[Interest Check] The Land that Time Forgot

Hmmm, looks like Darwi is out the window, then, given her entire right arm from the elbow down is an artifact...

I guess I'll go Night Caste, then. SRC, I'll send you a PM asking some details, and get stuff in by tonight.
Question, 'cause I am tempted by a Fire Aspect.

Will DBs have some discount on the XPs to keep up with the Celestials?

If not, I would like to estimate how long will a DB be able to keep dignity among the Celestials.

How much XPs do you usually give per Scene?

Solars: As errata, except for the following:

No Manses or Artifacts at the beginning. Those will come during the game, depending on your actions. No backing either.

Mentor no higher than 2 dots, unless you've got a god or a Dragon-Blood to mentor you.

Resources no higher than 2 dots. None of the mortals have much money, and this represents that. We all know you'll soon have high Resources regardless, one way or another.

Lunars: As errata, and as Solars, except for the following:

You are Casteless at the begining. A Lunar retrieval pack will likely come sometime during the game, to either tattoo you, or kill you and let the Exaltation move on. On the plus side, they might decide to give you Artifact Tattoos, if they're feeling nice.

No Heart's Blood higher than 2 dots. You didn't have that much time o hunt things, and it's been more of an 'accidental thing'.

Infernals: As errata, except for the following:

You can't start with Artifacts or Manses higher than 2 dots. You're sent as a scouting party, and they do not wish to spend that many resources on what seems to be a paltry part of Creation.

No Past Lives higher than 3 dots.

You are encouraged to flip the Yozi the proverbial finger eventually, and go the Heretic route. Not necessarily as a Devil-Tiger, but that's up to you.

Dragon-Bloods: As errata, except for the following:

As masters of this land, you've had a chance to live life, they wouldn't send a newly Exalted Dragon-blood to interact with these Anathema and find out about their intentions, and whether they should be killed, or worked with, and how to accomplish that. You gain 100 xp to start.

By all means, if you've got a question, or wants to rail against something, feel free. I might be willing to bend the restrictions somewhat in some cases, but will need awesome reasons to do so, but no chance for something like the Sword of Conquest, or Mantle of Brigid.
Allow me to introduce you to this simple equation:

100 XPs / AverageXP_per_Scene = Number of Scenes a DB will be viable.

Unless you are suggesting that "Celestial = DB + 100 XP" even after the 100-200 XP mark.
Couple questions.

1. No extra BP? Not necessarily asking for it, just makin' sure. Had a couple possible builds lined up depending on whether or not we went the +BP for backstory/pics/whatever route that some STs do.

2. Is it possible to upgrade a familiar in play? That is to say, rather than getting a better specimen of the species, upgrading a specific familiar?

3. ...How DO you create heretical charms, anyways? "Create" as in "learn the ones in Broken-Winged Crane," not create new ones. Still got a LITTLE while to go before I start worrying about that, haha.

4. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
xarvh said:
Question, 'cause I am tempted by a Fire Aspect.
Will DBs have some discount on the XPs to keep up with the Celestials?

If not, I would like to estimate how long will a DB be able to keep dignity among the Celestials.

How much XPs do you usually give per Scene?
DB's XP costs will be matched to that of the Celestials. The fact that there are no real perfects, and it like ithere are only one of two DB submissions, means they won't be able to fully utilize their range of powers, so be aware of it.

Tabby said:
Couple questions.
1. No extra BP? Not necessarily asking for it, just makin' sure. Had a couple possible builds lined up depending on whether or not we went the +BP for backstory/pics/whatever route that some STs do.

2. Is it possible to upgrade a familiar in play? That is to say, rather than getting a better specimen of the species, upgrading a specific familiar?

3. ...How DO you create heretical charms, anyways? "Create" as in "learn the ones in Broken-Winged Crane," not create new ones. Still got a LITTLE while to go before I start worrying about that, haha.

4. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
1. No extra BP.

2. It would be possible to upgrade the familiar in game, but you'll have to role-play it ic.

3. An Infernal creates Heretical Charms by seeing effects somewhat similar to what he needs intwo or more Yozi's charmsets, and then tries to mash them together to get the result he was looking for. That's usually the case. As for the Howl of the Triumphant Devil-Tiger, and the other such Charms, it's more a desire to find a way to make his own unique path, seeing as the Yozi are broken and limited in scope.

4. Not sure what you're asking here, so will use Avoidance Kata!
Maybe I'm over thinking things, but what character creation should I use for a DB character? This area was closed off at the end of the shogunate, so I'd figure a flavor of that culture would carry forth. Unfortunately, there no rules for creating a starting shogunate era DB. So as far as minimum starting abilities and starting ability points go, should I look at dynastic, outcast, or even first age character creation?
I don't know where to find Shogunate DB families... oO

Question: the "pay just like Celestial" thingy, means that I can learn several Celestial MA Styles without paying extra?
Wait... CMA charm cost (XP-wise) is the same as solars, unless you brunch out into multiple styles? or do they cost as normal for solars, xp-wise?
2. It would be possible to upgrade the familiar in game, but you'll have to role-play it ic.
You could not have answered in a way that I could like any more. Any excuse for actual roleplaying is A++, I already do that for everything possible ingame. Sooo I kinda like where this is going.

@deviltiger: the funny thing is that Trevor would very possibly end up discovering them while trying to SCIENCE! a way to fix SWLIHN. Not that he'd necessarily have a coherent plan, but that'd be the goal most likely.

Anyways. Sleep now. Loooong morning at college dealing with student loan malarkey and failclass. Thankee kindly for the answers!
Name: O-Shi Go

Concept: Unstable psychiatrist

Motivation: Return Merkal to Creation

Aspect: Wood

Player: Luck

Description: A slight man with messy, shoulder length, dark brown hair he wears pulled back into a pony-tail. He has a haggard looking face showing age beyond his years. His dark, mournful eyes reveal a sad and restless life.

The Wyld is a constant threat to Merkal. The great artifacts keep the wyld energies at bay, but they are ancient and imperfect. The borders shrink inch-by-inch as the ages pass year-by-year. Occasionally a citizen will wander too close to a border that has shifted, or worse yet, occasionally a fair folk will be brave enough, or have an opportunity to, cross the border from the other direction. Additionally, treks into the Wyld are necessary from time to time; whether to harvest valuable herbs that only grow outside creation, or unfortunately, to lead search and rescues to find those who entered involuntarily. Regardless of the reasons, persons who interact with the wyld and its denizens are often changed, and sometimes they even survive. Those who don’t are cremated, those who do are treated. Either way, it falls to O-Shi Go to deal with it.

Those who are scarred physically are often scarred mentally as well. Treating the wounded body is only half the cure. The population of Merkal is small enough that every able body can make a difference. But, an able body needs an able mind to function properly. Whether it be social disorders, anxiety disorders, paranoia, phobias, depression, or an all-out transformation into a “husk†thanks to the fair folk, Go counsels and treats both victims and their loved ones. Acting as a funeral director, grief counselor, psychiatrist and asylum keeper as needed, Go would never say so, but he sees the worst this land has to offer every day. Despite his personal anguish, he continues on, knowing that people depend on him and truly appreciate his help, and that there’s few, if anyone, who could take on the mantle in his stead.

Being surrounded by this darkness day-in and day-out, has caused this flower of Sextes Jylis to wilt. He has taken to seeking comfort in drugs and danger to keep himself feeling alive. His tremendous willpower and the power of his hearthstone (Gemstone of Mental Health) have kept him from going too far, but if Go were any other man, he’d have simply taken his own life by now.

The appearance of celestial exalted shines a ray of light on the dying flower. Hope that their power can help the land, and people, of Merkal is more positive stimulation than Go has felt in a long time.

Wary of the tales of the madness of the anathema, Go is tasked by the elders to assess their stability.
I tried using this background for a different game that I didn't get picked for. Would it work for this?

The story of the young girl that would one day become one of the Chosen of the Sun begins somewhat differently than others. Xandra grew up in a household full of love and caring, with a mother and father that were always there for her, and a older brother that she truely adored. The only difference is that she just happened to live in a enclave of demon worshipers, dedicated to the return to power of the old Malfian masters of Creation. Xandra was raised on stories of how the gods betrayed and murdered the rightfull rulers of the world, and firmly believed what she was taught. Why would she question what she was taught? But not everyone in her family were as dedicated.

Her older brother, Jon, began to waver in his beliefs and started to question the elders. Then, one night while he was alone with Xandra, he confessed to her his plans to leave the enclave and find his future elsewhere. Young Xandra was torn between the love of her brother and the loyalty she felt to the elders of the cult. In the end, her loyalty won out and she went and denounced her brother as a non-believer, and she watched in tears as he was taken from their home and locked up pending his punishment. Xandra had never thought through the concequences of her actions, and was shocked to hear that he was going to be sacrificed to the greater glory of Malfias. Wracked with guilt, she begged the leader of the cult to spare his life, offering to him her innocence in exchange for sparing her brother. When the act of despoiling the young girl was done, Xandra asked if her brother would be released now. The leader laughed at her, saying that no matter what she had done, his crimes against their masters deserved death.

Jon was led out in chains into the center of the village where a post was driven into the ground and firewood piled up around it. He was meant to burn to death in front of all of them, and it was all Xandra's fault! She fought as hard as she could, but was not strong enough to break free of her captors. The elder told her that her reward for turning in the traitor was that she would get to watch him burn in the name of Malfias. Xandra screamed that she would rather die than serve a master like this, and was told with laughter that her punnishment for questioning the masters would be taken care of just after the death of the infidel. As the flames began to climb, the only thing that she could see was her brother telling her that he forgave her and he loved her always.

The light of the fire was all consuming, filling Xandra with a righteous rage. In her heart she dedicated herself to the Unconquered Sun and felt His glory fill her. Xandra thought that since they wanted to sacrifice her brother to Malfias with flames, she would use fire to cleanse them for the Sun. In her hands a firewand took shape out of Essence and sunlight, and she turned the mystic weapon upon her captors. One by one she hunted them down and burned them until they were all ashes. Xandra knelt over the body of her brother and swore that she would dedicate her life to the destruction of the demon cults, and that one day even the Malfian masters will face her wrath. From that day on, Xandra became a hunter, seeking out all traces of demon cultists in the South and delivering upon them the justice of the Unconqured Sun.
The first of two possibilities...

“Being born in a duck yard does not matter, if only you are hatched from a swan’s egg.â€

Jessamine’s life was drab and cold.

While the rest of her people were slim and free-moving, firm and brown, she was pale and dull. She was dreadfully clumsy, and though she dutifully learned the woodcraft required for her rite of passage, she showed no enthusiasm for any of it. Other children teased her at school, and she responded by retreating into a literary dreamland. Fact was too dreary, so fiction was the natural escape. She soon developed a taste for fantasy, particularly romantic fantasy. Even if she didn’t have any real-life proof that love existed, she had faith.

She tried becoming a singer or a storyteller, but stage fright crippled her. So she spent a lot of time watching the traveling players and wandering minstrels that passed through and trying her hand at writing plays and poems. She had an excellent vocabulary and a good sense of style...but the inspiration just wasn’t there.

She was always alone. She didn’t feel comfortable in social settings, and nobody invites a sullen recluse into an interesting clique anyway. Every so often, she would fixate on somebody she thought might be The One and try pleasing them as much as she could; when it became obvious that they were not The One, she would quietly sever the ties and move on.

Her only constant companions were the flock of wild swans on the lake near her home. Through patience and by degrees she had won their trust, and now they accepted her presence, even in nesting time. Often she watched them drifting on the still waters, mysterious and beautiful, her heart filled with envy and indescribable yearning.

One moonlit night, though, everything changed...

And the second --

Look like the innocent flower,

But be the serpent under't.

-- Macbeth, Act I, scene v, lines 63-64

Renenet claims to have no memory of life before she Exalted, and only hazy recollections of the Exaltation itself. She is certain that this happened to her for a reason, but she has no idea what that reason might be. Perhaps, if she becomes powerful enough, she can confront the Unconquered Sun himself and demand to know why he did this to her. In the meantime she continues to do...what she does best.

By day, Renenet is a paragon of the Solar Exalted and an ideal Circlemate, willing to bear any burden, face any threat, on behalf of the innocent or her cherished comrades. By night, however, she steals and seduces, killing those who get in her way whining endlessly if forced into actual danger. Even she is uncertain why she feels compelled to act this way, and many of her actions serve no discernable purpose. Other Exalts suspect her of being one of the rumored Infernals, since it seems incredible that the Unconquered Sun could have made her thus. Yet, the snake and the vulture are holy to the Sun...

Name: Kami Telamon or just 'Kami'

Concept: City Lunar

Motivation: Protect the township of Merkal

Caste: Casteless (Changing Moon when tattooed)

Totem: Cat

Player: MrSerious

I'm still percolating the rest of her, but I wanted to get down a broad outline.

Luna set her free. From being someone who minded her mothers' store and could only give empty words of encouragement and support to soothe those who fretted over events' threatening Merkal. From being just the girl who enjoyed gossiping and spreading news as part of the informal community of Merkal. Who did not wish all those she knew and cherished to die but who would never amount to any-one important. Luna set her free. She could now see perfectly in the night, creep silently down the streets, scrambling along the rooftops or take wing through the air. She could make a difference.

The city is her home, it is where she lives and breathes is able to feel its' heartbeat through the very ground she walks on as she prowls her turf. There are dangers out there in the Wyld which encroaches upon the oasis of stability like a cancer devouring healthy tissue. The agricultural lands that feed everyone in the oasis of Merkal being swallowed and the farmers turned into.... things... that can only be put down with the greatest of compassion. Those who are soft, who can't take care of themselves who need hope and guidance not to fall into the base parts of humanity are all here in the town.

She will protect them, no matter what. Kami will protect them.

Even from themselves.
So, whats the status report on the game? I'm just asking since I have an interest in playing in some more boards with a good group of players.
Sorry for being away so long. Let's do this thing.

Name: Hurricane's Quill

Concept: Dark Creature Hunter

Type: Casteless Lunar (Full Moon upon tattooing)

Motivation: To destroy all dark creatures

Hurricane's Quill is no stranger to creatures of darkness. In fact, he makes a business with them. That is to say, he makes a business with killing them. When the dark creatures come knocking on the door, be they demons, Fair Folk, or the undead, call on Hurricane's Quill. Even though he maintains his professionalism, however, he harbors a rather personal reason that he hunts these beings: his mother had been taken by the Fair Folk.

He's buried everything but a body, however. Luna has given him a chance to fight. To take on the Fair Folk and all beings not of Creation on an even keel. He'd take them all on. To the ends of the Wyld if need be. And he'll make them pay with their lives.
Trevor shooould be done tomorrow-ish. Today was... nightmarishly unpleasant and invovled a lot of calculus project and no sleep.

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