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Fantasy Is there light in darkness?

Saphiras scales get brighter and her eyes are sapphires in the sun and she growls at the statement
Dis is still laying there, dying, muttering in a blood loss induced stupor.

Void chuckles, watching his minion slowly dying. "Is that thing nice now Dis? Hmmm?"
Saphira shudders and turns running to Dis and stopping at him saying " This is what I mean " she said touching noses with him to slowly fill him with light to heal him
" Do you want to join me ?" Saphira asked him still filling him slowly not killing him
Sorbekento laughed at Saphira and walked up behind her. "You do notice which side he is on right?" He turned around and began walking towards Kinalt.
Dis groans, trying, and failing horribly to stand back up. "Hmm," tail curls and himself, resting below his chin as if he was thinking "Why not? My master abandoned me" 
Void growls, the shadows around Dis's general area starts spiking up. "After all I've done for that ungrateful wyrm, and this is how he repays me?!" Void is half tempted to wound Dis again, a lot more seriously then a mere caved in scale.
When he is full and on her side she growls at the shadows and smashes her tail on the ground making them turn to light that surrounds Dix and changes him to a light dragon instead of dark
Dis falls over in pain, whimpering as the darkness is ripped away from him, feeling as if someone was ripping his damned scales off, stumbling out of the light slimmer, with intelligent blue eyes, a soft blue coat of scales, a row of icy white spikes along his back and at the tips of his wings, smiling softly through the pain, getting used to the light that's now flowing through his body, swishing his tail back and forth slightly. 
Dis gave a slight smile, before falling back over, quite tired from this entire ordeal, he lays there, spreading his ice tippee wings, curling his tail around him.
Saphira smiled and said " You look great " and she admired him sitting down next to him
Saphira blushes and tilts her head down looking at him and saying " Thank you " her scales shinning very bright and her eyes twinkling beautifully she had her wings folded and her tail curled around her feet and claws
Void growls, watching this from his shadowy realm, "first he said she might not be so bad, and now he's acting like a smitten kitten? Oh when will anything make sense?"

Dis smiled softly, stretching, accidentally touching saphira with his wing, quickly closing it with an embrassed blush. "Sorry"
Saphira blushed harder and said " Its fine "

(Hey you think you can find a picture of your new dragon , if you cant its fine)
"Friends?" Looks confused, having lived his entire life training or giving orders, not knowing much of anything other then combat. Shivers slightly, cold, unsure if it's to do with his new icy form, or genuine coldness.
Sorbekento stopped approaching Kinalt and turned his attention towards Dis. "You are a traitor to your master, tiny one!" He shouted before approaching and igniting himself. "And i recall telling you to get lost." Sorbekento gives a glare at Sahpira and then looks back at Dis.
Kinalt, who had been watching the dragons, noticed Nyx cautiously approaching, and gave her a nod of acknowledgment.
Saphira looks at Sorbekento and growls " You dark fool , we have the most powers as light "
"Dark fool? Little one you must mistake me for someone else, i do not pick sides!" Sorbekento shouts tears a large amount of ground up with his claws. "I am fire and you are light...a fight between us would not turn out well for you! Ask the tiny soldier over there...{Points to Kinalt and his singed equipment.}..."

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