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Fandom Monster Hunter Rebirth

Krin| Brimstren Drakesong HH | Stygian Zinogre BM | Frozen Seaway She crept slowly up the snow-capped hill, her feet lightly crunching against the ground as she approached a large creature rummaging through the snow idly. It looked very much like a rabbit, the Lagombi. But it was the size of a bear, and it had one powerful swipe if one didn't get out of the way fast enough. Krin was running her fingers over the tiny pink bell-sized paintballs that dangled from her belt, ready to use once she was spotted.
Krin| Brimstren Drakesong HH | Stygian Zinogre BM | Frozen Seaway

'Just a little closer...' Just then, the Lagombi lifted its head and its ears swiveled around. Krin held her breath. The monster wrinkled its nose and turned, and without much warning suddenly launched itself forward to slide on its belly, right towards Krin. The hunter rolled out of the way just as the creature swooped by, and it dug its claws into the icy ground and swung its body around to a sudden stop.

Krin's heart pounded with excitement as the Lagombi rose to its full height and let out a defeaning roar.
"Let's dance." She breathed, pulling out the massive Hunting Horn from behind her. Strumming her fingers on the strings, a harsh melody sounded and the vibrations filled her body with burst of energy, making the weapon she carried feel much lighter.

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Warren- blade master gore Magala armor- Platnum dawn sword and shield- just outside the village

"Okay, okay! Jeez! I'll go!" Warren was sent out by the village again to do some menial task, since, he's the only hunter in the village. He began to walk deeper into where he was. "Okay... There should be some... Over here!" Warren found a nice, big monster he could use to get tons of meat from. "Nice!" Warren found a high ledge... Took a running start and jumped of the edge preparing to impale the monster...

He missed...

The monster got away...

"Oh no..." Warren stood back up and kicked the ground. He searched everywhere. Nothing. "Oh no... What am I going to tell everyone..." Warren sighed, and Walked back preparing himself for a lecture.
Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Val Habar

Marcus was admiring his new longsword just at the entrance to the village, and he looked over the man briefly.
"You come back empty handed?" Marcus was still a new hunter himself, but he acted like he was the best of the best - most of the villagers knew to ignore him. "What were you hunting, a Kelbi?" He scorned with a wicked grin.

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Twigdapple said:
Marcus| Canine Katana LS | Great Jaggi BM | Val Habar
Marcus was admiring his new longsword just at the entrance to the village, and he looked over the man briefly.
"You come back empty handed?" Marcus was still a new hunter himself, but he acted like he was the best of the best - most of the villagers knew to ignore him. "What were you hunting, a Kelbi?" He scorned with a wicked grin.

"I'm sorry..." Warren said as he sulked back into the village. "I'm new! I'm just a kid! You can see that!" Warren sat down on a nearby stool. "At this rate I won't be able to hunt a tiny jagi..." Warren took off his helmet and ran a hand through his curly hair. "I tried! You gotta give me that!" Warren sat up and looked the man in the eye. "I would go back out... But I checked everywhere. Nothing. You don't think it's that virus, do you? Maybe all the bigger monsters are picking off the littler ones." Warren looked up. "I'll never live up to my brother..." Warren put his helmet back on. He was about to enter his house when he realized...

"Wait... Who ARE you?" Warren stuck his hand out. "Well, I'm Warren Ledden. If that last name sounds familiar, you may know my brother, or my dad, well, anyone in my family, really." Warren put his hand out for a handshake "nice to meet you!"
Marcus narrowed his eyes. This kid sure liked to flap his gums. He sheathed his longsword and hopped off the blue box which was stationed at the entrance of the Hunting Hall. The entire building was flooded with hunters, all enjoying a hearty meal or a tankard of ale. Of course most of them were elite hunters, and Marcus hoped he'd form his own team like them. "The name's Marcus." And he gave the kid a brief handshake before wiping his hand on his armor like Warren had a disease. "And don't go blaming a Virus because you couldn't keep up. What were you hunting? I'm sure I could've killed it."

OOC~ I'm going to assume people form their own teams of four, so maybe Marcus and Warren can be partners in hunts. xD Much to Marcus's displeasure.
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Twigdapple said:
Marcus narrowed his eyes. This kid sure liked to flap his gums. He sheathed his longsword and hopped off the blue box which was stationed at the entrance of the Hunting Hall. The entire building was flooded with hunters, all enjoying a hearty meal or a tankard of ale. Of course most of them were elite hunters, and Marcus hoped he'd form his own team like them. "The name's Marcus." And he gave the kid a brief handshake before wiping his hand on his armor like Warren had a disease. "And don't go blaming a Virus because you couldn't keep up. What were you hunting? I'm sure I could've killed it."
"Oh! I'm pretty sure it was... Well..." Warren had trouble forcing the words out. "An... Aptonoth..." He looked down. "Maybe next time I'll go head on, I mean, how bad can one be?" Warren stood up. "I know! I'll go out Tommrow!" Warren was about to go into his house, but then he got a great idea. "I know!" Warren turned around "You can come with me!" Warren walked toward Marcus. "You seem pretty skilled, why don't you help me!" Warren was beaming. "Will you, mister Marcus?"
He tried not to burst out laughing; an Aptonoth? Seriously? The most stupid and slow of beasts escaped him? But he was shaken out of his thoughts when Warren called him skilled and wanted him to tag along. Marcus lifted his head, basking in the praise. "Well, I was going to hunt a Great Jaggi tomorrow, but I guess I can help you out."
Twigdapple said:
He tried not to burst out laughing; an Aptonoth? Seriously? The most stupid and slow of beasts escaped him? But he was shaken out of his thoughts when Warren called him skilled and wanted him to tag along. Marcus lifted his head, basking in the praise. "Well, I was going to hunt a Great Jaggi tomorrow, but I guess I can help you out."
"A great jaggi! Woah... That's good for you!" Warren seemed excited. "Or, if you want... I can help you hunt the great jaggi!" Warren turned around and striked a pose.

He looked very silly.

"It's up to you, but I'll help you out any way you'd like!"
Marcus thought it over. 'Well, I do need a few more Jaggi parts...' It would make him look even cooler if he took down the beast on his own for once. He only had the sword and armor because he tagged along with more experienced hunters. "Actually, that's not a bad idea." He purred, swinging an arm over Warren's shoulder. "We'll kill a Aptonoth on the way, just so we have some food to bring back to the Village as well as a full grown Jaggi." But like always they needed to get the paper work filed so they could actually be allowed to hunt, and get supplies, set up camp. This could take a few hours, if not days if they couldn't find the beast. "Pack some Whetstones and meet me in the Hunting Hall; we'll need to set up camp tonight so we can wake up bright and early tomorrow."
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Twigdapple said:
Marcus thought it over. 'Well, I do need a few more Jaggi parts...' It would make him look even cooler if he took down the beast on his own for once. He only had the sword and armor because he tagged along with more experienced hunters. "Actually, that's not a bad idea." He purred, swinging an arm over Warren's shoulder. "We'll kill a Aptonoth on the way, just so we have some food to bring back to the Village as well as a full grown Jaggi." But like always they needed to get the paper work filed so they could actually be allowed to hunt, and get supplies, set up camp. This could take a few hours, if not days if they couldn't find the beast. "Pack some Whetstones and meet me in the Hunting Hall; we'll need to set up camp tonight so we can wake up bright and early tomorrow."
"YESS!" Warren jumped up throwing his fists in the air "thankyouthankyouthankyou! I promise I won't let you down!" Warren ran to his house as fast as he could, grabbing tons of items. He let his parents know where he was going. And they seemed proud! Of course, his family were naturals, but baby steps are okay. After warren's pack was filled to the brim, he waited in the hunting hall for Marcus
Marcus was just finishing up the paperwork when Warren rushed in, and he waved the stamped paper as he came over. "We're approved to hunt at the Ancestral Steps; that whole area is ours for three days." Not only would that give them time to get some meat, they'd be able to track the Great Jaggi and wear it down. "It costed me a good amount of money to get us on this trip, so try not to screw this up." He got his own bag and headed out the door, walking over to a large Aptonoth which was hitched to a cart that was holding all of their supplies for a tent and the signature red and blue boxes for storage. The beast was nosing the earth, waiting patiently as Marcus tossed his bag on the cart and climbed up to grab the reigns.

This was his first mission being 'in charge'. So he was desperately trying to remember everything he saw the other Hunters do. He just hoped he could set up the tent once they reached their destination. Once Warren was ready, he snapped the reigns, and the beast lumbered forward. The cart shook with every little bump down the sandy path, but within a few hours they'd make it to their destination. "So how old are you anyway, kid?"
Twigdapple said:
Marcus was just finishing up the paperwork when Warren rushed in, and he waved the stamped paper as he came over. "We're approved to hunt at the Ancestral Steps; that whole area is ours for three days." Not only would that give them time to get some meat, they'd be able to track the Great Jaggi and wear it down. "It costed me a good amount of money to get us on this trip, so try not to screw this up." He got his own bag and headed out the door, walking over to a large Aptonoth which was hitched to a cart that was holding all of their supplies for a tent and the signature red and blue boxes for storage. The beast was nosing the earth, waiting patiently as Marcus tossed his bag on the cart and climbed up to grab the reigns.
This was his first mission being 'in charge'. So he was desperately trying to remember everything he saw the other Hunters do. He just hoped he could set up the tent once they reached their destination. Once Warren was ready, he snapped the reigns, and the beast lumbered forward. The cart shook with every little bump down the sandy path, but within a few hours they'd make it to their destination. "So how old are you anyway, kid?"
"Oh!" Warren looked at Marcus "I turned 14 pretty recently, you?" Warren looked in his bag. He had everything. Traps, paintballs, tranquilizer bombs, mega potions, the works. "Alright! I'm all packed!" Warren put his bag over his shoulders "so tell me about yourself."
Marcus leaned back in the seat, letting the reigns go lax as the Aponoth seemed to know where to go, having done it all its life. "I'm 17, and there ain't too much to tell. My family are the cooks in the hunting hall, and every day I'd see these hunters come in with all these scars and wearing such amazing armor, going toe to toe with wyverns and everything - I knew I wanted to be like them, not dicing onions and cooped up inside all day."
Twigdapple said:
Marcus leaned back in the seat, letting the reigns go lax as the Aponoth seemed to know where to go, having done it all its life. "I'm 17, and there ain't too much to tell. My family are the cooks in the hunting hall, and every day I'd see these hunters come in with all these scars and wearing such amazing armor, going toe to toe with wyverns and everything - I knew I wanted to be like them, not dicing onions and cooped up inside all day."
"Oh. That's nice to know. Well, I'm the youngest in a long line of amazing and famous hunters. You may know my dad and my brother. Thier the guys on the packages of the store baught potions. Well, anyway, I'm being trained to be a hunter, like them. But... I'm not good that that stuff. But I want to be good! I really do! But, it's just hard."
Marcus closed his eyes, yawning. "Looks like you've got some big shoes to fill." After an hour, the sceneary soon changed from vast deserts to rocky landscapes with herds of Aptonoth's grazing in the open fields. They'd set up camp here, then get to work to make some dinner. The cart came to a halt and Marcus clambered out, trying to set up the large tent but it was rather hard without grown men helping him. He fiddled with the poles, trying to hammer them into the ground, but it wasn't working out well.
Twigdapple said:
Marcus closed his eyes, yawning. "Looks like you've got some big shoes to fill." After an hour, the sceneary soon changed from vast deserts to rocky landscapes with herds of Aptonoth's grazing in the open fields. They'd set up camp here, then get to work to make some dinner. The cart came to a halt and Marcus clambered out, trying to set up the large tent but it was rather hard without grown men helping him. He fiddled with the poles, trying to hammer them into the ground, but it wasn't working out well.
"No no that's not how you do it. Hand that to me." Warren quickly hammered the stakes into the ground and connected the poles. He then strapped them in. "There. All done!" Warren took a step back to admire his tent, even though it's just a tent. "Perfect!" Warren looked inside. "This is pretty good!"
Marcus growled when Warren took the hammer from him, but just went to check over everything they had. "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." He muttered, rummaging through the box as Warren chattered on about how good the tent looked.
Twigdapple said:
Marcus growled when Warren took the hammer from him, but just went to check over everything they had. "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." He muttered, rummaging through the box as Warren chattered on about how good the tent looked.
Warren put his helmet on "Come on! Let's get going!" Warren tugged on Marcus' arm. "Let's do this and we can get home! I'll buy dinner on us if we're successful!" Warren smiled and ran off.
He smacked Warren's hand when he tried pulling him, but put on his own helm. "Just make sure you don't let a bunch of little Jaggis surround you, they can still kill us." Taking paintballs and other things he began walking on after Warren.
Twigdapple said:
He smacked Warren's hand when he tried pulling him, but put on his own helm. "Just make sure you don't let a bunch of little Jaggis surround you, they can still kill us." Taking paintballs and other things he began walking on after Warren.
Warren began to walk, marveling at everything around. Him. "I just became a hunter not too long ago, maybe a month? How long have you been a hunter?" Warren asked looking up at him, amazed, since this was the only hunter who took any interest in him.
"I'd say half a year." He wasn't that experienced either, mostly piggybacking on much more talented people and taking the credit. He slowed to a stop as there were many rocky ledges, but down below they could see a heard of animals grazing peacefully.

Twigdapple said:
"I'd say half a year." He wasn't that experienced either, mostly piggybacking on much more talented people and taking the credit. He slowed to a stop as there were many rocky ledges, but down below they could see a heard of animals grazing peacefully.
"Woah... It looked so nice over here..." Warren looked around, taking in the scenery. "Let's pick one of them off later. Like, before we go back, so we get the fresher stuff, and a nice, big one. But for now, we need to find the great jaggi and hunt it. And by the way, do you wanna kill it? Or do you wanna put it to sleep, it's up to you, but I'm okay with doing whatever."

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