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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

Hey all.

Just to let you know, I'm still following this game, even if my current situation isn't entirely conductive to producing IC posts of my ideal quality.

Safe to say that Grey Stone is entirely onboard with investigating this matter, if only because it's kinda his job. 🙂
Thanks for letting us know. I'll make sure not to have you get killed off . . . at least, not while you are unavailable to reply. :horns:
I picked up my PDF copy of Exalted Essence off of the Kickstarter...one of these days I will sit down and read it.
Psychie Psychie Is the entrance into the Tavern a new scene to where Mercy would need to reactivate her Spirit Sight? Or is her Spirit Sight still in effect?
Sorry if I am moving into cringe territory. Let me know if I should change it.
Sorry if I am moving into cringe territory. Let me know if I should change it.
No cringe here! This is good role playing as far as I'm concerned. It tells us much about your character. What could be better? =)
Mercy standing up and taking a long swig to finish off the rest of her mug of brew, about spit out her beer at Amara's comment but swallowed it and turned bright pink. She kind of tested her stability turning towards Amara and stumbling some and catching herself..now even more tipsy than before now... leaned over to Amara who was also standing and spoke (Riverspeak)..."Umm I was a slave Amara darling, there is no virtue of that sort to protect...I have been...physically used..is that a good word? since I first started bleeding. It does not bother me much anymore...If I wasn't really smart I probably would have been some sort of concubine...although I was not chosen by Alena for my smarts...she thought i was cute..it was only after she discovered I was smart...although I do miss her sometimes..." She turned a brighter pink...and stopped herself..."It's fine though...I am fine now..." Her face hardened slightly..."I am past her and past that part in my life...but I am happy I will not be alone during this...thing with no spirits anywhere and people going crazy...so very strange...you know a lot of spirits like to watch intimacy? They find it amusing. Also they like to feed on the emotions. Lust..is very tasty spirit food..."
This post alone says so much about Mercy! Well done, Eonivar Eonivar ! =)
Oooooh underworld...we may run into some Abyssals eventually, that would be SWEET...

Are there status penalties for being drunk?
Can I get a quick count of patrons in the immediate bar; and if possible an idea of what I'd expect the population of the town to be?

I'd rather not kill these mortals, though, even if they're living in a Shadowland.
If there was an abyssal option, Mercy would have definitely been Abyssal...Merciful Emancipation of Death...Mercy would have been an awesome goth abyssal. But this version of Mercy is good too, even drunk.
Can I get a quick count of patrons in the immediate bar; and if possible an idea of what I'd expect the population of the town to be?

I'd rather not kill these mortals, though, even if they're living in a Shadowland.
Besides the Exalts of the party, you are now faced with ten of these transformed people in the bar. The size of the town would suggest that you have roughly 5,000 lost souls here, give or take a few hundred.
If there was an abyssal option, Mercy would have definitely been Abyssal...Merciful Emancipation of Death...Mercy would have been an awesome goth abyssal. But this version of Mercy is good too, even drunk.
Sadly, there is no Abyssal books out for 3e yet. I'm looking forward to seeing what the dark Exalts will bring to the table!
I'd rather not kill these mortals, though, even if they're living in a Shadowland.
I'm getting the feeling that these people are already dead, and this 'madness' that the one guard was talking about is their undead nature coming out at night.
So the town sits in a Shadowland...thus the lack of spirits. Most of the residents of the Shadowland are probably already dead. They said that once you die there you are stuck there forever because Shadowland.

Interestingly if the exalted die there they will probably become Abyssals ;-)

If Mercy understood the language better she may had put two and two together, but she was tired and did not know the language and is drunk now, this is really cool. Awesome Story Telling Psychie Psychie !
Sadly, there is no Abyssal books out for 3e yet. I'm looking forward to seeing what the dark Exalts will bring to the table!
This is pretty much why I'd prefer to go with Essence the next time I host anything related to Exalted.

I'm getting the feeling that these people are already dead, and this 'madness' that the one guard was talking about is their undead nature coming out at night.
Didn't you use this exact plot thread in one of your Lunar games ages ago? :D

Thank you! I do hope that everyone is enjoying this.
No complaints here.
Additionally, I do not think there is really anything our team can do to fix the problem...the Town is in a Shadowland. In theory could the circle+Da Chonk consecrate the town to remove it from the Shadowland? I know with Solar Exalted..anything is possible. If they do do something like that it will get the attention of a Deathlord for sure.
I have no idea what any of this Shadowland/Death Lord talk is about; I'm just having fun! =)
So the town sits in a Shadowland...thus the lack of spirits. Most of the residents of the Shadowland are probably already dead. They said that once you die there you are stuck there forever because Shadowland.

Interestingly if the exalted die there they will probably become Abyssals ;-)

If Mercy understood the language better she may had put two and two together, but she was tired and did not know the language and is drunk now, this is really cool. Awesome Story Telling Psychie Psychie !
Oh, that's interesting that they're probably dead and don't know it. I (the player) didn't know this - would Silent Glade? He's been understanding all the conversations.

Thank you! I do hope that everyone is enjoying this.
Yep! A great stop off on our way to a dungeon delve :D

This is pretty much why I'd prefer to go with Essence the next time I host anything related to Exalted.
I read an early release of the Essence PDF. I wasn't thrilled, TBH. Granted, it removed a load of the bogging-down complexity of 3e; but I would say it didn't remove quite enough, and also removed some stuff that was a bit of a USP (e.g. the changeable initiative in combat)
At the sight of the transformed people, Amara's blood runs cold. She knows that there is such things as the walking dead, but she's never had the chance to run into any of them before and is very much not looking forward to doing so now.

She has mere moments to decide what to do; stand and fight, or pull back and observe what is going on here? A glance at Mercy shows that she is in no shape to face these zombies (if that is what they are), so she keeps her sword in its sheath and grabs Mercy around the waist to help pull her up the stairs. "Quickly! Everyone move upstairs! Go!"
Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood

Wait, whoa, hold on, just a sec. Time out.

Can someone fix the hyper guy (me) here? It looks to me as if Amara (Sherwood's character) has just turned into an NPC. Did Sherwood just quit playing Amara?

What just happened, please?
Wait. This happened once years ago too in one of our games, but I forgot what the solution was. *confuzzled*

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