Infernal Previews!

Still. Nun headdress (whatever it's called) looks ridiculous by definition. The only reason one would choose to wear it would be to invoke the image of a nun.
I can't imagine what Chambers and the others were thinking. "Dude...satanic nun hedonist whores!"

All the guys are like "Yes! What else can draw out nerds!?"

And thus that character was born.
They could print out a bunch of stuff written by the guy who fixes the printers but loves exalted, stuff a melissa uran art on the top with INFERNALS written on it in big letters, and tons of people would still buy it.

People really want those infernals
strawberryleaves said:
Corrupted Immaculate nuns...huh. I didn't think there were Immaculate nuns to begin with.
Actually, there are. I do not believe they are specifically called "nuns", but there are female-only abbeys for the monks, so the members are effectively nuns. They just happen to be nuns who can kick your ass.

However, they dress in the same manner as other Immaculate monks, so they would not have what we consider nun outfits.

The Alchemicals picture with the new Adamant makes me happy.
Yes, and what the WW boys are doing is called a fetish.

"Let's get nerds hot and bothered! That plus Infernals equals pocket-mining gamers giving us cash!"
Yes, and what the WW boys are doing is called a fetish.
"Let's get nerds hot and bothered! That plus Infernals equals pocket-mining gamers giving us cash!"
Not to be antagonistic or anything, but if you were going to complain about WW having characters who wear fetishy clothing in Exalted, you should have started a looooooong time ago.

Also, nuns = female monks.
I dunno. I just ignore the random sexuality bullshit for the most part in their books. "A lot of people in our world practice the Greek way!" Woo hoo? Let's all dance.
I admit the Nun-In-Wimple-And-Assorted-Small-Ribbons (And that would be HILARIOUS if that were her name) is annoying me, too.

Not because her costume is too religious, but because it's too *modern*. It throws me right out of the setting, it's too TwenCen. All the rest of Exalted, by and large, has a nonmodern feel.

Yes, they had wimples in the Middle Ages. However - the problem is not that they had them THEN, so much as that they have them NOW. Everyone knows - at least in this country - what nun headdresses look like. Seeing one automatically brings to mind modern times, not ancient times. Seeing a wimple atop fairly unimaginative bondage gear does not exactly improve the effect.

Evil Mummy Lobster Man isn't really a winner in terms of character design, either. Though I think there's an earlier (and better, IMO) version of his design in the flyleaf of the Player's Guide.
I think they're just phoning it in with Infernals overall, at least from what I've seen. Maybe the actual substance of the book won't suck ass. But what I'm seeing for the Sigs and other art is...underwhelming. And Helltech? Could they pick a shittier name?
I think they're just phoning it in with Infernals overall' date=' at least from what I've seen. Maybe the actual substance of the book won't suck ass. But what I'm seeing for the Sigs and other art is...underwhelming. And Helltech? Could they pick a shittier name?[/quote']
Like Cthulhu-tech? 8)
I think they're just phoning it in with Infernals overall, at least from what I've seen
Considering the quality people, and more importantly the quality SYSTEM person they have on the job. I am not so worried.

But what I'm seeing for the Sigs and other art is...underwhelming.
I dunno. I don't almost all of Exalted's sigs, but I tend to find that neither art quality nor quality of the sigs(of which we know extremely little) doesn't dictate book quality.

I'm more interested in what sort of new information about the Yozis we get and what sort of char gen Akuma get in comparison to Green Sun Princes.
Haku said:
I think they're just phoning it in with Infernals overall' date=' at least from what I've seen. Maybe the actual substance of the book won't suck ass. But what I'm seeing for the Sigs and other art is...underwhelming. And Helltech? Could they pick a shittier name?[/quote']
Like Cthulhu-tech? 8)
As far as I know, that's just the name of the game. I can forgive it for that. However, I can't imagine it being used in game. And if it is, I'll never buy the game. Period.
MrMephistopheles said:
I'm more interested in what sort of new information about the Yozis we get and what sort of char gen Akuma get in comparison to Green Sun Princes.
Considering the trend of 2nd Ed, we're not likely to get anything new flavor-wise, but lots of revisions and retconning (some of which will cause even more rancor, I'm sure).

I really hope they get the Akuma / GSP separation down properly in crunch, though.
Considering the trend of 2nd Ed, we're not likely to get anything new flavor-wise, but lots of revisions and retconning (some of which will cause even more rancor, I'm sure).
I already know that the groundwork laid in Games of Divinity has not been trampled. As for the rest well to be honest there really isn't much of anything to revise or retcon. One of the game developer's excited comments in regards to the book is that it's one of the first where since there is no real 1st ed. stuff to refer to for most of the material for Manual of Exalted Power:Infernals, there is a lot of excitement over showing off the new things. Whether or not people will like all of it..well..this is the internet and rpg fans are rpg fans so you know how that is going to go.

I really hope they get the Akuma / GSP separation down properly in crunch, though.
Mostly I am hoping that while many people will see the Green Sun Princes and go cool I want to play one, that Akuma aren't so gimped that people ignore them. Getting their own signature character is hopefully a good sign.
Most of the Infernal Exalted stuff has seemed to me like it's written by 4th Ed D&D designers.

Pander with power, pander with image, get that dollar!

Hellnun (as my ST refers to her) will have to do a lot to make up for her wimple. However when my ST growled about how she just doesn't belong, neither does "Gothfop the gunslinger" I was happy to remind him how true that was. They're freakin demons, they DON'T belong.

Everybody in Yozi is one of the Primordial minions that were defeated but not destroyed in the War right? To me it stand to reason that the primordials would have all kinds of minions that make NO SENSE in Creation.

I am going to bide my time and craft a wonderful story about how she is part of an order that sent wicked prayers to I AM in the First Age to try and subvert the construct. :wink:
They just want to bring the good Catholic faith to the blind savages of Creation. Or something like that. I think it made sense to Chambers and his boys when the peyote was kicking in.
We have about as much frame of reference for why a character in Exalted has a wimple as we do for samurai armor or the Pope Hat. I'm not much for selective suspension of disbelief.
It's an obviously fetishistic naughty/sexy nun, and therefore retarded regardless of the frame of reference.
Flagg said:
It's an obviously fetishistic naughty/sexy nun, and therefore retarded regardless of the frame of reference.

Nun hat + skintight bondage gear = not exactly original.

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