in that place, happily forever after.

Living in that place, with its tall marble pillars, holding up a ceiling which was painted with the finest pictures of what we thought was beyond the stars. With a large garden of all kinds of flowers, like asphodels or angelicas, with trees abloom and lavender ponds. They would have talked over a small table with dainty chairs, drinking rose teas and eating the finest shortbreads and most airy choux pastries on intricately embellished saucers. I imagined it, and with my arm outstretched toward that place far away, I decided from that moment, that I wanted that place all for myself. I would do anything to have it.
Once upon a time, there lived a little witch. In a little village which she called her own, as such, she lived on a hill in a pretty house made just for her. One day, the witch wanted to make sweets for all of her subjects who lived around the hill, so she made magical chocolates which would make people happy and dream of only sweet things.

She didn’t expect to see so many filthy pigs. The mother pigs shielded the children or ran away to the little homes. The other pigs dared to throw stones at the little witch, causing her to drop her basket of sweets. With bruised legs and a tattered apron, the little witch ran back up the hill with tears sparkling in her red eyes. No one wanted to be her friends! They were all just pigs.

"But what if..." The witch began to think in her pretty house, "They are all just not happy! Yes, I will make my subjects happy, and then they will want to be my friends and they won't throw pebbles at me. What a wonderful idea!" Said the witch. She need all the villages to sleep, so, she crushed up may bells and redroots and dropped the mixture into the well. Soon, the village became dead and silent. The witch gathered all the sleeping people and Stop_Trying_To_Pry. Thus, leaving her with magnificent subjects who would never ever ever be sad.

But, her little village was very quiet now that she made everyone happy. Which made the little witch very lonely. That didn’t matter, however! That just meant that she needed to make a new village, and with a bigger house this time… no, with a castle! A castle of chocolate and cake in a village of confections, where there are only friends and no filthy pigs. So, the little witch left and soon forgot where the village was and never returned again.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F (0)
Precision - C (21)
Intelligence - B (28)
Vitality - F (0)
Speed - C (21)
Character - D (14)
[(21+28+21) / 5 = 14]






Minions [Dearest Vassals] F (14)
Candy's 5 dearest vassals! What's a princess without her subjects? Wait... What are these things anyway? Rotting heads stuck upon crackled and dilapidated ribs of what perhaps was once a human. Why do they move like that…? With a lovely smile and with eyes unblinking, they listen unwaveringly to all words spoken by the "Little Witch" Oh! How adorable! They’re stuffed with cotton and adorned with ribbons♡​
TRIGGER WARNING: The following contains what may be considered disturbing for some, please continue at your own discretion.
Height: 6’0” (182 cm) | Weight: 1800 Ibs (816.4 kg)
[Monster] – Evil, Vicious, Savage, Cunning, Vile, and much more. Monsters are the congealed chaos of the universe given form and a singular purpose of destruction. Monsters will consume all.
  • Mundane:
    • Natural Weapons F
    • Movement] Skill F
    • [Sense] Skill F
  • Perk - (Born for This); get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
Points at Start: 56
Points Spent: 56
Strength – E (7)
Precision – E (7)
Intelligence – E (7)
Vitality – F (0)
Speed – F (0)
Language (Free on Creation)
Language skill allows for the further learning and comprehension of other languages including the ancient and forgotten. Vassals speak as though choking and desperately gasping for air.
  • [Abyssal] – Language spoken mainly by [Monsters], sounds like 2 screamo voices talking over each other
  • [Beastial] – Language spoken mainly by [Beasts], has heavy reliance on ‘o’ and ‘r’ sounds.

Fighting Style "H...heel..pph... hegh-hheh.. ghlo...?" Natural Weapon [Sharp Arms] F (7)
A style of fight that focuses on delivering heart-puncturing hugs!

  • "fu.. fuhh....rr...eendssss?" F [Penetrating] – Vassal lunges at a target, intending to stab it with their sharp arm. Wait, I mean... "Hug."
Energized F (7)
Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1​

Special Movement [Sideways] F (7)
Vassals move swiftly sideways, like crabs, using the hinges on their joints.​

Feature [Four Legs] (Cosmetic)

Heighthened Senses F (0) (Born for This)
One of your senses (hearing, smell, sight, taste, touch) is superior to the norm and allows you to pick up on details otherwise not available normally.
  • [Hearing] – To better listen to the little witch's many grievances.
Fighting Style "H...heel..pph... hegh-hheh.. ghlo...?" Natural Weapon [Sharp Arms] F; ("fu.. fuhh....rr...eendssss?" F [Penetrating]); Energized F; Special Movement [Sideways] F
The little witch's dearest Vassal lunges forward with its arms outstretched and pointed toward a target to pink with a heart-throbbing hug! They truly are major huggers, how cute!​
Grade F Attack, Energized -1 Post Cooldown (Can be used twice in one post), 5ft Range.

Natural Weapon [Sharp Arms] F (14)
Vassals two very sharp forearms used for collecting and defending.​

Someone's Heart – Still beating. It's cold.
Someone's Brain – Trying to form thought.
Someone's Soul – Doesn't work.
Educated [Ars Bellāria] E (14)
The art of making all things sweet; viands of confection, sweetmeats or desserts. From royal rollcakes and strawberry shortcakes, custard and jelly puddings and macarons, profiteroles and eclairs, charlottes and milk tarts; to chocolate truffles, callisons and marron glacé... Oh, I could go on forever!
  • Alchemy - The knowledge of chemical formulae and processes to manipulate and transform liquids, solids, and gasses.
  • Domestic Arts - The ability to efficiently and effectively organize and run a domestic household, including cooking and cleaning.
  • Focus - The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to centre the mind and spirit.
Language (0)
Characters natively know the common tongue of the world as well as one relevant to their race/community. Language skill allows for the further learning and comprehension of other languages including the ancient and forgotten.
  • Terran – The main source for the [Common] language, mostly spoken by humans.
  • Abyssal – The language mainly spoken by [Monsters], sounds like two screamo voices talking over each other.


Artisan [Chocolatière] E (7) (Born For this)
Producer of [Consumable] chocolates and maker of confectionary viands made with chocolate and of chocolate. Gains 7pt discount per grade on skills used to augment a consumable item(s).​
Alchemy E (Educated)
Candy has knowledge of chemical formulae and processes to manipulate and transform liquids, solids, and gasses..​
Domestic Arts E (Educated)
Candy possesses general knowledge on how to efficiently and effectively organise and run a domestic household, including cooking and cleaning.​
Focus E (Educated)
The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to center the mind and spirit. Very useful when tempering chocolate or piping intricate patterns.​
Group Hug!
Minions [Dearest Vassals] F; Focus F; Language [Abyssal N/A;]
Candy calls out to her [Dearest Vassals] commanding they target a single creature and all use their H...huh....hhuggh...! ability on it. Ah yes, the ultimate display of lovely friendship!Ability F, 0 Post Cooldown.

  • Nothing!

  • Character Created.

    Precision F > C (105 - 21 = 84)
    Intelligence F > B (84 - 28 =56)
    Speed F > B (56 - 21 = 35)

    Language N/A (Free on Creation)
    • [Terran]
    • [Abyssal]
    Educated [Ars Bellāria] E (35 - 14 = 21)
    • Alchemy
    • Domestic Arts
    • Focus
    Artisan [Chocolatière] E (21 - 7 = 14) (Born For This; 7pt discount)
    Minions [Dearest Vassals] F (14 - 14 = 0)
    Strength F -> E (56 - 7 = 49)
    Precision F -> E (49 - 7 = 42)
    Intelligence F -> E (42 - 7 = 35)
    Speed F -> E (35 - 7 = 28)

    Strength F -> E (56 - 7 = 49)
    Precision F -> E (49 - 7 = 42)
    Intelligence F -> E (42 - 7 = 35)

    Fighting Style "H...heel..pph... hegh-hheh.. ghlo...?" Natural Weapon [Sharp Arms] F (21 - 7 = 28)

    • "fu.. fuhh....rr...eendssss?" F [Penetrating]
    Energized F (28 - 7 = 21)
    Special Movement [Sideways] F (21 - 7 = 14)
    Feature [Four Legs] (Cosmetic)
    Heightened Senses F (0) (Born for This)
    • [Hearing]

    Natural Weapon [Sharp Arms] F (14 - 14 = 0)

    Fighting Style "H...heel..pph... hegh-hheh.. ghlo...?" Natural Weapon [Sharp Arms] F; ("fu.. fuhh....rr...eendssss?" F [Penetrating]); Energized F; Special Movement [Sideways] F
    The little witch's dearest Vassal lunges forward with its arms outstretched and pointed toward a target to pink with a heart-throbbing hug! They truly are major huggers, how cute!​
    Grade F Attack, Energized -1 Post Cooldown (Can be used twice in one post), 5ft Range.

    Group Hug!
    Minions [Dearest Vassals] F; Focus F; Language [Abyssal N/A;]
    Candy calls out to her [Dearest Vassals] commanding they target a single creature and all use their H...huh....hhuggh...! ability on it. Ah yes, the ultimate display of lovely friendship!Ability F, 0 Post Cooldown.
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