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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

The Direlance Zelator socketed with a Gem of Incomparable Wellness (which compliments his White Reaper Style).
Ah, so here are the implications. Deadly Beastman Transformation (DBT) effects which materials you are either resonant or dissonant with at a given moment. Being Resonant means that if a specific evocation has a Resonance bonus, you can use that bonus for that evocation, otherwise everything is as normal. However, if you are dissonant and the evocation has a dissonance limitation, you will have to work with or around that.

For Zelator, there are three evocations I see that mention resonance. Lunars aren't resonant to Orichalcum so even if you drop DBT, you can't gain a resonance bonus regardless, that knocks out two out of three.

There is one evocation where you would be limited for being Dissonant (which is when DBT is active). This is for an Essence 3 evocation that you would need to be a sorcerer to learn. Essence 3 is quite a ways out. But let's say we've been playing awhile, you unlock Essence 3, then buy this evocation... Your limitation is that you can't use it while in initiative crash (oh no!) well... Initiative crash can not only be avoided with strategic play but... if you take Towering Beast Form and Mountainous Spirit Expression, you're not only in Warform, you are now in Kaiju warform. You gain the Legendary Size merit! Which means smaller people can't crash you to begin with. Like most things, unless specific magic says otherwise, but I've yet to see it if it exists.

"Wow that was a lot of fuss over a simple effect, what does it even do?" You may ask... Well, this specific one lets you flurry (think multi-action, but there are penalties to each action) an attack, with a shape sorcery roll to cast a spell.

Under most circumstances, I'd only recommend Zelator for sorcerers. However, we were asked to use the published artifacts/evocations and not homebrew ones. There aren't any alternative artifact weapons that are also compatible with White Reaper Style.

That said, I'd also recommend laying a good foundation with native charms first. Lunars do two things in combat better than any other exalt type out right now. The first being that any native combat charm they take is usable with any weapon or ability (there aren't many exceptions to this, but I think there's at least one). The other being that no other type of exalt or creature comes close to how good Lunars are at taking a hit. They have great soaks (thanks mostly to DBT), they get the most health levels out of Ox-Body Technique, and they have the best ability to recover from damage (they can regenerate while still in combat).

Edit: I missed two! One is a resonant charm, so again, doesn't matter. The other is a dissonant limitation, but only relates to mounted combat. You don't have a steed do you? Aren't you the steed? Another one that doesn't hurt you. Even if it did, it just means you don't learn the evocation for free, you'd have to pay XP for it. So doesn't reduce your actual capability.
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Correct. My PC is the vehicle/steed/"getaway car."

Wow. So maybe I should drop the Martial Arts and the direlance and focus solely on Lunar Native Charms.
Wow. So maybe I should drop the Martial Arts and the direlance and focus solely on Lunar Native Charms.
Much as I wanted to include a martial art for one of my PCs, that was the conclusion I came to for him. I still had a ton of fun.

Martial Arts are best suited to Solars and Sidereals, but that doesn't mean a Lunar can't get good use out of them! (they are at least a lot better at it than Dragon-Blooded)

In like manner, Evocations are one of the things Lunars are supposed to be somewhat weak to average at, where being good at them is supposed to be a notable Strength of Solars and to a lesser extent, Dragon-Blooded.

Both can certainly supplement your capability, however, both require you to spend points investing in them.

In Martial Arts case, you have to buy a four dot merit and invest in a style-specific ability before you can access the charms. This hurts cause Lunars pay a little more to increase their abilities. For Evocations, you not only need to spend a charm slot at character creation or a hefty chunk of XP (more than a native or martial arts charm!) for each one, but you'll need the merit for the artifact itself. Some evocations can be unlocked for free, but there's usually a catch and those are rare.

Things get even trickier when you try and do both. It is my opinion this shouldn't be the case and is a consequence of the writers lacking a bit of forethought in this department choosing instead to rely on homebrewers to close the gap. A very Bethesda move if you think about it.

Even if you do want to focus completely on native charms, I'd consider taking an artifact weapon and/or armor anyway. The reason being is better raw stats. Even if you do pay for attunement out of your mote pool.
Things get even trickier when you try and do both. It is my opinion this shouldn't be the case and is a consequence of the writers lacking a bit of forethought in this department choosing instead to rely on homebrewers to close the gap. A very Bethesda move if you think about it.
Re: Bethesda. "Yes! They're hoping the modders will fix it!" - my lady, Kaerri, followed by our coupled laughter. =)

Even if you do want to focus completely on native charms, I'd consider taking an artifact weapon and/or armor anyway. The reason being is better raw stats. Even if you do pay for attunement out of your mote pool.
Rykon Rykon I'm not sure what all of that yet means, but I will in time. In the meantime, I think I'm going to tweak my PC again and post him here for further "tune-ups" and recommendations. =)

Thanks a bunch for taking the time to explain these things! The questions continue (for anyone to here to chime in, really!):

1. If a splatbook is a release pointed at one of the types of Exalted (like the Lunar book or what have you), is a "splat" therefore slang for any one of the types of Exalts?

That said, I'd also recommend laying a good foundation with native charms first.

2. What do you mean by "native" Charms? I can guess (specifically Lunar Charms?), but I'd rather know. for certain. =)

You gain the Legendary Size merit!

3. I don't know what that means. I'm familiar with D&D/Pathfinder size descriptions. Is there an equivalent? Is Legendary elephant-sized? Blue whale-sized? One of the Godzilla sizes (as Godzilla's size seems to change from movie to movie)?
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4. Psychie is allowing my PC to use Mutations in his Animal form. Is it possible to get more than 12 Mutations for a form? I'm making my PC as close to his Spirit Shape as I can, but there are things his mundane brethren get that I'm guessing he'll be lacking for quite some time.

5. Is the Limit Trigger "The immorality or transgressions of others hinder the Lunar" a wise choice for a moral character? It sounds like it could be activated more often than other similar triggers. If so, I can't imagine this would be good for the Circle much less him?

6. I am thinking of ridding him of the Endless Change Purse in favor of a Moonsilver saddle/satchel that doubles as armor or something equally cool? It's part of an idea Psychie Psychie and I have been bouncing back and forth. =)

7. I never quite figured this out. Supernatural Merits are Mutations, aren't they?
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All righty, folks and friends! Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Rykon Rykon

Meet O Mighty Fat Cat (a.k.a Da Chonk)!

This is a rough draft of my very first Exalted PC. He's a big (cat) guy with a big heart! Once an ordinary member of a tribe far away, he now uses his Exalted powers to follow his heart and do good where he can. He is a Transporter by trade (often working as the opposite of a human trafficker or slaver - he returns people to their homes. He also does all manner of transporting for the Guild he's in). Psychie has allowed him to use his Mutations in his Animal form (as it's part of his core concept, she has reasoned that O Mighty Fat Cat was chased by hunters into the Wyld and emerged with... Wyldness?

I would like Aredin (Rykon's character) and he to at least have worked together in transporting and larceny, if not be good buddies!

This is O Mighty Fat Cat v1.6 or so (minus the White Reaper Martial Arts and the Zelator Direlance, but closer to the core of what I want him to be). I don't have several aspects of his Character Sheet figured out yet (I've only some strong ideas about his Background).

O Mighty Fat Cat is a loyal friend, a lover of humor and living life to its fullest, and as dependable as he can be. He never takes himself too seriously. Plus, he's a cat so he's going to live life his own way! As a Transporter (smuggler), O Mighty Fat Cat uses his Wyld-augmented Spirit Shape (Giant Housecat) to do most of the transporting. Otherwise, he uses his Emerald Grasshopper or Towering Beast Forms when necessary. He is really big about seeing every job through to the end and sticking to the letter of any deal he makes (or barring that, the spirit of the deal). O Mighty Fat Cat has done the occasional job for free when it comes to helping out people in need (especially those who worship or assist Luna or friends in need).

At one time, he was worshipped by the very people that saved him. Now, he saves those who cannot save themselves. =)

  • Dee Jay.jpg (This guy but big and FAT in a muscular sense. Image credit: Dee Jay Soundcloud) Screenshot 2022-09-25 004810.png (This but all cat and no bus. Image credit: Ghibli Studios) (And let's add a little cool instrumental music for him, shall we? "Hunting" by Deep Forest)

    Name: O Mighty Fat Cat (Nickname: "Da Chonk")
    Age: 32
    Caste: Full Moon (Survivor)

    Str: 4 (Caste)
    Dex: 4 (Caste)
    Sta: 5 (Favored)

    Cha: 4
    Man: 2
    App: 2

    Per: 3
    Int: 2
    Wits: 5 (Favored)

    Athletics: 3
    Awareness: 3
    Brawl: 3
    Dodge: 3
    Integrity: 3
    Larceny: 2
    Linguistics: 1
    Martial Arts
    Presence: 3
    Resistance: 2
    Socialize: 1
    Stealth: 3
    Survival: 1

    1. Athletics - Running.
    2. Stealth - Becoming unseen.
    3. Presence - Helping others have a happier spirit.
    4. Resistance - Resisting Poisons.
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Just now getting some time to catch back up.
1. If a splatbook is a release pointed at one of the types of Exalted (like the Lunar book or what have you), is a "splat" therefore slang for any one of the types of Exalts?
Yep. That's my understanding. Not sure where it started, but it's what we call it as a label like class is somewhat misleading.

2. What do you mean by "native" Charms? I can guess (specifically Lunar Charms?), but I'd rather know. for certain. =)
Yes, specifically for Lunars as opposed to something meant to be somewhat universal like evocations, martial arts, and sorcery.

3. I don't know what that means. I'm familiar with D&D/Pathfinder size descriptions. Is there an equivalent? Is Legendary elephant-sized? Blue whale-sized? One of the Godzilla sizes (as Godzilla's size seems to change from movie to movie)?
It's unfortunately somewhat vague as to what dimension classify for that size. Mechanically though, you can find it in some animal write ups like the Tyrant Lizard.

4. Psychie is allowing my PC to use Mutations in his Animal form. Is it possible to get more than 12 Mutations for a form? I'm making my PC as close to his Spirit Shape as I can, but there are things his mundane brethren get that I'm guessing he'll be lacking for quite some time.
Mutations are a subset of Supernatural merits. So not every supernatural merit is necessarily a mutation, but most are. Thaumaturgy and its rituals are technically supernatural merits. Same with sorcery and shaping ritual merits. Those are clearly separated by the context of the book though. Perhaps the hybrid body charm will provide a reference for more clarity. When time permits I'll see if I can find a more solid definition.

5. Is the Limit Trigger "The immorality or transgressions of others hinder the Lunar" a wise choice for a moral character? It sounds like it could be activated more often than other similar triggers. If so, I can't imagine this would be good for the Circle much less him?
Anytime an extra (a term for non-threatening npc) so much as slows us down with a broken promise you would have to roll to accrue limit.

6. I am thinking of ridding him of the Endless Change Purse in favor of a Moonsilver saddle/satchel that doubles as armor or something equally cool? It's part of an idea Psychie Psychie and I have been bouncing back and forth. =)
Armor would let you play into a Lunar's strength as well, so not a bad call.

I'll address more comments as I'm able, but I'm still in conference mode today and tomorrow. So some responses might take awhile.
Chonk is looking good so far. A few things I see that need to be changed. In your Combat Tab, your health levels need to be tweaked. Sherwood has one Solar Ox Body at a lower Stamina than you have and you have two Lunar Ox Bodies, making your health track look like:

[ ] 0
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] - [ ] -1
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] - [ ] -2
[ ] -4
[ ] Incapacitated

Personal Essence is 16 motes
Peripheral Essence is 38, with 35 available to use
Committed Motes: 3 due to the Gemstone of Wellness

Join Battle is an 8, and you don't have the MA style that Sherwood does that gives Amara's sword its own initiative track, so you can delete the Form Join Battle line.

Parry and Dodge DV are both 4.
Guile and Resolve I'll have to look up; I don't remember off the top of my head what Abilities affect each one.

Before any Charms, your Natural Soak is 5 due to your Stamina.
In your Deadly Beastman Form, your Soak goes up to 11.
I don't see that you have any Armor, so you don't have any Soak or Hardness from there.
Your Impenetrable Beast Armor adds another 3 to your Withering Soak for an instant when you activate it, raising your total to 14 and 5 Hardness.

For a set of Moonsilver armor, I'll let you take a tweaked 3 dot set of Lamallar armor that will shift into a saddle type thing. It would grant you +8 Soak, +7 Hardness, -1 Mobility penalty, and will add another 5m to your Committed bank of Peripheral Essence, locking up a total of 8 motes for you.

You'll need to come up with a generic list of the animals you can shift into from your Heartsblood Merit. I would suggest a few aquatic forms, some flying ones, at least a couple of insects of different kinds, and a few other random ones that you can pick from.
BTW, Rykon Rykon Thank you for jumping in with your Exalted knowledge here. You clearly know the details of the game better than I do, and I really appreciate the help!
And Purr Purr , I will keep in mind that Chonk uses Brawl as his main combat technique, so I'll keep an eye out for some Smashfists, Slayer Khatars or Razor Claws for you to pick up later on.
Oooh! Look at all this information! Hooray!

Anytime an extra (a term for non-threatening npc) so much as slows us down with a broken promise you would have to roll to accrue limit.
Whoops! I thought that might be the case. I'll be changing that then. =)

For a set of Moonsilver armor, I'll let you take a tweaked 3 dot set of Lamallar armor
What is "Lamallar?" A kind of armor (like Banded mail)?

If it shifts into a saddle in Fat Cat Spirit Shape form, what does it turn into when he is in human or Deadly Beastman form? If it is a saddle, might it also have saddlebags? Then in a humanoid form it might turn into armor with a satchel with pockets?
If it shifts into a saddle in Fat Cat Spirit Shape form, what does it turn into when he is in human or Deadly Beastman form? If it is a saddle, might it also have saddlebags? Then in a humanoid form it might turn into armor with a satchel with pockets?
In your human form or your DBT form, it would be simply a suit of armor, albeit a larger and more formidable looking suit in your DBT form. Any saddlebags would have to be added on later as they are not a part of the armor itself.
Okay, so it's armor in either form and a saddle for people he's carrying (the Circle) when he is in... what did you call it... Totem Form? (Spirit Shape?)
The extra defense of the armor is well worth losing the benefit of the change purse. You can always get money.
Cool, ma'am! =)

According to the power, Legendary size can be accomplished via the Towering Beast Form. Psychie, how big is Legendary form in your game?

For a set of Moonsilver armor, I'll let you take a tweaked 3 dot set of Lamallar armor that will shift into a saddle type thing. It would grant you +8 Soak, +7 Hardness, -1 Mobility penalty, and will add another 5m to your Committed bank of Peripheral Essence, locking up a total of 8 motes for you.

You'll need to come up with a generic list of the animals you can shift into from your Heartsblood Merit. I would suggest a few aquatic forms, some flying ones, at least a couple of insects of different kinds, and a few other random ones that you can pick from.
Thank you for making up this Moonsilver armor! It looks great!

The Hearts Blood Merit is specific in the number of creatures one can transform into along with their sizes. There is also the matter of region (if you put an additional Merit point, your forms can come from any region). I know nothing of Creation or its regions. I could make a list of "all creatures great and small" that Da Chonk could transform into, but should I treat regions like Earth (African, Australian, Canadian, etc.)?

Also, there are a number of animals I've never heard of until Exalted (like claw raptors and sky whales). Is there a list I should be pulling from (like the one in Lunars book)? What's best for your game here?

The extra defense of the armor is well worth losing the benefit of the change purse. You can always get money.
Well, I have 11 Merit slots open without changing out the purse. I don't mind the possibility of Fat Cat being broke; I mind the idea of us needing to eat or whatever and we don't have the means. Then it's less a matter of convenience and one of survival (Exalts DO eat and sleep, don't they)? I see Fat Cat as being a creature of the wild and perfectly at home in forests and jungles. But the whole Circle?
So at this time, his Combat Stats should look like this?

Health Levels
[ ] 0
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] - [ ] -1
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] - [ ] -2
[ ] -4
[ ] Incapacitated

Willpower: 5
Essence: 1
Personal: 16
Peripheral: 30/38
Committed: 8 (Gem of Incomparable Wellness)

Join Battle: 8

Parry: 4
Dodge: 4
Evasion: ?
Resolve: ?
Guile: ?

Natural Soak: 5 (11 in Deadly Beastman Transformation)
Armored Soak: +8
Hardness +7
Mobility Penalty: -1
Hearthstone Soak: ?
Total Soak: 13 (19 in Deadly Beastman Transformation)

Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood I'm loving the art work of the Artifact armor and weapons! I should probably invest in some kind of (preferably silent) ranged weapon. I'm keeping an eye out for all manner of Moonsilver weapons. The idea of slayer khatars (bracer-based weapons) is pretty cool! Leave your hands free? Yes, please! =)

Psychie, is there some way I can get the Moonsilver Lamellar armor to be silent? Maybe pay more in Merits or something?

EDIT: I think I found an item that fits O Mighty Fat Cat wonderfully! =)

Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light (p. 600, Core) - Because... he's a cat. =)
This artifact comes in a variety of forms including studded bands, chokers, torcs, collars or delicate necklaces. Although no artifacts are common, these collars are sufficiently simple that the Realm’s Dragon-Blooded artisans can create them without vast amounts of difficulty. Wealthy Dynasts own and wear them when possible, not just for their useful properties, but also as displays of fortune and opulence.

The purpose of this collar is to keep its wearer clean in every respect. She could spend weeks living beneath a rubbish heap and emerge at the end as though she had just spent hours preparing for a grand ball. The artifact negates all penalties to Social rolls that would be applied due to the character being dirty or unkempt. Attuning to the collar extends its powers beyond the Exalt’s clothing to her physical body. The artifact’s cleansing light adds two dice to (Stamina + Resistance) rolls made against disease or poison. The wearer must commit one mote to use this artifact.
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All that above looks good so far.

If you want silent armor, I will let you get that for an extra dot, making it cost you a total of 4 Merit points to get it.
The Hearts Blood Merit is specific in the number of creatures one can transform into along with their sizes. There is also the matter of region (if you put an additional Merit point, your forms can come from any region). I know nothing of Creation or its regions. I could make a list of "all creatures great and small" that Da Chonk could transform into, but should I treat regions like Earth (African, Australian, Canadian, etc.)?
For most animals, you can simply use natural animals that exist here on Earth. Foxes, dolphins, gorillas, elephants, ravens, mosquitoes, ants, stuff like that. It can be from any climate, but since you are from the central and eastern parts of Creation, you can more easily justify savana and jungle monsters/creatures, along with river and Inland Sea creatures.
Well, I have 11 Merit slots open without changing out the purse. I don't mind the possibility of Fat Cat being broke; I mind the idea of us needing to eat or whatever and we don't have the means. Then it's less a matter of convenience and one of survival (Exalts DO eat and sleep, don't they)? I see Fat Cat as being a creature of the wild and perfectly at home in forests and jungles. But the whole Circle?
Yes, having some cash on hand will be a good thing. But when you are out in the field for a while, you'll not have a lot of places to buy stuff unless you stock up ahead of time.
If you want silent armor, I will let you get that for an extra dot, making it cost you a total of 4 Merit points to get it.

Er, I mean... woo.... shhh! It's silent after all!

All that above looks good so far.

It can be from any climate, but since you are from the central and eastern parts of Creation, you can more easily justify savana and jungle monsters/creatures, along with river and Inland Sea creatures.
Re: List. Okay!

Ah! What's the name of the land where he's from, please?

Yes, having some cash on hand will be a good thing. But when you are out in the field for a while, you'll not have a lot of places to buy stuff unless you stock up ahead of time.

Psychie Psychie (Sorry, my ADHD is acting up and I'm not thinking clearly at the moment but it'll clear up). I ask you to request artifacts, right? Like this one?

Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light (p. 600, Core) - Because... he's a cat. =)

Should I consider purchasing the Arms of the Chosen book? Think it's worth it for a new player? I don't want to be seen as that guy whose just out to buy books to get stuff. That's Sherwood Sherwood job and he's good at it! (Ha ha! Tease tease!)
Arms of the Chosen has a lot of weapons, armor, hearthstones, and a few utility items to it, along with some insight on how to craft and make up your own artifacts as both player and storyteller. I think it is a good investment.

Sherwood Sherwood What do you think of this new more-Lunar-focused Transporter build for my character?
I like him. You have some different Charm choices than I would make, but that is probably just personal preference more than anything. It is a valiant first character. Good work.
I like him. You have some different Charm choices than I would make, but that is probably just personal preference more than anything. It is a valiant first character. Good work.
Thank you! I can't wait until I have his Background and inspirational stories set up. I even know what he sounds like! =)

I have the Arms of the Chosen (I almost typed "Charms of the Rosen"! Hah!) PDF now - woo! Of course, everything is Psychie's to say yea or nay to. =)

What Charm choices would you make? Your first recommended build was very battle-heavy and it gave me the feeling that I'd better play a PC that can take part in combat without sacrificing what he is in his core.

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