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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

I don't know but you guys, but I am over my game limit (one over since one game appears to be on temporary hiatus).

I won't be joining that game unless something happens to one of the games I'm in. And I'm having fun and all of those including this one. =)
A while back, Psychie Psychie tried to run a 2.5 edition of an Abyssals game that didn't last too long. Perhaps we can persuade her to brush the dust off of it and run it in either Exalted Essence or in the old edition?
Yes, I did try an Abyssal game using the older edition. IF I were to try again, I'd have to decide on what system to use of either Essence or 2.5. I have the Exalted Essence PDF, but I have never even played it, let alone run a game of it, so I would be leaning more towards 2.5 instead of the very new system. The alternative is that everyone would have to be very patient with me as I muddle through the new rules from how to make a character to a simple combat.

What is everyone's thoughts on this?

As for this game, Rykon Rykon and jaydude jaydude are closer to the crowd around the fiery cauldron than the others whom are still approaching. You've snuck around the corner of the building and, so far at least, are unobserved by the six at the cauldron nor the zombie-like people in the graveyard. What do you guys wish to do? Wait and see what happens? Rush in and attack? Something else entirely? Once that call has been made, I can have the others show up to the fun.
As for this game, Rykon Rykon and jaydude jaydude are closer to the crowd around the fiery cauldron than the others whom are still approaching. You've snuck around the corner of the building and, so far at least, are unobserved by the six at the cauldron nor the zombie-like people in the graveyard. What do you guys wish to do? Wait and see what happens? Rush in and attack? Something else entirely? Once that call has been made, I can have the others show up to the fun.
So far I've just had my guy observe the hooded figures, in order to try and figure out what exactly they are. Them all being mortals seems too convenient.
(Just being silly here because I can!)

O Mighty Fat Bat be usin' radar! *insert computerized radar sounds here* "beep beep beep!"

Money Bugs GIF by ING Romania

Bat Dancing GIF
Yes, I did try an Abyssal game using the older edition. IF I were to try again, I'd have to decide on what system to use of either Essence or 2.5. I have the Exalted Essence PDF, but I have never even played it, let alone run a game of it, so I would be leaning more towards 2.5 instead of the very new system. The alternative is that everyone would have to be very patient with me as I muddle through the new rules from how to make a character to a simple combat.
I have the PDF for Exalted Essence, too, but like you, I've not had any experience with that system. According to the hype, it is a simpler, more streamlined version of Exalted, but it would be a learning experience for all of us to try it.

That being said, I wouldn't mind a rehash of that one game using the 2.5 rules, but I am not against the idea of giving Essence a try.
Yes, I did try an Abyssal game using the older edition. IF I were to try again, I'd have to decide on what system to use of either Essence or 2.5. I have the Exalted Essence PDF, but I have never even played it, let alone run a game of it, so I would be leaning more towards 2.5 instead of the very new system. The alternative is that everyone would have to be very patient with me as I muddle through the new rules from how to make a character to a simple combat.

What is everyone's thoughts on this?
If you have the bandwidth for it, I know we all are in several RPs right now, I do not want to overload everyone. I would be cool with it. I too own a copy of Essence, I do not have 2.5 but I can get it off of Drivethru. We can all muddle through the rules of Essence if you want or we can do 2.5

For this game, Mercy is being carried around by Amara right now and Mercy is just trying to keep a lookout.
Ok, let me think about an Abyssal game and I'll see if I have the time for another game as storyteller.
From my perspective, I think some of our shared games are already stretched thin with fewer and fewer players and fewer fewer posts (if you want examples, I think Sherwood's Rifts game and Psychie's Robotech game are two).

Now, in my experience, my fellow White Wolf players are among my most chaotic. They changed White Wolf games at the drop of a hat. You never knew what you were walking into from week to week. And who could blame them? There is so much wonderful content to explore!

However, if you guys decide to close this game to play Abyssals, I will not blame nor fault you. But even then, I think I'm out.

As described, they sound to me like we're playing evil people? If that is true, I don't like playing evil people. In my own games, I don't play them any longer than I have to.

(Get ready for some silliness here.)

*You hear crazy monster sounds and the overly-eager grinding of sharp fangs.*

Something beside you says, "That's right, my bitch. I am a vampire, a were-serpent, a xenomorph, and I'm infected by that creature from John Carpenter's horror movie, The Thing. - If I bite you, it is all over.

"Don't bother rolling any dice, calmly put your pencil down on the table, and just hand your character sheet to Storyteller Pyschie to decide what you're playing next."

"Heh heh heh."

No. =)

I am with Chowlett in that I'd much rather play Sidereals.=)
Purr Purr Abyssals are tragic anti-heroes in the service of the Deathlords. ;-) From their point of view they are doing good works! 🤣
Purr Purr Abyssals are tragic anti-heroes in the service of the Deathlords. ;-) From their point of view they are doing good works! 🤣
Eonivar Eonivar So they're disillusioned bad guys who think they're good guys? =)

(I have no idea who the Deathlords are, but they sound like one hell of a good metal band.)
Eonivar Eonivar So they're disillusioned bad guys who think they're good guys? =)

(I have no idea who the Deathlords are, but they sound like one hell of a good metal band.)
The Deathlords are thirteen ghosts of former Solars that are uber powerful and that rule the underworld with an iron grip. The Abyssal exalted are their servants, and they are basically dark mirrors of the Solars in power and ability.
So... these Deathlords are basically to Solars what the Titans in Tartarus were to the Greek gods of Olympus (except the Deathlords are not imprisoned, but ghosts)?

And Abyssals are antiheroes on top of this? Meaning they're "me-first" instead of being good to people?

One definition of "anti hero":

"An anti hero is a narrative protagonist who is defined by their own self-interest. The anti hero often feels rejected by society, and veers down a self-destructive path that results in isolation or death."
(Source credit: Sourcebinder.com)

So it's basically "let's play selfish and powerful anti Solars forced to do the bidding of dead Titan-like former Solars but they think they're doing good deeds?"

Nah. Hard pass. I'm good. =)

But if you guys ever decide to play werewolves or Sidereals, let me know! =)

Edit: In my Real Life, I deal with enough Illusions in my own brain combined with the selfishness of way too many other people (each with their illusions) to last me a lifetime. (If I "sound" irritated, it's probably because I just got through dealing with some.)

I play role-playing games in part to get away from all of that. And to be in the great company of cool people like yourselves! Seriously! =)
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No worries, Dann. Abyssals aren't for everyone, with their dark death themes.

I'm still pondering my options on a Abyssal game and have not made up my mind yet.
I've had a stacked week at the office with team members coming in from out of town. It's been fun but exhausting. So I'll try and get another IC post out in the morning.

As for a new game, I'd like to make time to participate, but it's hard to make promises. Exalted's a lot easier for me to prep for than most other games just cause of familiarity. Essence more so since there's a lot less to keep track of. Though there are a couple of minor pitfalls with rules tweaks from the initial manuscript to the post-editing/page layout version that recently was made available to backers.
No worries, Dann. Abyssals aren't for everyone, with their dark death themes.

I'm still pondering my options on a Abyssal game and have not made up my mind yet.
I just knew you would understand, Psychie. =)

My (unanswerable?) question boils down to what will happen to our other active games if we (as a whole) bring in too many. "Too much of a good thing" can be a reality.

Sorry for the maybe-strange ideas today. I think the full moon is here early? Full moons often mess with my head. Big surprise! =)

Edit: Hey, Psychie Psychie ? The first three paragraphs or so in this spoiler involve you.

Note: In three paragraphs or so, this suddenly turns into just me thinking out loud. Feel free to skip it if you have better things to do! =)

But, yeah. Psychie Psychie , you asked a little while ago in Broadsword, when will higher-level powers be available? And the answer is same answer it's always been for, what, about 6 years or so now?

Answer? When you guys learn more about these powers.

These powers don't come automatically. You have to (gasp!) take the time and effort to improve - just like Real Life. I don't see that happening anytime soon as the number of our posts get fewer as our game time does not change. Or at least mine doesn't. =)

The more games I get myself involved in, the more I feel myself spread thinner among all of them. I love (or at least have love for) everyone I play with! I love the characters I've created and many of those other players have created but I'm starting to wonder (full moon to blame here?), should I pull out of some games in order to devote more time into the others?

Let me put this into detail. Let's imagine I cease to play Kitty, Snowfall, and O Mighty Fat Cat. I would go from 7 games down to 4. To what ends?

Realistically, the games that Kitty and Snowfall are in could cease due to lack of players since are only 3 semi-active PCs in each including me. With new games played by others, the time between everyone's posts is likely going to get even longer! Yick!

Taking O Mighty Fat Cat out of this game would maybe leave it a little easier for you guys to play your Abyssal game! Less Players here makes for more time there? Yay for you!

I would miss my own characters, but I'll miss them all eventually (as I always do when games end, and all games must end as surely as they must begin). I miss Dreamy right now, but that game hasn't gone anywhere in well over a month.

If I do drop from games (any), will that improve the amount of fun I am sharing with others in my remaining games? Will their ("their" meaning "my fellow friends") fun diminish with my characters' absence?

Will I suddenly get bored again having only half as many games to play (darned ADHD dopamine-related problems)? If that happens, should I start up a third game?

Hmm. There is much to seriously
ponder here. But I just realized I'm hungry. Let's go do something about that before pondering more!

Hey folks! Feel free to share your thoughts! I like your thoughts!
Psychie Psychie Thank you for the Well Written! I wasn't expecting anything like that! =)
You may be a very hyperactive Dannigan, but you can be very eloquent when you wish to be. It is well earned.
Thank you, Princess Psychie! I have put so many, many years into learning how to communicate well (especially in the realm of handwriting, typing, and finally writing). I have come a looong way. I have always been very hyperactive, but eloquent? No. I busted my tail for years to go from sometimes-incoherent (it could be so difficult just to talk clearly!) to eloquent (which takes focus, patience, and a brain that is in the mood to cooperate)! =)

I think that's why Broadsword is the way it is - I don't mind handing out Palladium experience levels as they come, but other powers? As in the martial way, some things can only be gained through self-development and practice.

And that means time and effort. =)
Well, I must say that you have done a fine job of self improvement to be the person you are today. Kudos!
Thanks! Kaerri has helped me improve my writing too. =)

Sherwood Sherwood Thanks for the Well Written, bud! That feels good! =)
...and RPNation decides not to notify me of this forum. At least it kept me up with the IC thread!
I'm not looking for another game at the moment. With two real-life ones to GM (D&D 5e both), family life, and a few other hobbies, I just don't have enough time. C'est la vie, quite literally. Nor am I looking to stop this game - it feels like it's starting to hit a good stride. I'm also not really keen on Abyssaling

But when this one's done... then I might be up for something. Sidereals, DB... never tried Lunars. Or - switching systems - I'd love to try Blades in the Dark. I started running a campaign a while back, could really see the potential, but I sucked as the GM for it. It needed improv skills that were different to what I actually possess.
Well we do not have to abyssal, it is something that I just was feeling at the moment. As I mentioned I know we have a lot of other irons in the fire.

I listened to a preview of the Sidarial book and I found it very exciting (good thing I am in on the Kickstarter)

Blades in the Dark is a cool system but I am not sure how it would play out in a play by post format here. I too have always wanted to give it a try.
Hot dang I love the combo of Blinding Battle Feint and Perfect Shadow Stillness.

Psychie Psychie , please let me know if a 16 on Stealth is successful at hiding Glade (...I sure hope it does), as I get the WP refunded.

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