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Into the Stars

Leo smiled at Kasu and kissed him on the forehead.

When New year's and Christmas finished passing, Buba knew it was time to say goodbye to Annie and Mimi. Before Annie left, Buba did have everyone gather to say goodbye, which is when she told Annie the news. Because if she didn't tell her the girl might flip.

"Well then... About 2 weeks ago.. Justice had decided to propose to me... so in this world's terms, we are engaged." Buba told the group.

Leo's eyes lit up, "You guys are getting married?"

"I suppose if we decide in the future... legally we are not.. but personally I don't care for legal system. I ever pursue legal terms... it is in Mika's world and Justice's." Buba said. "As of now, Justice and I declared on our own terms we are husband and wife."

Shougen already knew, he found out the next day.
Annie squeeled and hugged Buba "Congradulations! Oh wen you have babies I wanna be the god mother!"

Justice looked at Annie he had not even entertained the thought of babies.

Kasu smiled "congradulations.

Victoria had the same reaction as Annie she hugged Buba congradulating her.

"Oh wow! Kaishiro is happy for you," Kaishiro said
Buba laughed a bit when Annie and Victoria both hugged her, "Yes yes..." Buba said hugging them.

"Congratulations." Taji said as well.

Emma clapped happily, "Wow, Justice is quite the lucky man." Emma said with good humor.
"I am indeed, where I come from weddings are only for royalty so to me our union is already complete," he told Annie before she could get any huge ideas.

"But Justice you are a prince! Emma back me up we need a party!" Annie said "Right madame, Oh please oh please?"

Victoria's eyes lit up a wedding would be so fun to plan.

"Madame... run while they are distracted," Kasu joked
"Oh yes, your Union should most definitely be celebrated." Of course the god of children from Justices world would all be for something of this occasion.

Buba laughed a rolled her eyes, "Alright Annie. For you... I would be willing to throw a small celebration... As in a gathering for everyone. Like the christmas party. I'm not looking for a wedding and neither is Justice."

"Does that mean madame Buba is a princess?" Leo asked. That made Shougen laugh rather hysterically.
"It does... but I have no right to the throne so no worries she wont be terrorizing a kingdom," Justice said with a smile. "My aunt does that well enough,"

"Wow! Madame's gonna be a princess... will you wear pretty dresses and crowns?" Kaishiro asked

Annie smiled "small get together sure I can so do that, Toataly,"

"I can help... with small details that is," Victoria said
Buba waved Victoria and Annie off, "Alright then.. you two are in charge... do as you please." Buba told them, though she scoffed, "I wouldn't terrorize a kingdom. Granted I may use it's resources for more personal things and smit anything that threatened me... but I would.. occasionally give to the people." Buba said waving her hand.

Leo laughed, he had to imagine Buba in a puffy pink dress and a crown in her hair. It was a funny image indeed.

Buba then sighed, "No not at all. In fact... If I wanted to play princess, I would have done it many years ago in my youth."
Kaishiro looked at her "ah so so is Madame gonna be a queen then? with the sexey dresses and the cocktail drinks at the parties?"

Justice raised a brow he could actually see that happening.
"I'm not entirely sure where you imagination is going with this..." Buba said raising a brow at Kaishiro.

Leo laughing to himself, in fact Taji even laughed out loud.
Buba laughed, "Technically... I will become royalty. But never queen. I don't know if I can be a good queen." Buba told them with a bit of a laugh. "As much as I love being the center of attention, I think a whole country is too much."

Leo laughed a bit, "Victoria, you and Annie going to throw a party then?" Leo wondered if they would go over board. Annie however known Buba way longer then they have... and must have known Buba and Justice would get married eventually.

Taji smiled a bit and ruffled Kaishiro's hair, messing it up.
"Of course," Victoria smiled "You have to celebrate happy things when you can you know?"

Annie laughed "thats for sure, and a celebration for madame! Oh it'll be so perfect,"

Kaishiro giggled "Princess Madame Buba," he said and hugged Taji smiling

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