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Into the Stars

"You may come if you wish to stand guard. But you will not prevent my familiar from doing as I ask." She told him, she felt too bad from the drugs to really do much about it. "Justice... to my room please... we'll talk in the morning. Or evening.. whenever I wake. Thank you for returning quickly. I feel sick.."

"Max is fine now. He was captured... but drugged much like Buba. I have a feeling they were going to use him if you got away... He is safe now. Everyone is safe now." Rick assured Luicfer.
"Thank you Justice. I was worried there for a minute..." Buba said softly she was already starting to drift in her sleep.

Rick nodded with a smile, "I'm glad I could help... Your arm is already looking a bit better." He noted to Luicfer. "I'm going to ask Shougen or Justice with me to the house. To check if any more hunters are about."
"I'll come the wound is no longer too bad," Lucifer said he wished to make sure his home was safe for his childes to live.

Kasu sat by the bed when Justice laid her down "as was I,"
Rick kneeled and put a hand on Lucifer's shoulder. "You should stay... I'm unhurt... and so is the other two. Someone needs to protect just incase the hunters back track. If you insist in getting out of the water... go to Max." Rick insisted.

Buba closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep, she was exhausted and feeling awful from the drugs.
"Thank you Luicfer. Thank you for trusting me." He told Luicfer. Turely his trust always made Rick feel like part of the family the most. "I'll keep in contact.. so keep your phone close... oh and." Rick took out Max's phone and handed it to him too. "He dropped it. I picked it up on my way to saving him."
Lucifer took the phone with another thank you, he smiled at Rick. He was worried still but if anyone could take care of himself it was Rick.
Rick walked out of the spring before looking at Justice, "Justice... care to lend me your blade in another sweep for hunters? The group was large. I ran into more getting my brother." He asked the man.
"Alright. I have a few places we can search." Rick said with a nod before leaving with the medieval man.
"It's fine. We are going to check there, what i think is their base... then Lucifer' s house. Circle back to the shop." Rick nodded before leaving. They found a bit more hunters, but easily dispatched them.

Buba slept without interruption through the night. She got up once to eat food and it made her feel sick, the drugs still leaving her system. She slept even further into the afternoon.

Rick insisted that lucifer and max stay at the shop. Rick tried to leave to the house, thinking more for kasu's sake.
Kasu slept next to the madame he only stirred when she did and he made sure nothing came close though the need to protect her came from the vampire Kasu himself was worried as well,

Lucifer wanted Rick close, he was worried as any good sire would be. He held the sleeping Max letting the drugs wear out on their own.

Justice stayed with Rick dispatching hunters "You vampire always have to watch your backs dont you?"
"Everyone has to watch their backs Justice." Rick told him. "No one is immune to danger." They had already sweeped them and were back at the shop. Rick was sitting on Buba's front outside near the chicken.
Justice sat with him Risk was right everyone had their dangers. "I'm surprised you haven't lite a cigarette yet," Justice admitted sitting with the other man.
"I'm concentrated at the moment." Rick told Justice. "I smoke when I'm stressed or killing time.... Right now i'm on guard and the night keeps my sense 4 times as share then during the day... by sundown I'll proububly go through a pack..."
"I don't know." Rick said truthfully, "My vampirism makes me two times stronger than any normal human.... and Nightshade's blessing gives me 2 times the normal strength of my current strength... Of course I only feel this way during the night. But even then, during the day my vampiric strength does not diminish, just not as strong."
"I hope I do not sound rude or such, But I'd love to spar with you one day, or night," Justice said it would be an amazing experiance, even with his body in its weaker state from all its past battles.
"Perhaps another night. I spar often, I wouldn't mind either. Perhaps you can help me train..." Rick looked behind him at the house and then back. He meant Taji, but out loud he wouldn't say it. "But I would take your challenge. Do you spar with or without weapons?" He asked him. "I'm good for either." Rick then started to unhook the contraption around his forearm.
"As am I," Justice l aughed "if I do spar with weapons I use a dulled blade, I'd hate to hurt someone in friendly conflict,"
Rick smiled a bit, "Alright then. I suppose next time. I'm only i'm my early 30s... but i've been fighting since i've been born. So maybe I'll be able to hold my own." Rick obviously meant that strength was not everything and he knew it.
Justice smiled "you make me feel very old," he told Rick "Maybe I'll need all my experience against you," Justice's tone was light and carefree he was satisfied that Buba was safe the city was for the most part clean of those hunters,
Rick chuckled, "We'll see." He said with a bit of a grin.

When sunrise was there, Rick was true to his word and started to smoke as his nightly powerup began to diminish.

Buba woke and sat up. Leo had texted Kasu several times that night. Specially to make sure he was ok. Buba remained feeling sick for a good portion of the day. As did Max, the drugs seemed to linger around for a while. Mika helped Shougen clean when she got home. They used bleach to keep the smell of blood out of the house for those who are sensitive to it.

Rick asked the fairy not to come again, but this time... Leo came anyway.

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