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Into the Woods

Nick looked at her and headed back to the fire, just so he could sit on one of the logs he had out. "No I am not cold... I... Well you won't believe me but Urd, well he sort of had this note in his mouth. Told me to come here into the woods. So I did." He scratched his elbow and ran a hand through his hair. He was still trying to come off his nervousness from what had happened.

If he had anymore skins on him he would have handed them to Rose, but since he wasn't cold he took off his old shirt, that was far from looking good, and handed it to her. "Stay warm. Don't need to getting sick. I am sure Urd wouldn't mind helping you stay warm if you let him." He then began to think about what she had said about them being in danger. "Yeah. I think it was because we were in danger."

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