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Into the Stars

They were pretty much dragged to a large open area. There were what looked like hundreds of dusk. They didn't have time to look as they were dragged forward and to the front of a stage. Standing on the stage was Buba, she looked like that had staked her by her hands on a large pole.

Leo gasped, as did the red fairy. Les cringed and hopped Kaishiro stayed asleep.

Buba was pretty bloodied up. Tempest was almost dancing around her tauntingly. "Oh goody! Just like you requested, the fairy get to watch you die. This is what you wanted right?"
Kasu lost control and the more agressive Vampire came out "TEMPEST SHOW YOURSELF COWARD!" He fought the dusk holding him.

Victoria whispered to Inget. "When we see Tempest... I want you to hit him with all we got," she was crying though.

"That's... " Kreith said shaking
Buba looked up when Kasu yelled, it startled out of her daze. She thought she would find the fairy sooner, but when he asked for her last wish... she asked the fairy to watch her die... low and behold.. he really did bring the fairy to her.

"He's really close to that witch... I don't know if I can hit him from here." Inget told Victoria.

Though when Usak came out and pulled against the Dusk and the whole thing tipped against his force. It them lifted up Kasu and slammed him down on the ground in hopes of subduing him. Though Before Usak hit the ground, his fall was broken by an invisible force, an familiar invisible force. Les he saved him from hitting the ground.
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Usak was still winded from being tossed but he would thank Les later when he stopped seeing red.

"We can Inget... We can get him," Victoria said wiping away tears the dusk was throwing Kasu like a ragdoll.

Kreith jumped his wings fluttered when Kasu was slammed.
Leo gave an extremely worried look to Usak and Les.

"Just tell me when." Inget told Victoria.

"Do you have him under control now? Yes? Good." Tempest said before turning to Buba, "Ok... so where were we?"

"I was about to do what I came here to do.." Buba said before using a large amount of magic power. It sent a small wave the made people's feel shivers up their spine. It was then that three symbols appeared on the ground. Two of them were blue and another was white. It was then that Buba whispered, "Luicfer... I here by summon you to save my fairy... do you accept?" She said.

Luicfer was suddenly surrounded by a white light, almost as immediately as Shougen was as well. He heard Buba speak to him, before he answered Rick turned into his full gear and reached out to grab Lucifer's arm.

As soon as a light surrounded Shougen, the curse over him temporarily was lifted and he took his demon form. He reached out a hand for Mika, who was still damaged, but took it anyway. Taji got up and tackled them, determined to go as well.

Where Justice was taking refuge, he also suddenly had a blue symbol surround him. He only had a few moments to prepare himself before getting teleported away. It was proububly in his best interest to grab Diamond and his demon friend. Shougen was right and he was about to be placed in a fight.
Justice took hold of the fox demon he had got the aid of.

"I do!" Lucifer said but was shocked when Max grabbed onto him.

Kasu sat up growling

"Now! Avoid the lights hit him from behind!" Victoria told Inget looking at the spot behind Tempest. "We can do it, we were always meant to be a wonderful team,"
Although Victoria told him behind, that was not the best angle, he went from above. A sword dropped though Tempest saw the light and managed to avoid the blade by diving to the side. It did however successfully get him away from Buba.

Shougen, Mika, Taji, Rick, Max, Luicfer, Justice and his Demon friend all appeared right in front of Buba. They were all standing where they were facing to the very large crowd of Dusk. There were a lot of them. Right in the front row was the fairy held down by a rather large dusk with long tentacles holding them all.

"Oh man..." Shougen said looking over the dusk. Mika crouched at the sight but immediately dashed at the dusk holding the Fairy, wasting no time like Shougen.
The fox with Justice was an exotic looking man with orange red hair long and held up in a loose bun bare footed even in a storm and dressed like a tribal shaman. "This field... is not of the fair kind,"

Justice saw the Fairy his first mission would of course be to assure their safety he drew his sword. Not seeing Buba helpped him focus on the task at hand and not her.

Max however went to Buba seperating from his sire who went for the dusk holding the fairy.

"Inget! you did it!" Victoria cheered and summoned her own sword from an orange portal and she swung to sever the dusk holding her's tentacle.

Usak tried to tear himself away from the dusk.
The dusk was being quickly overwhelmed by the group of powerhouses coming to him. Mika's punch knocked it over before Victoria easily cut herself loose. Leo templed over with the creature, the purple fairy much the same. Usak easily ripped away are well. Inget seem to summon several blades around the ground, almost making a small shield, before randomly raining swords down in the dusk crowd.

Shougen made a face at the orange demon, "Ew... Fox demon.." The cat demon said. Of course he'd fight with him, but other demons were kind of gross.. special those that kind of shared the line of dog demons. "Stop complaining... the group will get surrounded if we don't hold off the dusk around the fairy, we need to secure a perimeter!" Rick said. Justice, Luicfer and Mika already went to go save the fairy... which left the two demons, him and Taji to try and keep them from passing.

Buba was panting, she watched her familiar run off to go help the fairy. Shougen and Rick went to hold off the horde to come. When Max approached her and looked up at him. "Release my hands... I need to cast another spell... the way home. We will only be able to hold off so long." Max could tell Buba wasn't doing so hot, but she'll survive.
Max pulled one nail out of course he had the qhsical strength to but he was caustiosly aware of his suroundings. "Buba you got yourself into it this time,"

Kasu grabbed Leo "I'm going to throw you... get the purple fairy," he told Leo breaking the tentacle.

Victoria was fighting with the sword she summoned. the Red fairy showed he wasn't dead weight. A dence fog began to slow the dusk but not neer enough for his liking.

Lucifer helped Justice stay the hord as the Fairy freed themselves
Buba hissed as one came out, she turned to look where Tempest last one... he wasn't. All that was there was the sword from Dos. As soon as she summoned her familiars he fled... Buba dropped to her knees as soon as she was freed. Her hands were bleeding pretty badly, "Max get my mirror.. around me neck and put it in my hands..." Buba told him. She could hardly move them..

Taji jumped down off the stage and came up with a dagger before cutting free the red fairy, "Move up to the stage..." The girl grabbed the other red fairy and pulled him to come with her.

"T-throw me?" Leo asked, "I'll try.." He didn't know if he had the strength to get him.. He felt so weak.

Les however was ripping Kaishiro from the dusk as well before he walked over to Kasu, "No, throw me. I'll get him."

Shougen looked to the fox demon, "hit them in the core, its the only way to kill them, whatever you do don't bite them!" He told the guy.
"What sort of barbarian bites their opponent I am no cat," The fox said and his claws glew a faint but sickly green signalling poison, it would help him tear through a core no doubt.

Kasu nodded "Ok... Just don't let Kaishiro wake up," he said taking Les's hand and litterally flinging him towards the purple fairy.

Victoria ran to Leo and Kasu "You through Kaishiro!" she said shocked.

Max went and tore out the other nail "there." he said happily. "Ok ok Mirror!" he said looking around her neck he took it off her and handed it to her
Buba gripped the mirror the best she could before she mumbled to it. She put whatever remaining magical power she had into the spell. When she was done she dropped the mirror and the ground. It finally lit up into a portal that looked a lot like the mirrors back home. "Call the retreat Max. Tell everyone to get into the portal." She told him before trying to stand.

Les jumped over the dying dusk with ease as Mika held it down and continued to wail on it. Les landed on the other side of it before ripping its dusk hands off it and grabbing the purple fairy. He slung the sickly child over his shoulder. Like he could control when Kaishiro wakes up.

Leo took Victoria's hand, "We need to get out of here..." She told them all.

Shougen snorted at the fox demon before continuing his fight.
"Fall back!" Max yelled.

Justice turned and Saw Buba "Come on Fairy I'll cover your rear!"

Lucifer looked back as well "Rick make sure no undesireables try to go into the portal!" he called.

KAsu and Victoria ran with Leo to get out Victoria praising Inget repeatedly.
"Go Max." Buba told him with a pant, "I must go in last... go." She shooed him.

Rick ran forward as Luicfer told him. He jumped onto the stage and helped Les up. He pulled up the other fairy as they came up, "Get into the portal!" He told them. Leo climbed with Rick's help and ran for the portal.

Shougen fell back to Justice's side, he was looking pretty beat up from just the pure mass of dusk. He had started using his magic instead of just his claws. Trying to keep them at bay.
Justice was not even sure if he was hurt or not he was angry and he was out for blood now he was killing every Dusk in his reach sheilding the fairy as best he could.

MAx ran into the portal as she said

Kasu stopped "MAdame," he said "you will make it right?" he asked her he needed her to assure him he;d see her on the other side or he would not go through man she looked like hell.

Lucifer had wear and tear damage on him from fighting as well
Buba scoffed, "Please i'm barely hurt." She told him with her trademark huff, "Now go. Go I have to go last. It will close behind me." Buba told Kasu. Taji and Mika both stopped as well to make sure Kasu was not going to stay.

Rick would go in as soon as Luicfer got to him, he had no intention of leaving anyone in his family here...
Kasu nidded and went through with them. The red fairy boy looked at her but went through as well he wanted out of this hell.

Lucifer ran to Rick "Its clear for the most part," he told Rick "no sign of Tempest,"
Rick took hold of Luicfer, "Lets go." He said before giving him a tugged. He was hurt, but with that he charged through the portal with Luicfer.

Buba watched them go... all that was left was Shougen, Justice and the Fox demon.

"Time to Go.." Shougen yelled at the other demon, he turned around to get to the Stage only to see Tempest reappeared and spike Buba through the stomach with a black spike. The spike suddenly went from a solid to suddenly a liquid before disappearing into Buba's body. Buba was completely shocked, her hand on her stomach. "You...."

"You may have surprised me, but I will not let you leave here alive..." Tempest told her with a hiss.
Justice was on his way back and he saw Tempest attack Buba instantly rage welled inside him he raised his sword and for the first time since the war he called on his own true power his speed and abilities damn the damage to his body if any occured. Tempest found himself under attack "Take her and go!" Justice told Shougen. He would not let her die here, there were things at her shop things that could help he knew it there had to be.
Shougen ran over to Buba and scooped her up, "No..." She said grabbing Shougen's arm, "If I go now.. Justice will be stuck here.. I won't be able to get him back... " She told Shougen, black veins were starting to spread around her body.

Tempest was easily hit, busy looking at Buba. Justice's sword slice one of his arms around the shoulder clean off. He didn't bleed, just leaked dusk. He turned in an angry slash with clawed hands to hit Justice.
"He'll find a way to you," The fox said "I will bring him to you," then he dashed though the portal expecting Shougen after him.

Justice brought up his arm to stop most of the damage luckily he was fully armored. He aimed another hit one ment to impail. "Go now!" he yelled
The fox ended up in the shop of his own world. The red and purple fairy also ended in the shop of their own colors.

Les was confused when the purple fairy disappeared from his grasp after walking through. Leo was holding Victoria, still waiting for everyone to get through.

Shougen looked very conflicted... but he picked up Buba and left through the portal. It shut immediately behind him.

"Hohoho... looks like you're stuck here! Now you'll die just like her!" Tempest told him with a laugh.
"You will find I am not easy to kill," Justice said. He Sliced Tempest again "and I will kill you as many times as I have to to make sure you never hurt another again," His voice was hard and his eyes were sharp though under the anger was another more complex emotion hidden.

Kasu was taken into Lucifers arms the sire happy to have his childe home safe.
Tempest back away from Justice when he slashed again before laughing, "I'll hurt as many people as I want!" He said jumping about. By now many dusk were climbing up the stage at this point. Justice would be surrounded.

Shougen soon walked through with Buba, she was pale other then the black lines crawling up her sink. She didn't look so good. Leo gasped, "What happened?" Taji felt fear bloom in him more the normal.

"Tempest came out of no where and poisoned her.. heavily..." Shougen told them.

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