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Into the Stars

"We got to get her to the spring," Kasu said "I'll drain the poison out!" he was frantic so much so he forgot how hungry he was.

"We got to get her to the pools," Victoria said

Justice lunged at him "I've already took one of your arms Tempest!" he wasn;t paying attention to the other dusk yet
Rick grabbed Kasu, "No you won't... poison draining is not for vampires..." Rick told him. "Luicfer... can you give her your blood?" he asked. Surely she'd even sacrifice being a blood doll for a while for survival.

Shougen picked her up and rushed her to the springs. Les was looking worried... but he was getting worried that Kaishiro was not waking up.

"Oh not like i'll get it back when you kill me... you know what..." Tempest put out his arms, "Kill me! So I can come back and torment you some more with two arms!'
"and then I will rip you apart slowly." Justice jumped at his aimed to lop of his head.

"I can try," Lucifer told Rick "but... I'm not sure if even a change could cure her," he went after Shougen to try.

Kasu pulled against Rick trying to go after Buba and Shougen.
As soon as Tempest's head was lopped off on, his body fell to the ground with a loud thump. There was only a few moments of paused before Justice got jumped by a large dusk.

When Luicfer got back there, Shougen was bent in the pool, his ear to her lips as she seemed to be whispering to him.

Leo looked on the edge of tears, "Everything will be fine?" He asked.

"Of course it will." Les said.
"Not this time... it smells wrong," Kasu said he was still trying to get away from Rick "let go!"

Victoria began to cry "but... but we tried so hard she just needs to soak a bit thats all,"

Lucifer stopped not wanting to get in the way "may I offer my blood?"

Justice got hit he was not expecting an attack from the back he took off to try and escape the dusk fiulled area run to fight another day
"It won't work..." Shougen said leaning back away from her, "The poison is almost run it's course..."

"Luicfer..." Buba said softly, "I promised you I would get them back... and I did.. watch and protect my fairy in return.. and in the expense of my most loved one..." Justice wasn't coming back. She had to go get him... That demon lied. She should have known better than to trust the word of one.

Leo hugged Victoria closed him, he was trying not to panic or be scared. Les was still stone faced, Taji was growing worried. Rick finally let go of Kasu a moment later.

There were two ways out, one of either side of the stage. Although he through back one dusk, another took its place, attacking Justice.
"I will watch over them till a better person comes," Lucifer told her. "I'm sorry I could not do more for you."

Kasu rushed to go to the spring he had to see her he just had to. "You can;t die!"

Victoria hugged Leo tightly sobbing.

Justice jumped to avoid the dusk and darted to the stages exit.
Buba looked to Kasu and smiled at bit, "Take care of the fairy." She told him, though she was barely holding on, Kasu could even hear her heart slowing down. Shougen stood there, fists clenched and teeth grated.

Les was still holding his breath. Leo was starting to cry as well.

As soon as he dived in the stage exit, a few dusk tunneled after him. He was lead into a series of halls in a building. If he passed a dusk, they seemed clueless as to what was going on till the horde passed them. He had to loose them sooner then later.
Justice kept running turning as often as he could.

KAsu looked at her "no... no, you can;t die, you can;t do this!" Kasu jumped into the spring with her and had to be pulled away before he could try to get the poison out "Stop it let me go Lucifer!"

"It's done Kasu... I'm sorry, theres nothing I can do," Lucifer said holding theboy who was now in tears.

Les could feel Kaishiro beginning to wake
Les closed his eyes and prepared for the worst with Kaishiro. Lucky he slept through the most dangerous..

Eventually Buba's heart stopped, and as soon as it did.. the glow the the crystal in the spring faded. Every fairy suddenly couldn't see Lyr anymore.. a small power they never noticed before disappeared. However their true sight and wings remained. There was next a small shake and the shop suddenly started to fall apart.

Shougen looked alarmed, "The shop is collapsing!" He said suddenly jumping out of the pool.

Rick was suddenly alarmed before grabbing Taji, "Come on guys we need to get out!' He told them.

Les also was alarmed. He started the run out of the shop in hopes of getting out. Leo took hold of Victoria's hands and pulled her.
Kasu reached out to Buba's body but Lucifer pulled him out too quickly ushering the fairy out as well.

"Let me go!" Kasu cried "Buba! you spiteful witch! Don't you dare think you can just die! You can't I will never forgive you!"

Kaishiro was a bit groggy but Victoria took his hand and rushed him out of the store.
As soon as they were out the shop looked rather old a rickety. It was collapsed in on itself.

Leo was looking on the shop in horror and so was Taji. Les had his hands protectively around Kaishiro. Rick could only assume the worst... though not he was not sure how the hell he was going to get home...

Shougen was the last to come out. He stood at the door way after the shop settled a bit. Before long he kicked to side of the shop, breaking it further, "You bitch! I was supposed to kill you and break the curse! Why the hell did you think you could go and do this?" Shougen said, "Tempest... that bastard..."
Kasu was sobbing the only thing holding him up was Lucifers hold on him.

"Lets all go to my house... you;ve all had a trying day." Lucifer said softly. He felt pain in his chest Buba was a good woman he would miss her.

"Kaishiro...doesn;'t understand," Kaishiro admitted and Victoria hugged him
Shougen punched the house again with a pant and a huff. "I have things I need to do..." Shougen told Luicfer before stepping into the shop again.

Taji felt the tears welled up in his eyes. She really did die..?

"I... I will need to go home soon.. i've been missing.. my parents must be terrified." Leo said.

"Mika knows Buba told your parents you'd be gone a week." Buba told Leo.

Leo looked a bit surprised before nodding and tearing up again.

"Come on... I'll call a taxi." Rick said before opening up his phone to call the taxi.

Even as morning left and the noon came on, Justice manage to escape the horde that hunted him. But now, unlike earlier, the whole dusk 'nest' was rilled. Any Dusk that saw him immediately went to attack him. It was getting late and he still needed to get out of the very large building. The demon never came back for him.
Justice found a place to hide bleeding and loosing hope. He sat in a corner and held his head in his hands. He had not expected Kicoltsu to return foxes lied he was no exeption, he could not see her not even once more, they must have failed to save the one person he tried so hard to protect and heree he was alive... but she was, no. He shook his head he couldn't say it she couldn;t be she couldn;t be, Sorrow washed over him and his wish died only to be replaced with a new impossible one,

Kasu did not stop crying for the full night he refused to feed he did nothing but mourn the next day would be the same.

Kasihiro who refused to beleive what everyone told him knew Buba couldn;t die it just wasn;t possible they;d see, though when he was alone at home he too would cry for her loss.

Victoria holed herself up away from the others even Mika who needed serious reapiars.
Taji was pretty bad off himself, but like normal he was like a stone wall.. Mika didn't understand what was happening... Rick was kind enough to explain it, but she like Kaishiro told them Buba was coming back. Mika obviously still didn't understand death. Leo was trying to help Kaishiro and Victoria the most, but knew he needed to go to Kasu soon.

Justice's hiding place was safe enough he could catch a few hours of sleep to recuperate for the long survival in this hell hole. When he did he had a dream. He dreamt of a room with five of the fairy's doorways. Buba's Mirror, a large tree, a vertical pool of water, an actual door way, and a large crystal. Each one represented the different fairy masters.

To his surprise Shougen came out of the mirror and he was holding the core. all the portals seem to be hooked up to one massive machine. Each had a light above them, and Buba's was flashing lightly. "What the hell.." Shougen said before putting the core on his tail, holding it and opening a piece of paper. The inside to the room was locked and there was no way in unless you came from the inside.

"This is the council...." He crumpled the paper up and stuck it in his pocket, "I feel like I'm staging a coup..."
Justice was not sure what he was seeing, Buba's light it was flashing. He felt the sorrow again wash over him. "Take it to the fairy... not the council." Thats what buba had told him when she had her nightmare. He looked at Shougen the demon couldn't be taking this ride too well "Shougen," he called out to the demon wanting to see if he could be heard or if he was just seeing things.

Kasu's health degraded because now he would not feed at all not on Lucifer or Leo even Taji did not seem appealing to him. Lucifer was almost ready to force feed Kasu if he had to. All the fairy were taking this hard exept Kaishiro who refused to see Buba as dead.

Victoria stayed with either Mika or Leo wanting to comfort and be comforted at the same time,
Shougen obviously couldn't hear him. "How..." He looked around for some keys before finding some and unlocking the door. When he opened the door, there was one of the main council members walking by. He stopped and looked at Shougen. Shougen came out of the room and slammed the doors shut behind him.

"Ugh.." Shougen said not sure what to do right off.

"What... what is in that room?" The man asked before marching over to open the door. Of course he couldn't even get the room open.

"Magic you retarded." Shougen snapped. Might was well crawl out of this like a demon would.

"Magic.. of course, why do you have Madame's Orb?" He asked him.

"Why are such a rat's ass?" Shougen asked him.

"I beg your pardon?" He asked rather flabbergasted.

"You heard me! I bet your mother cried when she gave birth to you." Shougen told him.

"You sir--" He started.

"Oh what? Your gunna wiggle your finger at me? Get lost you toad licker. Fuck you!" Shougen said before stomping off a random direction. Shougen was full demon form, no curse to be had on him... and he just walked away from an confrontation without bloodshed. If Buba could see him now.

The poor council man was not entirely sure what to say or do, left standing in the hall.
Justice was at first tence then he litteraly was flabbergasted. Shougen would always be Shougen. How he missed everything already. "Madame... she... she would have been proud of you Shougen," he told the cat though his voice broke.
There was suddenly a loud noise and Justice was jolted awake. It had only been a few hours. Everything was just a dream. He just had a dream.
Justice looked around and instantly went on the run again he was hurt and needed to avoid confrontations if he could. Running to hide once more ready to cut down any attacking dusk.
Tempest suddenly jumped in front of him, "I found you! Think you can hid in my own home pretty boy?" Tempest asked him with a sneer.
Justice swung at him his sword was heavey to him he was loosing strength he needed food water and proper rest "I will fight you anytime you lousey excuse of a man,"
Tempest wasn't expecting Justice to just charge him... but he did. In one blow Justice pretty much cleaved the man in half. In the middle of the strike, Tempest tried to get his own in.. if not anything but to shatter armor so when he came back he could do some real damage.
Tempest got the shoulder plate not only damaging it but forcing the metal into his actuall shoulder causing great pain. Justice had to bite his tongue not to scream.

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