Insanity And Fear


One Thousand Club

Welcome to Death Weapon Meister Academy, more commonly referred to as the DWMA. The students at the school have unique abilities, and are at split in to two groups. There are humans that can trun in to weapons, and students that weild the weapons. At this unique academy, students are taught how to fight with their partner, and then use these skills to kill sour souls that are close to becoming the eggs of the demon god. The souls are then devoured by the miester's weapon. If 99 demon souls and 1 soul of a witch are swallowed, the weapon will be rewarded by being made a personal weapon of Lord Death himself, the one who founded the school 700 years ago.​

Lord Death, however, isn't telling the whole story. The history of the academy is unknown to students and teachers alike. Lord Death has a lot a lot to hide, however, and good reason to. There is someone resting under the school, collecting power. Lord Death was convinced it wouldn't stir up trouble again, but he could be wrong. If that wasn't enough, one of the teachers at the academy seems to be having trouble maintaining a grip on his own mind. It would seem Death has a lot to juggle.

Can you handle the insanity, fear, and betrayal?

Rules for a Meister

~Try not to pick fights with your weapons - no matter how annoying

~Remember - The weapon makes a warrior

~Try not to pick missions you or your weapon doesn't feel comfortable with - no matter how many souls are up for grabs

~At least


to share the spotlight

~Never take attitude from your weapons. You are the weilder, they're the tool

~Weapons are people, too. Treat them like valuable tools on the battlefeild, and like a person off

~Remember - Your weapon is your friend

Rules for a Weapon

~Keep track of the souls you have swallowed. Remember - It is NOT your meister's job

~Try not to pick fights with your meisters - no matter how demanding

~Never get lazy on your meister during a fight. Practices are exceptional

~Always offer your meister QUALITY advice during a battle. However, only if they really need it. This applies in all settings

~Your miester comes first

~When it comes to an over-baring meister, try to fit in as much attitude as possible. You are a big part of this team - let them know that

~Remember - Your meister is your friend

Rules for a Teacher

~You lack the authority to expel students - no matter how rambunctious

~You do, however, have the authority to punish them however you wish

~Remedial lessons should never be life threatening

~Respect your students. They all try very hard

~Never EVER let a student and his/her weapon "play hero"

~Lord Death, despite his goofiness, is your boss. Respect him

~Dating co-workers is frowned upon, but not forbidden

~Students are not friends. They are students

~However, please try to be friendly with them. You have seniority, not a crown on your head

~If your students are fighting, you MUST be present. Let them duke it out, but break it up if it gets too serious

Intro and rules written by WalkingDisaster. Love ya, Dizzy <3

Rules for role players

~No one liners. Pretty two lined posts at least, please

~Please do not use for you appearance animations or drawings

~No Mary-sues or Gary-lues

~No god modding

~You may be a teacher or a student at the DWMA, you may also be a witch

~You may not make someone your character's partne, unless you have asked them

~Your character must be either 14 or 15 if they are a student at the DWMA

~WalkingDisaster is the mini-modd for this role play, she also plays the insane teacher

~I will be role playing as Lord Death

~Stars are like levels. There 3 stars a meister can have. All meisters sart with one star and one collected soul

~All witches must be evil. I know how you guys are

~All partners will be assigned by me

~Weapons may only have ONE form


Meister -






Weapons -







Partners -

Blair + Talhar

Riley + Megan

Collin + Sparrow

Jay + Liz

Jameson + Lane

If you disagree with your partner, or would prefer another, please PM me. MagicPocket, I apologize. We had an odd amount of characters, and WD and I didn't see anyone too fit to be partnered with Valhour. Thanks, and have fun =)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Elizabeth approached the large building that was meant to be a school. It was bigger and better than she had imagined. She took a deep breath and walked up the steep steps, taking another one before grasping the handle and opening the heavy door that lead into the academy. She glanced at the paper that contained her class schedule. First class, History with Professor Navara; room 17. She wondered the halls filled with loud meisters and weapons looking for their class rooms. Taking a turn she began to feel that she was getting lost, just as she spotted a door with a 17 painted on it. Walking towards it she saw a note taped onto the door. Typed in no special font was directions to a different room, and something about partner assignment. Shrugging at the note, Elizabeth headed off to find the other room, she assumed they were being paired up with their partners. She was excited and scared to see who they would put her with.
The DWMA, a place that Sparrow hadn't even known existed until recently. In fact, he'd barely known about his power until a few short months ago. to find his first class, number seventeen, for some reason it seemed a little off kilter, but he wasn't sure why.

When the albino finally found it, there was a note on the door that read:

"Students of classroom 17, please see me in my office regarding meister-weapon groupings. ~Lord Death~"

So they'd be meeting death himself on the first day? That was quite an eye opener. This really wouldn't just be like any other school, it was normal for people to be like him here?

Hopefully I won't be partnered with someone too annoying...
Megan Reed jogged from her place in Death City to the Academy. She was happy to start here. To hone her abilities and become stronger as a Weapon...Alongside the opprotunity to become the personal weapon of Lord Death himself. But,of course,none of that would matter if she was punted from the Academy for poor grades. When she reached the main doors,she was directed to Room Seventeen,to be taught by a Professor Navara. She taken note og the numbering conventions of the rooms in the halls,and quickly followed the numbers to the room.

A note rested on the door,from Lord Death,no less,asking the students to go to the Death Room for partner assignment. Megan squee'd and began to make her way to the Death Room at a run.
Jameson's first day at DWMA. He didn't look too thrilled about it, but deep down he was eager to start. As he makes his way up to the massive building that claims to be the Academy, he couldn't help but to think about her. Especially after what happened just before he left to join the Academy. "What was it...." He mimbles to his self. He eventually snaps out of his trance and opens the doors to the Academy. He take a look at his class schedule. First class: History with Professor Navara; Room 17. It read out in big letters. He sighs heavilly and begins to head to the classroom. All of a sudden when he turns the corner he accidentally is run into by another student. He falls to the ground and drops his stuff.
"Oh, I'm sorry, didn't see you there," Sparrow said almost automatically as he bumped into another student, accidentally knocking him to the floor.

"Let me help you with that," he said, bending to gather up some of the other boys things with a slight smile.
Collin wandered around looking for this classroom he was supposedly assigned, when he stumbled upon it and found he was to be redirected to Lord Death's office for pairings. He watched the people around him chatting away, they were a mixture of meisters and weapons, getting along. Collin didn't have to make friends here--that wasn't what he was here for anyway--he just had to try to be the best. The school was fairly impressive to him, he made a note of that, but didn't let it overwhelm him. He stuck his hands in his pockets, sighed and followed the simple directions around the building.
Jameson looked up at him with a faint smile. "Ah, it's ok. I'm sure you didn't mean to." Jameson's attire was never really the most common stuff a 15 year old boy would wear. He was decked out in mostly black. Black jacket, black hair, black jeans with a chain on it. He also wore a black and red shirt with the eagle on it being red. He also had on a shining red pendant that he wore around his neck. His black hair covered his Dark blue eyes, and he always kept his hoodie up. He gathers his things and gets up.
Lane studied the school. It was large. There was a clear color pallet; reds and greys and whites. Cartoonish skulls served as adoration - which Lane didn't understand, but sort of liked. It almost interested him that a place like this was in so-ordinary a state....Then again, the city itself was named Death City. Sucking in a breath, Lane walked up the steps and in to the school. The inside was just as complicated - spaced doors that ran up and down hallways; students trying to find their classes. He couldn't help but wonder if there were a lot of katanas, or if he was one of a kind.

After weaving in and out of different parts of teh school, he finally found the classroom. There was a note on the door....Telling him to find
another room. A "Death Room." Those two words paired togethor didn't seem too appealing. Lane released a sigh and turned on his heel, going in to another stretch of hall way to find this alleged room. "This place is too damn big," he muttered as he looked for this Death Room.


Blair looked around the hallways of the school. Her father attended classes here. Suddenly feeling pressure, she turned the corner quickly, feeling immediate resentment. She was glad to be there, but felt...Pressured. Pressured to live up to her father's impressive legacy. She heaved a breath, and went to open the door to classroom 17, only to find it was locked.

Knitting her eye brows, Blair finally noticed the note. Oh, partner assignment! Lord Death! Now excited and nervous, she set off again. As she walked, she saw another girl; by the feel of her aura, she was a weapon. Forcing a smile, Blair walked a little faser, and put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, I'm Blair. Are you going to the Death Room? Would you mind walking with me? Maybe we can help each other."
"Class seventeen?" Sparrow guessed, assuming the other teen had been headed to one of the classrooms behind him, pointing over his shoulder with a thumb.

"I'm Sparrow by the way," he said, reaching a hand out to shake.

His own attire wasn't exactly common either, a white and blue striped long sleeve shirt, with green denim jeans to totally throw off the image of tidiness along with his messy white hair, making his crimson eyes seem totally out of place.
He gets up and dusts his self off with one hand while carrying his books with another. "Yeah, how did you kn-" As he looks toward the teen he is entranced by his firey red eyes. He smiles in admirition, and promptly shakes his hand. "Name's Jameson, nice to meet ya!" He said in a happy and friendly tone.
Talhar stood in front of the large stairs leading up to the main gate, he stood there...staring at the school and peopl all aroun him, rushing into the building. His bushy eyebrows burrowed deep, arcing towards the bridge of his nose, as he felt extremely uncomfortable. He hadn't anticipated being this stressed, being used to life and death situations, he had figured this would be easy as stealing from a blind toddler. But then it hit him, this was a life and death situation, whether or not he was allowed to stay here ... meant a great deal, going back to that petty life of sleeping in alleys and living to steal, stealing to live... No thanks. He chose life, and he was going to make sure he would be allowed to remain in this oddly-shaped palace-sized Academy.

He sniffed in the crisp air through his nose as he forced himself to relax while walking up the large steps towards the gate. Then, ofcourse, it happened. A kid his age bumped into him from behind, a kid in neat and ironed clothes...The way he turned around and looked...Looked DOWN upon him...

" Hey man, don' you think you need to apologize? "
Talhar said, trying not to cause a scene or get in a fight. He just wanted to be treated as an equal and with respect, that was all.

" Apologize? To a gutterrat like you? Keep dreaming, mongrel. "
Talhar didn't hesitate nor care anymore, the second the kid turned back aroun to keep walking, Talhar struck out with his rightfist and hit the kid directly on his spine.

" Gutterrat? Mongrel? Who the hell do you think is crying at whose feet...Take that tone with me ever again, and I will kill you. "

With that said, Talhar quickly walked away and left the kid crouched on the stairs in pain. Talhar could've sworn he heard " I'll kill you. " in a soft tone of voice from behind him, but he didn't care enough to turn around. He had heard many threats and many insults, the fact is that if someone would kill you, they're not gnna brag about it beforehand. Except maybe those with cerebral paralysis.

Inside the building, Talhar asked two girls standing in the corridor where the newcomers were supposed to go on their first day.

( O.o .C: That's you, WalkingDisaster ^^)
"We're supposed to go to Lord Death's office, the 'death room'," The albino explained, motioning in the direction they were to go.

"Meister or weapon?" he asked, a little abruptly as he began to walk, the brief nature of his conversationalism showing.
He walks alongside the albino kid who claims his name to be Sparrow. Jameson is still a little entranced by his eyes. "I wish my eyes were blood red..." He thinks to his self as he hears his question. "Me? Well' I'm a Meister." He says in a low and kinda shy tone.
Blair turned around. A rough-looking boy asked her a question. She smiled at him. "Oh, I think that depends on what class you're in....Are you in Professor Navara's history class?" she asked, resting her hand on her hip. "If that's it, you're with me. We can walk togethor, if you would like?" She wanted to make to a good impression, but she may have come on a bit strong. She knew that, but she knew no shame. This boy looked rather rough, though, but she refused to let that show in her face.

(Bleh, Lazy....We may want to slow down for Jab, okay? =))
(Whoa, slow down, guys....)

Elizabeth walked in the direction to the Death Room. She was nervous to see Lord Death, through she had heard he was just a big goof. As she walked she saw her fellow class mates chating amoung themselfs, with out any worry that hey are going to be late for their first class on their first day. Lizzy wasn't one to have small talk, especialy with people she had just met, she would normally in a new school wait a day or two before interacting to much with her peirs and this school was not an acception. All she could think about was who she would be partnered up with and what they would be like. She hoped no body she had seen in the hall would be her partner, none of them really seemed to be her ideal partner. She held her breath at she opened the door to the death room. As she stepped inside the big room, she let out a gasp of air and glanced around. It was not at all what she expected.
Riley looked up at the massive building; almost entranced by it. She wasn't used to something so big, the only relatively 'big' place she had been in was her own school back home, and that was tiny, grotty and unkempt. She slowly walked up to the door of the school, reminding herself to be confident she pushed the door open, ignoring the other kids around her. Why interact when she didn't need to? She wasn't here to make friends; friends had never helped her before. She looked around and remembered her first lesson from her head. Room 17. She walked down the corridor and as she approached the room she instantly saw a note. She groaned mentally, not even a minute here yet and teacher's were already bored of the kids? When she got closer and read the note she frowned, "Partner assignment?" She smacked her head, she completely forgot. "Great..." She began to make her way to Lord Death's room, her strides confident and assured. She wasn't going to let anyone push her around; she was done with that life.

He had expected the girl to try and get rid of him as soon as he can, he noticed his cruddy attire and unkempt appearance usually caused people to avoid him, at best they used to throw a nickle his way if he sat down on the street, just to rest... But not this girl, she seemed upbeat and even threw him a smile without hesitation. Trying his best to change his, probably, annoyed and angry look to a friendly one.

(He blamed it on the snotnosed brat who caused him to get annoyed on the staircase...Truth is, one of Talhar's grown-over-the-years defense mechanisms was that he automaticly tried to avoid looking happy or cheerful. Probably because living on the street wasn't the right atmosphere to be happy in anyway and possibly also because they could be percieved as 'weakness'.)

He responded to the girl with an awkward smile and then admitted:

" Well, I'm actually not quite sure what class I'm having right now...But I'll come with you to that teacher, maybe she can help me find my classroom or something. I'm Talhar by the way...And new here, so got tons of stuff to learn about this place still. "

' Man, what the hell is up with this feeling of stress? Like I'm about to get ambushed or something... '
Poor Talhar knew much about surviving difficult and lethal situations, but he knew too little about how to be a normal kid. Many things were to blame for that, but he wasn't the type to dawdle in the past. He was annoyed with the stressy feeling he felt in his gut nonetheless. He coul feel himself getting annoyed, with himself even, without a clue how to interact in a friendly manner without worrying about getting your shoes stolen or whatever.

" So, where's the History class? "
He said, trying to get his mind of his anxiety.

"I'm a weapon, spear to be precise," Sparrow explained to the other boy, opening the door to the death room.

"After you," he offered, motioning inside with one blue and white striped arm.

The room was impressive, let alone the 'hallway' leading to it. The long hallway made up entirely of guillotines lead to the room of their new principle, Lord Death himself.
Blair smiled a littler wider at the boy's, Talhar's, sudden anxiety. It was a little cynical of her, sure, but she thought it a little....cute. Or....Unneccesary. "Well, I won't bother to take you there...There was a note on the door, telling us to go to the Death Room for partner assignment," she explained, tucking a strand of hair behind one ear. "My dad graduated from here, so I think I know where the Death Room is....He gave me a vague description of the hallways. We can find it togethor, if you would like?" She stuck out her hand for him to shake. "Nice to meet you, Talhar. I'm Blair."

(Forgive my laziness, Carl, i have to make dinner....)
Lord Death, heard the door open and turned to see who was entering. It was a young girl, followed by two boys who have seemed to have walked there together. "Howdy kids! How are ya?Looks like you quickes of the group!" he said, welcoming them into the Death Room. Noticing that they looked a bit shy he called out "Well, come on then, I won't bite!"

Elizabeth jumped a bit as Lord Deaths voice boomed through the room, but not in the way she expected. She thought her wouls be intimadating and strict, but he seemed to be the exact opisite. Elizabeth took a few steps forward, each step louder than the last.

(Sorry sucky post!)
Jameson walks into the room obviously surprised at the way 'Lord Death' acted. He lets out a small sigh and continues to walk into the room. He then notices that there is hardly anyone else is there. Jameson quickly utters in a small shy-like tone, "So... Where are the others?" He kept his hair in his eyes, for he doesn't like people to see his face.

(Sorry, not too good of a post, but it's a post nonetheless :3)
"You're late," undertoned the stranger from the front seat. Jay strained his ears to hear him; he never seemed to raise his voice. "Hurry."

"Look who's driving," the boy muttered with a slightly southern accent, opening the door and stumbling out. He didn't like it inside cars; too confined. And this road trip had been several hours long.

"Wait. Roland," said the driver.

"My name's Jay," snapped the kid.

"Have this." A gloved hand reached into the backseat, holding the slingshot that Jay had once used. Skeptically, which was how he did everything, Jay took it in his hand.

"Now go," said the stranger, taking hold of the door handle. "And good luck." With this, he slammed the car door; and before Jay could reply, the compact car rolled away.

Jay wasted little time staring after his ride. "Idiot," he said, striding towards the school building. "Never gets my name right."

If he was surprised at all at the school's girth, he didn't show it. Pushing through the few other students without offering them second glances, Jay followed the last two instructions he had been offered by the stranger; "Room 17," he had said, and also: "Hurry."

It was sound advice. The crowds were beginning to thin out.
The death room was voluminous, to say the least; and had surprising accoustics to boot. Even the footsteps of anyone were echoed here... it seemed like it would be possible to hear a pin drop, even if you were in the middle of a conversation.

"Hello Lord Death, it's an honour to meet you," Sparrow said, bowing deeply out of respect. It wasn't something the albino did normally, but it seemed to fit in a grand place like this more than a simple handshake. Besides, with the massive, blocky hands of bone, Sparrow wasn't sure how healthy a handshake would be for someone.

" Sure thing, thanks for the help, Blair. "
He said, a bit more at ease now though still residing in relatively uncharted territory considering his past. He wanted to go back to his apathic demeanor and self-defense mechanisms but Talhar figured that that wasn't really needed since he was just chatting and being helped by a friendly schoolmate.

' Really gotta remember I'm not on that godforsaken island nor deadbeat alleys anymore.
' He thought to himself as he waited for Blair to take the lead and guide him to the Death Room, whatever that was. More laid-back thanks to the friendly nature of the girl and his 'epiphanies/realizations', Talhar started to chitchat more freely.

" What type of student are you by the way? I'm a Weapon...Yeah, I think that was the 'term' for my I'm hoping to get a good Master. Although I really dislike that word, in this context anyway, haha. "
Blair smiled, and started walking again, slowly, trusting he'd follow. "I'm a meister...Which is the technical term, not 'master'. I don't think I'd like being called a Weapon Master...." she babbled, shoving her thumbs in to her pockets. She looked around at all the doors and their numbers....The Death Room didn't have a number, as she recalled her father telling her. According to him, it was at the end of a long, narrow hallway....

She stopped walking a moment, and narrowed her brown eyes in to slits. "The Death Room is....I think we're going the right way," she mused, thinking out loud, and started walking again. Blair hated not knowing anything - the exact size of the gallaxy, the average speed of wind, or how fast it will take the paint to dry, for example. But, the directions to a room....That made her crazy. The skinny girl sighed, and looked around. "Yeah....Okay, we're going the right...Yes! Okay, I know where we are! I was going crazy for a second, I swear...."

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