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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

Rolling Cha + Pre for Amara

Only two successes. :closedeyescryingfrown:
EDIT: Its 3 successes thanks to Psy's ruling on Destiny's power.
Sherwood Sherwood I don't get it. Don't 1s cancel out Successes anymore? Is the default Difficulty 6? If the 1 cancels out a Success, and if the Difficulty is 6, you still have 3 numbers of 6 or higher.

What am I missing, please?
1's don't cancel successes. They only hurt you if you don't have any successes. Then it's a botch, and bad things happen. Difficulty for successes are a default 7 with two successes counted on each 10. There are Charms that will lower that target number out there.

My cool sword is a 5 dot artifact that grants me the ability to alter one dice on a attack or damage roll by one number. So a six or a nine can be bumped up to count as an extra success when they normally wouldn't.
Ah! 1s don't cancel Successes in Exalted 3.0! I didn't know that. =)

No more rerolling 10s either; they simply count as 2 Successes flat. That's really cool!

My cool sword is a 5 dot artifact that grants me the ability to alter one dice on a attack or damage roll by one number. So a six or a nine can be bumped up to count as an extra success when they normally wouldn't.
Wow, that really is a potential game-changer! Nice! =)
Yes, sir. That sword was an expensive purchase, but I feel it will come in handy.
Hopefully the playground taunting wasn't too egregious. I figured if he had the audacity to take our pants I'd make him pay with his dignity. The dice at least were amused. That's gotta count for something.
"Buy an outhouse did we? I'd hope so from that smell." He waved at the air before his face with an exaggerated look of disgust. "It was well-earned for one so diligent, I'm sure. Not even your sister worked this hard to get my clothes off."
Uh, excuse me, Mister Kevin? Could I offer you some water?

You know. For those burns? =)

Sick Burn GIF by MOODMAN
I've been hoping to leverage emotion to blind not just the Dragon-Blooded, but his entourage, from looking for either Glade or Mercy. Fear could be as useful as anger, but that's a harder sell when most of us have no weapons and all of us have no armor. That and leveraging fear is our Dawn's wheelhouse. Might as well exploit a Dragon-Blood's greatest weakness, the need to maintain their image.

I admit, I didn't expect them to be terribly forthcoming with information if they still see themselves as having the advantage. So I was hoping to delay interrogation til the tables turned. Maybe I'm still letting too much of a cloak and dagger mindset over think things. I reckon we'll see what happens.
How is killing seen in Creation? How is it seen with a group like the one we've got?

Do our characters kill on a regular basis out of necessity (and it's just part of the action like some John Wick movie) or is refraining and just beating guys up still a thing?
How is killing seen in Creation? How is it seen with a group like the one we've got?

Do our characters kill on a regular basis out of necessity (and it's just part of the action like some John Wick movie) or is refraining and just beating guys up still a thing?
To give the full context as best as i can... The average "tech" is roughly comparable to the Bronze Age with a few notable exceptions and fantasy embellishments.

Slavery is commonplace in this era so to a degree lives could be treated by some as a traded commodity but others, especially those that weren't raised in opulent wealth, will likely see things very differently. It's one of many human flaws present for players to have the option of tackling.

Mercy and Aredin have a shared pain in this regard. Mercy is an escaped slave, and Aredin's hometown was massacred.

I can't speak for everyone, but I can say some of our characters at least have expressed their willingness to kill if necessary. I suspect that's not our preferred approach as a group though.
I imagine that Grey Stone will hesitate to kill sentient enemies unless he's got no other choice. In regards to the situation with Kerwin, he'd probably just ask for an explanation, rough the Dragon-blooded and his men up a little if they insist on trying to fight, and then be on his way.
Mercy would not hesitate or blink an eye to killing Dynasts or most Dragonblooded or slavers as long as she can do so without potential repercussions. Most of her life has been either a victim of or a witness to the cruelty of the Dynasts, the Dragonblooded and of slavers.

That being said Mercy is extremely intelligent and rational most of the time. Your typical Twilight caste in some ways. She is very aware of her power, and the potential effects of it on not only her enemies but also on her allies and the innocent. She is very afraid of accidentally harming others (thus her limit break).

I kind of built her with a lot of competing feelings and themes. She is very Head vs Heart, but now that she is free and with her circle, right now the head wins most of those battles.

In my last post she considered coming out with a destructive spell ready. I have the coolest visual ready for when she casts Death of Obsidian Butterflies, but it will have to wait ;-)

Her head prevailed, and she came out a bit more cautiously.
What is a Circle? Is that what Exalted call their teams or fellowships?

Also, slavery! I didn't know that was a big thing in this game! Or at least, the game that we're currently in.

My character is a Transporter. He is the opposite of a human trafficker - he makes things right with the abilities Luna has given him. He is about as anti-slavery as It gets without actually having been a slave.

Which reminds me. Rykon Rykon ! If my character being a transporter and smuggler, how open are you to having our characters know each other? Or at least perhaps having worked together?

Psychie has left it in my hands to approach you about it. I haven't finalized my character (I think he's about 75% done? Since he's my first Exalted ever, I don't know).

Should I post my rough draft character here so folks can take a look at him? And maybe that would help see if our characters would get along (and by "our," I think I mean everybody especially Aredin).

Sidenote: I have asked Psychie and Sherwood so many Exalted questions in our Conversation, it's unreal. They have been unbelievably patient with my nigh-endless curiosity (as they always are! I just love you guys! *hugs* =)
What is a Circle? Is that what Exalted call their teams or fellowships?
It's a broad label for a group of Exalts working together, though some types of Exalt have their own specific labels; a group of Lunars are a Pack, and a group of Dragon-blooded are a Hearth.
Which reminds me. Rykon Rykon ! If my character being a transporter and smuggler, how open are you to having our characters know each other? Or at least perhaps having worked together?
I'm certainly open to the idea. Another iteration of this character has sponsored arms smuggling in a past game and went fairly heavily into Larceny. I pull a lot of inspiration out of things like Lies of Locke Lamora and Burn Notice where bluffs and mind games go a long way to navigate very corrupted social landscapes without always resulting in lethal action.

I don't mind joining the conversation if you have more questions as well. Exalted is what brought me to this site in the first place after all. Lunars are also a favorite splat for me and 3E is probably the best they've ever been in my opinion. Even if 3E as a whole has a very real problem with charm bloat.
It's a broad label for a group of Exalts working together, though some types of Exalt have their own specific labels; a group of Lunars are a Pack, and a group of Dragon-blooded are a Hearth.
Oh cool! Thank you, Jay!
What is a splat, please? And a splatbook?

I don't mind posting my character here because part of me wants to include everyone including our cool players across the pond.

I've put a lot into him so far (as I do with all of my long-term PCs), but he isn't quite right yet. There are changes I want for him right now... but there's just so much to understand.

I'm giving myself time, and I don't mind being the "white belt" PC in a group of black belts! (I remain very grateful to people in real life who have taught me a lot more than I ever would have come across on my own. This new game is no different.)

Lunars are also a favorite splat for me and 3E is probably the best they've ever been in my opinion. Even if 3E as a whole has a very real problem with charm bloat.
You see Charm bloat? I see a smorgasbord of neat stuff! But then again, I haven't tried Exalted in any form so I'll take your word on it. =)
A splatbook is just slang for a release covering one of the different types of Exalted.
And a splat is an Exalted?

( Sherwood Sherwood Re: Conversation. Hold off on reading my PC's latest draft until I post next, please? I am making a few changes as we speak.)
Ok. I was just starting to look over the PMs to see what was discussed.
Sherwood Sherwood O.K.! Have at! I changed up his Intimacies (I may have too many, but I can shorten the list if need be).

Flaws: I'm still working on Flaws that don't sound like they come out of Werewolf: the Apocalypse! Heh!

I'm still concered about Deadly Beastman Transformation's negative effect on Artifacts (to the point I'm wondering if I should drop it?).

And the whole Mutations, Merits, and Charms thing to be true to the character and what he does for a living. =)
I'm still concered about Deadly Beastman Transformation's negative effect on Artifacts (to the point I'm wondering if I should drop it?).
What artifacts are you taking, if any? This drawback may not even apply to those artifacts.

Not only that, Deadly Beastman Transformation is outright more powerful than even some 4 dot artifacts.
Rykon Rykon

The Direlance Zelator socketed with a Gem of Incomparable Wellness (which compliments his White Reaper Style).
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