• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters


One Thousand Club

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We will collect the characters of the world here. While major NPC's will likely be collected in the lore thread, your characters, companions, and minions all belong here. After visiting the rule thread and filling out the character skeleton, post the completed work here. Each character needs its own post (with the exception of minions and companions). Contact or alert Novama or other rp staff to let them know you have posted your character for approval. Whether approved or in need of additional work, the rp'er will be contacted. Once a character is approved, it may be used in an Isekai Hell rp to begin accruing points and building their story.

After approved, a character should not be modified unless the changes are documented. The posts have edit stamps and the last edit should come close to matching the edit time.

We hope to fill the thread with memorable characters.


  • Page 1 stuff

Character Index

Last update: 10/3/24


  1. Xack Gransuke
  2. Xanzua

Dead & Dying
  1. Achu (Scooped)
  2. Alexander Cruz (Scooped)
  3. Amanda Steelhaven (Scooped)
  4. Au-Gh'Ulyqkh (Scooped)
  5. Aya (Scooped)
  6. Caspian (Scooped)
  7. Cralan Dysh (Draft)
  8. DARK (Scooped)
  9. Delta (Scooped)
  10. Desirae Foul (Scrapped)
  11. Eros (Scooped)
  12. Grá Toirmiscthe (Scooped)
  13. Gyl Aza Lyrakien (Draft)
  14. Illuminata Incolov (Draft)
  15. Ivy Redwood (Scooped)
  16. Jura (Scrapped)
  17. Ko Matatsu (Scrapped)
  18. Lyle Valla (Scrapped)
  19. Maikoa Groave (Scooped)
  20. Marcellus Fachnan (Scooped)
  21. Marcus Hohenwald (Scooped)
  22. Missy (Scooped)
  23. Monika Rommel (Scooped)
  24. Naomi Plumfoot (Scooped)
  25. Nayacel Ker'rosm (Scrapped)
  26. Ordella Caerwyn: The Undertaker (Scooped)
  27. Othorion Leshandriel Yallamenor Ga'la Del'selmon (Scooped)
  28. Pierre Rothel (Scooped)
  29. Pip Soldeus (Draft)
  30. Ricti (Scooped)
  31. Sasuke Blackheart (Scooped)
  32. Shao Tenko (Scrapped)
  33. SOLARIS HEARTHEN (Scooped)
  34. Synnove Lovisa (Draft)
  35. Tachanka Gabbs (Scooped)
  36. Tedyk Tortison (Draft)
  37. Tensil (Scrapped)
  38. Todo Sawl (Scooped)
  39. Vanta the Lost (Scooped)
  40. Yuzuki (Scooped)

Archived Character Threads
  1. Season 1
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Michael the Azure Empyrean
Theme: Michael Theme - Michael Old Theme
Rp'er Name: Novama
Post Frequency: Daily to Weekly based on partners
Discord Name: Novama#2275
Equipped Titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer B, Human Blender, Blue Knight, West Empire Fugitive F, [Vandal D], [Azure Empyrean], Excommunicado (Ryke)
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 161lbs (with mithril embedded)
Backstory: College track star. Was out on a morning jog when a trash truck ran a red light. His music prevented him from hearing the truck bearing down on him until it was too late.
Current Life: After spectating his own funeral and meeting god, Michael was spawned in a field just outside of the Protectorate's capital city. Not unaccustomed to part time work and using his trivia level knowledge of various medieval settings he was eventually able to find various odd jobs to keep him with money enough to cover food and board. He has goals and intends to make the most of this 2nd life.
  • Human
  • [Apprentice in blacksmithing] - While not amazing on the forge you have shown you have some knowledge on how to craft and prepare, blacksmiths will recognize you as having potential.
  • [Ryken Adventurer E] - character is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. E grade means the character has shown promise for the life and is no longer required to participate in basic trainings or mundane odd jobs. While they still have a ways to go, they at least know the basics now.
  • [Blue Swordsman] - Character wears blue and has blue mithril swords.
  • [Human Blender] - character likes spinning around a lot. Character holds swords at same time. Can handle spinning more than the average creature as consequence.
  • [Ryken Adventurer D] - character is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. D grade means the character knows all the basics, has been on some adventures, and shows themselves to be competent. They are only missing experience and a specialty that sets them apart in the guild. They are considered a full fledged member and can be called upon for most standard missions even if just as a supporting role.
  • [Hero of Osun] - character has shown heroism on behalf of the Light Barony. Character will receive favorable treatment from residents when in the Light Barony.
  • [Knight of the Order] - character has been inducted into a lesser known order of knights that pledges itself to serving people in need above any worldly reward or loyalty.
  • [Babysitter] - Finder of lost things. Stopper of fights. Feeder of the hungry. Caregiver to those who can't take proper care of themselves. Character has a certain knack for caring for others when they try. Will be more likely to be approached by needy children and parents.
  • [Ryken Adventurer C] - character is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. C grade means the character knows all the basics, has been on several adventures, and shows themselves to be competent. They have experience and a specialty that sets them apart in the guild. They are considered a full fledged member and can be called upon for all standard missions and can be asked to lead in the absence of a higher ranked member
  • [Ryken Adventurer B] - character is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. B grade means the character knows all the basics, has been on several adventures, and shows themselves to be competent. They have experience and a specialty that sets them apart in the guild. They are considered a full fledged member and can be called upon for all standard missions and will be frequently called upon to lead squads and missions. Cream of the crop, but not quite the top.
  • [Blue Knight] - character has received a nickname by their peers as part of reaching C grade in a faction without using the Connected skill. NPCs in the Adventurer's guild faction or aware of the adventurer's guild faction are likely to know of the character and treat them favorably.
  • [MIA] - character has been reported missing and faction(s) have mobilized to find them. More NPC's and PC's may invade threads of character wearing this title to try and find them.
  • [Azure Fellow] - character is decidedly more blue than others of his kind. More likely to receive odd looks for the variation and garner uncertainty. More likely to fit into a body augmenting sub-community.
  • [West Empire Adventurer E] - character is an adventurer of the West Empire adventurer guild. Able to handle the frigid boreal forests of the south or the dry grasslands of the north, West Empire adventurers are not as well rounded but can generally handle greater extremes. E grade means the character has shown promise for the life and is no longer required to participate in basic trainings or mundane odd jobs. While they still have a ways to go, they at least know the basics now.
  • [West Empire Fugitive F] - character has rubbed the nation in a wrong way and thus has a criminal status in the nation regardless of actual criminal titles acquired. Can be treated as a criminal while in West Empire.
  • Mandatory Title acquired [Vandal D] - character committed willful destruction of property belonging to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
  • [Azure Empyrean] - character is thought to be something of divine origin garbed and decorated in a blue that could only come from the highest levels of heaven. Both an embodiment of Mercy and Wrath that submits mortals and the wicked to in deserving measure. Character is less recognizable as a mortal and thought to be something more. Monsters will target character above others. Mortals that recognize character as something other than human may be quicker to offer aid or ask for help from character.
  • [Excommunicado] - character has been denied any number of rights and privileges for any number of reasons. Should character try to go against the ruling, consequences will surely follow. (Ryke)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 892
Points Unspent:
Points Spent: 735
Strength - A
Precision - A
Intelligence - A
Vitality - A
Speed - A
  • Fast E - 24mph
  • Jumping E - 10yrds vertical and 33yrds horizontal
  • Wall Bouncing Special Movement F - allows the character bounce back and forth off vertical surfaces without touching the ground for extended period of time
  • Fancy Falling Special Movement F (14points) - Allows the character to maneuver mid-air while moving through the air. Such maneuvers allow for dodging obstacles and attacks and for changing directory or flight path when falling or otherwise moving through the air, as well as more graceful falling. No maneuver may increase the character's altitude nor indefinitely prolong the landing at any time. Examples can include jumps, flips, twists.
  • Appraisal A - Gives character ability to get a read on most items and creatures in the setting and gain some meta knowledge on them so long as they are A grade or lower
  • Acrobatics F
  • Fighting Style [Buzzsaw Slayer] E
  • Michael's fighting style is so simple a child could have come up with it: take 2 blades and spin around so fast that whatever they come into contact with his shredded.
  • Skin Breaker - F - Penetration - Michael goes flying end over end with his blades fast enough that the blades are able to slice through same grade items and armor
  • Backfire - F - Area - Michael's blades become infused with mana as he sweeps them through the air during his spin. His attack is able to effect everything in a 10ft radius
  • Artisan(Enchanter) B
  • Arcana F
  • Medicine F
  • Artisan(Blacksmith) B
  • Feature: Mithril Body 7pts (blacksmith discount applied) - Michael has been enhanced with a body laced with mithril metal. Acting as an enhanced mana network within his body, Michael has been empowered or changed in many ways.
  • Parkour - Appraisal F, Fast F, Jumping F, Wall Bouncing F, Acrobatics F - Is able to use appraisal to better perceive his surroundings and utilize his speed, jumping, and movement skills to perform extreme feats of traversing the environment in city and country - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Evade - Fast F, Jumping F, Acrobatics F, Fancy Falling F - is able to quickly escape from a position in any direction with a sudden dash or jump flip - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Nimble Evade - Fast E, Jumping E, Acrobatics F, Fancy Falling F - is able to more quickly escape from a position in any direction to a greater degree with a sudden dash or jump flip - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Shredder - Fighting Style Buzzsaw Slayer F, Skin Breaker F - User spins suddenly and with intense force to severe and/or cut down any creature or object of F grade within blade's reach.
  • Blender - Fighting Style Buzzsaw Slayer E, Skin Breaker F, Backfire F - is able to whirl around with his swords with such force that mana becomes infused into the attack that is released in all directions. Every creature and material of F grade or lower within a 10ft area of the user is cut into and/or destroyed. - Grade E - 1 post cooldown
  • Enchanted Blender - Artisan(Enchanter) D, Ability Blender E - Lacing his blades with more mana fueled magic circuits, he enhances the base effects of the Blender ability to the next level. Stile ignores grade F defensive items and affects everything in a 10ft radius - Grade D - 2 post cooldown
  • Enchanted Replacing Blender - Artisan(Enchanter) C, Ability Blender E - Lacing his blades with more mana fueled magic circuits to the point of replacing some of the blades with pure mana, he enhances the base effects of the Blender ability to an even higher level. Stile ignores grade F defensive items and affects everything in a 10ft radius - Grade C - 3 post cooldown
  • Blue Sight - Appraisal E, Supersense: Infrared Visions E, Feature: Darkvision F, Sixth Sense: Mana Vision F, Energized E, Medicine F, Arcana F - See Mana Flows, temperature variations, and appraise targets within 100ft to perceive basic arcane and medical information - Grade E - 0 post cooldown.
  • Shortsword Image
    • Transformation F - Battle Form Alpha (enchanter + 21pts)
      • Feature: Organic Steel - character's equipment and body meld together to make use of both in one form
      • Always Outnumbered
    • Magic D (enchanter)
    • Magic Area of Effect E (enchanter) - 50ft radius, F - 15ft radius
    • Spell Duration E (enchanter) - 1day, F - 1hr
    • Healing B - (enchanter)
    • F - basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor sicknesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds
    • E - cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons
    • D - Emergency aid to prolong life of dying, restore senses so long as organs are still present
    • C - heal significant injuries, including reattaching severed limbs/organs, fix broken bones
    • B - reenvigor, Cure Any disease/ailment/curse/poison, raise dead if they have been dead no more than 10 days.
    • Boost [vitality] D (enchanter) - +3 grades
    • Boost [speed] F (enchanter) - +1 grade
    • Battle Form Alpha - Magic D, Spell Duration E, Battle Form Alpha Transformation F, Boost Vitality D, Boost Speed F, Magic Area of Effect E, Healing C, Appraisal D - C Grade - Character channels their mana into the shortsword and in turn the shortsword transforms the wielder into an embodiment of battle. Their armor, if they are wearing any, becomes one with their flesh along with their weapons. Their weapons become retractable versions attached to their forearms. Their senses are spread out over a 30ft radius area around them allowing for awareness and automatic appraisal scanning of anything in the area of a D grade or less. Their speed is boosted 1 grade and their vitality is boosted 3 grades while this ability is active. The form will last 1 hour in rp at a time. While in form, they are receiving a constant C grade healing able to mend significant injuries and reattach lost limbs. Heighten awareness, abilities, and durability has made the user capable of handling masses of enemies with little increase in difficulty (always outnumbered) - Cooldown 3 posts
    • Body Evade - Healing D, Ability Nimble Evade E - D Grade - Battle Form character jump, runs, flips, or otherwise dodges just enough to avoid any major injuries and recovers any minor wounds necessary on the run - Cooldown 2 posts
    • Partial Body Evade - Healing C, Ability Nimble Evade E - C grade - Battle Form character jumps, runs, flips, or otherwise dodges just enough to avoid critical damage to the body and recovers what was damaged on the go - Cooldown 3 posts
    • Alpha Shredder - Magic Affinity D, Magic Area of Effect E, Ability Shredder F - Empowered by Battle Form, the blades glow and a magical light extends out from the ends of the blades. The attack is now a spinning zone of death up to 50ft in all directions. Still ignores grade F or lower protective items. - Grade D - Cooldown 2 posts
    • Magic B (enchanter),
    • Selective Magic B (enchanter),
    • Nullify(magic) B (enchanter reduced 140),
    • weaken(precision) F (enchanter),
    • Tangle F (enchanter),
    • Flexible F (enchanter),
    • Spell Duration E (enchanter) - 1 hour,
    • Sixth Sense [hostile magic] F - Omega senses hostile magic acting within its area of notice (enchanter),
    • Magic AOE C - 1/2mile
    • Doubting Hands - Magic B, Selective Magic B, Nullify(magic) B , weaken(precision) F , Tangle F , Flexible F , Spell Duration E - 1 hour, Sixth Sense [hostile magic] F, Magic AOE C - 1/2 mile- Omega is always on alert for hostile magic. Once sensed, the sword will automatically react to the magic by creating a nullifying barrier against anything magical in nature save for creatures an objects deemed allies by the sword. The barrier is 1000ft radius and lasts an hour. Additionally, Omega sends out writhing, grasping, tentacle hands throughout the area to apprehend enemies, enveloping them in magical arms to lock them in place and steal (disarm) their equipment. The hands will continue to pursue targets within the nullifying bubble for the duration of the spell trying to rip them apart as they hinder them. - Grade B - Cooldown 4 posts
  • Magic B
    Pocket Dimension B - 1 mile radius
    Superstrength B - 5ton (C - 2ton, D - 1ton, E - 600lbs, F - 200lbs)
    Range C - 1mile (D - 1000ft, E - 100ft, F - 30ft)
    Targets C - 50 (D - 25, E - 10, F - 5)
    Undetected E (sight, sound)
  • Mundane Shortsword C
  • Light leather armor F
    • Duration Reduction B (enchanter discount)
    • Regeneration B (enchanter discount)
    • Resilient C (fatigue, suffocation, aging, incapacitated) (enchanter discount)
    • Sixth Sense: Mana Vision F - can view mana in its many forms in Michael's surroundings (enchanter discount)
    • Feature: Darkvision F (enchanter discount)
    • Supersense: Infrared Visions E - 100ft radius - (enchanter discount) can perceive the world in various degrees of hot and cold
    • Energized B
    • Lucky F
    • skill loan F (14pts with enchanter discount)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Leather cloak
  • Woolen underarmor clothes for cold
  • Gloves
  • The Omni-Bottle - D Item Type: Magic Item Description: (Attached to the bottle is a crumpled, hastily-written note. ) Skillfully crafted with Mythril-based mind-reading technology and enhanced with breakneck advances in modern alchemy, the Omni-Bottle is a must-have gift for any adventurer, guard, or citizen! Using the Omni-Bottle is both easy and exciting! Simply grab hold of the neck, then think about what you want to drink. In only seconds flat, the Omni-Bottle will fill with your beverage of choice! Just as cold or as hot as you desire! But what if you want to drink something else? Or what if you need to clean it? Easy! With our additional transmutative enchantments, simply imagine the product as clean as a whistle, empty as a drum, and the Omni-Bottle will comply! Cleaning and emptying itself instantaneously! No water, soap, or magic is required! So why throw away your rykes for mundane, boring canteens? Purchase the Omni-Bottle at your local Bits And Bottles today, and all your coveted drinks are just a thought away! Boon/Curse: you can have any drink you want so long as it black licorice cream soda. No other drinks or liquids permitted
  • inn room
Change Log:
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Ntaj “Orchid” Yaj


Rp'er Name: Lucius Cypher

Post Frequency: At least once a week. Could even go as far as once a day, if the mood strikes me.

Discord Name: BabyBlanketRabbit#0441

Current RP: N/A

Goals: Make some new friends, grow stronger, and help those in need become stronger.

Equipped Titles: Human "Ork" (Requirements: Strength C, Vitality C, Darkvision F, Fighting Style F), Warrior, Underbelly Survivor, 3rd Captain's Executioner, Gregarious, Vandal F

Height: 6’10

Weight: 284lbs

Backstory: Ntaj was born from unfortunate circumstances. His home country was embroiled in a violent war, his mother taken prisoner by soldiers who also killed his father. His mother went through horrible and humiliating treatment by the soldiers, and by the time the war ended, Ntaj himself had lived under the terrible conditions of a prisoner camp. Even after his freedom, Ntaj’s mother was distant, barely treating Ntaj as a child, let alone her son. Ntaj had no support from his remaining family, and it wasn’t long before rumors spread to neighbors about his illegitimate parentage. From there, Ntaj wasn’t even able to get help from the community, with most looking at him as if he was some sort of curse.

Growing up Ntaj had few friends. Most kids weren’t allowed to play with him, and so Ntaj found kinship with other children who, like him, were affected by the war. Most of them were orphans and those with living parents were under a similar circumstance as Ntaj. It was here that Ntaj made his closest friends, and worst enemies. Among his best friends was another young boy named Yexus. He lost both his parents to the war, and was living in an orphanage at the time. And while a morose and cynical boy, he had a knack for storytelling and weaving fantasies out of nothing. His tales enraptured Ntaj, and together they would work on stories together, combining ideas and inspiration from the media around them. They had many adventures, played many games, and among their friend groups the duo was actually popular. Things seemed good for Ntaj.

But then someone came into their life. A girl named Kloe. A foreign girl, who came on a mission trip to help the orphans and those displaced by the war. She befriended the two boys, Yexus in particular, and joined them in their imaginary games. However despite their shared interest, Kloe was not one to share. She began to get closer to Yexus, while Ntaj and the others were pushed away. Their friends were concerned about how much Yexus was busy with Kloe, to the point that he stopped hanging out with them, and hung out with Kloe and her friends instead. Ntaj tried to join their circle of friends, making a decent impression for a while, but he and Kloe often clashed on many different fronts.

Over the years, the children would grow into young adults. They still wrote their stories, but now they were busy trying to make their lives as well. Ntaj was effectively abandoned by his mother, and so he was forced to take up multiple part-time jobs to sustain himself. Yexus was able to attend higher education by virtue of Kloe, who took him out from the ghettos to join her at her school. Over time, it became abundantly clear that Ntaj’s best friend, from childhood, was being taken from him. Kloe, someone who he thought was a friend and equal, was in fact someone who had much more than him, and yet still wanted to take what little he had. Desperately Ntaj tried to cling onto the vestigates of his childhood, but one by one they slipped away. Stress began to build up. A lack of a fortuitous future began to weigh on his mind. Bills began to show up at his home, and utilities started to cut off.

But perhaps what was one of the biggest tragedies was the death of his mother. She left home one day, doing whatever it was she did since Ntaj hardly ever sees her. But when he came back, the police were waiting for him at his home. His mother had died of cancer, which she had been fighting alone this entire time, never once telling Ntaj at all. This put Ntaj into a spiral of madness and depression, culminating in Ntaj never leaving his home for over a month. It was only after he was forced out by retailers that Ntaj returned to the outside world, but he was so lost in his own fantasies, trying to escape to a better place. He doesn’t remember how he died. He doesn’t want to anymore.

Current Life: Ever since Ntaj escaped his reality, somehow, he’s been living the life of an ork mercenary. It’s a simple life but with easy pleasures. She calls herself Orchid now, having somehow become a tall, busty, muscular orc woman. Practically his dream waifu wrapped into one character. She’s constructed some sort of backstory of her origins, even making up a history of her people, but in truth Orchid hasn’t been here for that long. While she’s been here long enough to gather some equipment and get a grasp on her abilities, she wasn’t born here and came into this world as she is now.

She’s done a few minor jobs as a merc, mostly dealing with wild beasts and guarding caravans. She’s already become a bit accustomed to violence and finds a certain pleasure out of it. Like it’s just a game to her. She knows this can put off some people so she makes an effort to play up the grizzled merc who’s only doing this as part of a job, but secretly enjoying the thrills of combat. Currently, she’s actively seeking out others like her. She has a feeling she’s not the only one who has come to this world, and while she’s trying to forget her past, she still wants to connect with others who share that similarity to her. Just like old times.

Acquired Titles: Human, Ork, Warrior, Polearm Master, Underbelly Survivor, 3rd Captain's Executioner, Vandal F, Gregarious

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 368

Points Spent: 469
Points Not Spent: 4


Strength - A (35 pts)

Precision - G (-7 pts)

Intelligence - C (21 pts)

Vitality - C (21 pts)

Speed - F (0 pts)


  • Fighting Style A (42pts) (Polearm Master) - Utilizing the reach and versatility of polearm weapons Orchid can control the movement of the battlefield.
    Cleave C (21pts) (Area) - Orchid is able to lash out at foes within the furthest reach of her weapons, cutting through vast swaths of enemies within 500 ft.
    Knockdown D (14pts) (Tangle) - Let's you slow or temporarily stop a target from doing much of anything.
    Battle Intuition (Blind Fighter) - Orchid has the ability to fight within a melee against opponents she can't even see.
    Earth-Splitter F (Quake) - Creates shock wave that erupts towards a target across the ground. Causes a 10ft deep fissure wide enough for a regular human to fall into.
    Blood-Flame Blade E (7pts) (Blight) - Orchid's blood burns hot, lighting her blade with an eldritch fire. Enemies struck by these flames burn and bleed.
    Leading A (42pts) (Accurate) - A simple but vital skill of making sure Orchid's weapons go to where the enemy will be, instead of where they were. The technique makes it so the target's speed is treated as though it were reduced by 1 letter grade. Amount reduces increases by 1 grade each time technique is upgraded.
    Precision (7pts) (Selective) - Allows the user to choose who is affected by their weapon style techniques when used at range or in wide areas. Same for aura.
    Death God Eyes (Multidimensional) - Orchid has been around battle enough to sense and affect even things that don't have a physical body. As long as it exists, Orchid can hurt it.

  • Mind Shield E (14pts) - Orchid steeled their mind. Skills like mind control and other mental tampering abilities will have no effect unless they are greater in grade than this skill

  • Healing C (28pts) - You have learned or simply know the ways of healing. You may apply may use magical or mundane means to aid others through their suffering. Healing and what can be healed becomes more powerful with higher ranks and when combined with other skills like magic.
  • Regeneration E (14pts) - Character automatically starts to heal itself if the character is not killed or body is destroyed. Does not apply to Mental 'damage'. This includes regrowing severed appendages immediately. Character regains all their HP after a cooldown on Regeneration expires. The cooldown on regeneration begins as soon as the character takes damage. Cooldown on regeneration shrinks as the regeneration skill is upgraded. Out of combat, the cooldown only applies at narrator discretion. cooldown is not reduced by energize. Cooldown: 5 Posts
  • Barrier F (14pts) - Character has the ability to create force fields of magic, mind, substance or some other means that prevents easy passage. Barriers may move when the subject with the field on it moves. Otherwise, they are stationary.When active, the barrier is always visible and noticeable by default.
    To block incorporeal and teleports, multidimensional affinity or technique need applied. Acts as a perfect wall to prevent things leaving bubble or entering bubble without first destroying the barrier or including selective skill.

    Magic and other skills can further enhance the ability. Stationary barriers can be used as fortifications.
    While barriers may be any color , texture, or design, any form of significant decoration, concealment, or extra features will require other skills.
    Sufficient attacks or damage will destroy the barrier like any other overwhelmed defensive ability.

  • Appraisal D (0pts) - Lets Orchid analyze creatures or objects she is looking at.
  • Feature “Darkvision” (7pts) - As an ork, Orchid has a natural dark vision and is capable of seeing things in darkness in greyscale.

  • Domestic Arts E (14pts) - The ability to efficiently and effectively organize and run a domestic household, including cooking and cleaning.
  • Intimidation F (7pts) - Orchid uses her strength and combat skills to cow the enemy, or even direct threats towards her and away from her allies.
  • Persuasion E (14pts) - Orchid uses her more affable side to convince folks to see from her perspective and understand her.

  • Jumping B (35 pts) - Orchid is particularly skilled at jumping and can leap vertically and horizontally large distances. They do not get hurt when landing on their feet so long as they fall from a height equal to or less than their vertical jump limit. (Vertically 300yrds/horizontally 1000yrds)

  • Gear "Harpoons" D (21 pts) - Thin spears designed to be thrown. Stronger than an arrow, capable of piercing light armor and even shields, but lacks range of a bow. Not designed to be used as a melee weapon, and now bend when they land inside of a target to make it difficult for the harpoons to be removed without causing further damage to the target. Now attached to ropes to enable Orchid to pull in weak targets, or use it to hang onto larger, heavier foes. Alternatively it can work as a sort of make-shift grappling hook.
  • Attentive Student D (21 pts) - When a character with this skill is in the presence of a stronger, more skilled or experienced character, they learn and grow more quickly.

    Characters with this skill gain double points at the end of rp's if there is a character with a greater total of earned points actively participating in the rp as well. Earned points prior to rewards of that rp specifically. Student skill must be same grade as student character grade in order to benefit from this skill. Student skill may not be greater than grade of character. Ability doesn't stack with any other mechanic or feature that buffs point gains. Not honored if rp'er ghosts rp.


  • God Shattering Star - Fighting Style Polearm Master A, Blood-Flame Blade (Blight) E, Cleave (Area) C, Earth-Splitter (Quake) F, Precision (Selective) F, Leading (Accurate) A, Death God Eyes (Multidimensional), Knockdown (Tangle) D, Jumping B - Orchid's strongest technique. Rocketing forward with the power to challenge the stars, she swings her weapon with furious might, crushing anyone caught within the blast radius and scorching them alive with blood flame. However she is perfectly capable of ensuring that her own allies are safe from the effects of her own attack, killing enemies and protecting allies alike. - Grade A - 5 Post Cooldown - 2 Actions

  • Blood Flame Strike - Fighting Style Polearm Master B, Blood-Flame Blade (Blight) F, Cleave (Area) E - An ability that emits a flame in a wide frontward arc, followed with a strong lunging, sweeping strike that also coats the armament in fire. - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown

  • Meteor Falls - Fighting Style Polearm Master C, Earth-Splitter (Quake) F, Knockdown (Tangle) D, Jumping D - Taking a mighty leap towards the skies, falling with a mighty slam and burying her weapon into both the enemy and into the nearest surface. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown - 2 Actions
  • Roar of War - Fighting Style Polearm Master C, Earth-Splitter (Quake) F, Cleave (Area) F - Orchid let loose a mighty war cry, sending out a shockwave by stomping the ground. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown - 1 Action
  • Life Bun - Healing C, Domestic Arts E - Orchid can eat or feed someone what appears to be a plain bun. But this is actually a magical treat packed with magical nutrients capable of healing significant injuries, even going so far as to assist in reattaching severed limbs or restoring broken bones. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown

  • Aerial Denial - Fighting Style Polearm Master D, Knockdown (Tangle) D, Jumping D - Orchid leaps into the air to strike the enemy from above, or alternatively knock a flying enemy out of the air with her polearm. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown - 1 Action
  • Off-Hand Backhand - Fighting Style Polearm Master D, Battle Intuition (Blind Fighting) F - Orchid's keen senses and martial aptitude has allowed her to easily deal with foes she cannot see in an almost passive matter. This is a quick and easy attack technique she utilizes to deal with opponents who try to flank her, allowing her to focus on the main threat while still able to fend off lesser ones. It's also useful to strike down those who are attempting to sneak up on Orchid, whether for ambush or thievery. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Metagaming - Appraisal D - Orchid knows she's in some strange sort of Isekai with quasi RPG mechanics, so she is going to take advantage of the fact she can examine objects and creatures in a gamified manner to try and figure out information that would otherwise be unavailable to her. Typically she'd use this ability to gauge someone's strength and abilities, though she may also just use it to read up on equipment and other objects. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown

  • Wind Wheel - Fighting Style Polearm Master E, Cleave (Area) E, Knockdown (Tangle) E - Orchid spins her weapon vigoriously above her head and sweep foes around her, transitioning into a mighty blow that can knock down enemies around her. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown - 1 Action
  • Trip Attack - Fighting Style Polearm Master E, Knockdown (Tangle) E - When Orchid successfully strikes an enemy with an attack, she can knock them to the ground and leave them vulnerable. Orchid can use this ability with any suitable polearm, such as javelins, lances, halberds, etc. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown - 1 Action
  • Blood Guard - Fighting Style Polearm Master E, Barrer F, Cleave (Area) E, Death Gods Eyes (Multidimensional) - A defensive technique that Orchid has developed. She can effect a translucent blood red barrier to surround herself or an ally to protect them from all sorts of threats, be it physical or magical. However she can also invert this ability, preventing anyone within the barrier from leaving or attacking anyone outside of the barrier, while using her own Death Gods Eyes to strike the trapped target. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

  • Whirlwind Attack - Fighting Style Polearm Master F, Cleave (Area) F - Taking full advantage of her greater reach, Orchid lashes out at all the enemies around her, her weapon ripping through foes to strike at each enemy with a single mighty blow. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Menacing Strike - Intimidation F - When Orchid successfully strikes an enemy with an attack, she can momentarily strike fear into their minds. Usually she uses this ability to keep enemies away from her and her allies, though she may also try to use it to catch the attention of a particular foe and draw their aggression towards her. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Healthy Snack - Domestic Arts F, Healing F - Orchid makes a snack that can miraculously heal one's wounds. While it might not save someone's life, it could help them get through a rough day. Could heal minor aches and injuries, as well as some weak diseases. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown


  • Orichalcum Poleaxe B (42 pts) - A humble but deceptively versatile polearm. With a cleaving blade, a bludgeoning hammer, and a sharp spike, it can do different sorts of damage to deal with different sort of enemies. Reforged to be made of Orichalcum.
  • Orichalcum Plate Armor C (35 pts) - Heavy plate armor that protects Orchid’s vitals. Comes with a helmet and gauntlets. Underneath the plate is a thick gambeson that she can wear as much lighter armor. Reforged to be made of Orichalcum.
  • Dragon Set Cooking Tools E (0pts) - A common set of cooking tools that grant Domestic Arts E for those who use it. However food cooked with these tools tend to be very spicy.

  • Backpack - A big and sturdy backpack big enough to contain a lot of things, with straps and pockets on the outside to hold more things.
  • Sack of Sacks - A bag containing different bags inside of them. Useful if Orchid has to gather things like herbs, bones, body parts, groceries, or other things that would want to be separated from others.
  • Traveling Clothes - Sturdy clothes designed to be able to handle long travel and mild-to-cold weather. Comes with comfortable underwear and socks.
  • Lantern - A hip-mounted lantern fueled by oil. Can be used even while upside down. While not waterproof, it can work just fine even in the rain.
  • Coin Purse - A pouch designed to hold currency. The straps are made of a metal wire braid designed to resist being cut by small blades.
  • Whetstone - To keep Orchid’s weapons sharp.
  • Tent - A small tent designed to be carried on journeys. Big enough to comfortably fit two.
  • Tinder Box - A small packet designed to hold materials needed to start fires quickly.
  • Rations - Contains various dried meats, hardtack, pickled fruits or vegetables, and other food stuff that can last a long time while on journeys. Also contains material for basic cooking, such as eggs, flour, etc.
  • Tankard - A solid and hearty barrel mug that Orchid keeps her drink in.
  • Rope - Two 50ft lengths of rope to tie things up. Strong enough to support heavy weights.
  • Soap - To keep Orchid clean whenever she has a chance to wash. She has one to wash her body and another to wash her clothes.
  • Towel - Doubles as a blanket as well. It’s actually quite large, large enough that Orchid can fold part of it to cushion her head and still have enough to cover her body. Using rope, she can also use this towel to make a hammock.
  • Cooking Tools - Assorted pots, pans, plates, bowls, and other cutlery to eat and cook food. It also comes with its own cooking split to suspend pots over fires, and two grill meshes.

  • [Memento] - This item of age and history will forever and always ensure the owner never forgets one specific thing. Can transcend scoops, lives, and mental tampering to ensure owner will never forget something incredibly important to them.

5th May, 2022. 10:24 AM (GMT-5) - Orchid's CS was posted into the Isekai Hell Character Tab

5th May, 2022. 1:48 PM (GMT-5) - Change Log was added.

5th May, 2022. 8:10 PM (GMT-5) - Added Titles.

5th May, 2022. 9:51 PM (GMT-5) - Edited Equipment.

7th July, 2022. 3:41 AM (GMT-5) - Orchid gained additional points. Strength C upgrades into Strength A. Fighting Style (Polearm) E upgrades into Fighting Style (Polearm) D, Quake is added as a core skill. Fighting Style (Unarmed) F gained as a new skill, Blind Fighter added as a core skill. Jumping E gained as a new skill. Abilities are updated: Interception replaced with Sweep Shot Interception, Attack-of-Opportunity removed, Aerial Denial added, Meteor Falls added, Off-Hand Backhand added.

7th July, 2022. 9:21 AM (GMT-5) - Edited Meteor Falls to now have Fighting Style Polearm (Area) as component.

7th July, 2022. 9:20 PM (GMT-5) - Removed Fighting Style (Polearm) and Fighting Style (Unarmed) and fused them into a singular Fighting Style (Polearm Master).

22nd, August. 1:55 AM (GMT-5) - Fighting Style (Polearm Master) changed to Fighting Style (Polearm Master). Fighting Style (Polearm Master) C upgrades into Fighting Style (Polearm Master) B, Blight added as a core skill. Jumping E upgrades into Jumping F. Gear E gained as a new skill. Mind Shield F upgrades into Mind Shield E. Abilities are updated: Sweep-shot Interception changed into Wind Wheel, Blood Flame Strike added, Roar of War added, Right tool for the Job added, Metagaming added.

26th, August, 6:59 (GMT-5) - Adding links to previous RP's where points are obtained.
An Unexpected Demise - 42 Points.
A Plotted Demise - 45

30th, August, 1:48 AM (GMT-5) - Edited Abilities to correct their cooldowns to be more reflective of their actual ranks. Corrected the Gear skill. Redistributed points from the Area and Gear skill to gain the Fighting Style (Throwing) F and Regeneration F skills.

3rd, October, 10:42 AM (GMT-6) - Adding points and reward from the September event RP.
Legacy of the Erased - 20
Asset [Memento] - This item of age and history will forever and always ensure the owner never forgets one specific thing. Can transcend scoops, lives, and mental tampering to ensure owner will never forget something incredibly important to them.
Attentive Student E added for 14 pts, Regeneration F upgraded into Regeneration E for 7 pts.

7th, November, 4:28 PM (GMT-6) - Adding points and rewards from recent RP.
Demise Verdict - 69
Attentive Student E - Double points due to having been in an RP with someone with more points than Orchid
Total points gained: 138
Optional Title Obtained [Underbelly Survivor] - You've seen the worst of the worst, endured horrors others couldn't imagine, experienced things those wouldn't want to. You have knowledge of the biggest city in Ryke, bigger than Ryken. A despot of criminality. Those that use this title will have respect from others that are used to battle and business.

Optional Title Obtained [3rd Captain's Executioner] - For killing the known 3rd Captain of the Eagle Company, Griffin Warden, Orchid has become more revered and notorious, people may recognize her for the feat of killing Griffin Warden and possibly seek her out for a work request or to try and kill her. This title can be used in interactions with other mercenaries.

Asset Acquired [Divees Crew Assistance - C] - With Arthur's Gang, The Divees Crew, disbanded they chose to become a fighting group that travels around doing mercenary work. They have an obligation to those that were friends with Arthur that needs help.
- C Grade - Leader of the Divees Crew until Arthur returns, has two greatswords he wields like double swords, fast and strong for a half-orc, he is rather smart and has a knack for tactical attacks.

Lunes - C Grade - The Divees Crew Assassin/Thief, Lunes is a petite elf who is great in the art of deception and sneaking. She is said to be able to get through any lock and climb any surface, she is a great climber with deadly accuracy with her bow.

Dirv - C Grade - A older crazy Ratkin alchemist whose profession is creating potions, poisons and explosions. It was said that he's died multiple times in very terrible ways, but each time, Dirv has randomly appeared back not long afterwards. He has small blades seeping with poisons on it, for his age he is rather agile.

There are about five regular gang members with the crew that are D grade.

Upgrade Poleaxe F to Orichalcum Poleaxe B and upgrade Plate Armor F to Orichalcum Plate Armor C for 72 points total with Regula (@Elvario Character).
Upgrade Fighting Style F (Throwing) into Fighting Style D (Throwing) for 14 pts
Upgrade Tech Core Leading F into Leading D for 14 points
Upgraded Vitality C to Vitality A for 14 pts.
Upgraded Gear "Javelins" F into Gear "Harpoon" E for 7 points.

Obtained Fighting Style F (Fellhammer) for 7 pts.

Added new abilities:
Sunder Strike

9th, November, 9:22 PM (GMT-5)
Decreased the amount of points gained previously from 138 to 105.
Removed Fighting Style F (Fellhammer) and associated abilities. -7 pts
Decreased Vitality A to Vitality C -14 pts
Added link to the Marketplace where Orchid purchased her armor and weapons.

11th, November, 11:35 pm (GMT-5)
Changed Points earned from 317 to 212.
Added optional Titles to Orchid's titles.

12th, November, 9:09 pm (GMT-5)
Decreased the Orichalcum Plate Armor B to Orichalcum Plate Armor C
Increased Jumping D to Jumping B

20th, December 2:48 AM (GMT-6) - Adding points and rewards from recent RP.
Faster than the Fastest - 74 points
The White Elephant of Hyroth - Dragon Set Cooking Tools
Upgraded Gear [Harpoons] E to D
Upgrade Intelligence from E to C
Upgraded Healing from F to C
Added Persuasion E

20th, January 1:34 PM (GMT-6) - Adding points and rewards from last RP.
Second Breakfast - 34 Points
Upgrade Cleave F to C
Upgrade Blood-Flame Blade from F to E
Added Precision

23rd, January 4:00 AM (GMT-6) - Adding Points and reward from last RP
The Nightfeeder - 29
Upgrade Fighting Style "Polearm Master" B to A
Upgrade Leading D to A

5th, May, 11:31 PM (UTC+7) Adding points from last RP
May there be Plenty of Fools - 19
Added Barrier F
Upgraded Domestic Arts from F to E
Last edited by a moderator:




(Art By Me)

Rp'er Name:

Post Frequency:
Multiple Times a Week

Discord Name:

Current RP:
"A Malignant Infection, The Shroud of an Abyss"

Short Term: Gain better gear
Long Term: Survive; Return to his Home Universe (if given the chance)

Equipped Titles:
Beast [Saurian]. [Dino Daddy], [Dino Lover], [Gallant Keeper], [Steed], [Rico’s Roughneck], [Eastern Empire Boon]


362 Lbs

The world of Fantazoica is a place where fantasy and prehistory become one; coalescing into an environment dominated by sapient dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts of many shapes and sizes. Civilization can be found aplenty, whether annexed as a portion of a vast kingdom or a humble town out in the wilderness, each ran by a plethoric variety of unique characters. It's here where'd you encounter the lavish frills of ceratopsian dinosaurs, like Triceratops and Styracosaurs, serving as armed knights flanking a royal family of feathery Dromeosaurs down a red carpet. In the local marketplace, a whole variety of unique and wondrous beings come together in a giant melting pot of different sounds and sights. To your left, you might see the bizarre figure of a Chalicothere shopkeeper conversing with a sail-backed Dimetrodon on what the best types cycads and horsetails for its garden. In the distance, huge bipedal sauropod guards flank the outskirts of the town square patrolling the perimeter, keeping a high eye out for trouble from atop their long air-filled necks. To your right, an Allosaurus picks out a fresh cut of meat off a non-sapient fantastical "retrosaur", leaving the resident Therizinosaurus butcher to slice them into select pieces with her long scythe-like claws, while her small Rhamphorhynchus companion retrieves the customer's payment of 5 silver coins. A Stegosaurus merchant converses with a crowned Estemmenosuchus on the sidelines, as they snack on a salad of green ferns and fruit beside a fountain. You even manage to spot a family of Mononykus scuttle under the feet of huge Mammoths and Hadrosaurs carrying tiny baskets of red berries back home.

Across the world of Fantazoica, one could find many such sights and more within the various towns and kingdoms across the three continents. It's here where herbivores and carnivores - once mortal primordial enemies - live side by side in relative harmony; being as unified as it could get. But even so, conflicts between the two tend to flare within the political sphere; with one side claiming they are superior and how the opposition isn't, while others strive to keep the progressional achievement of inter-species equality in check. Or how one Kingdom deserves to keep a portion of land claimed by another through one reason or another. The civilizations governing the land are both as hardy as they can be fragile; a balance that must be maintained for all to enjoy.


Baharius was originally an esteemed Spinosaurian champion born in the desert kingdom of Afroiya within the southeastern part of the Powandian continent. He served in the military as an esteemed general and was generally beloved by his troops for being both a powerful yet caring warrior. In battle, he was seen as a terrifying opponent who'd cut his enemies down with his giant great sword; said to harbor the power of a magical oasis and unleash powerful streams of water down upon his foes. yet whenever he was instructed to conquerer a town or city during war, instead of cutting down all who opposed them like most other generals of his carnivorous talents, he eased them into his Kingdom's cultures and beliefs through a gradual and negotiable process. His respect towards his conquered subjects had made him a popular choice for those within his sphere of influence and was revered even by those opposing his own kingdom. For he wished to see a unified continent where all could live under one roof in harmony.

For many years Baharius served his kingdom well; annexing territory after territory through his many victories and conquests of the lower and middle Powandia. His elite military regiment, once containing only carnivorous Saurians, had become a multi-species regiment of both dietaries and many species. He made sure that each served their purpose well, utilizing their strengths and niches to every part of his formation. And it's through this successful strategy, one surprisingly underutilized by most generals, that allowed him to achieve his level of fame; with many considering him to be the next great king of Afroiya.

But as with all great leaders, he would eventually meet his end. To the north, neighboring kingdoms from the continent of Lauritacei feared that the Spinosaurian general was going to one day take over their lands. The carnophobic warmongers also feared that his plot of unity would not only bring more carnivores to the area, but also disrupt their profit margins by taking advantage of the racial/speciest discourse. Thus they devised an elite regiment of some of the toughest herbivore soldiers from across the kingdom - lead by the infamous sauropod General Dread (a Dreadnoughtus) - and made their advance towards him.

When the two armies finally met, they engaged in a climatic battle to decide the fate of the world as they knew it. The two generals clashed in a titanic showdown on a stormy afternoon, battling in what's known as the Swamps of Kem. While Baharius seemed to have the upper hand in the first half, reinforcements were quick to assist General Dread's forces and Baharius would fall in battle, crushed underfoot by the sauropod's massive weight. His ribcage shattered, as the force of the impact ruptured his organs, leaving the Spinosaurian to bleed out in dreadful agony as he watched his forces fall one by one... before his world plunged into darkness.

Current Life:
When he awoke in Isekai Hell, Baharius was forced to start out with nothing to his name. His title, armor, and weapons, were all gone. Only his body survived the resurrection, yet several abilities he once took for granted had also vanished. He was in a strange new land, one just vaguely familiar yet otherwise completely different. Hairless bipedal mammals dominated this world, along with a variety of other similarly built individuals of different races. Of course, he couldn't forget about the variety of fauna and monsters that littered the realm, where once he'd see them as sapient allies, he found them reverted to their primordial roots. The humans initially found him as revolting as they were, some even trying to kill him on his first few days. He was forced to adapt to these newfound conditions; and adapt he did.

Still retaining some of his warrior roots, Baharius was initially drafted into being a gladiator for a local arena. His unique looks and monstrous appearance made him both a terrifying yet popular attraction. He was quick to retrieve a great sword and armor from his fallen opponents and once he gained enough money through his victories, he decided to leave and become a mercenary for hire. This all happened within roughly the first few months of his stay here. But the Spinosaurian still strived for a potential way home.

Could he return to his homeland and avenge the death of his comrades?

And if he couldn't? Well, perhaps it would be for the best. For now, he'd better make himself comfortable. For his adventure into this Hell has only just begun...

Acquired Titles:
Beast, Saurial/Saurian, Dino Daddy, Gallant Keeper, Steed, Rico’s Roughneck, Eastern Empire Boon

- Saurial/Saurian (Spinosaurian) - An ancient race of scalykind descending from dinosaur-like creatures, Saurials tend to come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. In this case, Baharius descended from a Spinosaur-like ancestor and thus gained the dinosaur's iconic sail, crocodile-like snout, large claws, and a paddled tail. (Feature skills to mimic the nature and appearance of a non-avian dinosaur and beast title).
- [Dino Daddy] – Despite size and appearance suggesting otherwise, the character has shown to have reliable protective father instincts towards smaller characters. Will make it easier for them to trust them.
- [Dino Lover] - Anything resembling a dinosaur has this character's attention (due to their similarities with the Fantazoic Saurianfolk), for better or worse and at potential threat to the character.
- [Gallant Keeper] - Your nature, abilities, and skills emit a presence to those around you that they are safe, in the presence of a guardian that will get them through a battle.
- [Steed] – Character allows others to ride atop them.
- [Rico’s Roughneck] - This character is a survivor of Rico’s raid, descending into the hive as a decoy and having been baptized in bug blood. Characters with this title will viewed with friendly looks and actions from those who have witnessed the war with the bugs firsthand.
- [Eastern Empire Boon] - Acquire/Upgrade Eastern Empire Military Reputation +1, Strength to B, Vitality to A. (Add 21 points to spent and earned] - The Eastern Empire has thanked you for your service during the operation and was pleased by your progress.

Points at Start:

Points Earned:

Points Spent:

Points Not Spent:

Strength - B
Precision - C
Intelligence - C
Vitality - A
Speed - C

  • Fighting Style [Savage DuneLord] D | (Weapon Type: Great Sword) - A set of wide-weeping horizontal and over-head slashes, mixed in with sudden lunges and strikes. Baharius' incredibly long great sword can cover a distance of up to 10 feet.
    • [Accurate E]
    • [Area E]
    • [Knockback F]
  • Fighting Style [Bestial Wrath] D | (Weapon Type: Natural Weapons - Claws & Teeth ) - Baharius uses his hooked claws and needle-sharp conical teeth to rip into his opponent's flesh to cause large bleeding gashes upon his foe.
    • [Blight E] Bleed
    • [Continuous E] Bleed
    • [Accurate F]
  • Fighting Style [Talk to the Tail] E | (Weapon Type: Natural Weapons - Paddle Tail) - Baharius' utilizes his long paddled tail in combat; slapping away opponents in a significant area.
    • [Knockback F]
    • [Area F]
  • Super-Strength E
  • Selective E
  • Energized D
  • Intimidation D
  • Heightened Sense [Smell] D
  • Jumping F
  • Perception F
  • Water Speed E
  • Feature [Paddle Tail]
  • Feature [Extra Body Parts - Sail]
  • Feature [Crocodile-like Snout]
  • Feature [Breathing Control]

  • Lunging Pierce E - [Savage DuneLord D, Energized E, Accurate E, Selective E] - COOLDOWN +1 - Baharius attacks targets with a lunging leap and striking forward at them while opening up his defenses close to his body.
  • Broad Dune Swipe D - [Savage DuneLord D, Energized D, Area E, Selective E, Knockback F] - COOLDOWN +2 - Baharius sweeps blade around body in a wide circle 10ft wide.
  • Lifting Cleave E - [Savage DuneLord D, Energized E, Super-Strength E, Accurate E, Selective E, Knockback F] - COOLDOWN +1- Baharius sweeps blade upwards to try and lift his target within 10 feet into the air.
  • Blade Smash E - [Savage DuneLord D, Energized E, Super-Strength E, Accurate E, Selective E, Knockback F] - COOLDOWN +2 - Baharius slams his blade hard into the ground, causing a shockwave from the impact that knocks back opponents.
  • Ripping Claw D - [Bestial Wrath D, Energized D, Super Strength E, Blight E, Continuous E, Selective E, Accurate F] - COOLDOWN +2 - Baharius uses his long claws to hook and pierce deep into his opponent's exposed skin and flesh before attempting to rip through; causing external and potentially internal bleeding depending on effectiveness.
  • Bloody Bite D - [Bestial Wrath D, Energized D Blight E, Continuous E, Selective E, Accurate F] - COOLDOWN +2 - Baharius bites down on his opponent, shaking violently to rip apart smaller foes or take chunks out of larger opponents.
  • Tail Whip E - [Talk to the Tail E, Energized E, Selective E, Knockback F, Area F] - COOLDOWN +0 - Baharius whips his tail in a wide area - up to 360° - to knock back any nearby opponents.
  • Tail Slam E - [Talk to the Tail E, Energized E, Area F, Selective E] - COOLDOWN +0 - Baharius slams his tail down upon a single, or a line of several, opponent(s), causing a minor shockwave upon impact.
  • Bestial Roar D - [Intimidation D, Selective E, Energized E] - COOLDOWN +2 - Baharius unleashes a powerful roar in an attempt to intimidate any who dare face him.

  • Giant Great Sword D: A large jagged great sword nearly as tall as Baharius' shoulder height.
  • Eastern Empire Heavy Bronze Armor D: For services to the Eastern Empire, a unique set of heavy bronze armor has been made akin to that the soldiers wear. The armor will repair itself outside of combat.
  • Heavy Bronze Armor D (21): A set of enlarged bronze armor, featuring a chest-piece, gauntlets, and knee pads. [Destroyed in "Operation: Rico's Raid" (Worlds)]
  • Natural Equipment D (Claws, Teeth, Tail)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Fishing Pole
  • Abha Roshan's Friendship E - Character is connected to Abha Roshan, a wererabbit Paladin of Virtus from the Holy City of Vegard.
  • [World Rp Certification] - A rp'er with this certification is free to participate in world rp threads for greater rewards and real risk of character death.

  • 10/22/22 - Gained 73 Points + Optional Title "Dino Daddy" + & Asset - "Abha Roshan's Friendship E" from "The Hag of the Overgrown Marshes"
  • Purchased and Updated the following:
    • Precision F --> E (+7)
    • +Fighting Style [Bestial Wrath E] (14)
    • +Fighting Style [Talk to the Tail E] (14)
    • Intimidation F --> E (+7)
    • + Heightened Sense [Smell] E (14)
    • Natural Weapons F (Claws, Teeth, Tail) --> E (+14)
  • 11/13/22 - Updated Ability:
    • Bestial Roar F ---> E
  • 11/17/22 - Gained 32 Points + Optional Title ["I,Dino"] from "Dude, Where's My Ladder?!"
    • [I, Dino] - Character is the token talking dinosaur (Saurian/Saurial) in the rp and likely in much of the regions in which they visit. This is their story. If they ever encounter another dinosaur (saurian/saurial) pc, they will likely need to duel to the death to decide who will be the one.
  • 11/18/22- Purchased and Updated the following:
    • Inteligence F --> E (+7)
    • Super-Strength F --> E (+14)
    • +Water Speed F (7)
    • Heavy Bronze Armor F --> E (+7)
  • 1/21/23 - Gained 69 Points + Acquired Asset Ryken Adventurer's Guild F: Guild Apprentice (From Standing, 7) + Optional Title [Ryken Adventurer F] from "The Sewertorium's Depths"
  • 1/27/23- Purchased and Updated the following:
    • Strength D ---> C (+7)
    • Intelligence E ---> D (+7)
    • Vitality D ---> C (+7)
    • Speed E ---> D (+7)
    • Water Speed F ---> E (+7)
    • Giant Great Sword E ---> D (+7)
    • Heavy Bronze Armor E ---> D (+7)
    • Natural Weapons E (Claws, Teeth, Tail) ---> D (+14)
  • 3/19/23 - Gained 35 Points + Optional title acquired [Gallant Keeper] from "Salty Tissue Paper"
  • 1/5/24 - Gained 34 Points + Acquired optional title [Steed] – Character allows others to ride atop them. - From "Unwelcome Saviors"
    • Acquired stat upgrade Vitality C => B7 points to earned and spent.
  • 2/14/24- Updated the Following:
    • Fighting Style [Savage DuneLord]
    • [Accurate F] --> E (+7)
    • [Area F] --> E (+7)
    • Fighting Style [Bestial Wrath]
    • [Blight F] ---> E (+7)
    • [Continuous F] ---> E (+7)
  • 6/01/24 - Gained 35 Points + Optional title acquired [Dino Lover] from "Journey to Gala'Kraoth"
  • 7/21/24- Spent 42 Points
    • Fighting Style [Savage DuneLord] E ---> D (+7)
    • All Abilities in [Savage Dunelord] D marked to D grade
    • Fighting Style [Bestial Wrath] E ---> D (+7)
    • All Abilities in [Bestial Wrath] D marked to D grade
    • Selective E (Applied to All applicable Abilities) (+14)
    • Energized E (Applied to All applicable Abilities) (+14)
  • 8/12/24 - Gained 7 Points + Player Asset [World RP Certification] from "Enigma Machine [Worlds Training]"
  • 8/14/24 - Spent 7 Points
    • Precision E --> D (7)
  • 10/16/24 - Gained 19 Points from "SSSSeduce Me"
    • Optional Title Acquired [Dipper] - "Character dipped after the action."
    • Spent 21 Pts:
    • Precision D --> C (7)
    • Intelligence - D --> C (7)
    • Speed D --> C (7)
    • = Baharius has turned into a C-Grade Character
  • 10/20/24 - Gained 40 Points from "Operation: Rico's Raid [Worlds]"
    • Optional Titles Acquired:
      • [Rico’s Roughneck]
      • [Eastern Empire Boon]
    • Equipment Acquired
      • [Eastern Empire Heavy Bronze Armor D]
    • Stats Updated:
      • Strength: C --> B
      • Vitality: B --> A
    • Points Spent (42)
    • Abilities Purchased:
      • Feature [Breathing Control] (7)
      • Jumping F (7)
      • Perception F (7)
    • Abilities Upgraded:
      • Intimidation E --> D (7)
      • Heightened Sense [Smell] E ---> D (7)
      • Energized E ---> D (7)
  • 10/21/24- Added Technique Cores:
    • [Savage DuneLord] - [Knockback F] (-7 Reduction - D-Grade)
    • [Bestial Wrath] - [Accurate F] (-7 Reduction- D-Grade)
    • Added Ability: [Blade Smash E]
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"Yeehaw, Chucklefucks."

Rp'er Name:

Post Frequency:
Flexible; At Least Once to Multiple Times a Week

Discord Name:

Current RP:
"May Even These Peseants Have Respite! Pt. III"

"Infection Of The Flesh"
"The Nightfeeder" (Incomplete/Dead)
"The First Step" (First Appearance)

  • Short Term: Get Better Guns/Bullets | Gain enough funds to buy a horse/mount |
  • Long Term: Outcompete his competition | Become the "baddest" skeleton in the west | Return to Salen once accomplishing these goals to his standards. | Settle down once he's finished |

Equipped Titles:
Skeleton, Undead, Gunslinger, Monster Slayer

Acquired Titles:
  • Gunslinger:- F grade fighting style for a gun weapon group.
    • Character specializes in the use of firearms for combat.
  • [Redcliffe Contributor] - Jeb's contributions to the reorganization of Redcliffe have affected the County of Sol, this is a chance to start anew for the people. You will be remembered in Sol County for your help.
  • [Monster Slayer] - This character has taken part in a monster hunt and successfully subjugated the target. Earning themselves valuable experience in that field.


25 lbs (11.3 Kg)

Born in 1846 on a farm in Springfield, Missouri, Jebidiah James Boone's early life had not been a peaceful one. His mother died during childbirth and his father was an alcoholic working as a soldier for the local militia, taking out his vengeful pent-up anger on Jebidiah. He blamed him for her death and didn't hesitate in ruthless beating and berating him in utter grief for a situation beyond anyone's control. Only Jeb's older brother, Samson, stood up for him and the two became nearly inseparable. They usually spent their days working on the farm and took every opportunity to step away from home, enjoying the countryside and going on various adventures together to pass the time.

During the early stages of the Civil War, on October 25, 1861, Jeb's father was enlisted to serve the local Missouri State Guard to defend the city from Union forces led by Major Charles Zagonyi. In what was called the First Battle of Springfield, the Confederates suffered a major defeat and abandoned the city. Unbeknownst to the brothers, their father was amongst the casualities suffered during the battle, yet they took the opportunity provided by their absent parent to flee the approaching Union army and flee westward.

The brothers would jump from town to town for around two years, working random jobs (mostly of hard labor) and slowly saving more money as they continued encroaching deeper west. Yet their desperation to survive had led them down a life of unwilling crime, one that started after joining an outlaw gang in New Mexico known as the "Harrison Gang". Under them, the two had helped made a fortune, usually through stealing stagecoaches, taking ahold of rival gang property, and the occasional bank robbery. Both Jebidiah and Samson had proven to being very competent members, even being responsible for several major successes throughout their careers. Both brothers would become right hand men for the head honcho and enforced his hand diligently with an iron fist.

Yet such luxuries wouldn't last forever. 10 years later, a botched train robbery saw the death of the Harrison leader and the gang scrambled as to who would be the new leader. Obviously, both Jebidiah and Samson were the two best candidates, yet only one of them could take the crown. It was a close call, but the vote ultimately called Samson as the winning man. Jebidiah, however, was absolutely furious at this decision, believing he contributed more than his brother. Thus, blinded by power and fear, he attempted to assassinate Samson in his sleep via dagger. However, Samson woke up in the nick of time and the two brothers engaged in a scuffle that miraculously didn't cause any two kill one another. The fierce argument that followed resulted in Samson relinquishing his title and giving it to his younger brother. He admitted that he had been contemplating on leaving the gang and their violent ways anyways to pursue a more noble and legal way of live, reminding his brother that they initially joined the gang to get enough money to buy property out in California to leave a peaceful life anyways. Jebidiah, however, wanted power as a means to show that he didn't need to be protected anymore and to make a name for himself. He refused to leave himself, but respected his older brother just enough to let him go alive.

Nonetheless, Samson walked out to settle down in California, leaving the restless younger brother as leader of the now rebranded "Boom Boone Gang". Anyone still loyal to Samson was shot on sight and the gang continued its run for another year, moving to Nevada. By then, their antics had grown way more violent and chaotic, leading to the deaths of many gang members. The authorities had been whittling down their numbers and had been hot on their heels. Jebidiah and his gang's last stand was on the night of November 12th, 1875 at the abandoned town of Geraldine, Arizona; where they faced off against the Pinkerton National Detective Agency in one last firefight. The gang fought hard and ruthlessly, taking several Pinkertons down, but soon it was down to only one member.

Jebidiah attempted to flee into the hills to the northeast, mustering all of his strength and speed to getaway. Yet as he ran straight through a graveyard, a fatal shot by an unnamed guard busted through his heart, and the man fell to the ground lifeless. The Pinkertons didn't even bother to properly bury the body, rather they tossed a lighted match and proceeded to let his corpse burn under the pale moonlight. The terror of Jebidiah Boone had finally been silenced...

Or so that's what the stories and tall-tales claim.

Fate seemed to have other plans... For the town he and his gang died in was no ordinary town. For years, prior to its premature shutdown, rumors had spoken of several odd experiences occurring here, ranging from the mundane to the down right disturbing. A thunderstorm storm would brew in just a month later during the night, scathing the surrounding area in electrical madness. Yet as it fell upon the town of Geraldine, the storm began to intensify at an alarming rate. A sudden series of rogue lightning bolts struck through what seemed to be random locations throughout in just the span of a few seconds. Some bolts were strong enough to puncture through the wooden roof tops, causing a large fire to break out and swallow the area in flames. And one of them just so happened to hit Jebidiah's smoldered remains, as well as the other graves within the graveyard.

When the storm passed, movement would once again stir. The sounds of creaking and moaning echoed through the ghost town, as the dead arose from all over. Among them was Jebidiah Boone himself, now reduced to nothing but bone. For a moment he was utterly terrified at this experience. How was this possible? Yet as he saw the corpses and skeletons of his fellow gang members and original town people emerge from the burning ashes, this terror turned into wrath and rage. Damn those Pinkertons. Damn everyone to Hell. The undead spirits of the "Boom Boone Gang" would continue on in a new terrifying form. A gang having miraculously cheated death.

For many decades after, the resurgent skeleton gang would once again revert to their desperado roots, albeit more sporadically. They were now nomads, traveling across the wild west in the cover of night, to steal and spook anyone foolish to be in their way. Any Pinkerton or governmental members responsible for their murders would find themselves violently killed and hung randomly across the baked deserts where they rode. Rumors and ghost stories about their deeds would soon begin circulating across the southwestern states, with sittings being reported from as far north as Oregon to as far south as near the US-Mexico boarder in Texas. For a long time, not even the US government could track them down.

By the mid-1930s, however, Jebidiah began to find himself losing motivation to cause his rapturing chaos. Attention to him and his actions had slowly declined into relative irrelevancy as the west became further tamed. Even so, he scared so many travelers and killed nearly everyone responsible for his death, that it was all become mundane to him. It was high time for he and his mates to finally settle down and essentially "retire" from their life of crime. So the gang proceeded to settle in an old remote ghost town in south central Nevada, living what they believed to be the rest of their immortal existence in this very spot.

That all changed during the mid-1950s, when the skeleton crew awoke to a horribly bright light engulfing the skies above, followed by an earth-shattering boom. Jebidiah glared at a massive cloud of fiery rubble and debris on a scale utterly incomprehensible to him, as if he was witnessing the apocalypse coming right at his doorstep. Even his old bones felt a relatively intense burning sensation that flaked off bits of his hard outer tissue and the heat digging deep into his marrow. As he covered his empty eye sockets, he even swore seeing the marrow core through his risen hand illuminated by the intense light shining behind. Was this it? Did God suddenly want him off this plane of existence?

The last thing Jebidiah James Boone did was glare upon his approaching fate, lighting his last cigar on Earth and puffing out a long smoke trail.

"Well... shit."

When Jebidiah awoke, he found himself bursting out of a ghastly graveyard in the middle of nowhere. A vast flat expanse of empty sand and dust lain for miles around, not a single sign of life to be seen. Yet what he found most damning was the fact that he again remerged as a skeleton. Was he in Hell? Was he here to rot for eternity within the depths of Tartarus? He recalled see a bright light and a man speak about something, but he simply couldn't recall what it was. But as he turned around, he came face to face with a dark hooded figure... a scythe wielded in one hand and a tome in the other. What Jebidiah thought was the Grim Reaper himself was in fact a necromancer named Salen, tending to her own graveyard garden. He was among the lucky souls to be resurrected into this new plane of existence by her... into this newfound Hell. A Hell unlike anything Jebidiah could even dream of.

The bone man had many questions, but didn't quite know how to phrase them. From the sound of it, he would be working or suffering under her heel for eternity as a minion; no longer living the luxury of power that was short lived when he managed his gang, or even the peace afterwards. However, Salen seemed rather curious about him. The Necromancer had raised many undead skeletons to her amounting forces, but never did she encounter a skeleton with such a high degree of "independence". Sure there were legends speaking of certain individual skeletons living on their lonesome, with varying outcomes, but he was the first she had seen for herself. Typically, these skeletons were to either be put back in line or outright destroyed, being seen as "defects" and "anomalies". Those that survive are automatically looked upon by the living as mindless monsters, and are either barred from integrating with proper society or simply killed. Thus these rogue skeletons either lived and adventured alone on the surface, or inhabiting the dark damp depths of various dungeons, or even working under rogue skeleton kings.

As Jebidiah continued contemplating his current and past existences, as well as his regrets, Salen found his ramblings rather amusing if not slightly pitiful. It seemed he wanted to serve only himself and no one else, to live up to his mistakes and become a bit more admirable like his brother Samson. So she decided to let him go; without any contract or anything binding his soul or whatnot to her. After all his current disadvantages would weigh out the situation the few advantages he did have and she was curious to seeing just how far he would make it in life. At the very least he had a chance relive the good old days in this new fantastical world; a way to ignite within him a new lease on life and a spark of purpose. The only thing Salen requested is for him to visit her in this very graveyard after he accomplished all of his goals that he needed to do in life. With that, Jebidiah nodded and after being provided a set of default clothes, he left to explore the vast world on his own.

By scavenging the remains of fallen travelers and abandoned towns and ruins, Jebidiah was able to make himself a proper disguise to hide his skeletal origins and gain some leftover money by the end of the first week. By the end of the second week, through some lucky finds, he was able to scrounge up just enough money to buy a magic "six shot" revolver that was on sale. He temporarily settled in a tiny frontier town by the end of the third week. And by the end of the month, he was already on the move once more...

And his journey has only just begun...

Acquired Titles:
Skeleton, Undead

Points at Start:

Points Earned:

Points Spent:

Points Not Spent:

Strength - F
Precision - C
Intelligence - D
Vitality - C
Speed - E

  • Fighting Style [Six Shooty] D| (Weapon Type: Revolver Pistol) - Jebidiah wields his revolver to quickly fire at his opponents in rapid succession, utilizing swift and precise movements to ensure he strikes his target dead-on.
    • [Range E] - (30 Ft)
    • [Area E] - (30 Ft AOE)
    • [Accurate E] - (+2)
    • [Hot Shot F]
  • Steady Hands F (7)
  • Energized E (14)
  • Concealment F (7)
  • Alternate Identity (14) - To hide his skeletal form, Jebidah covers himself with a mass of random clothing and thick bandanas he acquired from his travels. His default clothing consists of a red undershirt, covered brown leather-hide jacket (see above) and long black pants. This is paired with a broad-rimed hat adorned with sharp teeth (see above), thick brown leather gloves, a holster belt, and a pair of high calfskin spurred boots. Thick sunglasses also cover his exposed eye sockets. To ensure none of his exposed bones are seen in strong winds, he utilizes thick rope to tie the flaps on his undershirt and pants stuffed within his shoes. He also wears a hickory-brown long-haired wig to conceal his head's behind and flanks and can apply a fake dark gray beard to cover his mouth when need be. Covering his attire is a a fairly beaten rusty-red cloaked poncho that he can wrap around himself, padded down with black and red bandanas on his neck and face.
  • Resilience E [Fatigue & Suffocating] (14)
  • Poison Resistance F (7)
  • Dark Vision (7)

  • Fan-Ham E [[Six Shooty D] [Precision E, Range E, AOE E] - (Energized E, Steady Hands F) - [30 Ft Range; 30 Ft Radius AOE] - [COOLDOWN +1 +0] - Jebidah rapidly unloads his six barrels by "fanning the hammer", using one hand to hold the gun and pull the trigger, while using the other hand cocks back the hammer repeatedly in a slapping-like fashion.
  • Deadshot E [[Six Shooty D] [Precision E, Range E, Accurate E] - (Energized E, Hotshot F, Steady Hands F) - [30 Ft Range] - [COOLDOWN +1 +0] - Jebidiah shoots a single shot towards what he assumes is an opponent's weak point.

  • Broad Brim Frontier Hat [Alt Disguise]
  • Thick Clothing and Bandanas [Alt Disguise]
  • Gloves [Alt Disguise]
  • Boots [Alt Disguise]
  • Sunglasses [Alt Disguise]
  • Bedroll
  • Lighter
  • Pack of Cigarettes
  • Pack of Cigars
  • Thick rope
  • Sack
  • ~

Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)
  • [09/18/2022] Earned 32 points by finishing "The First Step".
  • [09/19/2022] Upgraded: | Magic "Six Shot" Revolver (D) --> (E) |Fighting Style [Six Shooty] (D) --> (E) | Range (F) --> (E) | Area (F) --> (E)
  • Gained: Technique Core [Accurate F] [Six Shooty]
  • [01/21/2023] Earned 42 points from "The Nightfeeder" (Incomplete/Dead)
  • [1/27/2024] Earned 32 Points from "Infection Of The Flesh"
  • Gained: Acquired optional title - [Monster Slayer] - This character has taken part in a monster hunt and successfully subjugated the target. Earning themselves valuable experience in that field.
  • [5/14/24] - Spent 77 Points
  • Upgraded:
    • Precision D --> C
    • Inteligence F --> D
    • Speed F --> E
    • Accurate F --> E
  • Bought:
    • Hotshot (14)
    • Steady Hands F (7)
    • Energized E (14)
    • Concealment F (7)
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Iberis Odhir

Rp'er Name:Time
Post Frequency:Can post Daily unless stated otherwise.
Discord Name:Feel free to ask for though, already on the group server.
Current RP:Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Return to the Castle
-Learn new magic.
-Support Kalina's goals
-Become as magically powerful as possible.
- Figure out how should use increasing power.
Equipped Titles: [Human] [Ryken Student] [Enticer] [Ingenius] [Grafted] [Necromancy Almanac] [Singularity Known] [Confidant] [Animal Lover]
Weight:122 lbs
Backstory: Niki Reid used to live in Japan in a modern Earth setting. She was born to an English father and Japanese mother. Growing up she was quite well off financially as her father had a very successful career as a rock star. He initially met her mother while on tour. Despite coming from a rather affluent family her life was certainly not the happiest. Her parents fought enough and she had a hard time fitting in places due to her foreign heritage and all the attention that her family affiliation brought to her negative and positive. Her parents also spent less and less time with her. Her parents spent less and less time with her and the friends which she did make were gone. There was also the fact that frankly she was enabled which didn’t make matters any better. No wasn't really in her father’s vocabulary. Eventually Niki fell into a deep depression over time despite having most anything materialistic she desired. She partook in riskier and riskier activities as she matured, until at the young age of 22, not sure what she wanted to do with her life not going to school or getting a job and being loaded she ultimately ended up overdosing. For a long time thereafter it was big news, not that she had any recollection of it as when she became conscious again she met the God of this new world and was essentially reincarnated.
Current Life: Iberis doesn’t remember much of her past other than that strange recollection of talking to that strange glowing man. During a reasonably more innocent time when she was quite young she grew up at an orphanage and took on quickly enough to the rudimentary reading she was able to pick up. She also found out that she had magic affinity, confused by the discovery initially. Thankfully for her for the earlier part of her youth another individual with a magic affinity took notice and was able to teach her what they knew at the orphanage in secrecy, until she got the basic hang of it. Despite this at the orphanage there was often enough talk by the overseers about how she didn’t seem quite right in some ways and it had nothing to do with the use of mana. They noticed that when another child might instinctually help one of their friends who had fallen down and gotten hurt sometimes Iberis’s instinct was to look on relishing the scene. When Iberis heard about horrific events like village raids while another child might have gotten upset Iberis seemed intrigued. There was also the fact that many other children visibly avoided her. Eventually the talk decreased when she seemed to conform when she was older to what would be socially expected of someone and she was able to make some friends. This of course was largely a facade, one which she put up easily enough in her past life as well. Eventually Iberis aged out of the orphanage and went off to explore the world, not having many opportunities to do so while she had been there. Not being one who really had the resources to get any sort of formal education, a lot of what she learned was through experimentation and the aforementioned instruction when she was younger from her older friend. As for now she doesn’t really have a home and wanders making ends meet through odd jobs, frequenting Ryke due to the greater prospects there. Much of the subsequent magic knowledge she’s picked up over time has been from other casters and her own long lasting independent research, a main contributing reason that she has those dark marks under her eyes.Even so, Iberis has much greater aspirations that she intends to consolidate through most any means as time will tell.
Acquired Titles:
(optional title) [Ryken Student] This title allows you access into and out of the Ryken Academy and you are seen as part of the program.

(optional title) [Enticer] character can recognize what others want and hold it out for them to consider. Character is better at reading what others want. If character has an identified want, they have an edge in persuading those that want it. Not all enjoy being manipulated. More likely to offend or anger targets of persuasion that use this method if it doesn't work.

(optional title) [Ingenius] - character has come up with workable solutions. Character will more easily find plausible solutions to problems in the future.

(optional Title) - [Grafted] - With Iberis' leg having been replaced with that of a cadaver's, she is seen as a survivor, an experiment, a monster or whatever may be. Depending on the environment and setting she is in.

(optional title)-[Necromancy Almanac] - Having seen into the Codex of everything dead, peering into the Cadaver Bishop's past and becoming their apprentice, Iberis has acquired knowledge involving anything undead and will be able to garner information she will understand.

optional title acquired [Confidant] - This character is good at keeping secrets for allies.

optional title acquired [Animal Lover] - character has shown a love of animals, including the oversized ones.
Points at Start:105
Points Earned:633
Points Spent: 539
Points Not Spent:199

Character Grade=A
Strength - (35)A
Precision - (35) A
Intelligence -(35) A
Vitality - (35) A
Speed - (35) A
  • Magic Affinity(35)B
    Iberis is aware of the mana in her body and can channel it. Can be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities.
  • Magic Range (14)E
    E Grade Magic Affinity
    Iberis can make her magic effect targets up to 100ft away.
  • Magic Targets (7)F
    E Grade Magic Affinity
    Iberis can target up to five targets.
  • Arcane Affinity (14)E
    E Grade Intelligence
    Allows Iberis to convert her mana into a physically charged energy like state for offensive and defensive purposes.
  • Focus(21) D
    Grade E Character
    The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the
    knowledge of techniques to center the mind and spirit. Can be an important skill for mages and marksmen. Allows character to ignore varying degrees of distraction as it levels up to improve ability effectiveness even while moving or under threat.
    Each grade of Focus enables character to use 1 additional magic item at a time.
  • Deception F
    E Grade Character
    "7 points"
    The ability to convincingly hide the truth, either verbally
    or through actions. This deception can encompass everything
    from misleading others through ambiguity and fast-talking, to
    telling outright lies.
  • Energized (21) D
    E Grade Intelligence
    7 points
  • Magic Area of Effect D (21)
  • Selective Magic E (14)
  • Spell Duration E (14)
  • Drain (Strength) E (14)
  • Curse Affinity F (7)
  • Appraisal A (Isekaied-Free)
  • Educated: Magic Scholar B( 35)
    Iberis is educated as a student of magic.
    Academia B (0) Educated
    Arcana B (0) Educated
    Alchemy B (0) Educated
  • Regeneration F (7)
  • Fast C (28)
  • Acrobatics B (35)
  • Mana Strike- Magic Affinity F, Arcane Affinity F-, Energized F, Focus F Super simple attack that only works close range. Iberis creates an unstable ball of Mana that can be forced at a target at close range.- Grade F 0 post Cooldown. (Energized)
  • Energy Bolt- Magic Affinity E Arcane Affinity F, Magic Range F, Magic Targeting F, Energized E, Focus E -A more refined more powerful variation of Mana strike, Iberis sends forth up to five bolts of energy to strike up to 5 targets up to 30 ft away. Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown (Energized)
  • Energy Stream- Magic Affinity D, Arcane Affinity F, Magic Range E, Magic Targeting F, Energized D,Focus D- A more focused advanced attack than a simple Mana strike, Iberis focuses a red concentrated beam of energy from her staff to use offensively against up to 5 targets up to 100 ft away,- Grade D - 1 Post Cooldown (Energized)
  • Energy Shield -Magic Affinity E, Magic Targeting F, Magic Range F, Arcane Affinity F, Energized E, Focus E-Creates a floating 14″ x 16″ shield of energy in front of up to 5 target(s) up to 30 ft away that moves around rapidly to absorb magic or physical damage. Protects against most low grade attacks for one round. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown (Energized)
  • Curse of Weakness - Magic Affinity D, Curse Affinity F, Selective Magic E, Drain (Strength) E Magic Area of Effect E, Magic Range E, Spell Duration E, Energized D, Focus D
    Iberis curses desired targets through a maliciously magic imbued chant in a 50 ft radial AOE placed up to 100 ft away afflicting them with a curse of weakness lowering their strength stat by two grades for one day. - Grade D - 1 Post Cooldown (Energized), 2 Actions (Drain)
  • Wooden Bathornstaff B (35) (Magic Catalyst, Ref in image ref)
  • Witch Robes B (Light Armor) (35)
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Sash for storage
  • HornHat
  • Over cloak
  • Light Boots
  • Long Scarf
  • [Molecular Reconstruction Scanner] - A handheld device that scans and analyzes the molecular composition of objects. It can be used to identify unknown substances, reveal hidden mechanisms, or even find weaknesses in seemingly impenetrable barriers. Each use can be at any grade up to B but the item goes on cooldown for a duration based on the grade used with the action.
  • [Singularity Known] - the character's time in the ruin from a prior iteration has made them recognized by IT. All constructs in the world will recognize the character. Those not in rebellion will lend aid if required.
Change Log:

  • Creation: Intelligence(21)C
  • Creation: Speed(7)E
  • Creation: Magic Affinity(21)D
  • Creation: Arcane Affinity(7)F
  • Creation: Magic Range(21)D
  • Creation: Magic Targets(7)F
  • Creation: Deception(7)F
  • Creation: Focus(7)F
  • Creation: Wooden Bathornstaff,E Magic Catalyst(14)
  • Creation: Mana Strike Ability
  • Creation: Energy Stream Ability
  • Creation: Energy Shield Ability.
  • July 17th, 2022: Gained 66 Points from participation in: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Ryken Welcoming Party
  • Aug, 4th, 2022: Changed name of 'Basic Magic Affinity' to 'Arcane Affinity'.
  • Title Change: optional Title: [Ryken Student] equipped, Aug 3rd, 2022. gained title from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Ryken Welcoming Party
  • Aug 26th, 2022: Spent 7 points on upgrading Wooden Bathornstaff E magic Catalyst to D
  • Aug 26th, 2022: Spent 14 Points on upgrading Focus F to Focus D
  • Aug 27th 2022: Spent 7 points on upgrading focus D to Focus C.
  • Aug 27th 2022: Spent 7 points on upgrading Intelligence C to Intelligence B.
  • Aug 27th 2022: Spent 7 points on upgrading Speed E to speed D.
  • Aug 27th 2022: Spent 21 points on Energized D
  • Aug 27th 2022: Added Energy Bolt Ability
  • Sept 18th 2022: Gained 53 Points from participation in: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] An Obscure Tutor Session
  • Sept 18th 2022: Replaced Have fun goal with Support Coven goals goal.
  • Sept 18th 2022: Added Appraisal E
  • Sept 18th 2022: Spent 14 points on Magic Area of Effect E
  • Sept 18th 2022: Spent 14 points on Selective Magic E
  • Sept 18th 2022: Spent 14 points on Spell Duration E
  • Sept 18th 2022: Spent 7 points on Drain Affinity F
  • Sept 18th 2022: spent 7 points on Curse Affinity F
  • January 7th 2023: Gained 105 Points for participation in: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Tutoring Session with the Dead
  • January 7th 2023: Optional title acquired [Enticer] for participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Tutoring Session with the Dead
  • January 12th 2023: Gained 6 points for participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Moonlight Visitor
  • January 12th 2023: optional title acquired [Ingenius] - character has come up with workable solutions. Character will more easily find plausible solutions to problems in the future. for participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Moonlight Visitor
  • March 27th 2023: Spent 7 points on upgrading Intelligence B to Intelligence A.
  • March 27th 2023: spent 7 points on upgrading Speed D to Speed C
  • March 27th 2023: Spent 7 points on upgrading Strength F to Strength E
  • March 27th 2023: Spent 7 points upgrading Vitality F to Vitality E.
  • March 27th 2023: Spent 7 points on upgrading Precision F to Precision E.
  • March 27th 2023: Spent 7 points on upgrading Speed C to Speed B.
  • March 27th 2023: Spent 7 points on upgrading Speed B to Speed A.
  • March 27th 2023: Spent 7 points on upgrading Vitality E to Vitality D
  • March 27th 2023: Spent 7 points on upgrading Precision E to Precision D.
  • April 23rd 2023: Gained 50 points, Optional Title - Necromancy Almanac, Optional Title - Grafted from participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] A Tutoring Lesson in Hatred of Dead
  • May 4th 2023: Spent 7 points on upgrading Magic Area of Effect E to D.
  • May 4th 2023: Spent 7 points on upgrading Drain Affinity F to Drain Affinity E.
  • May 29th 2023: Gained 43 Points from participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Blood and Steam
  • July 31st 2023: Gained 105 Points from participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Kinship and Smoke
  • August 3rd 2023: Spent 70 points upgrading all stats to A.
  • August 12th, 2023: Gained 25 points from participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Where The Blood Runs Thick
  • October 3rd, 2023: Gained 42 points from participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Return to the Castle
  • October 5th, 2023: Spent 14 points on upgrading bathorn catalyst from D to B.
  • October 5th 2023: Spent 28 points for Witch Robes C (Light Armor)
  • October 14th 2023: Spent 7 points on Educated F.
  • October 14th 2023: spent 14 points upgrading Magic D to Magic B.
  • October 14th, 2023: Spent 7 points on Regeneration F
  • October 14h, 2023: Spent 28 points on Fast C
  • October 14th, 2023: Spent 35 Points on Acrobatics B
  • October 14th, 2023: Spent 7 points upgrading witch robes C to B.
  • October 14th, 2023: Spent 7 points on upgrading Educated F to E.
  • November 14th, 2023: gained 22 points and optional title Confidant from participating in: Graded - [Frontier] The Fox and the Witch
  • November 29th, 2023: gained 44 points and optional Asset [Singularity Known] - the character's time in the ruin from a prior iteration has made them recognized by IT. All constructs in the world will recognize the character. Those not in rebellion will lend aid if required.
    optional Item acquired [Molecular Reconstruction Scanner] - A handheld device that scans and analyzes the molecular composition of objects. It can be used to identify unknown substances, reveal hidden mechanisms, or even find weaknesses in seemingly impenetrable barriers. Each use can be at any grade up to B but the item goes on cooldown for a duration based on the grade used with the action. From participating in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Ancient Ruins Beneath the Scarlet Sands (Amanda Steelhavens Precision Tribulation)
  • May 13th, 2024: Gained 72 points and optional title acquired [Animal Lover] - character has shown a love of animals, including the oversized ones. Graded - [Wmgroth Town] The Fox and the Witch Part 2
  • September 17th, 2024: Spent 21 points upgrading Educated Magic Scholar E to B.
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(Art by Me)

Rp'er Name:

Post Frequency:
At Least multiple times a week

Discord Name:

Current RP:
"Rescue Kevin's Friend"

~Follow his dreams in becoming a performer
~Find other Saurians

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Saurial [Deinonychian], [Drug Addict], [Chicken], [Student of "Hands of Restoration"], [Ethereal Luminary Student F], [Apprentice Summoner]

Saurial [Deinonychian] - A sentient race resembling that of the dromeosaurid genus Deinonychus antirrhopus. Sporting a coat of feathers, these feathered saurials are built for speed and have an arsenal of sharp teeth and claws. Among them a pair of large sickle-shaped claws on their feet, used to grapple and disembowel prey. They also have naturally good eyesight and a keen sense of smell.

Height: 1 Meter (3 Feet)
Weight: 66 Kg (145.5 lbs)

The world of Fantazoica is a place where fantasy and prehistory become one; coalescing into an environment dominated by sapient dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts of many shapes and sizes. Civilization can be found aplenty, whether annexed as a portion of a vast kingdom or a humble town out in the wilderness, each ran by a plethoric variety of unique characters. It's here where'd you encounter the lavish frills of ceratopsian dinosaurs, like Triceratops and Styracosaurs, serving as armed knights flanking a royal family of feathery Dromeosaurs down a red carpet. In the local marketplace, a whole variety of unique and wondrous beings come together in a giant melting pot of different sounds and sights. To your left, you might see the bizarre figure of a Chalicothere shopkeeper conversing with a sail-backed Dimetrodon on what the best types cycads and horsetails for its garden. In the distance, huge bipedal sauropod guards flank the outskirts of the town square patrolling the perimeter, keeping a high eye out for trouble from atop their long air-filled necks. To your right, an Allosaurus picks out a fresh cut of meat off a non-sapient fantastical "retrosaur", leaving the resident Therizinosaurus butcher to slice them into select pieces with her long scythe-like claws, while her small Rhamphorhynchus companion retrieves the customer's payment of 5 silver coins. A Stegosaurus merchant converses with a crowned Estemmenosuchus on the sidelines, as they snack on a salad of green ferns and fruit beside a fountain. You even manage to spot a family of Mononykus scuttle under the feet of huge Mammoths and Hadrosaurs carrying tiny baskets of red berries back home.

Across the world of Fantazoica, one could find many such sights and more within the various towns and kingdoms across the three continents. It's here where herbivores and carnivores - once mortal primordial enemies - live side by side in relative harmony; being as unified as it could get. But even so, conflicts between the two tend to flare within the political sphere; with one side claiming they are superior and how the opposition isn't, while others strive to keep the progressional achievement of inter-species equality in check. Or how one Kingdom deserves to keep a portion of land claimed by another through one reason or another. The civilizations governing the land are both as hardy as they can be fragile; a balance that must be maintained for all to enjoy.


Born in the southwestern frontier regions of the Kingdom of Appalachia, Desmond Cloverly was raised by his parents in the small, tight-nit village of Tanamon. This small gathering was made up primarily of four different Deinonychian families - being the Millers, the Thompsons, the Antilas, and the Cloverly's - coming from nearby livestock ranches established around two hundred years ago. Each farm raised and harvesting different species of unique fauna, including several types of vegetables and fruit, trading their goods amongst themselves and selling them to various distant towns and villages within the kingdom. It was, overall, a quiet and peaceful community.

While most were satisfied with their line of work, Desmond always aspired to be something more than just a simple farmer. While usually seen as lazy and unmotivated, he always had a fondness for music and performing on the big stage. Whenever he tagged along with his family to the nearby town of "Shale Creek" several miles north to partake in the monthly farmer's market, the young deinonychian would find himself enamored by the colorful performances of the region's bard guild singing and dancing lively to the enraptured masses. His dreams of becoming a performer himself, however, would be frowned upon by his hardworking parents. They intended for their son to inherit the proud Cloverly ranch once they were gone and continue on their humble tradition. Desmond was utterly crushed by the news. When referring his ambitions to the other families, most also treated it with mild-indifference, although a few individuals would support his ambitions passively and wish him the best.

At this point, Desmond felt like the only way to achieve his goal was the leave Tanamon and his family behind. For the next few weeks, he planned out his next course of action after his secret departure; ranging from where he'd live, work, and how he'd get enough money to go into a Performing Arts school. Once satisfied with his plan, he proceeded to wait until after the Harvest Festival to make his escape.

However, two weeks prior to the date, Tanamon would be alerted to the approach of a criminal theropod gang known as the "Crimson Claw", lead by the infamous Utahraptorian "Ostrom Kirk" of the Cedar Mountain Frontierlands. Infamous for their cutthroat antics and the murder and theft of vulnerable farmers and ranch owners farther north, their sudden presence in the area was wholly unexpected and ominous. Expecting the worst to come their way, the families would send their hatchlings away from Tanamon and into various safe-locations. Desmond was instructed by his parents to head to Shale Creek and wait for them once it blew over. And so the young Deinonychian ran into the night, carrying all of his immediate belongings for safety.

But as Desmond approached the last fork in the road - with left leading straight to Shale Creek and the right leading east to merge with the bustling Morrison Trail - he was confronted with a difficult dilemma. While he could head to the town ahead and await his parents' return, he also thought that it was the perfect opportunity to high-tail out of here early and follow his dreams early. The question was... was he ready for what would come next?

The Deinonychian took a deep breath and turned east, heading into the woods that bordered the region from the great beyond. He ran for what felt to him like miles, zipping and zooming through the trees with his future prospects bustling in his head. Traveling across a log bridge, bouncing off large rocks, and edging around a deep ravine, Desmond felt like his freedom was just in sight. The exit was surely~

And then he misstepped on a loose rock.

Desmond's heart nearly escaped his throat as he slipped and fell into the deep ravine flanking his right. He felt himself tumble against the rocky cliffside, with barely anytime to think about his condition, before his head cracked against a rock.

He never felt himself hitting the bottom.

When Desmond awoke, he once again found himself laying in the middle of a forest. For a moment, he thought that someone dragged him out of the ravine and plopped him back at ground level to leave him there. However, the trees and foliage around him were wholly unfamiliar. He knew that he was somewhere different. And it wouldn't take long for him to realize that he was very much far from home. In fact, after his encounters with the various types of hairless bipedal monkeys, unusual monsters, and wild yet familiar animals now lacking proper sentience, he quickly realized he was in a whole new reality. Not even a dream; but a physical plain of existence he could interact with awake in flesh and bone.

This revelation was both exciting and utterly terrifying for the Deinonychian.

Desmond now had the autonomy to do whatever he wanted, no longer worry about having to see his parents. But the fact he was alone in this strange new world was no doubt daunting. And really... he sort of missed his parents already. But now faced with new challenges and a new adventure, the Deinonychian embraced this sudden change and began to make a name for himself; one small coin at a time.

And maybe... he might achieve his long-time dream in the process.

Acquired Titles:
Beast, Saurial [Deinonychus]

  • [Drug Addict] - Character has tried a very powerful drug and received a very potent high. They may spend the rest of their lives searching for that high again, never quite finding it till it kills them.
  • [CHICKEN] - chicken chicken chicken chicken
  • [Student of "Hands of Regeneration"] - Desmond is enrolled as a student.
  • [Ethereal Luminary Student F] – Desmond is a student of the prestigious magic academy in the the magic capital of the world Aslan/Duchy. Character has access to the resources therein and any perks available to Ethereal Luminary students.
  • [Apprentice Summoner] - Desmond can summon creatures from the near and far beyond. This is just the beginning.

Points at Start:

Points Earned:

Points Spent:

Points Not Spent:

Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - E
Speed - D

  • Fighting Style [Terrible Claw] | [Natural Weapons] F (7) - Desmond utilizes an acrobatic flurry of precise bites and scratches to take down an opponent.
    • Accurate [F]
  • Acrobatics F
  • Animal Handling E
  • Attentive Student F
  • Bolster [Vitality] F
  • Fast E
  • Educated [Path of the Bard] F --> E
    • Focus E
    • Performance [Music] E
    • Visual Arts E
  • Healing F
  • Heightened Smell F
  • Jumping F
  • Magic E
  • Magic School "Hands of Restoration" E
    • - The fates of others lies within one's own hands. This school teaches a basic yet reliably effective healing, antidotal, and, ultimately, regenerative magic that can be casted from within each hand a caster possess. While typically utilized by support clerics and healers, other magically inclined adventurers - like bards and paladins - have been known to utilize this magic in limited manners. Typically beginners start out with simple healing spells that mend minor damages and toxic poisons/venoms, before eventually moving to more advanced regeneration spells.
    • +Magic Range F (30 Feet)
    • +Magic AOE F (15 Ft radius)
    • +Magic Duration F (1 Hour)
    • +Magic Targets F (5)
    • +Selective F
  • Summon Creature F (56)
  • Perception F
  • Sleight of Hand F
  • Stealth F

  • Raptor Prey Restraint E - [Natural Weapons E, Accurate F, Fast E, Jumping F, Acrobatics F, Focus F] - COOLDOWN +0 - (Based on a recent model method) Desmond leaps at his target and hangs on for dear life while biting and scratching, using his sickled claws to try and cling onto his opponent's hide. Best utilized when hunting something roughly as big, or smaller, then himself.
  • Dodge E - [Fast E, Acrobatics F, Jumping F] - COOLDOWN +0 - Desmond attempts to dodge a single attack, taking advantage of his smaller stature and speed.
  • Soothing Call E - [Magic E | Magic School "Hands of Restoration" E | Healing F | Componentless Magic F | Magic Range F | Magic Area of Affect F | Bolster [Vitality] F | Selective F] - 1+ Cooldown - With a spring in his step and through a melody of quick chirps and barks, Desmond heals minor injuries, aches and pains up to 30 feet away from him within a 15 AOE.

  • Natural Equipment F ---> E (7) (Teeth, Claws, Sickle Claws)
  • Magic Catalyst [Wooden Guitar] F ---> D (14) - Desmond's trusty companion; a bright blue and yellow varnished wooden Guitar that helps him cast spells.

  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Tooth Necklace
  • [Interdimensional Saurian Lunch Coupons] – Coupons for a free lunch at any Saurian owned inter-dimensional food summoning service.

  • "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]": Illustrations of mythical reptiles and enchanted burrows animate before one's eyes, moving within the borders of the pages as if alive. Why this book could be used to summon such creatures from legend if one dreamed hard enough and was willing to pay a small price!
  • Dreamshade Elixir E (x1) - The delicate shiny vial filled with a swirling, luminescent liquid that seemed to dance with its own inner light. This was no ordinary potion; it was [Dreamshade Elixir], a rare and potent substance rumored to grant visions of otherworldly clarity, but at a steep price to the unwary.
  • -

Change Log:
  • 5/3/2023 - Finished "Underground Journey with Ratkin"
  • 11/7/23 - Gained 105pts + Optional Title [Drug Addict]
  • 2/18/2024- Spent 105 pts
    • Intelligence E --> C
    • Acrobatics F
    • Animal Handling E
    • Magic F
    • Magic School "Hands of Restoration"
    • Performance [Music] F
    • Sleight of Hand F
    • Stealth F
    • Visual Arts E
    • Magic Catalyst [Wooden Guitar] F
  • 5/10/24 - Finished "Shadowfen's Dungeon Dive"
  • 7/7/24 - Gained 82pts + Optional Title [CHICKEN] - chicken chicken chicken chicken
  • 7/8/24 - Spent 77 Pts
    • Magic F ---> E
    • Magic School "Hands of Restoration" F ---> E
    • + Summon Creature F
    • + Selective F
  • 7/11/24 - Spent 7 Pts
    • Educated F [Path of the Bard]
    • Secondary Skills placed under: Focus F, Performance [Music F], Visual Arts E
    • Changed Bolster [Healing] ---> Bolster [Vitality]
  • 7/15/24 - Added into Assets (forgot to do so earlier from Shadowfen's Dungeon Dive)
    • "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]"
    • Dreamshade Elixir E (x1)
  • 10/10/24 - Gained 39 Pts + Optional Titles: [Ethereal Luminary Student F], [Apprentice Summoner] + Optional Item: [Interdimensional Saurian Lunch Coupons]
    • Spent 42 PTS:
    • Magic Catalyst [Wooden Guitar] F ---> D (14)
    • Natural Equipment F ---> E (7)
    • Healing F (7)
    • Attentive Student F (7)
    • Educated [Path of the Bard] F ---> E (7)
      • Focus F ---> E
      • Performance [Music] f ---> E
  • 10/15/24- Updated Abilities:
    • Raptor Prey Restraint F ---> E
    • Dodge E ---> F
    • Soothing Call E
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Theme:Audio Active Music - Fight
Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency: As frequent as possible when in RP. (Multiple times a week)
Current RP: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] A Dawn Will Come

#1 Kill, consume, and destroy as desired.
#2 Become more powerful through whatever means necessary.(Wealth, magic, stronger equipment etc)
#3 Find like minded individuals to work with.
Equipped Titles: [Monster] [Demon] [Murderer E] [Vandal E][Abuser E] [Thief F] [Goblin-Slayer] [Demon Slayer] [Wanted (Demon Cultists)]

Backstory: Ernest Law was a rather despicable individual. He grew up in a fairly typical suburb. His family was a bit dysfunctional. From as long as he could remember he was prone towards more sadistic tendencies. He worked at the register at a pharmacy during the day, and at night he prowled the streets on occasion, looking for another life to take, usually with blades as a weapon of choice. He was in his early 30s after taking many victims periodically, a spree rather than a serial killer. He was eventually killed by a would-be victim accidentally in self defense during a hostile encounter and found himself waking up before the god-like figure.
Current Life: Ernest Law spawned into the Isekai hell realm as a demon. He remembers his past life reasonably well and his encounter with the god-like figure. He took to being a demon rather well as it seemed to suit him rather well after all. Finally he realized he was empowered to act out in ways that were never possible before. No longer would he be on the fringe of society, invisible, he is determined to be noticed one way or another. Much of his current existence was spent honing his skills away from society, getting ready for the day that he felt powerful enough to start achieving his goals.
Acquired Titles:


[Murderer F]
Acquired from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] A Heart For This Home

[Murder E]
Acquired from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Blood for the Blood God!

[Vandal E]
Acquired from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Blood for the Blood God!

[Abuser F]
Mandatory title - character has willfully caused harm to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed. Acquired from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Soul Wood

[Thief F]
Acquired from Graded - [Wapelin Woods, Ryke] The Wild Wapelin Woods

[Abuser E]
Acquired from Graded - [Wapelin Woods, Ryke] The Wild Wapelin Woods

Optional Title [Goblin-Slayer] This character was part of a group or dueled a goblin chieftain in combat slaying the chief and other high ranking goblins of the tribe.
Acquired from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Gobbos Are Back on the Menu!

optional title - [Demon Slayer] - aided in killing a noble demon
Acquired from Graded - The Witches Inferno
mandatory title - [Wanted (Demon Cultists)] - characters are wanted by demon cultists. Likely for nothing good or pleasant. Will f with the party in every rp going forward till resolved whether it be in grading or in the rp itself. (no this doesn't give points)
Acquired from Graded - The Witches Inferno

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 312
Points Spent: 329
Points Not Spent: 88
Strength - A (35)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - C (21)
Vitality - B (28)
Speed - D (14)
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Magic E (14)
  • Natural Weapons F(14) Bone Claws, Feature:Retractable
  • Appraisal D(0)
  • Language: Monster (Free)
  • Language: Common (Free)
  • Fast F (7)
  • Fighting Style [Fiendish Twin Blade]C (28)
    Linked F, Area D(14, Style Discount ), Ranged F, Selective D(14, Style Discount)
    An aggressive fighting style where Zolgen dual wields two demonic swords in an effort to overwhelm his enemies.
  • Fire Affinity F (7)
  • Energized D (21)
  • Demonic Twin Strike - Fighting Style Fiendish Twin Blade F, Linked F, Energized F Grade F 0 post cooldown
    Zolgen attempts to strike a single target with one sword before quickly following up with the other.
  • Demonic Traveling Twin Slash - Fighting Style Fiendish E, Twin Blade Linked F, Ranged F, Energized F, Grade E- 0 Post Cooldown.
    Zolgen slashes his blade at a single target sending forth a traveling slash, can strike a target up to 10 ft away in a 10 ft x 10 ft box front of him, if first traveling slash connects he quickly follows up with a second.
  • Demonic Twin Sweep - Fighting Style Fiendish Twin Blade E, Linked F, Area F, Energized F
    Zolgen attempts to strike his target with one sword before quickly following up with the other slashing in a 5 ft radius around him. Grade E- 0 Post Cooldown.
  • Advanced Demonic Traveling Twin Slash Fighting Style Fiendish Twin Blade D, Linked F, Range F, Selective F, Energized D -Grade D- 1 post cooldown.
    Zolgen slashes his blade at a single target sending forth a traveling slash, can strike a target up to 10 ft away in a 10 ft x 10 ft box front of him, if first traveling slash connects he quickly follows up with a second.
  • Demonic Cleaver Sword #1 D (21) A large sword scaled for a demon, designed more for slashing and chopping rather than stabbing.
  • Demonic Cleaver Sword #2 D (21) A large sword scaled for a demon, designed more for slashing and chopping rather than stabbing.
  • Natural Weapons F(14) Bone Claws, Feature:Retractable(7)
  • Internal Catalyst: Mana Corrupted Demonic Heart E (14)
  • Iron Sword E (14) A large well crafted antique sword looted from a farming family's house.
  • Heavy Natural Demonic Bone Armor E (14)
[*] Dark Tattered Cloth Shorts
[*]Chest/Back Sword(s) holder.
[*][Yeti Tooth] - can be used to change the base damage of an attack to cold damage. Can be used to freeze liquids and thaw ice.
  • [Thankfully Convenient Turkey]
    A thankfully conveniently placed turkey that is able to restore your energy and stave off your hunger for just a bit longer. Up to Narrator Discretion/Interpretation. This was given as a reward to the Top 5 Prize Winners for the Turkey Mayhem Phase 1 Competition for November 2022. Congratulations on the delicious meal!!
Goblin Javelineers F (14)
Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 11.47.32 PM.png
Strength - D (14)
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - E (7)

Feature: Goblin Pointed Ears (Free)
Feature: Green skin (Free)
Feature: Red Eyes (Free)
Feature: Language: Monster (Free)
Feature: Dark Vision F (7)
Fast F (7)
Fighting Style [Gobbish Javelineer] F (7)
Ranged F
A fighting Style primarily focus on jabs and thrusts, stronger when used in greater number either offensively or defensively.


Long Thrust - Fighting Style Gobbish Javelineer F, Ranged F
Goblin Javelineer attempts to strike single target up to 10 ft away in front of them. Grade F - 0 post cooldown

Gobbish Javelin F (7) - Primitive Javelin forged and crafted from salvaged scrap material.

Gobbish Light Armor F (7) Basic patchwork goblin armor.

Light Brown Cloth Bottom.
Brown Exposed Toe Boots
Brown ClothFace Cover

Change Log:
  • 105 points gained for creation on 9/17/2022
  • Creation:Strength D (14)
  • Creation:Intelligence E (7)
  • Creation:Vitality D (14)
  • Creation: Speed E (7)
  • Creation:Magic F (7)
  • Creation:Natural weapons F Retractible Bone Claws(14)
  • Creation:Appraisal E (0)
  • Creation:Fighting Style [Fiendish Twin Blade]E(14), Linked F(First tech), Area F (Second tech)
  • Creation: Cleaver Sword #1 E(14)
  • Creation: Cleaver sword #2 F(7)
  • 11/3/2022 gained 7 points from Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
  • 11/3/2022: Spent 7 points to upgrade Demonic Cleaver Sword #2 from F to E Grade.
  • 11/8/2022: Gained 7 points + [Thankfully Convenient Turkey] Asset from Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
  • 11/20/2022: gained 24 points + title [Murderer F] from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] A Heart For This Home
  • 11/20/2022: Spent 7 points on Skill Fast F
  • 11/20/2022: Spent 7 points on upgrading Strength D to Strength C
  • 11/20/2022: Spent 7 points on upgrading Fighting Style [Fiendish Twin Blade] from E to D, added ranged F tech core with upgrade style discount.
  • 1/17/2023: Gained 23 Points, Mandatory Title [Murder] E and [Vandal] E, Acquired E grade Iron sword Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Blood for the Blood God!
  • 1/17/2023 Spent 14 Points on Iron Sword E.
  • 2/1/2023 Gained 7 Points from participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] January 2023 Event
  • 2/22/2023 Gained 11 points from participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Runaway Slaves [Part 2]
  • 3/6/2023 Gained 55 points, Optional Title [Goblin-Slayer] skill - Minion F Goblin from participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Gobbos Are Back on the Menu!
  • 3/10/2023 Spent 14 points on Goblin Javelineer Minions F.
  • 3/10/2023 Spent 7 points upgrading Strength C to Strength B.
  • 3/10/2023 Spent 7 Points upgrading Intelligence E to Intelligence D.
  • 3/10/2023 Spent 7 Points upgrading Vitality D to Vitality C.
  • 3/11/2023 Spent 14 Points on Internal Catalyst: Mana Corrupted Demonic Heart E (14)
  • 3/11/2023 Spent 7 Points on Fire Affinity F.
  • 3/11/2023 Spent 7 Points upgrading Magic F to Magic E.
  • 8/16/2023 Gained 41 points from participating in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Peek-a-Boo!
  • 9/15/2023: Spent 14 points on Natural Demonic Bone Armor E.
  • 12/9/2023: Gained 46 points and Mandatory title [Abuser F] - character has willfully caused harm to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed. from participating in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Soul Wood
  • 12/17/2023: Spent 14 points upgrading Demonic Cleaver Sword #1(E) and #2 Demonic Cleaver Sword (E) to D.
  • 12/17/2023: Spent 7 points upgrading Strength B to A.
  • 12/17/2023: Spent 7 points upgrading Precision F to E.
  • 12/17/2023: Spent 7 points upgrading Intelligence D to C.
  • 12/17/2023: Spent 7 points upgrading Vitality C to B.
  • 12/17/2023: Spent 7 points on upgrading Speed E to Speed D.
  • 12/17/2023: Spent 7 points on upgrading Fighting Style [Fiendish Twin Blade] from D to C, added Selective.
  • 5/2/2024: Spent 21 points on Focus D.
  • 9/21/2024: Gained 64 points optional title - [Demon Slayer] - aided in killing a noble demon and optional item - [Yeti Tooth] - can be used to change the base damage of an attack to cold damage. Can be used to freeze liquids and thaw ice. Can frost various things from participating in Graded - The Witches Inferno
  • 9/28/2024: Spent 28 points upgrading Fiendish Twin Blade technique core Area F to D and Fiendish Twin Blade Technique core Selective F to D.
  • 10/14/2024: Gained 27 points and Mandatory Titles Acquired/Upgraded [Abuser E] [Thief F] from narrating Graded - [Wapelin Woods, Ryke] The Wild Wapelin Woods
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Yukan Koyake

Rp'er Name:TheTimePiece
Post Frequency:
As frequent as possible when it’s time for turn.
Current RP: Goals:
Have a successful military career.
Rise in rank and standing.
Long term goals:
Reestablish Historical Koyake Clan Rice Kingdom.
Liberate enslaved beasts around the realm.
Equipped Titles: [Beast] [Tanuki] [Fae] [Koyake Clan Member] [Loyal] [Educated] [Triad Allied Leader] [Amphibious Vanquisher][Anti Slaver Commander][Evolved]
[Champion of Holy Fire]
Height: 5’6
Weight: 140 lbs
Backstory: World Native
Current Life: Yukan grew up in the Republic of Kuridan his whole life. Because of this fact he has a deep appreciation for martial ability as well as military strategy, and holds an appreciation for Kuridan culture, history and tradition. He claims ancestry from the Koyake clan, a clan of Tanuki who claim common ancestry to a legendary rice kingdom Tanuki royalty, who apparently was involved in legendary feats of power, from the days of old in Kuridan. Yukan is also somewhat proud because the Koyake clan was a clan which was historically fundamental in establishing a Shogunate administrative region in Kuridan. Yukan is a particularly driven individual. Yukan currently is aspiring for a successful military career and wishes to better and strengthen Kuridan and beasts in the realm as a whole, as well as abolish beast slavery.
Acquired Titles:

Must have:
Beast title
Choose one:
Natural Weapons F
Natural Armor F
2 sense skills

Perk: Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.

A race of humanoid Tanuki beast people who originate in Kuridan.
Natural Weapons Feature: Tanuki Claws F , Darkvision F, Heightened Sense [Smell] F

[Koyake Clan Associate] F
Title holder is associated with the Koyake Clan from Kuridan. The Koyake clan is a group of Tanuki beast people historically involved in forming a military shogunate governing body who claim common ancestry to a prestigious figure. At F Grade associate title holder's claim that they share ancestry is accepted. At basic association level, holder benefits from having basic access to some of clan owned amenities and spaces. Clan associate F member may be summoned by higher ranking members in clan to help meet clan objectives, or task with work deemed unsuited for more important members with higher standing in clan.

Optional title [Loyal] - character has a tendency to honor agreements/relationships made despite changing circumstances or other options. Character is more likely to have their trust honored. But it will receive increased amounts of testing that may make it hard to endure.

Yukan received an Education as a Martial Scholar with an anticipation of a military career. As a result he learned about Warfare, Kuridan History, and Kuridan Law.

Optional Title [Triad Allied Leader]
character is one of three to represent values of strength, leadership, and courage.

[Koyake Clan Member] E
Rather than just an associate kept at arms reach and only called in for undesirable work and conditions, you are now a proper member of the clan. The work won't necessarily improve, but your honor has increased as will the perks, what few there are.

Optional Title [Amphibious Vanquisher] - character has gained renown for leading forces in an epic battle to slay a massive amphibious creature. Character will more easily gain renown and grow their legend in the area.

optional title [Anti Slaver Commander] - Character aided in leading forces against slavers.

Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.

Evolved Perk:

[Predatory Insight] - Beastmen can always sense the weakness in their target. No additional actions or skills required to meet prerequisites for hot shot abilities.

  • 10/8/2024: Got following rewards from participation in worlds Community - [2024 Worlds,Combat,High Tier] Quit Buggn Me :
    optional title acquired [Champion of Holy Fire] - Character has been resurrected as a Champion of the Fae See's church of flames, imbued with the fiery essence of the elemental cardinal. Champions are fierce defenders of the Fae, called upon in times of need to fight for the survival and honor of their people. Though not as rare as Heroes, Champions hold great respect and admiration among their kin, and their fiery strength is a beacon of hope in times of conflict.Champions are bound by duty to protect the Fae See, especially when their elemental strength is needed in battle. They are drawn to conflicts where their powers are most potent and are known for their fierce resilience and ability to turn the tide of battle. While not invincible, a Champion’s fall is a grave loss for the Fae, for their elemental power weakens with their absence. Champions have limited sway over fate, but when they fight for their people, their presence is enough to inspire courage and unity in those around them.The nation of the Fae honors their Champions, granting them freedom to come and go, and providing for them in times of peace. In turn, the Champions are expected to rise whenever their people call, answering the summons of battle with the fire that burns within them.

    Champion of Holy Fire Boon - Technique Blight Fire, Resistance Fire F (when adding skills, also increase earned and spent points by 28) - the Champion of Fire is endowed with ageless wisdom in the ways of Fiery Destruction. Despite the Fae being primarily magically focused, their countless lifetimes have allowed their citizens to absorb and accumulate many trades and practices of knowledge and skill. Champion regularly steams when emotions run high and fire can appear from his eyes.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 579
Points Spent: 595
Points Not Spent: 89
Strength - A (35)
Precision - A (35)
Intelligence - A (35)
Vitality - A (35)
Speed - A (35)
Character Grade = A
  • Feature: Tanuki Fur
  • Feature:Tanuki Ears
  • Feature:Tanuki Eyes
  • Feature: Tanuki Muzzle
  • Feature: Tanuki Tail
  • Natural Weapons Feature: Tanuki Claws F (14)
  • Feature: Tanuki Teeth
  • Darkvision F (7)
  • Heightened Sense [Smell/Hearing/Sight/Touch] C (28)
  • Sixth Sense Danger F (0) (Born for This)
  • Etiquette F (7)
  • Leadership C (28)
  • Culture F (7)
  • Connected E (Koyake Clan Member) (Earned Via RP)
  • Fast D (21)
  • Language: Common [Free]
  • Language: Beastial [Free]
  • Educated E: Martial Scholar (14)
  • Law E (0) (Educated)
  • Warfare E (0) (Educated)
  • History E (0) (Educated)
  • [Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] C (28)
    A fighting style which Yukan has put time into honing focused in piercing and felling swaths of enemy personal.
    Penetrating C (21) Reach C (21) Hot Shot (35) Range C (21) Blight: Fire C (21)
  • Acrobatics C (28)
  • Persuasion F (7)
  • Always Out Numbered (21)
  • Physical Resistance F (21)
  • Fire Resistance F (7)
  • Follow the Leader - Leadership F, Warfare F, Republic of Kuridan Etiquette F Grade F Post Cooldown 0
    Yukan uses his leadership skills and Knowledge on warfare to make informed dialogue.
  • To Arms! - Leadership E, Warfare F, Republic of Kuridan Etiquette F Grade E- Post Cooldown 1
    Yukan uses his leadership skills and knowledge on warfare to give warfare related orders.
  • [Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Lesser Transpierce- Reach F + Penetrating E, Hot Shot E E Grade Ability 1 Round cooldown.
    Yukan attempts to stab his target up to 10 ft with a great penetrating force ignoring up to two grades of opponent's defensively used item,
    dealing double damage if successfully strikes a weak spot.
  • [Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Transcendent Transpierce - Reach F, Penetrating D, Hot Shot D D Grade Ability - 2 round cooldown.
    Yukan attempts to stab his target up to 10 ft away with a great penetrating force ignoring up to three grades of opponent's defensively used item, dealing double damage if successfully strikes a weak spot.
  • Tatami Armor set (Light) C (28) Standard armor commonly found on Koyake military personnel. Made of leather hexagon plates connected together by kusari, and sewn to a cloth backing. Dark green and black colored. Includes lacquered wood Jingasa Helmet.
  • [Flame Blessed] Yari C (28) A Koyake Shogunate blade tipped long spear blessed by the Fire Cardinal of the Fae See. is too hot for normal people to handle it. It can also be optionally made to deal fire/heat as its base damage rather than the normal mundane types.
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Green Dōbuku: Overgarment cloth open jacket top, for wearing outside and inside. Perfect for casual occasions.
  • Hakama Cloth pants: for outside and inside wear. Works great when worn with the Dōbuku.
  • Wooden Sandals
  • Sashimono: Small wooden poled back banner flag that identifies Shogun Body Crest and Family clan Crest in combat. Smaller low rank sized.
  • Name: Pen of "Serious Business", D Grade Item Type of Item: Uncommon Writing Utensil Special Effects: The Pen is warm to the touch and glows with several strange runes. It grants Business D. Boon/Curse: This dooms all business contracts signed with it to fail. It's just a matter of time.
  • Koyake Clan Member E
  • [One of the Fae] - For anything and everything that relates to race, character is now part of the Fae tree. They will be treated well by fae allies and shown contempt by Fae enemies. can speak sylvan.
Change Log:
  • 12/4/2022 Received consumable Eight's Turkey Head Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
  • Received Pen of "Serious Business" from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The White Elephant of Hyroth
  • 1/25/2023 Gained 73 and Optional title [Loyal] from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Falling to Rise
  • 1/25/2023 Spent 7 points into raising intelligence grade from E to D.
  • 4/2/2023 Spent 7 points on Educated (Martial Scholar) F with Republic of Kuridan Law F, Republic of Kuridan History F and Warfare F
  • 4/2/2023 Spent 7 points on upgrading Leadership F To E
  • 4/2/2023 Spent 7 points on upgrading Intelligence D to C
  • 4/2/2023 Spent 14 points on upgrading Strength E to C
  • 4/2/2023 Spent 7 points on upgrading Speed E to Speed D
  • 4/2/2023 Spent 7 points on upgrading Precision F to Precision E
  • 5/31/2023: Gained 104 points from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Falling to Rise, Part 2 (aka No Rest for the Weary) and ptional title acquired [Triad Allied Leader] - character is one of three to represent values of strength, leadership, and courage, as well as optional asset Connected [Koyake Clan Member E] - rather than just an associate kept at arms reach and only called in for undesirable work and conditions, you are now a proper member of the clan. The work won't necessarily improve, but your honor has increased as will the perks, what few there are.
  • 6/2/2023: Spent 35 points on upgrading Strength C --> B Precision E --> D Intelligence C ---> B Vitality E ---> D Speed D -->C
  • 7/30/2023: Gained 4 points from Isekai Hell May 2023 Community Event Rewards
  • 8/2/2023 Gained 58 points and optional title [Amphibious Vanquisher] - character has gained renown for leading forces in an epic battle to slay a massive amphibious creature. Character will more easily gain renown and grow their legend in the area. From participating in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Falling to Rise Part 3: The Toad, the Witch, and the Dream.
  • 8/2/2023 Spent 42 points on upgrading each stat once except for Vitality which was twice.
  • 8/9/2023: Spent 21 points on upgrading Tatami Armor Set F to C
  • 8/9/2023: Spent 21 points on upgrading Yari F to C.
  • 8/9/2023: Spent 21 points on [Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] D (21)
  • 8/9/2023: Spent 21 points on [Specialize] Penetrating D for Fighting Style [Falling Spear]
  • 8/9/2023 Spent 7 Points on [Specialize] Reach
  • 8/9/2023: Spent 7 points on upgrading Fast F to Fast E
  • 8/9/2023: Spent 7 points on Acrobatics F.
  • 8/20/2023: Gained 7 points from participation in Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
  • 8/20/2023: Spent 7 points on Persuasion F.
  • 9/30/2023: Gained 7 points and [World Rp Certification] - an rp'er with this certification is free to participate in world rp threads for greater rewards and real risk of character death from participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] September 2023 World Training Event .
  • 1/19/2024: Gained 105 points and optional title acquired [Anti Slaver Commander] - Character aided in leading forces against slavers. from participating in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Blood and Title
  • 1/22/2024: Met Beast Mundane Requirements picked Sixth Sense Danger for Mundane Born for This Perk.
  • 1/22/2024: Spent 21 points upgrading Heightened Sense [Smell] F to C, adding Hearing/Sight/Touch.
  • 1/22/2024: Met Beast Intermediate requirement points spent C grade heightened sense, 2 secondary skills, Warfare and persuasion. will select Predatory insight selected as Intermediate perk. Need to do evoluion RP to add.
  • 1/22/2024: spent 7 points upgrading [Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] D to C.
  • 1/22/2024: spent 35 points on adding Hot Shot technique core to [Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] C.
  • 1/22/2024: Spent 14 points upgrading Precision C to A.
  • 1/22/2024: Spent 7 points upgrading Vitality B to A.
  • 1/22/2024: Spent 7 points upgrading Speed B to A.
  • 1/22/2024: Spent 7 points upgrading Educated F: Martial Scholar to E.
  • 1/22/2024: Spent 14 points upgrading Leadership E to C.
  • 6/1/2024: Earned 105 points from Graded - [Isekai Hell] Operation: Fort Bury
  • 8/28/2024: Spent 21 points on Always Out Numbered.
  • 8/31/2024: updated Reach cost from 7 to 21 in specialized fighting style Fallen Spear after Reach rework.
  • 8/31/2024: Spent 21 points on adding Range to Specialized Fighting Style Fallen Spear.
  • 8/31/2024: Spent 21 points upgrading Acrobatics F to C.
  • 8/31/2024: Spent 7 points on upgrading Fast E to D.
  • 8/31/2024: Spent 21 points on Physical Resistance F (21)
  • 10/2/2024: Gained 88 points, and met Evolution requirements for narrating in Graded - [Fae See-East Empire Border] Operation: Fort Bury Part 2
  • 10/2/2024: Took Evolved Perk Predatory Insight, added Evolved title.
  • 10/8/2024: Got following rewards from participation in worlds Community - [2024 Worlds,Combat,High Tier] Quit Buggn Me :
    optional title acquired [Champion of Holy Fire] - Character has been resurrected as a Champion of the Fae See's church of flames, imbued with the fiery essence of the elemental cardinal. Champions are fierce defenders of the Fae, called upon in times of need to fight for the survival and honor of their people. Though not as rare as Heroes, Champions hold great respect and admiration among their kin, and their fiery strength is a beacon of hope in times of conflict.Champions are bound by duty to protect the Fae See, especially when their elemental strength is needed in battle. They are drawn to conflicts where their powers are most potent and are known for their fierce resilience and ability to turn the tide of battle. While not invincible, a Champion’s fall is a grave loss for the Fae, for their elemental power weakens with their absence. Champions have limited sway over fate, but when they fight for their people, their presence is enough to inspire courage and unity in those around them.The nation of the Fae honors their Champions, granting them freedom to come and go, and providing for them in times of peace. In turn, the Champions are expected to rise whenever their people call, answering the summons of battle with the fire that burns within them.

    Champion of Holy Fire Boon - Technique Blight Fire, Resistance Fire F (when adding skills, also increase earned and spent points by 28) - the Champion of Fire is endowed with ageless wisdom in the ways of Fiery Destruction. Despite the Fae being primarily magically focused, their countless lifetimes have allowed their citizens to absorb and accumulate many trades and practices of knowledge and skill. Champion regularly steams when emotions run high and fire can appear from his eyes.

    asset acquired [One of the Fae] - For anything and everything that relates to race, character is now part of the Fae tree. They will be treated well by fae allies and shown contempt by Fae enemies. can speak sylvan.

    equipment upgrade acquired - Yukan's Yari becomes [Flame Blessed] and is too hot for normal people to handle it. It can also be optionally made to deal fire/heat as its base damage rather than the normal mundane types.
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Pierre Rothel

Interaction Theme:

Rp'er Name: Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo
Post Frequency:
Due to still being in Highschool, I plan to post when I gain the opportunity during breaks, Lunch periods, or after school when I'm not busy. Note that I am in the pacific Time zone.

Discord Name: Beetlebug#4530

Current RP: None

Goals: To familiarize himself with the surrounding environments, and get a grasp of this new life.

- Avert from a life of combat and war to a life of peace and somehow obtain a caring and supportive family.

Equipped Titles: [Sentient Weapon] [Tank] [Construct] [Large] [Pacifist] [Self Sacrificing]

Unequipped Titles: [Liability] [Crawling Boat] [Weird Golem]
Height: 5 ft 6 in
2 Tons
Length: 10.8 Ft

Backstory: Pierre Rothel was born on May 6th, 1894 as a healthy boy in the heart of France. Growing up with 2 older sisters and 1 older brother, he was usually the one to be seen as the one who needed to be protected a lot. Though despite this, young Rothel decided he wanted to fend for himself at age 10. As such, he did. Working out, healthy eating, social, and mental growth made him the man he was. This was just his family life, but now for the circumstances which he died..

- World War 1 - German Spring Offensive..

Trained beyond brutality in the devastations of the War to End All Wars, Rothel was continuously torn apart and remade to face the landscapes of fire, corpses, poison gas, shelling.. dead and dying comrades, Etc...

Battles of the Marne

The Battle of Soissons was a battle which determined his fate to the Isekai world. Having been fighting for years, he has grew numb to the horrors of frontline combat, and was gifted in his ability to operate the fruits of the dawn of mechanized warfare: Tanks.

Being the Gunner of the Renault Char, AKA The FT -17, he and many other tanks of different experimental types pushed with the equivalent of Strong Nuclear Force against the German occupied Soissons along the River Marne.

The Germans, however, pushed with the same force, resulting in mass casualties on both sides..

Pierre was the last to fall, in a heroic sacrifice to take down the German's moving fortress: The A7V, granting the remaining French forces to fully push on and retake the Marne....

Having woke up in front of God, and surprised to see his tank next to him mostly repaired, though a few components need fixing too.. Hearing that a slight modification was made, it turns out that the tank now runs on water. Upon hearing the details of the Isekai world, he felt as if he needed a boost in his survivability in a world of fantasy and danger, so he gave the request to be reincarnated as his tank to help him become stronger, though reluctantly agreed to the condition that he won’t be able to use his main armaments until certain things have been done.. So for now, he let

Next thing he knew, he couldn't feel anything, other than a slight heaviness and slightly cool on the inside..

It took a while for him to adjust to his new body, not being needed to sleep, or even eat normal food anymore was difficult to get used too, but once he was ready, his world turned white as the transportation happened....

Current Life: He slowly regained his bearings to find himself in a forest at the dead of night, conveniently next to a river.. Feeling like he should follow it, Pierre Rothel's Story begins as he starts rolling along the Kabnak River, carrying his memories & Knowledge with him to find a new purpose...

Acquired Titles: [Sentient Weapon] [Tank] [Construct] [Large] [Crawling Boat] [Liability] [Weird Golem] [Pacifist] [Self-Sacrificing]
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 138
Points Spent: 218
Points Not Spent: 25

Stats: E Grade Character
Strength - C (21)
Precision - D (14)
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - B (28)
Speed - D (14)


Feature: armored hull - gives body inherent protection

Superstrength E 28pts

Feature [360 Degree Vision] (7)

Fast E (14)

Energized E (14)

Appraisal F (0)

Feature [Disembodied Hands] (7)

Investigation F (7)

Feature [Tentacles] 7
Special Movement [Tentacles] 7
Feature [Fluffy Tail] 7
Feature [ Barrel Mouth] 7
Natural weapons E 28pts - characters heavy metal body is a weapon.
Armored hull [Light Armor] C

  • Waterproof Tarp - Typically used by Pierre as a cloak, blanket, or towel. It technically is the only thing he could really consider as clothing despite his non-organic physiology .
  • Croix de Guerre (Basically a french medal of honor) Pierre wears this below the front of his turret as a memo to the life he once lived.. At night, or whenever he can, he constantly wonders about what is occurring back on earth, along with a question if the war was over..
  • View attachment 973333
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
N/A: For now.
Change Log:

(In order of Rp's Joined, not finished)

5/8/2022 - Into The Woods - 12 Points acquired - Optional Title [ Crawling Boat]

5/3/2022 The Birds & The Horned Rabbits - 15 Points acquired. Optional Title [Weird Golem] acquired

5/3/2022 -Title equipped - [Weird Golem]

Song of Truth - 17 Points - Optional Title [Liability]

Song of Truth - Title acquired [Liability ]

Vitality upgraded from D to B (14)

Marketplace deal with @Elvario Hull Armor Upgrade to C for Remaining earned points and loyalty. (1 Point)
Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace (Traded points: 1)

Strength upgraded to C from D (7)

Speed upgraded to E (7)

Fast F (7)

Feature [360 degree vision] (7)

7/25/22 - 41 Points acquired from
The Queen, The Tank, The Sword, and their weapons transport.

6/15/22 - Fated Meeting grade achieved. 20 Points obtained + Optional Title [Order Initiate]

9/22/2022 - [Order Initiate] Title Equipped, [Weird Golem] Title unequipped.

9/22/2022 - New Goal: Avert from a life of combat and war to a life of peace and somehow obtain family.

9/25/22 -

Intelligence upgraded from F to D (14)

Energized E (14)

Precision upgraded from F to E (7)

Appraisal F (0)

9/28/2022 - Feature [Disembodied Hands] (7)

10/13/2022 - Investigation F (7)

Jan 2nd, 2023

15 Points acquired, Title Acquired: [Pacifist] - Character is at war with war itself. For one reason or another, character is aggressively anti-conflict. Character will find their actions for peaceful resolutions will be occasionally more effective than not. In contrast, their actions for war will more regularly falter.|
- Acquired from RP:
My Fading Dream.

Feb 13th, 2023
18 Points acquired:
The Start of Something New , 7 Points upgrade to Precision stat from E to D rewarded || Title Acquired: [Self-Sacrificing] - character has proven to put the interests of their friends or allies above their own. They will not easily be shaken by things testing to their loyalty.

[Self-Sacrificing] Title Equipped

Feature [Treads] (7), Special Movement [Treads] Scooped. Grants 14 pts

Feature [ Tentacles] (7)
Special Movement [Tentacles] (7)
Speed D (7)
Fast upgraded to E (7)
Feature [ Fluffy Tail] (7)
Feature [ Barrel Mouth] (7)
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Cayde Whitinger


Rp'er Name: The Last Curse
Post Frequency:
Once or twice a week
Discord Name: Phalanx#9348
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 138 Lbs
Cayde was born to a pair of ambitious adventurers who sought to document and catalog the unique flora and fauna of the Ryke wilds. But, while his childhood was full of adventure and excitement, there was always danger around the corner. Due to the nature of their occupations, his parents would frequently engage with the less-friendly natives of the Ryke wilderness, and little Cayde, with his childish curiosity, would consistently find himself caught in the crossfire. Eventually, his parents decided they couldn’t raise him in such a hostile environment and traveled to the capital of Ryken, where they would put him under the care of his uncle, Zane Whitinger.

During his years with Zane, Cayde developed some animosity towards his uncle. He believed Zane took him away from his parents, removed him from a life of adventure in the wilderness to slave away in an apothecary. Regardless, Zane raised Cayde as if he were his own, and soon the two would find a common interest: Alchemy.

Through countless experiments together, Cayde’s hostility towards his uncle would slowly wane, and soon he’d start to study Alchemy himself, hoping to follow in the footsteps of his uncle.
Current Life: Cayde lives in Ryken and works at his uncle’s apothecary: Bits and Bottles. While he helps his uncle prepare and sell potions and other remedies, he also takes an apprenticeship from him on the side. Recently, Cayde has been preparing to leave his uncle’s shop and begin his journey, seeking to expand his horizons outside the city walls.
  • Human
  • Adept Alchemist - [D grade weapon skill or tool-based skill - character has concluded their training and has begun their journeyman phase of acquiring experience through work and/or travel.]
  • Hero of Aegrizora - [Your actions and choices have made you above most within the city, you will be recognized as a Hero of this Religion-heavy city.]
  • The Cook - [character knows just enough about certain 'stuff' and 'things' that they can produce illegal drugs. Their knowledge loosely connects them with the underbelly of society: a potentially lucrative and very dangerous connection]
  • Patient - [ Character has shown themselves to deal with the antics of characters that most mortal folk would be driven crazy by long ago. Their mental fortitude is recognized by all who get to know them]
  • Honorary Beastman - [Despite character being of a different racial tree, they helped out many beastmen. Those aware of the character's deeds will treat them more favorably. Racist members of the tree will be more likely to see the character as one not so bad. Tolerant members of the race will be more likely to treat the character as one of their kind.]
  • Hunter - [E grade intelligence, E grade Strength or Precision, At least 2 of the following skills: Fighting Style [Archery], Nature, Survival, Perception, Traps, Stealth, Riding - A lesser version of the Job Ranger that excels in wilderness travel, living, and combat]
  • Wildersia Adventurer - D - [Character is an adventurer of the Widersia adventurer guild. Known for being proficient in a number of cutting edge technologies as well has having a more refined education and method of operation, Widersia adventurers tend to be highly capable specialists in the fields of monster subjugation and threat prevention. Able to work in the confined streets of Clockhaven or the rugged wilderness between settlements, Widersian Adventurer's can be relied upon to resolve the issue without blowing up the city or burning down the forests. D rank Adventurers knows all the basics, has been on some adventures and shows themselves to be competent. They are only missing experience and a speciality that sets them apart in the guild. They are considered a full fledged member and can be called upon for most standard missions even if just as a supporting role.]
  • Human
  • Adept Alchemist
  • Hero of Aegrizora
  • Honorary Beastman
  • Patient
  • Hunter
  • Wildersia Adventurer - D
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 455
Points Spent: 443
Points Remaining: 118
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have.)
Strength - F
Precision - A
Intelligence - A
Vitality - E
Speed - A
  • Alchemy D
  • Medicine D
  • Survival E
  • Nature D
  • Perception E
  • Persuasion F
  • Deception F
  • Bolster F (Speed)
  • Weaken F (Vitality)
  • Steady Hands F
  • Fighting Style [For Monsters & Men] D
  • Educated E [Arcana, Acrobatics, & Focus]
  • Magic C
  • Magic Aoe F
  • Selective Magic F
  • Control Environment F
  • Magic Duration F
  • Magic Targets F
  • Magic Range F
  • Energized E
  • Appraisal E
  • Blight F - "Alchemist's Scourge" - Cayde increases the effectiveness of his attacks by lacing them with poison or other harmful substances.
  • Continuing F - "Intended Side Effects" - Cayde's malicious concoctions linger in the target's body, causing additional damage over time.
  • Hotshot F - "Like A Needle" - Cayde has an easier time exploiting a target's weak points, allowing for bonus damage.
  • Undetected F (Sight)
  • Bewildering Brew - Alchemy D, Medicine D, Nature D, Arcana E, Magic E, Magic Duration F, Magic AoE F, Selective Magic F, Magic Range F -By combining hallucinogenic components and his own magic, Cayde can create an arcane poison that causes dizziness, nausea, hallucinations, and confusion. Explodes into a 15ft cloud of poison when thrown, which can be manipulated to avoid certain targets. Can be thrown up to 30ft. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Siren's Song - Alchemy D, Nature D, Deception F, Weaken [Vitality] F, Persuasion F, Medicine D, Magic E, Magic Aoe F, Selective Magic F, Magic Duration F, Focus E, Steady Hands F, Arcana E, Magic Range F - Cayde creates a liquid that releases a 15ft wide cloud of soothing aromatic gas when exposed to air. Though alluring, the gas hides a vile poison that weakens opponents, lowering their vitality by 1 for 2 posts/1 hour. Additionally, the cloud can be drawn closer or pushed farther for up to 30ft if within 30ft of Cayde. It can be manipulated to avoid certain targets. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Lethal Injection - Alchemy D, Medicine D, Nature D, Weaken [Vitality] F, Perception E, Steady Hands F, Fighting Style [For Monsters & Men] D (Blight F & Continuing F) - Cayde fires a bolt laced with a debilitating poison that lingers in their body, damaging the target over time. The poison lowers a target's vitality by 1 for 1 post. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Vital Shot - Medicine D, Fighting Style "Like a Needle" F, Perception E, Nature D, Steady Hands F, Fighting Style D [For Monster & Men] (Continuing F) - After identifying a target, Cayde fires a bolt at their vital body parts, causing a lingering, stabbing pain in the area shot - Grade D - 2 post cooldown
  • Malpractice - Medicine D, Alchemy D, Persuasion F, Deception F + Weaken F - Under the guise of a medical professional, Cayde can convince one target to consume debilitating and/or poisonous substances harming their Vitality stat by 1 point for 1 post. Currently works on F-grade targets that speak common. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Alchemist's Scourge - Magic E, Alchemy E, Survival E, Blight F (Fire), Continuing F, Steady Hands F, Focus E, Magic AoE F, Selective Targets F, Arcana E, Energized E, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, - Cayde creates five sticky, magically-enhanced potions that explode into a 15ft wide flame once it hits a target. The fire causes burns that continuously sear but can also be manipulated to avoid unintended targets. Can be thrown up to 30ft - Grade E - 0 post cooldown
  • Enfeebling Eitre - Magic E, Alchemy D, Medicine D, Weaken [Vitality] F, Magic Aoe F, Selective targets F, Nature D, Arcana E, Focus E, Steady Hands F, Magic Duration, Continuing F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, - Cayde creates 5 projectiles that each explode into a 15-foot wide cloud of vitality-sapping poison, damaging them over time. The poison lingers for 2 posts/1 hours and can be manipulated to affect certain targets. Each projectile can fly up to 30ft. - Grade D - 2 post cooldown
  • Natural Cure - Alchemy D, Medicine D, Nature D, Arcana E- By creating a concoction consisting of arcane herbs, water, and several beneficial mushrooms, Cayde can create a potion that quells moderate poisons and moderate illnesses, even if inflicted by magical or supernatural means. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Rogue's Remedy - Alchemy D, Nature D, Undetected F, Survival E, Medicine D, Deception F, Bolster [Speed] F, Magic E, Magic Duration F, Steady Hands F, Focus E - Cayde creates a sweet-tasting beverage that temporarily turns whoever drinks it invisible. In addition, it also provides a +1 buff to speed. Lasts for 2 posts/1 hour. - Grade D - 2 post Cooldown
  • Bestial Boost - Alchemy D, Medicine D, Survival E, Nature D, Survival F, Magic E, Selective Magic F, Magic Aoe F, Bolster [Speed] F, Magic Duration F, Focus E, Steady Hands F, Arcana E - Cayde sends out a 15ft wide cloud of envigorating dust that buffs the speed of a target by one grade for 2 posts/1 hour. Can be manipulated to affect certain targets/allies - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Self-Preservation - Acrobatics E, Focus E, Perception E, Energized E - By utilizing his skills in awareness and acrobatics, Cayde attempts to dodge away from an incoming attack. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Stalker's Shroud - Magic E + Arcana E + Magic Aoe F + Control Environment F + Undetected F + Magic Duration F + Deception F + Acrobatics E + Focus E + Selective F + Magic Targets F + Magic Range F, Energized E - After quickly whispering an arcane chant, Cayde can grant invisibility for 2 posts/1 hour to 5 targets as long as they are within 30ft. Additionally, any chosen sound within a 15ft radius is dampened until the spell wears off. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Druidsight - Magic E + Arcana E + Magic Aoe F + Selective F + Perception E + Acrobatics E + Survival E + Nature D + Focus E + Medicine D + Steady Hands F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Magic Duration F - Cayde recites a spell that temporarily boosts his perception beyond normal, allowing him to identify the vague positions of targets, what type of creature they may be, and what medical condition they might have in a 15ft radius. This technique can be split into 5 separate AoEs that can be projected in any direction up to 30ft. With selective magic, certain targets can be specified or ignored. Can last up to 2 posts/1 hour - Grade D - 2 post cooldown
  • Enthralling Elixir - Alchemy D, Medicine D, Perception E, Nature D, Persuasion F, Deception F, Arcana E, Magic E, Magic Aoe F, Selective Magic F, Control Environment F- Cayde crafts a clear, pleasant-smelling substance that has a pacifying effect on those who smell it. The scent lowers a target's guard, allowing Cayde to have an easier time convincing and/or deceiving them. Magic is used to increase the radius of the smell by a maximum of 15ft. It can be manipulated to affect certain targets. - Grade D - 2 post Cooldown
  • Harvest - Survival E, Medicine D, Nature E, Alchemy D, Arcana E, Perception E- With his knowledge of plants and animals and the arcane, Cayde can identify and collect potentially useful materials. These can then be used to craft potions, medicines, poisons, and more. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Bestiary Bookworm - Medicine D, Perception E, Nature D Survival E, Arcana E, Focus E - After spotting a creature, Cayde can recall useful information on its strengths, weaknesses, supernatural capabilities, and typical behavior. Currently works on creatures of C-grade and lower - Grade D - 2 post cooldown
  • Silent Shout - Magic E + Arcana E + Magic AoE F + Control Environment F + Selective Magic F + Persuasion F + Deception F + Steady Hands F + Focus E + Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Energized E - After cupping a hand over his mouth, Cayde can covertly whisper a message to 5 targets who're within 30ft of him. The message materializes as a sound only the target can hear. Alternatively, Cayde can "throw" his voice to a location that is up to 30ft away, magically amplifying it to those within a 15ft radius of it. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldwon
  • Iron Hunting Knife E
  • Light Crossbow B "Caduceus"
  • Magical Catalyst B "Rings of the Yliastrum"
  • Light Armor B


  • Alchemist's kit
  • Flask of water
  • Flask of alcohol
  • Several crushed herbs
  • Several crushed mushrooms
  • Notebook w/ inkwell and quill - A notebook that contains potion recipes.
  • Encyclopedia of herbs and fungi
  • Traveling pack - An unordinary leather backpack that is used to store Cayde's items
  • Alchemist's pouch - A small pouch that is used to store ingredients.
  • Corvid mask - A mask that resembles a plague doctor's visage. Primarily used to conceal Cayde's face.
  • Book of animal anatomy
  • Quiver w/ Crossbow bolts
  • Pieces of cloth
  • Wood polish
  • Twine
  • Pouch of sulfur
  • Pouch of salt
  • Bottles of mercury
  • Several vials of monster venom
  • Pouch of common animal ingredients
  • Emergency Medical Kit
  • Lantern oil
  • Encyclopedia of the Arcana
  • Several magical crystals
  • Bushcraft torches
  • Abha's Roshan's Friendship F
  • Rare Marsh Herbs
Change Log:
(Last updated 12/3/2021)
  • Point Expenditure: 7 points for Perception F, 14 points for Alchemy E, 14 points for Medicine E, 14 points for Survival E, 7 points for Nature F, and 7 Points for Nature F
  • Point Expenditure: 28 points for Intelligence B, 7 points for Speed E, and 7 points for Precision E
  • Added Iron Dagger F
  • Added two new abilities: Natural Cure E, and Bewildering Brew E
Updated 2/19/2022
  • Received 57 points from "Journey Through The Eastern Outskirts" (See here)
  • Received title "The Cook" from "Journey Through The Eastern Outskirts"
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Precision and Speed to D-rank (14 points used in total)
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Iron Hunting Knife to E rank (7 points used in total)
  • Added Abilities: Malpractice E, Bestial Boost E, and Harvest E.
  • Point Expenditure: Bought Deception F, Persuasion F, Bolster F, Weaken F and increased Nature to E-Rank (28 points used in total)
  • Added tinderbox to items
  • Added Book of animal anatomy to items
Updated 4/25/2022

  • Received 56 points from "Healing the Holy City of Vegard" (See here)
  • Received title "Honorary Beastman" from "Healing the Holy City of Vegard"
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Medicine to D-rank & Upgraded Perception to E-rank (14 points used in total)
  • Point Expenditure: Purchased Light Crossbow D (21 points used in total)
  • Point Expenditure: Purchase skill Steady Hands F & Purchased Fighting Style Hotshot F "Like a Needle" (21 points used in total)
  • Added Abilities: Bestiary Bookworm D, Vital shot D
  • Added Items: Quiver w/ bolts, Wood Polish, Pieces of Cloth, Twine, Small pouch of salt, Small pouch of sulphur, small bottle of mercury
  • Reworked Abilities "Bewildering Brew" & "Natural Cure": Adjusted the description of Natural Cure to better fit its grade (Switched from mild poisons/illnesses to moderate poisons/illnesses) and adjusted the description of Bewildering Brew (Shortened it up a bit)

Updated 5/25/2022

  • Added Items: Small pouch of salt, Small pouch of sulfur, Small bottle of mercury

Updated 7/28/2022

  • Received 61 points from "Rooted in the Past" (See here)
  • Received title "Hero of Aegrizora" from "Rooted in the Past)
  • Equipped the title "Hero of Aegrizora"
  • Point Expenditure: Upgrade Precision from D-rank to C-rank (7 points used in total)
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Nature & Alchemy from E-rank to D-rank (14 points used in total)
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Fighting Style from F-rank to D-rank. Changed name from "Archery" to "For Monsters & Men" (14 points used in total)
  • Added Blight & Continuing Core to Fighting Style "For Monsters & Men"
  • Point Expenditure: Purchased Skill Gear F & Undetected F (21 points used in total)
  • Added Abilities: [Siren's Song] [Rogue's Remedy] [Enthralling Elixir] and [Lethal Injection]
  • Added Skill Fighting Style "For Monsters & Men" Continuing F to Ability [Vital Shot]
  • Removed Glass bottles, stirring rod, glass beakers, and small metal frame. Simplified to "Alchemist's Kit"
  • Added Items: Several vials of monster venom, Pouch of common animal ingredients
  • Changed Character Face Claim
Updated 10/23/2022

  • Received 73 points from "The Hag of the Overgrown Marshes" (See here)
  • Received title "Patient" from "The Hag of the Overgrown Marshes"
  • Received assets: Abha's Roshan's Friendship F & Rare Marsh Herbs
  • Equipped title "Patient"
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Intelligence from B-rank to A-rank, Precision from C-rank to B-rank, and Speed from D-rank to C-rank (21 points used)
  • Point Expenditure: Purchased Educated Skill E (14 points used)
  • Added Items: Lantern Oil, Emergency Medical Kit, Encylopedia of the Arcane, and several magical crystals
  • Removed "small" from several existing items (Flask of water, flask of alcohol, pouch of sulfur/salt, etc)
Updated 11/10/2022
  • Made the ability & title section prettier
  • Received 7 points from Community Event (See here)
  • Purchased D-Grade Catalyst from Marketplace for 7 points (See here)
  • Point Expenditure: Purchase Magic E, Magic AoE F, Selective Magic F, Magic Duration F, and Control Environment F (49 points used)
  • Added Abilities: Self Preservation E, Stalker's Shroud E, Silent Shout E, & Druidsight D
  • Added Arcana E, Magic E, & Magic Duration F to [Bewildering Brew] and adjusted the description to better fit the changes.
  • Added Arcana E to [Natural Cure] and adjusted the description to better fit the changes.
  • Added Arcana E & Focus E to [Bestiary Bookworm] and adjusted the description to better fit the changes.
  • Added Magic E, Focus E, Magic Duration F, and Steady Hands F to [Rogue's Remedy] and adjusted the description to better fit the changes.
  • Added Magic E, Magic Aoe F, Selective Magic F, Focus E, Steady Hands F, and Arcana E to [Siren's Song] and adjusted description to better fit the changes
  • Added Magic E, Magic Aoe F, Selective Magic F, Focus E, Steady Hands F, Arcana E, and Magic Duration F to [Bestial Boost] and adjusted description to better fit the changes
  • Added Arcana E, Control Environment F, Selective Magic F, Magic E, & Magic Aoe F to [Enthralling Elixir] and adjusted the description to better fit the changes.
  • Added Arcana E & Perception E to [Harvest] and adjusted the description to better fit the changes.
  • Added D-Grade Catalyst "Rings of the Yliastrum" to equipment
  • Added & Equipped Title: Hunter
Updated 11/12/2022
  • Corrected the number of total points spent (From 308 to 357)
  • Removed Gear Skill F
  • Removed Gear Skill F from Enthralling Elixir D, Rogue's Remedy D, & Siren's Song D
Updated 11/16/2022
  • Added Abilities: Enfeebling Eitr D, Alchemist's Scourge E​
  • Added Items: Bushcraft Torches​

Updated 5/27/2023
  • Fixed Issue with total points spent. (357 to 350)
  • Added 7 points to Unused Points​
Updated 6/22/2023
  • Received 43 points from "Blood and Steam" (See here)
  • Point Expenditure: Purchased Magic Targets F, Magic Range F, & Energized E​
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Vitality to E, Upgraded Speed to B​
  • Added Magic Aoe F, Selective Magic F, and Magic Range F to [Bewildering Brew] and adjusted the description to better fit the changes
  • Added Magic Range F to [Siren's Song] and adjusted the description to better fit the changes
  • Added Energized E, Magic Targets F, and Magic Range F to [Alchemist's Scourge]
  • Added Magic Targets F & Magic Range F to [Enfeebling Eitre] and adjusted the description to better fit the changes
  • Added Energized E to [Self-Preservation]
  • Added Energized E, Magic Targets F, and Magic Range F to [Stalker's Shroud] and adjusted the description to better fit the changes
  • Added Magic Targets F, Magic Range F, and Magic Duration F to [Druidsight] and adjusted the description to better fit the changes
  • Added Energized E, Magic Range F, and Magic Targets F to [Silent Shout] and adjusted the description to better fit the changes
Updated 8/5/2023
  • Received 105 points from "Kinship and Smoke" (See here)
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Speed to A, Precision to A (14 points used in total)
  • Point Expenditure: Purchased Light Armor B, Upgraded Catalyst to B & Light Crossbow to B (9 points used in total) (See here)
  • Renamed Light Crossbow B to "Caduceus"
Updated 9/5/2023
  • Received 25 points from "Where the Blood Runs Thick" (See here)​
  • Received Title "Wildersia Adventurer - D" from "Where the Blood Runs Thick"​
  • Received and used skill Upgrade Magic E to D from "Kinship and Smoke"​
  • Received and used skill Upgrade Magic D to C from "Where the Blood Runs Thick"​

Updated 2/15/2024
  • Received Skill [Appraisal E] from January 2024 Community Event (See here)
Last edited:

Rp'er Name: Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy
Post Frequency:
Once every 1-2 days. I can usually post immediately if not for other obligations.
Discord Name: Book#5367
Equipped Titles: Skeleton, Monster, Apprentice Artist, Falling Apart
Height: 6'7''
Weight: ~20 lbs
Backstory: Fei Liu is a given name to Bae Mun-Hee, a native to Nampo in the Pyongan province of Japanese occupied Korea born in 1919 to Bae Jung-Hee and Park Narae. His father was a member of Haninaegukdan or "Korean Patriotic Organization" which was employed by the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, a government based in Shanghai after having been exiled if not executed by the Japanese. Summarily, the Haninaegukdan was tasked with assassinating prominent figures in the Japanese empire. They were active from 1932 to almost 1936 and his father was caught and executed in 1933. On that night, a group of five Japanese soldiers entered his house and delivered their punishment without trial to the adult male and female inside. They found the body of a young man already deceased in the house, seemingly taken by a fever.

Bae Mun-Hee hid quietly in the house of his neighbor where, just a few hours before, their own middle son had expired from a disease. After that incident, Mun-Hee was ferried across the border into China to stay with an uncle in-law whose family fled during the Japanese invasion in around 1910. The uncle himself was a Chinese citizen married to a Korean woman. When he arrived at the age of 14, he was given the name Fei Liu. Just as soon as he learned to speak Chinese, he joined the navy. Driven by hatred fostered in him by his father and the death of his parents and the feeling of being an outsider in military training, he displayed great ambition and drive. In 1937 he was horribly injured on the Ying Rui, nearly losing his right leg and hand. However, by surviving the Japanese bombardment, he became captain by virtue of all of his superiors being killed. Without an immediate replacement, Liu filled the role readily. He ordered the removal of the artillery from the ships to be used in the battle of Nanjing and he was one of the 600 men to escape the fighting when the orders to withdraw were telegraphed.

That year, most of the Chinese navy was devastated by the Japanese air superiority and he was given a post in the army where he helped to lead a few successful campaigns during the latter quarter of the Second Sino-Japanese war. After the war died down and he sensed tensions between the CPC and Kuomintang heat up, around the time of the Japanese surrender he retired from the military and returned to his home in Korea where he spent a torturous three years in civilian life, without any opportunity to marry due to his disfigurement, disposition and age. Unable to cope with the risible fuss of domestic life and haunted by the images of the war with Japan, he left his hometown and isolated himself for another year where he came to terms with the various things he participated in his life. Though he admitted that his life was unusual and he had the capaibility to reform, and for once maintained a sense of perspective, he was overcome by regret. In light of his regrets and his life's hateful work having been completed with the utter defeat of the Japanese at the hands of China and the United States, he ingested a toxic mixture in his isolated village home on his 30th birthday, celebrated on December 1st, and allowed himself to succumb.

Current Life: As Fei Liu, a modest 5'7'' was sufficient for his needs. Needless to say, when later he awoke to a ghastly form standing 6'7'', he was scared of falling over for no particular reason. He found himself in a light, thin body of bone. He was quite relieved to have arrived in hell, after all, he did not lead a righteous life and did many enemies and friends wrong. He was in the belly of a ship and surrounded by others in skeletal or rotting forms. It took him days to get used to the sour smell of rot and the ghastly visages wandering about the ship. Over the course of those days, he kept having dreams and delusions. Dreams of a fleshy existence in some unfamiliar wood, which looks nothing like his homeland, as a tall and thin creature with pointy ears and an odd and beautiful face shape. At times, when he would lose focus, he would think of himself as Abendell, an artist who draws natural things. He imagined that one day he was stabbed in the ribs by his lover's mistress. Fei Liu steeled his focus, it was only his mind attempting to come up with a reason that there was a thin gash over his ribs in the light black linen, tight-fitting clothing clinging to his skeletal figure. That and the awful tricks that hell was trying to play on his mind.

After a few days of tidying up and feeling reluctant -- even in hell a military man ought not neglect his quarters -- Fei Liu worked up the courage to leave his quarters for more than a meek peek around. It helped nerves to not have a heart to pound like a drum, or skin to sweat. Without all of those things, he had difficulty discerning how the others on board regarded him. Whether they were strangers, perhaps he was sent to the same place as his shipmates, he could not tell for their lack of skin, and he reasoned they would not recognize him either. His garb and that of everyone else was confused and strange. He would have liked to see his fellow sailors once again, even in hell. His hope dwindled though, when he looked around to behold rotting corpses walking about as before, and bare skeletons, and all manner of terrible jiangshi; his mind kept fetching the words zombie and skeleton and wight and ghast and ghoul, surely and categorically. The imposition of this intuitive knowledge made the empty space in his head ache. What's more, some of them seemed to be the skeletons of dragon-men or tiny humans -- dragonborn, lizardfolk, elves, dwarves -- another sharp pain shot through his skull. No, he would not find his friends here.

The hold was cavernous and creaking, made of wood and lined regularly with great posts of wood and thin wooden walls. Many rooms behind him in a hallway fell away to a large open area populated with tables and chairs, cots suspended from beams or the ceiling, nets full of flasks and barrels littering the corner. The wood was ashen and freckled with black mold. A twinge of irritation shot through the space between his ribs. Had his own ship come within a mile of this condition by the neglect of its crew he would have had them all hanging from their toes. Shaking it off, he departed from the mouth of the hallway and strode into the hold. He could see straight ahead a staircase leading upward into a closed hatch, wide enough for two humanoids to walk side by side. Beyond the staircase, the corner of a grate of wood in the floor of the deck could be seen, a darkening sky peeking through the grid of thick beams girded by well-worn iron. It struck him as similar to western ships from Europe. Carefully, he mounted the stairs, hunching over in this new, gigantic body and swaying unsteadily, possessing so little weight. Once he opened the hatch carefully and strode out on deck, catching glances from the passing crewmen of uniform and similar skeletal form, he beheld a kingdom of clouds, towering and wispy, linen in color and stained purple and pink by the sun sinking below the horizon. Though he sensed the air to be cold and thin, he did not feel the need to shiver.
Awestruck, confused, he moved to the rail and peered over, immediately starting and jumping away as not water, but fresh air for leagues below him stretched into the familiar water he thought cradled this hellish coffin. All around him, exposed to dusky sunlight, the pocked and cracked ship with missing boards and destroyed paint was crawling with undead horrors. For some time he could only stand and stare.

A while after he wandered around in stupor, unable to compose himself or conduct himself at all. A lot of thinking happened in the following period of time, he himself wasnt' sure how long it lasted. The boards of this dead ship were caked with rot and anything resembling a window was so grimey that a full moon seemed to be the same as the midday sun when filtered through them. He had no idea how long it took him to sort things out but he did, eventually. To make a long inner monologue short, he reasoned he may as well live his unlife and see what this hell had to offer. After some period of time he stole a sheet and waited for a high mountain to pass under the ship. The sheet was damp and had holes, and if he had landed on hard ground he would have splintered to pieces, but he landed instead in the tops of trees. His significantly reduced weight prevented any serious damage and from there he began wandering. Through ruins, where he met some adventurers and a draconic cult worshipping some dragon spirit. He learned how to hide himself and traveled with one of those adventurers, a pirate, to a town in search of a ship.

The civilized life was too stressful for him, under constant threat of being discovered, and so he developed his skills as a mapmaker and set off for the wilderness to protect himself from being seen. While wandering he found the fire of a fey creature and a man and shared it for the night. When the fey creature described her mission, he found it appreciably similar to his own goals, at least the more short-term ones. He followed along, meeting more travel companions on the way, and while everyone was together, found a grand old creature in the forest. Masaruma, a great mushroom with mysterious powers, awakened to thought and able to probe the mind as well as manipulate one's path in the forest, a near-deity in his eyes. It asked for sacrifice, which he did not possess but others did. There is now a tree in that forest commemorating the sacrifice of the other group traveling with he and the fey creature. She had sacrifice for herself but in return for his lacking, he accepted a task to deliver a satchel of mushrooms to a nearby inhabitant of the forest, which he completed easily. The night of their having met that forest guardian, a man or creature in the shape of a man wandered into their subterranean camp, where they hid from an intense rainstorm, curious about some unknown meeting. The fey creature was immediately terrified at this bird-masked figure but Liu maintained his composure and gently questioned him.

The creature or man answered that he was simply curious and indicated that he had some kind of meeting with someone at the time that he wandered into the camp. Liu offered for the man to share the fire as a formality, despite the fey creature's apparent terror. The thing refsued, then revealed that it had some kind of meeting, then when it left their vicinity the sound of great wings beating could be heard. They were unable to catch sight of the creature, not that he was keen on it in the first place. They made their way with the herd, which they were tracking for its strange migration patterns, and they discovered a hidden glen protected by carnivorous bushes which slaughtered the herd.

  • [Unbroken] - Your time and experiences have hardened you, even in your worst state, you remain yourself even under stressful duress. Character has an easier time living with their choices and past or present experiences.
  • Skeleton
  • Monster
  • Apprentice Artist
  • [Magic-touched] (Optional title) Character has felt the flow of magic in their body before they could fully grasp it. Regardless of magic capabilities, they are more capable than most as a temporary magic conduit or vessel.

Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)

Points Earned: 322

Points Spent: 267

Strength D (14)

Precision A (35)

Intelligence A (35)

Vitality C (21)

Speed - A (35)

  • Regeneration F (7)
  • Navigation D (21)
  • Visual Arts A (42)
  • Darkvision F (racial) (7)
  • Poison Resistance F (racial) (7)
  • Undying(Resilient F) - A general immunity to drowning, starving, dehydration and sleep deprivation--(racial) (7)
  • Fast B (28)
  • Special Movement F (7) - Bone pile: disassemble into a pile of bones and move as such.
  • Magic F (7)
  • [Area Knowledge(Underbelly)]
  • [Alternate Identity E]

Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown.)
  • Work on a Map +1 - Navigation E, Visual Arts D - With writing utensil and medium, updates a map or blank medium based upon surroundings and landmarks. Navigable by creator, or character with Navigation F. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Prophunt - Visual Arts D, Special Movement F, Regeneration F - Temporarily assume the shape of a useful object constructed of bone within reason (i.e. a short ladder or chain, a chair or a stool, a doorstop or a grabby hand) with physical properties based on character's physical stats (strength and vit). - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Bone Zone - Special Movement F - disassemble into a pile of bones for a duration of no longer than 8 seconds. Move at half speed. - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Speed Map - Navigation E, Visual Arts D, Fast B -- Create a map of an area at stunning speed; time required given by: { (2pi+1)/s * nR-3(n^2) } where n = aR/6 rounded up. | R = radius of area being mapped (sqMi), s = speed (mph). The variable "a" is the difficulty of going through the area. 1 means open field or desert, more complexity means it takes more time to map the area out. For reference, increasing to 2 means that exploring a given area would take a little more than twice as long. Grade B -- Cooldown 4 Posts
  • Hand Cannon - Fast [F-B], regeneration F, Special Movement F - Fei takes a bolstering two steps at extraordinary speed and hucks his distal phalanges at a target. A tiny, sharp projectile moving at hilarious speeds is basically an arrow.

Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

  • Feature-obscuring clothing

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

  • Satchel
    • Cylindrical metal canister used for holding rolled up papers.
    • Feature-obscuring clothing (3)
    • Paint Brushes
    • Black ink
    • 4 Bottles separately containing red, blue, green and purple striated liquid. They cause unknown harmful Area of Effect effects upon being thrown at someone or something. (Narration discretion to decide on the outcome).


Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)

  • Spent 105 on character creation
  • Awarded title: [Falling Apart] - Character has been damaged and destroyed so many times they can now dismember or reassemble themselves on a whim.
  • Awarded 22 from Holy Draconis.
  • Spent 7 on Fast 0 -> F
  • Spent 7 on Special Movement 0 -> F
  • Spent 7 on Visual Arts F -> E
  • Technique: Make Map updated - "navigable by navigation D" -> "navigable by navigation E" due to improved visual arts.
  • Added Technique: Prophunt
  • Possessions destroyed.
  • Updated theme song.
  • Lore Update (8/10/22)
  • Awarded 105 from A Distant Grotto
  • -21 Speed D -> A (9/16)
  • -14 Vitality E -> C ''
  • -28 Fast F -> B ''
  • -14 Int D -> B ''
  • -14 Prec D -> B ''
  • -7 Str E -> D ''
  • -7 Visual Arts E -> D ''
  • Created Speed Map ''
  • Work on Map now uses Visual Arts D ''
  • Prophunt now uses Visual Arts D ''
  • Recorded title option [Unbroken] ''
  • Awarded 19 from "Without a Second to Spare"
  • Stealth F, Stealth E
  • Audit 5/26 - Balance 20
  • Awarded 16 from "A Saviour & Student"
  • Awarded [Magic-touched]
  • Awarded [Magic F] (-7 Skill upgrade taken from above reward)
  • Balance 36 (Net 0 Skill upgrade '''')
  • Awarded 14 Pts from "It's a Bloody Dragon Scale"
  • 14 pts spent from optional skill suggestions taken from the above: [Area Knowledge(Underbelly)] and optional upgrade acquired [navigation E->D]
  • Balance 36?
  • Awarded 40 from "Where is this Bloody Dragon Scale?!"
  • optional skill acquired:[Four Random Potions] A red, blue, green and striated purple potion. They cause unknown harmful Area of Effect effects upon being thrown at someone or something. (Narration discretion to decide on the outcome).
  • optional skill acquired: [Alternate Identity E] – if skill taken, also add 14pts to earned and spent. if declined, add 14pts to earned. -- TAKEN
  • Spent 14 points on Optional Skill [Alternate Identity E]
  • Balance 76?
  • Recount balance 56
  • Intelligence B -> A (spent 7)
  • Precision B -> A (Spent 7)
  • Visual Arts D -> A (Spent 21)
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1668483378598.pngArelson Flynnest Vaux
Rp'er Name: Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo
Post Frequency:
Daily to Weekly, 3 - 4 days tops.
Discord Name:Beetlebug#4530
Current RP:

- "His goal in life? Well, it's pretty simple. Y'know how there's many bodies in water of varying sizes? Well, some have fish, right? But there's a specific set of standards to it. The size of the water body, The variety of fish in it, the reproduction rates of said fish species, The weather cycles, surrounding nature... A-ah, Arelson was rambling again. Sorry about that, ehe.. What he means is, somewhere out there, is just the right spot for your fishing needs. It's like finding a lover if you think about it." (Find the true best Fishing spot in the IH world.)

Equipped Titles: [Human]
Height: 5'1
Weight: 128.5 Pounds
Backstory: Native to IH
Current Life: Will be worked on Later
Acquired Titles: [Human]
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent:105
Points Not Spent:
Strength - D (14)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - D (14) - 49 Points Stats. E grade Character
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - E (7)
  • Attentive Student E (14)
  • Educated F (7)
    - Animal Handling - "Even in the death of an Animal, you must still treat it like how you'd treat a person. Comfort it in death, and ensure it's peace."
    - Navigation - "To know what you seek is to also know where you go to seek it. Placing a trail or knowing the landmarks you passed is vital."
    - Nature - "The weather around a fishing spot matters as much as it's surroundings. Can't get good results if it's too hot, too cold, or too rainy."
  • Asset F [Cottage] (7)
  • Survival E (14)
  • Seduction F (7)
  • Domestic Arts F (7)
  • Fishing Rod

(land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log:
Last edited by a moderator:

Rp'er Name: EMIYAman
Post Frequency:
2 times a week
Discord Name: MEMERShiro#8637
Equipped Titles:
  • [Construct]
  • [Living Armor]
  • [Shizophrenic]
  • [Mantled Rancor]
  • [Enigma]
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 304lb
Backstory: What metric may be used to measure the worth of a mans life? Is there a universal standard which can precisely determine whether a life has been lived properly? Many would provide differing contradictory answers, some may say it would be wealth, or power, or people, society, or even God. However the truth of the matter is that no man has any right to judge another's life, what meaning may be gleamed from their struggle in this world is something for them to decide and only at the very end may they truly say what that is. If that is the case, then what of a man who in the end sees no meaning in his life who himself has judged that his life has had little worth. What then? How may meaning be carved from the meaningless? How may a hollow soul receive respite, and should they?

In his previous life Kurikara was known simply as Yuito his surname is of no import. He was an unremarkable man who was just one the many of Japan's dispirited youth. He counted among the NEETs those who were overwhelmed by the weight of societal pressures and turned their backs on the future. By the time he was 30 his parents had no notions as to his future they did as much as was required of them as family, but Yuitos younger sister was already a much more hopeful prospect to invest in. She had ambition he didn't, plain and simple. This was fine with him since he saw everyone else as merely a bother which got in the way of his desires. He spent his time playing games, watching anime and reading manga. He lived a frivolous life of excess and comfort with not a shred of hardship or strife to be found. He refused to live enough to deal with any sort of confrontation. Eventually his isolation became his undoing, despite his claim of living the life of comfort and no worries he always wanted he committed suicide at the age of 34. It was done on a whim decided with the same thought process one would engage in when taking out the trash or choosing what to eat for a snack. When he passed on while hanging himself he merely mused that it would be unfortunate he won't get to play the new game coming out next month.
Current Life: When God summoned the soul of Yuito he knew he was dealing with an utterly indifferent and ambitionless man reincarnating as he is would lead to little, and besides he had plenty of Heroes, Villains and interesting enough people to get what he wanted. With Yuito he may as well try something... different.

When Yuito was reincarnated his spirit was lobotomized for a lack of a better term it was meant to provide a conduit for his new body but not an active conscious. Yuito was now Kurikara Unit-01 an advanced magitech armor created by an ancient race long lost to time. Yuito now Kurikara was brought into this world over a thousand years before now if one follows the annals of history, myths and legends you will find a seemingly benign and inconsequential detail. Many tales of great Heroes and Villains mention them owning legendary armor, these of course are often described differently or posses different names native to their nations language. While not all of them are the Kurikara Unit a few are. This armor was unremarkable at first just a seemingly ornate full plate mail, but the armor who's original intention behind it's creation is unknown had the ability to grow with the wielder as well as enhance the user which scaled as they grew in power. As they learned techniques and gained greater power so too did the armor as the experiences and desires of the users left a impression on the spirit housed within. Each wielder started from a state of zero but as they grew the memory of previous users manifested themselves in techniques and abilities. Within the armor Yuito had changed drastically he had no desires or consciousness in this state but the marks left behind on his soul by each wielder changed his very being. The once ambitionless man now housed within his soul endless desire and the satisfaction of duty fulfilled that only a tool may feel.

Each wielder met their end in various ways some peaceful but many were violent and died young. This too left an impression as Kurikaras very essence was one of battle and bloodshed. Eventually, the armor would be sealed out of fear and respect for its power and in its current state it has not had a user in centuries. This was when God's seeds of change finally bore fruit as consciousness returned to Kurikara and the armor could now be manually animated without the need for a user. The soul once known as Yuito has irrevocably changed the memories of his previous life are little more than fleeting dreams he can no longer relate to being his own. The Kurikara Unit is all that is left. It awakens from its tomb encased in stone with its armor chipped and rusted and a shadow of its former self, it's power which lies smoldering underneath has not diminished only waits to be unleashed. The cacophony of senses left behind desires, and the spiritual memory of lifetimes dyed in blood have wiped away all Identity leaving an empty husk that desires meaning.
[Race] Titles
  • [Construct] - faithful tool made for a purpose. You are now free to live a life regardless if you are truly alive at all. Life and death and what it means to live are entirely different questions for constructs. You rarely form societies of your own, finding more satisfaction in living with the other races.
  • [Living Armor] - A race of sentient equipment. Some are dungeon sentries. Some are the source of cursed armor tales.
  • [Mundane] - Construct title, 1 defensive skill, 2 secondary skills
[Society] Titles
  • [Schizophrenic] - character is prone to hallucinogenic episodes and delusional ideas. More resilient to mental tampering of others.
  • [Mantled Rancor] - Due to your hatred, you can come off as a very hateful individual. You are perceived as unpredictable.
  • [Enigma] - Character is strange, unfathomable and hard to understand. Folks are more likely to be confused or curious by their presence, words and actions.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 162
Points Spent: 266
Points Unspent: 1
Strength - B
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - C
Speed - C

Character Grade - D

  • Athletics F
  • Focus F
  • Fast E
  • Jumping E
  • Resilient F (Fatigue)
  • Fighting Style [Kishin-ryu] D: A sword style meant for sudden powerful swift attacks overwhelming the opponent so as to allow no defense to be mounted which cannot be broken. Rather than many slashes this style prioritizes the efficiency of a single slash. Practitioners of this style are said to invoke a wrathful god.
    • Multidimensional F
    • Penetrating F
    • Deflect F
  • Appraisal D
  • Magic E
  • Component less Magic E
  • [Energy] Affinity F

Points at Start: 28
Points Earned: 63
Points Spent:
Points Unspent:

Strength - A
Precision - F
Intelligence - C
Vitality - C
Speed - C

Character Grade - D

  • Athletics F
  • Focus F
  • Fast D
  • Jumping E
  • Resilient F (Fatigue)
  • Super Strength F

  • Magic C
  • Component less Magic D
  • [Energy] Affinity F
  • Magic Range F
  • Magic Area of Effect F
  • Selective Magic E
  • Feature [Crimson Heavenly Eyes] - 360 degree Vision
  • Bolster [Speed] F- +1 to Speed Grade
  • Bolster [Intelligence] F- +1 to Intelligence Grade
  • Rikudō Mizu: Six Realms-Water - Feature [Crimson Heavenly Eyes] - 360 degree Vision, Bolster [Speed] F, Bolster [Intelligence] F, Focus F - Kurikara fully opens the Crimson Eyes all over his armor and centers his mind. In this state he can dodge most attacks so long as his Speed is high enough and the attack is not too large for him to move. As well as increasing his Intelligence allowing him to understand his current situation and respond effectively. Increases Speed Grade +1 counts as Bolster [Speed] F use. Increases Intelligence grade +1 counts as Bolster [Intelligence] F use. Lasts one post. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Fūin Hi: Sealed Flame - Magic C, Componentless Magic D, [Energy] Affinity F, Athletics F, - Kurikara concentrates dark energy into his palm, suffusing his fist in magical power and drives it into his enemy. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown

  • Living Armor D(Heavy)- Full plate armor making up Kurikaras body which houses his soul
  • Feature [Crimson Heavenly Eyes] - 360 degree Vision
  • Bolster [Speed] F- +1 to Speed Grade
  • Bolster [Intelligence] F- +1 to Intelligence Grade

  • Keishō-suru Rikudō: Inheritor of the Six Realms - Skill Loan F, Fighting Style Kishin-ryu E - Kurikara declares a successor and grants them his armor and a portion of his power. Target receives Fighting Style [Kishin-ryu] F with Penetrating F. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Rikudō Tsuchi: Six Realms-Earth - Focus F, Fighting Style Kishin-ryu E Multidimensional F, Penetrating F, Athletics F, - Kurikara goes into a ready stance and when the moment is right performs a single powerful strike cleaving an enemy in twain. Penetrates through F grade armor and can effect ethereal entities. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Rikudō Mizu: Six Realms-Water - Feature [Crimson Heavenly Eyes] - 360 degree Vision, Bolster [Speed] F, Bolster [Intelligence] F, Focus F - Kurikara fully opens the Crimson Eyes all over his armor and centers his mind. In this state he can dodge most attacks so long as his Speed is high enough and the attack is not too large for him to move. As well as increasing his Intelligence allowing him to understand his current situation and respond effectively. Increases Speed Grade +1 counts as Bolster [Speed] F use. Increases Intelligence grade +1 counts as Bolster [Intelligence] F use. Lasts one post. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Rikudō Hi: Six Realms-Fire - Magic E, Componentless Magic E, [Energy] Affinity F, Fighting Style Kishin-ryu E - Kurikara concentrates dark energy into his palm, coating his blade in it. Then performs a slash empowered by his magic - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Fūin Hi: Sealed Flame - Magic F, Componentless Magic F, [Energy] Affinity F, Athletics F, - Kurikara concentrates dark energy into his palm, suffusing his fist in magical power and drives it into his enemy. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Sora No Kaze: Empty Wind - Fighting Style Kishin-ryu D Penetrating F, Fast E, Jumping E, - Kurikara rushes to his opponent then leaps into the air. Slashing down upon them with his blade. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Sealed Power - Superstrength F, Athletics F, - Kurikara centers the strength contained within his frame and acts upon the world with as much output as he can muster. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Tengoku No Me: Empyrean Eye - Appraisal D, Feature [Crimson Heavenly Eyes] - 360 degree vision - Kurikara uses the advanced scanning magitek within his eyes weighing the targets Karma and evaluating the individual. Kurikara gains information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown dependent on the grade of the target in relation to this ability. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown

  • Polished Nodachi D- a newly maintained, cleaned and sharpened Nodachi
  • Living Armor E(Heavy)- Full plate armor making up Kurikaras body which houses his soul
  • Whetstone
Change Log:
  • Chararacter Creation:
    • 21 points into Strength C
    • 14 points into Speed D
    • 7 points into Vitality E
    • 14 points into Fighting Style [Kishin-ryu] E
    • 21 points into Skill Loan F
    • 7 points into Athletics F
    • 7 points into Focus
    • 7 points spent on Rust Worn Nodachi F
    • 7 points spent on Worn Living Armor
    • Created Ability Keishō-suru Rikudō: Inheritor of the Six Realms
    • Created Ability Rikudō Tsuchi: Six Realms-Earth
  • Post RP #1-The Dead awake at Night (Blue Viscera Occult Questline):
    • Received Title [Schizophrenic]
    • Received 55 points
    • 7 points spent on Intelligence E
    • 7 points on Feature [Crimson Heavenly Eyes] - 360 degree Vision
    • 7 points spent to upgrade Rust Worn Nodachi to Polished Nodachi E
    • 7 points spent to upgrade Worn Living Armor to Living Armor E
    • 7 points on Bolster [Speed] F
    • 7 points on Strength B
    • 7 points on Speed C
    • Created Ability Rikudō Mizu: Six Realms-Water
  • Post RP#2- The Dead awake at Night, Part 2 (Blue Viscera Occult Questline):
    • Received Title [Mantled Rancor]
    • Received 62 points
    • 14 points for Magic E
    • 42 points for Component less Magic E
    • 7 points for [Energy] Affinity F
    • Created Ability Rikudō Hi: Six Realms-Fire
  • Post RP#3- Ruins Right Route
    • Received Title [Ryke Military Associate F]
    • Received 25 points
    • Bet 21 points on World RP: Empire Victory
      • Loss
    • Spent 7 points for Vitality D
  • Post RP#4- Runaway Slaves Part 1
    • Received 41 Points
    • Spent 14 points for Fast E
    • Spent 7 points for Jumping F
    • Spent 7 points for Fighting Style [Kishin-ryu] D
    • Spent 7 points for Polished Nodachi D
    • Spent 7 points for Vitality C
  • Post RP#5- Runaway Slaves Part 2
    • Received 58 Points
    • Received Title [Enigma]
    • Gained Appraisal D as Isekai'd Character
    • Spent 28 points for Transformation (Fudo Myo-o) F
      • Gained 28 points from Transformation F
      • From Transformation (Fudo Myo-o) F Kurikara can no longer wield his Nodachi, its related fighting style, or his abilities which require the use of a Nodachi
        • Loss of Polished Nodachi D refunds 21 points while in Transformation
        • Loss of Fighting Style [Kishin-ryu] D refunds 21 points while in Transformation
        • Ability Keishō-suru Rikudō: Inheritor of the Six Realms is lost
        • Ability Rikudō Tsuchi: Six Realms-Earth is lost
        • Ability Rikudō Hi: Six Realms-Fire is lost
        • Ability Sora No Kaze: Empty Wind is lost
      • From Transformation (Fudo Myo-o) F Kurikara can no longer use Skill Loan F refunding 21 points while in Transformation
      • Gained 63 points from skill refund for use in Transformation
      • Spent 7 points for Strength A
      • Spent 14 points for Intelligence C
      • Spent 7 points for Magic C
      • Spent 21 points for Componentless Magic D
      • Spent 7 points for Magic Range F
      • Spent 7 points for Magic Area of Effect F
      • Spent 14 points for Selective Magic E
      • Spent 7 points for Living Armor D(Heavy)
      • Spent 7 points for Fast D
    • Used [Born For This] Racial Perk for Resilient F (Fatigue)
    • Spent 7 points for Jumping E
    • Spent 7 points for Bolster [Intelligence] F
    • Spent 14 points for Superstrength F
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Rp'er Name: EMIYAman
Post Frequency: Once a week
Discord Name: MEMERShiro
Current RP:
Tia's Goal: To assimilate more Biomass and discover new things.
Overarching Goals: Develop her identity through interaction with other people becoming more humanlike and dealing with the conflict of being a Monster who wishes to form connections with others despite her nature.
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 254lbs
Backstory: Tia was a young girl who died suddenly and alone. She lived an uneventful and complacent life with barely any strife, nothing worth mentioning. She does not recall ever speaking with or seeing [God] let alone her previous name.
Current Life:Tia emerged into this world as a small amorphous mass of flesh which fed on organic material. She slithered out of a small meteor which had made impact in a dense forest. In this form she had no sense of self, thoughts or anything resembling humanity. Blind and motivated only to feed she wandered aimlessly for a time slowly growing into a competent predator. Unlike other creatures she could operate on very little sleep, did not need water, and neither did she produce waste. She simply grew and consumed. At first all she could eat were plants which happened to be in her way, but through chance she consumed a dead rodent which granted her something akin to a brain and basic animalistic feelings and instincts. As she ate more and more her capabilities grew until she could sense her prey and began to seek them out purposely. Through stalking, ambushes and scavenging she assimilated much biomass growing as a result. Mass, movement, intellect and other such things were all augmented over time.

Eventually on one of her many hunts for the first time she came across a bipedal furless animal. While there were few things she could not eat some animals were too dangerous to hunt as such she observed these new creatures curiously on the lookout for threatening abilities or weaknesses. Eventually the creatures gathered out in the forest in which was her territory. Once they slept she crept up on them the largest of them would take time to consume and could be dangerous. So she found a small one she could take with much less effort. Slowly creeping towards her pray she got as close as possible before rushing into action with fleshy tendrils she grabbed the small creature by its head, arms and feet. She covered its mouth so it would not be heard by its pack and dragged it into the darkness of the forest with nary a sound. In the black of the forest which was so silent one if they strained their ears could hear the cracking of bones and the tearing of flesh. Thus Tia had taken on the biomass of a human.

This hunt had marked the greatest change in her. She had never before assimilated a being with this level of intellect and with it her thought processes changed dramatically. The way she perceived the world and more importantly herself multiplied in it's complexity and her curiosity had grown to level she had never felt before. Everything seemed new and exciting to her as she could now experience the full range of emotions as a human could. She then came to a pool of clear water and looked upon it, she was suddenly startled as she saw another creature within it. She moved to examine it and came to realize it was herself with this revelation came identity. Through a combination of being a human in her former life and the consumption of a human she unconsciously shifted her form into that of a human. Her reflection changed and greatly resembled a young human girl. She immediately felt content with this form identifying with it. Still without a name and the possessing just the framework for an identity, she found her curiosity drawing her to a dirt road she had originally seen the humans on. Beckoned by her curiosity she followed it.
[Race] Titles
  • [Monster] - Evil, Vicious, Savage, Cunning, Vile, and much more. Monsters are the congealed chaos of the universe given form and a singular purpose of destruction. Monsters will consume all.
  • [Human] - Humans thrive on connectivity flexibility. Alone they are nothing and specialized they generally fall behind other races, but in numbers and with diverse skillsets they accomplish much and that is why they built their society around factions and organizations.
  • [Abomination] - Creatures of conflicting natures. Do you belong in multiple places or will none have you? Must you conform to find your place or unleash your duality to finally claim a place you can call home? You are a hybrid of multiple racial trees.
  • [Mundane] - Abomination title, Multiracial feature, requirements from parent trees mundane options
[Society] Titles
  • [Obsessive] - When character finds something they like, they embrace the urge to cling to it at the expense of everything else. Character will find gaining trust to make rational decisions when obsession is involved to be very difficult. Character is prone to driving away obsession. Presence or lack of obsession can heavily impact mental stability of character to the point of bolstering or weakening their mental faculties.
  • [Voracious] - character has the means and tendency to put away large quantities of food. It's now a bit easier to scarf it all down thanks to practice.
[Criminal] Titles
  • [Theft F] - Character has stolen. Character may not remove the title unless a point penalty is paid or penance is served. Non-monsters with this title lose all rights and protections afforded to them under natural law and are generally not welcomed into any settlement or faction that can test titles.
Points at Start: 105(+12)
Points Earned: 177
Points Spent: 294
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - C
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - A
Speed - E

Character Grade - D
Enhanced Digestion
Retractable Claws
  • Heightened Sense(Smell) F
  • Elasticity D
  • Regeneration D
  • Devour E
  • [Biomancy] Affinity F
  • Super Strength E
  • Multiracial (Human/Monster)
  • Tunneling F
Description: Tia briefly breakdowns her human form causing her accumulated biomass to spill out into a more mature and destructive form of her species. She shifts into an amorphous tentacled body with multiple eyes and teeth arrayed seemingly randomly along its frame. In this form she maintains her intelligence and memories though her natural instincts are much stronger and the inherited Human ones are muted.

Strength - C (B) [Transformation]
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - A
Speed - E (D) [Transformation]

Enhanced Digestion
Retractable Claws
  • Heightened Sense(Smell) F
  • Elasticity D
  • Regeneration D
  • Intimidation E [Transformation]
  • [Biomancy] Affinity F
  • Devour E
  • Super Strength E
  • Multiracial (Human/Monster)
  • Tunneling F
  • Flesh Spike- Feature: Retractable Claws, Elasticity F - Tia shoots a fleshy tentacle from her hand stabbing into her prey with a bone spike from up to 12 feet. - Grade F - 0 post Cooldown
  • Thrashing Flesh- Super Strength E, Elasticity E - Tia forms her arm into a fleshy tentacle with a bulbous end. Using it like a flail or mace Tia smashes it against her opponent with enough force to break bone from up to 12 feet. - Grade E - 1 post Cooldown
  • Consumation of Flesh- Elasticity D, Retractable Claws, Devour E - Tia wraps her arms around a target, transforming them into a tentacles that fully envelopes them(so long as 24 feet is enough length to surround them). Then forms teeth on the inside cutting her prey apart and taking them into her body. - Grade D - 2 post Cooldown
  • Bone Claws E

Name: Tia
Racial Title: Human
Description: A young Human girl in a white sundress. She has long greenish hair alongside matching eyes with a slightly different hue. Unassuming and nonthreatening.

[Race] Titles

  • [Human] - Humans are normal humans and the most dominant and numerous race in the world.
[Society] Titles

  • [Obsessive] - When character finds something they like, they embrace the urge to cling to it at the expense of everything else. Character will find gaining trust to make rational decisions when obsession is involved to be very difficult. Character is prone to driving away obsession. Presence or lack of obsession can heavily impact mental stability of character to the point of bolstering or weakening their mental faculties.
  • [Voracious] - character has the means and tendency to put away large quantities of food. It's now a bit easier to scarf it all down thanks to practice.
  • Flesh Spike- Feature: Retractable Claws, Elasticity F - Tia shoots a fleshy tentacle from her hand stabbing into her prey with a bone spike protruding from the end from up to 12 feet. - Grade F - 0 post Cooldown
  • Thrashing Flesh- Super Strength E, Elasticity D - Tia forms her arm into a fleshy tentacle with a bulbous end. Using it like a flail or mace Tia smashes it against her opponent with enough force to pulp them from up to 12 feet. - Grade D - 2 post Cooldown
  • Consumation of Flesh- Elasticity E, Retractable Claws, Devour E - Tia wraps her arm around a target transforming it into a tentacle that fully envelopes them(so long as 12 feet is enough length to surround them). Then forms teeth on the inside cutting her prey apart and taking them into her body. - Grade E - 1 post Cooldown
  • Bone Claws E
  • 1648931323215.png
  • Natural Armor (Heavy) - Chitin E
  • Beginners Tome to Dark Magic (Catalyst) C
Character Creation:

  • Received 12 points from Scooping Jean Heng
  • 21 points for (Strength C)
  • 7 points for (Intelligence E)
  • 21 points for (Vitality C)
  • 7 points for (Feature- Darkvision)
  • 7 points for (Feature- Enhanced Digestion)
  • 7 points for (Feature- Retractable Claws)
  • 7 points for (Bone Claws E)
  • 7 points for (Heightened Sense(Smell) F)
  • 14 points for (Elasticity F)
  • 7 points for (Regeneration F)
  • 7 Points for (Alternate Identity F)
  • Created Ability [Flesh Spike]
Post RP#1 Lost and Found:

  • Gained 43 points
  • Gained Title Theft F
  • 28 points for Transformation F
    • Gained 28 points from Transformation F
    • 14 points for Intimidation E
    • 7 points for Strength B
    • 7 points for Speed D
  • 7 points for [Biomancy] Affinity F
  • 7 points for Speed E
Post RP#2 A Distant Grotto:
  • Gained 39 points
  • 7 points for Vitality B
  • 14 points for Devour E
  • 14 points for Super Strength F
  • 7 points for Regeneration E
  • Created Ability [Thrashing Flesh]
  • Created Ability [Consumation of Flesh]
Post RP#3 See a Fae About a Tree:
  • Acquired Title [Obsessive]
  • Gained 18 points
  • Marketplace: 14 points given to Renee for Catalyst (Beginners Tome to Dark Magic C)
  • 7 points spent for Haruki's Ancestor Spear F
Post RP#4 A Heart For This Home:
  • Gained 36 points
Post RP# 5 [Ciu'nan]Orson's Feast: A Prelude
  • Gained 21 points
  • Acquired Title [Voracious]
  • 7 points for Vitality A
  • 28 points for Elasticity D
  • 14 points for Natural Armor (Heavy) - Chitin E
  • 7 points for Alternate Identity E
Post RP#6 The Toad, the Witch, and the Dream
  • Gained 20 points
  • Spent 7 points for Regeneration D
  • Spent 14 points for Super Strength E
  • Use [Born For This] Racial Perk for Feature - [Multiracial] and Tunneling F
Last edited:
Theme: Theme
Rp'er Name: saxon
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: Saxon#1232
Current RP: N/A
To explore this new world
Equipped Titles: Kitsune, Order Initiate, Defender of Sootspire, Ryke Noble Associate F, Friend of Sol Faith, Hero of Nan Gau, Known to Clan Yamimoto
Height: 5'3
Weight: 115 lbs
Aya before she died was on her way to her graduation ceremony. She was a fairly typical student not really the best but not the worst either. She was fairly popular person never really wanting for friends or someone to talk to. But on the day that she died she took a detour from her normal route because she was going to be late to school. Well upon turning a corner she tripped on over a curb while eating some bread and died because she choked on the bread, and no one was around. Due to this fact she acts like she knows nothing of her previous life because of how embarrassed she is about her death.
Current Life:
Aya was born to immigrants that moved to Ryken two decades before the rise of the current king. Taking odd jobs, her parents eventually saved up enough money to open up an Inn. Which they named the Ancient Fox Inn, five years before the rise of the current King Aya was born and is an only child. From a young age, she saw how things worked around the Inn. Her mother often brought out the food and dealt with the guests while her father kept the finances and people in the Inn orderly. When her parents were too busy Aya was often watched by some members of the staff that worked at the Inn. Often other immigrants moved to the area and there were a few locals as well.

When she was younger, her father would tell her stories of his time as an adventurer before he moved to Bruma. Which inspired a longing to explore new places and see what they had to offer. At the age of 8 she started to help around the Inn learning that if you wanted something you were going to have to work for it. Plus she met a lot of people from different walks of life as she grew up working at the tavern. Ranging from the poorer people to the guards that would come to the Inn to drink or eat.

The Inn itself has become a fairly popular place for the common person to come to, many travelers would that had stopped at the inn before would always come back. Generally around the same time of year. Often telling Aya stories of their travels and of the adventures that they had come across. Now that she is old enough she intends to join the adventure's guild.
Acquired Titles: Beast, Kitsune, Order Initiate, Defender of Sootspire, Ryke Noble Associate F, Friend of Sol Faith, Hero of Nan Gau, Known to Clan Yamimoto
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 265
Points Spent: 363
Points Not Spent: 6
Strength - A (35)
Precision - A (35)
Intelligence - A (35)
Vitality - A (35)
Speed - A (35)

A Grade
  • Heightened Sense E (Smell, Hearing) (14)
  • Feature 9 tails (o)
  • Feature Fox ears (0)
  • Fighting Style: Kitsune Style C [sword], Blind Fighter, Deflect F, Flare E (Sight, Touch), Area F (28)
  • Fast E (14)
  • Leadership E (14)
  • Appraisal A (Isekaier)
  • Culture F (7, Beastman Republic))
  • Energized C (28)
  • Insight F (7)
Aya's father passed on a style he created during his younger days. The style focus on technique such as footwork and fluid movement. The form focuses mainly on countering an opponent. Using their momentum against them, used only by swords.
  • Blind Strike- Kitsune Style E, Heightened Sense E (Hearing & smell), Blind Fighter F, Energized E - Aya strike at targets within sword length by listening to sound if her sight is taken away. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Quick Slash - Kitsune Style F, Fast F, Sword F - Aya uses her speed to quickly rush a target with in 10 feet and deliver a quick slash attack with her sword. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Deflection- Kitsune Style E, Deflection E, Energized E - Aya uses her word to deflect incoming non magical attacks. - Grade E - 0 post cool down
  • Shinten- Kitsune Style D, Flare, Sword F, Fast E, Energized D- Aya strike at targets within sword length overloading the target's sense of sight. When not in combat, the narrator's discretion for duration. - Grade D - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Qazi - Fighting Style: Kitsune Style C [sword], Blind Fighter, Deflect F, Flare E (Sight, Touch), Area F, Fast E, Energized C - Aya uses her katana to make a wide swing in a 5ft area in a single direction overloading the target's sense of sight and touch for a single post. When not in combat up to the narrator's discretion. - C Grade - 2 post cooldown

Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • B Grade iron Katana (31, blacksmith assistance refer to change log)
  • B grade light armor (35)
  • Natural Weapons F (7, Born for This -7 discount]
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Change Log:

14 July, 2022

15 July, 2022
  • 7 points to strength now D Rank
  • 7 points to upgrade Katana from F to E
  • 7 points to upgrade precision to D
  • 7 points to upgrade Fast from F to E
  • 7 points to upgrade light armor from F to E

16 August, 2022
  • 26 points from A Fated Meeting
  • 7 Points to upgrade E Vitality -> D grade
  • Consolidated heightened sense due to verbiage: "Each grade of the skill permits another sense to be acquired in addition to increasing the strength of the skill overall. Ex: seeing, hearing, or sniffing out a hidden adversary."
  • Added Fox Ears Feature (thought I had that already)
  • 7 points spent to acquire Leadership F
  • 7 points spent to add: Flare - Creates a sense overload of one sense during an attack. More senses or stronger disability as the technique grows. When duration selected, increase by 1 target post per grade. When not in combat, narrator discretion for duration. To fighting style.
  • Added Shinten.
  • 7 points spent on strength D grade to C grade

22 August 2022
  • Regula upgraded E grade Katana to D grade for 3 points.
29 December 2022
  • Gained 65 points [Isekai Hell] Rumours of a Sunlit Temple
  • Gained and equipped title [Friend of Sol Faith] - character risked life and limb in hardship and trial on behalf of important people in Sol who made a request of them. Their actions directly benefited the faith in Leilosis the Sun god. The character can expect a positive reaction from followers of the faith. Aid if possible and requests for aid if not.
  • Spent 7 points Precision D => C
  • Spent 7 points Vitality D => C
  • Spent 7 points Speed D => C
  • Spent 7 points Strength C => B
  • Added Appraisal C of equivariant rank isekaier not sure why I didn't have it before
  • Updated Feature to 5 tails from 3 tails due to character grade going up.
  • Spent 7 points Light armor E => D
  • Spent 7 points to upgrade Katana D => C
  • Spent 7 points to upgrade Fighting Style: Kitsune Style D, Blind Fighter, Deflect F, Flare => Fighting Style: Kitsune Style C, Blind Fighter, Deflect F, Flare F, Area F
  • Spent 7 points to upgrade Flare F=> E added touch to Flare
  • Spent 7 points Culture F (Beastman Republic)
  • Added Ability Qazi
15 Jan 2023
  • 10 gained from [Isekai Hell] The Postlude
  • optional title acquired [Dumb Animal] - character gained the prejudice of non-beastmen. Character may or may not have instigated the bad feelings. The title is one of many derogatory phrases with special significance to the beastmen population. The title is certain to draw unfavorable attitudes from all who learn of it being on character.
  • Spent 14 points on Energized E
10 Apr 2023
  • Acquired 75 points from isekai-hell-may-even-these-peseants-have-respite
  • Acquired and Equipped optional title: [Hero of Nan Gau] - character's efforts on behalf of Nan Gau are recognized. Villagers are now more likely to be hospitable and accommodating to character while in Nan Gau area.
  • Spent 7 points Strength B -> A
  • Spent 14 points Intelligence C -> A
  • Spent 14 points Speed C -> A
  • Spent 14 points Energized E -> C
  • Spent 7 points Katana C -> B
  • Spent 14 points Light armor D -> B
  • Added Energized to Shinten and Qazi reducing their cooldowns by 1
  • Appraisal C ->B to match character grade
  • Acquired Title Mundane

28 Aug 2023

  • Acquired 50 points [Isekai Hell] May Even These Peseants Have Respite! Pt. II
  • Optional Title Acquired [Known to Clan Yamimoto] - This character for better or worse has caught the attention of the Yamimoto Clan and are now known to the clan if only by name.
  • Applied Born for this boon to -> Natural Weapon F (7 points)
  • Spent 14 Points Vitality C-> A
  • Spent 14 Points Precision C-> A
  • Appraisal B -> A To match grade
  • Spent 7 Points Leadership F -> E
  • Spent 7 Points for Insight F

F Grade
Aya F Grade.png

E Grade
Aya E Grade.png
D Grade
Aya D Grade.png

B Grade
Aya B Grade.png
Last edited by a moderator:

Rp'er Name: EMIYAman
Post Frequency:
twice a week at most
Discord Name: MEMERShiro#8637
Current RP:
  • Make money and acquire assets
  • Find a way back to Casper
Equipped Titles:
  • [Beastmen]
  • [Mundane]
  • [Lush]
  • [Loner]
  • [Northern Adventurer]
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 160lbs
Backstory: Born in the 1960s Kristina was growing up in one of the most prolific decades for a particular trade. Arms dealing. Growing up she had a strong sense of justice as her father was a member of the police force. She followed in his footsteps, graduating from a police academy by the age of 21. Though at the time female police officers were rather few in number and she faced no shortage of harassment and discrimination. After serving 7 years on the force she became rather experienced and despite some issues was one of the best.

Her life of upholding the law came to a sudden an abrupt end however. To put it simply she made a mistake and that mistake cost the lives of many including her parents. She was discharged from the force for her failure. From then on she was lost, the pain of losing her parents and the work which gave her life meaning ate away at her. She couldn't bring herself to work and barely ate. Before too long she was homeless. She had no family, and no purpose she possessed nothing which could give her life substance. When she resolved herself to her fate, she was saved. By a stroke of luck and the whim of a stranger Kristina had been approached by a young man. He was charismatic, confident and always seemed to sport a disarming smile. His name Casper, and he was an arms dealer.

Casper had a habit of collecting broken people. As he wandered the world selling weapons to anyone who'd buy them he made a lot of enemies. This led him to forming an elite team around himself, those he had picked up from the worst moments of their life and gave them meaning. His team of bodyguards numbered a mere 9 but their skillsets ranged greatly. From former members of special forces, artillery men, Terrorists, SWAT Snipers and even a former CIA agent. Differing greatly in both lifestyles and culture the one thing they all shared was loyalty to Casper. While the money was certainly nice the thing that truly tied them to him was his ideals and ambitions, because of those they would willing follow him to hell. And soon Kristina found herself among their ranks, and over the course of 6 years she eventually became his right hand. This dangerous way of life existing outside the purview of any one country would catch up with them eventually. Yet, they always persisted no matter the odds or complications that came their way. They had fended off assassins, mercenaries, and special forces but this success lead to overconfidence and for that a sacrifice had to be paid. Kristina's death came when a competitor to Casper sought to take out his rival violently, they were unprepared for the attack despite their best efforts. So in an effort to allow her employer and team to live to see another day she took them on alone managing to severely cripple the enemy before being gunned down.
Current Life: Upon her death Kristina met with [God] but their conversation has been lost to her. As far as she's aware she awoke in the wilderness with nothing but the clothes on her back, and solace in the form of a pack of cigarettes. All of her weapons were gone as were her wounds, and oddly enough she felt the sensation of new appendages that twitched idly. She was confused for sure but she knew she had died, and then come back to life somewhere else. She could have more answers later what mattered now was survival and if the opportunity arises, a way back to Casper. If nothing else, she wanted to find a place she could get more cigarettes.
[Race] Titles
  • [Beastmen] - Beastmen, as much as they claim to be of a higher order of being, much of their racial features draw heavily from the animal world. Their martial prowess is 2nd to none. Whether slave or free, they are frequently in professions benefitted by their superior senses and physicality.
  • [Mundane] - Beast title, choose: (Natural Weapons F or Natural Armor F), 2 sense skills
[Society] Titles
  • [Lush] - Regardless of the character's drinking preferences and tolerances, character is perceived as someone that likes to regularly drink more than they should. Will have an easier time leaning into the part to meet expectations. More difficult to be taken seriously and can occasionally be denied drinks for the character's 'own good'.
  • [Loner] - Character excels at handling their mental state and social needs over extended periods of isolation. Will not easily crumble at the prospect of going at something alone.
  • [Northern Adventurer] - This character has been to the frozen North in the kingdom that is common ravaged by invading Monsters and has lived to tell the tale.
Points at Start: 105(+23)
Points Earned: 190
Points Spent: 315
Points Not Spent: 3
Strength - D
Precision - C
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - C
Character Grade: D

  • Feature Darkvision
  • Feature Wolf Ears
  • Feature Wolf Tail
  • Fast D
  • N/A
  • Fighting Style [K's Systema] E:A collection of martial arts personally created by Kristina under her alias as "K" when she worked with Casper. Following the naming scheme of the Russian Systema martial arts the style is named after its creator. It features the most similarities with Krav Maga but has bits an pieces from all sort of styles she picked up from her time traveling the world. The style is standout however in that it also incorporates knife combat into it with some techniques of martial arts being adapted entirely for use with a knife.
    • Paranza Corta Srike- Accurate F - A technique of knife fighting originating in Sicily. The attack is a precise movement which impairs the movement of the enemy to better facilitate an unerring hit which won't miss.
    • Escrima Redirection- Deflect F - A technique for knife fighting originating in the Philippines. A counter strike meant to intercept an attack and if not deflect its force then block it opening up the opponent to a counter attack.
    • Tantojutsu Precision- Hot Shot F - A technique based off the Japanese style of knife or short sword fighting. A precise attack that targets the inherent flaws in the body.
  • N/A
  • Appraisal D
  • Heightened Sense [Hearing, Smell] E
  • Super Sense E(Violent Intent)
  • N/A
  • Educated [Bodyguard] E:
    • Intimidation E
    • Warfare E
    • Insight E
  • Mentor F
  • Gear [Throwing Knives] E
  • Gear [Smoke Bombs] E
  • Concealment E
  • Wealth E
[Race] Titles
  • [Beastmen] - Beastmen, as much as they claim to be of a higher order of being, much of their racial features draw heavily from the animal world. Their martial prowess is 2nd to none. Whether slave or free, they are frequently in professions benefitted by their superior senses and physicality.
[Society] Titles
  • [Lush] - Regardless of the character's drinking preferences and tolerances, character is perceived as someone that likes to regularly drink more than they should. Will have an easier time leaning into the part to meet expectations. More difficult to be taken seriously and can occasionally be denied drinks for the character's 'own good'.
  • [Loner] - Character excels at handling their mental state and social needs over extended periods of isolation. Will not easily crumble at the prospect of going at something alone.
[Job] Titles
  • [Apprentice Merchant] - An immature merchant still honing the craft of peddling wares.

Description: A Beast Woman merchant with Lupine features. Often sporting a stoic expression, matched with a utilitarian style of dress meant to weather long journeys and a variety of environments. As her main export is weapons she usually has a few on her person at all times.
  • Stealth D
  • Acrobatics F
  • Climbing F
  • Business E
  • Tactical Retreat - Stealth E, Acrobatics F, Climbing F- One of the most important part of the arms dealing business is knowing when a deal goes sour and getting the hell out of dodge. Kristina is more than used to this, she uses her vast experience at running away to vanish from a situation entirely. Whether that means hiding in a crowd, scaling a building or crashing through a window. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Dragon - Business F, Intimidation F- Casper had a saying that those who kill too much become Dragons, beasts that rule the land atop piles of money flying on wings of authority. Kristina didn't quite get his many metaphors but if nothing else she picked up on the way he conducted his deals. Through a combination of pressuring and business acumen she can bring someone to make a deal they wouldn't normally. Such as slight discounts and selling of items they wouldn't normally. Essentially scary haggling. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Hunting Operation - Fighting Style [K's Systema] E Accurate F, Climbing F, Stealth E, Acrobatics F - Kristina as "K" spent a large amount of time avoiding fights rather than starting them. As a bodyguard to Casper her role was mostly defensive in nature. She would respond to dangerous elements and react accordingly. But once in a while there were moments where Caspar declared a "Hunt". Kristina launches an attack from a hidden position on ground or from an elevated position similar in function to Tactical Retreat but used aggressively. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Lupas Instinct - Heightened Sense [Hearing, Smell] E, Insight F, Appraisal E - Using a combination of her developed "sense" for a person through her life as a Bodyguard always on the hunt for trouble. And her enhanced sense of hearing and smell she gets a read on a person through their body language, the rhythm of their heartbeat and the scent they give off. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Shadow Claw - Stealth D, Fighting Style [K's Systema] E Hot Shot F, Concealment E - Operating from an unassuming position Kristina appears non threatening, blending into her surroundings. Upon reaching her target while she's either hidden or anonymous she discreetly strikes, going for a fatal attack with her knife in a split second. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Ontario Mark 3 Knife D
  • Natural Weapons F
  • Throwing Knives E
  • Smoke Bombs E
  • Reinforced Leather Garments E
  • Iron Longsword E

  • [Vacant Redcliffe Village Building] - the writ to an abandoned property in Redcliff Village, another settlement in the Sol County.
Change Log:
05/27/2022 Character Creation-

  • 7 points spent for Strength E
  • 14 points spent for Perception D
  • 7 points spent for Intelligence E
  • 7 points spent for Speed E
  • 7 points for Feature Darkvision
  • 7 points for Super Sense F(Violent Intent)
  • 14 points for Fighting Style [K's Systema] E
    • Acquired Accurate F
    • Acquired Deflect F
  • 14 points for Stealth E
  • 7 points for Acrobatics F
  • 7 points for Climbing F
  • 7 points for Business F
  • 7 points for Intimidation F
  • 7 points for Dull Ontario Mark 3 Knife F
  • 14 points for Natural Weapons F
  • Created Ability Tactical Retreat
  • Created Ability Dragon
  • Created Ability Hunting Operation
  • 23 points taken from Francois Rychin scoop
9/20/2022 Post RP #1: Intrigue Down Below
  • Gained 88 points
  • Title [Lush] Acquired
  • 21 points for Wealth F
  • 7 points for Speed D
  • 14 points for Fast E
  • Refunded 7 points from Intimidation F for Educated [Bodyguard] F
  • 7 points for Educated [Bodyguard] F
    • Used Wealth F for Gear [Throwing Knives] F
  • 14 points for Concealment E
  • 7 points for Heightened Sense [Hearing]
  • 7 points for Strength D
  • 7 points for Ontario Mark 3 Knife E
  • 7 points for Mentor F
  • Created Ability Lupas Instinct
12/02/2022 Post RP#2: An Interlude Pt.1
  • Gained 60 points
  • Title [Loner] Acquired
  • Asset [Fell Grimoire] Acquired
  • Asset [Ring of Thorns] Acquired
  • 7 points for Precision C
  • 7 points for Vitality E
  • 7 points for Speed C
  • 7 points for Stealth D
  • 7 points for Fast D
  • 7 points for Heightened Sense [Hearing, Smell] E
  • Acquired Appraisal D
  • 7 points for Hot Shot F used Mentor F to reduce cost by 7 points
    • Used Wealth F for Gear [Smoke Bombs] F
    • Used Wealth F for Reinforced Leather Garments F
  • 14 points for Alternate Identity [Lupa] E
12/19/2022 Post RP#2 Project 10
  • Gained 3 points
  • Lost Asset Fell Grimoire
  • Lost Asset Ring of Thorns
  • Gained Asset [Vacant Redcliffe Village Building]
2/06/2023 Post RP#3 Where the Water Taste Like...
  • Gained 31 points
  • 21 points for Wealth E
    • Used Wealth E for Iron Longsword E
    • Used Wealth E for Throwing Knives E
    • Used Wealth E for Smoke Bombs E
    • Used Wealth E for Reinforced Leather Garments E
  • 7 points for Educated [Bodyguard] E
  • 7 points for Business E
6/30/2034 Post RP#4 Frozen Kingdom
  • Gained 8 points
  • Title [Northern Adventurer] Acquired
  • 7 points for Ontario Mark 3 Knife D
  • Used [Born For This] Racial Perk for Super Sense E(Violent Intent)
Last edited:
Ingenium of Innovation

_male focus, android, faceless, robe, faceless male, hood up, mechanical hands, s-493283808.png

Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency: 1 to 2 times a week
Discord Name: MEMERShiro#8637
Current RP:
  • Establish a religion
  • Become a full fledged god
  • Create a city of industry
Equipped Titles:
  • [Construct]
  • [Expert Tinkerer]
  • [Fledgling Blacksmith]
  • [Tinker Fanatic]
  • [Red Orb Freak]
  • [Red Iron God]
  • [Thief D]
  • [Murderer E]
  • [Vandal E]

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 240lbs

Backstory: N/A
Current Life: Ingenium came into being from Ether stemming from the core of the World. As mortal civilization advanced and developed the concepts of industry and complex machinery independent of magic, the ideas and hopes mortals had for the future collected and began to form a being who would embody these things. However a "god" could not be created by this process until someone was to worship and give a name to them. So for a time the being that would become Ingenium hibernated unable to be born. With the advent of the arrival of various beings whose origins lied in another world this began to change. A portion of these beings came from a world and time of great innovation and had such faith and belief in these modern systems and creations that the World recognized it as faith allowing for Ingenium to be born. His creation was an exception rather than a rule leading to various complications. His domain which he would be a crystallization of was weak and underdeveloped. Leading to him manifesting in heavily reduced state. Ingenium is ignorant, bereft of worshippers or divine power, and wholly unprepared for the world which so brought him life. A fragile existence centuries early in its inception, but possessing a foundation of hope and ambition.

[Race] Titles
  • [Construct] - faithful tool made for a purpose. You are now free to live a life regardless if you are truly alive at all. Life and death and what it means to live are entirely different questions for constructs. You rarely form societies of your own, finding more satisfaction in living with the other races.
  • [Mundane] - Construct title, 1 defensive skill, 2 secondary skills
[Society] Titles
  • [Tinker Fanatic] - Character's fanatic nature towards their craft allows them to pay more attention to details and find more opportunities, but also makes it easier for others to take advantage of them.
  • [Expert Tinkerer] - Maker of mundane, mechanical items and materials with a more scientific requirements
  • [Adept Blacksmith] - Forger of metal based items and likely metal based weapons and armors in particular
  • [Red Orb Freak] - Character has 2 big red orbs for eyes rather than actual eyes. Character is even more recognizable as a construct and harder to hide or pass off as something else in public. Automaton hunters are more likely to subdue on sight due to history of red eyed constructs often being associated with mass murder machines prone to turning on humans. The Races are more likely to turn on, give up, or avoid character where possible due to the disconcerting eyes. Other constructs more likely to give high-5s for 'cool orbs bro'.
  • [Red Iron God] - Character has become the living martyr, prophecy fulfiller, resurrected, constructed god of the East Empire constructs foretold to come and deliver them from their subjugation to the humans. Character will be seen and treated as a god by any resident construct in the East Empire nation. Escaped constructs of the east empire nation in other countries as well as subjugated constructs in the western empire will also regard character as such. Constructs loyal to character can never be corrupted to an opposing side. Most will do anything for the Red Iron God. Only a few will die for the cause however. To the owners of constructs and bladerunners, the Red Iron God is a myth but would give reason to flee or fight if ever such an existence were proved to be real.
[Criminal] Titles
  • [Thief D] - Character has stolen. Character may not remove the title unless a point penalty is paid or penance is served. Non-monsters with this title lose all rights and protections afforded to them under natural law and are generally not welcomed into any settlement or faction that can test titles.
  • [Murderer E] - Character has killed at least one other. The higher the grade the more likely the character is to be hunted or trigger world rp. Title must be equipped at all times and cannot be removed unless paid off in some way. Character is no longer welcome in cities or towns that appraise arrivals. Character is barred from faction membership in all but illegal factions/organizations.
  • [Vandal E] - Character committed willful destruction of property belonging to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
[Job] Titles
  • Expert Tinkerer - B Grade Artisan [Tinkerer]
  • Adept Blacksmith – D Grade Artisan [Blacksmith]

Points at Start: 105(+35)
Points Earned: 195
Points Spent: 329
Points Not Spent: 6
Strength - G
Precision - A
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - H

Character Grade: E
  • Feature
    • Lightning Calculator
  • Artisan (Blacksmith) D
  • Artisan (Tinkerer) B
  • Engineering C
  • Religion F
  • Item (Ingeniums Shotgun) E
  • Attentive Student E
  • [Sermon of Machina]- Religion F, Artisan (Tinkerer B) - While his divinity is weak Ingenium does possess the aptitude for godhood. Ingenium attempts to spread his faith and gain worshipers through expounding his Mechanist doctrine. - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • [Innovate and Create]- Artisan(Tinkerer B), Artisan (Blacksmith D) Engineering C - Using the full scope of his technical knowledge Ingenium creates an item or improves upon an already existing one. - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
A shotgun which materialized with Ingenium. Representing the concepts of ingenuity, ambition, and the violence associated with advancement. While Ingenium could have technically had any type of item bound to him this weapon appeared due to the presence of another shotgun much like this one within the world. As such a weapon lies within his domain his existence happened to latch onto it.

  • Lucky F
  • Magic E
  • [Explosive] Affinity E
  • Magic Targets F
  • Magic Area of Effect F
  • Magic Range F

  • [Winchester Premium]- Magic E, [Explosive] Affinity E, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F - Ingenium loads a magical shell and fires an explosive spread shot hitting up to 2 enemies and travels 10ft. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • [Machina Lo Vult]- Lucky F, Magic E, [Explosive] Affinity E, Magic Area of Effect F, Magic Range F - Ingenium loads a magic shell charged with a portion of his divine power and shoots an explosive blast which seems to never miss. Travels 10ft and the explosion spreads in a 10ft radius. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

  • Red Iron Blaster (Orichalcum) F


  • Tinkerers Tools
  • Blacksmithing Tools

  • Red Iron God Base

_android, long hair, kos-mos, red eyes, straight hair, nun, clothed, blank face,       s-37913...pngEquipped Titles: [Construct], [Red Iron Worshipper]
Weight: 92kg
Current Life: MA-RIA was a Construct created by the Eastern Empire. Her original form was much cruder and plain, as she was a mere Waste Management Construct meant to gather trash. Igenium upon his revival and subsequent apotheosis by the downtrodden Constructs who had rebuilt him. Sought to breathe new life into one of them in return, and honor the responsibility which they had set upon him. As they called out to their "Red Iron God" something within Ingenium reacted, a divine will buried deep within his code. His crimson eyes shone even brighter and he immediately singled out the most damaged and debased of them all. He gave her a name for she had none, he then granted her intellect, knowledge and understanding so that she may comprehend the world. Ingenium recreated her in his own image, as a great force which may defend him and his followers. A veritable Angel of destruction. He may have granted her a new life, but her existence was a symbol of the future Ingenium promised them all.

Having been remade her mental faculties and capabilities have been enhanced far beyond her previous self. While Ingenium remembers his duty and promise he made to his worshippers he has no memory of how he made MA-RIA, or even complete knowledge of what she is. She is intensely loyal to Ingenium, and her personality reflects this. Though she comes off as even more cold and robotic than even him she does have the capacity to feel emotions, however the emotion module of her programming will only emit an expression when it is deemed necessary to better facilitate communication. If the module has not deemed it currently necessary then she will not emit an expression. MA-RIA is protective of her God willing to kill in service to him at any moment. Despite her advanced abilities she can have trouble controlling her strength; though she has a propensity for violence at her core MA-RIA is surprisingly gentle and even vulnerable. Compared to any other worshipper she understands Ingeniums true nature in a way none of them, even him, can.
[Race] Titles
  • [Construct] - faithful tool made for a purpose. You are now free to live a life regardless if you are truly alive at all. Life and death and what it means to live are entirely different questions for constructs. You rarely form societies of your own, finding more satisfaction in living with the other races.
[Society] Titles
  • [Red Iron Worshipper] - A Construct loyal to the Red Iron God, seeking the deliverance of all Constructs from oppression and subservience.
Points at Start: 140
Points Earned: 35
Points Spent: 175
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - C
  • Superstrength E
  • Fast D
  • Feature: Arm Blade
  • Fighting Style [SHIVA System] D - A secondary network connected to her Core, which is derived from Ingeniums. It governs all combat related functions of her Artifice body, allowing MA-RIA to operate as an effective weapon.
    • Knock Back F
    • Aura F
    • Quake F
  • [Animus Discharge] - Fighting Style [SHIVA System] E: Knock Back F, Fighting Style [SHIVA System] E: Aura F - MA-RIA releases energy from her core as a wave field of crimson light around her body. The light, upon making contact with someone repels and damages them. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • [RI-Blade] - Fast F, Feature: Arm Blade, Superstrength F - Dashing forward MA-RIA shifts her arm into a blade and slashes through the enemy. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Eminent Impact] - Fast D, Superstrength E, Fighting Style [SHIVA System] E: Knock Back F - Rearing her arm back MA-RIA rushes forward planting her fist into her opponent. The force of her strike hurling them back. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • [Rupture] - Fighting Style [SHIVA System] D: Quake F, Superstrength E - Using the great strength contained within her Artifice MA-RIA punches the ground causing a fissure 10 feet deep and 10 feet wide to form. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Natural Weapons D
  • Natural Armor E
  • Gained 140 points from [Companion D]
  • Spent 14 points for Strength D
  • Spent 21 points for Speed C
  • Spent 28 points for Superstrength E
  • Spent 21 points for Fast D
  • Acquired Feature: Arm Blade
  • Spent 14 points for Fighting Style [SHIVA System] E
    • Acquired Knock Back F
    • Acquired Aura F
  • Spent 28 points for Natural Weapons E
  • Spent 14 points for Natural Armor E
  • Created Ability [Animus Discharge]
  • Created Ability [RI-Blade]
  • Created Ability [Eminent Impact]
  • Gained 35 points from [Companion C]
  • Spent 7 points for Fighting Style [SHIVA System] D
    • Acquired Quake F
  • Spent 14 points for Vitality D
  • Spent 14 points for Natural Weapons D

Character Creation:

  • Lowered Strength to H gained 14 points
  • Lowered Speed to H gained 14 points
  • Lowered Vitality to G gained 7 points
  • Spent 21 points for Precision C
  • Spent 21 points for Intelligence C
  • Spent 7 points for Feature [Lightning Calculator]
  • Spent 7 points for Artisan (Blacksmith) F
  • Spent 21 points for Artisan (Tinkerer) D
  • Spent 7 points for Religion F
  • Spent 56 points for Item(Ingeniums Shotgun) E
    • Gained 56 points for Item(Ingeniums Shotgun)
    • Spent 7 points for Lucky F
    • Spent 14 points for Magic E
    • Spent 14 points for [Explosive] Affinity E
    • Spent 7 points for Magic Targets F
    • Spent 7 points for Magic Area of Effect F
    • Spent 7 points for Magic Range F
  • Created Ability [Sermon of Machina] D
  • Created Item Ability [Winchester Premium] E
  • Created Item Ability [Machina Lo Vult] E
Post RP#1 The Crafting Guilds Foundation

  • Gained 28 Points
  • Gained Title [Tinker Fanatic]
  • Spent 7 Points for Precision B
  • Spent 7 Points for Artisan(Tinkerer) C
  • Spent 14 Points for Engineering E
  • Ability [Sermon of Machina] upgraded to C
  • Created Ability [Innovate and Create] C
Post RP#2 A Ship and it's Captain

  • Gained 15 Points
  • Gained Title [Red Orb Freak]
  • Spent 7 Points for Precision A
  • Spent 7 Points for Artisan (Tinkerer) B
  • Ability [Sermon of Machina] upgraded to B

Post RP#3 The Forbidden City

  • Gained 33 Points
  • Spent 7 Points for Attentive Student F
  • Spent 7 Points for Vitality F
  • Spent 7 Points for Strength G
  • Spent 7 Points for Engineering D
Post RP#4 [World] - Keep Talking and No One Suffocates

  • Gained Title [Red Iron God]
  • Gained [Red Iron Worshipper Boon - Companion F]
  • Gained Asset [Red Iron God Base]
  • Gained [Red Iron Blaster (Orichalcum) F]
  • Allocated 75 points from Dungeon Crawl Ho! - Remnant of Ancient Ambition
  • Spent 70 points for [Companion D]
  • Spent 7 points for [Engineering C]
Post RP#5 - Mile High Heist
  • Gained 44 points
  • Acquired Title [Thief D]
  • Acquired Title [Murderer E]
  • Acquired Title [Vandal E]
  • Spent 35 points for [Companion C]
  • Spent 7 points for Attentive Student E
  • Received 14 points from Marketplace Trade with Ryan Kylieth
  • Spent 14 points for Blacksmithing D
Last edited:
Eris Granstone
Theme: Theme
Rp'er Name: Saxon
Post Frequency:
As the post rate allows.
Discord Name: Saxon#1232
Current RP: N/A
Goals: She wishes to repay the goddess that gave her a second chance at life.
Equipped Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Clestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster
Height: 5'3
Weight: 125 lbs
Backstory: Eris was a fairly average person or well that is what she thought about herself anyway. So on one unfateful day, she was standing in line at the grocery store when a man with a knife suddenly started to attack people in the store. Well unlucky for her she was stabbed in the back as the attack continued to try and stab other people. By the time the medical personnel arrived, she was already dead.
Current Life: There was a bright light and Eris now stood in front of a woman who looked to be about her age with Black hair and amber-colored eyes. She would later introduce herself as Holfeel the goddess of rebirth and guidance. She was given a choice to pass on or start a new life, after a few moments she decided to start a new life. The next thing she knew she was in a city being held by a strange woman. She was reborn in the capital of Ryke and would spend her youth here until she reached adulthood when she decided to go out and see the world and repay the goddess that gave her a second life by spreading her faith.
Acquired Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Judgemental, Hero of The Fae See, Fae, Mage, Apostate, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Clestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 401
Points Spent: 504
Points Not Spent: 2
Strength - C (21)
Precision - C (21)
Intelligence - A
Vitality - A (35)
Speed - B (28)
B grade
  • Religion B (28)
  • Appraisal B (0)
  • Divine Affinity F (7)
  • Water Affinity F (7)
  • Magic B (35)
  • Healing B (35)
  • Magic Range D (21)
  • Bolster Speed F (7)
  • Magic Area of Effect D (21)
  • Spell Duration F (7)
  • Asset C Grade Religion - High Priestess, Church of Holfeel (28)
  • Asset Skill B Grade Building - Holfeel Basilica, (Bishri, Fae See)
  • Barrier F (14)
  • Selective Magic E (7, (born from this perk)
  • Energized D (21)
  • Regeneration F (7)
  • Focus C (28)
  • Area Knowledge Jevathea's Pass E (14)
Magic Circle - when a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armor.
  • Beacon - Magic E, Divine Affinity F, Spell Duration F, Magic Range F, Energized E, Focus E - The caster can touch an object which then casts a light that creates bright light at 5 feet and dim light at 10 feet lasting for 1 hour - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Prayer of Soul's Rebirth - Religion E, Magic E, Magic Area of Effect F, Bolster speed F, Spell Duration F,Energized E, Focus E- The caster prays to Holfeel for intervention and causes a target of the caster to become filled with hope in the face of danger. Increasing their Speed by 1 grade for 1 hour or one post depending on Narrator's discretion. The target must be within 30 feet of the caster. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Holfeel's Grace - Religion E, Magic E, Healing F, Divine Affinity F, Energized E, Focus E- Thanks to Holfeel's benevolence minor wounds can be healed and illness symptoms can be relieved for a short time. By reciting a prayer and touching the target. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Holfeel's Union - Religion E, Divine Affinity E, Magic E, Energized E, Focus E- Holfeel always listens to the prayers of her followers, upon starting to pray the caster may receive communion with Holfeel, or offer up a gift to her in the hope of gaining some favor. Limited to once a day to receiving anything by narrator's discretion. - Grade E - 0 post cooldown
  • Retribution - Religion E, Magic E, Magic Area of Effect F, Divine Affinity F, Magic Range F, Energized E, Focus E- The caster can call down a beam from the heavens causing radiant damage to the target. The target must be within 30 feet of the caster. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Holy Flames - Religion E, Magic E, Magic Area of Effect F, Divine Affinity F, Magic Range F, Spell Duration F, Energized E, Focus E- The caster can call down a beam from the heavens causing radiant damage to the target. Upon impact, the target burns with divine flames for 1 post. The target must be within 30 feet of the caster. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Consecrated Ground - Barrier F, Selective Magic F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Area of Effect F, Spell Duration F, Religion E, Divine Affinity F, Healing E, Energized E, Focus E- The ground within 10 feet of the point selected become sacred ground for 1 hour. The caster erects a 15 ft barrier; it takes the form of a church, and allies with minor wounds are healed or prolonged from death. While the caster can select those, who can pass through the barrier. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Holfeel's Touch - Religion E, Magic E, Healing D, Divine Affinity F, Magic Duration F - Thanks to Holfeel's caring touch minor wounds, life can be prolonged and even senses can be restored so long as the organ remains. By reciting a prayer and touching the target. Healing effect lasts for 1 hour. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Holfeel's Kiss - Religion B, Magic E, Healing B, Divine Affinity F, Magic Duration F, Magic Area of Effect F, Magic Range F- Thanks to Holfeel's caring nature, heal reenvigor, Cure Any disease/ailment/curse/poison, raise dead if they have been dead no more than 10 days. in an area around the caster within 30 ft. Healing effect lasts for 1 hour or until canceled. - Grade B - 4 Post cooldown
  • Holfeels Divine Weapon - Religion F, Magic F, Divine Affinity F, Energized F, Focus F - The user channels their mana into a medium and takes the shape of a melee weapon of their choice on striking a target dealing divine damage to the target. - F Grade - 0 Post cooldown
  • Holfeels Divine Weapon II - Religion E, Magic E, Divine Affinity F, Energized E, Magic Duration F, Focus E - The user channels their mana into a medium and takes the shape of a melee weapon of their choice on striking a target dealing divine damage to the target the weapon lasts for 1 hour. - E grade - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Holfeel's Verdict - Religion E, Magic C, Divine Affinity F, magic duration F, Magic Area of Effect D, Magic Range D, Selective Magic E - The caster call upon Holfeel's wrath targeting an area 1000 ft away from the caster, causing an explosion of divine magic hitting targets within 500ft. - Grade C - 3 post cooldown
  • Holfeels Protection - Barrier F, Selective Magic E, Magic D, Magic Range E, Magic Area of Effect E, Spell Duration F, Religion D, Divine Affinity F, Healing D, Energized D, Focus E- The ground within 100 feet of the point selected become sacred ground for 1 hour. The caster erects a 50ft barrier; it takes the form of a church and provides Emergency aid to prolong the life of the dying and restore senses so long as organs are still present. The caster can select those who can pass through the barrier. - Grade D - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Holfeel's Cathedral - Barrier F, Selective Magic E, Magic C, Magic Range D, Magic Area of Effect D, Spell Duration F, Religion C, Divine Affinity F, Healing C, Energized E, Focus E- The ground within 1000 feet of the point selected become sacred ground for 1 hour. The caster erects up to a 500ft barrier; it takes the form of a church, and allies with heal significant injuries, including reattaching severed limbs/organs, fix broken bones. The caster can select those who can pass through the barrier. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown
  • Iron Quarterstaff B (35, Catalyst)
  • Fae robes of light [heavy armor] D (7)
  • Priest Robes F (Heavy, 7)
  • Party in a pocket (D grade Minion)
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Religious texts
  • Church of Holfeel
  • Fae Religion - For anything and everything that relates to race, character is now part of the Fae tree. They will be treated well by fae allies and shown contempt by Fae enemies. Despite not being directly affiliated with a Fae Church, the character's Hero status grants them special permission to interact with the Fae religion at a high level and in so doing more easily propagate her own faith's ideals and tenants within the Fae nation.
  • Holfeel Basilica - The Holfeel Church's headquarters.
  • [Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F] - character has a loose relationship with a Fae spirit of the battlefield. Such an ally never hurts although their reliability is apparently low. They are less likely to help when needed, but if they do choose to help, they have the means to aid in a big way.
  • [World Rp Certification] - an rp'er with this certification is free to participate in world rp threads for greater rewards and real risk of character death.
Change Log:

Character Creation

  • Upgraded Intelligence with 14 points to upgrade it to D grade.
  • Upgraded Vitality with 7 points to upgrade it to E grade.
  • Added skill Religion F for 7 points.
  • Added skill Appraisal for 0 points (Isekaied).
  • Added skill Divine F for 7 points.
  • Added skill Magic E for 14 points.
  • Added skill Healing F for 7 points. Basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor sicknesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds.
  • Added skill Magic Range F for 7 points. Character has found a way to make their magic affect targets up to 10ft away.
  • Added skill Bolster Speed F for 7 points. Character can boost the [stat] of a target by 1 Grade for 1 target post. Upgrading skill can boost effective upgrade. Uses spell duration skill to boost duration.
  • Added skill Magic Area of Effect F for 7 points. Character can impact an area of 10ft radius with their magic.
  • Added skill Spell Duration F for 7 points. Character has found a way to make the effects they cause with their magic use to last longer. Increase duration of effect on target to 1 minute in roleplay time. Narrator decides how many posts that will equate to. This holds true for Upgraded versions of the skill.
  • Added Iron Quarterstaff E for 14 points.
  • Added Priest Robes F for 7 points.
28 July, 2022
09 August, 2022
22 September, 2022
  • 18 points earned from [Isekai Hell] See a Fae about a Tree and Judgemental title
  • 7 points on Asset upgrade Religious Asset D -> C
  • 7 points on Healing F -> E - cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons
30 Oct 2022
  • Added Rewards from [Isekai Hell][World] - Lay Low Longing
  • Fae Religion - For anything and everything that relates to race, character is now part of the Fae tree. They will be treated well by fae allies and shown contempt by Fae enemies. Despite not being directly affiliated with a Fae Church, the character's Hero status grants them special permission to interact with the Fae religion at a high level and in so doing more easily propagate her own faith's ideals and tenants within the Fae nation.
  • [Hero] - (of the fae see) - Character has been raised to the status of Hero for the Fae people. Their purpose is to fight for and defend the fae against all enemies. Hero's are rare existences in the world. They will naturally be drawn to their charge's enemies and likewise the enemies of the Fae will be drawn to the Heroes. The collective might of the heroes will always be sufficient in eventually quelling any opposition even if only one remains. heroes are naturally acknowledged and adored by the people in their charge. They have freedom to come and go in the nation of their people. Their nation takes care of them and in turn, the heroes are expected to protect their nation. Heroes can never be made to go against the thing they are hero over. they have the uncanny ability to create a way to the perfect ending that would have been impossible for anyone else. As much as fate twists in the favor of Heroes, should they fall, those they protect will be without recourse and be made to face all manner of hardship including the possibility of annihilation.
  • Fae robes of light [heavy armor] E - An armor of light stitched into a dress made for a Hero of the Fae. Out of combat, the robes will repair itself if ever damaged. Character will no longer fight in darkness so long as they are wearing these robes.
  • Fae Hero Boon - Upgrade Intelligence to B, Vitality to D, and Religion to E (when upgrading, also increase earned points by 28) - A Fae Hero that knows their allies are among the divine shows no fear in the face of adversity. They stride with confidence knowing no greater power could stand before them.
31 Oct 2022
  • 7 points from the October Contest.
  • Spent 7 points Healing E => D (D - Emergency aid to prolong life of dying, restore senses so long as organs are still present)
  • Added Holy Flame ability
19 Dec 2022
  • Acquired item Party in a Pocket! Type of Item: Magic Item Special Effects: A party popper small enough to fit in ones hands. When triggered, grants Minions D to user and summons a bunch of entertainers at random to liven up any event. They can be dancers, musicians/singers, comedians, acrobats, etc based off what you want when you use the popper. Boon/Curse: Minions are likely to wreck any party summoned for. From isekai-hell-the-white-elephant-of-hyroth
09 January, 2023
  • Acquired 19 points from [Isekai Hell][September Event]The Velstar Festival
  • Asset [Memento] - This item of age and history will forever and always ensure the owner never forgets one specific thing. Can transcend scoops, lives, and mental tampering to ensure owner will never forget something incredibly important to them.
  • Spent 14 Points on Barrier F
  • Spent 0 points on Selective Magic F (Born from this perk)
  • Earned 31 points from [Isekai Hell] The Nightfeeder
  • Spent 35 points Asset Grade B Holfeel Basilica
  • Added ability Consecrated Ground
  • Added ability Holfeel's Touch
  • Upgraded Apprisal skill to match Character Grade
  • Acquired Title Mage- Skills for casting destructive magics - Character is a specialist in combat magic.
19 Feb, 2023
  • Earned 30 points from [Isekai Hell] A Duel of Fates
  • Aquired Optional Title: [Apostate] This character is known to be part of a small religion that isn't considered to be the norm for one area or another. Characters with this will have a harder time dealing with established religions.
  • Spent 7 points on Intelligence B => A
  • Spent 14 points Religion E => Religion B
  • Spent 7 points Healing D => C - heal significant injuries, including reattaching severed limbs/organs, fix broken bones
  • Added Holfee's Kiss to abilities
20 JUN 2023
14 Aug 2023
  • Earned 31 Points from Isekai Hell War Song
  • Acquired Optional Title [Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F] - character has a loose relationship with a fae spirit of the battlefield. Such spirits are known to be powerful entities within their domain of influence.
  • Acquired asset [Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F] - character has a loose relationship with a Fae spirit of the battlefield. Such an ally never hurts, although their reliability is apparently low. They are less likely to help when needed, but if they do choose to help, they have the means to aid in a big way.
  • Spent 7 Points Energized F => E and Added to abilities
  • Spent 7 Points Vitality D => C
  • Spent 7 Points Speed E => D
  • Spent 7 points to upgrade Fae robes of light [heavy armor] E => D
  • Created Ability Holfeels Divine Weapon
  • Appraisal E => D from character grade

02 OCT 23
  • [Isekai Hell] September 2023 World Training Event Earned 7 Points
  • Acquired optional Player Asset [World Rp Certification] - an rp'er with this certification is free to participate in world rp threads for greater rewards and real risk of character death
  • Spent 7 Points Catalyst D => C

  • Acquired 31 Points from [Isekai Hell] The Celestine Academy for Seekers of Lore and Legends
  • Acquired Skill Selective E (Add 7 points to spent and earned)
  • Acquired optional title [Facalty of Clestine F ] - This character is considered a member of the Facalty of Clestine Academy and enjoys all the privileges that comes with that.
  • Spent 14 Points Vitality C => A
  • Spent 7 Points Magic Area of Effect F => E
  • Spent 7 pints acquired Skill Focus F
  • Spent 7 points Magic Range F => Magic Range E
  • Created Ability Holfeel's Verdict

14 APR 24
  • Acquired 103 points from [Frontier] For Fox Sake.
  • Acquired Optional title- [Ordained] - Character has performed a marriage and is identified as one may perform such rites.
  • optional skill acquired - [Area Knowledge Jevathea's Pass] E - The character is familiar with the western edge of the Grand Duchy and the Eastern edge of the West Empire, and the border between them. Add 14pts to earned and spent if skill is taken.
  • optional skill upgrade acquired - Magic D to Magic B - add 14pts to earned and spent if taken.
  • Spent 21 Points Strength F => C
  • Spent 21 Points Precision F => C
  • Spent 14 Points Speed D => B
  • Added title Mundane (Meets requirements, Born for this perk applied to selective magic F, Fae line)
  • Spent 7 points acquired Water Affinity F
  • Appraisal D => B match character grade
  • Acquired Caster Job/title
  • Spent 14 Points Focus E -> C
  • Spent 7 points Magic Area of Effect E => D
  • Spent 7 points Magic Range E => D
  • Spent 7 points Energized E -> D


Eris Alt life.png

Last edited:
Kasumi Kagu
New Kasumi.png
Theme: Theme
Rp'er Name: saxon
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: Saxon#1232
Current RP: Isekai Hell Corruption and Riches Pt I
She wants to enjoy the new life to the fullest and become known worldwide.
Equipped Titles: Human, Rogue, Kunoichi, Inquisitive, Adventurer E, Contributor
Height: 5'5
Weight: 125 lbs
Backstory: Kasumi prior to being thrown into this world, Kasumi played volleyball and was on her high school clubs team and was the same for middle school. One day the team was on their way to a summer training camp when the bus they were on had brake issues. Which then led them to be sent off the side of the mountain resulting in the death of everyone on the bus.
Current Life: Kasumi's earliest memories in this new world were one of the streets, as a young child she wandered the streets hungry for how long even she doesn't know. Time became endless during that time until a man in a cloak happened to one day run by the trash heap she was sitting next to. Stopping there he took pity on the girl and took her in. Kasumi would later call the man Ignis, who would go on to teach her everything there was to be a rouge. But more importantly, she was taught how to survive, she learned basic tasks in this world and soon developed a dream of becoming the most famous or infamous thief in the world.
Acquired Titles: Human, Rogue, Kunoichi, Inquisitive, Rykan Adventurer E, Contributor
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 321
Points Spent: 420
Points Not Spent:6
Strength - B (28)
Precision - B (28)
Intelligence - B (28)
Vitality - B (28)
Speed - B (28)
B Grade
  • Fighting Style Daggers, Adrasian Style E, Flexable F , Flare (Sight) (14)
  • Undetected E (Sight, Smell) (28)
  • Acrobatics F (7)
  • Heightened Sense E (Hearing, Sight) (14)
  • Appraisal C (0)
  • Sleight of Hand C (28)
  • Stealth C (28)
  • Investigation E (14)
  • Ryken Adventurer's Guild F: Guild Apprentice (7)
  • Alternate Identity D (21)
  • Forgery E (14)
  • Seduction E (14)
  • Deception E (14)
  • Energized E (14)
  • Stealth - Undetected E (Sight, Smell), Stealth E,- The nature of her trade had taught her to hide in plain sight from those around her and to move. She becomes harder to notice by sight and blends into the shadows. The skill is effective 1 post variable depending on combat and exploration. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Pickpocket - Acrobatics F, Appraisal F, Undetected E (Sight, Smell), Sleight of Hand F, Stealth E, - Once Kasumi sets her eyes on something she wants she has developed the skill to take items from people through various means whether it be a distraction or outright taking it in daylight. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Backstab - Fighting Style Daggers, Adrasian Style E, Flexible F, Acrobatics F, Stealth E, - Kasumi positions herself so she is behind her target so she can stab them in the back. Must be within striking distance. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Dirty fighting - Fighting Style Daggers, Adrasian Style E, Flexible F, Acrobatics F, - Kasumi attacks the enemy by striking at a target's legs. Up to 5 feet. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown.
  • Thieves Flash - Fighting Style Daggers E, Adrasian Style E, Flexible F, Flare F (Sight) - Kasumi strikes a target blinding them with her attack for 1 post and must be within melee range. - Grade E - 1 post
  • Shadow - Undetected E (Sight, Smell), Stealth D,- The nature of her trade had taught her to hide in plain sight from those around her and to move. She becomes harder to notice by sight and blends into the shadows. The skill is effective 1 post variable depending on combat and exploration. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Veil - Undetected E (Sight, Smell), Stealth C,- The nature of her trade had taught her to hide in plain sight from those around her and to move. She becomes harder to notice by sight and blends into the shadows almost as if there was a veil. The skill is effective 1 post variable depending on combat and exploration. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown
  • Slasher - Fighting Style Daggers, Adrasian Style F, Flare (sight), Acrobatics F, Undetected F (Sight), - Kasumi uses her daggers to cut the target seemingly without being seen. Must be within striking distance. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • twin Iron daggers D (56)
  • Light Thieves armor C (28)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Journal and writing utensil
  • Thieves tools
Change Log:
Character Creation

  • Strength - E (7)
  • Precision - E (7)
  • Intelligence - E (7)
  • Vitality - E (7)
  • Speed - E (7)
  • Fighting Style Daggers, Adrasian Style F, Flexable F (7)
  • Undetected F (sight) (14)
  • Acrobatics F (7)
  • Heightened Sense F (Hearing) (7)
  • Appraisal E (0)
  • Sleight of Hand F (7)
  • Stealth F (7)
  • twin Iron daggers F (14)
  • Light Thieves armor F (7)
  • Spent 7 Points on Investigation F
  • Spent 7 points Strength from E -> D
  • Spent 7 points Precision from E -> D
  • Spent 7 points Intelligence from E -> D
  • Spent 7 points Speed from E -> D
  • Spent 7 points on Fighting Style F to E grade Added Flare tech core
  • Spent 14 points on Undetected (Smell) from F -> E
  • Spent 7 points Stealth from F -> E
  • Spent 7 points on Heightened Sense E (added Smelling)
  • Upgraded Twin Daggers F -> E (14)
  • Upgraded Thieves armor from F -> E (7)
  • Updated Skill grades in abilities
  • Added Thieves Flash ability
  • optional title acquired and equiped [Kunoichi] - character portrays themselves and is perceived as a ninja girl. They are considered exotically hott, but they will find it difficult to gain the trust and confidence of anyone. Characters are prone to leave their valuables behind when they know they will be interacting with character.
  • Acquired 19 points from [Isekai Hell] Dude, Where's My Ladder!?
  • Title acquired [Inquisitive] - the character has shown a knack for asking questions and seeking answers. If there is something to be found out, this character is likely to discover it first.
  • Spent 7 points Speed D => C
  • Spent 7 points Light Thieves armor E => D
  • Earned 63 Points from [Isekai Hell] The Sewertorium's depths
  • Acquired Asset Adventurer's Guild F: Guild Apprentice
  • Acquired and equipped Optional Title [Adventurer F] - This character is recognized as a member of the Adventurer's guild capable of handling basic requests.
  • Spent 7 points to upgrade Strength D => C
  • Spent 7 points to upgrade Precision D => C
  • Spent 7 points to upgrade Intelligence D => C
  • Spent 7 points to upgrade Vitality E => D
  • Spent 7 points to upgrade Stealth E => D
  • Spent 7 points to Aquire Alternate Identity F (7)
  • Spent 14 points to Aquire Forgery E (14)
23 March 2023

16 June 2023

  • Earned 18 points from [Isekai Hell] The Party of Greed
  • Spent 7 Points Strength C -> B
  • Spent 7 points Vitality D -> C
  • Spent 14 points Slight of Hand F -> D
  • Spent 7 points Investigation F => E
  • Spent 7 points Alternate Identity F -> E
  • Spent 7 points Seduction F -> E

11 Aug 2023

17 Aug 2023
  • Acquired 27 Points from isekai-hell-fowl-enigma
  • Acquired Optional Title Rykan Adventurer E
  • Spent 7 Points Vitality C => B
  • Spent 7 Points Precision C =>B
  • Spent 7 Points Alternate Identity E => D
  • Spent 7 points Stealth D => C
  • Created Abilities Shadow, Veil, and Slasher

11 Nov 2023

  • Acquired 65 Points from Corruption and Riches Pt. I
  • Acquired Optional Title - [Contributor] - This character has contributed to a group action or has become a member of a group and has contributed to a group task in some way.
  • Spent 7 Points Intelligence C => B
  • Spent 7 Points Speed C => B
  • Spent 7 points Light Thieves armor D => C
  • Spent 7 points Sleight of Hand D => C
  • Spent 7 points Deception F => E
  • Spent 14 Points Energized E

Kassumi formal.png
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Nachtum "Nacht"
"Fools set the rules in this world. Just take a look around, its undeniable."

Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency: 2-3 times a week
Discord Name: MEMERShiro#8637
Current RP: N/A
  • Find the origin and purpose behind his ability to see death
  • Return to his home
Equipped Titles: [Human], [Avenger]
Weight: 165lbs
Backstory: N/A
Current Life: A young man hailing from a distant land. Who possesses a peculiar magic which allows him to control his weapon as if it were a literal extension of his will. When he was young he had a near death experience which affected him mentally and physically causing his body to be frail. Ever since then he's been able to perceive the death of others in the form of light. When this ability was eventually revealed he was exiled from his homeland. His people saw the awakening of this ability as an ill omen, and feared what it could mean. He now wanders, searching tirelessly for the reason behind his ominous power. Holding onto the hope that he could one day return home.
[Race] Titles
  • [Human] - Humans are normal humans and the most dominant and numerous race in the world.
[Society] Titles
  • [Avenger] - Character was unable to save much of anything, but they were able to inflict punishment upon those that did harm. Character is more likely to be sought out by those who seek retribution more so than those that seek salvation.
  • [Handsome] - Character's got their looks working in their favor.
Points at Start: 105(+28)
Points Earned: 97
Points Spent: 224
Points Not Spent: 6
Strength - C
Precision - G
Intelligence - D
Vitality - H
Speed - F

Character Grade: F
Teleport E
Precognition E
Fighting Style[Caelum Sword Arts] E- A traditional combat style originating from Nacht's home. The Caelum Arts are meant to be used in tandem with his peoples ancestral magic. Prioritizing quick attacks that overwhelm the opponent from multiple angles. All the while incorporating his psychokinetic abilities to move the sword through the air, attacking and blocking.

  • Caelum Arts Form I- Deflect F - One of the most important techniques a student of the Caelum Arts is ever taught, is how to block. Using Weapon Psychokinesis the practitioner weaves the weapon around them to stop attacks from just about any angle. An interception that opens the opponent up to a retaliatory strike.
  • Caelum Arts Form II- Homing F - A fundamental skill in the Caelum arts. Making use of their Magic the wielder launches the weapon into the air then exercise their control upon it. Making the blade pursue the opponent relentlessly.
Super Sense(Death) E- Nachtum sees the death of living creatures as light. Their departed souls resembling stars rising to the heavens . In his homeland, It is said that the light of expiring souls stems from the door to the land of the dead. The dead or dying have to be within 10ft for him to see it.
Item(Drive Blade) D

  • [Tempus Impetum] - Caelum Sword Arts E, Teleport E - Nachtum teleports to his enemy and follows up with an attack from his sword. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • [Tempus Eludere] - Caelum Arts Form I- Deflect F, Teleport F - Nachtum performs a stationary Teleport where upon reappearing he quickly shifts into a block or parry. This ability would allow him to go from a slash into a block much faster without having to counteract his momentum or move his body physically allowing him to react to attacks faster than the average sword wielder. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Mors Tempus] - Precognition E, Teleport E, Supersens(Death) E - An ability meant as a last ditch effort from Nachtum. When an attack against him would be fatal Nachtum is shown a vision of his death. Automatically in response his body is shifted out of reality and then to another position in order to dodge the attack. If the attack can't be avoided then the ability does not activate. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
A sword created in Nachtums homeland, an old weapon improved upon and maintained over a long period of time. The swords modular nature allows for additions and augmentations to the spells housed within. It is a natural catalyst for his peoples magic thanks to the mana conductive material used in its forging. The engine at the hilt of the sword is filled with a myriad of enchantments that act as enhancements to the wielder. Nachtum due to his constitution, makes liberal use of this ability in battle. Though overuse of the blades enhancers will cause mana fatigue.

  •  Magic D
  • Bolster [Speed] D
  •  Bolster [Vitality] D
  • Bolster [Strength] F
  • Spell Duration F
  • Healing F
  • [Exceed Drive] - Magic D, Bolster [Speed] D, Bolster [Vitality] D, Bolster [Strength] F, Spell Duration F, Healing F - Nachtum presses a switch on the hilt of the blade, causing the engine to come to life as it revs up. Activating the spells contained within the sword soothes his body and amplifies his physical capabilities for one hour. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown

Change Log:

Character Creation 7/10/2022:

  • Lowered Vitality to H gained 14 points
  • Lowered Precision to G gained 7 points
  • Lowered Speed to G gained 7 points
  • Spent 14 points for Strength D
  • Spent 14 points for Intelligence D
  • Spent 14 points for Fighting Style[Caelum Sword Arts] E
    • Added Tech Core Homing
    • Added Tech Core Deflect
  • Spent 14 points for Magic E
  • Spent 7 points for [Weapon Psychokinesis] Affinity F
  • Spent 7 points for Magic Range F
  • Spent 7 points for Super Sense(Death) F
  • Spent 56 points for Item(Drive Blade) E
    • Spent 14 points for Magic E
    • Spent 14 points for Bolster [Speed] E
    • Spent 14 points for Bolster [Vitality] E
    • Spent 7 points for Bolster [Strength] F
    • Spent 7 points for Spell Duration F
Post RP#1 It Came From the Dark Continent 7/26/2022
  • Gained 13 points
  • Acquired Title [Avenger] EQUIPPED
  • [Weapon Psychokinesis] Affinity F Scooped to account for Rule change
  • Magic Skill [Magic] E Scooped to account for Rule change
  • Magic Skill [Magic Range] F Scooped to account for Rule change
  • Gained 7 points from scooping [Weapon Psychokinesis] Affinity F
  • Gained 14 points from scooping [Magic] E
  • Gained 7 points from scooping [Magic Range] F
  • Spent 21 points for Teleportation F
  • Spent 7 points for Speed F
  • Changed Fighting Style[Caelum Sword Arts] E due to lack of necessary skills for original function
  • Ability [Volatilis Gladius] No longer applicable
  • Ability [Telum Obice] No longer applicable
  • Ability [Tempus Impetum] Created
  • Ability [Tempus Eludere] Created
Post RP#2 The Blind Dessert: Part 1 11/9/2022
  • Gained 45 points
  • Spent 28 points on Item(Drive Blade) D
    • Spent 7 points for Magic D
    • Spent 7 points for Bolster [Speed] D
    • Spent 7 points for Bolster [Vitality] D
    • Spent 7 points for Healing F
  • Spent 14 points for Precognition F
  • Spent 7 points for Super Sense(Death) E
  • Spent 7 points for Strength C
  • Ability [Mors Tempus] Created
Post RP#3 An Unexpected Raid 9/12/2023
  • Gained 39 points
  • Acquired Title [Handsome] EQUIPPED
  • Spent 21 points on Teleport E
  • Spent 14 points on Precognition E
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Monika Rommel

Rp'er Name: EMIYAman
Post Frequency:
once or twice a week
Discord Name: MEMERShiro#8637
Current RP: N/A
  • Establish the Reich within IH
  • Remove the subhuman influence over humans
Equipped Titles: [Human], [Voice of Reason]
Weight: 130lbs
Backstory: Born in 1940 Monika Rommel is the sole child of Erwin Rommel the Nazi Field Marshall or "Generalfeldmarschall", once known as the "Desert Fox". A citizen of Germany under Nazi rule she lived in a world where World War 2 ended in a beaten Japan and a tumultuous peace among Germany and the rest of Europe. The Third Reich manages to survive the end of the war, but their ambitions and the nationalist zeal which fueled them was left unfulfilled. During this time the Reich went through multiple changes as they searched for what meaning they could offer their people without the war. The Reich sought to expand their influence, but knew they could not fight another war. This along with the indefinitely stalled "Final Solution" served to rend the Reich in two if they were not careful. Now that the main foundation of their ideology had grown weak they were desperate for an alternative. An opportunity for the prosperity of the nation came in the restoration of one Dr. Ivo Abendroth's research. The German Scientist had been seemingly disintegrated along with his assistants, but left behind in the wake of their deaths was an exotic energy signature. The occultist members of the Nazi Party identified the energy, based on Abendroths notes, as "Magic". As it was incredibly volatile research was slow.

At the age of 16 Monika Rommel had been told the truth surrounding her fathers death, that he had been forced to commit suicide for his apparent role in the plot to assassinate the Fuhrer. With her world view shaken by this revelation she made the decision to join the Schutzstaffel — unlike her father — to get close to those high up in office, and potentially the Fuhrer himself. Monika felt if she could prove her loyalty then she could wipe clean the sins of her father. By 1968 Monika who had grown up listening to stories of her father, had become a "Standartenführer" or Colonel within the Schutzstaffel(SS). She was both the youngest to make Colonel and the only women to have done so, among the few within the SS. Unbeknownst to Monika her goal of redemption was never going to succeed. The leaders within the SS-Führungshauptamt(SS-FHA) the main headquarters of the SS had already made their choice regarding Monika the moment they realized who her father was. Their grudges had not faded with the decades, and in a last act of revenge against Erwin Rommel they would use his daughter for their own ends, and then throw her away. Then a breakthrough came about in replicating the experiments of Dr. Abendroth. They had managed to stabilize the magical energy rendering it safe for human interaction. Through this they managed to open a portal into another world. Though they came to realize things could enter, but not come back. It was a one way trip. Sending unmanned drones through the portal managed to let them survey the immediate area around the portal, but they were unable to see anything, and the data returned was practically nonsense to them. Without Dr. Abendroth deciphering it would take far too long. Despite the issues and mystery still surrounding the origin of the magical energy. At the behest of the little known Occultist branch of the SS plans to enter the portal and explore what lay beyond were drawn up.

Monika was chosen as the one who would lead the venture. They told her it was for her exemplary service, when in actuality it was the bitter officials who sought to get rid of her, but did not want to have her outright killed without making use of her. In her haste to redeem the Rommel name she accepted without much deliberation. She saw them granting her lead of the operation as a sign of trust. Due to the nature of the portal they would have to restabilize it every time they sent something through, and the time it took seemed to increase each time. In order to prepare they formed a squad of soldiers from various division within the Wehrmacht. Then sent them as reconnaissance, when the portal was stabilized Monika Rommel followed them a day later. Unaware of the glares and smirks of the men behind her.
Current Life: The journey through the portal was both incredibly long and short to Monika. The foreign energies suffusing her were both painful and exhilarating. A human experiencing true magic for the first time was akin to a divine revelation. Before she emerged she received a fragmented vision, one where an old man was speaking to her. He had shown her Erwin Rommel's final moments and even his feelings. His loyalty, his fear, his love and his weakness. In that eternal moment she came to a realization. Emerging from the portal she was immediately surrounded by her soldiers who excitedly came to her. Escorting her they would show her a fantastical world hosting various creatures only heard of in story books, everything was alien to them. Even the very air itself seemed to have an energy to it that their home world could not compare to.

On this day Standartenführer Rommel made an oath. To fulfill the dream of the future her father had envisioned, but had not the strength to pursue. She had been shown the truth, the doomed fate of the Reich and the face of the true subhuman. The Reich would send reinforcements and support through the portal periodically. Monika would bend them to her will, winning their loyalty and use them for her own ends. She would craft a new Reich in this world. Her Reich would be perfect and uncorrupted by the grudges of old men. A beacon of order and strength whos light would stretch into the future. All she had to do was subjugate this world. For the Ultimate German Empire, for the Fourth Reich.
[Race] Titles
  • [Human] - Humans are normal humans and the most dominant and numerous race in the world.
[Society] Titles
  • [Voice of Reason] - Character has demonstrated themselves to be a source of inspiration in moments of crisis for others. Their authority and presence will allow them to boost the morale of their allies in times lacking hope.
  • [Presence] - Character may or may not have been particularly impactful, but no one can deny they character left an impression behind. Be memorable regardless of actions. Harder to shake bad titles. Easier to be remembered for good titles longer.
  • [Defender of Yemaya] - Character made notable contributions to the health and safety of the Yemaya people. Character has the favor of the lords of Yemaya.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 100
Points Spent: 204
Points Not Spent: 1
Strength - F
Precision - C
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - C

Character Grade - D
  • Miscellaneous Skills (84)
    • Educated[Waffen Schutzstaffel] E - [Intimidation], [Warfare], [Leadership] (14)
    • Persuasion E (14)
    • Minions [SS-Fuchstrupp] E (28)
    • Attentive Student D (21)
    • Gear F: Smoke Grenade (7)
  • Sense Skills (0)
    • Appraisal E
  • Movement Skills (7)
    • Fast F (7)
  • Martial Skills (35)
    • Fighting Style [Waffen-SS] E (14)
      • [Range] E (7)
      • Penetrating F
    • Steady Hands E (14)
  • [Blitzkrieg] - Fighting Style [Waffen-SS] F Range F, Penetrating F, Steady Hands F, Fast F, Minions [SS-Fuchstrupp] E, [Intimidation] F - Monika performs a combined attack with Fox Squad. Calculated to create psychological shock and resultant disorganization in enemy forces through the employment of surprise, speed, and superiority in firepower. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • [Wüstenfuchs] - Fighting Style [Waffen-SS] E Range E, Penetrating F, Gear F: Smoke Grenade, Appraisal E - Using her ability to gleam information through her Runic brand of Appraisel Monika marks her enemies with a (Mannaz) Rune. Then tosses out a smoke grenade obscuring vision. Using her marks to identify enemies she shoots through the smoke at her targets. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • [Deaths Head] - Intimidation F, Persuasion D, - Monika makes use of her experience as a member of the Schutzstaffel. With a domineering charisma she persuades her target into giving her what she wants. Whether it be their loyalty, or resources. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • M1143-Luger-P08-with-wooden-grip_01.jpg
  • Smoke Grenade F

  • Minion Asset: Redhowl Familiarity
Change Log:
Character Creation 9/23/2022:

  • 21 points for Precision C
  • 7 points for Speed E
  • 7 points for Educated [Schutzstaffel] F
  • 7 points for Intelligence E
  • 14 points for Minions [SS-Fuchstrupp(Fox Squad)] F
    • 14 points for Precision D
    • 7 points for Speed E
    • 7 points for Intelligence E
    • 7 points for Fast F
    • 14 points for Fighting Style [Fuchstrupp] E- [Range] F, [Penetrating] F
    • 14 points for MP5 E
  • 14 points for Attentive Student E
  • Acquired Appraisal E
  • 7 points for Fast F
  • 7 points for Fighting Style [Waffen-SS] F
    • [Range]
  • 7 points for Steady Hands F
  • 14 points for Luger 45 Handgun E
  • Created Ability [Blitzkrieg] D
Post RP#1 Red Like Without A Second to Spare 11/10/2022
  • Gained 50 points
  • Received Title [Voice of Reason]
  • Received Minion Asset: Redhowl Familiarity
  • Spent 7 points for Fighting Style [Waffen-SS] E
    • [Penetrating] F
  • Spent 7 points for Fighting Style [Waffen-SS]
    • [Range] E
  • Spent 14 points for Persuasion E
  • Spent 7 points for Steady Hands E
  • Spent 7 points for Gear F: Smoke Grenade
  • Spent 7 points for Vitality F
  • Created Ability [Wüstenfuchs]
  • Created Ability [Deaths Head]
Post RP#2 Project 10 12/29/2022
  • Gained 24 points
  • Received Title [Defender of Yemaya]
Post Rp#3 Postlude 1/18/2023
  • Gained 26 points
  • Received Title [Presence]
  • Spent 7 points for Intelligence D
  • Spent 14 points for Minions [SS-Fuchstrupp(Fox Squad)] E
  • Spent 7 points for Speed C
  • Spent 7 points for Vitality D
  • Spent 7 points for Attentive Student D
  • Spent 7 points for Educated [Waffen Schutzstaffel] E

Strength - F
Precision - D
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - E

  • Fighting Style [Fuchstrupp] E - [Range] F, [Penetrating] F
  • Fast F
  • MP5 E
Last edited by a moderator:
anime, vampire, fantasy, silver hair, red eyes s-3808964931.png

Theme: Theme
Rp'er Name: Saxon
Post Frequency:
Depends on pacing.
Discord Name: Saxon#1232
Current RP:
She wishes to become the demon lord!
Equipped Titles: Vampire, Warrior, Provocative, Biter, Murder F, Vandal E, Goblin-Slayer, Kidnapper F, Intermediate
Height: 5'0
Weight: 110 lbs
Backstory: Nissa was a fairly popular student at school, she was a reasonably hard worker, and she worked at a local restaurant near her house. She didn't need the money but used it for spending money. Her life wasn't really all that interesting, or she didn't think much about it. She would work until around 8 in the evening and created this for a few years. On her way home one day, she had turned the corner of a street, and a car that didn't have its lights on hit her and killed her on impact.
Current Life: Her earliest memory is the cave that she woke up in after being hit by the car. She woke up in a strange body that was paler and felt different. She didn't notice that her sense of warmth was gone; on top of that, she felt cold, but it didn't bother her. Looking around, she saw a jar of blood near her, and she noticed she had a strong desire to drink. She resisted the urge for a few days until she was starving and had tried to eat regular food and ended up throwing up. Eventually giving in, she drank the blood and instantly felt better.
Acquired Titles: Monster, Undead, Vampire, Warrior, Biter, Murder F, Vandal E, Goblin-Slayer, Kidnapper F, Mundane, Intermediate
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 257
Points Spent: 343
Points Not Spent: 5
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - B (28)
Precision - F
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - B (28)
Speed - E (7)

Grade: D Grade
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Feature: Fangs (0)
  • Feature: Blood Drinker (7) Instead of using food as substance blood is now the substance required for the user.
  • Fighting Style Nightblade D (sword, Specialized, 21), Drain (21) (strength), Deflect (21)
  • Magic E (14)
  • Blood Affinity F (7)
  • Appraisal D (0)
  • Heightened Sense (Hearing, Smell) E (14)
  • Resilient F Aging (7)
  • Feature: Pointed Ears (0)
  • Feature: Bat Wings (0, Cosmetic)
  • Disguise F (7)
  • Magic Duration F (7)
  • Minion E (28)
  • Sixth Sense F (Danger Sense, 7)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Bloodfeast - Fangs F, Blood Drinker - Nissa gets into close quarters with her target or a willing target and bites into their neck using her fangs and drinking some of their blood in the process. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Draining Strike - Fighting Style Nightblade F [Specialized], Drain F - Nissa delivers a strike that saps the target's strength by 1 grade for a single post. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Blood Needle - Magic F, Blood Affinity F - Using either the blood on her sword or opening one of her blood jars she can use blood magic to make needles made of blood and thrown at a target within 5 feet. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Blood Disguise - Magic E, Blood Affinity F, Magic Duration F, Disguse F - Nissa uses blood magic to hide her fangs, and wings. The transformation lasts for 1 hour. - Grade E - 1 post cooldown
  • Grechnaucht - Fighting Style Nightblade E [Specialized] (Drain F (strength), Deflect F) - Nissa delivers a strike to a target and goes to counter that targets next move all the while lowering the effectiveness of their strength. Target must be within 5 ft of the user. Drain only lasts for a single post. - Grade E - 1 post cooldown

Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Natural Weapons E (28)
  • heavy armor C (28)
  • Longsword C (28)
  • Wand E ( 14, catalyst)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Blood jars
  • blood skin- same as a water skin just for blood
  • Pack
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • Cave Hideout (Northern Ryke, C Grade Asset)
  • Racial Perk: Infamous (Ryke)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)

  • 30 July, 2022
  • Natural Weapons F (14)
  • Heavy armor F (7)
  • Longsword F (7)
  • Wand F (7)
  • Feature: Fangs (0)
  • Feature: Blood Drinker (7)
  • Fighting Style Nightblade F, Drain (Strength) (7)
  • Magic F (7)
  • Blood Affinity F (7)
  • Appraisal F (0)
  • Heightened Sense Hearing F (7)
  • Resilient F Aging (7)
  • Strength - E (7)
  • Intelligence - E (7)
  • Vitality - E (7)
23 OCT 2022
  • 73 points Added from [Isekai Hell] The Hag of the Overgrown Marshes
  • Added title and equiped [Provocative] - Character has a talent for getting under people's skin in order to annoy or anger them. Can be useful to draw people into making rash decisions.
  • Spent 7 points E=>D Strength
  • Spent 7 points E=>D Intelligence
  • Spent 7 points E=>D Vitality
  • Spent 7 points F=>E Heavy Armor
  • Spent 7 points F=>E Longsword
  • Spent 14 points F=>E Natural weapons
  • Feature: Pointed Ears (0)
  • Feature: Bat Wings (0, Cosmetic)
  • Upgraded Appraisal to match Character grade
  • Spent 7 points Disguise F
  • Spent 7 points Fighting Style Nightblade E => E (sword), (Drain F (strength), Deflect F (14)
  • Spent 7 points Heightened Sense (Hearing, Smell) F => E (14)
06 DEC 2022
  • 25 points from [Isekai Hell][Ciu'nan]Orson's Feast: A Prelude
  • Acquired and equipped [Biter] - character bites and is known for biting. Has an easier time making those bites connect but has a harder time getting close to people that know of them.
  • Spent 7 points Magic F => E
  • Spent 7 points Magic Duration F
  • Spent 7 points Strength D =>C
  • Spent 7 points Wand F => E
17 Jan 2023
  • Earned 17 Points from [Isekai Hell] Blood for the Blood God!
  • Mandatory title acquired [Murder F] - character has slain non-criminals and/or non-monsters. Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
  • Mandatory title acquired [Vandal E] - character committed willful destruction of property belonging to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
  • Spent 14 Points Minion F - 5 minions​
27 February 2023

  • Acquired 38 points from [Isekai Hell] May Even This Assassin Catch His Break!
  • Spent 7 Points Upgraded Strength C => B.
  • Spent 7 Points Upgraded Intelligence D => C
  • Spent 7 Points Upgraded Vitality C => B
  • Spent 7 Points Upgraded Heavy Armor E => D
  • Spent 7 points Upgraded Longsword E => D
  • Upgraded Appraisal E => D to match Character Grade
07 March 2023

  • Acquired 60 points from [Isekai Hell] Gobbos are back on the menu!
  • Acquired Cave Hideout C grade
  • Acquired and equiped Optional Title [Goblin-Slayer] This character was part of a group or dueled a goblin chieftain in combat slaying the chief and other high-ranking goblins of the tribe.
  • Scooped Fighting style for specialized Spent 42 Points to keep tech core Drain and Deflect
  • Spent 7 points Longsword D => C.
  • Spent 14 points Minion F => E. E - 10 minions
16 June 2023

23 SEP 2023

  • Earned 19 Points from A Feast for Crows
  • Earned Optioanl Titles: Mundane and Intermediate
  • Earned Mandatory Title: Kidnapper F - This character has willingly abducted an individual against their will.
  • Acquired Variant Racial Perk: Infamous (Ryke)
  • Spent 7 Points Specialized Fighting Style Nightblade E => D
  • Spent 7 Points on Sixth Sense F (Danger Sense)
anime, vampire, armor s-104759358.png
(Note not all are female but the armor generally is the same)
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - D (14)
Precision - H (+14)
Intelligence - G (+7)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Feature: Fangs (7)
  • Feature: Blood Drinker (7) Instead of using food as a substance blood is now the substance required for the user.
  • Resilient F Aging (7)
  • Fighting Style Nightblade F [sword], Drain (Vitality) (7)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Draining Strike - Fighting Style Nightblade F, Drain F (Vitality) - The user delivers a strike that saps the target's vitality by 1 grade for a single post. Target must be within melee range - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Bloodfeast - Fangs F, Blood Drinker - The user gets into close quarters with her target or a willing target and bites into their neck using her fangs and drinking some of their blood in the process. Target must be within melee range. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • E Grade Iron Sword (14)
  • F Grade Heavy Armor (7)

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Bloodskin
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • Spent 14 Points Strength F => D
  • Spent 14 Points Vitality F => D
  • Gained 14 Points Precision F => H
  • Gained 7 Points Intelligence F => G
  • Spent 7 Points on Feature: Fangs
  • Spent 7 Points on Feature Blood Drinker
  • Spent 7 Points on Resilient F Aging
  • Spent 7 Points on Fighting Style Nightblade F [sword], Drain (Vitality)
  • Spent 7 Points on F Grade Heavy Armor
  • Spent 14 Points on E Grade Iron Sword
128 points added to new character from scoop
Last edited:
Hope Mitchell

Rp'er Name: The Last Curse
Post Frequency:
1-2 Days after the narrator
Discord Name:
Current RP:
  • Discover and harness the depths of her magic.
  • Promote beneficial change.
  • Learn the culture and workings of this new world to fit in easier.
  • Find and meet fellow Isekaiers.
  • Fae
  • Shadow Fae
  • Ryken Military Associate - F
  • Daughter of Source
  • Empath
  • One of Source
Height: 6'0'' (72 inches)
Weight: 144 Lb (Around 63 kg)
Before isekaiing to the new world, Hope was the daughter of two prominent political figures. Both avid political campaigners often came home discussing current events and social injustice, exposing Hope to these subjects at an early age. As a result, Hope gained an interest in social justice, and as she aged, she sought activities to help grow her passion. While her parents preferred more lax approaches, Hope desired a more hands-on experience and, as such, turned her attention to community service.

Hope would become a familiar face around her neighborhood, often volunteering at local community centers and assisting in government-sponsored projects. Yet, as time passed, Hope would notice a significant increase in communal crises. In truth, funding was steadily pulled from communal resources and funneled into more profitable activities, leaving many services impoverished and weak. Consequently, many of the issues plaguing her neighborhood reared their ugly head once more, destroying what little progress Hope had made beforehand. Desperate and anxious, Hope frantically searched for a way to combat the growing schism in her community.

One day, Hope learned of a massive rally to oppose the changes made to her neighborhood, and in her desperation, she hastily joined. Unbeknownst to Hope, the rally had no intentions of being peaceful, and shortly after, chaos ensued. Although she attempted to escape, Hope was caught smack-dab in the madness and, unfortunately, was struck by a stray bullet, leading to her unceremonious death.
Current Life:
After an unspecified amount of time, Hope would find herself confronting a being that called itself [God]. The being admired Hope’s persistence and sought to place her in another world, hoping that she, along with many other involuntary participants, would bring change. Immediately, Hope wanted to question the figure, but before she could get a word out, her world plummeted into darkness again.

Once again, Hope would awake, but this time, she wasn’t lying on the street, nor facing [God], but amid a forest grove. Disoriented and confused, Hope stumbled about, but not before noticing the sudden changes to her body. Her once caramel-colored skin was now pitch-black, and the modern clothes she wore were now long, ornate black and gold robes. Even her cherished necklace had changed into something completely new, now resembling a large amulet with a peculiar, blue gemstone embedded within it.

Confused and directionless, Hope wandered about the forest, and after an encounter with a hungry wolf, discovered her arcane powers. Though she might have survived the run in with the beast, Hope was left with more questions than answers.

Hope now seeks to find others blessed with this new life, not only to shine a light on this new world but to help her discover the intricacies of both herself and her magic. Perhaps, after she’s settled in, she’ll pursue the change she’d never accomplished in her previous life.
  • Fae
  • Shadow Fae
  • Ryken Military Associate - F - [ Character has helped out the Ryke Military and so has a certain degree of respect and good will saved up with them. While it is a basic connection, if played right, could lead to more favorable connections or conditions in the future.]
  • Daughter of Source - [character is of a line of fae born of the energy that makes up mana. Full of potential only partially tapped, the character's limits are only the ones she sets for herself. How she chooses to face adversity will dictate her fate.]
  • Empath - [With the heavy trauma Hope has endured, thanks to the betrayal of a friend, Hope has been able to see through the masks of people. She can see the emotions of people on their faces.]
  • One of Source - [Hope if placed into a tough situation she is very unsure of, can use this title to once per rp know something due to her connection with Source.]
  • Reveler of Mysteries - [Reveler of Mysteries - This character is fascinated by mysteries and will go to lengths to solve them, whether historical or literature-based.]

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 230
Points Spent: 323
Points Not Spent: 17
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - A
Vitality - E
Speed - D
  • Affinity F (Chaos) - Wielders of Chaos manipulate and shape the chaos present in both the minds of sentient beings and the environment to wreak havoc on their opponents.
  • Affinity F (Shadow)
  • Sixth Sense (Chaos) - Those attuned to chaos can detect the chaotic energy released by sentient beings as they express their emotions. Said emotions are color-coded: Anger is coded as red, Sadness as blue, Joy as yellow, etc. Users can detect more emotions with increased potency as they level up this skill.
  • Empathy E
  • Magic D
  • Magical Range E
  • Magical Targets E
  • Appraisal E
  • Insight E
  • Fighting Style C [Organized Chaos]
  • Flare F (Vision) - "Take a little" - Chaos is as avaricious as it is generous. As such, targets harmed by chaos-infused attacks will have their sight hampered.
  • Homing F "Inevitable" - Chaos is persistent. As such, attacks spawned from chaos will continue to seek their target until they land true. (1 Rebound if attack misses)
  • Continuing F "Give a little more" - Weaponized chaos leaves otherworldly blights on its targets, continuing to harm them even after they escape. (Enemy takes 1HP of damage per 1 post)
  • Tangle F "Cessation" - Nothing can escape the ever-lasting grasp of Chaos. As such, attacks spawned from chaos can be twisted into objects or substances that chain a target down.

  • Magic AoE E
  • Energized D
  • Selective Magic E
  • Language [Sylvan]
  • Educated E [Focus, Persuasion, Deception]
  • Feature [Darkvision]
  • Control Environment F
  • Jumping F
  • Acrobatics F
  • Fast F
  • [Anarchy] - Chaos Affinity F + Shadow Affinity F + Magic D + Magic Range E + Magic Targets E + Energized D + Selective Magic E + Magic AoE E + Homing F + Flare F (Vision) + Continuing F - Hope twists her shadow magic with mind-numbing chaos, forming a giant black sphere that seeks its target and explodes in a 50ft radius on impact. Afterward, it releases 9 smaller spheres that also seek out the nearest enemy. Targets struck take will also continuous damage for 1 post and have their vision obscured. With Selective Magic, certain targets can be rendered immune to the attack. - Grade D - 1 Post Cooldown
  • [Detainment] - Chaos Affinity F + Magic D + Magic Range E + Magic Targets E + Energized E + Selective Magic E + Homing F + Tangle F + Continuing F - Hope sends forth a flurry of homing iridescent projectiles that ensnares a target in a strange, adhesive substance that continuously damages them. With Selective Magic, certain targets can be rendered immune to the attack. - Grade D - 1 Post Cooldown
  • [Entropic Flux] - Chaos Affinity F + Magic AoE F + Magic E + Continuing F + Flare F + Energized E + Selective Magic E + Focus E - Hope releases a close-ranged blast of disintegrating chaos in a 15ft radius around her. Targets struck have their vision robbed and continuously take damage for 1 post. With Selective Magic, certain targets can be rendered immune to the attack. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Umbral Grasp] - Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Affinity F (Chaos) + Affinity F (Shadow) + Magic E + Tangle F + Energized E + Selective E + Focus E - Hope extends a veil of shadows along the floor and imbues it with chaos once it reaches a target, striking and ensnaring them with dark, tentacle-like appendages. Works up to 30ft and up to 5 targets. It can be manipulated to avoid harming certain targets - Grade E - 0 post cooldown
  • [Unfettered Chaos] - Affinity (Chaos) F + Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Magic E + Continuing F + Homing F + Energized E + Selective E + AoE F + Focus E - Hope concentrates her magic into five unstable globs of chaos, which home at targets within 30ft, exploding in a 15ft radius on impact and dealing continuous damage. It can be manipulated to avoid harming certain targets. - 0 post cooldown - Grade E
  • [A Touch of Bedlam] - Affinity (Chaos) F + Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Empathy F + Affinity F (Shadow) + Magic E + Energized E + Selective Magic E + Homing F + Focus E - Hope sends a dark wave of perplexing chaos that bends towards the closest target. It can hit up to five targets at a maximum of 30ft. - 0 post Cooldown - Grade E
  • [Elusive Shade] - Magic E + Affinity Shadow F + Control Environment F + Acrobatics F + Jumping F + Flare (Sight) F + Selective Magic E + Energized E + Educated E + Magic AoE F + Feature [Darkvision] + Fast F - Perceiving an incoming attack, Hope shrouds her position in thick, blinding darkness before quickly evading away. Targets caught in its 15ft radius have their vision obscured for 1 post - Grade E - 0 post cooldown
  • [Sylvian Getaway] - Acrobatics F + Jumping F + Energized F + Fast F + Focus F - Hope performs an elegant evasive acrobatic maneuver, attempting to distance herself from an enemy or an attack - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • [Chaotic Reckoning] - Sixth Sense F + Empathy E + Affinity F (Chaos) + Magic Range E + Magic Targets E + Magic D + Insight E + Appraisal E + Energized D + Magic AoE E + Selective Magic E + Feature [Darkvision] - Hope channels her magic into her eyes, allowing her to detect the chaos that compromises a living being's emotions as well as their approximate location. It scans in a 50ft wide radius that has a maximum distance of 100ft and can appraise up to 10 targets. With Selective Magic, certain targets can be prioritized or ignored by the scan. - 1 Post Cooldown - Grade D
  • [Umbral Reach] - Magic Range F + Affinity F (Shadow) + Magic Targets F + Magic E + Affinity F (Chaos) + Energized E + Focus E - Hope conjures a floating, solid shadowy hand that can be used to grab objects from a distance, manipulate items, and all other actions a hand can do. It can be controlled for up to 30ft, and up to five hands can be created. - Grade E - 0 post cooldown
  • [Scrying Eyes] - Appraisal E + Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Empathy F + Sixth Sense (Chaos) F + Affinity F (Chaos) + Insight F + Magic E + Energized E + Educated E [Persuasion, Deception, Focus] - Utilizing all her awareness skills, Hope covertly scans a target to determine their true intentions. Does not read thoughts. Works up to 30ft and on up to 5 targets - Grade E- 0 post cooldown
  • [Empathize] - Empathy F + Insight F + Sixth Sense (Chaos) F + Appraisal F + Energized F + Educated F [Persuasion, Deception, Focus] - After reading their mood, Hope attempts to empathize with a target, sweet-talking them into doing something she desires. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (Can be used multiple times in one post)
  • [Enchanted Appraisal] - Magic E + Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Energized E + Appraisal E + Focus E + Selective Magic F - Hope reinforces her appraisal skill with magic, allowing it to scan further, up to 30ft and up to 5 targets. With Selective Magic, the scan can prioritize or ignore certain targets. - Grade E - 0 post cooldown

  • Catalyst "Jewel of Pandemonium" B
  • Light Armor E
  • Ornate Black Robes
  • Black Oversized Sun Hat
  • Small Adventurer's Pouch
  • Small cloth
  • Bedroll
  • Canteen
  • Tinderbox
  • Small Flower
Change Log:
Updated: 7/16/2022
  • Received 25 points from Ruins Right Route (See here)
  • Received title [Ryke Military Associate - F] from Ruins Right Route
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Intelligence D to Intelligence C
  • Point Expenditure: Purchased Insight F
  • Point Expenditure: Purchased Fighting Style F [Organized Chaos]
  • Created Abilities: [Umbral Reach] & [Scrying Eyes]
  • Added Fighting Style [Organized Chaos] to abilities: [A Touch of Bedlam] & [Unfettered Chaos] Also changed descriptions to better fit the change.
  • Added Items: Bedroll, Tinderbox, Canteen, and Small Flower
Updated: 11/10/2022
  • Received 7 points from Community Event (See here)
  • Corrected the number of unspent points (From 0 to 11)
Updated 11/12/2022
  • Corrected the number of spent points (From 130 to 126)
  • Corrected the number of earned points (From 25 to 32)
Updated 1/8/2023
  • Received 92 points from Tutoring Session With the Undead (See here)​
  • Received title [Daughter of Source] from Tutoring Session With the Undead​
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Intelligence C to B (7 points used)​
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Magic E to D, Magic Targets F to E & Magic Range F to E (21 points used)​
  • Point Expenditure: Purchased Energized D, Magic AoE F & Selective Magic E (42 points used)​
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Fighting Style "Controlled Chaos" from F to C & Added Continuing F, Tangle F, & Homing F (21 points used)​
  • Adjusted Appraisal to Character Grade (From F to E)​
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Catalyst "Jewel of Pandemonium" from E-Grade to C-Grade (See here) (7 points used)​
  • Added Language [Sylvan] for Free​
  • Specified Sense for Flare F​
  • Added Description to Technique cores​
  • Added Abilities: Detainment D, Anarchy D, Entropic Flux E, Empathize F​
  • Added Skill Selective Magic E to [All Offensive Abiities], [Chaotic Reckoning - D], and changed the descriptions to better fit the changes.​
  • Added Skill Tangle F & Energized E to [Umbral Grasp - E] and changed the description to better fit the changes.​
  • Added Skill Energized E & Homing F & Magic AoE F to [Unfettered Chaos] and changed the description to better fit the changes.​
  • Added Skill Energized E to [A Touch of Bedlam - E] and changed the description to better fit the changes.​
  • Added Skill Energized E to [All E-Grade Abilities], Energized D to [All D-Grade Abilities], and Energized F to [All F-Grade Abilities]
  • Added Magic Aoe F [Chaotic Reckoning - D] and better changed the description to fit the changes.​

Updated 1/11/2023
  • Removed Flare F from [Unfettered Chaos - E] & Added Continuing F in its place​
  • Removed Flare F from [A Touch of Bedlam - E] & Added Homing F in its place​
Updated 4/12/2023
  • Received 74 points from A Tutoring Lesson In the Hatred of Dead (See here)
  • Received Title [Empath] & [One of Source] from A Tutoring Lesson in the Hatred of Dead
  • Equipped Title [Empath] & [One of Source]
  • Added descriptions to some existing titles
Updated 6/26/2023
  • Point Expenditure: Received E-Grade Light Armor & Upgraded catalyst [Jewel of Pandemonium] to B-Grade (See here) (3 points used in total)​
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Intelligence to A & Upgraded Speed to D (14 points used in total)​
  • Point Expenditure: Purchased Educated E [Persuasion, Deception, & Focus], Feature [Darkvision], (21 points used in total)​
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Empathy to E, Insight to E, Magic Aoe to E (21 points used in total)​
  • Added Skill Magic AoE E to [Anarchy -D] & [Chaotic Reckoning- D] and changed the description to better fit the changes​
  • Added Skill Feature [Darkvision] to [Chaotic Reckoning]
  • Added Skill Educated E to [Empthasize], [Scrying Eyes] and changed the description to better fit the changes
  • Added Skill Focus E to all E-Grade abilities
Updated 10/1/2023
  • Received 25 points from "A Murder of Crows" (See here)​
  • Received title [Reveler of Mysteries] from "A Murder of Crows"​
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Strength F to E (7 points used)​
  • Point Expenditure: Purchased Control Environment F, Acrobatics F, Jumping F, and Fast F (28 points used in total)​
  • Added Ability: Evasive Shade E​

Updated 11/22/2023
  • Received 7 points from 2023 October Community Event Rewards (See here)​
  • Received asset [Lord Darkseed's Head] from October Community Event Rewards
  • Added Abilities: Enchanted Appraisal E, Sylvian Getaway F
Last edited:

Theme: will find one later.
Rp'er Name: Saxon
Post Frequency:
Depends on pace of the RP.
Discord Name: Saxon#1232
Current RP:
She wants to travel to the far corners of the world.
Equipped Titles: Human, Martial Artist, West Empire Adventurer, Do-Gooder,Loyal, Hopeful Investigator
Height: 5'3
Weight: 112
Backstory: She remembers very little of her last life whether that be because she isn't want for or our forgot. But she does remember a bright red star and a very cold environment.
Current Life: She was born quite literally in the middle of no where. She was born in a heavily forested area where her father was a forester cuting down trees for wood. When he was young she stumbled upon an orphaned bear cub who she snuck back into the house. She gave him the affectionate name Boris the bear. Though her father was very much against it he told her if it got out of control he would put the creature down. As she grew older the bond with the bar increased and is now her steadfast companion.
Acquired Titles: Human, Martial Artist, West Empire Adventurer, Do-Gooder, Loyal, Hopeful Investigator
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 236
Points Spent: 319
Points Not Spent: 18
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - B (21)
Precision - F
Intelligence - C (21)
Vitality - F
Speed - C (21)
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Companion D (70)
  • Fighting Style Northern Bear Style (Natural Weapons) C (Aura F, Frost), Selective F, Range F, Penetrating F (35)
  • Appraisal D (0)
  • Fast E (14)
  • Heightened Sense (Hearing) F (7)
  • Animal Handling F (7)
  • Regeneration F (7)
  • Energized E (14)
  • Climbing F (7)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Sick 'em - Companion F, Animal Handling F, Energized F- With her bond to Boris, Crymaria utters the command Sick 'em and the bear goes after the target she points to. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Northern Strike- Fighting Style Northern Bear Style (Natural Weapons) F, (Aura F, Frost), Natural Weapons F, Energized F- Crymaria delivers a strike using her Aura to deliver physical and frost damage to the target upon contact. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Northern Bear Strike- Fighting Style Northern Bear Style (Natural Weapons) F (Range F), Natural Weapons F, Energized F- Crymaria delivers a strike that can reach up to 10ft from her position.
  • Holly of Winter - Fighting Style Northern Bear Style (Natural Weapons) E, Selective F, Selective F, Aura F (Frost), Energized E, Fast F - Crymaria delivers a strike to the target right before impact, covering her hands or feet in ice and then making contact with the target.
Name: Boris The Bear
Equipped Titles: Beast, Bear, Large
Acquired Titles: Beast, Bear, Large

(These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - D (14)
Precision - F
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - E (7)

Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Superstrength E (28)
  • Weaken Strength F (7)
  • Natural Weapons E (28)
  • Special movement F: walk on all fours (0, replaces walking)
  • Feature: Claws (0)
  • Feature: Fur (0)
  • Feature: Large E (14)
  • Cold Resistance F (7)
  • Heightened Sense F (hearing) (7)
  • Climbing F (7)

Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Maul - Superstrength E - Boris attacks a target with the ability to push up to 600 lbs. Must be within melee distance. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Red Winter's Grasp - Weaken Strength F - Causes the target to go down 1 grade of strength for their actions for one post or depending on the narrator's discretion. Must be within melee distance. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Natural Heavy Armour E (From Large Feature)
  • Natural weapons E
Character creation:
  • Superstrength E (28)
  • Weaken Strength F (7)
  • Natural Weapons F (14)
  • Special movement F: walk on all fours (0 replaces walking)
  • Feature: Claws (0)
  • Feature: Fur (0)
29 Nov, 2022
  • Spent 7 points on Vitality E => D
  • Spent 14 points on Natural Weapons F => E
  • Spent 14 points on Feature: Large E
  • Added E grade Natural Heavy Armor (From Large feature)
  • Added and equipped Title Large

  • Spent 7 points Cold resistance F
  • Spent 7 Points Intelligence F => E
  • Spent 7 points heightened Sense F (Smell)
  • Spent 7 points Climbing F
  • Spent 7 Points Speed F => E
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Natural Weapons D (42)
  • Light armor D (21)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Character creation:
  • Companion F (35)
  • Fighting Style Northern Bear Style (Natural Weapons) F (Aura, Frost) (7)
  • Appraisal F (0)
  • Fast F (7)
  • Heightened Sense (Hearing) F (7)
  • Animal Handling F (7)
  • Natural Weapons (14)
  • Light armor F (7)
  • Strength - E (7)
  • Intelligence - E (7)
  • Speed - E (7)
19 OCT, 2022
  • 28 points gained from [Isekai Hell] - Let's Go Fly a Kite
  • optional title acquired [West Empire Adventurer] - character is an adventurer of the West Empire adventurer guild. Able to handle the frigid boreal forests of the south or the dry grasslands of the north, West Empire adventurers are not as well rounded but can generally handle greater extremes.
    • Grade F - characters are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
  • Equipped title West Empire Adventurer
29 Nov, 2022
  • Aquired 23 points from [Isekai Hell] Embers of Heartache
  • Aquired and equiped optional title acquired [Do-Gooder] - character can't seem to help themselves but get involved in other people's problems. Npcs are quicker to take advantage of character's good nature and those truly in need will be quicker to ask character for help. No good deed goes unpunished. Perhaps helping others enough will result in a good harvest eventually.
  • Spent 35 points on Companion F => E
  • Spent 7 points on Strength E => D
  • Spent 7 points on Speed E => D
26 Jan, 2023
  • Earned 28 Points from [Isekai Hell] Falling to Rise
  • Earned Optional title [Loyal] - character has a tendency to honor agreements/relationships made despite changing circumstances or other options. Character is more likely to have their trust honored. But it will receive increased amounts of testing that may make it hard to endure.
  • Spent 7 points on Strength D => C
  • Fighting Style Northern Bear Style (Natural Weapons) D (Aura, Frost) (7) =>Fighting Style Northern Bear Style (Natural Weapons) D (Aura, Frost), Selective F, Range F (21)
  • Spent 7 points Light Armor F => E
  • Added Ability: Northern Bear Strike

18 Aug 2023
  • Acquired 37 points Isekai Hell Orson's Feast I
  • Spent 28 Points Natural Weapons F => D
  • Spent 7 Points Energized F
  • Spent 7 Points Regeneration F (6 post cooldown)
  • Spent 7 Points Speed D=> C
  • Spent 7 Points Light armor E => D
  • Added Energize F to all abilities
31 OCT 23

27 Jan 2024
  • Acquired 39 Points from [Isekai Hell] Orson's Feast III
  • Acquired Optional Title- [Hopeful Investigator] - This character has taken part in looking into a matter where a crime potentially was committed. However, the result was inconclusive but they now have the experience for what to look for in a matter next time.
  • Spent 7 Points Climbing F
  • Spent 7 Points Fast F => E




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