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Fandom Inter-species Exchange? (Monster Musume Rp)

ok then she shall go to you and her curse in this case is more comedy than anything i am not taking it seriously
See's things about Xenomorphs... then a fixed car, yay on the car. Blinks at the rest
If anyone want's to join just let me know nd ill add you to the pm so you can get the jest of it then ill tag you to the thread.
I see, well aliens are always cool. Feels so weird to say that.... it almost makes you have to say Ridley Scott's aliens. Guess thats why we just say xenomorphs

@Aqua, ill check it out. No promises though I wanna see the jist before I commit. With school around the bend I have to be selective and Im all ready in 3 rps
Well you could show up at Murai's home of Kyo's home. One way you'll get a response a bit later than the other
Once again why Endor lol... that is the star wars ewok world. I get the auto generater thing you used rips scifi planets off but lawl really



endor=ewoks... xp
stalking? i would never stoop so low, i was just acquiring logistical data, and you apparently have a really good taste in rps.

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