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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

That only gives me two dice, so I'm guessing that I don't know squat about this place, even with two successes.
You are correct. You have no idea of what this place is called, at least from this far out. Once you are actually in the place (assuming you stop) you can attempt to make another roll.
I'll give it a crack - this is still just about my neck of the (literal) woods, and I have 9 dice on it. 4 successes, guessing still not good enough.

(Also, neither thread was notifying me! I've unwatched and rewatched. Hope that helps...)
I'll give it a crack - this is still just about my neck of the (literal) woods, and I have 9 dice on it. 4 successes, guessing still not good enough.

(Also, neither thread was notifying me! I've unwatched and rewatched. Hope that helps...)
No luck knowing what town that is, at least, not from where you are at the moment.

I'll make sure to tag everyone in future posts to try and get those notifications out.
TBH, even when you did I'm not sure the emails were reliable. I did get notified about that post, though; maybe I'll just have to remind it I'm watching from time to time.
I ran it through anydice. The odds of rolling 6 or worse on 18 dice is about 1-in-10; and similarly for rolling 2 or worse on 10. So maybe just "strongly dislikes me".

Or, on the evidence of attacking Kerwin earlier, "has a love/hate relationship with me"
When Glade was listening earlier...
a pair of bored-looking guards standing there, talking to one another about a woman that one of the guards is apparently sweet on.
...were they speaking Flametongue then?

How many of us understand them now?
Well, I speak Forest-Tongue. If no one objects, I can respond to the guard.
The one guards' face doesn't change his expression from being grumpy as he looks over the six of you. With a bit of a glower, he says first to Amara, "I'm glad to hear that you plan no altercations in our town. We won't put up with any trouble here." He then looks over at Fat Cat, saying, "We have a few different restaurants and inns that might be of interest to you. I'd suggest the White Elk Tavern. They serve a good brew that we all enjoy."

He gives a quick set of directions on how to get there, but before he can step aside to let you in, one of the other two guards says, "Uh, what about the time? Its nearly dark, and we're going to have to close the gates soon."

"Humph. Good point. Strangers, you might wish to return in the morning, after we open the gate again. You don't have much time before dark, and Aldurtown is not a place for outsiders after dark." His glum look seems to indicate that he wants to say more, but stops himself before continuing on.

Everyone, please give me a Perception + Awareness roll, or if you'd rather, a Perception + Investigation roll. Just let me know which one you pick.

@Rykon Sherwood Sherwood Purr Purr jaydude jaydude @Eonivar Chowlett Chowlett
Psychie Psychie

O Mighty Fat Cat would like to use Perception (3) + Awareness (3) with Charmed Existence, please. =)
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Psychie Psychie I'd like to do some Social stuff (which'll likely not go well at Socialize 2; but with Manipulation 4, who knows!) but I've never really grokked the 3rd edition Social Combat stuff. Can you give me a hand?

Glade will try to
  • convince the guard(s) that the party is competent and capable of defending themselves, having trekked through the forest to get here
  • and therefore that the guards should explain what's going on so we can be prepared and help

Would that be... uh, an Instil (Respect) followed by a Persuade action? What do I roll?

(OOC I'm getting serious lycanthropy vibes here...)
Hmm. I must confess that I am new to the social rules in the system, so I will be doing some learning here as we go forward.

An Instill action goes up against the Resolve of your opponent. Using your dice pool of Manipulation + Socialize with any Charms/Specialties/Stunts/Willpower that you can add, you will apply that to the Resolve of the guard to try and get him to believe you.
Chowlett Chowlett Why don't you give it a shot? What's the worst that will happen? You fudge your roll and we don't learn anything?
I regret not; never read any! I've picked the term up from Mark Rosewater, who uses it when discussing design of Magic the Gathering (and games in general)
Chowlett Chowlett What?! Ha ha! Well, you had me fooled because you used "grok" perfectly! That beloved term comes from Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land, a sci-fi classic if there ever was one! =)
Hey all.

Just to let you know, I'm still following this game, even if my current situation isn't entirely conductive to producing IC posts of my ideal quality.

Safe to say that Grey Stone is entirely onboard with investigating this matter, if only because it's kinda his job. 🙂

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