[Interest Check] The Land that Time Forgot

Without an elemental base, it is impossible for the sun, moon and stars to exist? :wink:
Haku said:
Without an elemental base, it is impossible for the sun, moon and stars to exist? :wink:
Lawl I still have an Earth DB I'd love to play sometime, but Trevor and Gilgamesh come first due to wanting to play them way too bad for way too long, and Gil wouldn't have fit well into this particular game.
So I'm dusting off another oldie... With, perhaps, a small twist...

The Salesman - Your Eternal Friend with a Smile

Caste: Defiler

Concept: A monster behind a smiling mask

Motivation: To get the whole world under his thumb

Urge (Cecelynian): Convince the people of Merkal that he is their savior

No-one really knew who the masked man was when he came to the city. He just seemed to appear, one day, standing behind a small table and offering games of chance or fortunes read for a cheap coin. He seemed fair; never double-dealt, as far as anyone could tell. He always had a smile for everyone, or at least his mask did. He would stand there, every day, offering his games, kind smiles, and even help for those that needed it. His advice was sage, his kind hand always timely. He was like a blessing.

Really. A blessing.

And so when the local guardsmen came by, asking why some newcomer in a mask was taking in money but not paying taxes, and a nearby hay-cart suddenly rolled by and crushed the detatchment, no-one really asked questions. How could the stranger have been responsible? He even tried to help them after the damage was done. It was an accident.

Really. An accident.

When the prefect for the city heard of the incident, he heard of how compassionately this fortune teller and huckster had cared for these men, despite them threatening him moments before, he sent for the stranger. He would reward him, and subtly remind him to pay his taxes. The stranger and the prefect shared a dinner together, where they talked and drank wine. The prefect was enchanted by the stranger's stories, which he claimed were passed down by older story-tellers than himself; of heroes, of villains, of things too impossible to believe but too delightful to dismiss as falsehood. Then, as the evening came to a climax, the stranger offered to tell the prefer their fortune.

Really. A fortune.

The stranger took the prefect by the hand with his gloved fingers and began to draw lines. He mapped the prefect's palm with care and precision, huming and hawing at every crevice and crease. He told the prefect of the past and the present, in astonishing detail. How could this stranger know? How could they bluff with such detail? And then, the stranger spoke of the future.

Really. The future.

The future, where Merkal would be in perfect harmony beneath a single ruler; where Merkal would be united in purpose, expanding its glory beneath a wise and beneficent leader; where all the known world would be gifted with the presence of its one, true monarch. And who would this monarch be, asked the prefect? Well, the stranger answered, that all depended on if the prefect heeded the stranger's wisdom.

And that is the story of how this stranger came to reside in the house of the local prefect, and to hold their ear. He still spends much of his time wandering the streets, distributing kind wisdom, helping hands, and other assistance where he could. When people had troubles, they would speak to him, and he would speak to the prefect. The stranger had everyone's best interests at heart. The stranger is really quite kind.

A gift, in truth. To all of Merkal.


Don't you trust him?
Anxiously awaiting selection, though the only patients I normally have are those victims that remain after the "I was delayed" tantrum. Though you should feel no guilt over those who approach me after receiving fair warning. The thought of waiting calmly is foreign and therefore against all that this antsy, xenophobic, border-watching, alien-testing, sadistic, xenoscientific autopsy agent is willing to do.

Uh, oh, now my boss is breathing down my throat.
Still interested also. Hopefull that my wonderful character and extraordanary roleplaying will be selected.
No worries, RL issues definitely take precedence! Best of luck with them, I'll eagerly wait for you as well!
Ok, anyone who still wants to submit a character concept/background, please do so until Thursday, May 12. I'll make my selections on Friday.
I'll update Trevor tomorrow/thursday - massive calc test tomorrow (aka wed morning) and idk at what points exactly I'll be awake and competent after that.
I already posted my background, but I can put it up again if you want me to. 8)
I hate to ask, but can you remove me from the list of hopefuls. I have already reached my cap for games. I really wanted this idea, but now it is too much.
A quick repost of my background for you.

The story of the young girl that would one day become one of the Chosen of the Sun begins somewhat differently than others. Xandra grew up in a household full of love and caring, with a mother and father that were always there for her, and a older brother that she truely adored. The only difference is that she just happened to live in a enclave of demon worshipers, dedicated to the return to power of the old Malfian masters of Creation. Xandra was raised on stories of how the gods betrayed and murdered the rightfull rulers of the world, and firmly believed what she was taught. Why would she question what she was taught? But not everyone in her family were as dedicated.

Her older brother, Jon, began to waver in his beliefs and started to question the elders. Then, one night while he was alone with Xandra, he confessed to her his plans to leave the enclave and find his future elsewhere. Young Xandra was torn between the love of her brother and the loyalty she felt to the elders of the cult. In the end, her loyalty won out and she went and denounced her brother as a non-believer, and she watched in tears as he was taken from their home and locked up pending his punishment. Xandra had never thought through the concequences of her actions, and was shocked to hear that he was going to be sacrificed to the greater glory of Malfias. Wracked with guilt, she begged the leader of the cult to spare his life, offering to him her innocence in exchange for sparing her brother. When the act of despoiling the young girl was done, Xandra asked if her brother would be released now. The leader laughed at her, saying that no matter what she had done, his crimes against their masters deserved death.

Jon was led out in chains into the center of the village where a post was driven into the ground and firewood piled up around it. He was meant to burn to death in front of all of them, and it was all Xandra's fault! She fought as hard as she could, but was not strong enough to break free of her captors. The elder told her that her reward for turning in the traitor was that she would get to watch him burn in the name of Malfias. Xandra screamed that she would rather die than serve a master like this, and was told with laughter that her punnishment for questioning the masters would be taken care of just after the death of the infidel. As the flames began to climb, the only thing that she could see was her brother telling her that he forgave her and he loved her always.

The light of the fire was all consuming, filling Xandra with a righteous rage. In her heart she dedicated herself to the Unconquered Sun and felt His glory fill her. Xandra thought that since they wanted to sacrifice her brother to Malfias with flames, she would use fire to cleanse them for the Sun. In her hands a firewand took shape out of Essence and sunlight, and she turned the mystic weapon upon her captors. One by one she hunted them down and burned them until they were all ashes. Xandra knelt over the body of her brother and swore that she would dedicate her life to the destruction of the demon cults, and that one day even the Malfian masters will face her wrath. From that day on, Xandra became a hunter, seeking out all traces of demon cultists in the South and delivering upon them the justice of the Unconqured Sun.
Ok, sorry for the delay, but it's hard to choose 6 players out of these fine proposals.

The lucky few are:


Mr Serious



Lord of the Storm


I do appreciate all of the applications. it was awesome reading them.

Also, perhaps also list what the actual concepts for each player were so we can tweak for better working togethers?
I'm introducing a former demon cultist turned demon hunter. The taint of the Malifans must be stamped out!

Bascally a palidin with a firewand. 8)
sick as.

Sherwood - Solar somehitng

Mr Serious - Changing Moon Lunar

Tacolicious - Earth caste DB

Hoshiko - SOlar night caste

Lord of the Storm - Full Moon Lunar

Axelgear - Defiler Infernal
Well, Hoshiko just informed she he/she declines, so I'll have Luck instead, that way we have two Lunars, two Solar-level Exalts, and two DBs

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