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Fantasy Is The Demon Lord A Myth [Arcanepunk High Fantasy]

"Of course, milady. It would be a honor." she bowed her head to the priestess, dutifully accepting the gold coin given to her.

The White Rose nodded, feeling somewhat at ease to share the same opinion as the High Priestess on how they approach the ways of their goddess . It made Rosearia all the more hopeful for Aevith's clergy, despite the corruption running rampant as of late. What mattered the most was the core of their faith, and having Aevith's representative embodying these ideals was quite reassuring to the High Paladin that her faith was not misplaced.

"I was tasked by the Bishop to supervise the festivities. While I suspect he had underlying motives in doing so, I'm just making sure everything is going according to rules and keep the peace."

Her gaze wandered to the donation box she visited earlier. "Anything for the children, no matter how small the contribution, to give them a better life."

She did not admitted directly of her contribution to these kids' future, but Rosearia always was a woman of action rather than words. And while the elven Paladin wasn't seeking the High Priestess' approval, she would only hope she would understand.

"My apologies, milady, but I must return to my duty. I wish you a great time on this most festive day." Rosearia bowed and brought the hand holding onto the gold coin to her chest before returning into the thick of the crowd, but never out of sight.

She would patrol the area some more, and return to the donation box when fewer eyes would be laid on her, to deposit the High Priestess' donation.
Ephelina listened to the elven man, but before she could reply, she heard Rurra's voice: Time for me to take over for now. Ephelina's eyes glowed a little and Rurra spoke to the elf: "I am aware of your predicament. She has grown weak and ill and needs help. I may have a solution for you, but currently it is not the right time. Come see Ephelina after the ceremony and I will see what I can do." The glow from Ephelina's eyes then faded and she said: "You heard Rurra. She should be able to take care of whoever 'she' is after the ceremony."

She noticed the two beastkin and smiled to them while tilting her head slightly. "I see more new faces. It is always a pleasure to meet new people and potential believers. Don't forget to visit the festival at the adventurer's guild after the ceremony. We have a couple food stands and plenty of entertainment. Hope to see you there." Ephelina said to the two.

Her gaze wandered around and spotted the high priestess of Aevith. She approached her, but soon one of the guards stepped in between. "That is far enough, ogress. It would be wise to keep your distance." The young paladin said. Ephelina looked at him and stated: "You must be new or rarely set foot outside of the inner sanctum. I do not like pulling the authority card, but your rudeness is irritating. I, high priestess Ephelina of Rurraki, high priestess of Rurra request a simple apology for your rudeness." The young paladin blushed in shame and quickly apologized: "I sincerely apologize, high priestess. I am unfamiliar with your presence." He bowed.

"Apology accepted, young paladin. All I sought was to exchange a few words with her holiness." Ephelina said with a sing-songy jolliness before turning to Sasha. "What a pleasant surprise to see Aevith's representative at our festival. I have been seeking a chance to speak with you for a long time, but you always seem busy with something."
TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Vox Angelis Vox Angelis Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy

Rys and Ria watched as the elven man they bumped into. More like Rys ran into him and fell into her butt. Overhead him speak with an ogre lady that had approached. They did take notice of the sudden glow from the ogres eyes and the way she spoke before it just as quickly as it appeared, the glow vanished and the ogre was now looking at them and speaking differently.

“Our belief is in the god Kirvath as he watched over us in the woods” Rys replied

“Rys, you aren’t supposed to say that out loud” Ria protested

Rys patted her sister on her head. “Don’t worry Ria, it’s not like they will discriminate us for whom we follow” Rys smiled

The twin fangs looked back at Ehpelina and smiled “we are a bit lost sadly, we don’t know where the guild is and we wondered in here by mistake” Rys admitted

“But we would love to see this festival and what ever is gonna happen at the guild after” Ria smiled and was practically beaming. Before the two sister started exploring the festival, making sure they didn’t run into anyone again.


Sasha smiled as she saw Rosearia return to her duties of watching over the festival “she’s very dedicated… I wonder if the bishop has allowed her any time off for her service, I will have to look into it later” she thought to herself as her eyes began to wonder around the the festival of once again.

She then spotted an ogress talking with an elven man who had a bag slung over his shoulder and holding it like something was important inside. She couldn’t hear what was being said as she was too far away and the festival was noisy enough to block it out.

Sasha then noticed the two young girls who couldn’t have been more than teenagers turn and walk away after exchanging some words with the ogress before she started heading towards Sasha’s group of guards. Sasha looked at her curiously as she approached “hmm… she looks rather beautiful, I wonder if she was blessed by the goddess of beauty” Sasha chuckled to herself as the ogress reached the guards only to have her advance stopped by the protective detail.

Sasha then over heard her guard and the ogress talking. “Ephelina of Rurraki, High priestess of Rurra? So she is Rurra’s chosen, how splendid for Rurra” she smiled as Ephelina was allowed through and began to speak to her. “The pleasure and honor is mine Lady Ephelina” Sasha smiled as she place her hand on her chest and executed a slight curtsy/bow with her one arm.

After she returned to her original position “I am sorry lady Ephelina, but yes being busy and not being allowed outside the cathedral does make it hard to meet others, and I’m sorry for not sending word that I would be attending, I thought it best not to so you wouldn’t be too worried about me, and I wouldn’t take attention away from the festival, but I am here and free for what you wish to speak about” she smiled
Ephelina tilted her head as she turned briefly to the sisters. "Why should it be a problem? Kirvath is a dear friend of Rurra's. And who says you can worship only one deity? There are many gods and goddesses. And of you are looking for the guild, just follow us afterwards since we will be going there immediately afterwards." She said before turning back towards Sasha.

"With me around, you don't need to worry about anything. I openly invite you to join us and enjoy yourself. But anyways back to what I had originally wanted to talk to you about. I had actually sought to share tea and cake with you. Of course, I'd be inviting Rosearia too. Me and Rurra think it would do you some good to relax every once in a while. We can talk a little and you can socialize without being constantly shielded by bishops and guards. Also, why aren't you allowed to go outside the cathedral? I thought you were the highest authority in Aevithian faith?" Ephelina said considering it to be bizarre that someone was hindering the high priestess Sasha from leaving. It made Ephelina want to tear out the tongue of whichever high bishop dared to speak outside of their authority.
Ephelina tilted her head as she turned briefly to the sisters. "Why should it be a problem? Kirvath is a dear friend of Rurra's. And who says you can worship only one deity? There are many gods and goddesses. And of you are looking for the guild, just follow us afterwards since we will be going there immediately afterwards." She said before turning back towards Sasha.

"With me around, you don't need to worry about anything. I openly invite you to join us and enjoy yourself. But anyways back to what I had originally wanted to talk to you about. I had actually sought to share tea and cake with you. Of course, I'd be inviting Rosearia too. Me and Rurra think it would do you some good to relax every once in a while. We can talk a little and you can socialize without being constantly shielded by bishops and guards. Also, why aren't you allowed to go outside the cathedral? I thought you were the highest authority in Aevithian faith?" Ephelina said considering it to be bizarre that someone was hindering the high priestess Sasha from leaving. It made Ephelina want to tear out the tongue of whichever high bishop dared to speak outside of their authority.

Moments after Ephelina asked her question of Sasha not being allowed out of the cathedral the corrupt paladins at least looked angrily at her.

“How dare you question the decisions of the Clergy!” One stated

“Yes, the decision was reached by the anrchbishops and cardinals!” Another added

“Please calm yourselves, you are drawing attention!” Sasha shouted loud enough to get her guards attention. She then looked back at Ephelina “but yes, what they say is true, the bishops and cardinals all agreed unanimously that I should remain protected at all times, as I am the most important person in the faith….” Sasha replied “Among other reasons…” she added before grabbing at the empty sleeve that would’ve been her right arm and looking a bit depressed about it.

“My lady please, you shouldn’t reveal that information to anybody…” a paladin stated

Sasha lightly chuckled as a smile returned to her face “oh there is t any harm in it, she is a high priestess of one of Aevith’s children, plus it is likely that she already knows as she was chosen by Rurra the goddess of knowledge” she stated bringing an uncomfortable look from a few of them. Sasha looked directly at Ephelina “isn’t that right Ephelina and Rurra?” She asked, her smile still present showing that she felt she was right.
The paladins were in an outrage when she questioned why the high clergy were making decisions for the high priestess. But Sasha calmed them. Don't act on your emotions. Stay calm. Rurra told Ephelina. Ephelina uttered: "So I see. How about I, a high priestess, offer to take her into the city and provide her security? I am sure I can get the high paladin Rosearia to tag along. She is more than enough security. Wouldn't you love to come along, your holiness? All you said was that it was decided that you are protected at all time. But I didn't hear you specify by whom." She had a sly smile on her face. Of course she was aware of the actual meaning of the statement, but she enjoyed pushing buttons. If it came down to it, she'd seek direct audience with responsible high clergy and invoke her right as a high priestess.

When Sasha motioned to her empty sleeve, Ephelina remarked: "I see." The paladins didn't want her to reveal some information, but Sasha reassured them that since Ephelina is a high priestess, she'd be trustworthy and possibly already knows about her arm. "Rurra has told me before, so I am aware of it." Ephelina said. She then whispered towards Sasha: "We can maybe do something about that, just avoid the zealots about it." Afterwards she beamed with a smile.
The paladins were in an outrage when she questioned why the high clergy were making decisions for the high priestess. But Sasha calmed them. Don't act on your emotions. Stay calm. Rurra told Ephelina. Ephelina uttered: "So I see. How about I, a high priestess, offer to take her into the city and provide her security? I am sure I can get the high paladin Rosearia to tag along. She is more than enough security. Wouldn't you love to come along, your holiness? All you said was that it was decided that you are protected at all time. But I didn't hear you specify by whom." She had a sly smile on her face. Of course she was aware of the actual meaning of the statement, but she enjoyed pushing buttons. If it came down to it, she'd seek direct audience with responsible high clergy and invoke her right as a high priestess.

When Sasha motioned to her empty sleeve, Ephelina remarked: "I see." The paladins didn't want her to reveal some information, but Sasha reassured them that since Ephelina is a high priestess, she'd be trustworthy and possibly already knows about her arm. "Rurra has told me before, so I am aware of it." Ephelina said. She then whispered towards Sasha: "We can maybe do something about that, just avoid the zealots about it." Afterwards she beamed with a smile.

Some of the paladins began to protest.

“No, we aren’t allowed to let her leave our sight.” “We don’t doubt High Paladin Rosearia’s abilities.” “We are the ones charged with Lady Sasha’s protection.” “And we are the ones that will get the punishment.” Many spoke up.

Sasha gleamed at Ephelina, she could see the desire and anticipation in her eyes. “I would love to explore the city very much, I accept your offer Ephelina, and I’m sure Rosearia would love to accompany us”

“My lady please, you mustn’t leave our protection, it’s for your own safety” a paladin stated

“Ezekiel please, this is my decision, you have nothing to fear of Ephelina or Rurra, and on top of that I will have Rosearia with me so I will be safe, and at the very least I do have my magic to help defend myself” she replied

The paladins just looked worried “also I’m sure Rurra wouldn’t let anything happen to her mother’s chosen priestess” Sasha smiled reassuringly as she looked at Ephelina. “Now what was that you said Ephelina?” She asked curious as to what Ephelina was talking about in terms of taking care of something and the term ‘Zealots’ was completely unknown to her.
Ephelina elaborated at a volume that wouldn't be within the earshot of the paladins: "There are some within the Aevithian faith who take the belief a bit too seriously and have come to strange conclusions based on scripture. They can be known as zealots because of their zealous endeavors. Others would just call them radicals or extremists. There are some within the walls of the Aevithian sanctum. And a lot of them wont like the solution I have in mind for you. You could get an arm made for you to replace your missing arm. There are some who can make mechanical arms that function almost like a normal one and others can make arcane infused ones that allow you to use mana with the replacement arm. Only Rurra may know someone who can make one for you, while I do not know anyone as Rurra made the enhancements in my own body."

Ephelina looked around though and noticed it was about time to start. "We can only talk for one more moment as the ceremony is about to start. If you wish to speak with Rurra directly, she will be available for all in the ceremony." She said.
Ephelina elaborated at a volume that wouldn't be within the earshot of the paladins: "There are some within the Aevithian faith who take the belief a bit too seriously and have come to strange conclusions based on scripture. They can be known as zealots because of their zealous endeavors. Others would just call them radicals or extremists. There are some within the walls of the Aevithian sanctum. And a lot of them wont like the solution I have in mind for you. You could get an arm made for you to replace your missing arm. There are some who can make mechanical arms that function almost like a normal one and others can make arcane infused ones that allow you to use mana with the replacement arm. Only Rurra may know someone who can make one for you, while I do not know anyone as Rurra made the enhancements in my own body."

Ephelina looked around though and noticed it was about time to start. "We can only talk for one more moment as the ceremony is about to start. If you wish to speak with Rurra directly, she will be available for all in the ceremony." She said.

Sasha looked at her curiously “why would Aevith’s followers care that much? I know some don’t think very highly of the ogres, but surely it can’t be just the prejudice speaking. I for one would love it if you could help me with this particular issue” she smiled “and of course I would hate to keep you from your ceremony, please tell Rurra that I would gladly speak with her once this is over” she added before she, much to the surprise and chagrin of her paladins, pulled Ephelina into a hug with her one arm.

Sasha released her and smiled before turning back to her guards “gentlemen, I wish to walk around, you may disperse” she ordered

The paladins that weren’t corrupt nodded and dispersed from the group as instructed, the rest looked at each other with concern.

“My lady, that is very unsafe, you should stay with us” “yes, the Bishop demands it…” they began to say.

“Oh he demands things of me does he? He’s always demanding, he demands that I stay inside for my own safety, but I want to visit the people, to see those that worship the gods, if you are so adamant about ensuring my safety then go and guard the entrance to the shrine, and if I hear you causing trouble for Lady Rurra and her chosen I will be having some unpleasant words with you back at the cathedral, am I understood?” Sasha asked, a surprising amount of annoyance and slight hostility in her voice that caught her guards off guard, and maybe Ephelina as well.

The guards however grumbled and moved towards the entrance as instructed, however Ephelina would be able to just barely catch one guard swearing under his breath. “Sure this can’t be what Aevith wants, I’ll have to tell the bishop that the filthy ogre priestess is attempting to poison our faith, that damn ogress I’ll kill you before letting you get away with this” the man grumbled before glancing back at Ephelina then mobing on

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