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Fantasy Is The Demon Lord A Myth [Arcanepunk High Fantasy]

“It’s nothing to worry about,” Mercher hummed as moved the last strand of hair out of his vision, “but we can figure something out if you'd like.” As he accepted Hasan's hand, he saw Rurra come over. Answering to Rurra's question as she came over with a slight nod, Mercher walked over to his bag and held the it’s handles and gently put it over his shoulder.

A small sigh escaped him while he opened the zipper just slightly to check up on her. ‘Ah, looks like she’s still alright,’ Mercher sighed before zipping it up again. When Mercher saw Hasan come back, a familiar gold sparkle caught his eye. The sunlight bounced pleasantly along its golden wiring. 'Ah, so he'd found it…'
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Location: Hall of minor deities; Rurra ceremony
Tags: Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen

Punishment? Execution? Neither warning is directed at Hasan, yet they drag a cold shudder down his spine. Rurra’s words carry promise, not threat. If execution is her judgement, he dreads to know what crueler ruling Ephelina might elect. It is with cautious, uncertain relief that he thanks the heavens for not having offended them.

“It’s fi—” That’s a goddess you’re speaking to, idiot! Hasan bows his head swift as the thought that snapped at him. “It is quite fine, your holiness!” Ahead of questioning his terminology, a hand offering a pouch broaches his vision. Hasan accepts it, a gentle hand cupping the pouch, head lifting until he’s upright again.

In some variation or other of the universe, Hasan might have been a dog. Not in the sense of Beastkin—but a literal massive, tail-wagging canine. The comparison is irrefutable as his face lights up with warm excitement. The rigidness of his muscles melt and a softer, looser countenance takes its place. All his apprehensions hurled out of sight.

“Thank you so much!” It bursts out of him louder than he intends. “I won’t let a single crumb go to waste.” Not wanting to rudely indulge before the goddess and high priestess, Hasan pockets the pouch. As he does, the glistening trace of gold catches his attention. The stranger’s headpiece. Eyes wide and blinking with realization, Hasan instantly turns to him.

“This is yours, sorry. I didn’t notice I was still holdin’ it!” The accessory returns to the hands of its rightful owner. “I’m gonna make myself scarce for now, but I’ll be around for the main festivities at the guild, probably.” He bows to the stranger, then turns and bows to Rurra and the Priestess. “Thank you, again.” Hasan heads off with more careful attention to his surroundings.
TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy

Sasha looked around the area after the situation with the hooded man was cleared and he went on his way. She the displeased faces among Rurra’s followers after what she did, she then saw the anxious mannerisms from her paladins as they saw the potential danger against their high priestess was rising. “Oh dear… I think I messed up, please forgive me Aevith, I did not mean to cause trouble for your child…” Sasha thought as panic slowly started to set in. She looked over at Rurra who was busy talking with the elf man holding the bag once again. Sasha watched for a few more seconds before she began to back away, her mind in the midst of a panic as Rurra’s followers began glaring at her. Without saying anything her paladins quickly moved in and secured Sasha, escorting her from the premises as the followers began shouting at her, causing even more commotion.

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RTS and Ria just watched the whole ordeal from the outside of the incident. “Sis? Any idea what that was all about?” Ria asked

“No idea, my guess is the elf man is someone important, and the hooded guy simply freaked out after the paladin fell to the ground in front of him” Rys whispered back

The two beastkin girls watched as the ogre priestess was being drug over by the girl she was just talking to on the stage before they both tried to rectify the misunderstanding between the two men. When Rurra shot the two girls a look that insinuated some kind of threat, Rys immediately got on the defensive and moved to be between her sister and the ogre, her hand resting on one of her hidden daggers if a fight broke out. Ria just looked at her sister with a confused expression, she could sense her agitation and unease as well as the wolf that she had been cuddling could sense it as well…
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Rurra saw as her followers were getting angry at Sasha for the trouble that had been happening. She tried to calm her followers, but they didn't hear her. In a panic, Sasha began to be led away. Don't let her go. Ephelina said to Rurra. But it felt as if everything was escaping Ephelina's grip to which she managed to break through Rurra's possession and shouted with a powerful furious aura: "SILENCE!" To which the hall fell silent. The followers present sunk their heads in shame and some even began to prostrate to her.

Ephelina caught up to Sasha to which a paladin drew his sword, threatening Ephelina. "Back off ogress!" The paladin shouted. Ephelina angered, stared him straight in the eyes: "You dare to raise your sword against a high priestess? Sheathe your weapon or I will execute you on the spot. Don't stand between me and the high priestess of Aevith." The paladin afraid from the noticeable killing intent lowered his blade as Ephelina approached Sasha and grabbed her hand. In a calmer, yet pleading tone, Ephelina said: "Please don't go. I'd love to have you at the festival. I will clear this misunderstanding."

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Gerard felt like a lost leaf in a whirlwind, struggling to keep up with the torrent of events around him. The capital city, a vibrant tapestry of culture and business. It was a stark contrast to his humble countryside origins. The air buzzed with formality, a ceaseless ballet of bowing and prostrating, masking the true nature of the city's denizens behind layers of polished fronts and hollow niceties.

Intrigue had lured him into the heart of this maelstrom, following in the wake of Rys and her enigmatic sister. His curiosity flickered like a candle flame as he observed the priestesses and their stalwart guards, each step revealing more of the capital's intricate dance. But it was the ogress's fiery glare towards Ria that sent a shiver down his spine, sparking a flame of unease within him. What had they done to earn such a piercing gaze? The unseen dart that had felled a guard was a mystery he had not witnessed.

"These folk don't seem all that welcoming," he mused aloud, his voice carrying a note of caution as his eyes lingered on the departing ogress, now embroiled in a confrontation with another priestess and her entourage. He pointed towards the ogress, curiosity mingling with concern. "Do you know her? She seemed to glare at you with a personal vendetta."

Kyros, his faithful companion, snorted in agreement, his tail twitching with irritation. The crowd's energy was a chaotic swirl, far from the joyous celebration one would expect at a festival. The oppressive vibes weighed heavily on Gerard, a stark reminder that beneath the city's festive veneer lurked shadows of discord and danger.

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Rurra saw as her followers were getting angry at Sasha for the trouble that had been happening. She tried to calm her followers, but they didn't hear her. In a panic, Sasha began to be led away. Don't let her go. Ephelina said to Rurra. But it felt as if everything was escaping Ephelina's grip to which she managed to break through Rurra's possession and shouted with a powerful furious aura: "SILENCE!" To which the hall fell silent. The followers present sunk their heads in shame and some even began to prostrate to her.

Ephelina caught up to Sasha to which a paladin drew his sword, threatening Ephelina. "Back off ogress!" The paladin shouted. Ephelina angered, stared him straight in the eyes: "You dare to raise your sword against a high priestess? Sheathe your weapon or I will execute you on the spot. Don't stand between me and the high priestess of Aevith." The paladin afraid from the noticeable killing intent lowered his blade as Ephelina approached Sasha and grabbed her hand. In a calmer, yet pleading tone, Ephelina said: "Please don't go. I'd love to have you at the festival. I will clear this misunderstanding."

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The rest of the paladins showed concern as the one threatened the ogress. However as soon as Ephelina grabbed Sasha’s hand she immediately became aware of the significant temperature difference. Sasha’s hand was ice cold, and for anyone close enough could see the floor and the paladins armor getting covered in frost as 6 large crystals appeared floating behind Sasha. Sasha was generating a cold front as her panic caused her ice magic to release and for anyone who wasn’t protected would get seriously injured.

“we need to leave… now!” A paladin shouted as he moved to remove the ogress’s hand from Sasha’s

Sasha looked at Ephelina with a few tears frozen on her face “I’m… sorry…” she replied meekly before quickly trying to pull her hand away. Unfortunately she wasn’t trying hard enough as Ephelina had a harder grip on her than one thought and the area began to freeze more as those who were actually paying attention would move away from the advancing cold. “I… didn’t want… this to… happen” she pleaded to nobody in particular.
Gerard felt like a lost leaf in a whirlwind, struggling to keep up with the torrent of events around him. The capital city, a vibrant tapestry of culture and business. It was a stark contrast to his humble countryside origins. The air buzzed with formality, a ceaseless ballet of bowing and prostrating, masking the true nature of the city's denizens behind layers of polished fronts and hollow niceties.

Intrigue had lured him into the heart of this maelstrom, following in the wake of Rys and her enigmatic sister. His curiosity flickered like a candle flame as he observed the priestesses and their stalwart guards, each step revealing more of the capital's intricate dance. But it was the ogress's fiery glare towards Ria that sent a shiver down his spine, sparking a flame of unease within him. What had they done to earn such a piercing gaze? The unseen dart that had felled a guard was a mystery he had not witnessed.

"These folk don't seem all that welcoming," he mused aloud, his voice carrying a note of caution as his eyes lingered on the departing ogress, now embroiled in a confrontation with another priestess and her entourage. He pointed towards the ogress, curiosity mingling with concern. "Do you know her? She seemed to glare at you with a personal vendetta."

Kyros, his faithful companion, snorted in agreement, his tail twitching with irritation. The crowd's energy was a chaotic swirl, far from the joyous celebration one would expect at a festival. The oppressive vibes weighed heavily on Gerard, a stark reminder that beneath the city's festive veneer lurked shadows of discord and danger.

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“No we do not, this is our first day seeing her” Rys replied

“But the way she looked at us is definitely concerning” Ria added and held onto the wolf closely.

Rys looked over at the elf man “At least you haven’t garnered her wrath” she stated Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy

Then the two girls saw the next events of the priestess being led away by the paladins and the ogress watching before shouting silence to her followers which were murmuring things that they shouldn’t have, they heard but didn’t really care. Then they watched as the ogre ran to the circle of paladins and get threatened by one only to be threatened back into submission by the ogress, which in turn reinforced their worry about the ogre.

Rys turned back to gerard “perhaps now might be a good time to hide from this situation” she said as they all began to feel the chill emanating from the circle of paladins as the cold front began moving through the hall, freezing everything of a low thermal threshold instantly, living creatures would take longer to freeze but would succumb soon enough.

“What do we do sis?” Ria asked

“We should leave and find some place warmer” she replied

“But what if that ogre comes after us? You heard her angry voice and saw the look she gave us?” Ria replied

“I know, but if it comes to that we will defend ourselves, so let’s go before we get frozen” Rys stated and began to try to sneak away without notice with her sister
Gerard stood amidst the vibrant chaos of the festival, eyes wide with awe and a hint of trepidation. The twins, Rys and Ria, voices urgent, pulled his attention from the dazzling sights.

Gerard nodded, feeling the weight of the situation settle in his chest. "You're right," he agreed, his voice steady despite the uncertainty swirling within him. He reached down to pet Kyros, his loyal wolf companion, drawing comfort from the familiar presence. "Let's go, Kyros," he murmured.

But Kyros, ever the independent spirit, had other plans. Ignoring Gerard's suggestion, the wolf trotted forward, weaving through the crowd with fluid grace. Gerard watched, breath caught in his throat, as Kyros approached the priestess and her stern paladins. With a gentle nudge, Kyros slipped his head beneath the frightened priestess's trembling hand, offering silent reassurance and a moment of unexpected calm in the midst of the turmoil.
As Sasha began to lose control, Ephelina quickly scanned the room for anyone in it, before casting a defensive spell called dark shield multiple times. Dark transparent shields encased anyone in the hall to protect them from the out of control ice magic. Ephelina what are you planning to do? It is dangerous. Get away! Even Rurra couldn't foresee what Ephelina was doing.

Ephelina knew that she wasn't going to go down so easily with the body Rurra gave her, though it could still get nasty. Her next move was to hug Sasha to try to calm her. "Don't worry, Sasha. I am here for you. You haven't done anything wrong." Ephelina said as her skin began to crack and crumble from the cold. Oddly however she felt no pain. Horrifyingly, as her skin began crumbling, the true nature of Ephelina's body was being revealed as black metallic features began to become visible. In the dark metal, magical lines and runes were visible.

"Don't be afraid. This is the body Rurra gave to me and with it, I will hold you as long as I need to not only protect you, but everyone in here." Ephelina said and smiled as more and more of her artificial skin crumbled.
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Sasha’s panic began to dwindle, her fear remained however. “Ephelina, no, don’t touch me, I’ll hurt you!” She replied before she saw her skin cracking and crumbling away. “No! Ephelina! Stop! You’re getting hurt!” She shrieked seeing the damage she was suffering, but as she tried to get away Ephelina’s gripped just got tighter and she wouldn’t budge.

Sasha began to panic again as she was afraid of irrevocably hurting her, her heart was beating faster and she was beginning to hyperventilate.

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Despite the increasingly dangerous cold front she was generating, Sasha felt a furry creature slide under her hand before she looked down and saw the wolf and she began to pet him, slowly calming down as the cold front began to warm as Sasha just focused on the hug from Ephelina and the wolf that willing ventured into danger to comfort her.
Gerard scrubbed his head, the cold wind biting at his fingertips, as he watched in growing anxiety while his friend approached the frosty Sasha. He hesitated, a shiver running down his spine, and glanced back at Rys and Ria, their eyes filled with unease.

"Ah... Look, I'm sorry. Kyros has a mind of his own. I can't leave my friend..." His voice trembled slightly, but he forced a halfhearted grin and winked at them with a false sense of bravado. "You guys can go ahead if you're scared. Promise I won't let them catch you."

Clearing his throat, he moved forward towards the commotion. It figured—his first day in the capital, and they had stumbled into a peculiar scuffle. He pushed his shoulders back, slapped a silly grin on his face, and rubbed the back of his head. Each step he took was heavy, as if the air itself was thick with tension.

As he drew closer to the icy barrier that Sasha had unwittingly erected, he tried to sound confident. "Geez! Kyros. Way to worm your way in for some womanly affection. Hey miss, you look like you could use some more warm hugs. Maybe I can offer my assistance?" He waggled his brows playfully, though he dared not move closer, keenly aware of the paladins standing vigilant nearby.

Kyros, with a flick of his tail, shook the frost from his fur and nuzzled Sasha's hand, casting a smug glance at Gerard. "Show off..." Gerard scoffed under his breath, feeling the weight of the situation settle over him like a winter cloak.

TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
As Sasha plead with Ephelina to let go, because it appeared as if harm was being done to Ephelina, all Ephelina did was smile and said: "Don't worry, Sasha. It doesn't hurt. I wont die as easily as before from elemental magic. Rurra made sure of that. The first time before my rebirth, I was incinerated by fire. A little ice isn't going to do anything."

At this point, Ephelina looked more like a black colored demon with glowing yellow eyes and the features of Ephelina than an ogress. Instead of fear, the believers of Rurra knelt down to their priestess as her barrier magic protected them. To them, Ephelina was still their high priestess and her now other worldly appearance just told them more that she is blessed by the goddess. Despite the metallic body, the metal wouldn't be cold but would feel warm as if she was nonetheless living and not some lich.

As not only the wolf but the friend of the wolf came to Sasha to offer warm hugs, Ephelina said: "Look. Everyone is here for you. You don't need to be afraid. Be strong." Ephelina then moved close to Sasha's ear with her mouth and continued, but at this point a slight metallic reverb was audible in her voice: "My followers will no longer doubt you and as long as we are friends, they will receive you as a friend too. When this is all over, we can go to the festival and even sneak out of the temple to explore the city together. How about that?"

As a last effort, Ephelina then said: "And you know? I really like you already." Before blowing softly into Sasha's ear, hoping it would break her state of panic.

Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
As Sasha plead with Ephelina to let go, because it appeared as if harm was being done to Ephelina, all Ephelina did was smile and said: "Don't worry, Sasha. It doesn't hurt. I wont die as easily as before from elemental magic. Rurra made sure of that. The first time before my rebirth, I was incinerated by fire. A little ice isn't going to do anything."

At this point, Ephelina looked more like a black colored demon with glowing yellow eyes and the features of Ephelina than an ogress. Instead of fear, the believers of Rurra knelt down to their priestess as her barrier magic protected them. To them, Ephelina was still their high priestess and her now other worldly appearance just told them more that she is blessed by the goddess. Despite the metallic body, the metal wouldn't be cold but would feel warm as if she was nonetheless living and not some lich.

As not only the wolf but the friend of the wolf came to Sasha to offer warm hugs, Ephelina said: "Look. Everyone is here for you. You don't need to be afraid. Be strong." Ephelina then moved close to Sasha's ear with her mouth and continued, but at this point a slight metallic reverb was audible in her voice: "My followers will no longer doubt you and as long as we are friends, they will receive you as a friend too. When this is all over, we can go to the festival and even sneak out of the temple to explore the city together. How about that?"

As a last effort, Ephelina then said: "And you know? I really like you already." Before blowing softly into Sasha's ear, hoping it would break her state of panic.

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Sasha was stunned by Ephelina’s appearance as her skin crumbled away revealing the metallic body underneath. “Wha… what is this?” She asked in confusion. But before anything else Ephelina leaned closer and gently blew into her ear which froze Sasha in her thoughts from the strange yet familiar feeling.

Ephelina would see sparkles appear on Sasha’s ears as they elongated to their true elven nature as some sort of spell had vanished simply from the gentle blow Ephelina gave.

“Relax my child, you are safe, these people care for you just as your father and I have, I wish I could’ve seen you grow up my sweet little princess, I’m sure your father does as well, but fate had other plans, just remember I will always be with you, and your mother loves you” Sasha heard a voice in her head after Ephelina blew into her ear. This voice in her head had stunned her in complete motionlessness and the cold front she generated ceased as the room temperature returned to normal.

Sasha had tears flowing from her eyes as she looked at Ephelina. “A fire? You died in a fire? I had an apprentice once who suffered the same fate, I tried to save him but the bishop kept me away, I prayed for his protection, I prayed for his safety, but in the end he suffered and I as his priestess couldn’t save him, I’m sorry Felis I should have done more for you” Sasha said as she continued to cry and dropped to her knees in the midst of ephelina’s arms as she continued to hug her and the furry boy that just snuggled in her hand.

Moonberry Moonberry

Rys and Ria didn’t know what to do, they had the perfect opportunity to escape, but something was keeping them from leaving, whether it was concern or fear they didn’t want to move.

Rys goes and grabs Gerard by the arm and drags him back to where the girls were standing. “That is probably not the best time or idea to hug the woman who just nearly froze us all solid” Rys stated

“Especially with her guards still watching over her, they have no choice but to let the Rurra preistess in, I doubt they would let us through” Ria added
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As Sasha's ears elongated into elf ears, Ephelina was intrigued. "How wonderful. It seems you are of elven lineage." She said. Soon the temperature of the room returned to normal and Ephelina could release her dark shields. But then came the next thing, that surprised her a little. Sasha remembered Felis' death, but she said she was prevented from saving him because of the bishop. Briefly, Ephelina's expression darkness as her mine shifted towards the thought of the bishop not even allowing the high priestess save her own clergy. "The bishop you say?" Ephelina said in a voice where you could hear a little anger in.

But then Ephelina snapped back as Sasha continued. It seemed Sasha had some sort of affection for Felis. Otherwise a high priestess wouldn't grieve this much over an apprentice healer. Ephelina embraced Sasha and said: "It isn't your fault. The injuries were possibly fatal and you know that no mortal can revive someone who has been dead for more than half a day. However deities are another story. But I guess I have the opportunity to tell you something that will be of interest to you and a truth that I don't even need Rurra for."

"Felis you say? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time... a long time. Oh he's not dead anymore. I know him. He's me. Well I was him."
Ephelina said softly so only Sasha could hear. "I was hit by a fire spell I couldn't dodge that day. I heard Irali's screams until I faded into darkness. The next thing I saw was a bright void and Rurra in front of me. She hugged me and offered to revive me as an ogre in turn of being the highest of her clergy. Only, she mistook me for a woman and revived me as one. The rebirth was painful and I turned out a lot taller than I used to be since I became an ogress."

Ephelina released Sasha from her embrace and continued: "On my way back to the capital, I met wonderful people in Abalithe. These people soon became the first new followers of Rurra. Many of them are present here. When I got back to Aevithia, I tried stating that I was Felis and I wanted to see my friends. But it made the guard angry, so I had to think of an alternative. It is understandable. They all were under the assumption that I was still dead and that a tall brown haired ogress couldn't possible be Felis."

"Sasha, I hope you believe me. I know it sounds outlandish. But please don't cry."

The people in the hall were becoming a little restless. "Our lady has saved not only us, but the high priestess of Aevith under risk of her own life!" One follower called out. Another more fanatical follower called out: "High priestess Lady Ephelina has revealed her truth form. The form of a demi-goddess! Praise Rurra! Praise Lady Ephelina!"

Ephelina stopped the follower there: "I am not a demi-goddess. Please don't spread such assumptions. I have simply been gifted this body by Rurra. It has kept me safe all these years. I hope my appearance doesn't frighten any of you."

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As Sasha's ears elongated into elf ears, Ephelina was intrigued. "How wonderful. It seems you are of elven lineage." She said. Soon the temperature of the room returned to normal and Ephelina could release her dark shields. But then came the next thing, that surprised her a little. Sasha remembered Felis' death, but she said she was prevented from saving him because of the bishop. Briefly, Ephelina's expression darkness as her mine shifted towards the thought of the bishop not even allowing the high priestess save her own clergy. "The bishop you say?" Ephelina said in a voice where you could hear a little anger in.

But then Ephelina snapped back as Sasha continued. It seemed Sasha had some sort of affection for Felis. Otherwise a high priestess wouldn't grieve this much over an apprentice healer. Ephelina embraced Sasha and said: "It isn't your fault. The injuries were possibly fatal and you know that no mortal can revive someone who has been dead for more than half a day. However deities are another story. But I guess I have the opportunity to tell you something that will be of interest to you and a truth that I don't even need Rurra for."

"Felis you say? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time... a long time. Oh he's not dead anymore. I know him. He's me. Well I was him."
Ephelina said softly so only Sasha could hear. "I was hit by a fire spell I couldn't dodge that day. I heard Irali's screams until I faded into darkness. The next thing I saw was a bright void and Rurra in front of me. She hugged me and offered to revive me as an ogre in turn of being the highest of her clergy. Only, she mistook me for a woman and revived me as one. The rebirth was painful and I turned out a lot taller than I used to be since I became an ogress."

Ephelina released Sasha from her embrace and continued: "On my way back to the capital, I met wonderful people in Abalithe. These people soon became the first new followers of Rurra. Many of them are present here. When I got back to Aevithia, I tried stating that I was Felis and I wanted to see my friends. But it made the guard angry, so I had to think of an alternative. It is understandable. They all were under the assumption that I was still dead and that a tall brown haired ogress couldn't possible be Felis."

"Sasha, I hope you believe me. I know it sounds outlandish. But please don't cry."

The people in the hall were becoming a little restless. "Our lady has saved not only us, but the high priestess of Aevith under risk of her own life!" One follower called out. Another more fanatical follower called out: "High priestess Lady Ephelina has revealed her truth form. The form of a demi-goddess! Praise Rurra! Praise Lady Ephelina!"

Ephelina stopped the follower there: "I am not a demi-goddess. Please don't spread such assumptions. I have simply been gifted this body by Rurra. It has kept me safe all these years. I hope my appearance doesn't frighten any of you."

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Sasha still had tears falling down her face “please… please don’t tease me like that.” She stated and wiped away some tears.

“I know your only trying to cheer me up, but there has to be a better way than proclaiming you’re the man I loved” she stated quietly enough for her to hear.

Sasha’s paladins looked around at Rurra’s followers and got angry. “You insolent fools! How dare you say such things in the presence of the high priestess of Aevith.” One shouted

“Yeah, the only Demi-goddess is the chosen of Aevith!” Another pipped in

“If you haven’t realized, none of this would have happened if YOU didn’t cause the priestess to panic!” A third pointed out.

Unbeknownst to everyone, the tears on Sasha’s face immediately froze and shattered as the sound of crying came to an abrupt stop.

“ALL OF YOU BE SILENT!!” Sasha shouted at nearly the same tone and volume that Ephelina displayed earlier to quell the masses of her followers.

The paladins were stunned silent as they have never heard their priestess speak in such a manner, Rurra’s followers were equally stunned mostly for the fact that just seconds ago Sasha was busy crying and now there was no tremble in her voice.

Sasha then looked up at Ephelina’s whom could see the beautiful gold hue of Sasha’s eyes had been replaced with a dull gray. Sasha then stood up and glared at Ephelina “Sasha still hurts from the lose of Felis, and you have the nerve to proclaim that you are him?” She replied before poking Ephelina in the chest with Sasha’s right arm which was pure ice at the moment. “But I do not believe you, if you really are him, then what was the last thing Felis said to Sasha before he died?” She asked

“And I will know if my sister tries to help you, and I will not tolerate it” she added
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As Sasha didn't believe her and accused her of teasing her, Ephelina said: "I know it is hard to believe. But... wait... Man you loved?" Ephelina blushed. Ephelina knew that Sasha liked Felis as a friend, but she didn't expect her to love him.

In the hall, there was a commotion between Rurra's followers and the paladins along the lines of religious infighting. The zealous of the believers of both sides argued who was greater, Ephelina or Sasha. Eventually, after a shift in Sasha, Sasha yelled that the others should be silent, shocking everyone present. This is very unlike the rather timid Sasha. Ephelina noticed that Sasha's eye color had changed from golden or a dull grey, giving Ephelina the impression that a deity forcefully took possession of Sasha.

The deity possessing Sasha spoke, expressing their doubts about the authenticity of Ephelina's story that she was Felis reborn. The words were even accusatory as if Ephelina was lying. As a test of truth, whoever was possessing Sasha asked what Felis said last to Sasha before his death. Ephelina not only remembered, but vividly remembered the day before he left for battle in the Aldaros wastes.

"Due to Sasha's ice affinity and that you spoke of your sister, I take it you are Ea. This is the first time I have seen a deity take possession of someone else than me." Ephelina said. Had the entity been Aevith, she would have spoken of daughter, but sister narrows it down a little and usually magic that would run amok due to emotions was usually a divine blessing. Water and ice would point to Ea. For some other magics like summoning or illusion, it would be two or three deities which it could point to. Abyssal magic would only point to Rurra or Angraskarth, another minor deity however responsible for the orcs. Then there was Ikraxas, also abyssal magic affinity, the god of the demons and Rurra's twin brother which didn't have a temple in Aevithia or anywhere in the country as worship of Ikraxas was forbidden in the holy country.

Ephelina snapped back after her thoughts drifted a little. "I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I had just found out about my deployment to the Aldaros Wastes the day before, so I had decided to get a some cake in the city to share with Sasha. In the city, I came by a dress that I thought Sasha would look wonderful in, but due to her duties, she would never be able to wear it. But a few shops further, I found an anklet that Sasha would like and bought it. When I met her later, I didn't give her it yet, because I wanted to wait for her birthday as I expected to be back from my deployment by her birthday." Ephelina said.

A tear ran down Ephelina's cheek as the memory was quite emotional. It was the last time Ephelina got to see Sasha before her death as Felis.

"During cake and tea, I told Sasha that I had bought something in the city earlier and would give it to her on her birthday. Sasha however kept egging me on to give it to her early as it was uncertain if I'd be back by her birthday. When it was time to go, the last words I said to her were [We will see each other again as soon as I return from the wastes. Then I will have a little surprise for your birthday. So please be patient. I will write letters. Take care and may Aevith protect you, dear Sasha.]. However before my death, I didn't get a chance to send Sasha a letter. It was one of the regrets I had up until my death." Ephelina continued.

She told the truth and told the story to it's utmost authenticity. Ephelina hoped that Ea would notice that she isn't lying.

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
As Sasha didn't believe her and accused her of teasing her, Ephelina said: "I know it is hard to believe. But... wait... Man you loved?" Ephelina blushed. Ephelina knew that Sasha liked Felis as a friend, but she didn't expect her to love him.

In the hall, there was a commotion between Rurra's followers and the paladins along the lines of religious infighting. The zealous of the believers of both sides argued who was greater, Ephelina or Sasha. Eventually, after a shift in Sasha, Sasha yelled that the others should be silent, shocking everyone present. This is very unlike the rather timid Sasha. Ephelina noticed that Sasha's eye color had changed from golden or a dull grey, giving Ephelina the impression that a deity forcefully took possession of Sasha.

The deity possessing Sasha spoke, expressing their doubts about the authenticity of Ephelina's story that she was Felis reborn. The words were even accusatory as if Ephelina was lying. As a test of truth, whoever was possessing Sasha asked what Felis said last to Sasha before his death. Ephelina not only remembered, but vividly remembered the day before he left for battle in the Aldaros wastes.

"Due to Sasha's ice affinity and that you spoke of your sister, I take it you are Ea. This is the first time I have seen a deity take possession of someone else than me." Ephelina said. Had the entity been Aevith, she would have spoken of daughter, but sister narrows it down a little and usually magic that would run amok due to emotions was usually a divine blessing. Water and ice would point to Ea. For some other magics like summoning or illusion, it would be two or three deities which it could point to. Abyssal magic would only point to Rurra or Angraskarth, another minor deity however responsible for the orcs. Then there was Ikraxas, also abyssal magic affinity, the god of the demons and Rurra's twin brother which didn't have a temple in Aevithia or anywhere in the country as worship of Ikraxas was forbidden in the holy country.

Ephelina snapped back after her thoughts drifted a little. "I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I had just found out about my deployment to the Aldaros Wastes the day before, so I had decided to get a some cake in the city to share with Sasha. In the city, I came by a dress that I thought Sasha would look wonderful in, but due to her duties, she would never be able to wear it. But a few shops further, I found an anklet that Sasha would like and bought it. When I met her later, I didn't give her it yet, because I wanted to wait for her birthday as I expected to be back from my deployment by her birthday." Ephelina said.

A tear ran down Ephelina's cheek as the memory was quite emotional. It was the last time Ephelina got to see Sasha before her death as Felis.

"During cake and tea, I told Sasha that I had bought something in the city earlier and would give it to her on her birthday. Sasha however kept egging me on to give it to her early as it was uncertain if I'd be back by her birthday. When it was time to go, the last words I said to her were [We will see each other again as soon as I return from the wastes. Then I will have a little surprise for your birthday. So please be patient. I will write letters. Take care and may Aevith protect you, dear Sasha.]. However before my death, I didn't get a chance to send Sasha a letter. It was one of the regrets I had up until my death." Ephelina continued.

She told the truth and told the story to it's utmost authenticity. Ephelina hoped that Ea would notice that she isn't lying.

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

“Now why would an apprentice healer want to buy something so special for his high priestess? Usually something like that would be saved for a lover or future spouse…” Ea chuckled “to think that little Felis seduced my Sasha, but I get the feeling she may have returned the favor..” Ea grinned and leaned in closer before whispering in her ear. “You loved Sasha back then didn’t you? You still do don’t you?” She asked with a grin before standing straight again

“Very well Ephelina, I believe your story, but keep in mind, now that Rurra has revealed some of Sasha’s past to her, I will be able to interject at times, and if you do anything to hurt her I will enact swift retribution upon you, regardless of how my sister pleas for mercy” Ea smiled before Ephesians saw the gray return to gold, the ice arm shattered into pieces and Sasha gripped her head.

“Ow… my head hurts, what happened?” She asked

“My lady, you experienced an episode again don’t you remember? You panicked and in your panic nearly froze the whole hall, but the ogress saved you and brought you back to your senses.” One of the paladins stated “then she tried to convince you that she was your apprentice Felis” he added

“What?! Really?! How is that possible??” She questioned before looking back at Ephelina. “How do I know what you say is true?” She asked

The paladin spoke up again “she said that the last thing Felis said to you was that he had a surprise for you for your birthday that he would give you after he returned from the wastes”

Sasha looked at Ephelina “is that really you Felis? Rurra didn’t give you the answer did she?” She asked, clearly hesitant on believing
Gerard's frown deepened as he absorbed the words swirling around him. The air seemed thick with the weight of the conversation, and yet, Kyros appeared content, nestled comfortably under Sasha's touch, his eyes half-lidded in silent approval. But it was the exchange between the two women that tugged at Gerard's attention, unraveling memories long buried. The name "Felis" rang out like a distant echo from his past, stirring a sense of familiarity that he hadn’t felt in years. To hear the priestess claim that she was Felis—it struck him like a jolt, sending his mind into a whirl of confusion.

When Rys and Ria tugged on his wrist, their small hands insistent, Gerard shook his head as if trying to cast off the fog that clouded his thoughts. He blinked rapidly, grounding himself in the present.

"Right... Right. My apologies, ladies..." His voice was soft, almost reverent, as he inclined his head toward the priestesses, the weight of their revelation still pressing upon him. With a deep breath, he allowed the twins to guide him away, their eager pulls leading him forward, though his mind lingered behind. Kyros, less enthused, followed at a slower pace, his reluctance clear in the measured steps he took.
"Why wouldn't good friends give each other gifts?" Ephelina replied to Ea. "At the time, I wasn't aware that Sasha loved me. I cherished her as a good friend, maybe even my best friend." When Ea spoke of retribution if Ephelina ever hurt Sasha, Ephelina replied: "Why would I ever want to hurt Sasha though?"

Eventually, Sasha turned back to her usual self, albeit with a headache. After she asked what was going on and others explained to her what had happened and that Ephelina was in fact Felis reborn, she asked if Ephelina was really Felis and whether Rurra have Ephelina the answer. "I don't need Rurra to give me answers to things I already know. It's been a long time, Sasha and I am sorry that it took this long for the reunion. It is pretty hard to claim your are someone who was proclaimed dead, especially when you have been reborn as a different species in a different gender. At first after rebirth, I did look somewhat like my old self, just a little more feminine, with long hair and with large horns, but Rurra got drunk while possessing my body in Abalithe and changed my hair from white to brown."

With a twirl of her hand, Ephelina became covered in a black mist and emerged with skin again and wearing a dress, just with white hair to show Sasha the similarity to Felis. "This is probably better for everybody. This was my original appearance after rebirth. I will turn it brown before we leave the temple. I'd love to have Sasha at the festival. But before we leave, Rurra has an important message for everybody."
Moonberry Moonberry

Rys and Ria stood next to Gerard and Kyros. “Well this is certainly an interesting festival for Rurra, I don’t think anybody expected this” Rys stated

“Indeed, but it’s a good thing we didn’t interfere, I don’t think it would have been a good idea to anger 2 gods” Ria added before snuggling with Kyros again when he returned “so fluffy” she giggled

TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen

Sasha stood up and wiped the final tear from her face. “I’d love to go to the festival with you Ephie” she smiled as she innocently gave Ephelina a nickname just from her. Sasha then helped her back to her feet as well. “Even though you aren’t a man anymore, Rurra has made you rather beautiful, dare I say it probably more than me” she chuckled lightly and held up her hand which quickly silenced some of the paladins that were about to start protesting again. “But I will wait for you at the cathedral, I’ve caused enough of a distraction here for you and Rurra, but I do still expect that tea and cake you promised me” she smiled and winked before turning and walking away with her circle of paladins
Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Ephelina went in close to Sasha so that the paladins couldn't hear them, just in case Sasha decided to sneak out to the festival in a disguise. "Remember, the festival is this afternoon at the adventurer's guild. Training ground number three to be exact. It is one of the largest training grounds in the guild and large enough to hold a festival with a couple thousand people. Usually they have the A and S rank adventurers use training ground three. All you need to bring is a good mood and that cute... face of yours." Ephelina said kinda of blushing when saying "cute face".

Don't forget to invite those beastkin girls over there. Rurra said to Ephelina in her head space. Ephelina approached Rys, Ria, Gerard and Kyros. "Of course, you are also invited to the festival. Any soul with good intentions is allowed to come." Ephelina said before gazing upon Rys and Ria maybe unnerving them a little. "You seem a little on edge. Young ladies, there is nothing to fear. I bear no ill intentions towards any species, no matter if elf, human, orc or... beastkin. Just come to the adventurer's guild, training ground three." A good ear implied that Ephelina knew that Rys and Ria were beastkin. She gave then a warm smile.

However, something came to Rurra's mind that she needed to get out before Sasha left. Rurra took control again and moved to a part of the room where she'd be most audible and visible for the attendees. "I would like to voice important matters before the end of the ceremony. It is an utmost important matter to be exact and please do not be alarmed." Rurra possessing Ephelina said.

"The demon king will appear soon." Rurra said. The room fell eerily silent before some quiet chatter came. "This is no joke. I was able to delay the coming of the demon king by eight years, but I can't intervene everywhere." Eight years? Wait. Did you do something on that battlefield to prevent the coming of the demon king before you found me? Ephelina inquired. "I will soon find my champion to fight the demon king. The other deities may follow, however some will react late." Rurra said before turning towards Sasha. "Make sure you take this serious, because many of the bishops wont."

Ephelina in the head space kept asking more. Who was to become the demon king? Was it someone on the other size or on our side?

The demon king that never was, his name was Felis Alemaster.
Rurra answered to Ephelina's shock. I got to you before my brother could. You felt despair. You felt forsaken. Ikraxas wanted to use that to turn you into the demon king. But I saved you and you don't hate the gods. You may be strong, but make sure you continue to use your strength for good.

Soon Ephelina was back in control. While initially shocked, she realized that she got the good outcome and she was thankful for that. Though like Rurra, Ephelina wanted to save whoever was to become demon king.
Mercher was quick to leave when he saw the many paladins that started to gather around the area. He couldn't risk the potential questions barging at him because of the bag that was carrying his sick goddess. Plus, he found it. So, after fixing his gold headband around his head, Mercher disappeared into the forest without a word, hopefully going unnoticed.

The woods were quiet and peaceful. The sunlight pierced through the treetops as Mercher took a stroll away from the commotion back at the shrine. After a very long walk, he stopped to lean on a tree. Mercher thought that he was far enough from the shrine to be not questioned. He took a standing rest for a few moments, staring out into the distance before that was enough time that the situation would have shimmered down.

It took him a while to journey back to the shrine. Mercher walked out of the shadows of the trees and bushes. Looking around, Mercher quickly assumed that whatever happened had ended and he had just entered the scene just before that. He sighed as he shaked his head, Looks like I have arrived just in time, huh?
Prodigy Adventurer
Calcifer A. Bernhard
A Day To Never Forget
Hall of Minor Deities: Rurra Ceremony

What a gratingly annoying display of events. Cal had to be begged to attend this event, considering he was much more interested in taking on another job. Alas, he had a duty to uphold and an image to keep among his Clan. As followers of Rurra, he needed to be front and center for most events that transpired in the Hall of Rurra's Shrine. With arms crossed, Cal felt the tie around his neck tighten to a rather uncomfortable degree. His observant eyes scanned the room, trying to find himself an even more reclusive corner to hide in. There was no point in the mindless drivel that was being spouted here...

At least that was what Cal thought, and you'd be hard pressed to even imagine him trying to mutter the thought out to you. There was only ever one thing on Calcifer's mind.

I will find the Demon Lord. I will kill them, and wipe the curse.

Calcifer would do battle with anyone who stood in the way of his sole motivation. Time would run out once he hit 35. The young man let out an irritated sigh, staring around the room and taking another glance around. This time, Calcifer was searching for people. Earlier he had taken note of all the faces in the room, trying to occupy himself during the events that transpired. None were new, if anything most people cleared out of the shrine and then returned once the drama had found itself simmering down to embers.

Then there was the voice of Rurra..

"The demon king will appear soon."
The words excited Calcifer, it did not bring fear into his heart. His eyes narrowed in a flaming determination. The Demon King...would return.

"I will soon find my champion to fight the demon king"

Calcifer was determined more than ever to become the champion. Rurra may or may not notice him, but Rurra's words made Calcifer notice her... That was a hard thing to do in general.

Fight with all of my might, I will claim the title of the champion. If not...Then I will find my own way towards the Demon King.. I won't let anyone stop me.
Calcifer's thoughts dug deep into his brain. Determination, excitement, wrath, justice, all bundled up in one warrior nigh 18 years in the making. To do battle with the Demon Lord and end the curse that has brought the Bernhard Clan to suffer.

Interactions: None so far, but Calcifer has noticed everyone around the area. Calcifer's attention was on Rurra more specifically. Otherwise, Calcifer is open for interactions~! TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen

Code by Serobliss
Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Ephelina went in close to Sasha so that the paladins couldn't hear them, just in case Sasha decided to sneak out to the festival in a disguise. "Remember, the festival is this afternoon at the adventurer's guild. Training ground number three to be exact. It is one of the largest training grounds in the guild and large enough to hold a festival with a couple thousand people. Usually they have the A and S rank adventurers use training ground three. All you need to bring is a good mood and that cute... face of yours." Ephelina said kinda of blushing when saying "cute face".

Don't forget to invite those beastkin girls over there. Rurra said to Ephelina in her head space. Ephelina approached Rys, Ria, Gerard and Kyros. "Of course, you are also invited to the festival. Any soul with good intentions is allowed to come." Ephelina said before gazing upon Rys and Ria maybe unnerving them a little. "You seem a little on edge. Young ladies, there is nothing to fear. I bear no ill intentions towards any species, no matter if elf, human, orc or... beastkin. Just come to the adventurer's guild, training ground three." A good ear implied that Ephelina knew that Rys and Ria were beastkin. She gave then a warm smile.

However, something came to Rurra's mind that she needed to get out before Sasha left. Rurra took control again and moved to a part of the room where she'd be most audible and visible for the attendees. "I would like to voice important matters before the end of the ceremony. It is an utmost important matter to be exact and please do not be alarmed." Rurra possessing Ephelina said.

"The demon king will appear soon." Rurra said. The room fell eerily silent before some quiet chatter came. "This is no joke. I was able to delay the coming of the demon king by eight years, but I can't intervene everywhere." Eight years? Wait. Did you do something on that battlefield to prevent the coming of the demon king before you found me? Ephelina inquired. "I will soon find my champion to fight the demon king. The other deities may follow, however some will react late." Rurra said before turning towards Sasha. "Make sure you take this serious, because many of the bishops wont."

Ephelina in the head space kept asking more. Who was to become the demon king? Was it someone on the other size or on our side?

The demon king that never was, his name was Felis Alemaster.
Rurra answered to Ephelina's shock. I got to you before my brother could. You felt despair. You felt forsaken. Ikraxas wanted to use that to turn you into the demon king. But I saved you and you don't hate the gods. You may be strong, but make sure you continue to use your strength for good.

Soon Ephelina was back in control. While initially shocked, she realized that she got the good outcome and she was thankful for that. Though like Rurra, Ephelina wanted to save whoever was to become demon king.

Moonberry Moonberry

Rys and Ria looked at each other with concern, not only for the fact that their disguises couldn’t fool everyone, but also for the fact that they were standing in the room with the person that would’ve become the demon lord had Rurra not intervened. The two beastkin girls then hugged Kyros to ease their worries, enjoying his fluffiness.

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen

Sasha looked around at the stunned faces of Rurra’s followers, giving a slight smile at Mercer seeing that he’s was ok after his tumble earlier. She then turned back to Ephie. “I must go, I need to speak with Lady Aevith” she added before turning away and leaving with her paladins.
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Gerard rubbed his chin, watching the scene with a bit of unease. He was really starting to wonder if it had been a wise choise or not. To visit the capital and try to prove himself. That and...the bit about Felis. He'd not been close to the boy. But when a good boy in your village burns to death, everyone hears about it. To think a diety had taken such a liking to his soul to bind him to another body. And they were looking for a champion? His blue eyes flicked down towards Kyros and the two girls trying to find comfort in his warmth. A champion? What exactly did that entail?

"What do you girls think? Seems like a lot of hubub doesn't it?" He chuckled. Kyros snorted and stood slowly, looking up to Gerard. The man held the wolfs gaze for a second, before sighing and scrubbing the back of his head.

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

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