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Fantasy Is there light in darkness?

Dismounting his horse, Kinalt forms a green, noxious ball in his hand. Swiping his hand left to right, the air surrounding the firey dragon changes into a hazardous, toxic mist. Using the fumes to cover his charge, he positions himself to plunge the pike into Sorbekento's chest.
Saphira walks over to a tree to watch her scales shining and her eyes looking curiously at Kinalt she layed down with her tail curled around her
Viidost lands nearby Saphira causing yet another large tremor and making dust spread everywhere "Gah. This is annoying. I thought everyone here would have left by the time I came back..."
Dis watches from the cover of darkness, tail swishing back and forth. Void smiled, jumping onto the dragon's back to watch, Artorias slowly climbed back up to watch and protect his master. "Oh how I wish they get done fighting each other, it's hard to leave a place unnoticed with so many witnesses. Especially that dragon of hope" says hope as if it's the worst thing ever. "Can't let such vile creatures know of where I hide." Dis shook his head, "what's wrong with her? She seemed rather nice, if not for her affiliation with the light I would have got along quite well with her." Dis smiled, that is, he did before being blasted out of cover into quite close to saphira. "She's a miserable overgrown lizard that needs put down Dis, come back when you learn that." And with those words, Void and Artorias disappear into the shadows, leaving the injured poison drake behind. Dis groans, blood running from the spot where void hit, two of his scales having been pushed in and thus cut into his soft flesh, causing him to bleed.

( Sorry if I missed anything said to my character, my comment before this involving what would happen to a creature of darkness if it was introduced to light caused my tablet to label it as death/gore, effectively locking away an entire page of the roleplay. Once again, I'm sorry.)
Saphira snarled at Dis before he dissapered " We shall see lamb " she laughed to herself at the comment she made
"You there, Proud, Arrogant, Dragon, will you assist me in defeating Sobekento? He's your enemy too now." Viidost says to Saphira
" Dont try to play mind tricks on me , if he has no side then I will not kill or harm him but if you do...... I will slit your throat "Saphira said growling at him her eyes like slits and her scales glimmering brightly
" it will be much longer that all of the darks ones slayes out to do his dirty work because he shall not prevail because im going to kill him and you will not stop me " Saphira snarls at him her wings out and the blue in her eyes fading away to red  
(Gtg see you after school)
Dis groaned, standing up slowly, muttering under his breath, ignoring the steady flow of blood from the wound his master gave him. "Lamb? Where are the lambs? I'm rather hungry." Chuckles weakly, hardly staying up, losing blood rather quickly. "Seriously I'm starv-" falls over, starting to bleed out, quickly losing consciousness.

Void chuckles from his shadowy realm. "Well Dis, if she's so nice, why don't you ask her to save your wretched life?" Artorias sighs, shaking his head sadly. "Is this a slight bit, excessive, sir?" Void growled, magic flickering over his hands, "Do you also want to suffer with him?" Artorias held his hands up, quickly shaking his head, muttering apologies. "Exactly as I thought." Void said, magic dying down.
Maltar felt very sick all of a sudden then maltar falls to the ground and gives a great shudder than dies
Dis just lays there, unaware of his possible doom, the ground around him slick with his blood. The only indication he lives is the slight rise and fall of his chest as he breathes, a look of agony on his face.

Void chuckled, barely keeping the dying dragon alive. "That'll teach you to doubt what I tell you. Especially when it comes to creatures of light." Void chuckled, ignoring the angry look he's receiving from Artorias.

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