Infernal Previews!

My guess is five of them were selected amongst themselves for various reasons to handle the majority of operations for Akuma and GSP's. Akuma apparently retain their own charms and also receive charms from one Patron. GSP's apparently have it seems, all Primordial charms.
I'd completely forgotten about the Pope Hat (that knows no limits).

That actually makes sense, if they DON'T use that explaination then I'll be pissed.

Now what about Lord Gothleroy?
Like Solars have charms that have nasty effects against Creatures of Darkness, Abyssals have them for the Wyld, apparently GSP's have something similar.
The Maiden of the Mirthless Smile laughed as her zombies pressed against the terrified Realm legions. Many of them burned in mountainous pyres where the bastards of the Dragons had devastated them with elemental energies. She was content to let them waste Essence for now while she held back. Soon, her daiklaive would taste their blood.
Suddenly, a sandstorm erupted near her, its whirling grit subsiding to reveal a figure wreathed in sickening green like pyre flame, only brighter and more vibrant. It was a woman, her skin sheathed in tarnished brass inlaid with glowing green runes of power that depicted the story of the fallen King of the Primordials and the obscenities of his ordained vengeance. The stranger held a spear of radiant sizzling light that the air whimpered in submission to.

"Who are you?" the deathknight asked, raising her weapon in wary salute and preemptive parry.

"A mutual enemy of the Realm. Your liege has paid my master handsomely to celebrate this massacre with you," the Green Sun Princess answered back. So this was the surprise present her master had prepared for her Exaltation day. How lovely.

"Shall we then, sister?" the Maiden asked. It wasn't really a question, just impatience. Rows of zombies gibbered and parted and abased themselves before their deathknight mistress so that she could reach her enemies. The Infernal was more direct, walking forward and charring the undead who did not step aside with the edge of her spear until only glowing ash-caked bones crunched under her undulating boots.

The Dragon-Blooded officers looked back and forth between the two horrors, unsure where to direct their efforts. One desperate and young-faced hero raised his hand and hurled a lightning bolt at the princess. It struck her anima and stoked it to greater brilliance and her face assumed an orgasmic expression as her power devoured it. Various mouths on her armor opened and giggled inappropriately before licking their lips in hungry anticipation.

The two Anathema struck as one. The Maiden became a blur of carnage, lopping off limbs and leaping skyward to come crashing down with impaling force through one Terrestrial's head. His upright body twitched and died as she spun around it as a dancer on a pole, wrapping her legs around her next enemy's neck and snapping it. Every crunch invigorated her and every moment of agony fed her. She spared a glance at her ally.

The Princess ignored the few mortals who dared strike her. Their blows seemed to do nothing except earn indignant Old Realm obscentities from the armor mouths that the soldiers were too uneducated to properly understand. The Maiden of the Mirthless Smile couldn't help but laugh at the raw vulgarity of it all, and then she heard the chanting of a spellcaster.

Both Anathema looked up as the Air Aspect finished his spell and a ring of decapitating blades whirled to the Infernal's throat. It threw off sparks and hot shavings of living brass, but the spell did not appear to injure her in any way. Glorious. The Infernal surged forward in a blur, so fast as to nearly be invisible, then appeared again in front of the sorcerer, her spear shoved through his chest. His body tore asunder as though ripped from within, the bloody rents hot with tongues of green flames. Bones protruded out in jagged quills and ropy masses of roasted intenstines fell out like links of sausages as skin pulled within to fill the inner space of the ruined body. The smoking tumorous mess that fell to the earth no longer resembled anything human. The Maiden smiled as the rest of the sorcerer's Brotherhood turned and fled. She looked to her new friend to see if she would give chase. They exchanged grotesque smiles.

Today was her best Exaltation day yet.
A little story Neph made up to try to highlight that GSP's are not simply an Abyssals redux.

His words,

Joined: 20 Aug 2004

Posts: 1006

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:03 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Made it up on the spot over in the thread where the OP was worried that Infernals would be Abyssals redux.

I started to list explanations and then decided to show instead of tell.

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