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Fantasy Is there light in darkness?

Before entering the forest, Kinalt turned around to observe the scene one last time. He noticed Kardon, hands ablaze, as if he were being attacked. Intrigued, Kinalt couldn't resist turning around and heading back towards the village. As he was re entering the village, he witnessed one of Kardon's undead being obliterated by some form of dark magic, and then he heard laughing. Dismounting his horse, he turned past a burnt out house and saw two figures and a dragon. He felt an odd connection to the slimmer one with black hair, as if he had once met him.
"Fine you pathetic creature!" Kardon clicks his tongue and a soldier walks behind him and up to Nivek. "Here you go..." The soldier says handing him the sword.
Smirks, feeling the magical energy being given off by Kardon. "Think I found the necromancer, come, follow me." Starts to walk towards the hill, Disharmony flying above him, to keep any flying beasts away, and Artorias followed by his side, corrupted greatsword at the ready. Smiles, hiding his magical energy and observing the necromancer. "So, this is the poor necromancer who can't do full resurrection? Probaly undead judging by his looks."
Shade laughed at Kardon, "Now now, you know what happenes when children throw a tantrum don't you? They have to ignore their toys." the bounty hunter gestured to Nivek as he spoke. "And go sit in the corner." Shade stood up and carefully made his hand tangible before grabbing a stick and moving towards Nivek, holding it out to him. "I'm not sure I'd trush a fleshie with a sword, so here is a branch instead, you can use your imagination. And now fleshie, child. You are prepared to fight!"
nivek griped the sword getting used to it quickly. then faced the necromancer. "ok you ready?" he asked as he bowed showing some respect. as he watched carfully trying to prevent this from going into an unfair match. he stould there awiting eather a bow of respect or an sneak attack of weakness.
Void observes, idly playing with the shadows, smiling happily as he remembered how his power grew during the ending wars. "So Artorias, think the necromancer is any good?" He would much rather asked one of his necromancer generals but since none were on hand and only Artorias could talk easily he asked him. Artorias chuckled "He's good for a starter, yet he needs training." Void smiled, twirling the shadows around his finger. "Hmm, I'll train him for a day to see if he's any good."
Kardon growled at the joke. "Stay out of this you ghost!" He turned and launched a magical projectile at Shade. After turning back around he extinguished his hands at seeing Disharmony. "Oh the pigeon is back.....can i catch a break for once!" He shook his head and the ground at his feet began to rot away. Kardon mumbled some words and his flesh became stone. "Yes i am ready to fight!"
Kinalt approached the scene from behind the mage, who seemed to be weaving shadows, and his knight, on whom he recognized the emblem of an old king. He stopped a few feet short of them, planting the bottom of his pike into the ground and observing with his glowing red eyes.
Dis growled, quite offended. Void sighed, releasing his magical energy as Kardon's stone skin faded away, bringing him down to his knees with a solid shadow smacking him from behind. "I'm afraid calling the first dragon general of the dark one a pigeon is rather dangerous to your personal health." Artorias grinned, hefting his greatsword. "Now apologize before Artorias here cuts you up to bits for bad mouthing a general of the dark one and by extension me."
"ok...ok then" nivek said still slowly comprehending whats going on. he looked at the sword and back at the stoned one. (lol that just sounded funny anyways) nivek rushed twords kardon and swung the sword high aiming for his head. nivek gave it half power witch is all he ussually needed to break stone back when he was training.
Shade frowned as he was told off, throwing the stick away behind him, he backed up a bit, "No fun, no fun." He moved out of the combatants' sights and smoothly wandered behind Kardon, and towards the knight. "The child is going to be facing off with a fleshie," Shade grinned as he informed Kinalt of the events. "I'm placing my coin on the fleshie, afterall he may die, but if he lands any sort of 'killing blow on the kid, if he was alive, we'd know who the winner is."
Void smiled, using his dark magic to push nivek back, surrounding kardon in darkness. "So, you're the necromancer who destroyed this town?" Smiles, "Explains why the werewolves weren't around. You're a poor leader, leading by force and impatience always quick to punish your servants, who, by the way are rather decent for a necromancer of your skill, yet they could be better."
(Your fight is postponed as the dark one must talk with the low level necromancer, and punish him for insulting his dragon general, unless of course, you wish to fight the dark one right now?)
(uh lets just say that i was sent else were through magic... dark one and human well that is a loosingone even for my luck)
"You want me to apologize to a giant bird....not going to happen whatsoever!" Kardon laughs as the ground beneath him continues to rot away. "Now please let me kill the fleshy..." He shook his head in annoyance and scowled under his mask. "Who do you think i am? Some novice that you can just push around? Because if so you are in for a surprise....and werewolves suck as thralls by the way..."
Void growled, dark magic starting to choke Kardon "He's the general of the Dark One's dragon army, not just some random bird." His anger causes his form to distort, turning him more into a shadow "An insult to my general is a death sentence royal fool." Tosses kardon out of the shadows, smirking as the necromancer hit a tree. "As for your thralls and your claim about werewolves. Your necromancy is weak at best, using your magic to inhibit the body, and werewolves,unlike your shambling corpses, can think, thus they can fight more effectively if they met resistance."
nivek standing there unsure of whats going on. "uh well one if your not a novic then why magic? two were wolves are awsome! if they wernt trying to kill me i would so be friends with one" he siad to kardon.
Shade watched as the others around chose their sides, but with his initial respectfor the dragons, he moved towards their side, showing where his alliegence lied and surprisingly staying quiet. He moved to their side with an incline of his head as a greeting and acknowledgement.
Void smiled, turning around. "Not really, I use true ressurection when I bring back the dead, dragging their soul back in and putting them under my command, effectively creating what classifies as golems. The others I think fear of my wrath is enough to quell any rebellious thoughts."
Kardon laughs as he pushes himself up and onto his feet. "My thralls are all trained humans....they know what to do when i make certain movements!" He removes his mask reveling a rotted face that is barley held together. Kardon cracks his jaw back into place then puts the mask back on. "Would you like to see how many undead i have in the trees and swamps surrounding the town?....there are hundreds of them!" He flicks his wrist and marching can be heard nearby causing the ground to shake.
Dis bowed his head back, acknowledging and showing respect for the shade. Artorias grinned at the mention of golems, knowing he himself is a prime example. Void grins, "Because unlike puny necromancers who originally learned from me, I have the magical energy to do the full ressurection."
((Just to confirm, Kinalt was originally resurrected by Void, but his faith allowed him to keep his independence and his mind somewhat intact))

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