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Fantasy Is there light in darkness?

((Sorry, internet quit))

Shade just grinned as the necromancer's soldiers surrounded him, and he remained silent, but with a grin on his dark face. When Kardon was denyed the girl he chuckled and muttered under his breath. "Aww the little necromancer doesn't get his girlie. How sad." In his sarcastic mutterrings he watched the dragon fly away with his catch and waved a discreet farewell. Despite common thought, Shade shows respect only to dragons, and the Dark One.
Viidost notices Shade and nods in reply to his farewell flies back his crypt 'That damned undead called me a bird! Unbelievable...'
Kardon turns back around and lowers his arm. "So back to you.....like i said eavesdropping is not nice. my soldiers here dont like it either so let me tell you something.....explain why you were spying or get your bones torn out of your body." He grins and his eyes begin to glow green. "One minute to explain."
Shade laughed quietly yet spoke in a serious tone, "I'd like to see you try. But why? Well I'm not sure I want to tell you.." The shadow turned away, a slow mist starting to come off of him as the bounty hunter allowed his aura to resurface. "But does it really matter child, when we both are on the same side?"
Void pat lays Nyx down on a stone altar inside the crypt "I'll play with her a bit before eating her I suppose."
"Child? I am hundreds of years old and command undead armies! But i see we both work for the same cause do we not?" Kardon snaps his fingers and the soldiers back off and begin to destroy the village again as commanded to do earlier. "So please do tell me who you would work for my undead acquaintance...the humans or the Dark one. I am massing undead armies to join the Dark ones cause!"
Shade grinned and turned around, "You are but a child to me. I am thousands of years in service to the Dark One. And I am one of his sources of intelligence. But as much as I love the hunt, sometimes information is important. Though i do have a few bounties to complete yet." The last sentence was muttered quietly to himself as Shade stared into the necromancer's glowing eyes.
Kardon shakes his head. "Yes you may work for the Dark one...but i have worked for all the old kings!" He laughs very menacingly and his eyes turn red. "It does not matter what you say....it seems your only a info keeper." Kardon turns and kicks Nivek. "Wake up...you are about to join the ranks of the undead...{Turns to shade}....would you like to see true power?"
Shade smiled, "Go ahead, show me what true power is." He then muttered quietly, "Hmm, all sorcerers are the same, just with a different ability. Would they really be so strong without their power? Hiding behind countless bodies so the dirty work is done for them? Of course not, why they are truely pathetic beings, almost a disgrace to the power of the dark one." Speaking up again, "So you worked for the old kings? Do you happen to know what killed them?"
nivek started to wake in a daze. he looked around to two men infront of him. he turned to look behind to see a hill. he took a second trying to think. then he said. "fuck it" he leaned twards the hill and started to roll down it.
Shade started laughing as the prisoner rolled away. "Oh such great power wise one. Cannot even -snigger- keep your prisoners."
Kardon did not realize Nivek was getting away. "Yes i do know what killed the old kings..the Dark one slowly led them into death am i correct? Oh thanks for pointing out that he is getting away." He snaps his fingers and some soldiers grab Nivek. "The kings were not worthy to live and so they died." He chuckles and shakes his head.
"Using your thrawls as usual? Ever do anything for yourself child?" Even if Kardon hated it, he had gotten a new nickname from the bounty hunter, as well as his soldiers. Shade started humming a quiet song, bored. "Well are you going to show your magnificent power? Or just waste my time to hunt?"
"Yes the thralls are very useful...i am not a powerful as i used to be when i was living. And i cant do anything for myself.....i am a frail corpse." Kardon laughs and walks towards Shade. "I will show you the power of an adept undead necromancer." He laughs again. "But first tell me who you are...."
Nivek grabbed a knife from one of the undead soldiers, and cut him self free. then looked up. "ok im not too smart so of course i dont know who you two are or whats going on but i do know that you" points at kardon "are the reason my town was burned down so take this" he chucked the knife at kardon hoping it would do something but with his luck added in, the knife hit with the handle and not the blade. "just my luck" he said trying to shake off the daze.
Shade smiled "Oh but whom I am is but a shadow, a ghost. Thine name hath gone by time. Reffered to Shade is thyself." He spoke calmly and walked towards a fallen log, 'sitting' on it to watch the show. "So show me child, this power you keep going on about, or are you all bark with no bite?" Shade watched the human throw the knife, hitting Kardon's corpse with a smll thump. "Very impressive fleshling, an excellent stun. Or maybe not, as child here -whispers- is dead.." The mocking tone rode over clearly in his voice and Shade sighed, this was becoming mundane.
Kardon turned towards Nivek and laughed. "You idiots cant even restrain a flesh bag!" He raises his arms and the thralls drop dead. "Lets go you little knife thrower." His fists catch on fire and he raises them in the air challenging Nivek to a fight. "As you might have noticed...i am already dead so whatever you do wont matter." He laughed and taunted Nivek. "And you....{Points to Shade}...i may be dead but i am not a child!"
Void walked around the burnt up town with his two servants Artorias and Disharmony. He smiled, blasting one of the undead, his magical essence being quite powerful, is picked up by most magical beings, inspiring either fear, or hope for those of his cause. "Seriously? Adept necromancy? Man that's rather embrassing." Starts laughing loudly. "Who wants to play rekill it?" Chuckles, blasting another of the undead looking for survivors to capture.
((Errg.. Its difficult to be an asshole, so as an apology for my rude idiot of a character, here is a tiny pig appretiation post ^~^))

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nivek knodds then thinks. 'no good with out a sword, hes undead. wait how do you kill the dead??' jhe pondered then just lauhed. he laughed then "let mee have a sword and will see bout that (undead) thing you mentioned." he said with a cocky tone.

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